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Full text of "The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England : from the earliest times, to the restoration of King Charles II : collected from the records, the rolls of Parliament, the journals of both houses, the public libraries, original manuscripts, scarce speeches, and tracts : all compared with the several contremporary writers, and connected, throughout, with the history of the times"

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22-1-7. e . hi. 





;.. Google 





Hiftory of England, 

From the earlieft Tim.^s, 


Piflblution of the Convention Parliament that 
reftored King Charles II. 

Together with an 


O F 

Several Matters relative to the foregoing Hiftory, which 
were either omitted in the Cojrfeof it, or have been 
ient in to the Compilers fincc the Publication of the 
Ibrincr Parts of this y?ork.- 

Tu Japiitu fintrt memmtat 


rromtheMeetJng'of theParliMneiit,aftCTafl|ortii\<i;oumment AWw- 
■ i**-6, rotheDiflbliftionof it, i)frtc«i<r'zg, 1660. 

L O N D. O Ny 

nted for J. and R. Tonson, and A. Mular, in the 
Sirandi and W.> Sandby, in FUiufimC 
MDCCLXIII." ' X'.ooojc 




TH E Conclufive Part of this long and tedi- 
ous Work, brings it down to the Period 
we at nrft intended. — We cannot, without Pain, 
look back on tltc Rocks and Precipices, noi' the . 
barren Plains and irihofpitable Mountains, we 
iiave pafled over to gather thefe Anecdotes, during 
a Coui^e (^ more than twelve Years Peregrination. 
And when we acqdaint our Reader th:.t we have 
goAe through all our antient Monkijh Hiilorians, 
^ v^cll as Modem ones j the Parliament Rolls 
''lMd-R«cordi9 i the Journals of the Houfe of Lords 
■B& MaaufcriptA thofe of the Commons in Print, 
Page by Page j add to thefe whole Cart-Loads, 
461 we may wdtl call them, of olrf Pamphlets. and 
sprinted Speeches of the Tirnes, he wilJ not thjnk 
ifee Alk^ry uied above to be unjuft. 

. 'W© bfltcrtd upon this Hiftory, at firft, with a 
-■Vietw-tfeatiit^raight all be comprized in Three or 
■peur VolitoiesiatoK^; and, indeed, the firft Five 
'HiJddrtid Ycirs of Parliamentary- Proceedings- in 
iMs-Xin^dom are contained in'Fbut : But then the 
«}4Aer Reign's,; as thofe Titnfts arc inorfi nearer our 
i^t6ftftt Age, afford a greater Light, and have 
Vol. XXIII. a2. jiiul- 

[ i" ] 

«a!jltiplied to that Degree we fcarcc could put any 
^ound? to thcm-r-What ftill fucceeds to our Pe- 
riod js copious and ample, eafy to trace out» an4 
}ias been travelled oyer bef<?re This Hiilory wa«' 
■ ever thought of i and indeed was, in feme Meafurc, 
%hc Gccafion of it, for that former Performance 
feemed tp ys qs a Tail without a Head. We havq 
it lerigtb "fixed on a Head ; but hpw they agree 
tDgejhej-muft beleft to the Jiidginentof the Public, 
We fliajl not defcant on the Merits or Perngrijs^of 
the ^(irRamentary Debates : W« fl>aU onjy igy^ 
what we know to be true, that tijey were a.Bppk-* 
filer's Work, and. that we had np Concern ifl-Ui 
jjor any H*ii4 in thitUndertakiag. ■ ■ - '.-.i-ti 

Thp Parliament whiph begui^ in idie Yc^r 164^0^ 
^d ended npt, fully, till twenty y^ars af^, ibW 
furpiihf^ fo many ^Iate^i^s for, Xhie Werkt. .«? 
has bfQught it to the engnpops Si^eit now^ftaiiifc 
at, being the Cop^ts of "no >ft. th»n Fiftcsp 
Volttn^fS ; An4 yet the-Subje<^-rMatJ*r of tho^ ' 
Times is fo yery . jntereftin^, . ffjj V!I^ ifti^tt^T 
tive a Leflbn' to the prefent Age, and'toall Pofte- 
.fily.jis would beaf no curtailing .ptAtwidgeinftnt. 
fi Rev^cijd freiate, whp live^ in* ^dw^tejlfe 
iTiftoFy very near^ thpfe Tinjce,. fpe^lyng'of ;d¥ 
pc;aceful Reign, of ^^w^Kj» whifh^c(j?F4e^;tp 
^he loi^g Civil W^s of the ^twnafff, wbcp l;h^ 
mofl of their |>erfe<^ Hi^Prians appeared^ a^f, 

«« A(^ 

If And It &&fis to me that wc may cxpeft the fim$ 
f Progress amoogft us. There lie now ready in 
f * the fianK the moft memorable Aftions of tjyentjr 
/.*; Year,s s a Subjeta of as great Dignity and V*- 
f ricty as ever^jalTed under any Man's Hands j the 
" Peace we now enjoy gives Leifure and £o(:qu- 
,'* ragcment enough j the Effects of fuch a Work 
," would be wonderfully advantageous to the Safety 
f of our Country, and to his Majefty's Intercft j 
** for there can be no better Means to prefcrve hit 
." Sulgcds in Obedience for the future, than to 
*' give them a full View df the Miferies that 
.'* attend Rebellipp. There arc only therefore want- 
.'« ing> for the finifhing of fobravcan Undertaking, 
•• the united Endeavours of fome ' public Minds, 
," who are converiant bojh In. Ijetters and Bu-r 
V finefs ; And 'i it*were ai^mted to be the La- 
** hour of one or two Men to compofe it, and of 
'* fuch an AfTembly to revife and correft it, it 
•* might certainly challenge all the Writings of 
** paft or prefcnt Times ♦", 

This is a very high Charafter of fuch a Work, 
and we much doubt whether our Labours can de- 
fcrvc fijch an Encomium. However, we have 
done our beft ; we have preferved many Anecdotes 
. jof utibfe Times from utter Ruin arid Oblivion. 
And if we have not drefled up our Hiftory in fuch 
• Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society, Part i. p. 44- 

yoL.XXIII. a 3 pompous 

u, ■../., C'.oogic 

t *i 3 

J)JMnj}iOUs LartgUagfc as others of oar contempo- 
riry Writers, in* this Way, have done, we ia.^ 
■we never ftudied it ; , our whoJtf Aim has been at 
■Trudi and Impartiality, and we never fought to 
lofe Sight of either, for the Sake of-a well-tum'd 
PeriotU, ■ ■ ' 

.-;.-.^0 . - ^^ v-i; .;. ;',.V 'i THE 


T H E 

Parliamentary HISTORY 

^ N G LAND. 

r-T thenextMcetingof .tbisConven-An, iio.ll< 
i don Parliament, which was biit fepa- i^'So. 
I ratad by A< this Day»' « " i— ' 
r Wwfflito- 6, there were no Ceremo- "'"*'""• 
I nies ufed ; the Jeimiali of both Lords 
and Coounoos bcD^dnii^ .wjth Stiii- 
n^fs, as if tliere bad only been anintenniffipnibr one 
Day. TlieHoufeofLordcbeinginfornjedthat^nnce 
their Rccefs, the Cing had beAi pleafed to confer tbe 
Honour of Peerage <mi the Lord-Chancellor ffj^t 
their LoixHhips bnlered his IntcoduAlon in the ufual 
Manner ; and, bang created Baron of Hinden^ he 
was placed on the Baron's Seat as the youngeft Ba- 
ron, where he fat a- while, and afterwards rcfumed his 
Place again, on d» Woollpack, as thcii; Speaker. 

The very firil Thing the Commons did, after 
their Meeting, on a Motion made by. Mr- Hungtr- 
fardy was to vote the Sum of io,ooo^> .to be pre- 
Tented to the Princefs -f^mmrr^, tbc.^ing's Siuer» 
' who, Gnee their Reeds, hid cotne oyer with the 
Queen-Mother from-i^r<i«/ ; the . latter after ^n 
Vot. XXIir. A / . ' „Abfcnce 

■J,, Google 

2 The PM-iiamentiBy HisTOJEty ,^ 

• "^^'-^'Abfenccgf nineteen Years. It wis aWo moved, fey 
_°' . Mr. Siroudt to cOTigratulate the Qucen'» (afc Ani- 

fattnber. v^'- ^<^ which were agreed to by the Lords vciy 
chcarruUy. . 

The Qucencame over at a very uiJucky Time; 
for juft before her Arrival died her youngeft Son, 
; Htnry Duke of Gkuct/itr, a Prince of great Hopes, 

and confequently much lamented. Mr. Htingtrfird 
moved the Commons again to dcfire the King to 
appoint a Faft for this Breach in the Royal Family ; 
but this Alotion not being fecoodcd by any enf, it 

ThcX:irfrk of this Houfc read the Articles of what 
Bufmels was in Preparation, when they fat laft and 
adjourned. After which M^. KmghtUy moved for 
a Settlement of the Militia ; which was feconded by 
Mr, Bedbrda. To which Sir Ifynry Cbilmltj re- 
plied. That the Militia was already in the King's 
Hands i that it had let them together by the Ears 
once before ; and defired it might be let alotte : But 
Scijeant Cheritm, Sit Jtahnj Jriy, and Sir iThmOs 
Bhtdumtb^ moving ftrongly for a Bill* a Committee 
was appointed accordingly to prepare and bring one 

Next, on a Motipn of Mr. Lm/thtrj a Call of the 
Hbufe was appointed to be on diis Day Se'nnight. 
At the fame Time Sir JtAn Nertbat moved. That 
every Member might be examined, whether they 
had taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. 
Mt. PrjntUi Whether every one had paid his Poll 
Money according to his Degree. This Bill being 
found defeSive in the Money propofcd to be raifcd 
by it, Sir fViUlant Morrict, feconded by Mr. Chaftt 
moved to have it amended j and faid'. The Defi- 
' cicncy came from the Indulgence and Kemiflhcfs of 
the CommiffioncTs ; and added. That a Review 
wbuld be as necclTary as the Gleanings after bad 
Reapen. Mr. Prymu fpoke in Favour of die Com- 
millioners, and dieir Diligence in furthering die 
Colleaioni faying, That, to his Knowledge, th?y 
had written above 1500 Letters about it : But Mr. 
Speaker urging the Neccffity of a Review upon the 


e/"ENGLAND. 3 

AficBinentt erf* ill Corporxtioiu, wbo had tax'd thrmrdves (09 
partially, it was referred to a Committee tO confider of this 
Poll Bill and ih? D^cQa ifaereof, and to prepare and bring in 
another Bill, for the better Supply of the Public Service. 

Sir IViiUam D'Oilty reported from the Committee for difband- 
ing the Anny, what Progrefs hath been made in that Service, 
declaring what Forces they ha?e paid off} what Sunu have been 
paid to every particular Grarrifon, Regiment* Troop, and Com- 
pany, and for difcharging of Ship*, u alfo what Forcet are not 
paid off ; with an Eftimate what Money will be necellary to pay^ 
off the Land Forces to the 6th (^ Neven^ Inftant, and the Ship* 
to the 17th of Sfpttmbtr laft : And what Money, both cenain 
and cafual, the Parliament hatb conligned to thofc Ufcs, with a 
Balance between the Chargc,«nd the Money coniigned, the Sub- 
fiance whereof is as iblioweth, vis, 
Difbanded in England. 

I. s. i. 

Twcniy-two Garrifons - 10023 *^ 71 

General Officera with 7 , ^ , ( 

the Train * *'^4* " " 

Fifteen Regiments of Foot 117966 

Four' Regiments of Horfe 55353 

Six Ships paid off '— 23COO 
Difbanded in Satknd. 

General Officers and Train 797 i 

ESnbirgbGaxi'^on — 206 ' 

Two R^mentt of Foot . 20149 

OneReigmcntt^Horfe 11263 10 9 . 


o 6> 
II 2 I 
o 3J 

.0 1 
18 \ 
I 9 J 


317986 3 9 

31416 14 8i 

fj,l 1684.6 8 10 1 

Fom?to be diibaoded EnglanJ. 

Eleven Ganifons 'S^?? 4 O"* 

Three Regiments of Foot 39308 13 o| 
Kine Regiments of fforfe, % 

with the Life- Guard o' 

Nineteen Ships, bvEftimate 138132 10 0} 

Forces to be diuiandcd in Scatkmd^ or paid off. 

Garrifons — 3118 < 

Four Regiments of Foot 486S5 1 
Maj. Gen. Morgan's Troop 3636 
Lord Falkland i Regi- 1 . t. 

mem of Horfe ^ } "'=='*^ « ^ 

350402 18 $\ 

359734 IS 10. 

75681 14 6 

Total 435416 10 4 


T|f . 77ie Parliamentary History 

, Befides divers Sums falltog under fevcnl Heads, in tbe find Re- 
, ppit fpecified. 

'Monies appointed by Parliament to pay oiF the Forces by Lam) 
and Sea. 

/. s. d. I. s. d. 

Afdgnations on the three "l 
Months AfTeffment, I . 
commcncingyaw 24, f *3°<'0 
1660 J 

And — — — ^ 40000 
% thc,PoIIBi!I, eftioiatcd'at2ioooo 
Two Months AlTeflments 1 40000 

413000 o o 

So there wants, to anfwer the Sum paid, and-t 

the Chat^e of the Forces to be difbanded, I g j> ,, 

amountingtogetherto685,8i9i 81. ^^d. f *7"»9 ' » y* 

' the Sum of J 

Befides the laid otticr Sums from cafual and 1 

uncertain Charges, eftimated at: J 'S^ooo ° 

413000 , 

And fo the Money to be onWided on tJic 1 a o • 

clear Balance is } +"819 8 o. 

The Total of the Monthly Charge, by tandi 

and Sea, in £ff^^ni/knd ^C0r/«n^,-undif- r 32653 12 
banded, is, by the faid Rcpoft, computed at J 

He ahb reported an Account of the Monies'! " ■ ■ ' ''■' • -■ ' 

receivediflto the Trcafury of the Chamber L - , o 

ofLmdm, at Gwi^/'*tf, upon the Account f '3*<>5 4 
of the Poll Bill, amotinting to J 

Received upon the Loan -~ — . — — ^4445 o o 

Jn Tett 97630 4 Q 

Of which paid by the Book _ — — 8637615 4 
Refling in CaOi, to balance — — — '1253 8 8 
Which faid lafl-mcntioned Account wa» read. 

Sit Anthony Irby moved to return the King moft hearty TTianlcs 
for his great Care of the Church-Government, in his late gra- 


aoiu Declaration concerning Ecclefiaftica) Affain* ^^ » Cu- Ut 
and tof make sui A€t for confirming it. This Mo- . ' , 

tion was fccondcd by Mr. Banfiild a.t\d Mr. Sttvtnsi na^vaha 
which laft laid. They might fee by thiSi that when 
the King wai feparatcd from his People in Body* yet 
he was not fo in Heart. Mr. Lawthtr movedj 
tliat the whole Houfe might go to ihe King to g^ve 
him Thanlcs; which was voted, ntm, con. to ba 
done that Afternoon. Mr. Barttn was not for 
making a Law, as yet, upon the King's Declara- 
tion, bccaufe it referred to the calling of a Synod. 
Seconded by Mr. Chafe and Mr. Harris ; and that 
the Book of Common Prayer Ihould be read In the 
Houfe. Sir Thtmai Ckrgts faid. That be was not 
againft the laft Motion, but that the CommoB 
Prayer was never read in the Houfe, and moved to 
have a Law to confirm the Declaration. Mr. An* 
rufity was for referring of i; to a Committee to con- 
fidcr of it, and prefent it to the Houfe. Mr. Ailing 
for appointing a Day putpofely to take this Matter 
into Confidcration, arid not to do it too fuddenly. 
Sir thumas Meirts was againft making any Ai^ at 
all, hut to' leave it to a Synod. ^\t ']shn Majbaniy 
againft taking it now into Con fide ration. Mr. Be- 
dwda was for It. However Mr. Prynne and Mr. 
?a. Stevois moving for a Reference tq a Coraipittee) 
It was voted accordingly. 

Mr. Ttiaiins refumed the other Argument about 
the Common Prayer, and was for having it read in 
the Houlie ; in which he was feconded by Mr. Finch. 
The Speaker faid, He never heard It read in th^ 
Houfe ; but added, There was a Form of Prayer in 
the Journal-Book, which was ufed to be read by the 
Speaker. The Lord Bruce moved for having the 
Common Prayer read in the Houfe, or fome other 
fetForm, and not to leave it toto the Spirit of Men. 
Sir /falter Erie reproved his Lordthip for fpeaking 
fo meanly of thofe who prayed by the Spirit. 
Mr. BamfieU faidy He found, nothing amifs in the 
MiniftefsPraycrs;. ■;Mr. C/ayjoB, for a fet Form j 
and Mr. Pr^font moving for the old Forai, it was , 
A '3 voud 


The Parliamentary ll i s t o r y 

1 c»t. n- voted to refer it to a Committee to inquire out the 
'* ^ . old Form, and prefcnt it to the Houfe. 

Nmembtf J. This Morning, at the Meeting of 
the Houfe, the laft Affair was renewed. After their 
Minifler had officiated, Mr. Bamfitld moved. That 
aFormof Prayer might not be enjoined him till the 
Cemmittee had made their Report, which was re- 
ferred to them the Day before j and faid. That the 
Mafs might be introduced as well as a good Form, 
if it was done without Order. Upon this the 
Speaker excufed the Miiiifter from any more Ser- 
vice till the Form was ordered. 

A Bill for preventing the Exportation of WoqII, 
Wooll Fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, Woollen Yarn, 
Wooll Flocks, Fullers Earth, and Fulling Clay, on 
Pain of Death, was this Day read, on ihc Motion of 
Mr. Knighiy a/econd Time and committed. Mr. 
Stfvttu moved, That the Hrll Fault mightoot extend 
to Death. 

A Bill for ereding an Endowment of Vicarages 
out of Rectories, appropriate, was read a fecond 
Time. Mr. Bodurda moved. That the King might 
be defired to do the like out of fuch Impropriations 
as belonged to him, and that the Colleges in each 
Univeifiiy might do the fame. ?i\i Thamas Mttnt 
added. That all liayjnen Should be obliged likcWife 
to do it : Which was obje£led to by Sir Hetaagi 
Fiach, as not lilting to clog the Bill with Gentle- 
men's Eftates. Mr. Prynat faid, The Labourer 
was worthy of his fliie ; and moved that the Bill 
might pafs. Serjeant Charlton was for having it 
extend to all Impropriations. Serjeant Hales was 
not for all, becacife he thought it might. obflrui5l the 
Bill- Several Members, as, Serjeant Majnard, 
Sir Thomai Clarga, Mr. "thmas^ Mr. Criuch, ^e. 
fpeaking for a Commitment of the Bill, It was or- 
dered accordingly. 

Sir Heneagt Fiacb brought in a Bill for an Anni- 

Tcrfaty Faft on the 30th of January, unlefs of a Sun- 

day^ for ever, Alfo to attaint Oliver CrtmweS, and 



^ t,J EN G t AN D. 7 

imva othetB, Adon in the borpd Murder t£ the^n. isCw. n. 
hte King* vyhich had already fuffl^ed, or were dead, ^'*°' . 
Xbis Bill wu read a firft Time } and Mr. Prjsav NA>taA«< 
fayingt That fince the Traitors heretofore read their 
AA for the Trial of the King twice tether, be 
dcfired this might be read a^in \ which wat done 
and committed. Mr. Prynnt alfo moved. That V 
flxHild be rrferred to thit Committee, Whether ibe 
reft that are condeinned Ihould be evecuied. Sir 
Antbmj Irbj moved. That all tl)eir juft Debtf 
ihould be confidered and fatisficd ; but that their 
-Eftates might remain to ihc Crown for ever. Ser- 
jeant Cbarkm moved alfo for another Bill, in rel»- 
' tion to thc^e who ftood excepted out of the A£t' of 
general PardtKij as to future Pain* and Penalties 
not extending to Life, or clfe to be inferted in a 
Claufe of ^i» Bill j all of whtcb' was ordered ac- 

iftwinbtr 8. Bufinef* and Debaitei began row to 
etow flack in the Houfe of Conwions, nothing of 
Moment bnng done there i but that Mr. AnneJUy 

■ made a Report, That the Q^en had returned her 
Thanks to the Houfe, for 'the Senfe ihcy cxpref- 
fed for her fafi; Arrival : As did alfo the Princets 

, Royal and thePrincefs fittirieftay for their Prefcnts 
from the Parliament. The latter expref&ng her 

, great Affedion, and acknowledged the great Kind- 

~ nela of the Houfe ; but excufed herfelf that flie could 
not do it fo well in the Englijh Tongue, whi^h fhe 
defired to fupply with an EngUjh Heart, (a). 

It was then ordered, That the ^ill of Sales Cor 

. Bifbops Lands, &« , be revived ; and that the De- 
bate concerning the Court of Wards. be taken up on 

' the 19th Inftant. 

Sir Georgt Diwaing moved to revive the Com- 
nu'ttec for the Woollen Maniifafiure of this King- 

. dom i and defired they might alfo confider.thc State 
of the Pilchard of Herring fiOwry.; .and the Settle- 

. nwnt of the Etf/i-India Company -j which was or- 
(ii)TUtPiiiKibvu bom tt Exiltr, in the Midllor ihe iMe. 
IronUci, anS ftolen' iirty by her GoTcraet, when Ac wai Ul In- 
bt, tai tMiki to btt Matiitim Fruttte, , "^ 

L\ _...,C".oo.glc 

9 TBe ParliametitittyliisTOHY 

ii^-n^iltMiti. Likewife, dn a Motion of HCr. Kh^^ 
1^— 't'' . agiinft planting of Tobacco in Bn^Mit, it was re- 
timaAs^. **"«'' **> 'he ftth« Committeij. , 

* Refolved, That the Cotnihittee for examining 
the Debts of the Army Brtd l^avy, arid other public 

, ' Debts of the Kln|doni, be alfd ietfivcd, and that they 
retwrt the fame to the Hotife/ 

• Ordered, That the Kill fof applying the De- 
ftas of the A£t for Poll Mm^ be fpcedily |lrepit«l 
4nd brought iri* 

NavemStr <). Sii' Btmy Chi^tby deliVered « Pett- 
'tion to the HoUfe from fffrrfn^M ^mrf£'f>, Efc}.. 
a Member, [Son to Sir Jabn Bmt^hirt; ithb Iria one 
•of the King's Judges) iri Behalf o£ his Fatfier} he 
hlmfelf having^ Beeii concerned }n Sir. Ghrgt BMh't 
Affair, and, with others* very adiw in it, Sif Wk^y 
moved for Favour to him on that Score ; and^ beii^ 
feconded by Mr. KnightUy and Sir fnOiam Lnoiit 
•ft was referred to the laft-namedCommittn on the 
■Biliof Attamder.- 

Mr. BartmtakAt the like Motion iti Behalf of 
Sti Richard Muuiteo'er, vAidfe Fatbfer frxi alio one 
ef the King's J^dget; and Sir Ailn Bfedtrieit for 
Sir tiarry Lte, vfho hi& married the Heii'efl Of 
Sir yehn DanVtri,- another of the Regicides. Mr. 
.Prjinw argued for Wtainting them all, and then leave 
their Lands'to the King's Mercyi' which was fe- 
' conded hy Mr. Knight % but fevenl others moving 
to r^r thietn to the Ctunmittee, tfaejr Were ordered 

Ntvtmbtr 10. This Day Sir »?//(<«» *^/*r re- 
' ported' fome Amendments in the Bill for the better 
Obfervadon of the Lord's Day. Sir J6hn Mafiam 
- moved not to ehgrofs the Bill, becaufe it was taken 
* Care of in the King's Declaration. Sir Walter BrU 
■ fpoke for it; and faid, That, in a former Parlia- 
ment, he knew a Gentleman who, detiyiiig fuch a 
Bill, fell down dead in the Houfe, he giving his 
Voice firft for it, and afterwards apinft it. Which 
terHbJe Exaq[iple> we fup^fci fo frightened the 


0/ ENGLAND. 9 

Houfe, that they ordered the BBl to be cnjrofiedAn- ^^'- ^• 
without any more Debate abdut it. . " . 

Mr. Bamfield moved to have the Bill read againft Harambcr. 
grofuic Cuifing and Swearing; which was done. 
Mr. Stiptnt approved it, and deliied there might be 
a Courfe tal^en ^ainft drinlcing of Healths. Mr. 
Sivaman alfo moving. That a Reward {hduld be 
^vm to the hiformer, the Bill wu ordered- to be 
Inferred to z Committee. 

Mi*- f*rrtri brought in a Bill for prc7enting the 
^luntaiy Separation, and living apart, of Womeit 
from dieir Hufbands : That thpy fliould not be al- 
lowed Alimotiyj oc have their Debts paid, if th^ 
went away without Confsnt).whij;h wnrjCtd a Jirft 
Time, and oi^ which a notable Dcbats enfucd^ as 
given in our Diary- 
Sir jfba Nuriheot ftid. It wv not improper forD*l«" "" «■>• 
xa old Man to fpe?k in Behalf of the \^oiiKn j ^w^^M^ 
perhaps a young Man^ marrying a rich old Woman,froii) tkiii Hsf- 
siigbt alfo take it into bis Head to part from bcr,^*"*** 
axai fo the Woman might be ruined } therefore he 
.noved to throw oift £e Bill. S\i jebn p§m.vai 
.got for felling too haftily <m this Matter. Mr. 
Knight ntovfld for cafting out the Bill, becaufe there 
.frere I4WS alr^y againft it; and (aid they onght 
noi to lie fo fevere to the Female Kind. Mr. Stt- 
ptHs^ That the Bilhop's Court would take C^rc of 
fodi Things; and moved Co do nodiing in this 
Matter. Mr. HefitiUy to read it again j faying^ He 
)wew a Gentleooan who paid 500/. for fais Wife's 
pebts ia fix Months Time, Mr. Bampeli faid. 
That it was nt Women fliould have a Livelihood ; 
aAd yet not to have Power to ruin their Hufbantk by 
their own Debts, Mr. Kaightby moved to lay the 
Bill afidej but Mr. Prymu bumoroufly fayiag, 
Thlt, if they did, thofe that had ill Wives would 
call for it again within a Day or two, the Queftion 
was put, Whether this Bill mould be read a feccmd 
Time on the 1 5th Infbm, the Houfe divided ; and 
it was carried for a f«:ond Reading, 1 16 ^airtfi 96, 
S'u Malfb Kmght nnA Ui. ffllla^biyt Tellers ibr . 

u.a.i.z.d:y Google 

10 7& Pi^Uamet^ary History 

Ad. i* Car. Il.thc Yea* i Mr. Htrbert and Ix)rd Ancram for the 
. '^_^°- . .Noes. 

Nevtmbtr 12. This Day, amongftothersMatters, 
Sir Titnuit Clarges reported the Sute of the Public 
Debt i of which he gave in an Eftimate as follows : 

The Eftimati »f tbi Dibtt pf tht Navy^ in Cbargt 
TheDebtiof Che htfort bis Maje/ty't cmirig in. 

Amy lad nnj ^of Dlfchai^ of the Officers and Mariners 
flited. Wages, Prctvifion of Vifiuals and Stores, and to the 

Office of the Ordnance ; and the ordinary and ex- 
traordinary Expences of the feveral Yards, the Ac- 
count is cAimaied to 678,000 /• 

Whereof the Officers and Mariners Wages, to 

4fae lotb of NavanhtTj is cxa^ty ilated (over and 

' shove the 25 Ships nov under Confideiation, and 

bcfides that Number of ShipS' his MajeHy receives 

into his Pay] to amount to 24.8,049 I. 01. 

The Commiffioners for difhanding the Army 
have cftlmated what Money they conceive will tn 
brou^t. in upon tho Bill for PoU Money, and tUe 
Afleffincnts ; and compute that there mil be want- 
ing, to difttand the remaining Part of the Army, and 
fuch of the - 15 Ships which are not yet difcha^ed* 
die Sum of 422,819/. 

His Maj^y'g Commlffioiiers for managing the 
Afiairs of the Navy do alfo ofFer, to be humbly re- 
prcfented to the G>nfideration of the Houfet that a]! 
his Majefty's Stores are now empty, both of Visual 
and all other Ncceflaiies for the Fleet ; and that the 
Charge of renewing them will amount to 200,00 /. 
Which raifes the whole Sum to 1300819 8 o 
Of which Sum that which will 1 
fcquirea prefent Supply and Ad- | 
vancemeAt, to pay off the Officers V 670868 8 o 
and Mariners, and totally (jifband j 
the Army, is ^ ■ 

A Debate arofe on the ftating this Account, which 

Dckite »poo ^^^ jjjjj^ gj^,^ jj, jijjj Manner : Mr. Knight firft 

moved to raifc Money to pay thcfe Debts by a Si*- 




e/*ENGLAND. ii 

Months AffeHmcnL Mt. Prymt bid. The Poll*"-'" c.'- ^l" 
Bill had not yet raifed to the Amount ofaio,ooo/. . ' "' . 
and moved to nominate a Committee to find out rioiemba. 
fome other Way to raJfe Money to pay the Public 
J3ebts. Sir Thomat Clargti was for the HouTe to 
refolvc itfe!f into a Grand Committee on that Ac- 
count. Sir John Ntrtbett morved to Borrow Money 
•of the HtUanderi, andgive the ExcUe for Sccanty 
an S\x ptr Cent.i VLt. Stfuins' vtaa ioT having every 
Member examined, whether he had paid to the Pull 
Bill, according to his Degree and EUatc. Sir ^i/- 
liam Merrice, m a fet Speech, faid. The Debts of 
the Public would be lil» that Serpent in Jmtriea^ 
. which would eat a Cow at a Meal ; apd, falling 
aHeep, the Birds of Ficy devour him ; but if they 
break not the Bones of him, be grows as big as be- 
fore : So would the Debts of the Nation, he faid, if 
|iot fully Ikcisfied and paid off* tc^etbcr : Or like the 
Woman's Hen, which fiie roau^d with a Faggot* 
Stick by Stick, till the Faggot was fpent, and die 
Hen flill raw. But faid it was fitter to do as oftc , 
<lid in Spain to the Inquifttor, who, fending to him 
for a DiOi of his Pears, the Man fent him the whole 
Tree, becaufe he would not be troubled with the 
Inquilitor a»in. He concluded with moving for a 
Year's AflefiineDt, at 70,000 /■ a Month, to do it 
all with Credit : For the City, he fdid, was too 
backward in lending Money, though they had got 
more fmce the King came in, than in foroc Yean 

This Motion for a Year's Afleflment was feconded 
ty Mr. FiiTtpaint and Mr. Jnnejly.; the latter 
^■^ingi That it Ibould be fet forth that no more 
fuch Tax fhould be laid upon the People. Mr. 
ICtung argued againd borrowing the Money from the 
Halkinders, to the DiOionour of the Nation. Se- 
veral Members be&de ipeaking for a Grand Com- 
mittee, the fame was ordered to be the next Morn- 

CoL Lffcibart, late Governor of Dunkirk, peti- 
tioned the Houfe for Money be had borrowed to 
fupport the Garrilbo there. After the reading of 

L\ _...,C".ooglc 

12 Tie ParUamenfary 1^1 STOS.Y 

An, 1% Cit. U- which Sir Jthn Neriheti ftood up, and faid, He w» 

'^^ . «;ainft paying the Dtbts of -that Inftnimcnt to the 

WoTwaber. ''?"">' CremweU; but moved to let him go to his 

.' JMader for his Debt. Some other Members Tpeak- 

inz, pre and em, in dris Affair, it was ordered to be 

referred to the Committee for public Dabts, to 

NttvtnAtr 13. A further Ad for die better Ex- 
^anation of the Poll Bill was read a fecond Time. 
Dr. Clayisn moved. That all who were made Lords, 
or Knights, by CremwtH, mig^l pay accordii»ly ; 
likewife all who took the Name of Doftors of Phy- 
fic upon tfiem. Sir Thomat Bludtoerlh was for an 
Explanation, v^etlier Capt^ns fliould not pay equal 
to Efquirea. ' The Bill was committed to the fame 
CoinmtttK that were ordered to prepare It. 

According; to the Order of Yeftcrday, the Houfe 
refolved into a grand Committee for Confidcratlon 
of the public Debts. Mr. Speaker left the Chdr; 
and Sinieant Rajtutford was appointed to take Care 

Mr. Knight, Seconded by Sir Hintagi Finch, moved 
to raife Money by a Land-Tax. Sir7eAn Nortbett 
was fix- not paying any of CramweU's Debts ; and to 
leave tlic raifmg Money by a L<sid-Tax to the lafi 
Way of all. Serjeant Ma^mrd moved for a Land- 
Rate J Mr, Jrtvar, for a Monthly Tax ; and Mr. 
Arpujlef, for a Year's Tax. Sir William Vinctnt, for 
the fame. Mr. Hinrjffyr/ moved to raife 800,000/. 
half by the Excifc, and theothcr half by a Land -Rate; 
and idl that would advance Money to be allovred 
Eight pgr Cent. Mr. Palmtr urged the Rating the 
Debts ; which Mr. Prynni did, but could not fiate 
them aJl ; on which the further Confideration of this 
Bulinefs was again referred to the ncxtMorning. 

A Book, then printed, intituled, Tht Lang, Par- 
liament revived, t^ Thsmas Phillips, GepK Was of- 
fered to the Confideration of the Houfc, as a Matter 
wherein their Privileges were much concerned. — 
Ordered, That the faid Phillipi be fenj for into 
2 Cilftody, 


■ gr E J^ G i, A K t). 13 

Oiftadji, and-tlMUjlMri«fiBiredt*theCanuniMeAa.i>c>r K. 
6m- PrivilcgK a-txnniM, (ft. . '"■ . 

■^Irtttmitr 14. AccHding to fannsrOiia, dw 
:Bill 'MfaiAft Wonai, 'for rdufiag tt> cohabit with 
dmrHuflatuh, if idcfiml^ »u tmI -a fccond Tmwj 
on V)Mh MMtbct flnrt DebMs cillBcd. Mr. Ar- 
my, who bfoi^tin dK'Bdl, ijnken fielnlfofk, 
-and ciffitreda f^vifo>t»it. Sir ff^tiUmt LtwU wu 
fotcaSaagitoat. Mr. iPonvwCud hewu f(Tr the 
BUI, diMi^fae mwr bod a gaod « bwl Wife in Us 
Life. 14r. Il^«^, m«t' tlwAnu fc fitvew a Bill 
upon the Wncnm, thu, if arSEidgcwu lofcie ftua 
Davtr to' C«i/>M, >chb Wmxmsa would aU Imtc this 
-Kingdom : TlMtit tMrrfMC innitnd the^^omb; 
•MiAEngUndy thatwufonoeriy die'Ha»i«n, -woild 
be now the Hell -fofWoaen. Howoter, die .BUI 
"was committed. 

Tha ftme Daythe Hoofe wsM Mgain en Wiys 
■and Moms 'to raife Moaey ; wbsh -Mr. £m ^ld 
offing a Petition from finte' Rerftais, who then 
waited at the Door, who propofcd to raile 500,000/. 
'•^fof ' the ChuTch-Lottds. Col. Sbapat tHiMred to 
cake this Propofal into Gonfidaradan ; ' which 'was , 
-oppofed by 4ir iHmegt Finth. Mr. Prymxe mas iar 
Inving the Chutch-Ioands -to piy <to 'a gancral AT- 
lefiinflnt{ but it Itau notagrecd cd. UowevAr, on a 
Motion of Mr. jttmtflig, it «as rcTolTcd, * That a 
. Taxof 7o,oeo/. a'Mvntb, ibr fix. Months, ihould 
be chained on the Kifegdan, 'to commence on^the 
£ift Day of Jamary wdxt i ctifuing : And that Sir 
HtiuiOgt FtMB and his idajafiy'e ileamed Counicl be 
defired' to ptepare -and abni^; in a. Bill for that 

Nevtmitr 15. Sir jftht Strtbat moKcd the 
HooTe, That. a Mcfiage be lent to quickeo die 
Lords to difpatcb fucl^ Bills aswere Tent up to them 
from thence, particularly <Hie ^inft Papifls ; fince 
this -Bill,' which came down from them, was read 
prefently. Mr. Knigbt mored to lead itagain i and 
Mr. Ym^ lecondiDg Sir Jalm NtrthM, Sir Jtbii 


14 ^ ParUamentary HisTcmy 

*^ \\^'' "''"" 'M'dercd : to go up to the Lords, to dcfire that 
. Houfe to give DifpaCch to fome Bills formerly fert 

NoTonber. up> and now depending before their Lordfhips, u 
the Bill for confirniing of Marriages ; that of Leafea. 
belonging to Colleges and Hofpitals ; the Bill fir 
confirming of Magna ChartOy and other Fundamen- 
tal Laws ; asalfotbe Proclamation for'puttir^ the 
Laws in Execution againfl f^^pifll Rccufants ; being 
all Bills of public Importance. To all >vhich Sir 
yiihn Horthat brought Anfwcr from the Lords, That 
the three Bills mentioned were under ConfideratioDy 
and that the Proclaoaatioa ibould alfo be fo, as thty 
would learn by Meflengcrs of their own. 

This would naturally lead us back to conflder 
what the Houfe of Lords had been doing ^11 (his 
Time ; but, upon Infpsflion into their "Jaurnaliy wc 
find Jioihing before them of any great Moment, ex- 
cept fome Things which are already menrioned. 
We fbal I therefore go on with the Conmoas, who 
ieem to hare the putuic fiufinels of ttie Natuui moft 
apoD them at this Time. , 

ixb»te M the -Wwwni/r i6. Mr. Kuigbtliy brought in a_for 
MilitiaBiU.' fettling the Miltia of this Kingdom ; w4iich was 
read a firft Time, and on which a Debate enfued, 
which we give from the I>iary. 

Mr. Pitrtptini moved for cafting out this BiH, 
becaufe there was Martial Law provided in it; 
which, he fakl, would be a Grange Grievance laid 
upon the People, and dcfired another Bill niight be 
drawn without it. Sir Hauagt Finch faid, That, 
whoever brought in Martial Law, defervcd to be 
'made the lirft Example of it. Neither could he 
ever confent to biing themfelves to be Wards to ati 
Army, when they were endeavouring to free tbem- 
felves from being fo to the King : But was for a fe- 
cond Readily, for the better underftanding of this 
Bill. Sit ^elttr BrU faid. He never knew any 
Bill that ever intrench'd fo far upon the Subje£ts 
Privilege at this did, and moved for another Bill. 
Mr. Knight fpoke for this Bill. Mr. Gttdrici faid. 
It was one of ths beft and woift Bills that could be 


«/ E N G t A N D. IS 

made, ini moved for ah" Alterarion. Several other** *J^* °* 

Members^ aaMi.Harriiy Mr. Prymu, Mr. Oiitfe, ^ ' j 

and Mr. jfebii Sttvtiu, moved for a fccond Reading, NoMmbct. 
and to- have the Bill regulated. Sir Edward Tunur 
faid, Tliat it was fitting there fhould be great Care 
taken for die Settlement of the Militia i but could not 
agree to &t up fiich a Martial Law as Mr. Piireptint 
fpoke of i however, he moved for a fecond Read- 
iiw. Lord Fttlklmd faid. That the fettling of the 
Militia heietefbre occaiioned all their laft Mifchief, 
and therefore advifed a fecond Reading. Sir fVtl~ 
Sam Ltwis moved that the Bill might be read again 
on that D^ Sc'nnight, fince many Objedions might 
arife, the Bill being of fo great Imporunce as to re- 
.quirc muchConfideration about it. Serjeant Oiarl- 
ttn txA, There was Reafon for compulfaiy Juitice 
fat tbofe who refufe to obey Orders ; and therefore 
moved to amend the Bill fpcedily, and read it the 
next Morning. 

S\i Antbtttylrbj, Sir Riekard Htpiinj, ijtdiAx. j/n- 
ntjlty were for allowing more Time, ndiich was till 
^ezothlnftanti though, as the Utter faid, the Bill 
was well known already ^ which the Houfe ordered 

Mr. Prymie offered a Letter to the Houfe, pur- 
porting fooie Mifcarriage in one or more of the 
Lord -Lieutenants acting as a Conimiffioncr of thfe 
Militia : And, after a long Debate, fays ^e Diary, 
by feveral Memhers, Whether it fliould be read or 
no, as it did come from a Member of the Houfe, the 
Speaker inftanced a Letter to the Parliament from 
^Xtyahn Hotbam; which had not bfcen read, but 
Hat he was a Member : However, die Queflrion be- 
ing called for, tjie Houfe divided upon it, when the 
• -Noes carried it by i8l againft 105. 

TTie Lord Hvward, of the Nordi, moved for 
fome Courfe to be taken with the Mofa-Troopers» 
on the Borders of Satland, and delivered in a Bill 
foi that Purpofe, which was read a firft Time. Sir 
yehti Latothtr oppofcd this Bill, as he faid, for 
keeping Peace in die Country, and that it mi^t be 
done as fiH'inerly. But Sir Gargt DawJiing fpeaking 


1 6 T&e P^Sfitnenfa^ rHisTonY 

1. iiCar.U^or.ijhie Bill, it vras Otdercd uito Confi^eradon Q|t 
^J'- ,tbe?pth. ' 

N^mbtr 17, Mr. ^nigliiley moved for a Cpm- 
4nittee ^. bung in ,a3i}l fpi.con&ririing t^ King's 
Defla^^tlpn, touching > ^cltleijient ip".thc Church, 
iWbi(;h,wjas prdercd accordingly, 

Mr. ihnnfos rcporf^ Am^iadinen^ to ^ Bill of 
Att^der, with the ffweral Times of (he jude;^ 
fiitjng iit.;thc Triai,of the King, and figning ll^e 
Warrant for Dxecutibn i of thofcp'ho.^cTe tfrertpd 
,to further Paiqs ^d Pen^Ucs ,tp,beiiifli^ed on t^^oir 
■not extending to Death. 

Spme petitions were ofivred to the Houfe, and 
jread ^frpm the Sons and f£:irs of fuch .Regicides, 
.which n^re referred ba^k to the Committee. , Col. 
■Tf^VJipoved to .leave them.all to the King's Mercy. 
On -the contfary, .Mr. P.rynne moved to proceed 
againft diem all, as in the Cafe of the Powder- 
^Traitors, and produced, for Precedent, the feveral 
:Boolu,oFPrc«:ecdi)ig> in that Cafe, He deflred. That 
aJl thflfe that fat and figned for .the King's Pepth, 
.might be attainted, jiotwithftanding the Merits of 
. their Children, and then left to the King's Mercy. 
.Mr. Pitrtptint fecondcd this loft Motion, and added. 
To examine well the particular Merits of the'Chil- 
. drcn, before they were recommended to the King. 
One Member, ;iot named, maved to bring, in a 
Bill apatt, for the Attainder of Cromwtll, ' htten, 
Bra40uViitt and Prydi : But we imagipe thcfe Af- 
fairs were dropped for the prefent, for there, is fcarce 
a Word of them in the Jmtaah, 

Mr. Secretary Morr'tci aci^i^ainted the Hpyfe, That 
.he h»d found out and e^amioed the Author of the 
dangerous Book, called, The Lsng Pflrliament rt- 
vivtd. That hisNaipe was ffiuiem Drake; that 
he had cpnfelTcd to him he wrote the (aid Book, 
which flruclc at the Root of their Proceedings } and 
that be was in Cuflody at the Door. 

Captain Titus faid. That he knew the Man to 

bcaLoyaJift, and a great Sufferer for the King, but 

did not believe he wrote the Book, tho' he had the 



. ?^ E'N G L A N D. i^ i 

V«oSw-to owe it. This wui feconded by Mr. ffltfrt."*"- »* C»f. U 
And Mr. Bamfieid morcd for flighting the Bufincfs, ' '"' •, 
as the bcfi Way to get rid uf it. However, the* Kmwibn. ' 
PirHbficrwas ordcFtd to be called in, ind being at 
ibc Bar, the Speaker aflced him, Whether he wrote 
tii« B -ot' which w» then ftwwn him ? He confcf- ^^ XX. 
fed hc-Adwiiceicbutftid, Jc wuoutof his DepthtiDi* Book, oU 
*f Lojtalty and inregrltf to the King, and for Ae'^.'*' ^■^. 
Bwiefeof iheEngduhi : Th»t he hadbcen a great^"^ "^ 
Siiffefer ^eadyfor the Kayk\ Canfe, and it would be 
httd hrdnd to make hhn DOW buffer again fordo- 
ing vifau,' he^bougbt, wai right for his Sovereign. 
The SpcAiceragHinafkedhim, Whether be bad tbe 
Hdp ofiarryone elfe'in It f ''He anrwered. No, he 
had no Help but only of the Lord C>i/x Books ; ' 
and that be put the Name of./*AiA^rto the Book, 
tiepaiife he himfelf, being a MerCliant, could not 
be thought to write Tuch a Book. Mr. Droh 
being with(lra:wn. Sir Jchn Ftiitriei at]d Sir Edmard 
Jt&^boih ^ke m his Favou^ Mr. Pryrmt mov- 
ed to refer it to a Commlitee. Sir Heatagt Finch 
(aid, That Jie Could not think any thing more dan- 
gerous than the writing this Book at fuch a Time j 
Aat it blew up this Parliament totally, and damn'd ' 
the A3 of Oblivion) and the Author had Ihewed 
himrelf thcgreatcftlnccndiarythat could be, andiKt 
his <brmer Merits could not countervail this A3ion. 
Therefore he moved to proceed to Juftrcc wrth'hin^, 
andthat kc'fhoutd fttind connrfiiited, and the Bufi- 
nefs be referred to the Committee of Fiiviiegcs. All 
which was ordered ; and that they flioutd read over 
the faid Book, examine and ftate the matt-rial Poirnt 
that are'otfenfive therfc* and report them to the 

Navembtr 19. This Day, accor<fing to formef 
Order, the Boufe Ml into a Debate on the Bufinels 
of the Court of Wards, and the Scnlement on the 
King m lieu thereof, 

^t Henry Cholmliy XsiA, That if the King's pre- in^ Coaitof 
fcnt Revenee was made up 1 ,200,000^. % Year, t^ WinUtebaM^, 
Court of Wards might be fpared, without any fur- 

Voi.. XXtll, fi tber 


8 ^e ParUam^ntary HistosV 

i. Cir. ll-ther Trouble. Sir Samntl Jimi and Sir fhiiiM: 
'^\ . ffiddring^tn moved .to rairc it by the Excife: Mr. 
remberi ^"igkt Was for laying Two-pence in the Pound on 
all the L^nds in England^ Mr. Pirr/finl sgatnft x 
Land lUte ; but to lay it on the Exn(e of Ale and 
Seer. Sir 7Z«ffl«j Biuiwrtk againft tbe £xcilk, 
and for a Land Rate ; as was Sir JAn Ptiis. Mr. 
Mnifley was for placing the Tax upon Land; which, . 
be {aid, ought to pay, and not to chai^ it upon the 
poor People, by Way of Etcife, He was Icconded by 
Sir IVilUam fiacmt. Sir Htntagt Finth moved for re- 
ferring it to a CommiKee, to propofe a Method for 
failing the Sum required. Mr. KnightUy and Sir 
Waltir ErU fpoke for a Land Rate t which was ob' 
jeded to by Serjeant CkurlitH, V/ho laid, He nevfer 
knew a Land Rate perpetual^ aa tliia muft be. Sir 
Giorge Reevu was rather for regulating the Coint 
of Wards, than burden the People with Taxes. Sir 
yahn FudtrUk for laying it upon the Lindj .which 
ought to pay it. Mr. Clifford for any thing but ibC' 
Court of Wards. . Sir Jthn Ntrthctt and Mr.. 
7hBmas againfl a Land 'Rate, and to leave the Pro< 
pofal at large. Sir Htnry Ntrtb alfo fpolce ^alnft 
. a Land Rate. 

Upon the whole, it was relblved to adjourn the 
Debate till the aift Inllant. 

Kswmbtr 20. Very little Bufinefs of Momcht 
happened in the Houfe of Commons this Day, ex- 
cept we mention the further Proceedings agaiim Mr. 
Draify for writing the Boole, called Th* Ung Far' 
iiairunt rtv'tvtd, 
tfoni ta Serjeant Raymsfird reported the Refolutioo of the 
» in Mr. Committee who examined "that Book, That they 
1 Bo(A. ^yj,d feveral oSenfive Pafiagts, in it, particularly 
thefe followine, viz. 

* All other Parliaments (fpeakiflg of the long Par- 

* liameni] have no legal Capacity tilt this b« legally 
« dilTolvcd.' p. 6. ■ 

* The Aft is exprefs,.That by no Means, but 
« by an kSt. of. Parliament, it fliall be difibived ; 

* which, ai it cannot be done by the dead King, 

. ■ * but 


• V E N G LA N.D. 19 

* but may be done by his Succelfor, ft- ought to be *■- *» c*'- "■ 
} d^llblved, elfe it reaiaiiu in hiU Being and Au(ho- . '^ 

• ''t?j:l A A- . ; ■ "■ „. • s^^ha. 

* The kgal Being of the Long Parliament ts evi- 

* iefit.' f>. 16. 

'Though many exc^lehc Things have been done 

* by this Parliament, yet, their Authority, not being 
' legally faijndefl|. ttie N^tlon/can pramife to thea|- 

* felves no HappineTs tipF AQur^nce.' p. r6. • 

* It were to be wi/hej the Leginative .Authority 
^ might revert Into the tight Channel.' p-lT> 

_ * That "being a lawful Padiament, this can be 
' none.' p. ii, ■•-,.■■ 

* At the Committee of Privileges, Satuuhjy Nt' 
vtmbtr ij, 1660, , . , 

' Rcfolved, iipon the Q^^ion^ . . , ' 

I. "^ That the Pamphlet, iptitulcd.T^Zjr^ P-tr-RefoIoiioni of 
liarnint rivivid, (jfc. a feditioua In thofc ,Pafticu-''"Ce«iiuiie^ 
lars which were alledgedat the Committee< 

■2, * That the Houfc be moved to order, Th»t 
the faid Pamphlet be publicly burnt by the Uiinds ot 
the common Hangman. ,;" -■..., 

3. 'That the Houfe be defired . to. appoint a 
Committee for the drawing irp an Impeachment, in 
the Name of all ths Commons in England^ .sgainft , 

ff^Siam Draie, fur pcnniogand puhlifliii^ of this 
feditious Pamphlet, to be prefented to the I^ords. 

4. 'That the Houfe, be; in9ved^ That tfce faid 
Tfilliam Prait may b& kept iioder fuch Reliraiat, 
that nonp may have. Aqcefs to f|^aL wittihim.' 

Our Diary teps us, t\i!it.Si.c Bdwar4,M^0y pre- A D«btt« yjgn 
TentedaPeutiontothi;H6,4rc,:fromMr.Z)r<»K ac-"""^ ' 
knowlcdging his Fauttj ,as Jt,, i;aJh and inconuderate 
A^ion i that he had evet retained his Loy^lty^ and 
liumbly tagged the King's Pardon and the Favour 
of the Houlc. Sir Edi^ark.^ajfey fpoke alfo in hi^ 
Behalf, faying. That be'rooked upon him to be di- 
'ftcmpered, and therefore ijefired the Favour of the 
Houfc' For him. Mr. Secretary MorrUe faid. That 
Puniflimca; ip the Grtek was the fame as Exam- 
ple, an<l that he ought to be made one, becaufe he 

. .^CoQt^lc 

Zo T6tFarSam*ptary Hi STQKY 

la. » Ctfr n.dicl not.owfi their Power ; ^nd pioved to agree with 
• '* *?■ - the Committee. Captain. ?*'/» Tpolce highly io bb 
Favour, fiTiag, Hedid not think hitn inmibIc,tho' 
he knew him to be extremely loyal { but he wanted 
that Temperof Mind which h&ought to have } an4 
added. That his former Merits Ihould compenrattf 
for hia prefent Slip: Lord FelitaMi waa for con* 
demning titm JirA, and tfaen leave him to the King*> 
Jfcrfcy. Sir Hanj Nctth faid, It was true he had 
been loyal, but did not know whether he wa^ lb 
then ; and was for agreeing with the Committee, 
Mr> ifjA moved to examine him again. Whether' 
any one law thb Book and approyed it befor^ it was 
j)ubti(bed; and was for agreeji^ with the Commit- 
lec. Mr. J^almtr was for making him an Example. , 
Sat Htn*agi Finch faid. The Price of the Book was 
raifed, and that every one hoped a|] would be turned 
up Ade down again j that the burning the Book was 
too tame a Punifbment ; that no Man had MeriJE 
enough to expiate the letting the Kingdo^i in a 
Flame again j and moved to agree in all with the 
Committee. Mr. Anmflef faid. He did agree that , 
the Book was feditious, but the Man repented of it, 
and had formerly merited } that it was hard to ruip 
a Man for the firft Fauk, and -moved to forbear a 
while the Severity of his Ptinifhment, but to burn 
the Book. Sir Jthn NtrthnI faid. It was not faf« 
nor honourable for them .to fpare him ; ftod moved 
to agree iii all with the Committee but the Imprifoo- 
ment. Mr. HtwarJ, "Tiiat tte Was a Perfon who 
was writing a Meiu Teiel upon the Wall ag^nft 
them, and that they would not fo much as rap hiqi 
upon the Fiiigers ; that he oughtto be feverely pu- 
niihed, by being tied up to the Gallows, wliitft his 
Book was burning below it i forifbe, being a Friend, 
wrote in that Muiner, what would their Enemies 
do ? Sir ytbn Pttti moved to have hirt make a pub- ' 
lie Recanution wbiMl his ftook was burning. Mr. 
Kniihtt to make an Example of him, hotwithibuid- 
ing his former Merits. 

At JaftMr. Harrii, moving tb put the Refolvei 

of the Committee, fiogly, to the Q^efiitui, it -w^ 

4 vo.eJ, 


. «/ E N G L A N D. , 21 

vote*t> mm em- That the fiuak was feditious ; tbAAa. n C*r,' a, 
an Impeachment be drAwn agatnA Mr. Orakt ( and ^ }^ . 

thttSir//MMj* A'jwAgo upto thoLordi wiihit, the ji„,«t«. 
nejR Morning, and carry the Bosk along with him. 
But tho' £is PTofecution againft Mr. Drvhvm 
Dtdcrcd in To warm and peremptory a Manner, and 
that he (bouid remain in Citftody of their Seijeant at 
Armtt m do not hnd that the Commons m^de any 
great Hafte in it. Whether it was to punifli the 
poor Man the mote, by making him lie the longer 
in Cuftody, at a great Ejcpence, or the Inierpofitioti 
of other Bufoiefs prevented it i yet, (hou^ the Im- 
peachnfent was brotight in, read, and ordered to be 
iagrofled, on the 26th Infiuit, and the Manner of 
prefenttng it to the Lords ordered to be confidered of 
on Ae 39th, we hear no more of the Matter till the 
^Kb of the next Month, when the Impeathinent was 
aftually fcnt up to the Lordi by the Lord FaManJ. 
To which Time we refer any ^irtber L^quifition of 
this Bu&Dcis. 

NtntttAtr 2t. The Gammons went this DxyA^oAv iM>t( 
again on the Bufmefe of the Court of Wards, wheaj*'" Cw""^ 
Sir Htntagt Finch opened the Debate; by moving, *'*' . 
That tbe annua) Income to be fetilej on the King, 
lA lieu thereof, might be raifed by an Excife un Beer 
and Ale, and toi^e awa^ Purveyance Blfo. And 
that half of ihii Excife might be fettled for the King's 
Life, and th'e other half for ever on the Crown^ 
Thii Motion was fcconded by Mr. Bumklty anit 
l&T.Piertpaint; but Sir Jvbn Frtdtrick, Mr. Jel- 
liffi. Sir William Vincent, Mr, AnntJItj, and (ome 
c^m, fpoke againfl it. The lalt- named Gentleman- 
&ying,. That ir' this Bill was carried, every Man 
who earns bis Bread by the Sweat of h^ Brow muil 
pay Excite, to excufe the Court of Wards, whidi 
wouid'bea greaMrGiievance apon all, than the Court 
of War*k WiB to 3 few./ Sir Anthony ifjhiey Caaper 
^kragainft the Court of Wards, and for the Ex- 
Vi^. --^i. Pryme againfr thri Excife, fayirg, It was 
■ntfit to makeftll HoOfe^teepers hohl in Capicf, and' 
• ■ ^3 ' to 

L\ _...,C".oogIc ' 

23 The Tarliamentary Histpxt 

An. k<:k. M-to free the Nobility: And ftiveighcd, pafltonately, 
, '^^°- . fays the Diary, againft the Eitoifei adding. That ■ 
NoTcinbei.' thofe Lands V'hicb ought to pay^ being held in Ca- 
pii»y {boutd pay fli)]. Mr. Bamjitld fpoke on the ' 
Tanie Side, and laid, Herwas agaitiA an everlafling 
Excife, and for laying the Tax on Lands '" Cepite, 
Mr. BaliiUn alfo was againft ao Excife, faying. If 
it was cdrri' d fu, they mfght expert that, one Time i 
OE oiher, there would be feme Arange Commotions 
by the common People about it } that be wa« rather 
for keeping the Court of Wards, regulated in its 
Proceeding*, than fubmit to an Excife, which, if it 
was kept up, an Army muft bcfo too to fui^n it. 
Sir Yhatnai Ciarges was againft the Excife, IWitig, 
That the Rcbeiliofi in NapLi came from Impofiliona . 
and Eycifes. , This Debate was. ended by Serjeant 
Majnord and Mr, Trtvtr, who both fpoke for an £x> 
cife, though thelaflfaid. That nothing but the Court 
of Wards t' king away fiiould haVe moved him to it. 
At lafV, the Quedion being called for, the HouTe 4i- 
vided, the Numbers 151 againft 149, when it Was 
refolved, That the Moiety of the Excife of Beer, Ale, 
Cyder, Peiry, and flrong Waters, at the Rate it i»U 
now levied, fhall be fettled on the King's Majcfly, his- 
Heirs and Succeflbrs, in full Recompence and Satif- 
faiSion for alt Tenures in C^itiy and by Knight) 
Service; and oftheCourtof Wards andLiveries; and 
all EmMumenCs thereby accruing, and in full Satif- 
fa£liun of all Puri-eyance. Re(blved alio. That tbc 
further Confideration of fettling a Revenue of twelve 
hundred thoufand Pounds a Year, on the King's 
Majefty, be adjourned to Friday the 23d Inftant. 

Tbe Militia Bill J/wtmhtr i^. On this Day the Bill for the.MiU-' 
•pin debated, (ja ^^^ again debated j when Mr. Chafi moyedy 
That the Time of Imprifonment, omitted in ihs' 
Bill, fliould be limited ; and therefote was for re- 
committing it. Sir Anthotif Irhj, for committing it 
to the whole Houfe. Mr. Gaadricky toreflirain the. 
Power of (he Commiffioners, which was unlimited.' . 
in the. Bill ; and moved for the Speaker to leave the> 
Chair. Mr. SteviHi faid th^ ought to take Heed: 


«/ E N G L A N D. er. 

of putfin^ an Iron Yoke about their own Necks, and A*, ii Cw. lU 
d,ebate the Master very fciioufly firft: He added, . ''^- , 
That Jhe Pe^t CtmiiatMi Was foriiicrly fufficient to (jonmber. 
keep ui in Peace, and why it fhould not do fa then, 
be profcflcd he was ignorant i however, he was.fiir 
cgmcnitting it to the whole Houfe. 

This Debate was interrupted by a Mcflage from ln«»wipM4 br * 
Ibe^ordj, by two Maflert in Chancery, Ae^^ip^^^^f^M. 
prefent Conference in (he Painui-Chamhtr, about a . 
Meflage thpy received Yeflerday from his Majefly j 
which being agreed to, Mr. H'Uts reputted the Sub- 
^npe of jh^ pQpference a? follows, viz. 

i Tliaf tl^c Lprd-Chaacellor wai pleafed to." ac- 
qpainf ^(Oii lliat, jfi order to' that good Corref- 
pondcitf^ yijtiKh hath hfep (Continued, and which 
he delircg may eycr be tield, between the two Houfcs, 
That Hpufe had been careft^l to acquaint the Houfe ' 
of Commons with all Matten of Confipquence whicb 
did ocf uf : ^nd that the Lords having received 4 
MelTage from tfie Icing's Majefty YcQcrday^ whicti 
they dclired thct^ fQ b^Y^ pj^'cptly comii^unjcated to 
you, and Icn^ their Meficngers to that Purpofe ; but 
^e impor^nt ^udpffs of the Houfe not then per- 
iqittii^, tt\e Lords had therefore defitcd this Con- 
ference witlf |hem, to conununicaie his Majefty's 
Mell^e to $=n^ i Vifhich A^e^age h^ Lordfnip. 

The faid Menage w^ read t>y the Reporter, 
ftanding in his Place, and afber lea^ by the ClecIC}^ 
and was as followetb, viz. . 


/N Cenfideramn of tbt Swfm e/tht TeOr^ 9^i r^/A MdBr ftm»' 
^IproflfAe/'Chriftmas, whfn Mtmbm '/ B'"'^'^~^^'"^^\ 
mtnt will defitit tt tf at tbiir flcufti in the Cgunlry^ ; 
ami, in t^ga):d rf hii Mtijejij'i Cortnatiaa within a 
Manlb afur Chiiflmas, the Prtparatien far wbifb 
ivilitaie up much of his Ma^eftyi Thtughit and Time^ 
and the Time of hii Servants^ wbis,h tbtreftre Jhsuld 
he vacant frtm tther Bufinefi^ Ni Maj'JIy hath 
thtugbt'fit ta declare. That be refaives to diffahe tbtt 
^afiiamtat en tbt zotb Day of the ntxt Msnth, and; 


IS^ ^ ParHameafOry Hi sTQViY 

fcn. iiCir.n.fp (^li anather wlrh convinitnt Spud ; and that thh 

1 ^ ' °' . hit Purpsft tnaj bt fertbtuith iimmunUated la bit 
NtTcmbet. ^'^''fi' «/ Parliament, that thej may the mare vigs- 
nufif apply tbtmjthei ta the Di/pauhaf the mafi im- 
fertam Bufinijs that itftndi bejtre them. 

Given at our Coun ar Wmtebally the 20th Day 

of NoVemiir, 1660. 
This Meffage being read, Mr, Bunckltf faid it wa( 
a VC17 gracious one ; and moved to fet all private 
Buriflc^ aflde, that the public might be firft dif- 
patched. The Houre then refumed th? Debate on 
the Militia Bill i and our Diary tells us. That 

fjeijimi. Mr. Gilii Eyre made a fet Speech againft giving too 
great a Libeity in that Bill, and Wds for having it 
committed to the whole Houfe, Mr. Stevens moved 
for leaving out the Claufe which was for Martial 
Law. Mr. Bamfielilf That he never faw fuch a 
Bill; faying. There was a ftiartge arbitrary. Straija 
through the whole of it : He repeated fevetal Para- ■ 
graphs in it, to whidi he t«ok Excei'tioQ-s and 
iiioved for having it l^id afide : Adding, 1 hat thi« 
was dircflly taken out of the ^ill inrciided in 56^ 
in Oliver't Parliament, for fettling Major Gererab ' 
throughout the Kingdom. &\t Hineage Finch it^AitA 
(6 this fmart Speech of Mf. Bamfiei£t\ and, as oui; 
Diary fays, artfwered all his Elcceptioi^s againft the ' 
Bill very excellently, and with fome Shirpnefs j and 
nloved to commit the Billj which the Houfe agreed., 
to, and ordered it Ihould be committed to the whole ' 
Houfe logo upon th^24th luftant, 
VwCant of Ntvtmber 27. No, Debates happentpd^ in th« 

~~ ' ' i Houfe, worth Notice, till this Day } when the State 
of the King's Revenue, and the Settlement forthft 
Courtof Wards, was again takrn up. Mr. Prjmii 
begin the Debate, by moving the Houfe to conR- 
<Ier, firft, what legal Things might be offered to 
fpake up the King's Revenue, before ^ey fell upon 
theExcife; and named theCuftoAs of irtlanduii 
Seaiiapd, the Poft-Office, and feveral- others. Sir 
Samuel Jvt fpolcefor iht fxcife. Sir Georgt 
^ewmMg Cud, The Cuftotus did not amounttb 
400,000 it 


er E NO t A NTJf. %B 

4pO,OQo/. a-yeu; an^i for thelmptoMweat'Of lh»<b> tvOntt* 
Kin^ Puks. there worpdivrraGsana mf^hy hm' . '** ' *■ ^ 
lafe Kingtohii Setv^ts, ^hich yere theaclakard). )bnah«r 
foj:h3Ctho<ef:OHU);not bc-valneJ - tilt they «v«.fur- ' 

vcyed and fettled i and tfacre^ire moved to>fettle ttt^ 
otW Moiety of the Ej^c.upca the Kini;. CdI>> 
' Aifn^and Mr. Befiawm nifwed fur in^lfiag 4attt' 
the State of the King's piefeut {tievenwfsfi* huI > 
what was wantisg tfaere, bcfon they vofad aa Ail" 
diiion. Serjcaqt C h atit t H faid, It'WH femwftof^ 
fibJc to know cxa^y the Value of thr King'p Rck 
venuf, and therefore moved for «uttii^.|th*)(^Aioii< 
fof the ExcHor Hereupon an Efiimate vqatreiidof 
thji Value.of the Kii^'i Revenue j whicK byCom- 
pvtation, canictoSiQ^OOp^ 9ddMan«]r-. T'Cihit* 
Col. Birth faidt That, by hu Cumptitatiaiv* hMould.; . ' 

notmake it ainount tomoic than. iio,o(MlJ^ asdf' 
thereforc.novedto refier it to-(t ComoMttcetD eiM"' 
mine. Sir Jibm Warthat tut), . The King's Revuilis ' 
was underrratcd { and movet),, that the ExeifejniitA'' 
be fettled in.fijl for the Revciuub &i( HtiJigft 
/jmc^. (aid. It wa» not maicriait whether tbe>'Wted*<i 
inJuU^oTMpaxt, were infettv^, and twwcAfor tW" 
QvcAipn.} whichbeing^aliedftir, tb^H«u<e^wi^ 
out dividing, voted, Thu the other M«iety of"ths',' 
Excifeon Beer, Ale, Cydei;, Pcfry«,$lrQng;WBtenu'^ 
Cbocolet (a). Coffee, Sherbet, and Metheglin, be 
fettled upon the King during hs Ijfc, la ivA of the 
1,200,000 /• ftr Amum Roveiu»tiifi|lved t9be<flt^ - 
ded on his M^fty. 

* RcTolved, That the fsveral Paiticslam cf Cho-^i^g,!,,^.^^ 
colet. Coffee, Shnbet^ aii4 M«th^lia» be a<kle4*i u< C«o(b< 
fo the Tormer Vote fQcfettlingaM^iwytif the<EiMd<t^ 
of Beer and A'e on his, MMcfly, in CoaipailCuaa* >. 
^r the Court of Wards and PuFveyvwes, 

< Relblved, That the Time foriCoowieofeaiefit : ' 
of that Part of his M^j^y's Revenue, which is 14 '< 
arife from the Excife of Beer, Ale, tgt. be ihc a jdi 
^.Duembtr,, \f>bo, 

«Re([>lved,.Tfaatthe'Coinfflittaeferhn M^iefty*«-' 
Kfivcnile be revived i and that they do Hiect, dt DU 
in . 
{a} btbe Orf^oilj CbtetLin 

2(5 7^ ^i^iiemmtary History 

*' '««?'■**■"' ^**^> *"■* ''" ** ''"'« o'CJock this Afternpofix 
'°"' -. io dx Qu«n*B Court j and Mr. Lmnhery Sir ^sAw, ' 

^ TWi^/, Mr. BtfcavuHi and Mr. Riamsy vt sddedl 
to the Committee. . 

On s Motion of the Lord fakiitia (a), . it was ,re- 
fcJTcdr ' That it be referred to the Committee (o|F 
his Miyefty's Revenue to Hate the feverjj particulac 
Heads from which the yearly Revenue of 1,200,000 '.. 
(ex his Majcfty is to arife;>nd tn prepare Bills, as, 
they fliall find neccfiarr, for die feiding and making 
the fame effeftual, and to report the whole to the 
Hotife: And Cot. King, Mr. Elitat^ and Mr- ^i"^* 
ate added to dut CommitKC, 

' Refblyed, That the Committee that brought in 
t^ Excife Bill be reived ; and that they fit this 
Aftenioon, ^pd (peedi>y confider of fprming the faid 
Bill, as to fbmgn and inland Cbmmotfoies, in fuch 
Sort as may be- conGftent wit^ ttie Votes of this ~ 
Houfe, for fettling the Excife of Beer and Ale on bis. - 
Majefly, and to' ftrike out of the Bill ^fe ClauTe^ 
which concern Ale and Beer :- And they are to in* 
fonn themfelves ^phat Debts have been ^barged by. 
this Parliament on the Receipt of Excife, and yrhjac 
oAer public Debts are charged thereon, and to re- 
port a lift of them to the Houfe : And t^c faid 
Omimittee are to meet, dt bit in Diem, till the 
ftme be pcrfeded^ and rgjoft die ^hole to the 

' ReToIved, 7*hat the Members of this Houle, 
who are of his Majefty's Privy Council, be delired 
.to attend the King's MajcSy, and humbly reprefene 

' M him, in the Name of this Houie, the great Senfe- 
tfais Houle hath of the many ExpreiRons of Grace 
"wlHch they have received from his Majefty in Ijis, 
feMral Declarations ; sukI alfo to acquaint hjs Ma- 
jefly with the great Unanimity of this Houfe, in fet- ' 

, tline a'Hevenue cSf 1,200,000/. p*r jfmum on hia^ 
Majefty, according to ihcir former Vote.'- 

Ntvembtr 29. Two religious. Bills, engroflcd, ^ 

were read a (econd Time, one againft die Profana*. . 

. t»n. . 

(a} Arllar ^mfy, Efi;. who, by Che Dath of hii Fitbcr, wit 
thcoVilcouoc VMittiaf aftetw'inllZulrf AfV?' 

ipea of the Lar^i Day, the othrr Kainft i>ro6iii| ^ ^C* H( 

Curiing and Swearing, tf<. Sir Jehu Adajbai fyofck ^ *^' - 

agaJnft the former* «rid ¥ru fortbrowing itont, liat^ Kw^brr, 

being ratisficd which ITay in the Woek wu the Zwiy 

i>0;', that ought to be kept holier than tbe reft, but 

Jaid, It was Novelty. Oo which Mr. Piymt got 

up and fpolce for the Bill, aJledgtng feveral ReaToni, 

and vouching diven Autkorities for the Antiquity ti- 

the Cuftom. Sir Ra^ jffitn moved. That the 

Speakei fliquld rq>rove Sir y§hn Majbam^ for what 

1^ fatd relating to the Sabbath. Sir J»h» laid. He 

fpdte againft 3ie Bill only beciufe it wai a Tranf- 

cript o( one in Oln^t Timr, and therefore he couM 

not coofent to any thing that was done by him. 

To which Sir Gttrge BmiI anfweied. That the I>e< 

vil fpuke Scripture fometimes { and moved for 

Ixab the Bills to'paftj which wai ordered accord^ 


Tbe lame Day a Bill for. making the King's D^ 
daration, touching Kcclefiailical Affairs, effedtual. 
wu liead a firA Time ; on which a long and notable 
i)cbatc enlued, which we give alio from our Manu- 
fwpt Diary. 

Sir AlUn BntlirUk moved to lay the Bill afide, ^ W l><bM 
' faying. The King would fuddenly call a new Parlia-^^l^jSI*;, 
incnt, and with them a Synod ; and moved to let thitniipou A&in. 
alone tili then. This Motion was feconded by Lord 
Rubariijn (b); buC Mr. Sttveni was for having the 
Bill read again, as it would not ftaqd with tbe Ho- 
nour of tbe I'arliament to lay it afide. Sir Gtirgg 
Rtemty on the contrary, was againft the Bill, and 
to be fatisficd with the King's Declaration. Mr. 
.Kfigbtlty, for reading of it ag^n; as was alfo Sir 
yehn Ntrtbeit, Sit CUmtnt Tbrtckmorttn fpoke 
againft tbe Bill, but very highly for the Declaration ^ 
and faid. Thai the Bill gave too ^at a Tolerationi 
and made the fiifbops no moretfain Vix H praterta 
nihil. Mr. BmukUy faid, That without a Bill tbe 
Declaration would be inlignificant ) that it was very 
fining that many Things in the Liturgy Oiould b« 
altered. He produceil a Book, printed in 1641, 

/*; BttOBff &«cw4.ia fMJn^ iiU H«nl«r for Ibr/^ 


|j|.MOn( H-n^ch was theOpinioiB of the Bffliops of Jnnag/i- 
^ '°'^- . and L'lKtia^ Dr. PritUaux, Dr.- ^<irrf. Dr. fto/^, 
)l«vn]3«, ^ ^- ■^"^"i ^at fcveral Tiun^ in the I<ituTgy 
fliould be redlified i snd moved for another Reading 
of the Bill, Lord Faiiitmd fpoke for the Oedant- 
tion, but •gainft the fiUl. Mi. Htxry Hungtrftnt 
oroved. That all t^fe, who pretended to lb inucb 
Loyal^. fliQuld agree witli the Kind's Delire, that 
tjtcy might ^ go down into the Country, and be 
well accepted (here t wbicfa, b» faid^ they could naf, 
better defence, thaoby fctting tl^ gmat Afiair in Or- 
diu before tbcii Oiflblatioiu And, after a very long' 
Speech, be concluded fu tending the Bill again^ 
Mr. /*tfWrandMr. Mvmjnt both IpotKe in Favou 
of the Declaration, but againfttbe Bifl, Sir Rxben 
fafitn for the fame \ but none of their Argumenu 
are noted in the Diary. On the othec SidCf Mr. 
JSeuiard faid. That the prefent Bulinct was of the 
hi^eft Ce*cemiBent that ever yet was brought be-' 
fore then^ wberein.the Honour of God \mu (b mvclt 
concCToed, aswtU at thePeaceof tbeNatknu He 
moved, therefore. That the Bill (bould be read agjun 
ii^ three D«ys. Sir RkhardTin^ faid, That there 
* wv no Rept^sancy betureen the Declaration and 

die Bill ; and moved foe having it i»ad again at tho^ 

Tbc'Debate AiM contiBniMg, ow'Diarygoeson 
intb it and tells us. That Sir Tismaj ^wm fpoke 
^infl the B^l and bid,, That tomake ibi* Bill &: 
Law, was tbe Way to majcc all Papifc, and other 
Heretics, rejoice, fincc it would w4iolIy »niove alL 
Conformity in the Cbwch t and tbereforc moved to. 
Uy the Bill then afidc,. and leave it to aootber Par-' 
liament and a Synod. Mr. Jthn Sfeonn. bid. The. 
King had taken much Tinv ajid Deliberation to 
conuder it wdl, before he publiflted his Declaration. 
To ibis Mr. Secretary HurtUt added, That the (ame 
Man who was Tick might becurcd with a Medicine 
It one Time, which would not help at another ; and 
that fome Things are lealsnaUe noiw, which were- 
BOt fo at another. That Matters were not only to 
be donC} but wcU doac £oBKtuiu» & Woivid 

L„ ......C.ooglc 

j5f E NGL A.-N-D. 2^ 

Would keal of jtfcjf^ if you applied ootbnig tD it ( V- v^- ■* 
Mid added, that Time would ifSitez do tkat Good . ^ ^ 
which they dcAied, than to hav6;it enforced hj > Nora^ 
Bill } and therefoie hewai for Uyvig it'aiide> 

On the other Side again Mr. r««V fvd, H< Iu4 
rather ihc Bill bad never bccD broufht in,- thao that 
it (hoM now be laid a&de ] that Fhe Osftmopjiw «f 
the Church were not of that gteat Weight, a>t* 
embroil ui agaiajn a new Wai : ,But:t)Mi fonc Iilr 
dolgence ought tobegiveotofpshait had veDtutod 
ibeir Uva f'ix the Qovd of all. H« (^^ He could 
not hope for any B^nchtto be l^d by.K Syaod, b^r 
cs^ufe the Spirits of tlie Clergy, for their laieSuffcn- 
iiuSf would be quid) higher in K«rcf)tn)eaC thantbr 
Minds of the Houfc were there i and moved fix a 
fecond Reading. Sir Sekftm S\v^U fpdce againA 
the Bill, butfortiiePfclaratiofi, faying, <Tb«tlioc» 
t;he Governmient, of the Chuich wu defpifed, how 
were they fallen into CanftiGon l ^i moved, Thiit 
tb» Lawt eftaUiflud mi^t fuffin, and not frutw 
this into a new one. Mr. £e^«r^faid| TheKin^ 
by hia Declaratio^n, having dcTirod an Indulgence, 
he hoped they wouM not reCft it i and therefne 
he Rvoved. the Bill n^^ pafi. till the £ifl Seffictt 
of the next Parliament ; and was for having«d 
again in three D^s. Sit Join Mi/tam faid, Tb^ 
had before thfjir* an cKCcllcnt Declaration* metar 
niQrphofcd into a very ugiy Bil} % that the ICing*j 
Intention was for^ Settlement of Rdigion amongft 
us, which futely this Bill did thwaft ; and mora 
to throw it out, Mr. Prymu anfwered the laft 
Speaker, and faid. The DeQlaratton waa . to fettl* 
' Peace in the Kingdom, only, which the Bill did not 
confirm t and what a Wonder would it bcj af&r they 
had given the King Thanks, to throw out the Biffl. 
"Mr-Thurland faid, It wa* very difpu table. Whether 
fuch an excellent Declaration would make an exod-' 
lent Law : He thought not, giving fa great a Tole- 
ration, and endeavouring to lellen the Liturgy. Bs 
added. That he never knew a^ Declaration, by 
Wholefdie, voted into an Aifl'i aod moved to lay 
this aTide for the prefcnt. Col. Siafte: tu^y I'hat 


J8 7be ^drUamkfary HisTCikY 

a. ra Cir. n.Jhe Kii^s Hbnour' and the Honour of the Hduffl 
^-'"°' . Wire both concerned in this Bill, That Irthndvil 
tlonmMr. ^i^y pl^fed with the Deciafatioh; and begged fgir 
Bowels 6f Mercy ofie towards another; 2nd ivasfol' 
tee Bill, fjir Httkagi PinA was as much for In- 
dulgence (d tender Conrcieiicet as any j but raid, n 
tauft be thrti lifed hnd allowed to fuch as coufd hot 
«bnfcnt to ftchF a Liberty as ihfc Bill offered : Ncithcir 
did be think ii was (he King's Oeftre to have it piit 
into a Bill; that the Catholics wotiltl Upbraid theni 
with doing If^ur^ to them, for fo many Yearsj fdt 
not going to Church, when we were going, fays he*, 
by an AA, to tc^rdte it in ottters; He was not fot 
taking aWay the Rule (A Conformity, nor yet for 
throwing out the Bill; but he wiOii^d it had nev^ 
4>ecn brought in, and ttioVed fbr a fetond Reading 
&me other TIrMj rather on that Day Se'nnight. 

Mr. Sw'infen- Was for having the Bill read agaii^ 
«] three Days,' faying) frothing was more hoped by 
"the People, than- ibe paflitig this Brll; and therefore 
th^ (Might not to deceive them; That he thought 
it- would not grate the Bifliops at a'l, be'caufe they 
■vnii with the Kjng; at the framing the Declaration. 
■Lord Bruct faid', They might ai well make cve^ 
iiy Aft of Grace IVom the Kmc into a Lkw as 
thisi which he was UtteHy agalnft; and moved to 
■ttdjourn die Debate. TYAz l£ft Mb'iloh for adjoilrn- 
■ing the Debate, tx-throiw out theSni, was FoUoweil 
% Mr. MntUgu; Mr. AUtn^ SPr jBilathan Copf^ 
JMr. Pabneri 6rtd Mr. Barim; WKIeh laft faid. He 
^Was ^ainft making the Declaration fnto a Law* 
-neither ought it to be fo, t II the King hatl confulccd 
with the Synod. Serjeant Majnard concluded this 
long Debate, in faying, He was againfl: pafling tills 
Sill, becaufe it gave too great a Liberty, yet would 
■not fcem to rejcfl it by a Vote, becaure ihc King's 
-Declaration, on which the Bill was built, was fo 
pteafing to cvety one. He moved rather to put the 
Qucfliun, (which was done immediately) Whether 
the Bill ihould be read a fccond Time? The Houfe 
divided upen tr, when the Numbers were 157 for, 
and 183 a^iiift, a fecond Reading. ' Sir Anihny . 


V E N O L A N 5; 31 

^miSiiGetrgtBioib Tellers for the Ycu; SiTAi. is.Crtidi 

StUman SwaU and Mi. ' Paimr, for the Noes. . '""• ^ ^ 

AU tbb wtiilci and fome Time after, wbtlft thU 'ui^iliJ^^ 
^nd other great Debates were carrying on in ths 
Houfe of C^oions, the J»Hrmait of the Lords fiir> 

' tiilh little ot nothing to our PurpoJc ; that HouG; be- 
lt^ employed wholly. in tryiog Caufes, or in reading 

. fuch Bills as the other Hdufe had fcnt up, in the 
fbroier of which, they had fitU fivrincfs, ftom the 
Multiplicity of Af&jrs which had gone wrong in 
Families during the late Troubles. The Cnmnutt i 
yeurnaii^ therefore^ and ou^ explanatory Diary; mvft 
be our chiefeft'Guidcs to carry us oir to the End of 

. this Seffion and Parliament, , ' ' 

ttvoimbir AQ, The Lord Hnvaard^ who was lent 
to the Ktng with a MeJlage from this Houfe, rohi- 
ting to the late Seitiemcnt on his Majelty, in lieu of 
the Court of Wards, reported, That he had attend- 

• tA his Majelty, and rtpreienre^.to him the Senfe 
of the Houfe on that OccaTioni and that his Ma- 
jefty was pleafed to return for Anfwer, ' That he 
' gave the Houle ThanJcs for their Care of him, and 
* attired them he would employ that Revenue for 

. < the Good of tl^m.and Hie Kingdom. 

A Bill had been brought into the Houfe of Lords, 

. and paflbd, Ffr the Rtfiifutim tf- Thomas Earl ef 

Arundel, Surrey arid Noifoll(, to tht Dignity ani 

. Title tfDiUi e/Norfolk. But how this Bill came to 

. pafs there,: wc.Knyw not j for ijicir Jeurnalt inform 

, us, That, when tite Committee, iqide their Report 

in this Cafe, they faid, They had examined Itvend 

WitneUes . concfirfiing the prefcnt Condition of the 

faid Earl, ai^ their Lordihips were informed. That 

he was a perfect Lunatic, and had a conf^ant Phyji- 

cian with him : Thjfc he lived in the heft Houfe- in 

PaduOy and bad twelve ^crvantE to attend him, aod 

;_»11 Th.ipgs fittng t» h;s Quality. Yet, upon fend-7 

ing to the King, to know hi) Pleafure therein, and 

leceiving an Anfwer that he had confented, the Bill 

was paHed^ and fent down to the Cummons \ where, 


J4 Tfcipflt-Ajwtotfiai^ ttistbfcy 

**^^'*i>tvlte<«3ond Reading of itthn Day* pww IHe* 

_^" ' . I bate* enCKed thm vaa comnion ftw a pHvace Bill. 

Oiir Diuf ttOtvay-ThaX Scrjinuit Majnmi vsA 
-Mr. .MfrmlMboppcrfitd this BUIt^tfarlatw fajFrng, 
That it WHS'^mmotcd t^ his Lordftip^s 'BMKber> 
^W«>asi&'ltfn*«n f^ipift, and Ak^t it fothiiDfclf t 
'that Mr. BtJut^, Sir yebn^nbnt, &t Gmtt 
•£tnif, Mr. KnightJtf, Mr. iTw;^, and Lofd JliA- 
Ymtf, fpoke fbrrudtng the Bill then agMin* orcom- 
'tntltinK'it ; which occafimed, fays ourAinhtdityj m 
^reat'Dcbatc, Whether the Q^eftion fbould be to 
'read the Bills third Time, er tb onninit it r It 
was «grecd that 'the ' meft regular Wtf «u tocmi- 
tnit it. A Committee Iwrctipon beit^ 'named, fe- 
Veral Members were put down for it, who were not 
<4heninthe Houfe; or which Mr. Hatkf obfervedt 
That it was Bgainft an Order <>f the Houfe to nufie 
fuch, unlefs my Gemlfiaan did move partkttlatly 

An ingfofsM Bill, intituled, An A^firpt-akhitini 
ih* EjipmaiHH of l^ttUt ff^»dt'P*it, Fklkri Banihy 
■tr-ary KiwH •[ fcturittg Earth, was (ead a third 
TiMe Bn<J palkid, with the Addition to make it Ft' 
' kny. Mr. Fryjow moved to have the Time limit- 
«d. ?,\t Gtorge Dntminit^\ti&\tt ahdfaid, ThAc 
were at leafl 80,000 People in franct employed ia 
wa[4:ing up Engli/h and Irifi Woolt, ahd ihctcfore 
moved, That the Punifbinent might not be limited. 
fitx Anthtt^ Afiliy Geoper moved to ntfert TobKcco- 
Pipe Clay into the Bill likewife, it bckig luch as the . 
flinch make ufe of inftead of FuHen iiahh. O- 
■'dei*d, That'Sif G*»r^/ Dotuiang do Carry this Bill 

A Bill againft platiting Tobacco in Etij^nd was , 
read * firil Tiffle. Mr. Prjnm fpA'e againft k^ 
bccaufeitforitad the [damin| any Tobacco, thoogb 
for Phyiic or Surgery. But Mr. Kmght, Mr. Har- 
rit, and Str Gttrgt Detviting, rpCBking for the Bill, . 
it was read a fccond Timet Bild committed to tfce 
Comnutice for Tiade. 


er E N.G L A ND. jj 

i^ovmber 30. This Day, after a long Debate ■*«» iiC.(. n. 
■what Bufincfs fliould be firft done, the Qjcftion was . _ '^'°: ^ 
put. Whether Mr. Ferrtn Ihould make his Report novembei,'' 
concerning the Bill, Foy Allowance of Maintenance ■ 
to Wives feparated from their Hufljands on Jli^t 
Occaltons. On which the Hnufe divided into Yeas 
50, Noes j6 ; and the Report was made of fume 
Amendments to the Bill, which be read in his Place* 
and afterwards delivered theM in at (he Table. 

Sir Rdpb AJhim opened the Debate on this Bill, f^^^^ lybm - 
and moved, in Behalf of it, That no AilowanceonihcBiUfot 
ftjould be made to Wives on that Occafion. Hc'"«P*"w***i'»"* 
laid} It was againil the Law of God and the Realm -^""^ 
that he did not make this Motion for hb own private 
Concernment^ but for the future public Good, tho* 
he had been a Stranger to his Wife and Children 
now near twelve Years, and never had any Comfort 
from them in all that Time. Hethcreforcearneflly de- 
lired the Houfe toconfidcrof it, andnot toallowhis 
Wife all her Alimony Iince^«n« 22, 1649, Sirj'ois 
Northcet moved. That in cafe a Man had contrafied 
any Difeafe, which was dangerous to his Wife, there 
the Wife to have an Allowance, as being a lawful 
Caufe in living from him. Sir Htneage Fiach faid. 
That the Houfe was moil of them Fathers as welt 
asHufbands, and that therefore Regard was to.b* 
bad to Daughters for the future, as well as to Wives 
at prcfent : He therefore moved that the Claufe 
. might fluid, and 'that the Ecclefiafllcal Jurifdidion 
might, for the future, regulate fuch Enormitiest 
Col. Shapnt moved againft all Ecclefiafticat Jurif- 
di&ion, faying. That for a Hen flying into a Church- 
yard, or fome fuch Trifle, they would have excom- 
municated a Man formerly. Mr. Streudy Mr. 
Rjcbf and ^It. Knigbt, were- for re-committing the 
Bill, that there might be Care taken for Women 
that cannot live with froward Hufbands. Mr. Prjnrut - 

on the contrary. Was for no A£t at all, faying. There 
fras Provifion enough taken by the Law already j 
that this was the Way to make good Wives bad> 
and bad Wives worfe } that, for Neceflaries, every 
Man ought to sUoW j but, for Difoiders, a Man 
VoL.XXm. . C might 


'34- ^^' Parliamentary History 

ji. II Cir.n.might give his Wife due Correftion ; And as for 
1660. Alimony, he faid. It was a new Thing ; and moved 

"oi^^^^ to throw both the Claufe and the Bill out tc^cther. 
Mr, Hildyard moved in Behalf of a Woman that 
never gave her Hufband any juft Occasion to quar- 
lei with her, that Care fliould be taken for fuch. 
Mr. Holies concluded this Debate, by moving to re- 

. commit the Bill, hecaufc there ought to be a Provi- 

fion made for fuch Women as had very bad Hufbandsi 
and That he underftood belonged not to a moderate 
CorretElion, before fpokeit of. Ordered to re-commit 
the Bill. 

The Bill for erecting and endowing of Vicarages 
out of appropriate Reflorics, was read a third Time 
and paHed. 

Decimher i. The Bill for Continuance of fbe 
' Excife, in Rccdmpence of the Court of Wards and 
' Purveyances, was read a fecond Time. 

Mr. Mtmiagu, Mr. Pierepeint, and Mr. Prpmty 

were for having the Bill re-committed, ur^ng. That 

the Penalties were too fcvcre, as for a Man to go 

teri Miles to enter what he brews, or forfeit twenty 

Pounds. And Mr. Prynnt added, That they could 

' not rake away the Court of Wards, which was an 

ancient Prerogative of the Crown, without Breach - 

of their Oaths. Lord VaUntie, to re-commit the 

■ Bill to the whole Hotife. Mr. Knight moved agalnft 

' the Unreafonablenefs of the Bill, in fearching Houfes 

" by D.ay and Night, and was for re-commiiting it. It 

was ordered accordingly to a Grand Committee of ths 

" whole Houfe, who were to fit, dt Dii in Diem, tvcrj 

\ ' .Afternoon, till that Bufinefe was difpatched. 

Lord VoUntia moved the Houfe in Behalf of Al- 

cJerman Backv.ell, to be falisfied in the Sum of 

20,000/. which he procured and advanced fiir the 

' Queen c,f Bohemia anA the Princefs Royal ; likeWife 

80C0/ i'n Dunkirk,- far which, by a Vote of the 

■ Houle, he was to be fatisfieci imt of the Excife. His 

' Lordt'hip thtjcfore moved' for a Provifo in the Ait, 

■for his Satisfaction; which, he thought, the Houfe 

' was bound to in Honour and Jufticei This Motion 




fras re<!Dncled by Mr. Bodurda ( and upon it the An. ii C« W, 
Houfc declared, That the Service Alderman Back- , '^''- ^ 
Well did was a good Service, and very acceptable to Ji^ttni^ 
the Houre ; and thit be Ihould not fuffcr thereby, 
either in Reputation or Edate, It was therefore or- 
dered, That the Security on Excife given to Alder- 
man Backvtetlf {hould not be altered without hi; 

Dectmber^. TheBill for theReftitutionof theEarlOn tlieKdHta. 
. o^Arumid, (^e. to thcTitleof Dukeof Wor/irf, was^™^*^^* 
■ brought from the Committee to whom it was tcfer-^,fl. "* 

cdj unaltered, and was read a third Time. 

The Manufctipt Diary informs us, (hat Mr. Sttvms 
fpoke very earn^flly againft paling the Bill, faying, 
' TTiat the Earl of jrundil was always bred amongft 
thofe who were Enemies to the Proteflants; tlwt 
the Earl was diftrafled ; and that if he was here, it 
was a Queftion whether they would confirm the 
Title; for, in his Opinion, it was giving Honouna 
the Man in the Moon. On the other Side Sir Ro- 
bert Pajion faid, That the Earl's Want of Senfes 
ibould ra'her gain him more Advocates than Ene- 
mies \ that the Lords had already examined Wit- 
nefles concerning his prefenc Condition of Mind, 
and were faiisficd with it ; that he himfelf was not 
fatisfied fully conwining the Death of the late Duke 
oi Nor/ili, but thought the Refloration of the Ho- 
nour could be no Prejudice to any one ; and there- 
fore moved to have the Bill pafs. Mr. Prynnt fpoke 
againft the Bill, faying. It was Nonfenfe, becaufe it 
did not exprefs from whence the firfl Honour came, 
nor to whom given ; that here was no Patent pro- 
duced, nor any Form how the late Duke was at « 
tainted ; and faid, the Earl ought to have petitioned 
for his Honour ; but that here was no fuch Thing. 
Sir Richard On/low moved for the Bill, faying. That , 
he waj one of the Guardians, and thought it very fie 
ic fhould pafs. Sir Joha Holland was for pa^re 
the Bill. Mr. Tbmas moved to have that Part cj 
the Bdl, which reflcfted upon Queen EHouibtthy 
amended at the Table, and then to pafs it. Mr. 


36 The Parliamentary History 

An. 11 Cir. II, H'l^flri/ and Lord Bruce, for the Bill. Col. Kin^^ 
,.'*'■ . againft it, faying, It was fit to have the Earl here, 
December. ^^^'^ ^^ Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy might 
be tendered to him. Lord Falkiand faid. He thought 
him as powerful . to do Mifchicf as an Earl or a 
Duke, and was for the Bill, Sir Jthn Majkam for 
it. Serjeant Charlton faid. The Houfe wasnotrei- 
dy yet for paffing (he Bill, without examining the 
Record and the Indiflment of the late Duke 5 that it 
\ was Atting the Earl himfelf fhoutd be here, but if be 

was fo far diRra£)ed, it was better to take his Honour 
fromlilm, and beftow it upon the next worthy Per- 
fon in the Family ; adding,' That it was fitter to ufe 
the Earl as Nebtuhadntzzar was, to fend him amongfl: 
Beafts, for he had not the ordinary Cleanlinefs of 
one; and moved tore-commit the Bill. Another 
Mr. Howard anA Sir Riihard Temple fpoke for the 
Bill ; Sir Richard Hopkim againft it, as it now was, 
bccaufe it reflefled upon Q^ieen Elixabtth'i Govern- 
■ ment, and moved to amend it. Col. Shap<gt, to have 
the Bill amended ; clfe, he faid, he could not vote 
for it. The Lord Heward and Sir Ifarry Ntrih^ 
for the Bill. Mr. Bamfield was againft the Pre- 
amble of it, becaufe it faid that the Duke of Norfalk 
fuffered principally for endeavouring to marry the 
Queen of Scats ; neither did the Bill fhew whether 
the Honour was entailed or no, which ought to have 
' been done. He faid he did not underlland why 
they Oiould confer Honour upon a mad Man ; nei- 
ther was it fit to give an Aflof Grace to thofc of 
the Popifli Religion. He alfo moved to fend for (he 
' Earl over, but was againft the Bill. Mr. PJtydaU 
' iaid, It was unreafonablc to urge the Bill then, hc- 
caule of the Earl's Diflemper; but when the SucceBbr 
came it would be then proper to do it. ^aTbamat 
Mtertt faid. That, when the Duke of Samtrfefi 
Bill palTed, the King faid it was for ain extraordinarjr 
PerToh ; and if this Perfon could be juftified to be u 
deferving, he would give him his Vote ; elfe he de- 
fired the Bill might be thrown out. Sir Geergt 
Dmming for the Bill ; faying, T^e late Duke wu 
not a Papift, » was obje^ed to him* bccaufe be de* 


e/' E N G. L A N D. 37 

nied it at his Trial. Serjeant Rantiford againft*"- '* CwH« 
betlowing Honours upon any of the PoptQi Religion, . " ^•' 
vrhich he underAood this ramily was of ; and un- 
lefs they took the Oaths he was againft the Bill. 
But, laftly,- Mr. Trever and Sir Georgi Reevetf 
fpcaking for the Bill, theQueftion was called for, 
and, being-put, the Houfe dividedupon it intoYeas 
1S7, Noes 116: A Isrgc Majority after all this De- 
bate about it. Tlie Bill was ordered to be return'd 
to ttK Lords by Mr. Heward, 

Dtambtr 4. TTiis Day Mr. Thsmat reported t6 
the Houfe, from the Committee, fome Amendment* 
and three Proyifoes to the Bill of Attainder, which 
were read. 

Mr. Gasdriei offered a Petition from Edmwti _ 
Cbailaner, Nephew of Tianus Challmtr, one of the ' 
King's Judges } wherein he fliewed, That his Uncle 
died before the ASt came out, and was not named 
.in the Proclamation ; therefore he begg'd he might 
not be included in the Bill of Attainder. Mr. Prpnt 
fpoke againft the Petition ; Sir Thomas Widdringtea 
ipx; it. Capt. litus fatd. That be fbould willingly 
co^fent to it, but not unlefs be could be fatisned 
whether thofc Men, who fat as Judges, had made 
any Provifion for the King's Children after hfs 
Death. Mr. Rauliffe moved for an Allowance ID 
'be made of jull DAts, Legacies, and Funeral Ex- 
penc'es, out of this Forfeiture of thofe four Perfons 
Eftates who have been attainted after their Deaths. 
wz. Cretfiwillt Prydtt Bradjhawt, and Irtton. Sir 
'jthit Nerthcel v/as againfl paying the Funeral Ei- 
pcnces of Cremwel and Bradjhawt. Mr. MUn aii4 
tord Valentia moved in Favour of the Executors,' 
That tbey might not be ruined for what they ba4 
paid, becaufethey were compelled to pay the Lega- 
cies by l^nr ; but that a Provifo might be added v\ 
the Bill concerning it. Sir Htneage Finch f^id. 
That this Bill was the prime Sacrificeto Juftice 
that the Parliament had made ; that neither the 
' Queen, nor any of the Royal Family, had theleaft 
' Kelief from thofc People, but were left to-Aarve in 
C 3 ' Ejulci 


jS ^be Parliamentary History 

Afl. tiCir.Il.Exile; and moved that, if the Debts on Bond ba 
^^1 ^ allowed them,. the Book-Debts ftould be fo too; 
Dccunbtt! *''^* ^^ '^'" £hould be engroflcd, and fuch Provifoes 
taken Care for as vere proper to be received, 
Mr, HiUes laid, He had as great an Abhorrence of 
that black Crew as any one; and therefore moved 
rather to confider the poor Creditors, their Wives 
and Children, and ihe Executors, by a Provifo. 
Serjeant Charlton faid, That, in Scripture, we are 
told that the whole Families of Traitors were de- 
^royeS: "^^aX the Cafe was not alike in private 
Bonds, as it was in this, where the Perfons were 
attainted. He moved to leave it to the Law, whc> 
ther to allow any Legacies or nut ; but added. It 
Was feafo^ble the Legatee fhould refund, and was 
for putting the Bill to ihe Queftion immediately. 
Sir Anthony JJhhy Coeper faid. There was Reafon to 
allow Settlements before Marriage^ or as far retro- 
fpefl as the Year 1647. Sk EJiuard Turner was 
againft paying their Debts at all, and was for the 
Qycftion, Lol. Shapcot faid, Tfiat to deny the 
Payment of their Debts, was to punifh the hontil 
Cieditors, not tlie Offenders j and therefore moved 
(o confider ihofe poor People, by a Provifo large 
enough for the Purpofc , , On the contrary Blr. 
Prynne fpoke againft any Provifo,. faying, There 

' were none for the Gunpowder Traitors, nor any el^i: 
that ever were Traitors before. Capt\ Titui endejd 
this Debate, by obferving, That Execution did not 
leave Traitors at their Graves, but followed them 
beyond it : And that, fince the Heads and Limbs of 
fome were already put upon the Gates, he hoped the 
Houfe would order that the Carca^ of thofe 
Devils, who were buried at Wtfimitifter^ CiomweJl^ 
B-adJhaWfy Irtim, and Pr^^ might be lorn out of 
their Graves, dragged to Tyburn, thete to hang for 

' fome Time, and afterwards be buried 'under ibc 
Gallows. This Motion was agreed to, fays the 
Piaty, ntm. can, and is confirmed by the ysurnaUy 
where the Order is entered at large. Ordered alio, 
Tl^at ?4ffWf Nor/elif Eft], Serjeant at Arms, fhould 


5^ E N G L A N X).. 39 

fee (a) Execution done upon the Bodies: and that Aii.]ji Car. ![• 
Capt- Titui do carry up the Order to the Lords for . '^^- ; 
, iheir Concurrence ; which was ^reed to the fame 0jt4n,b„ 
Day. The Bill to he engroffed. 

This Day alfo the longdefigned Impeacbment 
agatnft Mr. fVlUiam Draii waj ordered to be car- 
ried up to the Houfc of Lords, by the Lord Falk- 
land, and delivered at the Bar of that Houfe, in the 
Name of the Houfe of Commons, and of ajl the 
Commons in Enghmd. This Impeachment is en* 
tered in Ix)th the 'Journali ; but wc give it from thofe 
of the Commons as fallows : 

* TPHE Knights, Citizens, and BurgelTes of th« The impeach. 

* 1 Houfe of Commons, in the Name of them- ^*E»i»*Mr. 

' felves and all the Commons of England, do hereby 
'' declare, complain, and fbew, againft tyilliam 
■' Drakty Citizen and Merchant of London^ 

* That whereas this prefcnt Parliament, through 

* the BIclEng of God upon their Endeavours, and the 

* incomparable Grace and Goodnefs of his Majefty's 

* Royal Condefcenfions, have proved the happy In- 

* flruments of repairing the Breaches of this King- 

* dom, relloring the antient Foundations, and paiSng 

* many good and wholefome Laws for the Safety a ltd 

* Quiet of the People, and are daily preparing fuch ' 

* others as may yet feem 'to be wanting. 

' Neverthelefs the faid William Drake, in Con- 

* tempt of his Majefty'a Crown and Dignity, and of 
' the Laws and Government of this Kingdom, and 

* out of a wicked and malicious Intention to fcanda- 

* lize and fubvert the Authority and Being of this 

* prefcnt Parliament, and to raife and ftir up Scdi- 

* tion lind Divilion ia this Kingdom, and againll the 

C ♦ Peace 

' f'dJ.TIulOrdcrwuiioteiecuIsdlil] Javarj-iti, after the DilTalu> 
tion of this Patliament, *Jieni chroBol.igicil Hiftoriui of thefcTimei ' 

'giva u) ch« Acconnt of in "This D»y, Jamary Jo, 1*60.1, tbo 
odioai Cucair« ef Olivtr Cnrnmll, Hmy Irccm, and JiA» Bud- 
jBitvii, weie taken out of iheir Qrara, dftwo upon Sledges Co Ty- 
'buTD, ani beiogpulled out of their Coffiiu, there hinged at the feve- ■ 
nlADKlaof the triple Tne, tillSun-leti then tiben down, behead- - 
cd, and ^ir loathlanK Tcunki thinwti iAto a deep Hole under the 
Callowi. Their Headt were afierwardi fee opOD Polei on (hcTop of 
Wtfi-in^'r-HaU.-~~G4a BriUm'niim! Or a jucdiiB CbnmUi/,, 
*«. Bj Sir C«oi(e Wl^anim, LondDD, 1667. 


40 7Be Parliamentaty History 

B, 11 Cu-. iM peace of our Sovereing Lord the King, hath ratcF/s 
^ *'^°' ^ ' that is to fay, upon or before the 1 8th Day of No' 
Dewalw- * ^""*''' '*''■» 2t fff/!mi^jitr, in the County at Mid' 

* dltftx, written, printeJ, and publifhed in the 

* Name of one Thsmas Phillipiy Gentleman, a cer- 
' tSiin, faife, wicked, malicious, and fediiious Pam* 

* phlet, intituled, Tht Lang Parliamtnt revived i, 

* er,' Jii Ja fer Co.ntinuotisn, and tht not dijitlving 

* tht Lang Parliament^ called by King Charles th» 
t Firji^ in the Tear 1640, hut hy an Act of Parlia- 

* mentf ly/VA undeniabU, Reafons, deduced fTj>m tht 
^ [aid Ad, to pravt that That Parliament ii not yet 
« diphed. Mfo Mr. Wjlliam Prynne's JiVe Ar- 
' gumenis fully aifwired, whereby he indiavoufs M 

* prove it to be dijffolvtd by the King't Death, &c. By 
< Thomas Phillips, Geititman, aJincereLoveraf ihf 

* King and Country, In which faid fcandalous and 

* fcditious Pamphlet the faid WiUiam Droit,- amongft 

* many other wicked Expreffions, Claufes, and Af- 

* fertions therein contained, doth falfely, roalicioufly- 

* and feditioufly affiim and <iec!are, 

» Page 6. Fir^, That all other Parliaments have 

* no legal Capacity, till this (meaning the Long 

* Parliament J calT«d in the Year 1640). be Icf^ljr 

* diflbjved. 

' Page 14. Secondly, The A£t (meaning the A£l 

* of Parliament to which the Title of the Pamphlet 

* refers) is herein exprefs. That by no oljier Way 

* or Means:^ but by an Ad of Parliament, it fliall 

* be diflblvcd ; which, as it cannot be done by the 

* dead King, but may be done by the Succeflbr, it 

* ought to be fo diflolved j or elfe it muft, and doth, 

* by Virtue of this Adt> Rill renain legacy in fiilt 

* Being and Authority, 

* Page 17. Thirdly, How much it were to b© 

* wifhed, (hat the Legiilaiive Authority might revert 

* into that Channel (meaning the Long Parliament 

* aforefaid) by which the Peace :^<i Settlement of 

* the Nation, thro' his Majefty's moft gracious In- 
'fluence, might durably, and without Queliiaii,b» 

* provided for and prefcived. 


>/ £N G L A N D. 41 

« Page 21, Feurlhij, If that be s lawful Parlra^An. «_c«. l 

* ment, (fpeaking of the Long Parliament afortfaid, ^ L,tl- 

* which he qirewhere affirmed to be in Being) then 

* this can be none, nor no other, til] this be legally 
« diffoWed. 

* All which Pra^icc) for ftirriog up of Sedition, 
' • the Commons are leady to prove, not only by thd 

* general Scope of the (aid Book, but likewife by fe- 
fveral Claufcs therein contained, belides thefe be- 

* fore-mcncioned, and fuch other Proo^ as the 
» Caufe, according to the Comfe of Piwliameat, 

* (hall require. _ , . 

* And do pray, that the hid IPtlliom Drait mtf 
•* be putto wjfwer all and every of the Premifes} and . . 

* that fuch Proceeding, Examination, Trial, Judj-^ 

* ment, and exemplary Punifliment, may be therc- 
1 upon had and executed, as is agreeable to Law and 
« Juftice.* 

The Lords ordered this Impeachment to be read, 
^ter which they made another Order, That the faid 
ff^Uiam Draki fhould be apprehended as a Delin- 
qucnti by the Serjeant at Arms, and brought before 
,them the next Morning, to anfwer to his Charge ; 
which being done, and he confeffing his Fault, the 
Lords, in Conlideration of the Shortne& of Timo 
for proceeding further in this Bufinefs, left him to be 
profecuted in the King's Bench by the Attomey- 
' General ; where what further was done with this bo- 
■ tieft Citizen we know not, 

"DeitmhiT 5. A Bill had been brought into tU 
Houfe ofCommohs, read andcommitted, forfettling 
■ the Poftage of I.«tiers i and this Day Capt, Tuut re- 
ported fome Amendments to it, on which a long 
Pebate enfued, a^id of which our Djary gives very 
^ew Remarks. It only tells us, That Serjeant 'Gl^n 
fajd. He knew this Office was thought a Monopoly 
in former Parliaments : And that Mr. Bamfiili 
brought in a Provifo to be put to the B»ll, in Favour 
of one Mr. Perr/u/i Claim to (he Office as a Right ; 
which Provifo was debated near three 'Hours, and 
the Q^eftion being put. That tbis Provifo be read a 

L\ _...,C".oogIc 

42 ^be parliamentary History 

M.' II Cat. IL fecond Time, on a Diviiion it was carried in the Af- 
^ ^ 1660. firmative I36 againft 116. Upon which the Pro- 
Dctenber. ^''° ^^' read, again; and, on a fecond Queftion, 
Whether it Qiould be committed, another Divifion 
enfued into 96 Noes and 88 Yeas ; fo that, adds the 
Diary, After four Hours Debate in the whole, this 
Affair came to no Manner of Determination. The 
Journals, however, tell us. That it was refolved the 
Committee for the Poftage of Letters fliould meel 
that Afternoon about i^ and make their Report th« 
next Morning. 

DebiteMithc Pteemher 7, Nothing confidtrable came before 
BiUrfAmioderthc Houfc tjll this Day; when Sir Hmtagt Finch 
'*°™ • delivered in the Bill of Attainder engrofl~ed. Mr. 

Prynne, upon the reading of it, obfcrved, upon the 
Providence of God, That the Bill fhould be brought 
in at the'very Time, which was upon the lame Day 
twelve Years, that the King's Trbd was agreed on. 
He therefore moved that feme others of the Regi- 
cides, who had furrendered themfelves, Should be 
put into this Bill and' now executed, particularly 
the Lawyers, and named Garland. Captain Titut 
feconded this Motion, and named Sir Har4r*fi Wal- 
ler, who, hefaid, was a Fenfioner to the late King, 
faying. The Turhi would not eat the Bread of any 
Man they meant to betray ; and that a Reman Ser- 
vant, who betiaycd his Mailer, though for the pub- 
lic Good, was executed. Lord Jng'ur delivered a 
Provifo to the Bill, to fecure a Judgment ^ven to- 
Col. Ingoldfhy, by Sir Rardufi Walitr, for aooo/. 
which was in 1658. Mr. Prynnt againft it, unlelV 
the Conveyance was examined. But the Lord Falen- 
tia and Sir. H'luag* Finch fpeaking for the Provifo, 
it was ordered to be part of the Bill. Mr. Ratdife 
offered another Provifo for the Allowance of juft 
Debts and Legacies. Sir Richard Onjlaw for it. 
SiifohnNBrtbcot was for throwing it out, and leav- 
ing them to the King's Meicy, Sir Hmiagt Finch 
againft it. Mr. Goodrick was for altering the Pro- 
vifo, elfe, he faid, honeft Men might be puniflied, as 
Weil as the Guilty. Lord Faientia, againft it. Sir 

of E N.G LAND. 

IftlHam Ltviii voted i t to be pall out, as it was then An. 
penned. Mr. Bamfitld moved for amending the Bill ^ 
in feveral Places, elfe, as it is, moft of the Convey- 1 
ances in England would be dcHroyed. But, our Au- 
thor lay^. Sir Hiniage Finch gave a very good An- 
fwer to 3JI his Objcflions. 

T.hc Debate continuing, Col. Shapcet moved to 
date the Exceptions, not from 1642, but 1648. He 
was fecoaded by Mr. Slivrns. Serjeant Giyn like- 
Vife was againft thofe general Words, difurs ctherty 
in the Bill, becaufe it was uncertain who was meant 
by them ; upon which it was voted, That thofe Words 
be omitted, Mr. HtUti and Mr. Pryttnt were for 
malting the Exceptions from 1647, and not 1642. 
Sir Sohmtn SwaU, from 11S42. Serjeant Raynesftrd, 
■for the Retrofpefts of Settlements to be 1642. Mr, 
Young anfwered. That he thought, in 1642, they 
^ad no Defign againft the King's Life ; and moved 
for 1647, Towhich Mr. Knight replied. That he 
Jcnew they had, for he heard Hugh Ptteri preach to 
^at £(Fe^ lo;)g before, and moved for 1 642. 

Captain 7iiui was for dating the Time from the 
firft OyertrA^ that ever was (hewed ^ainlt'tbe 
King, which was when the Lord EJftx routed the 
King's Forces in 1645, and when in all their Com- 
iniiEons the King's Name was left out. Sir t^ifiam 
Lewis was from 1647. ^^- P^^""^} f™m 1643. 
' Mr. Trevcr faid. That loo great a Retrofpeft would 
punilh innocent People, and not thole who had of- 
fended. Mt. Gill, for a Retrofpe3' to 1647. Sir 
Tbomat Metres viAiiot i(>\2y frying, Thatheheard 
Sem fay. That be intended the King's Death from 
ib^2,- Sir George Bettb faid, In 1642 thefe Regi- 
cides were fo inconfidcrahle, that ihey had no Eftatci 
to make Settlements of, ahd moved for it to be from 
J647. Ldrd Falentta faid, There was no fuch Re- 
trofpeil, either in the Cafe of the Powder-Traitors* 
or the h!Jh Rebels j ntithcr could he think thcfo 
People' had the Crime in their Thoughts in 1642 } 
therefore moved to have their Retrofpeft only from 
1647. Lord Falkland fpoke for 1642. Mr. Alien 
faidt That 1642 Vould &«our too mucb of Reflec 


4f TZ? Parliamentary Historv 

°- '*?"■ '^'tion; and was for 16+5. ^r Htneagt Finch faid» 
' , That no Perfon wag reflcfled on intentionally by 

CtHinbcr. 1648 )-i)ut, left it fliould be thought fo, to amend 
the Bill and make it from 1&46 : Which, after all 
this long Debate, was ordered accordingly,' and that 
the Bill flioul4 pafs. Refolved alfo, That the Title 
^f it fhould be, An Aa fer the Attainder of fevtral ' 
fiffoai guilty of the horrid Murder of his mt Sttcrtd 
Mafefly King Charles the Firji. ' '. 

Dectmbtr 8- The Houfc of Common? refolved 
into a Graiid Committee, about the A£t for a Six- 
.Months AffcOinent, at 70,000 /. per Month, Sip 
Heneogt Finch in the Chajr. This BiW, our Diary 
■fays, was debated. Paragraph by Paragraph, and 
great Oppofition made to alterii;g the Rates, divers - 
'urging that their Counties wece too unequally taxe<J. 
But, after half an Hour's Debate, it was refolved the 
Tax Oiould be after the old Rate in the laft Bill. It 
being then debated. Whether the King's menial 
Servants fbould pay tg this Tax, it was thought fit 
, not to infei^t any fuch Claufe, but toilet the Bill gO, 
gen^eral as it is, for alii. Perfons to pay. ' It was mo- 
ved alfo by divers for altering the Preamble to the, 
Bill, and itwas referred to a'Sub-Commttt<eto do 
it, andtodraw up Rules inorder todifliand the Na- 
vy at (he lead Chaise. Buttotbis it was objc£led 
that ho Committee coiild appoint a Sub-Committee ; 
but that the, Queftion mull be, To report this De- 
T)ate,tothe Houfefirft, and then the Houfe to name 
a Committee. The Speaker having refumed the 
Chair, Sir Hentagt Finish reported this laft Senfe to, . 
\ the Houfe, on which a Committee waa'appointed 
The fame Day the Lords returned the Order, 
, lent up to^hem heforpi for takitig up the Bodies q^ 
Cnrntvellf (^e, with a fmall Addition to it, which 
was agreed tO{ fo that qow the whole Order, '*St 
entered m both the faurnali^ ftands ^hus, vi%. 
Rrfoluiloni^^ for * Refolved, by the Lords and Commons afipmbW 
Bod'in rf CraB- '" Parliament, X^'^t the Carcaflcs of Oliver Crem~ 
mtltf&c. . p.ili^ Htnry Jlx'itttt ^thn Br^awt, Xhttpat Pryde^ 
. " " ' ' " (wtetfiei 

• L...... Google 

ef E N G L A N 0. 45 

^whether buried in mflm'infltr-Abhej, or elfewhere) A". t*^.r, 1 
■be,, with all Expedition, taken up, and drawn upon 

a Hurdle to Tyburn, and there hanged up in theii oeccmber. 
Coffins for feme Time i and, after thiit, biiried un- 
der the raid Gallows : And that Janus Norftlk, Efqi 
Seijeant at Arms, attending the Houre of Com- 
hions, do take Care that this Order be put in 
irScdual Execution by the common Executioner for 
the CounW of Middlifex ; and all fuch others, to 
^hom it wall refpefilvely apperttin, who are requi^ 
Ted, tn their feveral Places, to conform to, anH ob' 
fervc, this Order, with Effefl ; and the Sheriff of 
MiidUfix is to give his AiEftance herein, as there 
)(hall be Oecalion ; and the Dean of Wtftminfltr it 
defired to give 'Dire£tions to his Officers of the Ab- 
' bey to be affiHant in the Execution of this Order. 

' Dfcemttr lO, This Day, on a Motion of the 
JjOiiVeliaH^y the Continuance of 1200/. a Week, 
' ifor the Support of the Garrifon of Dunkirk till the 
sjtb Inflj^nt, and after tiiat to be at the Ring's 
<Siaige, was ordered. Alfo that the Cuftom, Con-* 
tributlons, and other Revenues, arifing from the 
Fort of Dunkirk, fball go to the Maintenance of 
the faid Ganifon. ^ 

TheConimQns went igwn 7nto aGrand Com* 
'fiiittef onthe monthly Tax, Sir Heiuage Pinch in 
the Chair ; and, after feveral Debates concerning 
"it, the Speaker went into the Chair, and Sir Hent- 
0j;«reported the Defircs of _the Houre, To name a 
Committee for bringing in Rules for the Payment of 
tbe Fleet ; which was d<»ie, and they to fit that Af- 
CeAtoon*. ^ 

, Mr. Prynne moved in Behalf of the Captives of 
Aigia-si but Mr. Knight oppofed it, unlets the Hbufc, 
be faid, was certainly informed of the Particulars. 
On a Motion, however, of Col. Blrcb, a Commit- 
tee was appointed to inquire how many Captives 
there are in ^/;f«rj, and bow much Money will do 
to redeem them from thence. 

Some private Matters engroflcd the Houfc of Com- 

looni now for fbme Time, i^cb we Hull pa6 over 

5 » 

4<5 the Parliamentary H i s T o R V 

An. i« Cir. come at more material ; but, by the Way, it may 
^ '^"^ be neceflary to mention an Affair, already taken 
Decenbcr f"""^ Notice of, reUting to the defraying the great 
Expence the City of Z.d»i/0n had been at, in Pagean- 
try and other Decorations, for the Solemnity of the 
King's Return; and in order for the Sitting of the 
Parliament. Capt. 77rwand Siri!icAafi^£r«*'» mov-' 
ed for a Reimburfement of thofe Charges ^ and were 
followed by Lord Valtniia, Sir WiUiam Leuiis, and Sir ' 
William Vincent \ who faid. That if thofe Things had 
not been done, the Speaker would not have fat in his 
Chair at that Time. Sir Thsmas Bludwsrib and Mr, 
Trtlawny fpokc for not putting it fo much as to the 
■Queftion : But Sir Richard Onfivi was againft it j bc- 
caufc, he faid. Every other City and Corporation in 
the Kingdom might take Example and petition like.< 
wife. Sir 'John Narthcet moved. That the Lord May- 
or and Common Council fliould pay them. Mr. Tre- 
vtr faid. He was for the Motion then, though when 
it was moved before he was againff it. Mr. Bedurda 
was for not giving Caufe of Difcontent to the City, 
. butto grant their Motion. Sir Hentage Finch was alfo 
for it ; fmce, as he faid, the Bill was only to charge 
the City amongfl: themfelvcs. One or two Members, 
as Mr, Harris and Mr. Baker, fpoke againft it ; the 
latter arguing, That, if it palTed, it would include all 
their Landlords; meaning, we fuppofe, the Owners 
of the Houfea where the Members lodged. However, 
after all this Debate, the Houfe divided, Whether a 
Bill (hould be brought in to the Effect mentioned ; but, 
upon the Divifion, the Nocsyielded before the Door 
was fhut ; whereupon Capt. "Titui was ordered to bring 
inaBlUthenextMorning. AfterthiswaspafTed, Mr. 
Teung flood up and moved. That there might be Leave 
- given foi the Country alfo to bring in a Bill for thtir 
Chaises, though he faid he was againft the lall. This 
Motion, our Diary tells us, was feconded by feveral | 
but was broke off by Mr. Ptdley's, reporting (bioe A- 
mendmcnts to the Revival of the Poll Afl. 

A great Debate arofe upon this Queition, Whe- 

tbet thofe that a^ed as Eftiuiies undei the iormv 


,, Google 

of El^ G L AND. 4.7 

Govemmcnr, and by the A^ of the former Parlia-An. t« Cu. n* 
ment, tbouldnowpay as fuch; which was vote J that , ' ' . 
they £hould. Mr. Prjmti moved. That all thofe DccoMber. 
who fdt as Lords in the Lords Houfe of Parliament, 
under Oliver, fliould likewife pay as fuch. But 
Mr. BetUirda was againft it ; faying. That this was 
the Way to fet a Penalty, and fo contrary to the 
A&. of Oblivion ; on which the Motion was dropt. 
Sir Gtar^t Hawe was for explaining the A£l, what^ 
and how much, Minifters ihould pay. This was 
feconded by Sir Antheny jtjbliy Coaptr; but no more 
. is faid than that ±e Amendments fliould pafs. 

The Bufinels of fettling a proper Revenue on the > 
■ King, in Iicu of his anticnt Right to the Court of / 
Wards, was not yet determined by Commiffioners} ( 
for this Day Mr. Mmtagu reported from the Com- 
mittee to whom it was referred. That they had 
agreed upon fevcral Provifoes, or Claufes, to be 
added to that Bill : Firft, That this BUI fliould not 
prejudice any demeliie Lords, as to Fines, Penalties, 
l^c. This was twice read, and, upon the Quellion, 
agreed to. Another Motion was made, by Sir jfn- 
ihany Ajhlty Ceeftr, That, in Cafe of Wardfliips, if I 
the Father of the Child fliould die, the Grandfather I 
might, by Deed 01 Wilt, difpofe of his Grandchild : I 
On wfaich the following Debate enfued : \ 

Mr. Thurlaiid yraa againft itj faying. That it didTIwAflMrofthe 
belong to the Mother by the Law of Nature j nei-S^"f ^"^ 
dier did the Mother's fccond Marriage deprive her 
of it. Mr. Chafe and Sir yehn Gljn fpoke againft. 
Sir Ifaker ErU for, the Provifo. Mr. Secretary 
Marrice faid. The End of the Bill was to preferve 
Eftates ^ and for that Reafan it was fitter the Ward- 
fhip fhould be in the King's Hands than the Mo* 
thcr's, who might fpcnd it voluptuoufly, as was too 
often feen, he fiiid, now-a-days. He thought the 
Grandfather fhould have the Wardfhip rather than 
the Mother, bccaufe, if fhe marry again, you give 
it to a Stranger ; and moved to accept the Provifo. 
Mr. WinfieU faid. Sir miii&m Msrrkt was paft the 
Miridiaaofhis Age, and fo.he thought him no com- 

,,. Google 

4^ T^e Parliamenfary HistokV 

'■ ■*-?"' ^' patent Judge of this Matter : That many Grandfa*- 
, thers might Jive to doat, and marry young Women \ 

Uecembw. and tlierefore was againft the Provifo. Seijeant 
Maynard moved to lay it afide, and leave jt to the 
rex Parliament. Sir Richard Tipple tax the Pro- 
vifo ; faying, A Father in-Law could not be fo ad- 
vantageous, inthisCafe, as the Grandfather. 'Mr. 
Bievem fpoke on the Tamt; Side, urging a Cafe which 
happened in Gkuctfterfliin^ where a Woman mar- 
lied her fecond Husband, one Mr. Bfitheridgt., and 
went away with him into France with the Children* 
and there bred them up in Monafteries. Lord 
CaJlleiM againft it ; urging another Cafe, where the 
Grandfather married a young Woman. Mr. T'oi&S 
StevtaSf to lay It afidc at prefcnt. Lord Fatkland 
was againft iheProvifo; urging. That the Mother 
had naturally more Love for ihc Child than die 
Grandfather, Mr. Teung for the Provifo, efpecially 
in Cafe the Mother mirry again. Sir Edward 
Turner agaiiift it ; faying, A young Wife might 
draw away the Grandfather's A^e£tJons to another 
Troop of Children ; and moved to difpatch the KU 
, without this Provifo. He was fecondcd by Lord 
Howard. Mr. Prjnru was for it, and pleaded fat 
the Grandfether y concluding, Muliet* ru credos, . 
Lord Bruce againft it j and mentioned fevcral M<^ 
thers who had married difcreetly. Mr. Trevar ' 
fpoke againft the Provifo, becaufe there was not 
Time enough at prefent for it. Mr. Helles, to lay 
it afide now ; but faid. It was not fit that a Stranger 
jhould have the Grandfather's Eftate, and therefore 
was for the Provifo. Sir SohTnan Swale againft it, 
unlcfs they tied up all Widows from marrying. 
Lord Falenlia Tigainft the Provifo ; faying. The Law 
already gave it to the Mothers, and they wctc more 
tender than a Grandfather could be. Mr. Ferrtrs 
and Sir Thomas Metres were both againft the Pro- 
vifo ; the latter faying, That if you take away the 
Son from the Mother, you debar her of Marriage. 
Thus, after a long Debate, the Queftlon being put, 
Whet^er this Provifo fliould be received and read, 
it Aas tAiiicd in the Negative without any Divilion. 

■Of EBTO'L A IfrD.. 

--%{r: l^tcn; olTcTcd an Amendment, to the Bill of An. 
Txcife, wiucb wa», 'Tfaat tile Duty for Cyder and 
}W*y be taken off. Hfe urged 'the great Quantity 
■d both' which wn made iti Deoen/hire ; that Gen- 
-demen there muft b« fubjcA lo ExCifeinen ; and 
ihat k- would not gain- the King loop/. a-year. He 
faid. That /Mwi -wai the firft County that de- 
, <clarcd for a Free Parliament ; and' that this ImpoH- 
tlon would be a fad Requital : Therefore he moved 
^at none fhould pdy Excife for Cyder, but fuch as 
-fell-by Retale. Our Diary fays. That feveral Mo- 
tions were made againft this laft Affair. Col, Birch 
■fMt ^hat for diic Ht^fhead that was fold by Reule, 
■ftpTty *ere fold -otheii^&ys. Sir Richard Temple 
laid. There was as much Reafon for Cherry Or- 
'chards as for Apples, aii3 moved for the Qyeftion. 
''iA'uAlU/t and Sir Htntagi Finch -wets for letting the 
■•Bill go as it was, left the whole Duty be ftruck at. 
■Mr. SwiJi/ifl^rtiovfedj'That only (he Retaler (hould 
•fMiy, and the Woi-d uhirwiff^MioM. Ordered ac- 
~ coidirigly, and that the Bill be ingrofl^d. 

-B«m4#r jj. The-Timcof DifTt^ioijinotii' prcf- 
' fing -upon thaPftrliamtnt,. the Commons made a* 
' Refohition to fit every Afternoon till further Orders. '- r of tS* 

■A private Bill from ^ the Lords had been fcnt^jji ^f ^^^ 
- 4oWn, for- reftorkig of Charla Earl of Derby to the debited. 
• t»bflcffion of bH the Manors, Lands, Wr whkh hc- 

Xoa^^tt yamts\HK^at\af Derby, his Father ; which i 

■wan thri Day read a firft Time, but not without 

lame Debate about it. 
- 'Mr. PryttneaT^eA againEl the Bill ; becaufe, he 

faid, It repealed all his Lordfhip's otvn At^s and . 
« De^ds, which wodSd deftroy the AtS for confirming 
I'JidieialProceedingslatctypafled, and moved tothrow 
' it out : On which the Speaker obferved. That no one 

could move to throw out a Bill which came from 

■ the Lords, but it ought to be queftioned whether to- 
lead it again or not ; which would be a handfome 

■ laying it afide. Col. Kiifg and Mr. Knightiey vieie 
aigainit the Bill' ; the latter faying, The Purchafcrs 
of his Lordfhip's Lands were owned by him todo 

VoL-XXlIL D him 


50 Ti>f_ Parliamentary "H i s t o x y 

".?*■■ "'himaCourtcfy at the Time tbey bought tbem j kA 
^ , '_ ' f .tbcrefore he moved to Jay the Bill quietljr Kfidr. 
p^ccmbcf. ^r. Rigbyvia:i the only Manthatfpokefor the B>11; 
and he only faid. That his LordQiip would repay lU 
^ PurchaTer^ Monies ; and, in particular, woitU 
payback, lor one Purchare, 17,000/. whiclf coft 
buti7aoV,. Notwithftandingthis the Bill wasJaift 
afide,, for ibere is no Ordw enterad for a facooJ 

Another, but longer. Debate happened this Day> 
on a Bill Capt. Ttiut brought in^ by Order, fw. en- 
abling the City of Lendsn to raifc Monies for defray- 
ing the lixpences of providing Trophieif f^e, M 
the Solemnity of the King's Reftoiationj which' 
was read a ftrft Time. 
Dclntc tm the Ml' Prynnt was againft paffiiig ^is Bill} till the 
Cityrf UniUn-, City had paid their Poll Money. Col. King argued, 
■ ^T&t. '^'^ 'T''^*' 'f '•*'" ^il' w" allowed to pafs, they muft <fo 
the fame Favour to every City and County that 
fliould deilre it j and therefore he was for laying it 
a&dc. Capt. Titui fpolce earneltly for the Bill ; &y- 
' ing, It was the Defire of the Lord Mayor and Cool- 
mon CuwKil of the Ci^, who rcquefted >t of them. 
fdr/HarrU againA itj faying. It was only a Delign 
of fomc few Officers of the City to promote the Bill 
,fbrtheirown Advantage. Sir Richard Brown faid, It 
would rejoice the Fanatic Party highly tp have tbt 
Bill thrown out, (i^ce they deny to pay towards it. 
Lord Bruee and Mr. Knigot fpoke for it. Mr. Herry 
Eyre faifL, The Deflre came . from a few Pertons 
only, and not from the major Part i and moved to 
-lay the Bill afide,' or elfc to read it To-morrow 
Se'nnight, which was the next Day after ihc RiGng 
of the Houfe. yir. Baker was fur calling it out j 
and faid,' Not one in twenty in the City weie for it, ' 
' and urged the Bill was an Innovation. Sir StltmoH 
SwaUM6Co\.. Birch were for the Bill; Uv. Baf- 
. tawen agamft it. Lord Voltniia for it, and urged 
the City's Readinels to deliver us all from the late 
Tyranny. Sir Geerge. Booth fpokc for it, becaufc, 
. be faid, he faw no Petition againft it. On the 
whole, . the Queftion being put. Whether to read ' 
. -the 

■^-ENGLAND. igi 

ttie Bill upm <ln Sattirday riwt^ it was carried in An. uctr. It. 
ibc ^ffirihadve, 114 againft 56. - <^*°- 

The SoUicitar-General, Sir thntag* Fincb^ " "* 

brought in a BiH from the Cammittee for fettling on 
^e KiD;> during his Life^ the other Moiety of the 
£xcifeonB^r« Ale, and other Liquors j whic^ w^ 
rcai twice, ai^ ordefcd to be referred to a Grand 
Cornmittee, vAwf were to fit (bat AftertMoni «nd lb 
Je Pie in Ditm tiU that Bufmels wasdrfpatcbed. 

As it hat cnr been the-Cuftom of Parlirment to 
^ upon Grievances whenever fubfidial fiilb were 
in Citation, fo now* when this grand Settlement 
on the Crown was before.the Commons, this t^d 
A^r was refumed. t but it was fomewhat odd to 
talk of Grievances in a Government ia newly efta- 
Uillied} though opoa its old Foundation. Th« 
£.ea^er, if this Debate give3' him any Satisfa£!ion, 
maft praife the Memory of die Author of the Diary, 
fo often mentioned, for it : for from that Authori^ 
alone the whole is taken- - 

Sir H<alur .Erli tnoved to do fomewhat for thfcOn the BiU for 
(i»d of the People, in Heu of thefc great faymenis'i ^6 ™*,l^i^ 
and complained of fome Difoiders in the Amiy. foi Lif«, 
He fald. That Soldiers had come into Sotok Houfes 
be knew of, an<l,'C2lliDg the People itsundbtadt^ 
-faad done much. Mifchief; which he- amoved might 
be taken Care of. This Motion wai i&Condcd by 
-Sir ?"^ NiFtbcft, fvho movedfsr a Committee tt> 
coiifider of jt, Uld prefen't tte Grievances' to the 
.Lords ; and if riiey. would not .redrefs them, tlien 
this Houfe to rembnftrate to the King; Col. Kixg^ 
complained sgahpll the arbitrary Power of Lord^ 
lieutenants, paiticuWly the hordiLiirij. Mr. 
Stnmis laid. That as he had Kved an Englilb- 
nwi, be delired to die fo, and bri to leave his Po- 
.Aerity Slaves. He fpoke alfo agarnll the Lord» 
Lieutenants, and tiloved for a Committee to examine 
all AbufesI ^\\\G(trgt £»^^ for tbe fame ; bying. 
There were, very great Abuies abroad. Mi. Paimtr 
moved to check Col. K'fg^ who mbftook bis Inform 
mation concerning' L>oid Vtrhy. Mr. H^rvy Hiuf 
ftrfird fpoke alfo againll the Exotbiiancies j aver* 
Dl ring, 


n, la 'Ctn;4Lruig> Tbati ttr Jiis:Know)edg^, In 'foOw P!aees» 

.i<6». ^j. gjrf. a-day was «xa£lcd-for each Trooper, inti 

^^l^tLIHU 'thiscrpccirily whUft. the Parliatnent' is fitting ;'and 

iCnHrcdto acqasant. the JCing with tbefeGrievanees. 

Sir Hdinagi Fixebim, The R^tmedy-wasto bfe 

■ bad without .foing out of the Door i it was but to 

licfumeihe Debate of the Militia, ' wheret^ allthefe 

.Abufcs m^ht be tcg^lated. He moved againft any 

Remonftunce ; which, he faid, was the Wildemc^ 

in which at firft they wandered to Deftruflion", and 

was not for having them fully the Glory of their 

lOficrtng, the ^Revenue, with ' a Complaint to the 

King atihc fuiie Titnc. 

1 The JJebatB ftili continuing, IjozA 'Hntierd fuA^ 
That tbeCe Campbints were not fo univerfal as fome 
nrould make them. Hejuftified t^eDiClriSnherehe 
.had to do from any fuch Thing ; but that it all might 
.be remedied by refuming the Militia-Bill. Mr. 
BatKiltyviais iatitiied there wcsefiich Abufes donet 
but faid, That in his Country all was- quiet, by the 
Gareof the Lord-Lienccnant there ; yet was for a 
Bill to rcQiain all. Mr. Bamfield acquainted tfic 
Houfe, Thathe had -a PetitiMi given him, by one, 
againft tbeLord XUrty, about a Mimfter ixpt out 
of hia Church, whilft another was put into k hy 
X>ord Eteriy't Soldiers, wbo bad taken Poflcffion df 
tbcMinia«r'8:HDufe: That Aey tnock'd him down 
Jevecal Times, crying. Is the Regui living fii^ 
That tbeyaHb knocked down his Wife, whidi math 
fbcr mifcarry ; and, after thus injuring them, turned 
tbcm bothoutof Doors, He added. That Pspifts 
^vercfetupon Hafeli^h), andinlhncedMr. Filey aJtA 
lAi. Mttra^ wbofe^Horfcs wercfo fet out : £ut yet, 
•he faid, ThaC^ in all thefe Compleinis, there was Ao 
-ReAe&iDn thrown upon his Majelly, but on thofe 
employed under him. He thou^t the -Bill far the 
.Militia coold'.noc tkiw be finifbed in Time; but 
, jpoved toacquaiu the King withMhefc Matters,- and 
'defire.hisCare and Reproof thefeirt." In Anfwer to 
«fais Clw.i^e:.agaiDfl the -Lord- /W*// Soldiers, 
i&T, RigSf ■ SixtA up and faidf That he came thro' 
- . the 

(b) So in the Minulcrijit } but.lhc Mtuing unkntYti. 

^'l.,.,., Google 

f- ETN G L A N'DI . jij - 

theTownwheic thft Miniftcr lived, anddwtit hun-*"-" ti"- H.' 
felf not far from thence, and he heard nothing of" . """■ . 
tftia great Compraint made by M^, Bamfitld : But,. d«SS«~^ 
fincc he got to Town, (reheard that this Mlnlfter,, 
Mr. Jf^^, rcfdfcd to ^ve Obedience to a Reple-. 
vfn, which caufed a great Oppofition by the Sheriff's ' 
Officers, and fomc Violence was offtrcd him on that" 
Account : That he got Guns into 'his H6ufe to op- . 
pofe the lawful Miniftcr, who was cpme to take' 
Poffcflion; and therefore left it to (heHoufcto con- 
fer of this Complaint. 

■ Sir Samutl Jemi moved for the Militia Bill, that ' 
(hey might know, he /aid, how to govern and be 
governed. Lord FalklaAd told the Houfe, That the 
|£'"g had taken Care for all thefe Things ; and' 
moved tftgo to the Bufinefs of the Day. Sir Anthanj , 

Ajhley Capper (aid, Thofc Things had no Approba- 
tion from hi?Maje(ly, but Checks i and nlov'ed for. 
a Law to know how to walk by a Rule i but to pafs 
(Ti'er^ruch Things as could not be juftified. 

The reft of this Debate was of no great Signifi-" 
Cancyj Sir ^fl/jtA,./^(M" complained of Exorbitan-" 
pes, and mpved, ^ f^nd for fotnc of the Offenders',' 
Sir Jehn jS«to)Wf deCred that all Counties might not) 
be afperfed for the Wrongs done in one, and was for' 
an A£t. Colonel Shapcoi^ againll raifing Money by. 
pthers whilft the Parliament is fitting, Mr. Gaed- 
mk was for -a Conference wJth the Lord,s. At laft, 
Serjeant Maynard moving for fome Amendments' to 
be made to the old Militia Bill, it was ordered^ 
' That the Qrand Qon^inittee do meet that Afternoon; 
fboutit ■ ' ' 

Decemhtr. 14. This Day fomewhat remarkable: 
liappened, in regard to the Rules of the HOufe- 
Serjeant Maynard moved, That the Speaker would, 
repiove all Perfons that 'he obfcrved talking, or . 
but whifpering, or readings Paper. Very foon after,^ 
and whilft a Bill was reading, the Speaker tools; No- 
tjcof fome (jentlemen that were talking near the 
Bar; whereupon it was ordered^. Th^t if any Gen^ 
• Di ' tteman, 


5+, ^ P-ar^Ofrmtifry HiSTpRV 

An,titi^. n.(1einBn, for the future, fliould fiand attheBsr, he 

i^^^°^ , fligiild forfeit Twelve- pence. 

^ Few , Debates were in the Houfc now for fome 
Days, uid BufinerSi went on without tbem. Some 
Reports from the Committee for fettling the other 
Moiety of the Excife on Beer, t^e. as atfo on the 
^ill fpr an Excife on Inland and Foreign'Com- 
moditJes, were received and put forward by the 

Dee. 1 5. The fiifl Bill for fettling an Equivalent 
on the King for taking away the Court of Wards, 
was, this Day, pafled in the Houfc of Commons, 
after 2 great Number of Additions, Alterations, and 
Amendments made to it. The Bill for fettling the 
other Moiety, -tSe, was referred to Manday, 

Pef. 1 7. The famous Mr, Afiltan having now 
laid long in Cuffody of the Serjeant at Arms, was 
lileafed by Order of the Houfc. Soon after Mr. 
Andrtvi ^nrzi;/ complained that the Serjeant bad 
exacted J 50 /. Fees of Mr. Millon ; which was fe-; 
conded by CoL King and Col. Shapcal. On the 
confrary, Sir Henrage Finch obferved, That Mi/tan 
yias Latin Secretary to Cremweil, and deferved hang- 
ing. However, this Matter was referred to the 
Oommiitce of Ftivileges to examine and decide the 
' This Day alio the Bill for the other Settlement 

Tl^J^^^iUon the Kof; was read and paffed. Alderman Bad-. 

piflcd, well's rrovifo (or 28,450/. being firft admitted, 

' Sit yahn Nertbcot made a Motion, That there 
might be 5 or 6000/. given to the King to buy 
Jewels for the Crown, the reft being flolen from 
it ; feconded by the Lord Falentia, and to make it 
up 10,000/. as a Mark of ijie Favour of the Houfe, 
having taken away fuch a Jewel from the Cr9wn as 
the Ciurt of Wards. Mr. Prynni was alfo for thq. 
Motion i but for Sir Henry Alildmay to pay it, ba- 
ying,,. as he faid, flolen the former. 

ford Howard Wis for the Motion, as alfo S>r 

ffilliem Lrwiu who moved for laying a MoniliV 

' . ' *" Affeir- 

' " ' l_....C.ooqIc 

.»/ ENGLAND. jj . 

A^flment to r^ife the K^aney, ratber than chargcAn. ti C«r. If* 

it on the Excife, according to others. Sir Hmtefi , ''^°' . 

Fintb fecondcd this lail Motion i and accordingly Dt.-ciobu 

it was ordered) That a Month's AlTclIhient, after 

the Ra^e of 70,000/- ^f Mtnftmt^e granted and 

givcQ to the King towards the Charges of his M»- 

je^'c Coronation, and to buy Jewell for the 

Crown, fuitable to his Honour and Grandeur, and 

as a Memorial of the Refpeft and ARedioh of this 

Houfe to his Sacred Majefty. 

Mr. Taung moved to co»{idcr thofe that were 
ji)(lrua>enta] in the King's Prefervatipn, after the 
Baltic of Wmcijitr^ and named Col. FratnU Wind-^^ wimii«m 
bam ; adding. That there was loQo/. offered tOTE»ii4ed fat p», 
take the Kipg, and the Rfmans ^iM to give Re-^»«»*«'i"'( 
wards to any that prcferved a private Citizen. Sir ^ ^^Jj^^"'* 
J»b*e NtribfM was againft iti dying. There were 
mafiy of the lil^e Nature concerned, and was for 
leaving of it to the King. On (his our Diary tells 
us Ccl, fVtwiham himfelf ftood up and f^id, That 
theA^itfelf was a fufficient Reward; and there- 
fore h^ did not pfefs for any oh that Account, but 
■Qodeftly mov^ to go to the publjc Bultnefs. Mr. 
HaUts moved to give him the public Thanks of the 
Houfe. IfOrd FaVda*4, fqr a Jewel. Lord Bruct 
delired the Motion might not die. Lord faltntla, 
for the folcmn Thanks of the Houfe. Mr. BHtick- 
Ity moved for rewarding both his ^lodelly and his 
Merit with a Jewel of 1000/. Value, chargeable 
on the Arrears of llie Excife. This Motion was 
accepted and ordered accordingly ; afLcr which, by 
another Order of the Houfe, the Speaker addrefled 
hintfelf to the ColoneJ, in ibefc Words, as they are 
entered in iheir Jsurnah : Mr. lVti:dham, " You ■ 
perceive vvh^t Notice the Hogfe hath t^V^n of your 
great and eminent Service, whereby it pleafed God 
to make you inftrumenial in the Safeguard and Pre- 
fervation of his Majefty's Sacred feifon ; a Blefling 
'^e have all ah Intereft in. We have had many 
defpairing Years ; and, by your Means, we have 
l^ecn laifcdout of the Grave of D(.fpairandConfu- 
isfSi : And therefore I am commanded, in the Name 
■ " . P ♦ of 

58 The Par/iamfftfiiry History 

Ai.MC»r.ll.of this Houfe, and thofc they reprefem, thcCom- 

^ ' . ' , mons of England, to give you, and I do accordingly 

DcowbR. gi™ yoa, their hearty .Thanks." 

« Orderedi That the Houfc dafit this Afternoon, 
and that the Lords be defired to do fo too, by realbn 
of the great Weight of Bufme6 to be done before 
, the Rifing oi' the Houfe.' 

Capt. 7i*«J reported the Bai for the Settlement 
of the Poft-Office, with the' Amendments ;- which 
were agreed to. Sir ^fl/r'£W* delivered a Pro- ' 
vilb for the Letters, of all Members of Parlia- 
ment to go free during th'clr 'Sitting, ■ Sir Hintage 
Fiiub faid, It was a poor mendicant Provifo, and ' 
below the Honour of the Houfc. Mr. Ptynitt 
Jpoke alfo againft the Provifo. Mr. BunciUy-, Mr. 
Befcaivev, Sir Gierge Dimming^ and Serjeant Charl- 
tittt forit; the latter faying, Ihe'Council's Letters 
Wert free. The Queftion being called for, the 
Speaker was unwilling to put it, faying, He was ' 
aOiamed of it ; nevertheJefs the Provifo was carried 
and made Part of the Bill, which was ordered to be' 

in the Afternoon of this Day, the B^l againft 
planting T-obacco in England palTed the Commons, 
which w as all of Moment that was done. The 
Diary tells us that an ingrofled' ^ill, for a SupfJy 
of the Defcfls of the Poll Bill, was debated two 
Hours, when it was adjourned to the next Day } 
but gives none of the Arguments upon it. 

Dm. 18. A Letter from the King, direaeil to 

L«tterirrantlie,j,5 Speaker of' the Houfe of Commonsj was read, 

^^ng^'inW'" Behalf of Vice-Adralral Law/en, to confirm to 

LmfM, himsooA a Year, given to him by the Parliament 

in Ftbruary laft. This Letter of the King's was 

attended by one alfo from the Duke of Hri, on 

the fame Occafion ; anfilhcr from the Duke of Al* 

birmarle, and a Petition from Sir J^l"' Latvftti him-' 

- fcir. On all which a curious Debate cn.fucd, which 

explains a Paflage entered in the Jturtutb^ whilrh, 

without it, ti unintelligible: 


Sir Jnllxmf /riyfitft-mrc'epted again*' that Paf'** **^' "^ 
(age in the King's Letter, TrfiichMlIs them a Par- ' ^^^^ 
liament in Ftbruarj laftj when they were then, he DMaaMx 
did, no more than'the Ramp of a Pirliament. — 
Upon whitA the Mi^mben of the HotrTe, who wercQc^at* mim- 
of the King's Council, were ordered to acquaint bis Um> 
Majdly with die Miftake, and the ReaTon u^y the 
Thing Was obftruited. 

Then Admiral Latuftn's Petition was read ; and 
Sir 'Jahn Ntrthcot ftiovcd, ThM the Clerk (hoald ' 
feirch the Book to fee if any fuch Order was made. 
Sir jfrnslii Breame! jilQaSiei the Fidelity of Lavj/bn ; 
iaid how long he had been accjuainted with him* 
and what Difcourfe he hiid,' tcflifying his Loyalty in 
^hc Time of the Rump ; and that the King might ' 
»S fafely trull him as himfelf: That the Admiral' 
would venture and eng^ for the King as much as 
any Man, if he might hut have Liberty of Con* 
fdence; and he he^rd him fay, Thatif theGovcrn- 
ment of the Nation fliould be in one Perfon, the* 
King was the fiiteft Perfon for it i that tho' indeed 
itmight be objefted that he toot the -Oath of Ab- 
juration, yet he was compelled to it ; and tho' he' 
came up to the Mouth of the River, and made fuch.' 
a DecUration aga nft the King, that was upon.. 
Compullion alfo, and his Heart was right ; as it 
could be teftified by the Earl of' Bath and Lord' 
Mordaunt, who had the Information from himfelf. 
To this extraordinary Harangue S\i WiUiam fpyidt 
leplied. That he knew Law/on to be fo fufEcient a 
Traitor, that he deferved no Reward, having ab- 
,JDred the Royal Family, and affifted the Committee ' 
of Safety ; That he dcfired Liberty of Confcience 
only as a better Pretence to rebel hereafter j and 
his //, at the King's Government, was a fufficLent 
Argument againft him. Mr, Pryme faid. There 
was a Vote pajTed for him, but it was by the Rump, 
^ to the end he might ferve. Point-blank, againll the' 
King i and moved the Houfe to let him have wha{ 
lie really did defervc. 

There was but one Member more, Mr. Shaw, 

dot fpoke in Sir Jahn Lawjtdi Favour > and he 



, 5* T6ePaHiamcniary Hi ST OS. Y 

A«i:« Car. l^'Otily faid, that when he was in Prifon, Sir y»bit a£-. 

. '^^ fifted him. But Sir miHam liwii, Serjeant Gfyn^ , 
and Mr. Ho/Us^ calling out to go to the fiufiners of 
the Day, this Matter was dropped ; and the Poll 
. BiU being read a third Time, was pafied with tome 
. Amendinents. 

Col. Blrcb reported to the Houfe the State <rf the 
public Debts of the Kingdom, (aying, tbere'was yet 
to p»y to the Fleet and Army 673,000^ CqL 
Ki'tg and Mr. Ktiigbi^ yfito vitst^oi the fame Ckim- 
mittce, faid they knew nothing of this : But were 
reproved by Serjeant Maynari., who faid. They 
ought to fuffer .^be Gcntleipan to go on with the 
Keport { and when he. had done, then to objeA 
a^ioft him, but not before. The Colonel then 
fMrocceded, and faid, That the Debts charged upon 
tjie Exchequer amounted to 529,00^/' and were all 
Debts befoic the King came ini as well as the Debts 
charged ujfton the Excise, whjch cajne to 319,000/. . 
, Adjourned to the next Morning.* 

Dtctmkjfr 19, Tfais Day the Commons took U 
ipto their Heads to grant Rewards to feveral Per- ■ 
fons who had done hgnal Services for the Royal 
Family, or fuiFered greatly for them in the late 
'Troubles, On a Petition of Sir Edviard Meffty^' 
once Col. MeJJij, the Ul-f4tcd Governor of GUu~ 
eiflefy a Reward of 3000/. was given him. Si^ 
^iliam Liv/is mayed fotCapt.Tiiut to have aooo/. 
beftowed upon himi for fcis Fidelity and good Ser-, 
▼ice!, not for any Debt- This Motion being fe-, 
conded by Sir yehn Naribctt, the Houfe ordered hint 
3000/. Sir Edward Bruytr moved for Major-Ge-, 
nerat Egtrtsn, which alfo was feconded by Sic Q.Mfgf 
Boeih ; but nothing done in this Matter. Lord Fa- , 
teniia fpoke for looo/. to be given to Major Philips^ 
who was Major to Lafigham, which was alfo abor- 
tive, as was another Motion for Major AJhwJi. Sir 
Hmteg* Finch moved to grant a Reward to Sir Sa'. 
mutl JmttSt which fetjhe Houfe into laughing. ' But, 
the fame Member moved again to lay all afide, the' 

©^ENGLAND. ^9 

Secifc bring already given to his Majeftjr, it waa not** 'i*f"' "' 
iH their Power to grant afty thing out of it. . , ' 

A Lady conm next in Queflion, to have a Reward, rinaf 
for her Courage dnd Condud in the Kine'i Efcape 
after the Battle of IVereefitr. Thia was .the &rooiii,j^, ^^ ^ 
Mrs. £au; but her Caufe took more pleadilig forHn. 7«( £«« 
than any of the former, for tho'Sir Ciaiunt 7ir«^-*el«»<«. 
carton BrA moved for a Reward for her, and he was 
followed by Mr. Swinfin, Sir 7#^ Bouytfy who 
was for t Jewel of 500/. Mr. Gotdrhkt, Mr. Ftr- 
nrif Sir Ribert Brtk^ and Sir Edward Maffty, yet 1 

it (net with much Oppofition from otheri. Sir Tt-ww- » 

Wiliiami took Occaiion to move for a Reward for 
Col. U^indbam'i Sifter, who, he faid, rode fix 0ays 1 

with the King, whereas Mrs. Lant rode only two. 
Sir Tbmnai Btudtoarth wai for leaving Mrs. Lant to 
d>e King for a Reward. Mr. Bvfntan faid, 't'be^ 
were giving away as freely as if they had all that the 
Rump thtMight they had^ which was fo inconfifl- 
ent with Monarchy, that he thought the Houfe 
wanted an ASt of Indemnity to abfolve tbem ; and 
moved to go to tbe Bufinefs of the Day. Sir Harry 
Wtrfitj (old the Houfe, They had no Power over th« 
Purfes of the People, but only in giving to the Kti^; 
and moved. That, rather than do fo, every Mem- 
ber fhould give her forty Shillings out of their own 
Purfes. Sir /iatbeny Afi>ltj Catptr was for going on 
with the public Bufinefs, and faid, He would'never 
eonfent to give any Money but to the King. Mr* 
Hmgtrftrd faid. By the many GiJia they were be- 
fiowing, he thought the Houfe was making its Will, 
and moved rather to give the Money to the Poor at 
die Door. 

On the other Hand, Mrs. Lan^i Advocates were 
Col. Bireb and Mr. trivir', which laft moved for 
1000/. and was feconded by Sir Riehard Hapiiiu^, 
Sir ffiiliam Lntiis faid. That it would fouifd very.- 
unhandfomcly abroad, as this Affair had been deba- 
ted fo long, if it fbould be now thrown outj and 
moved for Mrs. Lane. Sir Jsbn Petti faid, if the 
Motion had been made fooner, it had not been fb 
long debated j and dvrcibre, ccHdidofing the great 
4 PerU 

■ . L\_...,C".ooglc 

6d'- ^he .BarUamentarf Hisxotey 

W^i^'^^Vrtl and: Adventure Ibe tun, and.thb ServKeHw 

. ,_ ,. / ,.; „ f did, he tHcm^Mr«.itfw^i«ved,5ooi aF7*i« 

nunMtii . AU^tuK wu foe putting the Q^cSton 6ift, Whtthu 

this.HeuTehavie a- Power togiv^ Muncy to an^-buc' 

the Kingi Hswevcr, Sk //nrjr ATjr/i mbvingfot. 

toeoL that Qucftionwaa put, and caened.m the 

^ffinnacire^ wi'thoot DivifioD. Soit was rcfidvcd^. 

That, asaMarJc of. Refped to Mrs. Xsnr, and in' 

TeflioKiB]; of the high Refentmeat and Value of he<-- 

Serrice^ in being lb figmUyinArumental to the Pre- 

Acvalion and Socuiitjr"of tlje Pcrfon of hij Roys^. 

Majclly, there be- ccafericd upon her the Sutn of; 

^^ . looo/. to buy her a- Jewel ; and that the fame bo 

•"" charged 9P the Arreaa of the Gi;and Excifcj ^(' 

. Dttmhtrit). InflihiAiotii and Rnles fordifcbarw 
ingand paying off the Navy vc^e read aitdagreec^ 

ABHIforiere^ngand ftiuJing a Genera] Letter*. 

TbePoft-OffittGflice, by the King's Majcfiy, wu reid. a thkdj 

»^;J^ ^* TiHitt Dr. MilU offitrcd a Pitvifo to i^ to except 

■rptni r>oin par- the Cmriers of both Univerfitiei^ that they m^jfa^ 

j^fmLcticti. carry Letters as fomnrly, tiatwHhflanding the Bill. 

Mr. Crtutbf. Mr. Bo^nrda, at^d Yii. Clajtaa^ fpolcQ 

for it. Col. Sbt^m and Sir AnOiimj, If^^. sgaj!>'t 

it. Serjeant 6'^ for theProYifo, urging, hc)WW<^> 

comea Canier was to the Scholars; but faid the^ 

Bill feeraed u if it was drawn by a Scholar, and 

memA to have a better, Serjeant Ateymrdy againft 

"" thii Provifo, but for fome other that might do tha 

Turn J on which it was withdrawn for a Timev 

Some other Provifbcs of no Confequence beingoffer" 

cdand rejefled. Dr. C/ajrw introduced a ncwoncfbo 

the two Univerfiiics, putting Oxfird before Cam- 

tridgt ; on which, fays the Diary, a great Debated 

arofe whkh fbould be named Arft. Mr. Sfvatftm 

arguedj'That, if Itwaspaficdfo, it would bethought 

Ihcre-wcie more Oxfird Men than CanAridg* in the 

Houfe at this Time ; that every Member in the 

Houft was «ither of one, or both, or neither:; anf* 

moved to have it faid, of both. Sir GttrgeRttvet. 

WU not lot making v Vaiiaocc between two^Sifter^i 


»/ENTJ-LAN«. ^ 

^jrmakingthem quarrel, Ifkc Women, aJwutPlace^A*. i»C«.tti 
•Sir Thcmat -Metres faid. That, if the'Proiifo pafsM . '"°- . 
as it is, it would :(hew tht Orftrd Meacould fift bet- D^^mber, 
tcr than Cttttttridget bteaufe, iie obfeived, many of 
^tiw- others lycrc gone to Diijntf r. Or^lci^i That it 
£0 For 'both tbt Univerfities, and t^t the 3^1 do 

thtembefii. Mr. 'fifmt reported from. the Con- , 

inittee what Reconipence was to be givert to the 
Officers of theCourt 6f Wards, who would lofc their 
Places if.jUoe faid Bill be palled into a Law. Hfc 
pTcfented a Lift of the yearly VaTue of thofc Offi- 
ces, and of what tke Committee thought ^nEqui- 
valent'farthe fame [Which was read, and occaff- 
t^d- the fbltowing Debate: 

hori'PaleHlia was for laying this Bill adde, fo'Drf^teifcoottke 
two Caufes ; becaufe they Icnew not yet whether tbeoscm ol tba 
-other Bill would pafiribe King; ind, feaH^ly^ tht^Counof W»ri». 
tnewnot on what Fund to charge theMon^y. S(r 
■JHmy North fpokc for the Officers j Sir' Jmhny 
Irhy and Mr. RmiHUey, againft them. Sir Edward 
^vrittr .was for commending thefti to the KJnj;, 
■tiiati ^fore the next'PaHiamtnt, he may provide. for 
"tbetn; Sir Grtrj^UrtUBiBf, tolay it afide, arid pro- 
ceed upon' the Bill' for Fifticry, or any elfc. 'Mr. 
■Cbafe"nas againft taking ^way any Man's Offiee 
wi^out^Kecompence. mt.Prynne moi"*^, jefi- 
■ingly, that every Man thcnKhouId be recomjtenfed* 
"MT.'Kn^ht, to lay it afide, and Sir Allen Braderitk^ 
to'leave itto the King".' Sir, Jjihn Nartbccl iui',' \t 
fliould be fct down as a Dipbt j and moved, merrily, 
toleave it to the next . PatRaraent. Mr. 0triy as 
-meriily, to name CoramJIEoncrs'^o examine their 
Lofles againll the next Parliament. Sir Hemagt , 

-fintb was for leaving it to the King, or elfe to the 
next Parliament, wim a proper Rccoinmendation of 
the Cafe to them. ft^r. yTOWiffi .fpolte againfl any 
■' Recpmpence being atlowcd thefe Officers at all, bq- 
caufe, hcfaid, it was againft L:iw to buy any Ofiice, 
which they did. Col. King and Serjeant' Chartim 
were ibr no Recompcnce till the Bill was palled, 

* 4 wd 


j(5j8 S^A? ParSkmentary Hi^tort^ 

An. II Cu.n.and tticiito Iqavfc tbem to the King.- Sir lUiktt 
' \ '^^\ _ ^ ' ff^roib told a Story of two Monks that contefteJ 
' with a King about buying an Office. He afked a third 
Monk, that flood by» What he would give } Who 
anfwered. Nothing: Upon which the King gave 
bim ihC'Dffice. In like Manner, he faid, be waa 
ag^inft' any Recom^nce, becaufe thefe Officers 
bought their Places, Upon the whole the Quellioti 
being put, whether the Officers of the- Court of 
Wards, in cafe the Bill do pafir, be taken intoCoa- 
fidcrxtion for a Recompcnce for their Places? it 
pafled in the Negative. . , 

Mr. HatUi acquainted the Houfe, That be had 
juft met the Lord-ChanccIIor, who .told him the 
King had expcfled, ever fince Ycftcrday, to hear 
from the Houfe that their Bufincfs was ready,- that 
he might diflblve the Parliament: Tberefore he 
moved, That this Day and To-morrow all might be 
difpatched, fa as they might have nothing to do on 
the next, but wait upon the'King. But though the 
Houfe took great Pains to perfeft Things, yet they 
exceeded Mr. Hoiks' s Calculation feveral Days. 

The Bill for a Six Months AilefTment at .70,000 /. 
a Month, was this Day read a third Time; on 
which Mr. Thames moved, That Sceiland^ might help 
to pay fome of the public Debts, or pay ojf the Ar7 
my there, they having heretofore received fo much 
Money, he faid, from hence, and never yet contri- 
butes any thing to the public Debts of tbb Kingdom. 
Sir Jvba Naribcot feconded this Motion > or. elle 
not to affign any of the Money raifeil here for dif- 
banding the Army in Scolleisdj but pay our own Sol- 
diers and Sailors. On thefe Motions a Provifo wad 
brought in, by Sir Thamas CUtrgis^ for ScatlavH; but 
which, after Tome fmall Debate more, was rejected. 
■ An Accident happened this Day in the Houfe 
of Commons^ which occafioned fome Merrimcirt 
amongft them. The Lords fent down two Mefleo- 
gers w.ith fome Bills they had palled, with fome 
Amendments^ to which the Bearers faid, the Lorda 
humbly defired the CoiKurrence of that Hou^. 
When thefe were withdrawn, otii Manufcri;^ ^'.'fj 


of ]E N G L A N'th 6j 

.fcijrs, a hcirty Laughter eofiied at the Word SBrnWr,.*"* I'j?*'"* 
.ttad fotnc moved to have it fo put down in ihe Jnur- ^ -'■ ^^ 
ngli, as a Precedent. Ottenbtt. 

liheBill for raifing -jOtOOoLks oneMootb was ' 
-ordered to be ingrolled. 

Dectmber 22. The Lords lent down the Poft-Of- 
fice Bill with an Alteration, That the Letteri of the 
Members of the Hou& of Commons flioiildnot go 
free ; to which that Houfe aflented. 

A Debate began about Licences for felling ofOnWineIi««. 
WiDC, for which a Bill had been brou^t into the*^ 
HoulCt 'nd fcveral Provifoes and Amendments were 
offered to it. Lord yaUntia moved againft all 
Mixtures of Wines, fo as to vitiate them ; on 
which it waq ordered, that fome fhould withdraw 
immediately to pen a Claufe for that Purpofe. Sir 
Senry Chobniiy moved, 1'hat they have alfo a Power 
to fet a Rate iipon Wines j which was oppofcd by 
jSeijeant Glyn and Sir Edward Tunur, in regard 
the Laws already mx^e did provide far it. Sir Jtht 
.Majham faid, Thofe wefc not fufficient, md moved 
for a certain Rate to be fet on Wines. But the 
. Houfe thought proper only to recommend it to the 
Committee on the Bill, to take the Laws, then in 
fieiilg, into Conllderation, in order to have thofe 
Statutes Quickened ^at rdate^to the Prices of Wines. 
On a Motion of Mr. 'Jsnts, That a Claufe be in- 
ferted in the Bill, fbr enabling of the Owners of any 
^avem to take Wine Licences, as well as any Vint- 
ner or Rctalcr of Wines : On the Queflioo> the 
Houfe divided ioto Yeas ii6. Noes U6i fo that 
Claufe was ordered to be inferted. 

The Speaker delivered a .Letter from the Queen 
of Bebemia to the Houfe, which was read, to return 
Thanks to them for the iO)Ooo/. they fimt her from 
hence, and to defire the Continuance of their Re- 
fpe^ to her. 

Lord Falentia moved to conrider the Condition ^oftJebaieaUmtths 
the Queen for the ftiture, and to refer it to a Com- 2^°'**^ 
mittee to report what has been formerly done for 
bcr. Sir yehn Nirtbtet was for laying it afijte, hav- 


64 ^n^Pi»-Iiafmkfi»y HiiT OK Y 

*"' ^''■"•'"S ^°* "^^ ''^'"^ *° "^^^ '*» ^'"* ^ '"'* '' tod* 
■_ -^^ ^'"g; ^ir John fMand fpfAe very earndHf for 

the Queen, faying. That for thcfe many Years the 
had been fed "and clo3tbed.up.on Charity ■ ttftt Can 
was amoft cxccHenl Perfon, and a great Lover of 
thf $n&ltjh, infomuch that fljc ^yas called the Q^een 
of Hearts. .''He- therefore moved that, the Hottfc 
would Dwrt her Debfsj which were very prcffing, 
in order to prcferve her frpm ■ the Violence of ihe 
People. ?i\T atnryNarthior \KrA^a, in regard't^ 
, her neat Relation to '• the; K'ng, and her own grxaC 
"Worth ; ^d moved to own £«■ Debts, which,, be 
faid, wonM be fome Satisfa^ion to her Crcditore. 
Capt. 'TiMffaid, ff it fhould be objeSed that her 
Son, the Palfgravtt vrxi reftore^ to his own, it was 
not a Reafon againft her, becaufe he was ;io fuch 
kind Son to her, nor civ^ Kinfman to his other Re- 
lations. Sir CeeTgt Dmming faid, The Palfgravt 
, did allow her fomethingt but it was in CorO and 
'^ Prptifion, which was Tf ry inconGderable, co^iCder- 
,' ing thb Chai^ that laid upon it ; and moved to oVn 

■ the Debts. Sir' Edward Turner, /or her j fayitig^ 
- Befides , tbt Compaffion ; there was a Duty to her 
' from. the'Houfc, as tht^King'scti^n, Aunt. Mr./'rjqn* 

moved to conftder, fiift, what'Oebts the Houfe tfad 
already -engaged for ; and was rather for a public 

■ Benevolence for her. The .Speaker was. alfo pbe 
of her Advocates } but nothing of what he f<ud i> 

^ noted in the Diary. 

This Debate wpnid very .probably have ended 

mnch in Favour of this unhappy Cb^"") bad i)ot 

• her old bad Fortune attended her ftiil, and promo- 
ted, .a Quarrel between two Colonels, but both 

'Member;, which had like to have involved the wfiole 
Houfe in the fame. 

Col. B/ffi faying. That he had rqJorted this Af- 
fair of the Queen's to be a National Debt, einonkft 
the .public): ones, from the Committee appointed Tot 
tfiat'Purpofe ; and moving .to have an Excife on, all 
foreign Commodities to help to pay off all. Col. 
JSTnif anfwered. That he was againft fuch an Excife, 
and averreda- that he, beingof tbefam&Committee, 

" tfy E N G L A N D. . . ^'f 

knew nothingo'f this fcllotion trf Col. fi/WA, but that *»- "Cm-" 
^tere was ^ Defign to bring in a foreign Exc'ife by ' "* '. 
iome. Coi., Birch jullified himfelf in what he hw pMtmUr, 
faid. Mr. Bijtavitn fpolte againft him. XiOrd Va- 
,-Uniia, for Col. Birth, laying, -fle hid Orders to. 
make the Report, and thole diat found Fault with 
lBinoug;ht to hc«heck'd,. Sir fTiUiam Liwh vety ^^^"^ 
fiandlbmcry moved f<v a Compoficion of this BuH-^km. 
nefs, before it grew worfei But a great Debate en- 
' fued cQpceming the Orders of iheHoufe, upon the 
Lor^ yaltHtia'i t^lng ^own Col. King whilft he 
was rpeaking agalnft Col. Bimh, bccaufe he had lal- 
Ua upon fome other fiuHners, after he had Tpolcen Iq 
^e Ordf r> Sir Thamas Mttrts endeavoured to re- 
iflume the Qyeen'i Bufmefs, and moved to own hec- 
De^its. . But aH would liave been inefFei^ual, had 
not a iMellage front the Lords, along with fbme Bills 
they bad paficd, opp«rtuncly made an Interruption ^ 
imd It was not, as we can And, rc-aflumed during this 
Seffion (/>^ The whole that is faid of this Matter is 
tooiprcbeitdcd in three Lines in the ytumab. 

One of the Bills fent down this Time from the 
^rdi wastfae BiUof AJTeflineno, . with this-Provifo -.^^ 

to be added to it, * That nothing therein contained •:. .'. ■ 

* iboulJ be drawn into Example, to the Prejudice 
■ * of the antient Rights belonging to the Peers of 

* this Realm i' which {*LrDvi(b, on the Queflioiv 
was agreed to. To another Amendment, made in 
the fame Bill, about paying the Arrears of the Navj^ 

* Ihort Debate arofe. Sir H^tlUam D'Oylty fai4* 
That the Mcxiey to be raifed by this Tax would 
not pay off the public Debts ; for the Debt of the 

>. Army yet was 115,000/. and that of the Navy, 
388,000 i fo it was agreed to adiiere to thcii former 
Vote, and r{ije£l the Lords Arnendment. 

Sir Hfiittge Finch reported, from the Committer 
_tiie Pfovifo for better prcventii^ the vitiating pf 
Wines^ which was <in Penalty, for the Merchant^ 
106 /. the Retailer, 40 L Mr. Chaft moved againft 
putting (,ime into Wine, feconded by Sir John f^t- 
. VoL.XXm. E -Jericit 

ffJItnpn>hibfetlicQnteitgBin(dli*TP(itiil l(Mn«GltI< Timciftct, 
fctfrc find bar pal downfoi TWO Ten Thoubod P<ra>d( fiTwhcrbf 
fan PitUaaeat, ud duiied m tU t.K^tt^-Sitf^-j6, ;^. 

L\ _...,C".oogIc 

6.6^ 7he ParRamentafy HtsTORY 

*"* '?J?''""'^'*'*J which was ^rccd to, .and ordered the Bill to. 

* ' , be ingrolled. Mr. Bodttrda moved againft Milk too ; 

ttetibfr. butSTrysAflfaid, That aPottieo/Milk, or fuch like 

Quantity, did more Good than Harm to Wines. 

■ It has been mentioned before that both' Hodfea 

had agreed to Ct Morning and Afternoon, for the 

.rpeedier Difpatch of Bufinefs^ before their Pifiblu- 

. . (ion; fo, an the Afternoon of this Day, amongft 

other Matters, the Debate on the Bill for an flxcife 

was rc-afTumed, and, our Diary' fays, much was faid. 

Whether the Merchants and Brewers Ihould take 

an Oath of theif full Payments of the Duty, ta the 

Accountants and Comniiffioners only f OMcred fot 

(he Accountants. 

Several free Conferences were, at this Time, held 
between the two lioufes, about Provifoes and 
Amendments to Bills, not worth Notice ; and fhis 
l)ay another was delired by the Lords aboufa Mef- 
fage from the King; which, at their Meeting, the 
Lard-Chancellor reported, That he had delivcre4 
the King's Mefiage to the Commons^ which ran in 
thcfc Words, wz. 

AM«fl»gBfiw»« ytlS Majcfly hath expefled, cterfintxThutf- 
«fc* *^"l- « X \, d<^ Morning, to be informed, that his two 

< Houfes of Parliament had been ready to prc'fent 

■ fuch Bills to him as they had prepai:ed for his Royal 

■ A0ent, and hath continued ever fince in the fame 

* £xpe£tation, and hoped that he plight, this Day, 

* have iinifhed the Wotic, and diflblved^ them accord- 
*ing-to his Signification; but being. informed thst, 
■* there are yet depending in both Houfes fome few 

< Bills of great Importance to his and the Public Ser- 
'* vice, which are not yet ready to be prefented to 

* him^ and being defirous to pai'twithiiistwoHoufcs 

* of Parliament, who have deferved fo well of him, 
:* m fuch a Manner, that they may not be obliged to 

* life more Expiedition in the Difpatch, than is agretf- 
' '* able to the Affairs which are to be difpatcfaed, his 

'< Majefty ii gracioufly plcafed to declare. That he will 
' * be ready to pafi fuch BiUs as are neceflary, in Point 

* of Time, to be palTcd, on Mindaj Morning ; an4 

4 't*p 


. y EN.GXA-ND. 4fj 

*_ iB^n that the Houfea adjogrn till Tbtirflaj IJom-.A* Ji^"'?* 
-'* ing, ft) i*ta.t=thcy may have'that Day and Fri^ to . ^^' '. 
■• put aa^nd to thofe moil public B3is which are not— 

* yet finifiiedj and hb Maju^y will on the next Bafi" 
''^ bexn^ Saturday the 2gth of (his Month} be prefent 

* with them, artd difloive the Parliament; anil tils 
-■ Maj^y delirei botii (^oii(esi again'ft t,hat Time, Jo 

■ lay afide all Buhners of priVfTta CoQcernment tb 

* finHh all public Bills.' '' ' " '^■ 

Dtc. 24. A very long Pe^afe happened in the 
Houfe of Commons this Oay, on a 6ill~fcnt down 
•by the'Lor<iS} intituled, An AU far tbi fittti^ tf 
' ^ iht Alanors and Lands rf the Earl e/* Cleveland 
' in Truflits^ tt be fald fir -tht fatisMng tht Debti ^ 
tht faid Earl, and tf Thomas £»■ J Wenrijirorth 
•hit San. Our Diary gives tijts Debate at full i biic 
as it was onlyon a private Affktr,;Vc think it n6t 
proper to trouble the Reader With it. 

In the Midft of this long Debate, they v/crc in- The K^og come* 
(errupted again by a Meflage from the King, com- w <*« Kimk t* 
manding the Speaker and the whole Houfe to at-J^^^^^^^ 
' tend hitn in the Houfe 6i Lords :~ On which they 
all went up ; when the Speaker, as the Diary fays, 
preTented his Majeily, in a Handfome Speech, with 
_ the B Jl for taking away ' the Court of Wards and 
Purveyance ; to which the King gave bis Confcpt : 
l.ikcwife the B91 for fettling the Moiety of the E;c- 
cife on Ale, ,Be6r, and other Liquors, for Increafe 
of his AIajefiy*8 Revenue during Life, for vvhic;h 
the King, in very few' Words, gave Thanks at pre- 
sent J but faid. he would enlarge, himfelf on Saturday 
following, the Day appointed for dilTolving the Pai- 

Ac their Return to their own Houfe, Sir Utniait 
Finch moved to adjourn to Tharfday the 17th, m 
.regard the Lords did fo; and faid, T^atTo-mbr- 
.row was not a (^) . Col. Shapcot for only t|ll 

Wiinejiaj ; iind was lecondcd in it by Col. Kitig. 
Mr. Pierefoint deHred that the King's laft 'Letter ' 
■ E 2 ' ' . ' ;iii^hc 

■ (t) A Word oblitcriudiD tfaeaiig!iuIMinnfcript;bntii thtDav 
*i3 CHripmdi-Daj, <m fiifpoit it famctUig rtUlin (o- that' FcAtnl. 

■ L\ _...,C".ooglc 

_ 6& ^IxPatliament^ Hi stoslV 

**^"^'' "'might not be entered la Oic Jeurmtli, left it ibould 
; ' .-~. be thgught the Houre adjourned folely upon Oiat. 
Pecembet. I^l^i which might be conftrued a Breach of Pri- 
vilege (xifo^ bchimrclf did wholly fubmit and comply 
with the Iting'a . Defire ;)' lor, be faid, That th« 
King could not adjourn the Houfe, tbo' he could 
diOblve it ; but that the Houfe mull adjourn, a* an 
AQ only of itTetr. Thia WM the ReaTon th« Lctttf 
. was not entered as ufual. 

Die. 27. A Bill for Encourageitten't t^ tiie Fifli- 
Ing Trade of this Nation was read a third Time } 
in this there had been a Claufc inferted. That no 
PerTon Oiould eat Fletb on a fVtdiufa^^, Sir Samutt 
'Jitut ofiered a Provifo to it, That all Travellera on 
the Road might have Liberty to have Flefli drefled^ 
It dieir Inns, notwitbftanding this KQt. Sir Rabtrl 
Sreakt againft it. Sir tf^tUiam D'OjUy faid, jelling' 
ly, Tliat it was fit Sir Samuil "Jenu and bis Fa- 
mily ihould be excepted out of the fiill for his Jtio- 
tion i the Bill palTcd .without the Provi(b4 

The Bill for granting Wine Licences was, this 
Day, read a third Time, when another great De- 
bate luppcncd upon it. 

^nTbmauClargn mvn^t Tliatthe Lord Chan- 
cellor and Treafurcr, according to tb* Statute of 
titwy VlH, fliould fettle the Prion on Wines 1 he 
delivered in a Provifo, particularly on Saciy Mu.Jca' 
^^ ^.dilt JlicanU and all Spanifii Sweet Wines, to be 

BUI for" Wina. ^^^^t by Retalc, for no more ihan Eighteen- pence a 
Tbc Price* of Quart ; and that no Gafaign at Frmh Wines 
tbcm tffi(i)cd> whatfocver^ould be fold for above Eight-pence the 
Quart, and no Rhinijh Wine for above Twelve- 
. pence^ under the Penalty of five Pouitdt Forfeiture, 
.he. Sir Jabn Glya, agaiiift this Provifo, faid, That 
it was not praSicable nor poffible to e^e^ it, by rea- 
Ion fome Regard muft be had to the Merchant's 
Price} be was for laying the Provifo afide, becaufe 
,^ the prcfenc Laws do already provide for the Purpofe. 
. Mr. BtAirdtt £iid, That this Provifo w6uld not do 
the Work, becaule there mull be Allowance mads 
. for the Caiti^e of Wine* by Land, which muft 


£/■ E N G L A N D. 69 

sulce it dearer. . Mr. A^ and Sir Wii^m Wyldt^ii*. ■> Ou. xu. 
fpolte for the Provjfo j Capt, Titm ag»fnll it, ur^. . '^^ , . 
ging, That it cguM not bp cffi;£ted, unleTs tbcy n^Jlrtif. 
could confnjand the VinUgei iibrp?d, Mr> H^t 
and Sir Htniggt F'lneb were for doing fomething iq 
the A^ir ■ and Jf the Lordc, before-mentioned^ 
cou]4) not bs i^t Lci/lire, fome Way fJlf might be 
thought OHt , 

Her^ th; HouTe were intemipted in tlKir Petnte bjr. 
a MelTage from the Lords, of no great Confecmence,' 
whieh, when it waj difpatchcd, tt)e Provifo, yt ber 
fore, was again read, ^njl the Debate reralTiMncd, , 
Sir JiUbany AJhlty C^ir laid. He dqubted mucb- 
whether any Qopd would be bad by this Provifo*. 
Sir Tiamat Sludwertb was for altering tt>e Time o£ 
the Lords meeting to fet the Prices, snd thought il) 
mi^t be ^citer to do it before the Merctiant niak« 
hii Market. Sir H^tUiem U*vi''i for the Provilo, 
Mr. Kni'gbt, the fame, 9s was bpth for the Provifo 
and die Time i faying. If [h^y fet a Piice foon^v 
diey prevented the Merchant from going to Market, 
when be knows whjit be nwft pay before haiid. Set- - 
jeant G'^n fpokc ag^fllV th$ Provifo, faying, Ttia| 
the Laws did already provide for it ; that ttie ^rice wai 
fct too low, for he knew that People gave Sixteen- 
pence a Quart for Rbenljh Wine upon the Place, 
Lord Falentia was for laying the Provifu^tde : Be-* 
caufe, be faid, they included both the Merchant and 
Vintner, without hearing them ; that the Lords, in^ 
deed, ought to fet the Ra^es, but if they did pot, 
would the Houfe punifh the Merchant for the Faults 
of the Lords ? Which he hoped be Ihould never fe? 
in that Houfe: Befides, he ^^ed, this Piovilq 
would derogate from the CuHoms. Mr. Prynne wa| 
for having it altered, and Prices tp be fixed by the 
fitft of June next. Serjeant Cbarllon faid, The 
Frovifo was conliflcnt widi the i^ir)g'i Inteicft, and 
Ac -Benefit of the Subje£t j but that it ihouU lotik to 
the next Vintage, not to that wbii^h wa; pad. Serr 
jeant Maynard faid, Prices may be put upon any 
iCind of Meat, or Drink, by Law ; chat the Lords 
jWQuld nut let the ffices by l^^ing Pailies ; anjl 
E 3 moveii 

' ' , - "l._....CooqIc • 

Tbe ■ ParJiamenJary History 

'• i^ mbved to limit the Time to Stpttmler next Sir /fe- 
^ thttiy hby, againft the Pravifo, faying, ThrtEight- 
p^nce and Eightecn-pencc, was a great Price for 
Wines, and that the Spaniardi and Fraich would take 
Advantage on us, when they knew fuch Prices are 
given here. Sir Hmtagt Finch, for the Provifoj urg- 
ing,- That the VinUge* abroad muft Tell rather than' 
we buy. Col. Birch, on the fame Side, faid, That 
the lower the Prices of Wines were, the greater Ad- 
vantage it would be to the CuftomS. Mr. Befca- 
wen fpoke only for Sixtaen-pencc on' Sack. To 
coiKlude this tedious Affair, Sir TbhAiaiCiargei told 
die Houfe, That, before the Provtfo was drawn up, 
an eminent Merchant Was confulted, who did cafl 
up -all- the Loffea by Wine, as Leakage, We. and 
(bid^ That by thcfe Prices, fo fet, the Vifither w^ould 
get the Third Pehny. Ofi which the Houfr not only 
^ took in Xht Pruvifo, but pkfled the Bill. 
' TheHoufe fa¥ this Aficrnoon, bu^ did nothing; 
fiife ftttling parti^larSum^ of Moriey on the Chap^, 
Uin, Serjeant, anffother Offirtrs, attending on them 
during the Seflton, Th^ atfo ordered fifty Poundi 
to be given to Mr. JalmOgiliy, fora Prefent he had 
Inade the Houfc of his Bible, jull then printed. ' 

In this Giving Humour the Hoiife ordered io,OColi 
for the Service of the Duke of Yafi, at the enfurn^ 
Cfjronation, iHd the like Sum for the XJfe of the 
Queen of Bdtmia. AU which feveral Sums they 
charged on the Aircars of iheExcifc; which B^Jl 
they alfo palTed this Day, and fent it up to the Lords, 
with this Order, That the Clerk do prtpajc, and 
bring in To morrow Morning, aLift of all the Sum j 
charged on the Excife, by Orders of the prefeht 

There are four Petitions, entered in the LcrdiyaoT' 
nati, from four great Peers, to the King, each laying 
Claim to the Office of Lord Great-Chamberlain of 
Bxgland, and the Earldom- of Oxfvrd. They were 
all referred'by the King, and read in thatHoiife; but 
^ the Time of their DiiTulution was fa very nighi 
the Lords wiiuld not enter into their Merits, but'left 
them to bedecided-by the nexfPatluniteat.- How- 
l ■• ever, 


'^tf E li^ G L A N D. yt 

tnr, IbmeTbinga appearing very ctiricMi? in thaPedi-Aa. n c«.ni 
giwcs of tlwfc Noblemen, in their Petitions, we fhall ^ '^^"^ 
give them, at Length, frqm the above Authority. • t w^ ^L 

TV the KING'S A&^ BxttHtnt Majtftf, 

Th* HltM BL£ PCT1TI0(» </" AWBEJIY Dk VbU« 
£ari if OltroaD. 
Sbt weth, 

* Tp* ti AT yo«r Petii^JMier a lawfulljr entitled torbe PctMoa if 
*• A the Ofice and Place of Great-Chambcriain--*!^ A fn^ 
<-of Eiiglmit wiA aB the Rights and Privikgffs-^''"',^;!^ 

* thereunto belonging. ^' 
' * That in or about the firft Year of the Ecign of 

' your Royal Father, a Petition was exhibited to hi» 

* Maj^y againft yoiir Petitioner's Father, by tho 
•* Father of the Earl of lAmi/ty that now is. 

'In which Petidoir the Earl of Linftji Fatlyr 

* claimed both the Earldom of OxferdinA theOfBcs 

* of Gr&»-Chamber)ain of England^ and tlie Mat- 

* tcr of that Petition was.referred by your Mycfty's 
•'ft.oyal'' Father, ro the Peers then fitting in Parlia- 

* ment, to ihe End that they, by the Advice of the 

* Judges affiftam, might cerlily thetr Upinivns to hia 

* Majefty. 

' That upon the Referehee, the Riglit of your Ps- 

* titionei^s Father to/theEarldom wjs ccftihcd to be 

* dear, and (Hat without o^te dillenting Vn-ce. 

' But, as to his Right to the Office of Great- 

* Chambtrlairi, there' */is an equal DtA^rence of 

* Opinions ; for fome Time the Lord Chief Baron 
' If^ilir, and. ihe Lord Chief Jultice Crewt, be-iig 

* fully fati>fied that the Right wa% in yout Peiitiiw.- 

* er's Father, though Juftice D^ddriilgf.ind Juftice 

* Tilverian. were of another Mind, until Ht isC*}, by 

* the Carting Voice of Baroji Trev^, who oainc ui 

* at the End of the Debase, as your Peiicioner ha h 

* beep informed, the Opinions were three agaiilt 

* two, ahd thereupon theii' LbrJffifi'i we/e indurcJ 

* to advifc his late Majeity to contcr the (aid Office 

* on the Earl of Lindjty Ever Imce- which Tints 

* the Office of Greai-Chimberlain-hath been held 

E4 ^by 


? : ■■' 

7? 3^ TarUametaary Hist oJt r 

*■' •* ^- n. « by the faid Eatl of iiW/g-, and his Son Afmtagn- 
L .' * Ewl of Lindfijf who claimeth it u his Inherj- 

* tance. 
* Now fbrafinuch as the ' Right of your Petitionee 

* ftands p'rcjudice4 by that fingle Opinion only; an4 

* that the Weight of this Cafe may well (tefetve a 

* more full and clear Determination, your Petidan-f- 

* cr humbly prayeth. That your Majefly would be 
f gracioufly plcaled to appoint the C^e, concerning 

* the faid Office of Gieat-Cbamb^lain of Eitglami^ 
*to beheard by the Peers now fitting io Parliament { 

* and diattbey, with the Affiftance of the Judges, 

* may re-examine your Petitioner's Title to the faid 
« Office, That fo, your Majefly being fully inform'tJi 

* Right may be done to your Petitioner ip the Pre- 
f Biifcs i and that the faid Montagu, now £arl of 

* Lindftj, may fhew what Right and Title he haU> 
*unto the faid Office aod ChambcrUiiifl)ii^.ai)ii( 

* make Anfwcr to the Premifcs. 
Andyeur Pttitiantr Jhall evtr pray ftr y^v Mejt~ 

fiy'i Imp md happj Rtin. 


At tJie Court at tf^itehaSt Dtctmttr 36, 1660. 
TTlS Majefty U graciavjlj pltafid ta reftrlbts Pt- 
•f^ tifiait it ibt P-ttn fitting in ParliamiKt^ iebtar 
the Pttitiantr and. the Earl af Lindfey, tmctrning tbt 
Office af Lard Griat-Chambtrhinf and tt di tbirtin 
ecearding tt 'Jufiia and Htneur. 


■ TTie fame Order was annewd to the three fcJlow- 
ing Petitions. ' ' 

tt tkt KING'S Mt^ Excelltnl Moftfyy 
■ 2S/H0MBLE Petition ^Thomas Windsor, 
Ltrd \ViKDSOB, ■ . 
<>|.«ri< -|-*HAT 7*iw,thefjxthEarlof O^rrfofthat 

* I Narhe.Lord Bidbtck, SandfardfV^ABadlefmurt 

* deceafed, was feized of the Office of Grcat-Chanir. 
< beilaln oi England, with the Rights and Privilege^ 

• ■ , ■ • ihere- 


0^ E N G L A N D, 73 

' • ^Kreunto belonging, of Fee and Ri^. And thf Ao. ti Cv. tk 

* raid laic Earl being fo feizcd thereof, died feizcd, ''^- , . 

* about the 4th of Queen EHiabtth, leaving Ifibc ^^"^J^^^"^' 
» Calherim, Jiis only Daughter and Heir, by Dtrt' 

*ihjy Daughter of the Earl ai If^eflmtrtland, hitodly 

* lawful Wife, who was married to Edward Lord' 

* ffindfir. Great Gnindfaiher of your Petidoner, to- 

* whom the Petitioner is ihe undoubted Heir, where-^ 
f by the faid Oflkc doth belong of Right to your Pe- 

* titioner. 

* Yet now,fo itmay pleale your Moft Sacred Ma- 

* jeAy, that MtrUagu Earl of Lmdfej hath pofleflcd 
f hinifelf of the faid Oflice} to the apparent Wrong 
f'bf your Petitioner. '" 

* The Petitioner tl^crcfoi^ humbly prays, That 
f your Majcfty will be gracioufly picafed to rerer the 

* Hearing and Determination of the Petitioner's faid 
f Tlile, to the Right honourable the Peen aiTcmhled' 

* in Parfiament, with the Affiftance and Advice of 

* the Reverend Judges ; and that ttie faid Mantagit 

* Earl of Undftj- may be fummaned by their Lord-" 
■ fhips to antiivr the Premifes { and that the faid 
s Office may be declared, ai of Right it doch be- 
f long, to your P-etitioiier and hii Heirs ; and thar 
*thcfaid ^nrffjw Gari of /.in^ may befufpended 

* from the Execution thereof, and your Pf^tiooer 

* admitted thereunto. 

AitdyWT Paitwutt m '« Duty hmd, fie/l daffy 
proft iic. 

THO. WnsiDSOR. ' 

r» tie Klti G's M»/l Bxttlbnt Mejifly^ 
Tbi HoMBLB Petition iifCHA%i.z» Stanley, 
' Earl af Derbv, ' 

Humhhf fbnveth, 
■* -T^ Ha r Edward VfTt, Itte Earl of Oxftrd^ ^^ ^^ j^^,,_., 
< 1 and Lord High- Chamberlain «f England, %ti\otDtrij,» 

* hid Ifltie only one Son, hftttry, and three Daugh theftme. 

* ters, vi%. Euxahtth, ' Bridget^ and Sufan, and died' 

* ^n. Dam. 1664; after whofe Death J|is Son was 

* Karl of Oxftrd, ami Lord HigH-Chan)tcr!ain, and' 



74- ^^f Parliamefitdry History 

A£ x\ Cm IK * died fome Yean kgo without Ifiiie ; by and fincff 

.. '^*°- . * whofe Death the &id Office of Lord High-Cham- 

\},cg,/gf,-: * bcrlain ought to' defend and come -uato your Pe- 

' >titioner, he being GrandToR and Heir of EUxaitli,- 

■ * the cldefl SiSer of the faid Htnty : Arid therefore' 

* your Petitionei' humbly prayeth* That yoiii Ma- 
*<j«fty Would voudifafe to dire& that he may enjoy 

* the faid Office accordingly, 

JndytttT Pajtimer vftU ever fray, &c. 


The Humble PzTiTioH •/'Montacv Berth,-. 
Eerl e/'LlNpsBYi Ltrd 
. En^and, 

The EmI of * '"I"' HAT upon the refpeaive ClaimB of Rxbirt 

LixdfijU P«i. < J. Lord Wilkughby of Erifiy^ (afterwards Eart 

twncBtheKini-j^f £j-^^j the Petitioner's Father, andof *»i<rf 

*■ dt FtTCf £fq. to the Office of Great-Chambcrlaiit 

*'of England, and to the Title and Dignity of th9 

* Earldom of Oxford, your Majelty's late Father^ 
f of ever btelled Mcikibry, was gnidoufly pleafed, m 
*! or about the jrii Year of bis Reign, to refer the 
^.ConiideTation of their fevenl Piewnces to. the faid 

* Office and Earldom of Ojr/irrf, to the Houfe of 
\'Peers then fittibg in Parliftment j who, upon Ad- 
' vice with the Reverend Judges, did then certify 

* his Jate Majefty, Thatthc Office of GrcatCham- 

* berlain did appertain to the Petitioner's Father 

* and .his Hciri j.. and in regard your Petitioner's 
'.-F'-ather was nt^ then fully acquainted with fuch 
' Records and Proofs, [which, ifihewn, might have 

, * manifefted to their Lordfhips hiv Right to the faid 

*'Earldom ofi Qffer4, and which tlie Pctttiiner ii 

.* now ready to.produce) the.fajd.Pqpisdid ;^ifo ter* 

- * tify the iaid Earkioip d^d belong.. to .the faid, Rebfrt 

* d* Vert; by Virtue whereof Sir Awhtry de Fire, ■ 

* Knight o£ the Moft Noble Order of the Gaiter, 
'-Son'of tw.tol Ri^t^ doth new srlaiin and enjoy 

* the 


(f E N G L A i^ 0, , ^f 

••the faid Earldoiri erf Oxf^ij, to the great Wrong**- »*^- ■ 
' of your Suppliant. . > ' 

■ * Majr it thei-efore pkafe your JacfCd Majefty to nnwirtiff. 

* be gpactoully picafcd to refer the R%-hearing oTthd 

* Petitioner's Right to the faid Earldom of Oxfird^ 
' to the Moft NodIc Pccn now a(!bmbled m Parlia- 

* meflt, thar if \t fhall appear to therti juft to re^»x> 
' amine the formbr Proceedings, they may proCcAl 
' therein in fuch Mahner as to their LordOiipa (hall 

* fcem to fland with Hbnouf and Juftice, and td 
'certify your Majefly tHeir Opitiiofis therciJpons • 

* And that the (aid Sir Awbirj diVttt iKay Be fjm- 

* moqcd toarifwer the PrcrHifts, and that he may 
^Ihew what Right and Title he hath to the Earl-' 
' dom of Oxfordi 

And your Pttitieriir jhall nilr pfaj ftfp'kf Mt^y't 
hng and bafiy RAgn ft}.- 


Dttrmber 28. Sir Thasiai Bluihwrtb reported the 
Bill for a Two- Months Tax art the City of Len- 
i/o«, for railing ^5,000/. for Tr-ojihies, i^c. Lord 
Falkland, Co). Sbapiet, and Mr. Yaiutg fpoke ag^ft 
(his Bill, urging the Backik-ahlnefs of the City fot 
lending Money. Sir Thfynai Bhaw^th and Czpt. 
Tiiui juftified the City. "Hie Qutffiion beiofg pur, 
Whcthcr-tfii Bill (hodd be committed, theHout* 
dividtd into Yeu 92, Noes 104. The next Re- 
bate was for engrofdng the Bill i wbidi was ordered 
without a Divifion. 

A Bill fw one Month's AflctTment, for raiffng 
70,000/. fbr a further Supply to his Majedy, and to 
enable him the better to detr^y the iLxpences of his 
CorfSnation, waj read a third Time and palled. 

The Lords fenttioiwi lo the Conimuus ibe Bill 
for a Review of iftc Pull BiH^ with AmcndmcnU; to 
Ibme of which they agreeO, but to others atjhcredj 
on -which a Cu[|ferencc was held between ihemi 
the Refuh of which will api>«ar in the PrucceJiiig* 
pf the next. Day.' 

A Lctt'T . 

(O Tb« 09|a ef Lord Great Cluanbtrlua of Fag!*'^ «■• >il- 
\a^lcA (o belong to the £trJiiFdiBil}, uul VMi. ut [he LuIJuu, al Os< 



The ParBamenfary'iiii story 

"• A Letter from |he Commiflit^crs of Exgife to th** 

^ Clerk of the Houfe was read, containing an Account 

of what MoniK had been charged upon the Excife 

by Pailtamentt viz. ■ , 

An 'AeeooBt tS To hie Highnefs the Duke of 
vriut DonuioBfl^ri, or bis AiSgns, in (iill < ' 
tl"^Z 10,000 A together with Intereft 

To the Executora of bis late \ 

Hi^nefs Hmry Duke of Ghuc' \ 

^tft together with Intcreft J 

To * DinbatBy Efqv his Maje- •. 

S's Surveyor, together with Inter | 
; which Siun ww advanced by r 
Alderman Ed. BackwtU J 

To the Executon of' her late -t 
Highnefs the Princefs Royd, to- [ 
gether with Iniereft, being idvan- j 
, ced by Alderman Ed. BackivtU J 
TotheQucenof Bihtmia, to- 
gether wi[h Intereft, being advan' 



Ced by Alderman Ed. BMitvtU 

To her Highnefs the Princcfi 1 
Hintrittio Mariot with Intereft J 
- To Sir Themas Vitier, for the t 
dtftrefled Proteftants of PudtrunI C 
and Psiatidy the Remainder of T 
7678 Lit. 9 d. the Sum of J 

To fit»ry Pah, Efq; 

To Sii Thsmat Datrtt^ Knt. — 

To Col. Aathtny Buller ' 

To Rsv^nd Lan^herne, Efqj — 
ToTAff. Ltdingtvity being ad- 1 
vanced by Aid. Ed. BackweU J 
To Htnrj Symball — — 
To MOiam /lUtti and Rtbtrt ' 
Swaylt, by Bills of Exchange, 
^Jrawn by S\i R*itrt Heiuywmdy 
together with Intereft 

ToCol. 'y»hnStrtttirai\iJtb« 
Aleesfie, Printers 

To Frands fThdham, Efqi — 

ioooo o o 

5978 8 9 

3443 '2 5i 

250 o o 
5436 16 o 
3000 O o 

3450 o o 

J3S7 ift 10 

2260 o 6 

52« 13 3 
1000 o o 


6/ -E N G LAN D, 77 

L U /.*^1* Cir. I 

. To Mr. mmam JJUfy Trea- "t 

furerfortbeHoTpiuIioftheSAwi' r 1400 ti 

and Efy-Haufi J 

To Mn. Dtrthy Stjmnr , —^ 3571 o o 

*To Sir Edward AUJ^f Knt. — 3000 o o 

ToSylaiTitut, Efq; 3000 O O 

To Mrs. Jant Laiu — - ■— 1000 o O 

Tobb Highnds the Dake of ]^ii loooo -00 

To the Queen of Btbtmia ^ lOOOQ o o 

To Dtnxii HtUtt, £r<)i Sir mi- 1 

^am Lnoit, KnL and Tbamat P»- I 

vty, Efq; or iJieirAffigns, for the f JOO o 4 

Ufe of rtie Children of Oury EU \ 

fiig, Efqi deceafed (t) ■' 

To Cd. £.Ao. Uarlifi Cover- -j 
nor of Dwiiri, the Remainder of > 7IOO o -» 
8400/. for the Ufe of ^t Garrifon '' 

To the feveral Peribns to whom anySuntsof 
Money Quit appear to be due, for the Qumeringi 
Cure, and Attendance of ftck and wounded Scaipen 
. and Soldiers, fctit from aboard hii Majefty's Sbipa, 
or from his Majefty's Garrifons in FtoitJfri, to 
/>«ivr, HarttncB^ ot other Port- Towns a£ lim 
Kingdom, fuch fcveral and refpe&ivc Sums a> flitll 
beftated and certified by the. Auditors lb whom the 
ftatii^of Accotmb erf' that Nature is referred) to 
have incurred and become due from and after the 
jftof Junt, 1658, and to or before (he 14th of 
Anarchy 1658. 

' Reibtvcd, That tke Sums, mentioned in the faid 
Lift be char^ on the Airears of Excifc, in Courfe, 
and inferted into die Bill for levying tbe £ud Ar- 

Dttimitr t^. The Lord V^tia reported the 
Efied af a Conference, had the Night before with 
dw Lords, uponthclr Amendments to the Bill Jb( 
fupplying the Ue^as of the Poll Bill. 

* That their Lordftips delivered their fonner Pi»-, 
Vtfo, withibme.AUeratioiijbeugi with the Attend 
titm. as followeth : 

* Pre. 

.X'.oog Ic 

y% ^be f^artiapk^ary Hi S TORY 

ji.^i Car. n. < Pr&vitlef ali^ays, aiid be it enabled, That thli 
'^^ -, .' Aft, or any thing therein contained, {faall not cx- 
' tend to any Pcpr-of this ^eajm, in point of AfTefl*- 
(f mentrli^priroBnveat, Oiflrels, or.oiherwire; Provj- 

* fion being made, in the faid tirft recited A£l, for the 
ff aflcffijjg'j^ the-feitl-Pcers, by certain •Pc«f! «iio are 
:f therein o^me^^ndappcviitcil in tt>at Behatf. -And 
o*,be it-iiir^r eoft^ietij-Th^ttho Lord'Oljanccllor, 
J* Lord-.Ticafurer, -the -feord-Ste ward sf lils Maje- 
•)* fty's Hmfhold, Lond^Gtrambcrlain of his Majefly'* 
J* lioufhoU,.thc-£arl of Ntrthamptmi^ Lotd NawarJ 

■ €>i Charltsn, "Aic hwi ^htrts, the Lord'Grgi of 

* ^urit/, the (.ond.O.«BV«, the Lord A4*hun, and 
U* tbe Lw;d Ha\tan, he added to the Peers named in 

■ tbe faid lirft rqcited A^ibc the aileffing of the Peers, 

* according to the fatd recited A£t.' 

* Andfo tbefrWorduwcTeftmckout t^thelxirds 
oCrom the. P^ovilb, as it fipft came down, v!z> 

• • • ^ « • ,» ,♦ (gj 

* TheX^oaatrittte in(ifting upon it, that there was 
. no Obligation on . the Lonls Commiffioners for the 
r.feeo to allefs the Pan, they returned into their 

i^oiiire}, and, after, delivered an. Addition to the faid 
iipTQvifo, in. Paper, .as. fblloweth : 

' '. * .Whidi.laid JLordsCommiiHoners, or any five <]f 
i * then, in this, and tbe .former A^ tiamnJ, fhall 

* have. Power to aflefs, -lew, and /colled, all fueh 

* $ums of Money as Hull be afiefled, aocotding to . 
^tbeTcnor of this and the .former AA, upon foch 

: ' Pftrs iwbo have not^pprtionably to their 

* So, with dtat, Addition, ithey adhered a£ former* 
]y ; CxprelSng themfelvea forty, ihat there having 

; .been hitherto fo.good.a Coireijxndence betwixt the 
Houfes, they fliould be now fufpe^ed in this Houfe ; 
' talang Notice, that, in the late Times of Mifery, 
I tbey fufiered as much ai any, and hope nothing (hall 
.vbe^dbne.tothe Prejudice vf thtir Privileges, adding, 
tbat tbey bnpe they fhalliw jeady to ftrain {hcmfelvct 
. M-fxr at this Houfe.' 
• JUter dutRepQCt-a gnat Debate enfued. 


.i. (t) Sic imOrlg. 

,, Google 

^ /^NG L A N D. . 79 

Mr. BtfcawiH produced a Boole, where, in Ae*"- "L?"* "* 
Banning of the L<Mig Parliamenr, thii 'Prtpofat o f. '"^ \ f 
the Lords wa» rerufed, u being againfl all Order ; - pi-Tiir ' 
fcrnone but the-Cammons can impoTe a Tax for 
Money. He viii fecondcd bj Mr. Toung, who if Debate on ths 
firmed. Thai, by the laft Poll Bill, the Lords '"^'■eJ^^P^^ 
aflefled tn' the ordinary CommiffioncrR. Lord Vole»-{^^ 
tin faid, Divcri Lords had liot yet paid ; but, ' thR^ 
Ac Straitnefs of Time, be thought it beft to ^gree 
with -them. Sif Jehn Glyn told the Houfe, TTk^ 
could notjuftlly the taxing the Com^otis, and ta- 
king no Care that the Lords Ihould pay too ; thoi)^ 
he was not much avierle, and would agree with theni 
rather than hinder the Bill. Sn'HemageFi'ieft-fa.xdf 
That the gaining ttieir Point on the Lords by aif- 
berlng, would niH counterpoile the Lofs of the' Bill, 
Which mufl: inewttablj follow; that they might very 
Well take the Lords Words, for this Time, that 
Hkj w'M psy; befides, the Difpleafure and Loft 
which, in the End, would redound to the King. He 
therefore moved to^gree, becaule the Advantage t^ 
*be Bill would be-i5o,opo/, andthe Money to be 
raifed would not be above 7000/. Sir Edward 
Earner faid. It was not a Time to-difpute then; biit 
4noved to agree. - Mr. Prjnne, That the Lords had 
paid for feveral Years, by the AflefTment of thte 
Commons 1 but moved to agree for that Time, and 
-Jea»e' the Difpute to another Parliament. Mr. Banl~ 
fiiUi not to Bgre*,' the Defire of the Lords being fe 
unreafonablei that ihere were thlrty-fix Lords >vhb 
had not paid tht TaK, and therefdrehe wasforad- 
■hcring, fayiitg,The Lords did it out of Incogitanc^, 
uGng that Word^fcversl Times, fays the Manufcript; 
and to which Sir ■Ffatidi CorituaUiiy Treafurcr of tije 
•Houftlold, anfwered. That if they did not agree, , 

they would he incdgitant c^ the King. At laftitwai 
agreed to a)lo^ th6 Provitb and [he other Aihenq- 
Oicnt9 to the Bill. ' 

The Peers feem tto be very tenacious aiid jealoio 
of their Privileges, by another Inftance which hap- 
.pened this Day: Theyfentdgwn a' BUI to the Com- 
mons, • 


, So , . . ^ie FartUmenfary History . 

n. i»c«r- n.inonJ j for rai Jipg 70,000 /. for 0c King's Ufe. with 

•*j*|^ the following ProViib taclt'd tp it, w(a. . f..: 

j„j^^_ * FroTidcd always, ,That this Afl, .n« ^ny. thing 

. * therein contained; Qjall be cjrawn into Exampl^i 

* to the I'r^judicepf thf aiJticnf Rights t)cIongia£ 

* to the Peers of tUis Realoiii' Which, upod the 
Queftion, was airoagrfedto. , . , 

' The Bill for Wiilc Licenced pafjeii both Houffs^ 
. . Mr. Suvens moved (o re-aflutn^ the Uebate oif 
VtRerday about the Arr^s of the ^x^ifc^ Sit 
Jiituagi Finth, a^inftit^fajnng^tlt was tlie.King's 
Money, and he Taw no Rcaion why bis. Majcfi; ^ 
Ihould paTs fuch z Bill extemporary; and frithout 
conTiderih^ofit firft ; therefore moved to let It alpoei 
Sir ffiuiam Lewii moved for the pbor Cff'ivfM a( 
'J^ieri, Sir JUin Mafimwi, to expiate the Hoow 
from the Guilt of Sacrilege 1 hefatd, The Hanging^ 
of (he Houfe were taken out of the Church of ^Xi 
Paul's % and moved rather to fit with bare Walla 
.than to adorn themfelveswithtbeSpoils of Churchy 
which he would have leftorcd. Lord VaUntia fiiid^ 
in Reply, That divers had been banged already for 
it ; and moved to go on with other Bulinels, parti- . 
cularly to charge the City Money alfo on the Afieari 
of the Excife. 

Several other ^lofions were made of no great Ac- 
count, as particularly one concerning the Payinent of 
fome Arrears due to Col. Lxibart, when Governor 
,of Dunkirk. 

Mr. Knight^ againft it. Sir Thtmas Ciargn-, foC 
it. Sir Robtrt Barliy faid, That Lukhart did n<n 
defcrve any Confideration, for he kept a Troop of 
Horfe to furprize the King with, and wai an a£liv« 
Man for Olivtr : And added, That if ihe Houfe had 
Time to examine the BuGnefs, he would be found in 
Debt. Captain Tnut faid^ There was not a verier 
Villain upon Earth than Ltcihart ; that he reportcfl' 
a Lye againft tly King* by faying be was turned 
Papift i and wiflted, with all his Heart, the A& af 
Oblivion had not aojultted him from his juH Defert } 
that he was not Uue to thofc very Villains he had fet- 
vcd, andfaethoi^t bimnowarecrctPluuer, asSir 



Sobtrt HarltyhiA obrerved; and moved togiv«him^ •» C^r^J. 
nothing ; which the Houfe agreed to. i66t>^, ^ 

Several mof-e Motions were made in the Houfe Djjtn^e,. 
of Commons this Day, for Money to be paid to dif- 
ferent Perfons, for Debts, Charities, ^c. fome of 
which were taken and others rcJeiSted, as may be. 
fcen in the Journab^ but arc unnecefTary here; till 
at iaft, theTime of the King's coming to the Houfe 
f>i Lords drawing near, Mr. Palrmr moved to fend 
to the Lords to acquaint theip. That ibe Painifc!- 
Chsmberarid CourtofRequefts were fo full of Stran- 
gers, that it was impoffible for the Houfe to comtf 
up to the King ; upon which the Serjeant was fent 
away with the Meflage. 

After this the Commftns re-afliimed, once ,more^h« King eoma 
the Bill on the Arrears of Excife, and had proceed ed^"^' ^°^t^ 
in the Debate fo far as to order ifae Blanks in the Bilfj;," p„iisu«»ent. 
to be filled up; when the Uftier of the Black Rod 
came to the Door, and the Houfe being informed of 
it, the Speaker, with thq reft of the Members, be- 
ing come into the Houfe of Peers, and his Majefty 
feating himfelf on the Throne, the Speaker addtef- 
fed himfelf to him as follows ; . 

jWo^_ GraciQUt and D<ead ScvtrtigKy 
• 'IpHE Knights, Citizens, and Burgefles, nowThe SptJtw ol 

X aflembled in Parliament, being the Repre-'*" Houfcof 
fentaiive Body of your Commons in England^ ^'^^^cihtahiia. 
as Conduit -Pi pes, or Quills, to convey the Streams 
of your People's dutiful AffeSions ana humble De- 
firis into your Royal Prefeiice ; and' that 'being 
done, they need no other Speaker but yourfelf, for 
they know your Skill, and have had Experience of 
your Will : And yet, Royal Sir, though they have ' 
ro Caufe to complain, they cannot but takcNotice 
of your Partiality ; for when any Thing in Point of 
Right, or but Conveniency, hath fallen out to be, ^ 
we life to fay, a Meafuring Cart, a difputable Cafe, 
between yourfelf and your People, without any Rgr 
gard or Refpeft had to your own Right, or the Ad- 
vantage that might accrue to yourfelf by afltrting 
the fame, if the Good of your People hath come in 

Vol. XXIIL F Com- 


^3 'tbeParliamagary Historv 

^' *6^" ^' ^'"P"'*'0" with ifj yo" have always caft it-againft 
^' , ■■_ - ■ yourfelf, and given it on your People's Sidt 
ISpeinber. ' Royal Sir, Thus to undo yourfelf to do your 
" " ■ ■ People Good, is not to do ar you would be 3on« 
unto } and can we do lets than, by a grateful Re- 
tribution, chearfully to pay your Majefly thejuft 
Tributcof our dutiful Obedience unto all your Royal 
•; .Commands ; and^ upon all OccaGons, ready to fa- 

cri£ce,y> «r yitd, all that we have or enjoy, Livest 
and Fortunies, in the Service of fuch an incompa- 
jable Sovereign ? 

' But, Royal Sir, it becomes tnc to fill your Ma- 
jefty's Ears with A're iTqutrt ut tt videam (ajy as thq 
'Only Rhetoric the People ought to ufe to fuch a King 
" of Kindnefs, anda Prince fo full of good Works ; 
;uid therefore, as I am commanded, 1 mull humbly 
afliirc your Majefty that the many healing Expedi- 
ents propounded by yourfelf, in your feyeral molt 
gracious Declarations, have been the Subject- Matt ej;: 
iipon which your Commons have wroight all this 
Parliament : And, in iheiiTll Place, thty took into 
^onftderation the great and growing Charges which 
then lay upon your People for the Pay of your Army 
' and Navy ; and they conceived it neceflary to begiii 
with that Part thereof next at Hand, wherein yout 
pef^Ie would receive the moll Eafe and the greateft 
Security and Satisfat£lion, which was the difbandina 
. your Maj'cfty's Forces by Land, and the paying off 
jwentyhve of your Ships then in the Harbour, and 
of no Ufe i and this led then) to the Confideiation 
of fuch Ways and Means as were to be itfed to raife 
Money for that Purpofe j and that for Poll Money 
being propounded and palTed, "fome were of ppiniori 
that That alope would have over done the Work^ 
others havipg had Experience of a former Bill of the. 
fame Nature, and upon the lil^e Occafion, fearing it 
might not anfwer Expectation, and being unwilling 
to J)e deceived the fecond Time, efpecially in fuch a 
( Sufiiiers as this, wherein a M.ftAe was like to 

prove fo penal,' moved for a further Supply (which^ 
* ■ * ' ' ' after 

' fa) So in out Copy of the Lcdi Jsamah j but wiut to nuke of 

tiw firlf Wotd, or how to. comft it, we luaw nac 


©/■ENGLAND. 8j 

aftei' foBw Debate. w« agreed upon) of a Two-*** '"j^"''** 
MoAths Aflefljnent, at 70,000 /. ptr Month ; and ■ ' _' -j 
both hare not ^ct fully done the Work for which. Deccnb«r 
they were defigned \ mt with the Help of two othcf 
BHls here in my Hand, the one intituled, An A3 
far tbe levjing the Jrrtari ef the Twelve^ Mrnitht 
j/^^huHi, nmmtiicing June 34, 16591 i^ t^ 
StK-Mmtht Afftffmtnt^ ctmoutuing Dec, 23, if^59; 
and the other intituled, An Ail far thifpeidy i'ro- 
^ijkn «f Mafuj fir dijhanding and paying eff the 
Bereis »f tbii Kingdam^ bath by Land and Sia, they 
hope this Account will be fully cleared off at laft. 

* Sir, your Commons have likewife taken into 
their Confldcration the Charge of your Summer 
Fleet ; which, bcfidcs that Part th^eof, your Ma- 
jefty is pleafcd to take upon yourfelf for your ordi- 
niry Guard of tbe Seas, willamount to a very great 
Sum ; and as it is a great Debt, fa it is n grow- 
ing Debt : In a few Months it doubles. There il 
a Saying, ^i ciit dot, bit dat ; I am fure it mud btt 
true in this Cafe, ^i eitt fihit, bis /chit, to pay 
bis Debt readily is the Way to pay but once ; and 
to take Time to pay it is the fure Way to pay it 
twice i and therefore your Conrmons laying afide thQ 
fad Thoughts of their long Sufiferings, and thofe mifcf- 
nble Devaftationa and PrefTures they have Idih 
under for many Years lallpaft; and looking up- 
mi the Neceffl^ of Affairs, which call importunate- 
' ly, and muft be anfwered efiedually, hath paflcd 
another Bill here in my Hand, intituled, An All f» 
fix Manthi Affijfment af 70,000 1. per Menfem, f 
itgin tbi firft af January, and ta be paid in, tbe aiit 
Mtiety, tbareaf htftrre the firft ef February, and tht 

tther Maitty being the remaining Part, by tbe fir/i af 
April next *^i»S ' Which is to be applied wholly 
in paying of the Arrears of your MajeQy'a Army 

and Navy. 

• I have three other Bills in my Hand, which 
have Relation to your Majcfty's Revenue, and are 
Branches thereof; the one intituled. An AlXfar the 
hetter erderhtg the felling af ff^inet by Retail, and far 
frivmting af Abttfit in singling, corrupting, andvi- 
F z tiating 

., Google 

84 ^ ParHamentary HisTajtv 

'f^.ii Cri.U.t!ating pf Jf^nuty and fir fettling and limttng th^ 
■ '""• . Prices of the fimt: And the Bill b tendered unto . 
■Wjnhff, your Majefty for preventing all further Pirpute^ 
touching the Legality thereof, for we know it is youi 
^ajelty's De&re, (hat nothjng might be done b}( 
^ny of your Officers or Miniflers that aA undci; 
you,^n/ Figura 'Jufiiiia tt Warranto Legis. Ajich- 
fher is intituled, An A£t fox treiling and tfiahlijhing 
aPoJi-Offiet: And this, being likeivife legally fet- 
tled, will be of very great Ufe to all your Majefty's 
people, and efpeci^lly your Merchants, for holding 
Intelligence with their Correfpondents,. YiikoUx 
9it& Agents, in foreign PaiCs Litera funt fndicet 
Mimi., and without the fpeedy Difpatch and Coiit 
veyance of their Letters, they will never be able to 
time ttiejr Qultne^, nor carry ori rheir Trade to an 
^u^l Advantage with the Merchants of other Coun- 
tries. The other Bill provides for the Increafe of 
your Majefly's ordinary and conftant Revenue, bj 
fhe Grant of an Impoft to be taken upon Ale, , Beer, 
^nd other Beverage therein particularly ipentioned 
^d cxprefled, to hold to your Majefty for Life, irhicb 
God long continue, A'"' ^^. '^ '^ ^^^ Delire of your 
Pommons that you^ Majefly might never be uetef- 
jitated to rcfort to aqy extraordinary or unparlia- 
penury Ways ai^d Means, -for the raifing ot Mo- 
ney upon your people, fo they likewife acknowledge 
it to be their Deiires to fuppiirt and uphold, to ih? 
utnioft of their Powers, -the Honour and Grandeur 
pf your Majefty's Royal State and Dignity. 

'And for a further Evidence of your Commons du- 
tiful Afie<£tions to your Majefty's mr.ft dear and Royal 
perfon, they have paQed another Bill for the ra^frng 
pf 70,000/. for your Majefty's further Supply; all 
M>hich Bills I 3m comnpanded fiurably to ptpfent your 
M^efty withal, and to pray your gracious Acceptr, 
jmce thereof, and your Royal Aflent thereunto. 

? There ^re other Bills likewife, of public Con- 
pernoient, which have pafled both Houfes, and do 
now attend upon your Majefty, waiting for -your 
p.oyal AiTent ; the one is intituled. An Azi fir tht 
4\t^indtT aj fivtral Pirfint ^uilij eftbi horri^ Jt^r-r 


flf E N G L A isr Di ej 

jrr ^ hit latt Sacrtd MajtAy^ your Rejei Father tf*''- " Cu-. rt.' 

'roer hl-£id Memory. There is anotbcr Bill, mtjtu- ^ ' .^ j 
led, Jit J £1 far the Cenfirmaiian if Leafts atidGranii p^,^^,^^,- 
_^«OT CelUgts and He^itah; this will tenJ much to 
the quitting ntai^ MtSn's £Katcs that in the late 
unhappy Times were inforced to renew and change 
their Eflates niuch for the wot'le, were it not tor 
the Favour your Majedy intends them in this Bill : 
There is antither Bill to pruhibit tlie Exportation of 
"Wooil, Wooll-Kclls, Fullers Earth, or any other 
Tcouiing Eanh: Woollen Manufa£lura, be&des the 
Dudes they pay for your Majcfty's Cul^oms here at 
home, have great Impofitions laid upon tfteih ih 
foreign Parts where they are vended, in the Low 
CounirUs lb OS I J per Cent, and ia Portugal 20 p^ 
"Cent, at leail ( but thofe who, for their own filthf 
Lucre Sake^ having no Regard or Refpedl to the 
Public Good, thai Real over the Materials of whicn 
thofe Manufactures are made, pay not one Penny 
here or there,, and by that Means Strangers do makie 
thofe Manufailures of our Wool upon fuch eaiy 
T'erms, that they can alFord, and do undcrfcli yoUr 
Merchants ; which is the Occafion of a double Lofs, 
firft, t" your Majefty in your Ciiftoms, and, in tlte 
next P;ace, to your People, who are thereby dif- 
bcartened and dilcuuraged; and in a Qi'orl Time, if 
not prevented, will be utterly beaten out of that an- 
tient native fiaple Trade, upon which many tbniiranl 
I^amilies do wbclly depisnd for all their Livelilioo<l 
and Subfillehce. 

< There is another Bill, intituled, yfn ASl iefra-' 
hlbit the planting, fittings or Joiuing efTobacco in^n- 
gland and Ireland. This Climate is fo cold that ic 
never oumes to any Maturity or Pcrfe^ion ; for wC ' ' 

find, by Expedience', though it be ever fo well heal-^ 
fed, and made up wlih the greateft Art and Skill that 
can be puITible,. yet it is impoiTible, after it is made 
'lip into the Roll, to keep arid prefervc it from pu* 
tnfying above three or four Months at the nioA; and 
theie.ore Pliyficians, tveh thofe that love it beft and 
tife it moft, Conclude, generally, that it is unwhol- 
fome for Men's Bodies ; befides many other great 
F 3 Damages 


'86 The P0-U(mentary "Hi S.TQKY 

.n. iiC»r. IT< Damages and fnconveniences will follow upon it» 
^ ' ^ . if it fliould be permitted, the Abatement of your 
Ptcenibtf. Majtfty's Cuitoms, the DeftruSion of your Plama- 
tions abroad, the Difcouragement of Navigation, 
and To confequently the Decay of Shipping, ;which 
are the Walls- ami Bulwarks of your Majefty'a 

' • There is another Bill, intituled, JnJSlfor ta- 
iing away tht Court of ffardt and Liveriis, Ugtthir 
with Tenurtt in Capitc, Knighfi Service^ Ttnures, 
evd Purveyances. This Bill, ex Re Ntjia, tan prc^ 
pehj Ik called a Bill of Exchange ; for as Care is 
therein taken for the Eafe of your People, fo the 
Supply of that Part of yoiir Majefty's Revenue, 
which formerly came into your Treafury by your 
Tenures, and for your Purveyances, ta thereby likc- 
, wife fully provided for by the Grant of another Im> 
pofition, to be taken upon Ale, Beer, and other Li- 
quors, to hold to your Majefly, your Heirs and Suc- 
ccllbrs for ever ; and that they fliould not took upon 
the Confiderations, mentimied in this Bill, as a fiiU 
Conpenfation and Rccompence for your Majefty's 
parting with two fuch Royai Prerogatives and antient 
Flowcrsof the Crown, if more werenoc implied than 
is exprcffcd j for, Royal Sir, your Tenures in Capiu 
■re not only turned into a Tenure of Socage, (tho* 
~ that alone will forever give your Majcftya juft Right 
and Title to the Labour of your Ploughs and the 
Sweat of our Brows) but they are likewifc turned 
intoa Tenure JB Csrair. Wbatyour Majefty had be- 
fore in your Court of Wards, you will be fure to find 
it hereafter in the Exchequer of your Peoples Hearts. 
The King of Spain's Mines will fooner deceive hiih 
than this Revenue will fail you, for his Mines have 
Bottoms; but the deeper your Majefty fmks yooi- 
felf into the Hearts and Aneiftions of your People, 
the greater you will find your Wealth to be, and 
the more invincible your Strength, 

' Royal Sin, We have nothing more to offer or to 
alk, but muft conclude all our Work this Parlia- 
ment wiih an humble and thankful Acknowledge- 
ment of God's inimite Geodncls and Mercy, in re- 

L\ _...,C".oo,qlc 

efEffGLAND. 8^ 

ftoring your Majcfty to your Royat andlmperialAn. i> c*r. ni 
Crown, Throne, and Dignity, and for making you , '**'■. *^ 
the Rcftoier of ihat which is cleater unto us than i>,(aBbc** 
our Lives, oiw Religion ; in wKich, through God's *" ' 

Blcffing and gracious Aflillance, we are lefolved to 
live and die : Ai liicewifc fur refloiing us to our 
Magna Charia Liberties, having taken the Charge 
and Care of them into your own Heart, which is our 
creatcft Security, and more than a thoiiiand Con- 

* Royal Sir, You have denied tis nothing we- have 
atked this Parliament ; indeed you have ouc-donoi 
your Parliament, by doing liluch more for us thao 
We could agree amongft oUrfcIvei to afk, and there- 
fore ttiuft needs be a happy Plrlianient : This is i 
healing Parliament, a reconciling Peace^making 
Parliament, a blefled Parliament | a Par) lament ^ra^- 
wr ExctiUntiami thai may truly be called Parlia- 
mentiffimam Parliamentum. No Man tin fay, thaC 
haA made the ihoft curious Search iiito Books and 
Records, that there ever \^as fuch a Parliament a) 
this ; and it is our unspeakable Joy and Comfort 
that no Man can fay, fo long as your Majefty lives^, 
but we may have fuch another,' for you have feC 
your Royal Heart upon it to do your People Good. 

* And as we have nothing more to fay, fo we 
have nothing more tO do, but that «hich will bt; 
a-dcHiig as long as we have a Being, the pouring out 
of our SouIS'unto Almighty God tor your Majcfty's 
long, long, long, and moft luppyj bJcHcd, glorious^ 
and profpetdua Reign over us.' 

After *hich the Speatct pteftnted , his Majefty 

1. Ja Aafur ihtltvjing tbi Arrears »fiht Ttvthe- 
Mintb! AJfijfmndy catnmtmmg tbt i^i ef June,. 
1659, and tht Six-Menihs, tommmini the iyh tf 
Decenlber 1659. 

2. 471 Aa Jer tht fiirthtr fu^ini m4 acpUimB/, 
tftain Deft&s in the A3 ftr tht fpe*^ Pravifim df 
Mantftfer dijhanding andpajing efftbl ForCtt eftbtt 
Xngdaaif bitbhy Land and Sta, 

8d 7ke Parliamentary Hist-ory 

An-iiCir.n. 3. Jn A£l far granting vnta the Ki^'s MejtJO 
; _ •'"°- , 420,000/. by AJfegmmt af 70,000/. per Menfcm. 
December, f"'' fi" Months^ far dijbanding of tht At mj and faying 
eff the Navy. , 

4. An Aa fir eriiiing and ejiahlljhing a PeJI 'Office. 

5. An An far the better trdcr'tng tbt fellingaf Wtnti, 
end for preventing the Abufes in mingfing, eerrupting, 
and vitiating 0/ IVints, and far fettling and limiting tht 

6. An Aiifer raiftng yo,OOoL far a further Sup~ 
ply to bis Majefly. 

' Thcfe Bills being received from the Speaker by 
ih; Clerk of the Parliament, were brought to his 
Table, and had the Royal Aflent given them, with 
other Bills as followeth. The feveral Titles w«e 
Kad by the Clerk df the Crown. 

1. An An for the Attainder af feveral Ptrftm guiU 
iy af the horrid Murder af hit late Sacred Majefy 
King Charles the Firft. 

2. An Act far prohibiting the plantings f'lting^ or 
fciving of 7obac:o in Enghiid and he\ind. 

3. An AH for Confirmation af Marriages. 

'4." An A£i for Confirmation af CeBege Ltafes end 
Grants fiom ColUgeKond Hofpit'als. ' 

5. ■■ An A£\ far prehibiting ihi Expartetiin afWeaU^ 
ffcol'FellSy Fullers Earthy ar eny Kind af fcouring 
£a>th. ■ 

Td thefe lad five Bills the Royal Afient was pro- 
nounced, by the Clerk of the Parliament, in thcCe 
Wcids : Le R'.y le viuli. 

And to twenty-one private Bills. 

AH thefe Bills being thus pafTed, die King was 
plcafed to iriake the following Speech to both Houfbs : 

"My Lords and Gemljemen, 
Ki) Ma;efty'i J IViU not tnteitain you with a long D'tfcBurfe, the 

you Thanh, and I afjure you I find it a very difficult 
fyori ta fatiify myfdj in my own Exprefftons of thafe 
7hanks; perfuaHary Thanks, ordinary Thanks, Jar 
erdinary Civilitits art tafily givtn^ but when the 


t^ENGLAND. 89 

MiMTt is as full at mint, i 

j(»u i ymt bwi taktn great Pmni tt tbllge nu, aitj^ 

tbtrifert it caiaut it lafj far nu t» txpufs tbt Sinft 


J will tnlargt nefurtbtr n thit Occafitn than t» 
tiU jeu that, uibtn Gad braught mi bitber^ I bmugbt 
v/ith »u an extratrdinarj /IfftBim and Bfittm far 

I Meet not till yau btw much tt it tmpravii by yaOf 
Carriagi tnaardt me j jau bavt eul-dnt all the gaad 
end obliging jfai a/ yaur Predtctjftri tnuards tbt 
Crown i and, tharefartt yau cannat but helitve mf 
Start M txcudingly tnlargtd tvitb tbt AehuwUdgi- 

Matry farmer Parliaments have bad pariiciJar Dt- 
Htmlnatians from what they have dene ; ibey have been 
fiiUd liamed and unlearned, and famttimes have bad 
warfe Epithets j / pray let us all refilve that this be for 
ever called the bialing and blifftd Parliament. 

jfe 1 tianiyau, though not eneugh^for what yau bavt 
4one, fa I have not the leafi Doubt, by the Blijftng af 
Gad, but when IJball tall the next Parliament, which 
Ifiall do as fean at yau can reafnably expiil, or dtfirtt 
IJball receive your Thanks far what I have done finct I 
parted from you, for I deal truly with you. IJball nat 
more prepofe any one real Good la my/elf in my jiSiont 
and in my Caunfels than this. What is a Parliament likt 
ia think of this Aaian or this Caunfel ? And it Jhall bt 
forwantefUnderfiandinginmt, if it will nat bear that 

1 Jhall conclude with this, which J cannot fay tat 
often, nor you toa often where you go. That, next to the 
miraculeus BleJRng ef God Almighty, and, indeed, as 
in immediate tffe£t of that Bli£ing, I do impute tbt 
goad DiJ'pofitien and Security we are all in, to the hap* 
py A.ii of Indemnity and Oblivion, which ii the princi- 
pal Comer-Stone that futports ihii excellent Building, 
and creates Kindneft in us to each ether ; Confidenci 
being aur joint and common Security, 7'au may be 
fu-e I will not only ebferve, religioufly and inviolably, 
m)/elf, but alfo exalt the Obfervation ef it from ethers i 
and if any Perfmjhould ever have the Boldnefs to at- 

^9 ^e Par&ammtaty History 

M.nCtt.n.ff^t U pfrfuadt me tv thi cmtrarj^ be witt fini 

^_ ^ "' , fuch an Jcceptatiim fram me ai he would have tvht 

Dtconbci, JhoitU perfuade me 19 burn Magna Charts, concei ali 

the eld Laws, and ta treil a new Gevernment after 

^y own Invtniian and Appitite. 

There are many other Particulars which I will not 
tTuft my ntimMemory with, but will require the Chan" 
teller tafaj the reft to yeu. 

After his Majefty liad done, the Lord-Chancdto^ 
came from his Pliice and kneeled down clofe by his 
, Majefty's Chair, and received hia Majefty's Direc- 
tions what to fay fufiher ; and being returned to hit 
Flace^ he laid as fojiowech : 

My Lords, and you the Knigbtt^ (Stizenty end 
Burgejii of the Hoafi 0/ Cmmontt 
crfior^Sh?^ np HERE cannot be a greater Manifcftation of 
kottaHmiltt. an excellent Temper and Harmony of Af- 

fcftions throughout the Nation, than that the King 
and his two Houfes of Parliament meet with the 
fame Affeftions and Chearfiilnefs, the fame Alacrity 
in their Countenance, at the DiSolution, as when 
they met at the Convention of Parliament. It is an 
linqueftkuiable Evidence that they are exceedingljr 
fatisfied in what they have done towards each other^ 
that they have very well done all the Bufnjefs they 
came about ; this is now your Cafe, you have fo' 
well fatisjied your oufi Confcience«, that you are 
fure you have fatisfied the King's £xpe£tation and 
his Rope, and the Ocfire and Wiihtis of the Coun* 
try. ■ . 

* It wat very juftiy obferved, by you Mr. Speaker^ 
diat you have never aflced any one Thing of the 
King which he hath not [with all imaginable Chear- 
fulnels) granted j in Tmtby his Majefty doth, with 
great Comfort, acknowledge that you have been lb 
nr from denying him any Thing he hath allced* 
that he hath force wilhed any Thing that you have 
Hot granted ; and it is no Wonder that, having- 
fi> fully complied with your Obligations, and having 
h well compofcd the Minda of the Na^oo,' yotf 


ef E N PL AND. 9t 

are billing to be relieved from this extraordinary An. nCir.lL 
Fatigue you have fgbinmed fo long to, and to return '^^°' , 
to tfic Consideration of yoiir own particular A&irs, ]iec«rter. 
which you have to long facrificcd to the Public ; 
gnd thii reafonable Wilh and Defire hath brought 
llw King to comply with you, and, which nothing > 
dfe could do, to part with you viih an equal Chear- 
liilneft ; and he maLei no Doubt butallfuccceding 
Parliaments will pay you their Thanks for all you 
have done, and look upon your Adions and your 
Example with all polBble Approbation and Reve* 

* The King and you have given fuck Earneft to 
one another oFyour mutual Affe^ion j youhave beet) 
fo txiSt and pun^al in your Proceedings towardf 
each other, that you have made no Promifc, no 
Piofeffioo to each other, of makinggood, to the per- 
fimnuig of which the World is not Witnefs. You 
declared at the Adjournment, in Septimh^ laft, you^ 
Kcfqlution to fettle a noble Revenue on the Crown ; 
you have done it with all thcCircumftances of Affec- 
tion and Prudence : The Kingpromifed you to cfta- 
hlifh a Council of Trade, a Council for the foreign 
Plantations, a ConimiJBon for compofing all Dil^- 
renccs upon Sales j all this he did before yourcoming 
ttwethe'r, and with very good £fFe£t, and you ihajl 
hear that the Proceedings in every one of them ar; 
more vigorous and eJFeaual after you DifTolutioa. 
His Majefty then promifed you that he will give up 
all his Endeavours to compofe the unhappy Difit^ 
rences in Matters of Religion, and to reftore the 
languiihing Church to Peace and Order : Conftan- 
tiiu bimfclf fpent fo much of his own Time in pri- 
vate and public Conferences ; to that Purpofe his 
Majeft^, in private, conferred widi the learned Men, 
and h«ird all that could be faid upon fcyeral Opi- 
nions and IntcreAs apart; and that, in the Pre- 
ftiKe of both Parties, himfelf moderating in the De- 
bates ; and lefs Care, a;id Diligence, and Authority . 
would not hare done th^t Work ; and God hath fo 
bleffed his Labour, and made his Determination ip 
(hat Affair io geaeially agreeable^ that he hath re- 

, . L;?.....,Ci00glc 

^2 ^he Parliamentary HistorV 

lu. ii Can n.ceived Thanks from his Houfes of Parliament ; diat 
■«6o. j«^ ffo,,^ [),g whole Kingdom : If, after all this, his 

■^~^, Alajcfty doth not reap the full Harvcft he cxpeflcd 

from thofe Condefcenfions ; if fome Men, by their 
Writing and their Preaching, endeavour to continue 
thofe Breaches, and very rafiily, and I think uncon- 
Iclentioufly, keep up the Dlftinftions, and publicly 
juflify and maintain what hath heretofore been done 
' amifs, and for which the AGt of Indemnity wai the 

beft Defence, I fball fay no more than that I hope 
their Want of Modefly and Obedience will eaufe 
them to be difclaimed by all pious and peaceable 
Men ; who cannot but be well contented to feci 
them reduced by Laws, to the Obedience they owe 
to Law : And his Majefty is confident that this his 
beloved City, towards which his Heart is fo gracious 
and fo full of princely Defigns to improve their Ho- 
nour, their Wealth, and their Beauty, will difcoun- 
tcnance all the feditious Deligns ; and, by return-' 
ing and fixing themfelvei upon their good oM Foun^ 
Nations, make themfelves the great Example of 
Piety, of Loyalty, and of hearty AfFedion to th£ 
whole Kingdom. 

' TTiis Difcourfe puts me in Mind to fay to you, 
that tho' the King wonders much more at the ma- 
ny great Things you have done than chat you left 
any thing undone, yet he could have willicd, and 
tvould have been glad, that your other weighty 
Afiairs had given you Time to have publilbcd your 
. Opinion and Advice in the Bufmefs of the Militia; 
that the People, after fo many Difpuces upon that 
Argument, might have difcemed that the King 
and his two Houfes of Fatliamenr are as itiuch 
in the fame Mind in that as in all other Things, as 
no doubt they are ; b£it fince that could not be donc^ 
you may ail aflure yourfelves that the King will 
proceed therein wiih all imaginable Care and Cir- 
rumfpeflion, for ihe Eafc, Quiet, and Security of' 
Ks People ; and as he did before the laf^ Rccef-i, b^ 
the unanimous Advice of his Privy Council, iltiig 
out his CommiiEon of Lieuieiiancy for the fettling 
ihc Militia iri the fevcral Counties, to prevent any . 


{/•ENGLAND. 93 

Difordeis which runy apprehended might arife iip-An. t> Car. I 
(yj ihe difbanding the Army, fo he will now again , i°fai. 
recommend it to themfelves to put it in fuch a Po- ^jft^akK. 
fiiirc, as may difappoint any Teditious Defigns which 
are now on Foot ; and there cannot be too much 
Circumrpe£lion and Vigilance to fiultrate thofe De- 
figns. I 

* You have heard of many fufpe£led and danger- 
ous Perfons which have lately been clapt up ; and it 
was high Time to loot about. His Majcily hdth fpent 
many Hours himfelf in the Exainin<ition of this Bu- 
iihcfs, and feme of the principal Officers, who, be- 
fpre they came to his MajeRy'a Frefence, could not 
bti brought to acknowledge any thing, arter ihe King 
hjmfelf had fpolten to them, confelTed that theic 
spirits were infenfibly prevailed upon and fubdued, 
^d thai it was not in their Power to conceal their 
Gtiilt from him : Thef have confcffed that there a 
a Party of the late difbanded Officers arid Soldiers, 
and others, full of Difcontent and fedicious Purpoi 
fes, and a Refolution to attempt the Change of the 
prefent Government, and to ere^ the Republic; 
Tliey acknowledge that ihey did purpofe to hare 
made their Attempt for the Refcue of thofe Wretches 
who were fojuftly condemned at Netugati, and fo 
worthily executed, and that Ludlow fhould have 
then appeared at the Head of them ; that they made 
themfelves fure at (he fame Time, by Parties and 
Confederacy, to have furprized the Tower of Lon- 
don and the Ca{l1e of Wlndjar, but that they fouAd* 
or at leaft apprehended, chat their Defign was dlf- 
GOvered •, which fo broke thtir Spirits, that they con- 
cluded they muft acquiefce for the prefent, and ftay 
fill the Army fbould be dilbanded ; which, they faid, 
was generally debauc}ied ; that is, returned to an ho- 
ncfl and fall Obedience to th; King} and that it fs 
fvident they werg betrayed by thofe who were moft 
imirdy irulted by them, and they were in the Right. 
The King had Notice of all their Defigns, what 
progrefs they made, and the Night (hey intended 
.to furprife the Teu/er and Wiadfqr^ and gave Notice 
to the feveral Governors ; ' and fo, without a^y 
J ■ , - Noife, ^ 


9+ Tite ParlUmentary History 

**' *fo'' ''■Noifc, AatMHchitf was, by God's Goo<lii«fi, pie* 
^ ' ,. vented. They acknowledge that they have fiace i<t- 
lymkn -i covered their Courage and Refalution, and vert 
about this Time to make their-ful) AKempt. They 
have beeA promifed foine eonfiderable RHing in th^ 
Weft tinddr LutUtw^ and in die North under others ; 
biit this Place was the Scene of grcatcft Ijop«s i 
they made fiire of a Body here, I thirik fh^ fay of 
two thcHifahd five handred Men, with which they 
fefolved, in the firft Place, to fecure (foU know 
what (hat Security is] the Perfen of the General ttit 
Dukc of JiStittarlf, with whom they have lb much 
Rekfon to be angry, and »t the fame Tirtie to pof- 
'fcfi tbcrtifelves of ff^hitehall : You knotv th* Me* 
fhod ufed in fuch Poifeffion, Kill ind ukc Pofl'cffion. 
' And this infupportahle Calamity God hath agsin 
diverted from tn ; though I muft tell you the poor 
Men, who fcern to f^ak floneflly, and upon th£ 
IiApuIlion of Conscience, are very far from being 
con fideiit that there will not bcfeme defperateln^ 
fnreAion and Attempts iii ftveral Paife of thii 
Kingdom, within a &ort lime, which sfl poffibK . 
Care will be taken to prevent ; and in Truth, this 
very good City fo well recjuires the King's fthundaRt 
Grace and Kindnefs to it, that not only by the un- 
^vearied Pains and Diligence of the wcrtl»' Lord 
Mayor, but by ^ general Temper and Connitutit^ 
ef the whole City^ the difcontented and (editious Par- 
ty (which can never he totally extirpated out of fiicft 
B Metropolis] ia like to have little Encour^emenC 
toporfac theirdcfperatc Councils. 

•The King doth ndt believe that alt thofe Per- 

* fbns, who, at prefent, are apprehended and in Cu^ 

nody, will be fbu^ guilty of this Trcafon ; it is i 

yulgarandknowii Artifice to corrupt inferior Per- 

fons, by perfuading them that bcttct Men are ^- 

gaged in the fame Enterprise, and the King wM 

make as much Hafle as he can to fet thofe at Li^ 

' ' terty, againft whdm the Evidence or Sufpicidn b 

not too treafbnable. In the mean Time, they whoj 

in Truth, are innocent, i^ufl confefsi that the Pro^ 

ceedings towards them hklh been Very natural and 



fiill of Clemency ; and no Man wiU wonder if bji An> 
Majefty be very dcfirous that, in thn Conjun£tui«{ 
ynd in order to prevent or lupprefs th«fe two vilib)( 
I)ifleaipers and Machinationst his Majefty in all 
|*laces be in good Order and Preparation j and yod 
fnay aflure yourfelves that, in the Forming and C^n- 
<hi£t of it, he will have fo great 3 Care for the Eafe 
ind Quiet of his People, that if any Pcrfon trufte^ 
W Urn ihall, through Want of Skill or' Want of 
Temper, fatlsfy hia own Paffion, or Appetite, in 
grieving or vexing bis Neighbours, his Majefty .w3i 
be fo fcnfible of it, that, if it can be cured nootlitf 
Wayt his Truft fhall hequickly determined : And h« 
is not at all referved in giving thofe Aniffiadvcrfions 
and Reprcfacnfions w^n there is Qccalion, and faii 
Ears will bp always open to receivo thofe Coot* 

, « My Lords and Gentlemen, You are now rel- 
furning to j'our Countries, to receive the Thanks 
and Acluiowlcdgeinents of your Friends and Neig^ 
bpuis for the great Things you have done ; and tO 
make the Burden you have laid upon them eafy, by 
convincing them of the inevitable NeccScy of thek 
fubmitting to them. You will make (hem fee that 
you have proceeded very far towards the Separation, 
and even Divorce, of that Ncceflity from rficm, to 
)vhich they have been fo long married ; (hat they are 
now rtftored to that blefled Temper of Government 
iind^r which their Anceftors enjoyed, fo many bun* 
dred* Years, that /ull Meafure of Fdtcity, and the 
Mifery of being deprived of which they have lb 
fcnfibly felt ; that they arc now free from thofe. Mid-- 
nighi Alarms with which they have been fo terrified, 
and rife off their Beds, at thtir own healthy Houfss, 
without being f^luted with the Death of a Huf- 
band» a Son, and Friend, jniferably killed the 
Night or Day before, and with foch CircunilVanceB 
killed, as improved the Mifery beyond the Lofs it>- 
felf. rhislrtfrancbifemenc is worth jtU they pay for it. 
Your Lordfhips will cafily recover that Eflimation 
and Reverence that is due to you; high Condition, by 
the Exercilc and t'railicc of that Virtue from whence 


96 7^ ParUamentary History 

u. It C«t. n.yourHonourstirftrprang; thcExampleofyourJufttpe 
•'^^ and Piety will inflame the Hearts of the People to- 

"T"!,^ wardsyou, and fnim your Praflice they will make'a 
Judgment of the King hitnfelf. They know very 
well that you are not only admitted to his Prefence, 
but to his Converfation, and even in a Degree to 
his Friendflupi for you are his great Council ; by 
your Example they will form their own Manners, 
and by yours tiiey will make a Gueis at the King's ; 
therefore, under that Obligation, you will caufe your 
Piety, your Juftiee, your Affability, and your Cha- 
rity, to fhine as bright as is polBble before them. 
They are too mi^cb in Love with England, too par- 
tial to it, who believe it the beft Country in the 
World ; there is 2 better Earth, and a better Air, 
and better, that is a warmer. Sun in other Countries; 
but we are no more than juft when we fey, That - 
Miigland is an Inclofure of the beft People in the 
World, when they are well informed and' inflruf^d j 
a People, in Sobriety of Confcience, the mofl devoted 
to God Almighty; iri the Integrity of their, AfFeflionsi 
> tfic moft dutiful to the King j in their good Manners 

and Inclinations, m oft regardful and loving to the 
Nobility i no Nobility in Aora/iffo entirely beloved by 
the People ; there may be more Awe, and Fear, and 
Terror of them, but no fuch Refpefl towards them 
as in Englcnd. I befeech your Lordfhips do not un- 
dervalue tbi^Love ; they have looked upon your Lord- 
fhips, and they will look upon your Lordfhips again, 
as the greatefV Example and Patron of Duty ; to the 
King, as their great eft Security and Protedion froni 
■Injury and Injuftice, and for their enjoying whatfo- 
ever is due to them by the Law; and as the moft- 
proper Mediators and Interpofers to the King, if, by 
any Failure of Juftiee, they fhould be cxpofed to 
any Oppreffion and Violence; and this Exercife ojf 
your Jullice and Kindnefs towards them will make 
them the more abhor and abominate that Party up- ' 
on which a Commonwealth muft be founded, bc- 
cauTe it would extirpate, or fupprefs, or deprive them 
of tbeir beloved Nobility, which are fucb a Support 
and Security to their full Happinefs. 



•/•ENGLAND; - 57, 

f And you Genti. ,ncn pf the Houfeof CoaimoBs,'*'''*^?^' "*. 

»rtio arc noWfetuming ro jiiut Country, laden with ■ .■ ' ' ' j 

a Truft nott intcnur ur Ici's weighcy than that you 

brougiit frua) thcnc:: : You came up th^ir Deputies 

to the King, and he reiurns you now his Deputies to 

them i hi* Plenip.)ientiaries do infarnt and aflUrp them, 

thki he thinks himrelf the hap:)icft and -greatcll 

frince inthe Wo<ld, not from the Si'iutitHl qF his 

Dominions, and rhe Power ol his gieat Navy, with 

which he can vilit hrs N^^'ghbaurs, and keep them 

frum viiiiiiig him ; or from the iijible R« venue you. 

^avctertled upon him, which he wilhmprovewith all 

good Hufl>.'n<Jryj but beii'g (I'lr-lTedof theAfieo 

tions and Hearts of fuch .Sutije^, that he. dotb Co 

intitely love [hem ?nd de;)end upon thtm, that all. 

bis A^ion^ and all M-. Councils Qiajl tend tt> no • 

Other £nd Hut tn tuake (hcfn happy and prorpefous i 

that he th<nki'his Honour an i his Inierell principally. 

to conTiilin providing fur, iindadviincing the HoftiMit 

$ad IntefcH <>(, the Nation. ., 

* That you may have thie more Credit in wh>t 

youfav, he will not take it unl;indly If you pu li&f 

lusDcte^and IntirQiities ; you may tell them that 

he i* fo confiid nt in the Multitude of his VQry gooi^ 

and faithful SubjeAi, ihat he is v ry hard to be per- 

luadal that his few ill 4nil unf-tithtul Subjc^scaq 

do him tnueh Karm t ih,it he fo much depends 04 

the AflK^ions of honeft Men, andthcirZcai for hi« 

Security, that heis i>ot f'> fuUicit'ue andvi^I^tfoc 

llisown Safety as he ought to be, amidfl lb .manf 

(jiotnbirtaiions of whtvh be is fo well inforoudi that 

his Servants, who wnb Grief and AngttiQi imporr 

tune him not to tdJcc (o hctle Care of his own tiafetyi 

can obtain no oth<r Anfwer from him, than what; 

C«/«r heretofore g-ive ro his zcjIous Friends, Jl^r^ 

nit melie quain timbre .' He will ilc- any Oeath rattief 

than live. in Fear oi nis own Subjci:4s> or ih,it they' 

fliould be in Feir of him. You iHAy tctl (hem, as a 

great infirmity, thdt a troubled and difioit'enteti 

Countenaiice fo afflids him, th^t be would remove 

it from them at his own Chaise, as if he himfelf 

were in the Fault ; Axii when hs hath been ioforoicd 

■Vol. XXllt G of 

L\ _...,C".oogIc 

t T&e Parliamentary History 

1 Cur. lI.of any lets Kind or jealous Thing faid amongft yoo*' 
"' (as your Windows are never fa clofe fhut, but that 

aB,<bti, the Sound of your Words goes to ihc feveial Cor- 
ners of the Town) his Majefty hath been heard to~- 
fay no more but, iVbat have J done f I tuijh that 
GentUman and I were acquainted^ thai he knew me 
httier, OK! Gentlemen, you cannot he yourfdves, 
nor you cacmot make yourfelvcs too zealous or too 
jealous for fuch a Prince's Safety, or too follicitou* 
for fuch -A Prince's Satisfai£tlon " and Content, to 
' whom, we may very juftly fay, as the King of Tyrt 
writ to Seiomott, Bicaaft Gait bath kvid his Pesple^ 
i» hath made thet King over them : Even his own 
Defers and Infirmities are very neceflary Cowards 
the full Meafuie of your Profperi^'. 

* My Lords and Gentlemen, God hath enabled 
us to invert one Argument, which I hope may, to a 
good Degree, repair the much Mifchlef it hath here- 
tofore done : It ha>h been urged very unre^fonaUy, 
yet fucCefsfully urged, in the worft Times, that 
it was not Faith, but Prefumption, to expeit -that 
God would reflore a Family, with which he feenied 
tohaveaControvsrfy, and hath humbled fofar; that 
he wciuld countenance a Party that he had fo much 
difcountenanced, and almoft dcflroyed. Wemay 
here much more reafotiably, and thereforcj I hope, 
«s cffedtuatly, prefs the Miracles that God Almighty 
hajh lately wrought for King and People, U an Eui- 
dence that be will not -again eafily totfalce them. 
We m»y tell thofe who ate ufing all their £ndea* 
voi/rs to embroil the Nation in new Troubles, that 
it isnot probable that a Narion, ^ainft which God 
hath lieemed, thcfc lace Years, to have pronounced 
his JudgtnentB in the very Language, of the Prophets^ 
Ca, ytfwi/i -Meffiiigtrs, la a Natim fiaitired and 
felled \ tt a Pe.pU tcrribU ffsm the Beginniug bir- 
therlff i to a Natim rMtd out and traddtn dmtm, 
■ ■ vihofe Lands 'the Rimri baVe fpiiUd; the Lord halb 
minglid a ptfverfe Spirit in the. Midji there»f\ 
that he (htHiid reduce that Perverfcnefi to the 
greateft Meelcner^ and Refignation ; that he Olould 
withdraw hi»- Judgment from this Nation, and^ in.a 
' . Moment, 

L\ ,...,C".oo,qlc 

■ if ENGL AN D. - 9^* 

Moment, reilore itto atl the Happin«f» it can with,*"- 1« c«^ 
and to no odier End but to expofe it to dw Merey . *' . 

and Fury of a few difcontented Pcribns, the worn ^ttew.'^i 
of the Nation, b not eafy to be believed. , 

* We mvf tell dioTe who ftill contrive the Ruin 
of the Church, (the belt and bell Reformed Church 
in the Chriftian World, reformed by thit Autho- . 
rity, and with thofe Circumftances, as a Reforma-r 
tion ought to be made) that God would nnt fo mi- 
nmloufly have fnatched this Church as a Brand out 
of the Fire } would not have raifed it from the Gravo 
after he had fufFered it to be buried fo many Yews^ 
by the boiScrous Hands of profane and facrileglous 
Perfbns, under its own Rubbifh, to expofe- it BgAiri 
to tba fame Rapine, Reproach, and Impiety. That 
Church which delights itfelf in being called cacho- 
iica was never fo near Expiration, never had- fuch 
a Refurreaion. That fo fmall a Pittance of Meal 
and Oil fhould be /iifficient to preferve and nourifli 
the poor Widow and her Funily fo lone, is very 
little nioTe miraculous than that fuch a Number of 
[Housy learned, and very aged Bifliopt fliould fo mitny 
Years be preferved, in fuch wonderful Straits and 
OppreffionSf until they fliould plentiiiilly ptOvid^ 
for their own Succeffion. That after fuch a dee^ 
Deluge of Sacrilege, Profanenefs, and Impisty had 
coverad, and, to common Underftattding, fwallowod 
it up; that the Church fltoutd again appear abovt 
the WaKrs, God be again ferved in that Church, 
and ferred as he ought to -be, and there (houkl be 
fbme Revenuclett to fupport and encourage tbtrfk 
who ferve him; nay, that many oFthofe who feeined 
to Airfl B^r that Revenue till they had pofleiAtf it, 
Should conTcientioufly reJlore what they had taJten 
away, and become good Sons and wilUag Tenant! 
to that Chvrch they had fo lately fpoiled, may jtaVi. 
us all pioufly believe that God Almighty would no^ 
have been at the Expence and Charge of fuch i. 
Deliverance j but, in jihe Behalf of a Church, very 
acc^table ta htm, and which fliall continue to th« 
End of the World, and againft which the Gales of 
Hdl fluU not be able to prevail. 

G.a • W« 


Tie Pariiamgatary Hist df^r 

* We may tel! thofe defperate Wretches who flSt 
harboifl' in ib':ir Thouglj^s wicked QtHgia agaiQ& 
the S»i:red Perfon of the King, in cadtt to t^e ootn-. 
paJSng of their owiv Imagi.iiatioos, t}nt'Gad AW 
jjiigtUy would not h^vc kd hini' through & many 
Wildernelfes of Afflii^iont of all Kinds,. coodu^edi 
bim through fo many^^rits. at Se^ and Perils byi 
Land, fnatched him out of the Midft of thSs Kingn 
dom frhen it was i^oc worthy of him, and when the. 
Hapd^of ftts^iiemif^.were even upon hi 91, wheq 
thcjr ihpvght t^emiplY^s (q fure of him; that they 
W0»il4hi,d fa cheHp,aiLd fo vile a Price fbt kiin ; he - 
^ould Aoti in i^^t Articlp, have fo covercdhim with 1^ 
CWd, that he g^v«|led, cv^cQ with fbms Plcafuri 
and gre«t C^lervationt through the Midfi' ai his 
Enqniie^-' ' He wotfld not fo wonder&iKy. /hava 
He* modeyed, ih^tArmy, foinipiccd thair Heart* 
indjhf Hcarlqof ;ht wh^c Nation, .with an honeft 
and impatient Longing iw the Return of 'thbU'chaii 
Sovereign I and, 11} the, mean Tirrw, have .(b tricil 
hini. (whkh. had. IfttlB lefa. Ptovidctice in it than 
^. other] with thefr. imnaturBl, or at, leaft unufuaL 
Di&eS^pj^i and: B,fpfpache3 abroad, that he might 
Juve, a haimkik dr)d tsi inoocent Apptciip to. his owi^ 
Codntry, a«dfcntit),.tp hie.own Fcoplo jwith a full 
V4lue» aad the.v^t^ uhwafted Bulk.of:hii Affect 
tJouBi,. wit^fout tKingcorrupted QrVaSe&bf axtxaotr 
^oaiiy fcirei^ OM<gationi>' God -Alni^ty ;«(hiU 
uRC-bitV;; done &lllhn but ibr a Servanj^ iidionillc 
wtfmways pri^e^vc ^ the Apple of tu^ivwH S^^ 
t»i. -alfayi ^vlwi-booi the moft fectet Imagibatiool' 
of.-hi» En*mi«s. j 

-* itthefa Argii^lii^iieas-, Gcntlertien, urgtd ^ilb 
thM Vfencity as is moftnMural toyour.ownGratitude 
aad AfTeiflions, recovAT as many f and it woiridltt 
ftrange if they fhouIdnt)t}as haveLbceiLCorriiptcd by 
the other Logic, the Hearts of the whole Nation, eves 
to^ MW) will infehfibly devoted; laihe: Kin^ 
a» iheonly Gofireivalot and Proteiftor xif.. aliihat w 
deac and prpcii>u9to them.; and will be ia.zedouii 
to pleafe him» whofcgreateftPleaHire-i* to fee them 
picafed, that whcn.^^ nulte Cbdice. of PerTvns 
- ■ ■ , - ^ * ag»in 

{/•ENGLAND. loi 

kgain to Terve in Parliament, they will not chufcAn. n Cw. It- 

fiich as they wifli fliould oppofe the Kingi but ' , 

therefore chufe becaufe they have, and becaufe they 

are to like to ferve, the King 'with their whole 

Hearts ; and, fiiice he defiret what is heft for his 

Peoptc) togratify himin allhisD<.-flre$, ThUblefled 

Harmony would raife us to the high ell Pinnacle of 

Honour and Happinefs in this World : A Pinnacle 

without a Point, upon which King and People may 

fecuraly reft and repofe tbemfelves, againft all ths 

Gufb, and Storms, and Temptations which all the 

K(alice of this World can raife againfl us : And I 

am fure you will all contend to be at the Top of this 


* I have no more to add but the Words of Cu- 
ftom. That the King declares this prefent Parlia- 
ment to be diflblved i and this Parliament is diilbl- 
ved accordingly.' 

Cj* The CempHers of thii Hi^ory, having jinijhti 
tbt Work tip to tbt. Period they intended, proceed nt 
furihtr i and da mvi return their hearty shanks U 
the Pi^lie/w thtir kind andgemraut Mceptatice »f it. 

a 3 APPEJf, . 


., Google 


Several A^at'ters relative to the foregoing Ffifioryt 
which 'were either emitted in thrCourfe of it, 

, or have been fent in to the Compilers Jince the 
'Puhiicatien of the former Part (jf ibis fferk. 

tXfP'ARLIAMEN'tARy'HllTORT, Vol. I, p. 174, 

^T havinglwen objed^ that too IHtle- is ao, 15 u. m. 
\ fald <^ th« famoiu A3 of ^c 25th of >JI'- 
yBdfvoari II!; declaring wtnt Offences '^"' * " '^ 
[ ihaH be judged Tksas OK; itisihmtght 
. , ' proper to reprint the whole A3, as it 
^niib.'in our Statute 6o0k» ; a Rt^ieal of ndiich hat 
tkm\itaai attempted in any Reiga fiacc. . . 

jf OxClAiiATioH mihai Offtnia Jk^ h* e^uigtd 
■ Tkzaion. 

* T^rrHercas divers Opinion* have been, befwc 
« *'. ihia Time, in what Cafe Trealbft &»\\ 
^iK.Giid* "Hi ill what ndt: The King, tt the Re- 
*i)deft of the Lords and of the Commons, hath 

* otadc a Declaration in the Manner as ber<e»ftet 

* ftjloweth I that is to fay, When a~Man doth cofn> 
' pafs or imagine the Death' of cair.Lorld. the King) 
^orofour Lady bis Quecrt, .01 gt their «(^e^i.S{>n 

* in^ Heir ; or if a Man do viobcte the iCing'k p9in- 

* p^ioRi or'th? King's elded iSau^htcf unmaoifdt 

G 4 *of 


3 AVftUbtX 

u .s W. m.t or_the WLfe of the King's eldcft Son and Heir i 
ii „ i ^^'" I ■ *M''ftj Man do levy War igainft our Lord the 

* King in his Realm, or be adherent to the King*» 

* Enemies in hit Realm, giving lo them Aid and 

* Comfort in the Realm or cHewbere, and thereof 

* kt-piDtU^lyaiijpinted, 6i apqn Deed by People trf' 

* their Condition : And if a Man counietfeit the 

* King's Great or Ptivy .Seal, ol* his Money ; and 

* if a Man bring f>lfe Money iiito this Realm, coun- 

* teifeit to the Money ni ' Engiand, as the Monc^ 

* called Lujhburgh, or other like to tbc faid Money 

* of England^ knowing ihe Money to be falfe to 
< Mstciundife, or nuke Payment^ in Dectitof out 

* faid Ltudihe King» and of his People ! Andif a 

* Mil) flay the Chancellor, Trcafurer, or the King's 

* JufiKei of the one Bench or the other, Juftices in 
•■Eyi-ej' ot JulHcesof Affize, and all olb«r jufticesf 

* affigned to heaf and determine, bqug ia tbcir 

* Places doing their Offices. 

• , * And. it 'a to, Ik underffoicidf in ^ CaGci aibore 

* rehearfedi that ou^ht to be judged Treating 

* wHidi extend:! to ^r Lord the King ad bis lU^a] 

* Mij«fly ; and of fuch Txe«fon,the ^Forfeiture of 
' ■* ♦:riirEfcheats perttihetfc to our Lord, as t^H of 

^ jbeXftiidi and raneoifnt* heldca of. other^ as of 


■ ^ And/ Ototeevet, ^kk >! aqothtlr^MiHiiVM: q( 

* Treafun ; tkib it to by, When & Ssry^L^eth 
'hisMafterj bra^Vjfc her Htrfband';' or when a 

* Man, SlKukr ^oi Rerig)oiK, Saycth. hi* Pi!t^Qlp 

* ifrhom he oweth Faith and Ubediehce ; and t6 

* foch Ttea&ntME^be«ts ought to. pHijfiiTt«4nvn' 

* Ltfntof *i«ownFee. V7 

' < Atid beqaufe that tfiany «^f likq (i^Jl&s «f;f sear 
. * fbti Biay inppen in TtmB tp come^ Jt^i^ f.PI^^ 
*«MttK« think nor'^ccltve-at.Afaitfrercnt Tioic \ it 
''bKOMded.Hut if aiiyoEhfrCafe, f^ppoied.'Trea* 
' A>n, Which is notabote fpecifled, do^ happen be* 

* fore sn^. JutUce^ ibc Juftices Ihall t^ny without 

* ai^ going to Judgdfint of. the Treafon, till th« 

* OiaSt b< fliewed tuid^dcclared bsfoi*. the King and 
' ' 1 ■ ' ' • his 


. A f li» E N 6 i St. , , J 

•his, Parliament, whether it ou^t to b« juJgedA". is ** *"; 
" Trcafon or other Felony. . .. '^^'' , -» 

* And if, pcrcafc, any Mail of this Realm ride" ' " 

* armed, covertly or fecrttly with Meo of Atma, 

* againft any other, to flay him, or rob him^ or Mdt« 

* bini) or retain hijji till he hath made Fine ^r ,Ra>i ' ' 
^ Tom for to have his Deliverance, it a not tbQ 

* Mind of the King nor his Couttctl, that in fu(;U 

* Cafe it fliall be judged Yreafon, biit (ball be juilgcd 
^ Felony or Trefpafs, according to the Lava of tha 

* Land of old Time ufed, and according as thn Cafa 
» rcquiretb. And if in fuch Cafe, or other like, be- 

* fore this Time» any Jufticaa have juil^ed TreafoBa 

■ and for this Canfc the Lands and Tenements have 

* commen into the Kill's Hands as Forfeitii the. 
" chief Lords of the Fee fhall have the £fcbeus oC 

* the Tenements holden of them, whether that ths 

■ fame Tenements be in the King's Hands oc in 

* others* by Gift ot id other Manner. , 

* Saving always to our Lord the King the Year 

* and the Wafle> and the Forfeitures <tf Chatteb, 

* whtt^ pertain to him ia the Cafes aborenamcd. 

* And that the Writs of Sdrt fadtt ,be panted in 

* fuch Cafe agatofi the Land Tenements witbauC 

■ other Original, and vrithout allowing ;uiy Proteci 

* tion in the faid Suit. And that of the Liuidi wbidl 
^ be in the King's Hands^ Writs be, granted tq tbs 

* ShetiJ^ of the Counties where the Lands be, to 

* deliver them out of the King's Hands vithout De- 

. Nothing occurs to the Editora of this Hiftoryt 
-frbich is omitted in the Worlc, .from the laft Pl:riod 
Co theReignofKing^nmuthe Firft^whe^e wc£n<l 
a Speech of that Monarch's wanting, which he mad* . 
J» both^Houfcs of Parliament at (Vbi^hMi AJanh 
&3, 1609, andf the feventh Year of hii Reigtu 
This Speech, or the Occafion of caUingboth Hqiife» 
together, at this Time, is not ta^en Noticfeof ia 
the Jemnals of either Houfef .and therefore W« 
know not exadly where to place It ("a^. QutfinceWC 

< fd^^J It iVcnu to fill in rojuetiiuic about page 1*7, Vol. V. 


4 A P P E N D i 3£. 

An. 7 TuDM I^d it printed in the large Folio Volume of tbii 
. '^9- , King's Works, the AuthchUcity of it cannot be dlf- 
' MinJi. P*"^ > ■"*' thenton We give it as follows : 

ASp««£hofK«it* TX/E being now in the Midft* of tMis Sfeafon 
LAH^rf" appointed for Penitence arid Prayer, it 

jSi^T.i ' ^"^ lo rallert out, that thfiffe tw6 Isft Days baVe 
Whitd^aUrtb^ bben Tpcnc in a far other Sort of ExerCife, I itiean 
•1. »*>?» • in Euchariftick Sacrifices, and Gratulation of 

* Thanks prefented unto me by both the f'aits of 

* this Body of Parliament j and therefore tft make up 

* the Number of three, which is die Number of Tri- 

* nity and PerfcSion, I have thought good to make 
■ thij the third Day, to be fpent in this Exdrcife. 

. * As ye made me a fair Prefent, indeed, in prt- 

* fenting your Thanks and loving Duties unto me, 
« fo have I now called you here, to recompenfe you 

* again with a great and rare Prefent, which is a fair 

* and a cryflai Mirror \ not fuch a Mirror wherein 
' you may fee your own Faces, or Shadows, but 

* Rich a Kiirror, or Cryftal, as, through the Tranf- 

* parentnefs thereof, you may fee the Heart of your 

* King. The Phitofophers wifh that every Man's 

* Brtatt were a Cryftal, ihrough which his Hear^ 

* might be fcen, is vulgarly known ; and I toucbe(( 

* it in one of my former Speeches unto you: But 

* tho' that were impofliblc in the general, yet wilt I 

* now perform this for my Part, That as it is a true 

* Axiom in Divinity, that dr Rigii is in Manu Di- 

* miff/, fo will I now fet Car Regis in Oculii Ptfuli. 

* I know that I can fay nothing at this Time, whcrc- 

* of fome of you that are he^e have not, at one Tims 
'or other, heard me fay the like already; yet ar 
•corporeal Food nou rim eth and malntaineih thi 

* Body, fo doth Rimibijcenlia nouriOi and mainuia 

* Memory. 

'■ ' I wilT reduce to three general and main Ground). 
*the princi{)at Things that have been agitated ia 
•this-pattiament, andwhereofl will now fpeak. 
'• * Fir^i The Errand for which you were called by 
** me ; and that w«»f for fapportirf; of mv State and 

'-'\: 1. . ,'Thc. 



« The fund h, Thit which dw People tre toA^ ? '^a- L 
'move unto the King ; to reprcfent untj him fuch . '^' , 

* Things whcieby ihe Subjea»iice vexed, or where- uuA, 

■ in the Stale of ihe Commonwealth is to be rettreT* 
■■ fed : And that it the Thing which ;ou call Griev- 


* The third Ground that hath been handled 

* amongft you, and not onlj' in Talk amongft yoa 
' in the f arliamenti but even in many other People's 
'' Mouths, as well within a> without the Parliament, 
< is of a higher Nature than any of the former, tho' 

* ii be but an TnciilcnC ; and the Rcafon is, becaufe 
' a- eoDce ms a higher Point : And this is a Doubt, 

* which hath been in the Heads of ioaitt of my la- 

* teotion in two Things. • ' 

* Firfit Whether I was refblveJ, in the general, 
' to continue Dill my Government according to ths 

* antient Form of this State, and the Laws of this 

* Kuigdom ; or if i had an Intention not to limit 

■ myulf within ihofe Bounds, but to alter the fame 

* when 1 thought convenient, by the ablblute Powec 
' of a King. ' 

* The other Branch is anent the Common Law, 

* which Tome hid a Conceit I dtdiked, and (in re- 

* fpeS that I was born where another Form of Law 

■ was cftabliihed) that I would have wilbed the Ci- 

* vil Law to have been put in Place of the Common 

* Law, for Government of this Pec^ie. And the 

* Complaint made amongft you of a Book writt«a 

* by Dr. Cawdl,- was a Part of the Occafion of this 

* Incident. But, as touching my Cexifure of that 
« Book, 1 made it already to be delivered unto you 

* by the Treafurer here fitting, which he did out of 

* my own Direaioos and Notes ; and what he faid 

* in my Name, that had he direaiy from me. But 

* what he fpokc of himfelf therein without my Di- 

* re^on, I {hall always make good, for you may be 
« furelwillbeloathtomakefofaoneflaRIanaLyar, 

* or deceiv* your Expeiiations : Within very few 
•• Days my Edid fhail come fcrth anent that Mat-* 

* KTf which fiiall full/ dl&nvref my Meaci(i;)g. 

-! .• \ ... ■'.-.. . . ..;.Th«e 


6 A F P"E- fJ ri' I- X.^ 

^ 'J^"^* * "^^^ *** never any Reafon to move Men'to, 
, '^' . 'ttiinltthati CoBld like fuch Oronniis j for there are 
it^^\ * two Qualities ptincipalty, orrather iSHvations, tha^ 

* inakei Kings fubje^ to Flattery, Cre^uli^ and t^- 

• AOFMice ;■ Mwt I hope none of them cart be juftly, 

• obje^ed to me : For if Jiexamltr the Grea^ tat all 
*')>is Learning, bad been wife, in that Point, lc> have 
«cdn(tdered the Scatb oF his own natural Bady and 
' Difpofition, he would neVer have thought himrd^ 
<■ 4 God. And now to the Matter : As it is a Chri- 

• fltan Duty in iyety Man, rttiden Rotitntm Fida^ 
*wA not to be afhamed to give an Accxiunt of lua 

* ProfriBon before Men and Angels, as oft as Ot- 

• cafion {hall requite t (6 did I ever hold it « Necef- 

* fi^ of Honour, in ft jufl and wife Kingi though not 

• to give an At;coHnC to his ftoplc of his Anions* 
*yet dearly to dcKrer his Heart and Intention unta. 

* them upon every Otcafion. But I mult invert vaj. 

• Order, and begin firft witfi that Incident which 

' was ht{l in iny0ivifion, though highefl of Nature, - 
» and fo go baelcwanJi 

• The State of Monarchy is the fiipbmeft TtyDg 
■« upon Earth ; for Kings are not only God's Lieut^-^ 
■ nants upon Earth, and fit upon God's Throne, But 

* even by Lfod himfdf they are called Gods. Tticr« 
*'be Aree prindpal SimilitudcE that illuftrate th^ 
' State of Monarchy^ oire taken ouc of the Word oC 

* Ood, and the two other out of the Givunde oF Po- 

* licy Mid Philofbph/; In the Scriptures Eing« 'ar« 

* called Gods i and {o their Power, after a cerraiit 
' ■ Rielation, cbnfparcd to the Divine' Power, Kisgt 

< are aUb compKred to Fathers' of Families i Ipr^ 
'(King is truly Fvnns Pairia, the politic Father oi 

* his People. Anrf laftiy,' Kings are compared tq 

• the Head of this Microcoftn of [he Body of Man. ' . 
■ • Kings are joftly called Gods, for that thej e?c- 

• ercifc a Manner of Refcmblaftce of Divine Pow« 

* upon Enith : For if you will confider the Attributes 

• of Gbd', yon ftall fee how tt^y agrc« vi the Per/oii 
'of a King. God'tiathPowei' to Create or deftroy, ■ 

• make or unmake^ ^at Ms I^alfiire ; to give tifV, or 
*'(«a4 Death} to judge all, and to be judged by ur 

4 * accottut' 

c.:.,, Google 

append:! X, T 

*.Ktl0^niMeto bo&B i to rufc low TTilngi^ lad «>*•• ^^T** ^ 

* piBk« bi^ Thing! low it his PleaAir^ i' $ad to - ''^ .. 
' God are both Soul and Body due j And the lik^e tfiuA. 

* Pow«T luve Kingi ; they make ' and unmake their 
*.Subjc^ I tbcT have Power of railing and caftin^ 
*dowiii «f LiCe and of Eleatfa j Judges over ilf 
f^ir Sabjci^*. and in all Caufei, and yet accowit*' 
table to none but God only. - They havePowef 

* to exdt low Tbinp, and akaiCc high Things,' and - 

* onikeof their Subje& ]ikeMenattheOie&} a Pawil 

* to take a Bi&op or a Knight^ and to cry up of 

* down any .of their Subje^, aa ihey do theirMo* 
*^iK}e ; ai^ tothe King is duo both the Aifedibnt.of 

* the SouU and the Service of the Body of hisSitb^ 
''l.jcfb :;^nd kherefore that Rtvsrtnd Bilhop her« 

* ami^igA yoU) iliough I -heir thatbjrdiven hewal 
i miltaloea or not welL undpiAood ; yet iid he preaCH 

* both leamciHy and truly anaiu thli Point^ con- 
>* ccrning the Power of a King ; for what he fplkt 

* of a Kin^s Power in Ai^raile^ a moft true in 

* Divinitjr : For Co Emperors or Kings thdt are Mb' 

* narcbs* their Subje& Bodies and' Goods aradut 

* for theit Defence and Maintenance. Bat if 1 had « 

* bees in hb Place, I would have only have addcdnro 

* Wor<l8t winch, wqutd h^vc clcare<l all ; for aflet 

* I bad tfMi at a Divine, what was due by the Suf^- 

* je& tothcir Kings in general, I would theft have 
*c;oncludbi]ia9.aa £i^/t^ndny ihctt'ing thttPet^lfe 
' that ■»,; in^^eneral, all SBbje^wcre bound to f^- 
*■ Iteve their King, fe to exhort them i that as Wb 
Jt lived'inaiiciUnt Stite of a Kingdom wbicti wa) 

* govoned ' by it? own Fundamental Laws' and 

* Orders,' thdt, sccnrding thereunto, ihey wert 

* now { being' allemblcd for this Purpofe in Par"- 
' liamsnt ) to conftder how' to help fuch a King 
fas now they hitd ^and that, according to the anticiit 

* Form amd Order eftabliflied in this KingdonT, 
■putting a, Difference between the general Power 
*of 'a Kui^in .pivinity, and the fettled and eftal 

* bli(bed State of this Crown and Kingdom. Andl 

* atn fure that the Bifliap meant tn h -ve done 'the 

* iame, if he faad not been Hiaimeil b^ 'Iimej whis^ 



»r ■ iU »I R E Ni D; I X. 

Ab. '•} Junn i>< inK^d of the GreitneTsof tJM Prefeiice pmcb- 
.- /""^.l-. . * 'ig before me, and fuch an Audjtofy, he durft not' 
, - Mireh,- * prefume upon. 

* As for ^ Fadier of a Family, they had of oW,' 
Sunder the Law of Nature, Patrim Fattftaitmy 

* which was Ptufloum Vitm (J Netis, over Aeir 

* Children or Family j I mean -fuch Fatjiers of Fa- 

* milics M were the lineal Heirs of thofe Families 

* whereof Kings did originally come; For Kingi' 
f had their £r(t Original from them, who plantetf 

* and fpread themfelyes in Colonies thro' the World. 
■ * Now a Father may difpofe of his Inheritance to hi« 

* Children at his Ptcafure ; yea, even dirmheiit tkti 
4 Eldcft upon juft Occafions, and prefer the Youngeft 

* according to his Likiog i make themBeggars or rich 

* 4t bis Ptcafure ;' relhain or hanifli out of bis Pre^ 
f Ance as' he finds them give Canfe of OStnct j of' 

* i^eSore them in Favour again wth the penitent Sin- 
'Mr. So may the King deal with hisSd)jei£ls. 

.. * And, /ir/'i^ asfaidKHcad of the natural Body; 
t dw Head ha^ the Power of dirafitng all the Mem- 
*.beFS of the Body to that Ufe which the Jvipatoi 
. f in the Head thinks moft convenient. It may ap-^ 

* ply fharp Cures, or cut off corrupt Members, let 

* filood in what Proportion it thinks fit, and as the 
( Body may fpare; but yet is all ihis Power ordained 
« by God, ad M.dificati»ntmy ma ad Dt/nOlitntm. 

* For although God have Power u well of Dcftruc'- 

* ticn, as of Creation or Maintenance; yet will it 
:* not agree with the Wifdocn of God to e»rcife hid 

> Power in the DeflruSitm of Nature, and overturn^ 

* jng the whole Frame of Things, fincc his Creatures 

* were made, thjt bi-i Gli»7 might thereby be the 

* better exprelTed : So were he a foolifh Father that 

* woi Id dilinheiit or deflroy his Children without 2 

* Caufe, or leave off the careful Education of them. 

> And it were an idle Head'ihat wouldi in place of 
f.Phyfic, fo poifon or phlehntomizc the Body, as 
.' might breed a dangerous Pillemper or Deftru£lion 

. " therccf. 

* But now, in thefe our Times, weare to diflin- 

* guilh between thcSiatc (^ Kings In their fiift Orr- 

' ginal> 

L;^_.'.,C".OOt;lc ■ 

A P P E N B 1 X. 9 

* Btai, and between the Sate of fettled King) and An. '7 jaM I 

* Monarchs, th»t do at this Time goverrt in civil , '^' 
' Kingdoms : For even as God, during the Time of jugdi, 

* the Old Tef^amcftr, ipikebf Oncles, and wrought 

* by Miracles I yet bqw fooitit-plcafed^iin tofctttc 
^ a Church, which was bought and redeemed by the 
'Blood of hi; only Son ChriA, (hen 'ms there at 

* Ceflation of both j he ever after governing hif 

* People and Church within ^ LimitI of^ia re' 
^ vcalcd Will. So itt the firftOriginal of Kings,' 

* whereof fonie had thnr Beginning by Conqueft,' 

* ^nd fome by Eleflion of the People, th«ir Wills tt 

* that Time ftrved for - LbW i yet how foon King' 
*doms began to be fettled in Civility and Poltcy,- 

* then did Kings fet down their Mirids by Laws, 

* which are properly made by ihc K'"g only t but 

* at the Rogation of the People, the King's Granf 

* being obtained thereunto. And fo the King became" 

* to be Ltx hjuini, after a Sort, binding himlelf by 
' a double Oath to the Obrervatitm of the FundS'' 
f mental Laws of his Kingdom ; tacitly, as by betng 
^ a King, and fo buund to pruteAis well the People^ 
' as the Laws of }>>> Kingdom ; dhd exftrcHy, by his 

* Oath at bis Coronation : So as every jufl King, iit 

* a fettled Kingdom, it bound to obferve that Pac^ 

* tion made to his People by hi) Laws, in framing 
? his Government dgreeable thercuntoj according t6 
'. that Faflion w^hich God made with Noah after iht 

* Deluge, Hfttafur Sied-rhm caJ Hurwft, Ctkt 
9 and Hiat, SumVstr and tyinttr, and Doy'ami N'ighn, 
' JhelluBt ceafe fa long ai tht Ea'lhreniaint.. And 

* therefore a K'ng, governing in a fettled Kint'dom', 

* leaves to be a King, and degenerates into a Ty'- 

* rant, as foon as he leaves oft' to rule according tfi 
f his Laws. In which Cafe the King's Confciet^ce 

* may-fpcak unto him as [he poor Widow fjid" t6 

* Pbilip of Macidott, Hithzr gBVirn..e(eiiri^ng tc yaur 

* Lata, aut nt Rtx/is, And tho' no Chriftian Man 
'ought to allow any Rebellion of People againit 

* their Prince, yet doth God never leave Kings on*- 

* puniflied when they traufgrefs thefc Limits.: Kor 

* in that &me Pfalm where God faith to Kings ^« , 


A p ^ w: r? n I ^^ 

«• M Plif^ii, hc:ii»(n?dUiely thwf after concludes, 5(** 
,' yf./halj dit ,iji< Mfii- The higher wc arc placed' 
« the greater (hall ou; Fail be. Ut Cafui fu Dolor,. 
' The uJler the True be, tbeoioM in Danger of the- 
*WiniIi antf tile Temped beats foreft upon the 
' higbefl MoiuUaias. Thi-reforc all Kings that are. 
« aot Fyraots^ or, perjured, wtU be .gUt to bound, 
itbemftlves witfain the Limits. qf tbeir Laws ; and- 
( tbey that periiiatle them to ihecontrary are Vipen- 

* and Fefts» both agamft, th«in and the Q^mmon- 

* wealth. For it. is a great Dfiercuce between A 
*King's Gouerjinaent ina fettled Statf, and nthat. 
< Kings ia thair mgiaal Put^er.nilgbt do ifl /"tlhi-w 
*.iiu vaga,: As fuf niy Part, I tbaolt Go-J I liave- 
*. evergivCnIgobd Pronf thaCJ ryver had Inteiuion> 
«,t© the conlraf)^ i- *iid 1 am fure to g.o ioojy Orave 

* witb that Jl«^t3tian and Comfbit, That neveri 

* King w^, lintjl bis Time, more careful tohave 
*.fais Laws duly obferved, . and himfelf to goycuk 

< {hereafter, ^han i. . , . 

' I conclude .then .this Point touching clje Pow?t 

* of Kings, wi^ (his Axjom of Divinity, That as to 

* difputc what God may do, is Blafphemy ; but ^uid 
fvuit Deut, that Divines m»y lawfully, and do or* 
'dinarily, difputeanddifcuf^iforto difpute afofftai 
' ^, is bol^ ^inft Logic and Divinity: Sola 
*it Sedition in Sul:jeda to difptite what a King may 
*do m the Height of fais Power ; butjufl Kings wiU 
*ever be-williog to declare what they will do, if 
'. they will not incur the Curfe of God. i will not 

* be contenttbtt my Power be difputcd upon ; but I 

* fliall ev$r be willing to malu: the Keafon appear of 
^ all my Doings, and rule my Adioos accoidingto 
\ my Lavrs. 

^ The other Brandi of this Incident is concfrning 

< the Cranmon Law, being conceived by fon^e th<i£ 

* I contemned it, and preferred the Civil Law therOr 

* unto. As I have already faid, Kings Aiflions, eyen 

* in the fecreteft Places, are as the Aifiionsof ttiofe 
■ that arc fet upon the Stages, oc on the Topsof 
f Houfet : And I hope never to fpeak that . in 

* private which 1 Jball not avow in Public, and print 



« ir, rf Need be, asl'faid in my Bafilkon Doron. FofAa. ? J 

* ii is true, that within thefe few Days I fpolte ficcly "^ 

* my Mind touching the Common Law in my Piivy ^^ 
' Cbambefj'at the Time of my Dinner, which ii 

' come to all your Ears ; and the fame was likewile 
'related unto you by my Treafurer : And now I 

* will again repeat and confirm the (ame myfclf unto 
'you: /■(>/?, as a King, I have Ie*ft Caufeof any" 

* Man to dillike the Common Law ; for no Law 
< can be more favourable and advantageous for a 
■ King, and extendeth further his Prerogative than ic 

■ • doth. And for a King of 'England to defpifc the 
' Common Law, it is to negleft his own Crown. It 
' ij true, that I do greatly efteem the Civil Law, the 
' Profeffion ihcfcof ferving more for general Learn- 

* ing, and being moft neceflary forMattersof Treaty 

* with all foreign Nations ; and 1 thinic that if ic 

* fhould be taken away, it would make an Entry to. 
' Barbarifm in this Kingdom, and would bleiqiOi the 
' Honour of England : For it is in a Manner Lf* 

* Gentium, and maintaineth Interceurfe with all fo- 

* reign Nations. But I only allow it to have Courfs 
*hcre, according to thofe Limits of Jurifdiflion, 
' which the Common Law itfelf doth allow it. And 
•therefore, tbo' it be not fit for the general Govern- 
' ment of the People hete, i{ doth not follow it 

* fbould be extind, no more than becaufe the Latin 
' Tongue is not the Mother or Radical Language of 
' any Nation in the Wwld at this Time, thatthere- 
' fore the Englijh Tongue fhould_ oijy now be 

' learned in this Kingdom ; which were to bring jii ' 

* 'Barbarifm. My Meaning therefore is riot to pre^ 
' fer the Civil Law before the Common Law, but 
"* only that it fbould hot be cxtinguiflied, and yet To 
'bounded^, (I mean to fuch Courts apd C»ifes] as 
'have been in antient Ule ; as the ^cdefiaftical 
•Courts, Court of Admiralty, C^urt of Reijucfts, ■ 

" 'andfuchlike ; referving ever to the Comman La« 

* to meddle with the Fundamental Laws of thi# 

* Kingdom, either concerning, the King's, Preroga? 

* tlve, or the Pofleffions-of Subje£b» in any Qye- 
•ftionsj either between the King, and any c* them, 

Voi-.XXlir H 'of 



7 Jamej 1.* Of amongft theitifelves, in the Points of meum W 

■'*'| , • luum. Fur it is true, that there is no Kingdom 

Mirth. ' ''* '''^ World, not only Scollandy but not France^ - 

' not Spain, nor any other Kingdom governed merer ' 

* ly by the Civil Law; but every one of them hath 

* their ovFi) Municipal Laws agreeable to their Cuf- 
' lofns, as this Kingdom hath the Common Law. 

* Nay, I am lb far from difallowing the Common 

* LaW, as I proteft that, if it were in my Hand tq 

* chofe a new Law for this Kingdom, I would not 

* only prefer it before any other National Law, but 

* even before the very Judicial Law of Mops, And - 

* yet 1 fpeak no Blafphcmy in preferring it for Con; 

* veniency to this Kingdom, and, at this Time, to 
' the very Law of God : For God governed his fe- 
' leifted People by thefe three Laws, Ceremonial, 

* Moral, and Judicial. The Judicial being only fit 
'for a certain People and a certain Time, whiclx 

* could not ferve for the general of all other Peo(4c 

* and Times. As for Example, If the Law of 

* Hanging for Theft was turned here to Reflitution 
I ' of Treble or Quadruple, as it was ia the Law of 

* Mtfes^ what would become oCall the middle Shires, 

■ Ind all the Irijh and Highlandtn ? But the main 

* Point is, That if the Fundamental Laws of any. 

* Kingdom fhould be altered, who fhould difcerii 

■ what is nuum dS luum, or how fhould a King go-. 
' vern ? It would be lilce the Grtgerlan Calendar, 

* which deflroys the old ; and yet doth this new- 
'trouble all the Debts and Accounts of Trafficki 

* and Merchandizes. Nay, by that Account, I can 

■ never tcU mine own Ag<£; for now is my Birth-daf 

* removed, \>y the Space of ten Days, nearer ihq 

* than it was before the Change. But upon the other 
• • Part, tho' I have in one Point preferred our Com- 

* mon Law, concerning our Ufe, to the very Laui 

* of God ; yet, in another Rcfpe£l, I mufi fay, both 

* Our Law, and all Laws elfe, are far inferior to that 

* Judicial Law of God: For no Boole nor Law il 

* perfcfl, nor free from Corruption, except only the 

* Book and Law of God. And therefore I could 

* wifli fome three Things specially to be purged and 

* cleared 

A P P END I X. 13 

cleared in the Common Law; but always by the*** 'J™** 
Advice of Parliament L For the King with his Par- . ' ^' 
liament here are abfolute, as I underftand, in mak' Muili. 
ing orforming of any Sort of Laws, ' 

' Firft, I could wilh it were written in our vutga^ 
Language ; for now it is in an old, mixt, and cor- 
rupt Luiguage » only undcrftoOd by Lawyers : 
Whereas every Subjcft ought to undctftand As 
Law under which he lives ; for fincc it is our PIe« 
againll the Papitls, that the Language in God's 
Service ought not to be in an unknownTongue, 
according to the Rule in rtic Law of Msfes^ That 
the Law fhould be written in the Fringes of the 
Prieft's Garment, and Ihould be publicly read in 
the Ears of all the People { fo methinifs ought our 
Law to be made as plain as can be to the People, 
that the Excufe of Ignorance may be taken from 
them, for conforming tbemrdves thereunto. 
' ^»*rf, Our Common Law hath not a fettled 
Text in all Cafes, being chiefly gronnJed either 
upon old Cufloms, or elfe upon the Reports and 
Cafes of Judges, ^ich ye call Rtjpinja Pruitntum. 
The lilcc whereof is in all other Laws, for they are 
much ruled by Precedents, fave only in Dtnmark 
and Nerway^ where the Letter of the Law refolves 
all Doubis, without any Trouble to the Judge. 
But tho' it be true. That no Te;(i,of Law can be fo 
certain, wherein the Ci'cumftanccs will not makd 
a Variation in the Cafe; far in this Age Men's 
Wits incrcafe fo much by Civility, that the Cir- 
Cumflances of every particular Cafe varies fomuch 
from the general Text of Law, as in the Civil 
Law itfelf, there are therefore fo many Do^rs 
that comment upon the Text, and never-a^one al^ 
moft a^ees with another ; otherwife there needed 
nojudgesj but the bare Letter of the Law. Yet:couId 
I with that fome more Certainty were fet down iit 
this Cafe by Pailiament; for iincc the very Es' 
ports them^tves "are not alwajs fa binding but 
diat divers Times' Judges ds difclaim tbemj and 
recedeftom die Judgment t^tbtir Predccefrors,.it 
were, goad Lhat, upon a maOffe Deliberaiaunti the 
H 2 ' Ejfpo- 



Expofition of the Law were fet down by A& of 
Parliament, and fuch Reports therein confirmed, 
as verc thought fit to ferve for Law in alt Times 
hereafter ; and fo rhe People fbould not depend up- 
on the bare Opinions of Judges, and unceitain 
Reports. . 

* And, la/lfy. There be in the Common L^w di-* 
vers contrary Reports and Precedents j and this 
Corruption doth likewifc concern the Statutes and 
A&s of Parliament, in refpefl there arc divers crofi 
and cufiins Statutes, and Tome fo penned, as they 
may be taken in divers, yea cootiary, Senfes. 
And therefore would I wifh both thofe Statutes and 
Reports, as well in the Parliament as Common 
Law, to be once maturely reviewed and reconci- 
led ; and that not ooly all Contrarieties fbould be 
fcraped out of our Books, but even that fuch penal 
Statutes as were made but for the Ufe of the Time, 
(from Breach whereof no. Man can he free) 
which do not now agree with the Conditi<»i of 
this our Time, might likewife be left out of wir 
Books i which, under a tyrannous or avandous 
King, could not be endured. And this Reforma- 
tion might, methinks, be made a worthy Work* 
and welldeferves a Parliament to he fet of purpofo 
for it. 

* I know now, that being upoa this Point of ttu 
Common Law, you look to hear my Opioioo con- 
cerning Prohibitions j and I am notipiorant that I 
kave been thought to bean Enemy to all Prohibi- 
tions, and an uner Stayerof them: But I will (bortly 

. now inform you what hath been my Courfe in pro- 
ceeding therein. It is true, that, in tefpefiof di- 
vers honourable Courts arid Jurifdiftiona planted 
in this Kingdom, I have ofteo wilhcd that evoy 
Court had his own true Limit and Jurif^ifiioit 
clearly fet down, and certainly known } which if it 
be exceeded by any of them, or that any of them 
encroach one upon another, then I grant that & 
Prohibition inj^hat Cafe is to go out of thejCing's 
Bench, but chieflieiil out of the Chancery ; for 
other Bcjuhes, I amootyetfo wdi.icfi^Kd of 
. ' ' . * theiE 


* their Jurirdi£tion in that Point. And, for my Part, Ad. j J»mti !• 
' I was never againll Prohibitions of this Nature, nw . '^' . 
'the true Ufc of them j which is, indeed, to keep Mmh. 
'every River within his own Banks and Channels. 

* But when I faw the Swelling and Overflowing of 

* Prohibitions, in a far greater Abundance than ever 
' before, every Court ftriving to bring in moft Moul- 

* ter to their own Mill, by Multitudes of Caufes, 

* which is a Difeafe very natural to all Couris and 

* Jurifdiaiona in the World. Then dealt I with 
'this Caufe, and that at two feveral Times, once in 
*■ the Midft of Winter, and again in the Midfl of 

< the next following Summer ; at every of which 

* Times I fpent three whole Days in that Labour, 
'and then, after a large Hearing, 1 told them, as 
' Cbrifl: faid concerning Marri^e, a6 lailitnmfuit 
*fic : For as God contains the Sea within his own 
*• Bounds and Marches, (as it Is in the Pfehu) (o 'it 

* is my Office to make every Court contain himfelf 

< within his own Limits ; and therefore I gavcAd- 
' monitions to both Sides : To the other Courts, 

< that they fhoilld be careful hereafter every of them 
^ to contain themfelves within the Bounds of their 

* own Jurifdiflions j and to the Courts of Common 
^ Law, that they {hould not be fo forward and pro- 

* digal in multiptying their Prohibitions. Two Cau- 

* tlons I willed them to obferve, in granting their 
^ Prohibitions : Ftrft, That they fhould be granted 

* in a right and lawful Form i and next« That tbejr 
'ihould not grant them but upon ajuftand reaibn- 
*iU>le Caufe, As to the Form, it w^s,' That none 

* {bould be granted by any one particular Judge, or 
*inTinicof Vacation, or In any other Place, but 

* openly in Court. And to this the Judges themfelve* 
( gave their willing Af&nt : And as to the Caufe^ 

* That they fhould not be granted upon every flight 

* S^urmife, or Information of the Party -, but always 

< that a due and grave Examination fhould firft pre- 
'cede; otherwife, ifProhlbutions fhould rafhly and 

* hcadily be granted, then no Man i$ the more fc 
, * cure of hisqwn, thoughhehatbEoiten. a Sentence 

* f/ith lum ; for as good Uve" iio Law. or Sentence, 

H 3 ^ «« 

L._.... Google 


,n. 7 jamei I. < as to have^no Execution thereof. A poorMiniftcr, 

'°°5- ^ * with much E.abour and Expsnce, having exhaufted 

" Much, ' ^'^ P"'"' ^l^^ns, and being forced to forbear his 

* Study, and lo bscome non-rcfident from his Flock, 

* obtains a Sentences and I'hen, when he looks to tn- 
» joy the Fruits thereof, he is defrauded of all by a 

* Prohibition, according to the Parable of Chrift, 
' Thai Night, when he thinks himfelf mtft happy, JhaU 

* his Soul bt takinfmm him. And fo is he tortured 

* like Tmtalus ; who, when he hath the Ap;)le at his 
' • Mouth, 'and that he is gaping and opening his 

* Mouth to receii'e it, then muft jt be pulled from 
, * him by a Prohibition, and he not fufFered to tafte 

* therepf. So as,, to conclude this Point, I put a 
' Difference between the true Uie of Prohibitioiis, 

* and the fuperabounding Abufe thereof; for as a 

* Thing, which is good, ought not therefore to be 

* abufedj fo ought not the lawful Ufe of a good 

* Thing be forborne, becaufe of the Abufe thereof. 

* Now, the fecond general Ground whereof I am 

* to fpeak, concerns the Matter of Grievances; 
, ' There are two fpcci'al Caufcs of the People's prc- 

' fcnting Grievances to their King in Time of Par- 
'liament: FirJI, For that the King cannot at other 

* Times be fo welt informed of all the Grievances of 

* his People as in Time of Parliament, which is ihe 

* Reprefentative Body of the whole Realni. Srcond- 
' ^, The Parliament is the high eft Court ' of Juftice, 
' and therefore the firteft Place where "divers Na- 

* lures of Grievances may have their proper Reme- 

* dy, by {he Eftablifliment of good and wholefome 

* Ldws. But thoiigh my Speech was before dire^- 

* ed to the whole BokJy of Parliament, yet, in this 

* Cafe, 1 muft addrcfs my Speech in J^eciai to you of 

* ihe Lowei* Houfe. ' 

* I am now then to recommend unto your Con- 

* liderations t!at Matter and Manner of your hand- 

* lihg and prefenting of Grievances. As for the 

* Manner; tho' I will not deiiy but that ye, repre« 
' renting the Body of the People, may, as it were, 

* toth appartun* ihd inopportune ; I mean cither in 

* PatMament as a Body, m out of Parliameat as pri- 

• * ■ ■• yate 

...... ...COOQJC 


* »atc McD, prefent your Grievances unto met yet*"- 7 J"««-l' 

* would I have you to ufe this Caution in your Be- , '^°' 

* havipur in this Point, which is, that your Griev- umh, 
^ ances be not, as it were, greedily Ipught out by 

* you, or taken up in the Streets, [as one faid] thcre- 

* by to Ihew a Wjllingnefs that you would have a 

* Shew made, ttiat there are many Abufes in the 

* Government, and many Caufes of Complaint ; but 

* that, according tq your firfl Inltitution, ye fhould . 

* only meddle with fuch Grievances, as yourfclves 

* do know had Need of Reformation, or had Infor- 

* mations thereof in your Countries for which you 

* ferre, and not fo to multiply them as might make 

* it noifed among the People,' that all Things in 
^ the Government were amifs and out of Frame ; 

*■ For, even at the Beginning of this very' Selfian of ' 

* Parliament, the general Name of Grievances being 
», mentioned among yqu, fuch 9. Conceit came in the 

* Heads of m^ny, that you had a Dcfirc to multiply 
^ ai)d make a great Mufter of them, as every one ex- 

* JiibiCcd what his particular Spleen {tjrrcd him unto. 

* Indeed there fell out an Accident updn this Occa- 
'■ fion, for which 1 have fteafon to thank you of the 
*. Lower Houfe, I mean for your Fire- Work, where- 

* in I co^ifefs you did Honour to me, and Right to 
' yourfelvfs : For having one Aftcrnooq fouad many 
^. Grievances clofely prefentpd in Papers, and Co all 

* thruH up in a Sack t<%ether (rather like Pafquils 
*, than any lawful Complajnta) for againft your own 

* Orders, and divers of them proceeding from grudg- 

* ing and murmcring Spirits j you, upon the hear- 
*- ing, read two or three of [he firft Lines of divers 

* of them, were not content with a public Confcnt 
*. to condemn them, and to difcharge any further 
\ reading of them, but you alfb made a public Bon- 

* fire of ihem : In this, I fay, you fhewed- your Care 

* and Jealoufy of my Honour, and I fent you Thanks 
*i for :iE by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, a Mem- 
< ber of your own Houfe 1 who, by your Appoint- 
'■ ment, that fame Night acquainted me with your 
\ Prpcee4ing? ; ^n^j byhimalfg, IprpmifedaLthat 

._ , ■ H 4 * Tim« 



' Time that you IhoutB hear mprc of my Thanks for 

* the fame ae the firit Occafion i and now I tell you 
'itmyfelf, that you may know how kindly I take 

* your dutiful Behaviour in this Cafe ; But.fmce this 

* was a good Efte£t of an evil Caufe, I muft notomlt 

* alfotoadmoniUi you upon the other Part, to take 

* a Courfe amonglt yourfelves, to p'reveot the like 

* Accident in all Times hereafter, otherwife the 

* Lower Houfe may become a Place for PafquUs j 
' arid, at another Time, fuch Grievances may be 

* caft in amongft you, as may contain Treafon or 

* Scandal againft me, or my Pofterity : Therefore, 

* in this Cafe, look over your amient Orders, and fol- 

* low them, and fufFer not hereafter any petitions or 

* Grievances to be .delivered obfcurcly, or in the 

* Datk ; but openly and avowedly in your public' 

* Hbufe, and there to be prefented to thaSpeaker.' 

' And astothe Matter <^yourGrievances, I w!(h' 

* you here now to underftand me rightly : And be- 
*<:aufe I fee many writing and noting, I will crave 

* your Pardons to hold you a litile longer, by fpeak- 

* ing the more diftint^ly, for fear of mift^ing.- 

^ F'trJ}^ then, laiUnottofindFauUthatyoitinform' 
« vourfdves of the particular jult Grievances of tbo- 

* ?raple J nay, I muft tell you, yc can neitherbtf 
*-juft nor faithful to me, or to your Countries that 

* truft and employ you, if you doit not; for trutf 
'Plaints proceed not from the P«rfons employed, bur 
*iifrom the Body reprefentod,. which ia the People. 

* And it may very well be, that many Dire£)iDns ancF 

* Commiffionsjuftly given forth by me, maybcabu- 
'fed- in the Execution thereof upon the People; 

* and yet I never to receive Information, except if 
*- comet by your Means, at fuch a lime as this is, &i 
« in the Cafe of Stephen Proiier. But I would wifh' 
•-you. to be careful to avoid three Things in the Mat- 

* tei" of Grievances. 

* Firfi, That you do not meddle with the main 

* pMrts of Government J that is my Craft, Va^Mif 
*Febrilia Fabric to meddle with that, were to lef-^ 
*^ine: I uiiDow.anoIclKingrfDFULirty>fixYear<^ 

' ' - ■ * have 



* have I govcrnsd in Scut/and perfonalljr, and now *"• 7 J*"** 
'have I accomplilhed my Appremiccfhip of fcven , ' °^' 

' Years here ; and feven Years is a great Time for Mucb, 
*a King's Experience in Government : Therefore 

* there flinuld not be too many Phormios to tCagh 
' Hannibal : I muft not be taught my Office. 

* SiCBaiily, I would not haveyou meddle with fuch 

* antient Rights of mine as 1 have received from 

* my Predeceflbrs, poffeffing them Aiort Majorum'i 
' fuch Things I would be forty fhould be accounted 

* for Grievances. AH Novelties are dangerous, as well 

* in a politic as in- a natural Body : And, therefore, 
' I would be loath to be quarrelled in my antient 

* Rights ai^ Pofleffions i for that were to judge me 

* unworthy of that which oiy Predeceflbrs had, an4 

* left me. 

* And, lefthf, I pray f ou beware to exhibit kg 

* Grievance any thing that is cftablifhcd by a fet- 

* tied Law, and whereunto, as you have already 

* had X Proof, you Icnow I will never give a plaufible 

* Anfwer j for it is ffn undutiful Part in SubjeQs to 
•prefs their King, Wherein they know before-hand 

* heWill refufi; them. Now, if any Law or Sutute 

* be not convenient, let it be amended by Parlia- 
' ment ; but, in the mean Time, term it not a Grie- 

* Vance ^ for to be grieved with the Law, is to be 

* grieved with the King, who is fworn to be the Pa- 
*tron and Maintainer thereof. But as ^1 Men are 

* Flelh', and may etr in the Execution of Laws ; fo 

* inay yc'jui% make a Grievance of any Abufe of 
f the Law,, diflingaiSiitig wifely between the Faults 
»of tlfe PerfoH, and the Thing itfelf: As for £x- 

* ample, CompUiiits may be made unto you of the 
' High Comlhiffioners ; if fo be, try die Abufe, 

* and fparf riot to complain u^n it ; but fay not there 
■ fiiall be ho'Cbrnniifiion, for that were to abridge 

* the Powrr tliat is in me ; Aiid f will plainly teU 

* you, that fometKing I have with myfclf refolved 
*anentthat Point, which t mean ever to keep, ex- 

* cept 1 fee Other great Cauf?, which is. That inre- 

* gard the ^gh Commiflion is of fo high a Naturci^ 

* from 'which there is no Ajifpellation to any other 

^ Court, 



. An. 7 jamei I. * Court, I have thought good to reftwin it only (q 

16119. t ,),e two Archbifliops, where before it was com- 

" ' inon amongft a great Part of the Bifliops in Eng- 

' < land. This Law I have fet to myfelf, and (here- 

' fore you may be aHiired, that I will never find - 
' * * Fault with any Man, nor think him the ipore 
' puritan that will complain to me out of Parliament, 

* as well as In Parliament, of any Error in Execution 
' thereof, fo that he proveit ; otherwife it were but 

* a Calumny, Only X would be loath that any Man 

* fliould grieve at the Commif£on itfelf, as I have 

* already faid. Yc Jiave heard, I ?m fure, of Hat 
'* Pains I took both in the Caufes of the Admiraltyt 

' and of the Prohibiiions : If any Man, therefore, 
■ 5 will bring me any jufl Complaints upon any Mat- 
^ ters of fo high a Nature as this is, ye may alurc 

* yourfiilyes that I will not fpare my Labour in hear~ 

* ing it. In Faith, you never had a more painful 

* King, or that will be readier in his Perfon to dc- 

* termine Caufes that arc fit for his Hearing, AqJ 
( whenever any of you {hall make Experience of me 
^ in this Point, ye may be fure never to want Acce&, 

* nor ye fhall never come wrong to mc in or out of 
f Parliament. 

' And now, to conclude this Purpofe of Grievan- 

* ces, 1 have on? general Grievance to commend 
< unto you, and that in the Behalf of the Countries 

* firom whence ye come : And this is to pray you to 
' beware that your Giievances favour not of jparti- 
' cular Men's Thoughts, but of the general Griefs 
^ rifing out of the Minds of the People, and not out 

* of the Humour of the Propounder. And, thercT 
. * fore, I would wifli you to take Heed carefully, and 

* confider of the Party that propounds the Grievance : 

* For ye may^ if ye lilt, eafily difcern whether it be 
' hia owi)' Paffion or the People's Grief ^hat ma(:£s 

* him to fpeaic ; for many a ^bn will, in your 

* Houfe, propound a Grievance put pf his own Hur 

* mour, becaufc (perad venture) he accounts highly 

* of that Matter ; and yet, the Country that em- 

* picys him, may perhaps cither be of a contrary 

* Mind, pT, at leaft, Ji.tle care for it : As^ for ^Xt 
■ ' ainple^ 

A P P B N D I X. 21 

' ^.mple, I aflure you, I can very welt fmell between^' '-J**" 
'a Peciiiun thai moves from a general Grievance. . *' , 

'or fuch a one as comes from the Spleen of Ibmcpar- 'Minfa. 
' ticuUr Perfon, either againft Ecclefiaftical Govern- 

* raeiit in general, or thu Perfon of any one Noble- 
' mJn orCommifEoner in particular. 

' And now the third Point remains to be fpoVen 

* of, which is the Caufc of uiy Calling of this Parlra- 

* ment. And in this I have done but as I ufed to do 

* in all my Life ; whi^h is, to leave mine own Errand 

* It may he you did wonder that I did not fpcak 

* unto yoii publicly at the Beginning of this Seffion 
'of Parliament, to tell you thcCaufe of your Calling, 
•asldid, ifl be lightly remembered, in every Seffion 
'■before. But the Truth is, that becaufe I call you 

* at this Time for my particular Errand, I thought, 

* it fitter to be opened unto ypu by my Trcafurer, 

* who is my public and moft principal Officer in 
'"Matters ofthac Nature, than thatlfliould do it my- 
' felf j for I confefs I am lefs naturally eloquent, and 
' hjve' greater Caufe to diflruft mine Elocution ia 

* Matters of this Nature, than in any other Thing. 
'l have niatle my Trcafurer already to give you 
' a very clear and tr^ic Account both of my Having 

* and Expences : A Favour, I confefs, that Kings 
' do feldoro bcftow upon their Subjedb, in making 

* them fa particularly acquainted with their State. If 

* 1 had not marc than Caufe, you rpay be fure I 
' Woijld be loath to trouble you ; but what he hath 

* affirmeJ in this, upon the Honour of a Gentleman, 
^fwhom you never had Caufe to diftruft for his Ho- 

* neftyj that I do now confirm and avow to be true 
■ ' on the Word and Honour of a King ; and therein 

* you arc bound to believe me. Duty I may jufily 

* claim of you as my Subjcfb j and one of the 

* Branches of Duty, which Subjefls owe to their 
Sovereign, Is Supply :^ But in what Quantity, and 

■ at what Time^ 'ih'ai mull come cf yijur Loves. I 
I'k'm'not how ttierifo're to dil'pute of a King's I*ower, 

* but to tcfl JQ£i,What I'may juftly crave, and expe£t 
"-''''''''■"■"'"■■■■■■ ■ * with 



"" ^Jh^' *'' '''^ yourgood Wills. , Iwas ever againft all Ex- 

' ^' , • tremes, and in this Cafe I will likcwife wifli you ta 

Manh. * avoid them on both Sides ; for if you fail in the 

' one,, I might ];iave great Caufe to blame you, as 

* Parliament Men, being called by me for my Er- 
' rands- And if you fall into the other Extreme, by 

* Supply of my Neceffities, without refpedtivc -Care 

* to avoid Oppreffion, or Partiality in the Levy, botlt 

* I and the Country will have Caufe to blame you. 

' . ' ^ When 1 think upon the Compofition of this . 

* Body of Parliament, I do well confider that the 
» Ui^er Houfe is compofed of the Secular Nobility^ 
' who are hereditary Lords of Parliattienf ; and of 

* Bifhops, that are Live-renter Barons of the fame : 
' And therefore, what is given by the Upper Houfe, 

* is given only from the true Body of that Houfe, and 

* out of their own Purfes that do give it ; whereas 

* the Lower Houfe is but the Reprefentative Body. 

* of the Commons, and fo what you give, ybu give 

* it as well for others as for youifelves ; and thcre« 

* fore you have the more ReaJon to efchew both the 
'Extremes. On the one Part, you may the more 
' eafily be liberal, fmce it comes liot all from your-. 

* fclves J and yet. Upon the other Part, if ye give 

* more than Is fit for good and loyiiig Subjc^s to 

* yield upodfuch neceflary Occafioos, ye abufethc 
' King, and hurt the People. Aiid fuch a Gift I 

* will never^accept ; for, in fuchiaCafe, you might 

* deceive a King, in giving your flattering Confent 

* to that which you know might move the People 
, ' generally to grudge and murmur at it, and to, 

' Ihould the King find himfelf deceived in his Cal- 
*cule, and the People likewifc grieved in theif 
^Hearts ; the Love and Potlcffion of which, I pro-i 
*teft, I did, and ever will, account the greatcA 

* earthly Security ("next the Favour of God) to anji 
< wife orjEiftKihg. For thq' it was vainly faid bjl 

* one of your Houfe, That ye had" need to beware* 

* tbdt by" giving me too much, your Throats wer^ 
' not in Danger of cutting at your coming home j 
^yctpiayye afliire yoiwSlvei, Uia('Ift:i)I ever be 

APPEND t X. 23 

*- loath to fH«fs you to do that which may wrong the An. 7 J*"u> 

* People, and make you jufljy to bear the Blame **°9] 

* thereof. But that ye may the better be acquainted jj^^ 
*- with tny Inclination, I will appeal to a Number of 

* my Privy Council here prcfcnt, if that, before the 
■ Calling of thii Parliament, and when I found 

* that the Neceffity of my Eftate required fo great a 
*- Supply} disy found me more deJirous to obtain that 
S which I was forced to feek, than careful that the 

* Pnoplc might yield me ■ Supply in fo great a Mea- 

* fure as my Neceffitiea required, without their too 

* great Loffr. And you all that are Parliament Men. 

* and here prefent of both Houfes, can bear me ^Vlt- 

* nefs, if ever I burdened or employed any of yoti 

* for any particular Sublidies, or Sums by Nanie> 

* Birtfaer than my laying open the particular Nccef; 
•-fiiies of my State, or yet if ever I fpake to any 

* Privy Counfellor, or any of my learned Counf^ 
K to labour Voices for me to this End ; I ever de- 

< tefted the hunting for Bmendiiala Suffragia. A 

* King that will rule and govern juftly^ muQ have 

< Regard to Confelence, Honour, and Judgment^ 
4 in all his greiat A^ons, as yourfelf, Mr. Speaker, 
4 remembared the other Day. And therefore ye 

* may alTure yourfelves, that I ever limit all tji; 

* great Aflions within that Compaf^. But as, 
f upon theoneSide,-! do not defireyoufhpuld yield 

< to that Extreme, in giving mc more than, as I faid 

* form«'ly, upon fuch neccITary Occ;^flo[is, are fit 
« for good and loving Subjci5b to yield ; for that 

* were to give me a Purfc wrth a Knife : So, on the 

< other Side, I hope you will not make vain Prcten- 
' CCS of Wants, out of caufeleis Apprehenfions, or 
« idle Excu&s, neither doifc your own Humours, 

* whea yourfelves are unwillingj by alledging the 

* Poverty of the People. For although I will be no 
( lefs juft, as a King, to fuch Perfons, than any 

< olher, for my Jufticc, with God's Grace, ftiali 
^-be alike open to all ; yet, ye muft think, t 

< have no Reafon to thank them, or gratify them 

* with any Suits or Matters of Grace, when their 

* £[nnd Qm)1 c«(Be ia my Way, And yet no Man 


J4 A P P E N D IX, 

a. 7 jimei I.' can fay that ever I quarrclcd witb.any Man for rt-* 

^°9' * fufing me a Subfidy, if he did it in a moderate 

1^^^ ' Falhion, and with good Reafona, For him that 

' denies a good Law I will not fpare to quarrel ; but 

* for granting or denying Money, it is but an KfFeft 

* of Love: And therefore, for the Point of my Ne-- 

* ceffities, I only defirc that I be not rtfufed in ttjiap 

* which of Duty I ought to have. For I know, if 
' it were propounded in the general .amongil you^ 

* whether the King's Wants ought to be relieved or 
( not ? there is not one of you that would make 
( QuelHpn of it. And dio% in a Sort, this iiiay feeitt 

* to be my Particular, yet it cannot be divided fronv 

* the general Good of the Commonwealth ; for the 

* King, that is Partes Patriay tells you of hi» 
*. Wants. Nay, Poiria ipfa by him fpealu unto youv 

* For if the King wants, the State wants, and there-* 

* fore the ftrengthening of the King is the Preferva-* 
■ tion and the Standing of the State : And woe be (a 

* him that divides the Weal of the King from Che 

* Weal of the Kingdom. And a? that- King is mi-* 

* ferable, how rich foever he be, that reigns over a 

* poor People, for the Hearts and Riches of the 

* People are the King's grcateft Tteafure i fo is tha* 

* Kingdom not able to fubfift, bow rich and potent 
' * foever the People be, if their King wants Meaov 

* to maintain his State ; for the Means of ygur King 

* are the Sinews of the Kingdom, both in War anti 

* Peace: For in Peace I muH minilVer Juftice unto 

* you, and in War I muft defend you by Arms ; but 

* neither of thefe can 1 dD without fufiicient Means/ 

* which mull come from your Aid and Supply. I 
' confefs it is far againft my Nature to be t>urdee« 

» feme to my People ; for it cannot but grieve me to ■ 

* crave of others, that was born tp be be^ed t^U. -It 

* is true, I crave more than evef King of Engiaud 

* did ; but I have far greater and. jiift^ Caufe and 

, * Reafon to crave than ever King oE Engbni. had' ' 

* And though my Treafurer hatb at length declared 

\ the Reafons unto you of my N^celTities, and of'a, - 

* large Supply that he craved for. the fame, when-* 

* in he omitted no ArgumwU that -^io. be u(ed fpr 

' that 


< that Purpofe; yet will I myfelf now flionly «-*»• 7J«=m l 

* oiember yOu of fome of the weightieft Reafons that . '^°^' . 

* come in my Head, to prove the Equity of my D«- • - m,^^ 

* mand. ^ 

* Fir/f, Ye all know that, by the Acceffion of 
■ * more Cfowns, which in my Pcrfon I have brought 

* unto you, my Charge muft be the greater in all 
» Reafon ; for the greater your King be, both in hia 

* Dominions and Number of Subjedlc, he cannot but 
' be forced thereby to be at the more Charge, and 

* it is the mote your Honour To to have it. 

* Nexf, That Pofterity and Iflue which it hath 
( picafed God to fend me for your Ufe, cannot but 

* bring necciTaiily with it a greater Proportion of 

* Charge. You all know that the late C^een, of 

* famous Memory, notwithltanding her Orbit, had 

* much given to her, and more than ever any of hec 

* Predcceflbrs had before her. 

* Thirdly, The Time of Creation of my Son dotb 

* now draw near, which 1 chufe, for the greater Ho- 

* nour, to be done in this Time of Parliament. As 

* for him I fay no more; the Sight of himfelf hert 
■ fpeaks for him. 

' FeurthJy, It is true, I have fpent much ; but yet 

* If I had fpared any of thofe Things, which caufed 

* a great Part of my Expence, I fhould have diflio- 

* noured the Kingdom, myfelfj and the late Queen, 

* Should I have fpared the Funeral of the late Queen, 

* or the Solemnity of mine and my Wife's Entry in- 

* to this Kingdom, infome honourable Sort? Or 

* fhould I have fpared our Entry into Londeriy or our 

* Coronation f And when moft of the Monarchs and 

* great Princes in Chriftchdom ftnt their Ambaffa- 

* dors to congratulate my coming hither, and fome 

* of them came in Perfon, was I not bound, both foe 

* my own Honour and the Honour of the Kingdom, 

* to give them good Entertainment f But in cafe it 

* might be objected by fome, that it is only upon 

* Occafions of War that Kings obtain great Supplies 

* froni their Subje^: NotwithSanding my intern 

* Peace, 1 am yet in a kind of War, which, if it be 

* without, the more is youi Safety^ for, as the Trea- 

5 furer 

c. .....Google 


■"■ 7 June! I.< furertold you at large, I am now forced, bolh In 

1 '^°^' . ' refpeflof Stateand my Pro mi fe, and for the geiie- 

Maidi. * "^ Caufe of Religion, to fend a Supply of Forces 

* to Cleves \ and how long that Occafion may lall, 

* or what greater Supply the Ncccffity of that Errand 

■ may draw me unto, no Man can yet tell. Befides 

* that, altho' I have put down that Form of Warlike 
. * keeping of Benuick, yet are all thofe Commanders 

* my PenGoners that were the late Queen's Soldiers. 

* And I hope I fuftain a pretty Seminary of Soldiers 

* in my Forts within this Kingdom, befides the t^o 

■ cautionary Towns in the Low Countries, Flujhing 

* and Brill, And as for Inland^ ye all know how 

* uncertain my Charges are ever there, that People 

* being fo eaCIy ftirredj (partly thro' their Barbarity 

* and Want ofCivility, and partly thro' theirCorrup- 

* tion m Religion, to break forth in Rebellions. Yc 
•know how unlopk'd-for a Rebellion broke forth 

* there the laft Year, which could not but put me ti^ 

* extraordinary Charges. Befides, I do maiiitaii^ 

* there continually an Army, which is a goodly Se- 
*minary of expert and old Soldiers; audldare ne- 
*ver fuifer.the fame to be diminilbcd, till this Planta- 

* tion take EfFe£t } which, noduubt, is the greatet^ 

* Mote that ever came in the Rcbeb Eyes. And it 

* is to be looked for, that if ever they will be able to 

* make any Stir, they will prefs at it by all Means, 

* for preventing and difcouraging this Plantation, 

* Kow it is true that, befides all thefe honourable 
' * and ncceflary Occafiona of my Charge, Ihavc fpent 

« much in Liberality : But yet* I hope you will con- 
« fider, that what I have given hath been givca 
« amongft you ; and fo what comes in from yoo^ 
( goes out again amongll you. But it may be thought 

* that I have given much among Scatfmen ; Indeed^ 

* if I had not b^en liberal in rewarding fome of my, 

* old Servants of that Nation, ye could never havq 

* had Reafon to expeft my TJiankfiilnefs towards 

* any of you that' are more lately become my Sub- 
' jeAs, if 1 had been ingraie to the old : And yet^ 

* yc will find, that I have dealt twice as muci) 
' iinioiigft Englipmtn as I have dope to Scetfmen. 

» And 


A P P K N p J X. tf 

•And, therefore, he that in your lloure was not An, ^jumIj 

* afhamed to affirm, that the Sitver and Gold did (o "'tf' ^ 

* abound in Edinburgh, was very far miftalcen j but Mi^ 

< I wifh him no worfe Punifhtnent, ' than that be 
' Ihould only live on /iich Profit of the Money there. 

* But I hope you will neVer mifliLe me for my Libe« 

* rality, fmce lean look very fi;W of you this Day ifi 
« the Face, that have not made Suits to mt, at leaft 
' for fomething, ciiher of Hortour or Profit. It is 

* true, a King's Liberality muft never be dried up 

* altogether; for then he can ncfer maintain nor 

* oblige hia Servants and well-deferving Subjedb : 

< But that Vaflnefs of my Expence is pafi, which 
» I ufed the firft two or three Years after my coming 

* hither ; And, as I often ufed to fay, that Chrijt' 

* mai and Opentidt is ended : For, at my fitft coming 

* here, partly Ignorance of this State (which no Man 

* can acquire but by Time and Experience ] and 

* partly, the Form of my coming being fo honouf- 

* able and miraculous, enforced me to extet\d my * 

* Liberality fo much the more at the Beginning. Ye 

* faw I made Knights then by Hundreds, and Barons 

* in grtfat Numbers : But I hope you find I do not 

* fo now, nor mind not to do fo hereafter. For, to 
' conclude this Point, anent Expences, I hold that 

* a King's Expence muft always be honourable, 

* though not waftcful, and the Charges of yoUr Kin^ 

* in maintaining thofe antient honourable Fot-ms of 

* Livir^, that the former Kings of England, my Pte- 

* deccflors, have done, and his Living to be ruled 

* according to the Proportion of his Greatnefs, is as 

* well for the Honour of your Kingdom, as of your . 

* King. No^ this Cannot be fupptied out of the Aijr 

< or Liquid Elements, but muft come from the Peci- 
'plc: Ahd for removing of that Diffidence which 

* Men nfay haVe, that I mind not to live in any 

* wafteful Soft hereafter, will you but Iqok upon ^ 

< myfcif arid my P&ftericy; and if there Weie no 

* more but that, it will teach you, that if I were but 

* a natural Man, I muft needs be careful of my Ex- 
' pences : For, as to my own Perfon^ I hope none 

* that knows me well} Can think me but as little in- 

VoL. XXIJh I . ' dinei 


28 A P P E N D I X. 

■>• 7 J™" ^- • clincd to any prodigal Humours of unneccflary 

* ^' , » Things, as any other rcafonabJe Man of a far 

Muifi, ' meaner Eftate. Therefore fince, as I have faid, 

•. I cannot be helped but from the People ; I alTure 

* m'yfelf, that you will well allow me fuch Meafure 

* of Supply, as the People may bear, and fuppotthtqi 

* with mnre honourable Means than others have had^ 

* that, as I may fay without vaunting, hath brought 

* you more Honour than ever you had : For I hope "^ 

* there are no goodSubjefls either within, or out 

* of the Parliament Houfe, that would not be con- 

* ttnt for fecting ftreight once, and fettling the ho- 
« nouiable State of their King, to fparc To much 

* every one of them out of their Purfes, which, per- 

* adventure, they would in oneNight throw away at 

* Dice or Cards, or beftowupona Horfe for their ran- 
- * cits, that might break his Neck or his Leg the next 

* Morning: Nay, I am fure every good Subject would 

* rather chufe to live more fparingly upon his owili 
* • than that his King's State fhould be in Want 

• For Conchifion then of this Purpofe ; I wilbyou 

* now to put a fpeedy End to your Bufinefs. Frce- 

* nefs in giving graceth the Gift } Bii dai, ya/ dtt 

' * dat; the longer I want Help, the greater will iny , 

* Debt ftiil life ; and fo muft I look for the greater 

* Helps : And now I would pray you to turn your 

* Eyes with me from home, and look upon foreign' 

■ States. Coiifider that the Eyes of all foreign States 

* are upon this Affair, and in £xped:ation what the 

* Succefs thereof will be ; and, what can they think,, 
'if ye depart without relieving me in that Pr oper- 
ation that may make me able to maintain my State, 

* but that either ye are unwilling to help me, think- 
•ing me unworthy thereof, or at leaft, that my State 

* is fo defperatc, as it cannot be repaired, and (a thi^t 

■ the Parliament paru in Difgrace wiih the King, and 
■the King in Diltafte with the Parliament, which 

* cannot but weaken my Keput^ition both at home 

* and abroad ? For of this you may bi; uiTured, that 

* foreign Princes care the more one for anotiier, if 

* they may have Reafon to ejfpeiSt that they may be 
*' able to do them Good or Harm in Retribution j 


« and yc know, that if a King foil to be contemned *»• ? j^^ * 
« with his Neighbours, that cannot but bring an Op- • /' * 

* preffion and War by them upon him, and then Uutht 

* will it be too late to fupport the King, when fbft 

* Cure is almoft derperate. Things, forefceri and 

* prevented, are evCr callieft remcJied ; and ihere- 
'' fore I would advifc you now fo to fettle your Sod- 

* nefs, as ye may not take in Hand fo many Things 

* at once, as may both crofs my Errand, and cvery[ 

* one of them crofs another. Ye remember the > 

* French Proverb, ^i trap embrajfe^ rien iflrtint z 

* We are not in this Parliament to make our Tefla- 

* ment, as if we fhoutd never meet again, and that 
« all Tbings that were to be done in any Parliament 

* were to be done at this Time : And yet, for filling 

* up of your vacant Hours, I will recommend to 

* your Confideration fuch Nature of Things as. 

* arc to be efpccially thought upon in ih-'fe l"imes. 

* Firft, I will begin at God j for the Beginning with 

* him makes all other Actions to be blefled ; and 

* this I mean by the Caufe of Religion. Next, I 

* will fpeak of fomc Things that concern the Com- 
*monwea]th. And, ThiriJly, Matters of Pleafure 
' and Ornament to the Kingdom. 

* As for Religion, we have all great Caufc to take 

* Heed unto it ; Papifts are waxed as proud, at this 

* Time, as ever they Were, which makes many td 

* think they have fomc new Plot in Hand. Andj 

* although the poorefl Sort of them be, God be 

* thanked, much decreafed, yet doth the greater 

* Sort of them daily increafc, efpecially among the 

* feminine Sex ; nay, they arc waxed fo proud, thtt 
*fomefay no Man'dare prcfent them, nor JudgeS 

* meddle with them, they arc fo backed and upbolden 

* by divers great Courtiers. It isafurerand better 

* Way to remove the Materials of Fire before they 

* be kindled, than to quench the Fire when once 

* it is kindled. 

Nam leuiui lisdil quicquid prai'^^imus ante. 
• * I do not mean by this to move you t» make 

* ftronger Laws than are already made, but fee thofe 

* Laws may be well executed that are in Force ; 

la ' other* 



n. r Jitwi i.t otherwiTe, they cannot but fall into Contempt, and 

' °*' , * become rufty. I never found, that Blood and too 

M*rth. ■ * much Severity did good in Matters of Religonj 

' for, befiJes it bemg a furc Rule in Divini.y, ITiat 

' God never loves to plant his Church by Violence- 

' and Bloodlhed, natural Reafon may even perfuade 

* u^, and daily Experience proves it true. That whetj 

* Men are feverely perfecutcd for Religion, the GH-t 

* lantnefs o! many Men's Spirits, and the Williilncft 
' of their Humours, rather than the JuflneTs of the 

* Caufe, makes them to take a Pride boldly to en- 

* dure any Torments, or Death itfelf, to gain there- 
" by the Reputation of Martyrdom, fjiough but in a 

* falfe ^hadow, 

* Some Doubts have been conceived anent tbc 

* Ufing of the Oath of Allegiance j and that Part- 

* of the AQ, which ordains the. taking thereof, is 

* thought fo obfcure, (bat no Man can tell vho 

* ought to be prcflcd iherewtih. For I myfelf, wbco 

* upon aTime I called the Judges before me, at their 

* going to their Circuits, I moved this QueAion unto 
*them; wherein, as I thought, they could not refo- 

* lately anfwer me : And therefore, if there be anv 
' Scruple, touching theMInillring of it, Iwould wilb 

* it now to be cleared. And fmce I have, with my 

* own Pen, brought the Pope's Quarrel upon me, and 
' proclaimed public Defiance to Bahjltn tn maintairir 

' * ing it ; fhould it now fleep, and fliould I feem, as it 

* were, to fleal from it again? 

* AsforRecuTants ; let them be all duly prefenteil 

< without Exception : For, in Times paft, there bath 

* been too great a Connivance and forbearing qf 
' * them, efpecially of great Men's Wives, and their 

' Kin, and Followers. None ought to be fparcd 

* from beirig brought under the Danger of Law, and 

* then it is my Part to ufe Mercy, as I think conve- 

* nient. To wink at Faults, and not to fuffer them 

* to be difcDvered, is no Honour nor Mercy in ^ 

< King, neither ts he ever thanked for it ; it only ar- 

* gues his Dulnefs: But to forgive Faults after they 

* are confefTed, or tried, is Mercy. And now, X 

* muft turn me in thb Cafe to you, my Lords, the 

- *Biihopa, 


A P P E N ,D I X. 31 

* BIfhops, and even exhort you carncftly, to be mor^Aa. 7 J^ma I, 
*■ careful than you have been, that your Officers ma^ . '^^' 

* moie duly prelent Rccufants than heretofore they Mitch. 

* have done, without Exception of Perfons ; thai al- 
' though it muii be the Woik of God that muft 

< make their Minds to be altered ; yet at )ea(}, by 
*■ this Courfc, they may be A4ycd from ibcreahiig, 
' or inlultlng upon us. 

* And that ye all may know the Truth of my Heart 

* in thb Cafe, I divide all my Subjects that aie Pa- 
*■ pifts into two Ranks : Either old Papifls, that were 

* fi> brought up in Times of Popery, like old Queen 

* I^ryt PiieJls ; and thole that, though they be 

* younger in Years, yet have never drunk in other 
■ Milk, but been ftill nulled in that Blindncfsj or 

* elfe fuch as do become Apoflates, having once 

* beenofourProfeilion, und have forlaken the Truth, 

* cither upon Difcontem, or Prai£tice, or elfe upon a 
' light vain Humour uf Novdiy, making no more 

* Scruple to fi^ek out new Kurms of Religion, than if 

* it were but a new Form of Garment, or a new Cut 

* or Courtcfy after the Frinch F^fiiion. "! , 

* For the former Sort, I pity them i but if they be 

* good and quiet Subjects, I tiate nut their Petfons { 

* and, if 1 were a private Man, I could well keep a 

* civil Friendlhip and Converfaiion with fome of 

* them : But as for thofe Apoflates, who, I know, 

* muR be greated Haters of their own Sei^, 1 confela 

* I can never fliew any favourable Countenance to- 

< wards thctn, and ibey may all of them befure, wlih- 

* out Exception, diat they fhall never find anymore 

* Favour ol me, further th^n I muft needs, in Juftice, 

* afford them. And ihefe would J have the Law to 

* ftrike feverelieft upon, and you carefuileft 10 dilco- 
» ver. Ye know there hath been grcjt Stir kept for 

* begging Concealments ihefe Years paftj and, I 

* P''"y y"* '-' ""^ ^^S ^^'^ Concealment, both of 

* the Bifhops and Judges, that PapiAs be no longer 

* concealed. 

* Next, as concerning the Commonwealth-,.! do 
' fpecialiy recommend unto you the Framing of fome 
^ new Statrjte for Prefervation of Woods. In the 

1 3 End 



fc '7 Jimei I.t End of the lad Seflion of Parliament, ye had a Bill 

' °^' , ' * amongft you of that Subje^; but becaufe you 

jjjj, » found fome Faults therein, you caft out ihe whole 

•Bill: But I could have rather' wi (bed, that ye had 

* cither mended it, or made a new one $ forlo caft 

* out the whole Bill, bccaufc of fome Faults, was 

* even as if a Man, that bad a new Garment trooght 

* biDi> would chufe rather to go naked, than have 
(fais Garment made £t for him : But on myCon- 

* fcicnce, I cannot imagine why you (hould fo li^itly 

* have eftccmed a Thing fo necefTary for the Com- 
•monwcalth, if it were not.outof alittlc Froward- 

* nefs amongft you at that Time, that whatt then 

* recommended earneftly unto you, it was the vroriR: 

* hked of. The Maintenance of Woods is a Thing 

* To neceflaty for this Kingdom, as it cannot fland, 

* nor be a Kingdom, without it; for it concerns y<Hi 
« both in your £Jfe, Ine EJft^ and in Pleafures^ 
*Your£^i for without it yOu want the Ufe of one 
« of the moil neceflary Elements, which is Fire and 
*Fewelto drcfs your Meat with ; for neither can 
f the People live in thefe cold Countries, if they want 

< Fire altogether, nor yet can you drefs your Meat 

* without it ; and I think you will ill live, like the 
'< Cannibals, upon raw Flefh : For the Education of 

* this People is far from that- As to your htnt EJJi ; 

* the Decay of Woods will neceflarily bring the De- 
' * cay of Shipping, both which is the Security of this 

* Kingdom, fincc God hath by Nature madethc Sea 
« to be the Wall of this IJland j and the rathernowi 

* lince God hath united, it ail in my Perfon and Crown; 
«as alfo, by the Decay of Shipping, w"ill youlofc 

* both all your foreign Commodities that are fit for 

* thia Country, and the venting of our own, whicb 
» is the Lofs of Trade, that is a main Pillar of this 

* Kingdom. And, as for Pleafurc, ye Icnow my Dc- 
'"■ light in Hunting and Hawking, and many oFyour- 
*feTves arc of the fame Mind ; and all this muft 

* needs decay, by the Decay of Woods : Ye have 

< Reafon therefore to provide a good Law upon this 


Uigiliz^d.,. Google 


* Now as to the i»& Point, cenccming MatteriAa. 7 Jtmtt L 
' of Pleafurc, k confifts in the preferving of Game, . '^' . 

* srittch is now alnwft utteriy deftroyed through all UMcfa. 

* (he Kingdom. And if you ofier - not now a bet* 

* ler Lav for this, than was made in the Uft Seflion 

* of Padiunent, I will never thank you for it : For, 

* as for your Law anent Partridge and Phcafant, you 

* have givca L^avc to every Man, bow poor a Far* 
*iBer UuteVer hebe, totilce anddeftroy them in his 
*Owa Ground how he lills. But, I pray you, hovr 

* <aa ibe Game be maintained, if Gentlemen that 
'Jiave great Lordfliips fliall breed and preferve them 

* there, and fo foon as ever they fluU but fly over the 

* Hedge, and light in a poor Fellow's Clofe, they fliall 

* all be defiroyed i Surely i know no Remedy for 

* prcferviog the Game that breeds in my Grounds, 
*. except I caft a Roof over all the Ground, or elfe 

, * put Veruels to the Partridges Feet with my Aims 

* upon them, as my Hawlcs have ; otherwife I know 
'not how they fliall be known to be the King's 
';Partridges, when they light in a Farmer's CJofe, 

* And, by your Law againft ftealing of Deer or 
*Conies) after a long Difcourle and Prohibition of 

* fteaiing thetn, you conclude, in the End, with x 

* ReftriSion, that all this Piinifliment fliall be un- 
' derflood to be ufed ag^nfl them that fteal the Game 

* in the Night ; whidi hath much encouraged all the 

* loofer Sort of People, diat it is no Fault to fteal 

* Deer, fo they do it not like Thieves in the 

* Night. As was that Law of the Licedtmamant 

* againft Theft, that did not forbid Theft, but only , 

* taught them to do it cunningly, and without Dif- 
' covery ; whereupon a foolilh Boy fulFered a Fox 

* to gnaw his Heart throu^ his Breaft. And 

* this Do&rine is like that LelTon of the Canon 
' Law, Si nan ea/ie, tanun tauti. I know you think 

* thati fpeak partially in this Cafe, like a Hunter j 

* but there is never a-one of you that hears me, that 

* care the leaft for the Sport, or for the Prcfervation 
' of the Game, but he would be as giad to have a 

* Paftj of Venifon, if he might get it, as the beft 

I 4 * Hunter 



LB. 7 jMBM 1. « Hunter would i snd if the Game be not prefervtd 
I f'*^' ■ ' yp" *^3n eat no Venifon. As for Partridge and 
- MtoJa. ' Phcafant, 1 do not deny that Gentlemen Ihoiild ' 
' have their Sport, aiid fpccially ypon tbeir own' 

* Ground : Bitt, firft, I do not think fuch Game 

* and Pleafures (hould be free to bafe People : And, - 

* next, J would even wifb that Gentlemen fbould 

* ufe it in a Gentleman -I ike Faihion, and not witti 

* Netsi, or Guns, or fuch other ungentleman-like' 

* Falhisns, that fcrve but for utter Deitrufiion of' 

* all Game : Nor yet to kill them at unfeafbnabic ' 
, * Times, as to kill the Pheafants and Partridges when 

* they are no bigger than Mice ; when, as for every ' 

* one their Hawks kill, ten will bedeflioyed by their ' 

* Dogs and Horfes Feet ; befides the great and into- ' 

* Jerable Harm they do to Corn in that Seafon. 

* And now, in the End of all this falhious Speech, 

* I muft conclude like a Grey Fryar, in fpealcing ibi'- 
'* myfelf at hd. At the Beginning of this SelBon of 

* Parliament, when the Trcaluier opened my Nc-' 

* cedities unto you, then tny Purfe only laboured ; 

* but now that Word is (pread both at home and 

* abroad of the Deniands I have made unto yoii ; ' 

* my Reputation laboureth as we)) as my Purfe : 
, * For if you part without the repairing of my State 

* in fome reafonable Sort, what can thi World 

* think, but that the evil Will my Subjefts bear un- 

* to me hath bred a Rcfufe i And ye can never part 

* fo, without apprehending that I am diftafted with 
^ * yout Behaviour, and yet to be in fear of my Dif- 

' pleafure ; But I alTure and promiCc myfelf far 

* othcrwife. 

* Thus I have now performed my Promife, in 

* prefenting unto you the Cryftal of your King's* 
» Heart. 

' Ye know that principally by three Ways ye may 

* wrong a Mirrour, 

' /jV/?, I pray you, look not upon my Mirrour 

* with a falfe Lights which ye do, if ye miltake or 
« mifundetDand aiy Speech, and fo alter the Scnfe 
( thereof. .... 

' • 'Buti 


A P P E N D I X. 3J 

* But, ficmdljy I pray you beware to foil it with*"- *« J«nMl. 
'afoul Breath and unclean Handi: I mean, that , ' *3' ^ . 

* ye pervert not my Words by any corrupt Affec- Much. 

* tlons, turning them to an ill Meaning, like one 
*.who, when he hears the tolling of a Bell, fiancies 
*(o faimfelf that it fpeaks thofe WcH-ds whidi are 

* itio&'in his Mind. 

' And, lafiiy, which is worll of all, beware to let 

* it fall or break, for Glais is brittle ; which jk do, 

* if ye lightly efleem it ; and, by contemning it, ' _ 
' iconform not yourfelves to my PerfuaAons. 

f To conclude then : As alt thefe three Days tA 

* Jubilee have fallen in the Midft of this Scalbn of 
< Penitence, wherein you have prefentcd your Thank* 
<iome, and I the like ^ain to you; fo io I with 
^and hope that the End of this Parliament will be 

* liich, as we may all have Caufe (both [ your 

* Head, and ye the Bodyj to join in Euchariflic 
** Tfianks and Praifes unto God, for our fo ggod and 
*■ happy an End.' 

In Vol. VI. at p. 97, Prince Charles'} Speech to 
bodi Houfes in the painted Chamber, March ii,- 
1623, being given only by Way o( Report, the Ma- 
ou&rjpt aforefaid has It at Length, as follows : 

Y Lord'-Trealiirer having, by his Majefty'sTbe Priiwe'i 
Command, made Relation of the great Ne-^^^^^^j^^ 
eeffities of his Majefty's Eftate, fome Doubts might 1 1, 1S13, 
aiife, what the King's End might be therein, I was 
then preTent in the Houfe when this Doubt did arife, 
I therefore thought fit to give my Senfe thereof. 

The King by this intends you ihall fee, that, 
Vpon your Counfcl, he was not able of himrdf, of 
bis own Strength, to engage bimfelf into a War : 
Thereupon the King commands me to declare (hat 
Vnto you, fearing left the fame might alfo rife among 
you. And 1 conceive it thus : 

His Defire was not that we fhouid confider of 
bis Eftate purely; but when we have refolved upon 
th« $r(l, then will it appear that ic is no difficult 
Miiltct to eCtabiith his own Eftate. 





*"■"'*"*"* Another Doubt there WM ID oif own Riind, thit 
^ ' *** . fonoe aoiongftyou might fear, left now, when thefe ' 
li^, Thing! &cti\d be fettled, dw King would be flower • 
in calling you hither aain. 

I wiU put you in Mitul of the laft Put of the 
Kii^s Speech, That be hopes to be in Love wtlh 
Parliaments. But having OccaTion to fend to the 
King about other &i(inafs, I find him willing, and 
ver^r wilting, to call you often. £ut diis ia of niy ' 
own Mead. 

I detire you now to conlidei how &r this BuGneft 
is gone, and that it requires Expeditioa, as the King 
my Father dclired it in his laft Speech. 

How far forth this Year Is paft, and how fiir you 
have cxaTperated ihofe, whom wc conceive may be 
QurXnemies; prepare yourfelvesfo, as that we m^ 
not only ihew our Teeth, but bite alfe if th/xc he 

Confider alio how much the King's Honour and 
mine is engaged : If you Ifaould fail in this, it would 
be difhonourable to yourfelvca, as well as to myfelf. 
You fiiall oblige me, who am now firft entering iiito 
t^ Woil'd ; when Time fliall ferve hereafter, you 
fliall not tbink your Labour ill bellowed. 

The following Speech of his Majefty to boda. 
Houfes, the a4thof jf/iiy, 1624, fecms to be a fhort 
Anfwer to a long Petition of the Conunons toithe 
King, printed in diis Work, Vai. VI. p. 322, ife. 
-^aintl the Growth of Popery, ift. and therafisn 
fiiould fall in about p. 330, iiadem. 

Mj Lords, and GatHtmm 4>/ ietb fltufii, 

Ta-rfi **T'HOUGH I cannot but commend your 

Sp«h 10 hotli* Zeal in oflcFJng this Petition to me, yet, on 

Haafci,A£ir«4,(theothcr Side, I cannotbut hold myfelf unforUi- 

*^^ <iiatet^tlfliouid bethought to need a Spur to do 

*thBt which my Confcience and Duty bio(te me 

* unto. What Religion I am of my Books do-dc- 

* clare, tny Profeffion and Behaviour do flicw< I 

* hope in God I (hall never deferve it 1 and, for my 

* Part, I with it might be written in Marble, aM 

* KDMUa 



•-Kniata to all Pofterities as a Mark upon me, when ** •* J""* 

* I Dull fwerve from my Religion ; for he that doih . ' ^ 

* difiemble with God is not to be trufted of Man. Uaj. 

* My Lords, I proteft before God, my Heart hath 

* Wed vAtea I have heard of the Incrcafe of Popery ; 

* God is my Judge, that it hath been fuch a great 

* Uficf unto me, that it hath been as I'horns in 
' mine Eyes, and Pricks in my Sides : And fo far 

* ever have I been, and Qiall be, from turning any 
'othw Way. 

* And, my Lords and Gentlemen, you all Qail 

* be my Confeflbre, that, one Way or other, it hath 

* been my Defire to hinder the Growth of Popery ; 

* and I could not be an boncft Man if I fliould have 
« done otherwifc. 

' And this I may fay further, Tliat if I be not a 
f Martyr, I am furc I am a Confeflbr s and, in fome 

* Sort, I may be called a Martyr, as, in the Scrips 

* ture, I/aac was perfecuted t^ Ifimatl by owckii^ 

* Words i for never King fuffered ntore by iU 

* Tongues than I have ddne, and I am fure for no 
f Caafe, for I have been far from Perfeciition, for I 

* have ever thought that no Way ever more increa- 

* fed any Religion than Perfecution, according to 

* that Saying Sanguis Martyrum tft Simm Eccltfue. 

* Now, my Lords and Gentlemen, for your Pe- 

* tition : I will not only grant the Subftancc of what 

* you crave, but add fomething of my own { for two 

* Treaties being already annulled, as I have declared 

* them to be, that neceflarily follows of itfclf which 

* you defire i and therefore it needeth no more, but 

* that I do declare by Proclamation, which I am ' 
< ready to do, that the Jefuits and Priefts do depart 

* by a Day : But it cannot be as you defire by one 
■ Proclamation to be out of all my Dominions ; for 
' a Proclamation here extends but to this Kingdom. 

* This I will do, and more ; I will command all my 
"Judges, when they go their Circuits, to Iceep the ■ 

* lame Courfe for putting all the Laws in Execution 

* ^ainft the Recufants, which they were wont to do 

* before thefe Treaties ; for the Laws be ftill in 

* Force> and were never difpcnfed by niG> Godis 

* my 




An. 7 Jimej I.' my Judge, they were never intended fo by me j but . 
. '^°^' ' as 1 told you in the Beginning of the Parliament, 
2j, * you muft give me Leave, as a good Hgifeaian, 

* fometimes to ufe the Reins, and not always to ufe 

* the Spur ; fo now there needs nothing but my De- 

* daration ; and, for difarming of them,' that is al- 

* ready done by the L>aws, and it iball be done as 

* you defite it. 

* And more ; I will take Order for preventiijg of 
■ * this fliameful Diforder of the reforting of my Sub- 

* je£ls to all foreign AmhajTadorSs; and of this I will 

* advife with my Council how this may beft be per- 
' formed. It is true, that the.Houfes of Ambafia- 
*.dors arc privileged Places, and though they can- 

* not take. them out from their Ho^fes, yet my Lord 

* Mayor, and Mr. Recorder of the City of Ltmiattf 

* may take them as ihey come from tJience* and 

* make fome of them Examples. 

.* Another Point I will ,add conccrhing the Edu- 

* cation of their Children, of which 1 have had -a 

* principal Caie, as my Lord of Canterbury, the Bi- 

* fliop of fyinchfjiir, and other Lords of my Coun- 
' * cil, and indeed all my Council can bear me Wit- 

* neis, with whom 1 have advifed concerning this 

* fiufinefs ; for, in good Faith, it is a Shame their 

* Children fhould be fo bred up in Madrid^ or in 

* Romt : So 1 do grant not only your Defirc, but 

* more. I am fo^iy I was not Uie firft Mover of it 

* unto you ; but If you had not moved this to me, 

* yet I would have done it of myfolf. 

* Now for the laft Part of your Petition : You 

* have therein given me the befl and wifeft Advice in 

* the World ; for it is againft ihc Rule of Wifdom , 

* ihat a King Ihould fuf^ET any of bis Subje^ to be 
' beholden, or to depend upon any other than him- 

* felf. And what hath any King to do with the Lftwi ^ 

* and Subje^s of another Kii^dom ? And therefore 

* aflure yourfelves, by the Grace of God, I will be 

* careful that no fuch Condition be foiHed in or 

* upon any other Tjeaty whatfoever; for it is fit 

* my Subjects {hould iland or fall to their own 

* Lords.' 




In the old Manufcript berore-quoted, we meet An. n June* 
with a Petition to -the King, from the Houfe of , '*'** 
Commons, complaining much of divers Grievances ^,„ 
occasioned by Monopolies, ttfc. This Petition is 
without Date, fo that we know not the exprcis 
Time when it was prcfcnted : But it fcems to b«ve 
been prefentcd to the King juft before the Con- 
dufion of this Seffion of Parliament, becaufe his 
Speech at that Period, b, in fome Meafure, an An- 
fwer to it. Vol. VI, p. 337. 

Msft Graciaut Sgverei^, 
' 'VJIT £ your tnoft loyal and loving SubjeSs theCemrUinti on 
' "" Commons, by your Royal Authoriqr af-*" 

* fembled out of all the Parts of your Realm of 
' * England, in this prefcnt Parliament, as well out of 

* Duties and Zeal to your Majefty, as out of the 
' Senfe of that juft Grief wherewith your Subjefls 

* are generally afflicted, do, in all Humility, pre- 
' fent the Complaint of the Commons of your Realm 

* againlt thofc Grievances enfuing to your gracious 
' View, humbly and inflamly praying due Redrefs 

* thereof. 


* Whereas upon divers Suggeflions, and to fet 

* forward the Plantation in Nnv- England, your 
' Majefty did grant your Letters Patent, bearing 
■« Date the third of Nevemher, in the 18th Year of 

* your Reign, unto Sir Ferdinand Gorges, and other 
» Patentees, whereby your Majefty prohibited all 

* your Subjefts to vifit the Coaft, without the Li- 

* cenfe of the Patentees ; and, by Pretext thereof, 

* your Majefty's Subjedls have been interrupied to 

* fldi in the main Sea upon the fame Coalts : In 

* which Letters Patent it is further contained, That 
. * if any <af jaur Subject Jhould offind canlrary ta the 

* fame, thej Jhould forfeit thtir Ships and Goods, 
'• tf>< one M«iety thereof to your Majefly, and the 
« atber Maiety to the Patentees. Now, in refpe£l 

* the Trade of Fifliing is a ftioft beneficial Trade 

* to this Realm for the Increafe of Shipping, Navi- 

* gation, and Mariners, and the bringing in of Bul- 

* lion 



».ai j*itieil.«i;on and Vifluals to a very m^at yiiarly Value 
^ ' '^ « and Supply ; and yet the free Exercife thereof it , 
Maj, * reftrained by the faid tetters Patent> contrary to 

* Law, and to the gencreal Damage of this Realm i 

* and forafmuch as ihe'bid Grievance was complaior 

* ed of and examined by and before the CommoiU 

* in this prefent Parliament, and the {kid Sir /Vr^ 

* dinand Gorges, who undertook the Defence thcrc- 

* 6f, for himfelf and other the laid Patentees, be- 

* ing called hereunto, and at feveral Days deliberated 
' and fully heard therein, by himielf and his learned 

* Counfel, could not defend the fame; and yetthp 

* Premifcs (i), notwithftanding your loving Sub^d^ 
. • may be hereafter vexed as heretofore Uiey -haTp 

' been, by Colour of the faid Patents, fo far as thej 
« concern the Prohibition of free Filling, and the 

* Incidents thereunto, and the Confi feat ion of Ship^ 

* and Goods, and all Rellraiots aod Penalties there- 
' in contained, concerning free Fifhing, and which 

* may hinder the fame, to be utterly void and a^inft 

* your Laws, and never hereafter to be put in £zq- 

* tion. 

Gold W i k e>D r a w e r s. 

*Whereas, within the City ol Limdan, there waa 
' an anticnt Art and Trade of Gold Wire-Drawing, 

* exercifed by divers, being Members of the Coc- 
( poration of G(>ldrmiihs of London, whereby thej 

* maintained not only themfclves and their Familiea, 

* but alfo let many other Pertons on Work, until 

* one Matthias Fevile and others (Men nev^ bouiul . 

* Apprentices in the faid Trade according to the 

* Law) obtained from your Majefty LiCtters Patent* 

* bearing Date the i+tn of Jint, in the jift Year<rf 

* your Reign } whereby they were incorporated by 

* the Names of Gold mrt-Drawtrs of the City of 

* Lcndaa, the Governor, the Affiftant, and Commo- 
I * nal^, upon Suggeftionthatthey would import from 

* foreign Parts, to be converted into current Coin 

* of this Kingdom, fo much foreign Gold and Silver 

(!) Then Icciim to be looMtUbi «iDtu)| Iter* Ib tbt U S, to ca*f< 


* Coib 9iii Bullion, aS' Qiould countervail the Bui- An. ■ 

* lion they Ihould ufe in malting Gold Wire uid 

* odier Minufa^res ; and alTa the fatno Gold ^ 
( Wire flioald be of a fufficient Goodne&, and fold 

* at the like or choapcr Ra(es than the fame was 

* before the faid new Corporation : And, hj tke 
*bid Lettera Patent, the faid Gold Wire-Drawcn, 

* antiently brought up to and ufing the faid Trade, 

* wttc probibiMd ti> vfe or exarcife the fame any 

* Bore. And further, your Mi^cfty, fay the fski 

* Letttfn Fafont, at ihe Prayers of die Perfou to 

* newly incorporated, did tinpde Sixpence upon 
•every Ounce of Gold Wire that ibould be B»de 
'•-er MA^ them widrin this R«atm. 

• The humble Petition of your Subjefl* is. That 
*yot]T MajtAy will be graciouily pleafed to pubJUh 

* and declare Ok fame accordingly, and that the 

* faid Lctttrs PfKent fiiould never hereafter be put 

* in Execution. 

• And whereas your Majefly, of your blelled Dif- 

* poGtion, talcing Care c^ the Quiet and £afe of 

* your Subjefb, who had been intolerably vexed by 

* ComptroUeri ot Overfeers of detedive Titles 

* under your Great Seal, forbid all Men to propound 

* or oiTer to fue for any fuch Lands, for that in your 

* Royal Judgment they were Things fit it to be mea- 
' lured by the Rules of your Majcfty's own Con- 

* fcience ; yet Sir yahn Tewnfiend, Knt. not rcgard- 

* ing your Majedy's Royal Commandment, hatb, 

* by Colour of his Letters Patent, obtained fince 

* your Majelly's faid Prohibition, of fiCtcen Hofpitals 
' employed for the Furtherance and Relief gf old, 

* poor, and impotent People, and many other Lands 

* and Tenements in divers Counties and Parts of 
*your Realm, in the Pofleflion of your Subjefts, 

* extremely vexed by unjuft Suits in your Majefty'a 

* Name ; and otherwifs the Governon and Poor 
*of the faid Hofpitals, and .other your Majefty's 

* Subje£ts, to their great Charge and Hinderance* 
*ftnd almoft Undoing : 




L • Our humble Petition to your Majefty is. That 

^ * the faid Letters Patent, for the Caufes aforerai^, 

' may be called in, and cancelled; and that the fajd 

' Sir Jthn Townjbind, and all claiming under hini, 

* may be by your Majefty prohibited to vex or trou- 

* bic any of your Majelly's Subjeiis, by Pretext or 

* Colour of the fame. 

fi It I E F s. 

* And whereas Licenfes under the Seal, to galher 

* Monies of your Sul;>je3s, to Perfons pretcndii^ 
" Loflcs by Fire or otherwife^ be againft the Statute 

* in that Cafe made and provided, ate grown to fuch 

* exceffivc Numbers,- that many Mifchiefe and liw 

* conveniences thereupon enfue, in all Parts of yow 
•Realm: , , 

* Our Stfit to your Ms^'efty i$, That the Statute 

* in that..C;ife mai|e may be obfetved, and that im 

* fuch:Ll$«nl«f mvj be hereafter granted. 


* Whereas the Apothecaries of the City of Lcti' 

* de« have been antiently Members of the Compa- 
. * ny of Grocers of the fame City ; and whereas tl^ 

* faid Gi'ocers did, and do, far exceed the Number 

* of Apothecaries, and did even buy and fell a)I 

* Manner of Drugs as well as Apothecaries, whic^ 

* Drugs, at feveral Times of the Year, were, by the 
« Prehdent and Cenfor of the College of the Phy- 

* iicians , fearched and viewed whether the lame 

* were ufeful or not ; and whereas as well the faid 

* Grocers as others did ufe to dillill all Kinds of 

* Waters, a great Part whereof was tranfported be- 

* yond the Seas, to your Majefty's great and yearly 

* Benefit ; the faid Apothecaries, without Confcnt 

* of the faid Grocers, obtained Letters Patent, beai".- 
' ing Date the 6rfi of December, in the 1 5th Year of 
' your Majefty's Reign, whereby the faid Apothe* 

* caries are incorporated and divided from the Com-* 
' pany of Grocers ; by Colour of which faid Letters 

* Patent, the Apothecaries have appropriated to 
' themfelves the whole Buying and Selling of all 
■ Drugs, and the whole Diflillatigft and Selling of 

* all 




' all Waters within the faid City and ("even Miles *"■ 
' thereabout; which dividing of the Appthecaries ^^ 

* from the Grocers without their Confent, and the 
' appropriating of the Diftillation of the faid Waters 

* unto the Apothecaries, and the fole Selling there- 

* of by them, is againft The Law, to the impoverilh- 

* ing of many Perfons and their Famiiies. 

* Your loyal Suhjefts, therefore, humbly pray 

* your Majefty gracioufly to be pkafed to declare the 

* faid Letters Patent to be viiid, and that the fanut 

* ihall not hereafter be put into Execution. 


' Whereas, by an Aft of Parliament, Power and 

' Authority to eredl fieracom, Maries, and Signs for 

* the Sea, was given to the Mailer, Wardens, and 
' AffiftantS of the Trinily- Heiife, as to Men Ikiil- 
' ful and expert in that Behalf; and whereas, at 

* the carneft Rcqueft pf the Seafaring Men paffing 

* by the Coafts of Norfolk^ they, at their own Cofts 

* and Charges, erefled a Sign for the Sea, commonly 
,« called a Lrght-Houfe of iit<^ne, at IVmttrtonnefi in 

' Norfalk, and agreed to lake, sind did take, but Six- 

* pence for every twentietb Chaldron of Coals of ' 

* Ships paffing ihqt Way, , 

* So it is that Sir yahn Mtidrum^ uppon Silggeflion 

* dwt there was Want of a Light-Houfc at ff'intn- 

< tonnefs, obtained of yolir Majrily Letters' Patent, 
« to ereft a Ligh:-i-ioufe there, which Letteis, be- 

* ing made upon that Confidcration, were vojd in 

* Law; forlhat there had been a Lighr-Houfo Liiere 
« by the Space of half a Year, or thereabouts ; And 
« tho* it were tnie, that Sii'^^i^u. Meldrim.^tiiAnAciy 

* that he had petnioned lo your Majefty fijr ErcC- 
« lion of a-L'ght-Honre, before the faid L^ht-Hou^e 

< of Stone was ereiftcd, ytt the faid Letters Pateot ^fe 

* void in Law, for that they of the Trlniiy-Hovft^ 

* havfng Authority as is aforefaid by Aft ol,ft»rli«~ 

« mcnt, did; before' the faid liatters Parent,. crctSfc a ' 

* Light-Houfe as is aforefaid'j where tbey of tlw 

* Trrniiy did take but Sixpence for e«ry twenty 
« Chaldron of Coals, the faid Sir John M}ldrii>^^ by 

Vol. XXm. - ■ JL-^ ...,:. ' Coldut 




A.. » J.»« I.' Colour of Ihe f«iJ I*™" P»tem, for every twen- 

-""•>■ ' ty ChaMion of Co.lj, hath ukeo three Shillinp 

^^H.T"^ • iinJ Four-pence, and "111 rot foffir the Sh.iSto 

< mike their Eniries, or take Cocquets, before they 

• pay thefaid exceffi.e Duty of three Shillings and 

• Four-pence, to the intoleiable DamiBe and Loti 

• of your Suhjeas, he bath taken after the Rate of 

• thtie ShJUnp and Foui-penie of di«en Seafanijg 
. Men, that fall not that W.y, nor m the,, Courfc ■ 
. could take any Benefit of the ft.d Light-Houfe. 

. Our humble Petition li. That your MajeHy 
. will be pleafed to publilh the faid Letters Patent 

• to be void in Law, and to t»nimand that they bo 
< no more pu' » Execution. 

Sir Slid OS H A E V E V. 
. The faid Sit SImm Omi, of bii own AulW- 
. rity, made lo divers" Con«ablo of the 
. Cfcunty of «<«/<'■' f"' "l<i"8 Malt for your M.- 

• iX's Provifton; which, by Colour therrof, vm 
.'taken accordingly, and paid notluch P"=es for 
. the fame a., if the Taking had been Uwfnl, thoy 

■ ioueht to have received. 

.&e, in your MajeBy's^aMe, l.kewtfecaure » 
■ he taktn of ®vr«rf, a FiQimoneer of Wo, a 
. ^„.r4L.i5^o-i Lings for J"' MajeHys Pro^- 
.„n, where he ought not to have tjken the f.»ie, 
. "^ yet paid not therefore a., .f the Takmg had 

* been lawful, to have done. 

■ He bath, wittingly and wiUin^y, «»«:<^ 
' diven Counties, as U^tf.rijb.t,, ^/«> ""Iff*" 
.yji^with Carriage, for your M"J=«J. J" "« "^ 

. S! as had compounded i whereby your Majeft, a 
< Subiefls were grievoufly oppretW. 

■ Whereas the Words of Con,po(itK.n and Co- 
Corn, fbr Cbren, tfr. be, Tb^M 

^^.mZT.r Mr ?,»,>«, the Under- 

. Mr, GUuiifirlbin, Uiuajhtr,, Cb.Jbir^ljrt- 



* delivered good and fervicmble Oxen, CiT^. and fyip-ttjtm»»t. 
' allowed by your Majefty's Officer!, and gung to . '^' 

* Sir Simon, with a Debenture far Money, wu an- ]^. . 

* fwered, Tlut they could nave none j to the ex- 

* treme Hinderance of all, and the tetter Undoing of 
*fbineof them) whereas, before Sir S/ffwibecatne 

* Officer, they were duly paid according to the bid 

* Compofition. ^ 

It hath been tefiified unto u>, that looo /■ will 

* not fet your Honourable Houfhold in fo good Cafe 

* and Order as it was before he came to intermeddle 

* with the fame j for, before his Time, your Ma- 

* jefty had ufually in Store 500 Quarters of Whaat, 

* 200 Oxen, 2000 Muttons, 5000/. in Hay and.- 

* Oats, and other Provifions ; whereas now your 

* Majefty hath none, or very little ; for he takea thia 

* Courfe, that he fclletb the good and fit Oxen and 

* Muttons, and buying Meat from the Butchers, 
•many Times your Houlhold hath been very ill 

* ferved, 10 the great DiOionour of your Majefly. 

* And, to flicw the bad Difpofition of this needy 

* Perfon, the faid Sir Simtn Harvey hath, cunningly 

* and treachcroudy, cozened and cheated UtkUndj 

* one of your Majeltv's Servants, of 530/. 

* We your humble Subjcfb that are ever, and. 

* fhdl be, feniible both of your Majefty's Honour 

* and Profit, thought it our buunden Duties to in- 

* form your Majcfty of thefc Particulars, not having 

* Time to examine any more, to the End that tlje 
*faidSirS/mflB may (to terrify others offending in 

* the like ] receive condign Puuifbmem according 
' CO the Merit and Juflice of hiff Caufe. 


* Whereas, by the common Laws and Statutes 
•of this Realm, theCuftody, Rule, Keeping, and 
' Charge of every of your Majefly's common Goals, 

* Prifona, and Prifuners, in every County within this 

* your Realm of En^hnd, doth belong to the Shc- 

* tiff of the faid County, as incident to his Office } 

* and (h^ faid ^berrfF only, and no more, is account- 

* able and aafweiabic, is well to your Majcfiy, as 

K 2 'to 

L\ _...,C".oogIc 


In. It Jwm I.* to all and every of your Subjtfls, for all .Prifoncrs . 

' *^' , * committed to the raid Goals, and is to pay and 

. 4(,y, ' fatisfy all th« Debts and Damages, for which any 

■■ ' ■ * Prifoncr is thereunto committed, if he, by in^ 

* Means, efcape out of the fame; and therefore alt 
' Grants of the Cuftbdy 6f fuch Goal* made by your 

* Majefty'g Pjcdeceflbrs, Kings or Qi'^^n* "^f ^^i'* 

* Realm, have heretofore; in the Tiftic of Ch"^^!* 

* Eii^ebethf by thfc Rcfolution of the Juiljcs, btcil 

* declared to bt void. , 

' And whereas, alfo, in your Majefly's Cotintiea 
■ of York and Lancafitr, and other Counties of this 

* Realm, where commoh Goals have not been eredi- 

* ed by Statute in other Placet, then your Majefly's 
*-CallIes, the common Goals of evtry County 

* have been kept in fome of your Majefly's 'own 

* Caftles, 6f which CaftleS, as *eli as of the Goals 
' therein, the bhtrifFof the faid County for the Time 

* being hath had the Cufti^dy un^er your Majcftyj 

* 6r your Predeceflbrs , Kings or Queens of this 

* Re^m, as belonging to his SherifFwicIc } ,and there- 

* fore all Letters Pattnt, and Grants of the Cuflody 

* of any common Goal in any County of this Realrti^ 
' made to other Perfon or Perfons for Life or Years, 

* than the SherifFof the fald County, in the Time of 

* Htmy Vn. have been declared to be utterly void. . 

' Therefore Jour Majeity's moft loyal Subjc<3s of 

* your Commons" Ho ufe of Parliament oiofl hiimbly. 
' befeech your Majefty, that it would pleale" your 

* HighnefSj'out of your Zeal to public Juflice, to re- 

* voke and make void all Letters Patent and Graatsi 

* of the CuftodyoESfty common Goal, in any Coun- 

* ty of this Rei.TO''^made to other Perfon or Perfons 

* than the Sheriff of the faid County for the Tims' 

* being. ■ 

* And that, of your Royal Grace, it would like- 

* wife pleafe your Majefty, thai the Sheiiffs. of the 

* faid Counties of Tork and Laruojler, and of alj other 

* Counties where the common Goal of the County 
' hath been ufually heretofore, and ftill 43, kept in 

,' ' fomc of your Majefly's Caftles in the faid Counties, 

* may have the Cuftody of thefe Caftles, as belong- 


A'P P E N'D I X. 47 

* ing tQ their pfficc, for the ncceffiry Service of your A"^**!""**! 

* Majefty, and |cncral Qood bftheCommonwcaJth. . _ ^ **• . 

* for the due keeping of afj Prifoners in the faid Htj. 
f Counties. 

Sea-Coal 9. 

* Whereas it pleafed your Majc|ly, the azd 0ay 
' of September, in the 2 ift Year of your happy Reign 

* over lis. to giant" unto Sir Roiert Sbarpleigh, Knt. 
' and AUxandtT Hetltj, Efq. a Patent of (urveying 
'iihips oi Newcajih CoaU, with a fzt of -^d. upon 

* the "great Chaldron j apd whereas, likewifc, i^ 
' pleafed your Majefty, by Sir Jthn Sudtyng, Koi. 
' ComptroHer of your Majefty^ Houfhold, apd a 
f Member of our Houfe, to intimate unto ys your 

* gracious Intention to have the faid Letters Patent 
*■ confidered upon by your Privy Council, between 

* this and the next SclCon of Parliament, according 

' to a Claufe in the faid Letters Patent contained % i 
' and diereupon, out of your Princely Care, topro- 

* vide ^ainft any Inconvenience that might grow to 
'your Subjefls thereby, we your Majefty's molt 

* loja\ ^cid dutiful Commons , with all humble 

* Thankfulnefs, acknowledging your Majcfty's moft 

* Princely Grace and Tuftice, and accounting it a 

* fingular Happincfs to live under the Government 
*of a King Co juft, io^ ready to hear the Grief 
1 and Complaint of hij popr Subjcfls, have n^ver- 

* lhele& thought it our Duties, and agreeable to the 

* Fundaftiemm Rights and Liberties of Parliament^ 
' more fully at this Time to make known unto your 
\ Majefty the juft Grievance of your People, by 
^ and upon Occafion of his Patent, whereof your 

* Majefty can no Ways be fo properly, truly, and 

* thoroughly informed as your Commons aiTcmbled 

* in Parliament. 

* May it therefore pleafe your Moft ExceHent 

* Majefty, to take Notice that this Patent is not 

* only in itfelf unlawful, as being grounded upon 
^ many uturui; Suggeftions, and burdenfome unto 
^ your People in laying a ne* Charge qpon them 

* without common Confent ; but tends alfo to the 

K 3 * great 

L Cooglc 

A P P :E N D IX. 

H u great Decay of Ae Navigation oF this fCinedoai, 

■ and to the great Dimiaution of a Profit which your 

* MajcftyrEceivethupon^/uiffl/^/tfCoaJs; the Trade 

* whereof, by 0ccafion of this new Office, hstth 

* been, ana is like to be, interrupted; and we do 

* plainly find (hat this Patent, in Confequence, is of 

* B very dangerous Nature, and reaehetb to the5ub- 
' verlion of the Piopcrty, which your SubjeSa, by 

* the Laiws of your Kingdom, have, and of Right 

* ought to have, in their<:iood$ and Eftates, amouut- 

* ing in EffeS, to an Impofition upon a native and 
'necelTaiy Commodity to be expended within tbii 

* Re.;1m, which your Majclly hath been pleafcd, 

* in open Parliament, to difclaim any Right at all 

* unto, and gracioufly to proteft, that you did abtwr 

* either to exprefs or claim any fuch Power ; it be- 

* ing the undoubted Right of your Subjc^, that no 
' Burden of this Kind be laid upon tbem without 
' their own voluntary Confent in Parliament. 

' Wherefore, in all Humblenefs, we do^ upMi . 

* this Occafion, prefent unto your facred WifdoO)* 
' our mofl Jul): Complaints and Fears } herein) j»a& 

* humbly anil Inflantly, bdceching your grafioui 

* Goodrefs to fccure the Hearts of your lortng Sub- 
' \t6ts againft this and the lilce~in Time to come, by 

* being pleafcd to takt fuch a Courfe for the Calling 
' in of that Pat^t, as to your Princely WifiJom 

* you fiiall think moll fit ; and we xre full ot Hope, 

* tba;, out of your further Grace, you will be plea- 

* fed to make known to your whole Kingdom, your 
^juft Inilignaticn and Difpleafu:,e againft fuch h 

* fb^l prefume to offer to your Majefiy aity Suit of 
' this Nature. 

' Thatwhcreas your MoH Excellent Majefty, at 

■ the humbl': Petition of your Lords and Ci^mmoas 

* in this prtf^nt Parliament alTembled, hath, to the 
^ ^r^at Comtortof allyour religious and wefl-afTeiS- 

* ed Subjefls, by ypur Prt>clamatian,bani(hed'a]l J<- 
'td-t\ and Pricfis out of ihefe your Dominions, at 
' a Day certain, not to return under fuch Paint as, 

,* by the Law& now in Force, atsjufllytobein^iflcdi 
' that. 



* ^lut, nevenbejefi, ii i* apparent, that the b\d tur- *«■ *» >"'*' '• 

* bulent and ill-affeaed Pcrfgiu, the better to infi- . '^ 

' nuate tbemrclves, and thofe of (bcir FaSion, in j^^. < 

* the Favounanil good Opinion of fuch at, of meaner 

* Judgment and meaner Capacitica, have of late, * 

* inore than heietofore, talten the Boldnefs to di- 
(vulge and difperfe fundry PopiQi, fediciouit and 

* peftilent Boolu and Pamphlets throughout all the 

* Paits of this your Kingdom, vAxreoi thtfiv is x 
« Catalogue extant in Print of ijoat the leaft, 

* printed aqd publipied here vithin this two or three 

* Year*} befides no fmall Number of that Kind daily 

* imputed frtim Parts beyond the Seas, and ordi- , 

* narily fold 4nd vended among!) us ) by Meant ' 

* whereof thoy endeavour nut only to corrupt the 

< YouUl of dii) Realnit %o 4eptave and fcandalize 

* the true Reli^on b,er« eftablifbed,. and to advance 

< Ae Power and Autliority of the See of Rent* { but, 

* as nuKli *B '" t^to lieth, to withdraw the HearU 

< of your &tthful and loyal Sub}eda (rom their due 

< Olicdience to your Roya^Majefty. 

*May it therefore ^tite your Majefty, at* Ae ' 
i bumble Suit of yovr Conunons in this prefent Par* 

* liament allemUed, in a Caufe lb highly concern- 

* ing the Glory of God, the Prefervatioo of youc 

* Majefiy'a Pcrfon, Religion, and Eflate, thu fuch 

* Ipeedy Courfe may be taken for the fuppreffing of 
*ail fuchfeditious apd Popifh Books andPamphKis*' 
'aod fn prevent the printing and importing of any 

* (iicti ^, in your Majefly's Royal Judgment, Iball 
^ leem moll meet and convenient ; and that the 
*. Xavh in Fofcf uaioft the Qfienders may be pvt 

B Ul t f>I K.Of . 

* Whereas your Majefty^ amoogft many of your 

* Royal Favours and Gracious Promifes, bffisrcd' 
^yOII^ loyd Subjeds, uponConfideration'of a Pe- 

* titiotl of Gjievance prefenled to your Majefty in 

* th9 eighth Year of your happy Reign over us, by 

* the Commons then afiemblcdin p'E^rltatnent,*^ 
^plei^iojifainile.tbat fuch Procl4fl;^^O.m «« were 

K4 'then . 



LB. It Jimci I. ( then pall fliouM be reformed, where Clure Ibould 
' ^^ ' be found j and that, for the future Tjmcj none 
Mi,,., ' lliould be made, but fuch as fliould (land with the 

* former Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom, and 
J • fuch as, in Cafes of Nectffity, your Royal Pro- 

* genitors had uled in Times of the beft and happy 

* Goveiiunent of this Realm. 

* Neverthelcfs, fome of the faid Proclamations, 

* then complained of, ftandinForce, and have, been' 
' oftentimes fince (by other Proclamations toucfa- 

* jng the faid former Proclamations ) Precedents ' 

* to warrant the latter ; amopgft which we prefenc ' 

* to your Princely Wjfdom tlie feveral PrwJama- 

* tions concerning Buildings i which is a great Griev- ' 
' * ance to the Freedom and State of the Suhjefls, 

* in that they cannot repair' or amend their Houfcs" 

* in Lendimy . or within the Diflance of five Miles ' 

* of any of the Gates of the faid City, being their ' 

* inheritance, without the Licoice and Allowance 

* of certain of yoiir Majcfty's Commiflioners, lindet' 

* Danger of the Cenfure of the Stir -Cham her,' ia . 

* appfrarech by divers Proclamations made in that 

* Behalf; and, namely, by one dated the 17th' 

* Day of Jufy, in the i8di Year of your Majefty'^s* 

t ' And the Grieviince at thli Time Is fo much the 

* .greater, by rcafon that the State of the City gene- 

* rally is poor, and hath now many Payments to' 

* your Majcfty; and this ^reat Reftraim will in a' 
*, Ihott Time be a great Caufe of their forther-Im'- 

* povetifhiug; and many Men that are able td re* 

* pair, and are not able to build, and lome that have 

* intended ^o build Part of their Houfcs, have been' 

* infotced to pull down the reA, and new-build the 

* refl, to their utter Undoing; whereas the fame, 

* wj:h fmall Reparations, - would have contini/cd 

* oiaqy Years. ,,„;.;' 
,' And your SubjeSs further fliew, ThM nimy' 

* Carpenters, Phiftcrers, Smilihs, and other >HHtl^-' 

* craft Men, are in greatp Difbels for Wanprdf 

* Work, and divers qf the faid Workmen -haw* bSSrt" 
» taken from their Wwl:,iMiit!oaunitted'to J^iifcfn,' 

, : ' and 



•and fo forced to kayc their Wives and Children*"-** J*""** 

* to Parifces} and that thereby the Snbjeiiis are dc- , ^ **" 

* barred the Common Law of this Land between j^^ 

* the Landlord and Tenant^, 'which are now cen- 

* fured by the Cummons, who have fct down wh^t 

* Charge the Lord and Tenant Ihali be at in build- 

* ing and repairing their Houfes. 

' We, therefore, your Majefly's bumble Subjedts,' 
*ihe Commonii in this Parliament aflembled, do 
' humbly defire y6ur Majelty to declare your Royal' 
» Pleafuie, that the faid Prsclamations, and Com-' 
' miffions thereupon, concerning Buildings and re-' 
' pairing of Buildings, be void, and ihatl no farther 

* be put in Execution. 

Dr. Anion. 
' Whereas Complaint hath been made to his Ma- 
*^je{ty's Commons, now ailembled in Parliament, > 

"« againfl Dr. Anim, Prelident in Corpus ,CbriJii Col- 

* lege, inOxferii, offundryMirdemeanorsingovern- 
' ing the faid College, and other erroneous and fcan- 

* dalous Offences, unworthy of his Degree, Calling, 

* andPlacej which, upon Examination before them, 

* have appeared, in tne greateft Part, to be true. 

* Forafmuch as nothing can be more agreeable to 

■ yourMajefty's great Wifilom and Knowledge, than 

* to have the particular Care of the Advancement of 

* Learning: nor to your Goodnefs, 10 have a fpecial 

* Regard of the Government of Youth in your two 

* bmous Univerfities, as well for Religion, as for 
' other important Employments in the State: 

* Your moft dutiful Commons, in all Humble- 

* nefs, befeecheth your Moft Excellent Majefty, 

* that fbmc Cotlrfe may be taken, according to your 

* Princely Juftice and Wifdom, for removing the 

* faid Dr. Jnim from the Place of Prcfident in tha( 

Court tf Wards. 

* Whereas your Majefly, the i ith of ^^eembtr, 

* 1618, by your CommiUion under liic Great Seal, 

■ with inftruiftions and Direfiions to the Mafter and 
' Council of the Court of Wards and Liveries, of 

I yojir 

5« A P P E N r X, 

A».t,%Jimmid yoQi Royal su)d fpccialCare'for the Good of your 
'^'*' , * Subje^, and the true anTwering of yourReveouei 
j^.^ < concerning Wards of Idiota and Lunatidc!*, efia- 

* blUhed divers Orders, by Advice of your principal ' 

* Judges and Counlel oftbefaid Court; fo it is that', 

* the Ea^ of MidtiUfix, late Mafler of the Wards 

* and Liveries, procured the faid good Orders, In- 

* ftrudiona, and Directions to be revolted, and 

* othen, in lieu tbeieof, to be made and publilhed, 

* concerning many inconvenint Claufes, tending to 

* the Dimiuution of your M^%'« Rovenues, and 

* laifiDg a great Increafe of Fee» and other Cliarges' 

*■ Out humble Suit to youi Majefty is,' That you, 

* of your Grace and Goodncfs, will be pleafed, fur 

* the better anfWering of your faid Bevenuci and the 

* good Eafe of your SubjeSs, to revoke your faid 
'late InRrufiions, and tore-eftablifb. or regulate 

* thfe &>rmer, as in yout Princely Wifijp^i you fliall 

* tiavk fit.' 

At p. 336, Vol. VI. of this Work, the Speaker's, 
Sir Titmat Crnv, Speech on prefenting the Bills ic^ 
the King, at the Clofc of the Selfion of Parliarnent^ 
Jlma2iyiie, I. is only abridged ; the Manufcript 
before quoted has it at Length, as alfo the Lord- 
Keeper's Speech in Anfwer to it j both whict we 
here ^ve from that Authority, And, firft, 

Tht Speaker's Speech, May 39, 1624.* 
Aft/I Graciaus Severtig^f 

* T* H E great and mighty God, who is the ^ftha 
JJ^-^Tfr^) ■* and Omega, the Beginning and' the End n^ 
Sfccth. *11 Things, hath, by his good Providence, brought 

1 his hopeful Entry into this Parliament' to an ha^j^y 

Period and Conciufion, and hath manifetled to th^ 
Chriflian World a blelTed Unity and Conjunciiqii, 
between the Head and the Membeis in. one Heart." 

' In the buildingof the Temple theis w^ n9tiar\ 
Hammer heard, but all was fmooihed, and wrouftlit, 
and prepared by the cunning Hand, of the Work-i 
men btfoie they weic laid, 




« God, the Author of Peace and Concord, who*"- **J'"^ *• 
nukes Choice of a Houfe in the Mind, hath fo uoi- . '^ . 
ted the Hearts of both Houfes in one Defire and utj. 
CorKfpondency, that in dw great and nretghty Ba- 
fiucCi, wherein, your Majelly was pleafed to difcem 
~W)d ^ their Advice, they have all concurred with- 
out a negative Voice ; and your Grace and Goodncfs 
hath Bremen forth like Light, that have been plea£Ed 
to follow and approve the fame, imitating the Pre- 
cept of the wife F^ing, Prov, xv, 22. ffiifMut Ctun- 
Jd Purp»fet are Mfaffiintid \ but in tht Atubitude af 
CvafilUri ihtj art tftMifi>td. 

* in the Interim ai our Debates of that.ioiportant 
. Subjed, we negle&ed no Time, but hulbandcd it in 

penning and paffingof Bills, and efpedally thofethat 
concern the publtc Good, and will remain to Po> 
fterity it a Memorial of the Honour of your Time, 
and the Weal of your People. 

* It is the higheft Pitch of a true Monarchy, and 
greatell of Height of your outward Happinels, that 
you i^tfiilly reign Mtd nile alone, and yet that your 
Commonwealth, is lb compounded by the found 
I<2W8 of the fane, dut your People have their Voice 
uid Sufirage in making and altering of Laws, n^ich 
arc the Sinews of your Government that holds the 
Body tc^edwr { and their equal Comptificion and 
impartial Execution if a prindpal Means, under 
God, to lecuiv your Rojal Perfon, and to fupport 
the State. 

'It is the Natural^ Man to he in Lore with 
its own Child ; and by this Patbamerttary Way, the 
Peopk are left without Excufe, and have their 
Mouths clofed up, who elfe might take QccafiMi 
not to be fo well fatlsfied. 

* The Bulk of thefe' Petitions, as fome of them 
hWK proceeded from your own Grace, fo now all of 
tbem return to your gracious Acceptation.; 

* But thefe Petitions, be they never fo fitly fra- 
med, or judiciouflydigefted j yet, for the Fart, they 
are but as Speculations (yea, that I may ufe the 
Fhrafe of mint:0\TnProfeffion]as Infante in Vtitiri 
fa Mort^ of whom it may be truly faid. That the 



A P P B N D t X. 

Hl-C)}lldivn arecometothcBirtb, but have noStr^ngth 
, to be delivered, till your Majefly breathes Life tifto, 
thetn i yea, they are but as Shadows till the Royal, 
AHent make them a Body, 

* In the rjinking of thefc Bills, the fiift Place is. 
ailigncd to that which lirlV paft, luid is to prevent. 
^{19 reprefs Diforders in that Day which God hath. 
fet apart foi his own Service and Worftip; a Javf. 
Principium. OcherSj to punifh and red refs profane 
Curfing and Swearing, and the loathfosie Sin of. 
Dronkennefs. Anot^r, An Explanation of the 
Statute of the third Year of your Majefty's happy 
^eign, to difable Leafes of your own two Parts of- 
convi^ed Rccufants Lands, made to the Benefit of- 
the Recufant> contrary to the true Intent of the for- 
mer Law, and to revcfl the Intereft to your Ma- 
jefty, the radie^ to reduce them to Confijrmity and; 
Obeiiience, that hav$ be^o long tick of a fpiritual 

^ Oiher Bilfs of Grace defiiending from your own 
(joodncf^, t^a| have been gracioully pleafed, as it 
were, to let fall fome Lpavea from, the Flowers of 
your Crown, for the Eafe and Benefit of your People, 
and yet the Flower continues frcOi and t^tire. 

' One or other hath moved from the Goodncfs of 
pur ho^ul Prince, ■ to clear Doubts that might ariG: 
Vpon his Highi^&'s t^afes of the PofTcffions of the 
puchy tfi Cornwall \^nAy aod to ratify the fame the 
more to encour^e his Tenants to build. . 

* Anothei;, the Continuance and eflsblifhing of 
divers Laws ufeful, that were but Probations *tiA 
Repeals of divers more, that were as'.- finaics for 
greedy Informers to work upon. - ^ 

< Others are new Remedies for fiich Mirchic& as, 
Time hath difcovered to need Redrefs. ■.<•'• 

' Thefc public Bills are accompanied with ^oniq, 
private ones, as Colleges, Hofpitals, ^nstuealizii^ 
your ^ubjefts and Servants, the public Bi]i9«xpb£t- 
jng the joyful Voice, Lt Rty li vtuii ; ' the privaK 
Bills- attending. Sail fait c»me u dtjk:<> ■- '-■•'' 

'Neither let it fecm ftrange "to your M»jcft;i, 

that in ft Commonwealth To wtUcoi>)p4an^ed,.thct;e 

, ', ' is. 


A P P: E N D I X. 

isyetfomeExplanationofLaws, Altcratitvi offbnie^As. i 
Malta Diet viriufqui Lahtr mutaiUit qui vitulit in 

■ * And the Memory ftill lives of your funous Pro-' 
genitor King Edwardthc Firft, who, after his Con- 
quefl of (fiiUi, in his ParJiament, faith of the Laws 
and Cuftoms of that .Country, ^a/dem, i$c, Sta-l 
blUty only altnds the ittttr Lift, but ia oil idrl^j_ 
^ingt there is a Mutatian ana Change. 

' And as in the firft Motion of the Heavens theri 
dajly anfe new Afpe£ts and Conjunctions that alter 
Oie inferior Planets i fo, in Kingdoms and Comnion- 
wealths, nevi^ Inconveniences are difcerned, and might' 
be dangerous if that they be not prevented. 

* And as new Difeales in the Body require new; 
Medicinc&i fo new Dife^es in the &ate iauft be cu- 
red by the Remedy of good Laws. 

* Yea, in the Commonwealth at'Jfiael, which 
were God's People, and he gave them the Law, the 
Doubts arifing were cleared from God*s o*n Moutfa 
b/ Mifes; asthatforthePunifliment oftheBlarphe- 
ner, the gathering of Sticks on the Sabbath Day, and 

* And noW( dear and dread Sovereign, we the 
Knights, Citizens, and Burgetles, of the Comdions 
HouTe of Parliament,, with bended Knees of our 
Hearts, do render all polSble Thjyiks to God, and 
to your Majefly his Lieuienant, for the Bleffingc we 
enjoy in the Continuance of the Word and Gofpel 
amongfl us, and our Confcrvatiou in true Religion : 
And it IS our exceeding Comfort that no Jealouly 
nor Mifiaking hath bred any Rupture or Dillraflioii 
kmongft us, nor given Caufc to tell any Thing in 
(j(j(i&, or in the Tents of Afcaltn, vihereby the Phir^ 
hjlines of Ram may rejoice, or the uncircumcifed 
Priefts of Baal triumph ; but that the true Believers 
at home, and our Neighbours and Confederates 
abroaJj» may rejaice and ling a new Song of Joy, in 
jfeeing this happy Turn to the Affairs of Chriften^' 
^om, fioce our hopeful Prince'i Return, God having 
wrought Light out of that Darkncfs. // ii the Lpr^s 

■,Dei/>gf and ill it be tnarvelleus in fur Eyet> 



■ An. a* Jmal. ' But thkl wc might be Co happy to fee the Kiflg'- 
,- ■****■ , i6m quiet, and thofe Loculb the Jefuils and Semi- 
1^^, nary PriefU, that are Enemies to Mamrchies, and 
' wait fiw Ort^ortuijity to do Mifchief, whofe chief 

Point of Learning confilRs in Flattery, and dividing 
' tit Unity ; and if this City that is your Royal Cham- 

ber, and other P^iU of your Domintom were clear 
fwept, and thefe BtAykntfi) Achatu taken out of the 
Tenn, your Pcrfon and State would be mote fecure," 
and Peace would be upon the Ifratl of God, and 
your Subjc£b, laying afide di Ti-ijiibus^ ml^t be 
more chearfully fent home, with that good Father 
St. Hillary in dieir Hearts. 

* Wc do further acknowledge, with all Humble- 
nefs anS ThankfuJnefs, your Majefty's great Favour 
to us, in the Enjoyment of our antient Privil^es, 
(ree^peech, and Freedom from Arrelb and T,rou> 

* And that your Majefty bath beert gracioufly plea- 
ftd, at our humble Suit, to giVe often Acccfji to your 
Royal Ferfon ; and by your own Mouth made fo 
clear an Expreffion, of a benign Interpretation of 
our Proceeding . . 

* And we further do moft fawnbly acIenowleJgB 
Tour gracious Favour, that hive, according to the 
Latitude and Bounty of your Royal Heart, and fuit- 
able to your own Greatnefa and Goodnefs, inlarged 
your general free Pardon beyond all Times, whereby 
to fome, who were dead by the Julllce of the Law» 
a new Charter of Life and Mercy isfealed ; to others 
(hat be outlawed, and forfated their G^wds, a Refti- 
tution of Grace IS granted, old Debts difcharged, 
and the Scor« and Reckonings dearedf cancelled, 
Wardlhips enfuing, and not fuing of Liveries, and 
Autrilrmajnt freed, Ahd generally to all Relaxation 
from many Pains and Penalties, to which, by Er- 
rors and Negligence, they were fallen. 

* And here, we the Knights, Citizens, and Bur* 
^clTes, .of the Commons Houfe of Parliament, do, iH 
all Humblcnefs, prefcnt to your Majefly a free Gifl 
of three entire Sublidies and three entire Fifteenths, 
ciaiUcd by the Temporality, and a Coniirmation of 




Stibftdiea granted by the Clergy, vrfuch, we have gi- *"■ *' 
ven with Ahcrity to thofc Enai to which your M*- ^_ 
jefty Hrft propounded ; and I hope God will direft 
your Majefty to make your Sword your Shriefe to put 
your Son-in-Law in Polleffion of hia atuient Patri- 
mony, or to make Execution by way of ff^tbtrnmt 
of another as v^uable. God ia on our Side in s 
good Caufc, FriiMgit tt attaUil vtrei in MiUtt Caufs, 
' I am out of my Element, but the Zeal and AC- 
fe^ion to the Honour of my Sovereign, and SuppwC 
of a Branch of [he Royal Blood, tranfporti me, and 
will excufe me ; which Points of Supply no fooner 
came in Propofirion, but pafled, not one diflcnting. 
Hiiari Afami, crltri Manu ; and, I nay fay, pkia 
Manu, confidering thefpeedy Payment in this Time 
of Decay of Trading, and the Difvalue of the Royal 
Engli^ Silver Mine of Wools. 

' Accept, in feme Sort, dear Sovereign, this Pre- 
fent for the prefcnt, as a Pledge of our unfeigned 
and Loyal Duties, and a Teftimony, as welt of the 
profefled Service of our Bodies, as of the entire Sub- 
jefiion of our Hearts. 

* And now that your MajeRy hath given a liber^ 
and large Pardon to all your People, ^ive me 
Leave to intercft myfelf therein, and, with bended 
Knees, to fall down at the Foot of your J'ayour for 
a particular Pardon, and (quUtas tft) that may co- 
ver and quit my Errors and Defers-; fince, by the 
free Choice of the Houfc, and your -Majefty's Ap- 
probation, I underwent this Charge. 

* And that whatfoever, by my InfuiEciency and 
Inabilities, hath given Difadvantage tqyeur Service, 
may, by your Goodnefs, be forgotten ; and the ' 
faithful £ndcavours of your humble Subje£t receive 

. a gracious Acceptation. 

Tbi Lord-Keeper's Anfumr^ May 29, 1624. 

Mr. Spiaktr^ 
'. • T Am no way prepared to give Anfwer to your-f^g i,otdKeer- 
X speech, nor endeavour I to do the fame ; but, m ttfihm. 
becauTc fome Philofopben fay, that a Viol well tu- 


58 - A P- P E.,N. a I. X. 

a. 3» Jincil-ned, huiging\upoii the Walls, and a Man touching 
'* '4? another, he (hail hear that which hangeth upon a 

■ y_^ Wall witt give Aflent to the fame Harmony} fo I 
can but fay fomethlng to eveiy of them, aiid give 
Aflent to that fwcet Harmony of yours. You have 
fpoken of Unanimity, of the King's Grace in alking 
your Advice, and following of it ; of the Suffrages 
of the People in making of Laws ; of his Majefty's 
Royal Aflent ; of Swearing ; of tlie Sabbath and 
Drunkennefs,' cfpecially in fuch Time of Grace; 
and fo particularly you have returned Thanks to his 
Majefly for free A^rccfs, and of the targe Pardon,.and 
of Priefts and JefuJts } of the Subfidies, and of the 
Palatinate ; and of your own Behaviour to thele 
Particulars, that his Majefly hath not anfwcred, I 
will touch in a Word. 

* For the Unanimity of both Houfes, it muft be 
attributed folely to the Goodncfs of Almighty God, 
that Work of the Holy Ghoft, who wa» the Author 
of that Unanimity ; for God die Holy Ghoft, .much 
about this Time, fell amongft the Apolltes in onq 
Place aflembled, jf^s i. 2. that they were alt of one' 

.Mind and of one Aflent; So where there is thisUna- 
'nimicy, there is the Holy GhoU, who is the Author 
of it. 

* Secaadfyj In afking your Advice and following of 
it, you attribute It to the Goodiiefs of the K'ng ; and 
it cannot be denied, for he hath go»c beyond alt Pr e- 

' Thirdly^ Touching the SufTrages of the People 
in making pf Laws, it is convenient, yea, it makes 
the People, as St. Paul faith» tp be without Excufe; 
' for of the Law it is faid to be a common Copfent and 
a Covenant: For when God delivered the Law» 
by Aiefes to his People, he takes thtir Confcnt, 
Ex. xxiv. 3. whaifcever the Lord faid to them they 
gave Approbation to it. 

« FiKTihtj, For the Royal Aflent, it is a Tiling fo 

prpper to Law-making and giving, that the Scepter 

IS joined 10 the Law-giver : Vou may remcmbei thq 

Promifc of the Meflias, Gtn. xli. 10. ^Thet the SeMi'tr 

' Jhall- not itpart jrem Judah, nor |<i ht/W-givrr frtfn 



A f P E W D t X. yj 

hitwtr»bit Put. Indeed it is beS for the People, Aa. u JmnU 
ihst ihii Royal Aflcnt is in his Majefly, and not to *V** :. 
thetnfelvw; for many Times il falls out with the " ^"^L ' 
Aflent of Kings a it doth with God; for Atmt^ty 
Oodnuny Times doth notETuit th<Jc Petition* w« 


* Now, God and the King, doth imitate the Phy-> 
fidan and a Cingj they will not g^ve ihu whU^ 
they deSre, becaufe that they know how to fit their 
Patients and Subjedi with better Thii^ tbaa tbejf 
do defire. 

< J will pat you in Mind of two Precedents out of 
the Buck of God, in my own Prpleffionj the firft is 
in I Kingly ii. lo. There j$ a Precedent of Berfif 
ha putting up a Petitionto King Stltmon for Jdmijab^ 
and {hedeTired that the King would not dpny herj 
he bids her, JJk M, my M*totr^ fir /will apt/aj tbtt 
Mj, yet he denied her Pcliiioni and though it was 
denied, yet flK had her Intention, forit >v>sonly to 
give Contentment to AdMijab, The Iccond is out of 
ll^e New Tcftament, 2 Ctr. xii. 7. where St. Paul 
iaith. That a Prick of the FIe& was a Hindrance 
to him in the Performance of good Things | nofT 
he putt up his Petition to God, to remove toiq from 
£im that was fuch an Hindrance unto him. Kow 
this was a public Bill for himfelf and othen by bis 
PrayiF) now God refufeth this his Petition) and 
gives him a better Gitt; for the Lord gives hint 
Gracek And (0 it &ies with Kings in giving of their 
Royal Aflentf for many Times they do rejed font* 
. of their Petiiions; but yef, in other Things, gives ' 

' them a hr more liberal AJTtpt than they did defin 
by their Petitions. 

• Fi/ilJf, For tbofe Bills of Grace; they arefe, 
becaufe it comes from the Grtfe of his Majeftyi 
and they do flow from his Royalty. As for the Bill 
ot Grace for the Prince who i^ Grace itfclf, and muft 
be full of Goodnefst if that be be the Son oT fuch ft 
gracious Father. 

* Sixthly, Thanks to his Majefty; fi-fi. For the 
Privilege to yourHoufes. S««5/v,« Thanks 

Vot-XXilL . U for 

., Google 

,«o A "P P E N b I X ' 

Afc« jMBMLfbrfuchfrce Accers tohisMajcfty : ThefewewWH ■ 
\, '.**'" . out Precedents }' for, indeed, tbofc Kings tbat hav« 
^ Mif) ' not fuch large Endowments, ate not fo c^y to havr 
Accds unto. 

* But we may fay of His Majefly as one faid of his 
Son, that as often as he did fee him be did admJrs 
htm* and ble& God (or him. 

* Stvaitbljt For the Proclamation" againft the 
Priefts and Jefilits, we have juft Caufe tori?* God 
and the King Thanks for it. It is your Care that 
be in Places and OfEce, to look to the Execution of 
the fame, and that it be not (aid of us at it, was faiA 
of Rtmtj That although they be ttanilhed out of the 
Commonweattb, yet they will be lurking up xtid 
down in Corners} therefore they are to be found oat 
byyou, and to be puni(hcd< 

For the Subfidics tendered to his MajeSjr, you 
are therein to give me leave to tell you a Ihort Sto- 
tyi Whcn(<i} had paid a great Sub- 

fidy to AuguftuSf .and in Acceptation be fent bun a 
Letter, and nothing writ therein but this, Mthi aim, 
there was nothing to him. 

And altbo' there is no Part of it which retunw 
to fail pnvate Gain, yet his Majefly thanks you for 
X^ this Care that you have for the Honour of Reli^oo* 

and the Honour of his Kinzdom, and for the 
regaining of his Son- in Law's Inheritance; and for 
the Palatinate, his Majefly will omit no Way fdr 
the regaining of it. 

' Now, for your own excufing of yourfelf ; you 
have done nothing in this Seffioo to be accufed for, 
and his Majefty thinks that the general Pardon, beiDg 
fo large, will ferve the Turn j thenyou ncad ao pai- 
vcular Favour. 


; • .- 


,;,.., Coooic 


TVmi a Ctil'tffimrf' Sptrehstttc, in ibtj mud t6Ht ramala 
tammumcated 6j tht Rt%i. Dr. Zuhu; Grejr, . '^ ' 

R^fltr of A'mpthill, in Bedfwdflure. Prtiww, 

T^i Jldanufcript, apparmtif in tb* timd •/ tbrfi 
Timet, the DoSer eatli Captxm Wingate's Mann- 
fcript, andcenteiiu elltb* Speecbet, Ctnftnmat A*- 
twien tke tuit Haufit, iic. &c. u/bici bepptntd n 
/i6(ry> la/i twie Yian af King Jama tht Fxrfi^ mm- 
nj tf vihith art already phntid in tin Jixth Vtiamg • 
tf thii Wirkt What art tmUtd art ai/olitw{a}: 

£/r Thomas CrbWs Spibch tt ihtKing im Par' 

Hament^ tn hit htttig ejeiied Speaiireftbt Heuji »f 
Ctmmoatt Feb. 21, 1623. Omitted in thii IVtrit 
Vol. VI. p. io> viitb tht Lfrd-Kttptr't Jn/wtr, . 
M^ Gracitut Stvtrtign, 

* npHE Knights, CitiMns, and Burgeffeai yoiK-The S|Mtu*4 
' * Majefty's obedient and loyal Subjects, - the ***"• 

* reprefentative Body of your Gorhmons, according 

* to their antittnt Privileges, and your molt gracious 

* Direfiions^ haVe chofeti a Spc^er; and, amongft - 
** V> niatiy Cedars of their Lebaain^ have Io<Aei 

* (fownupon me alow Shrub, and not able to Ulte . . 

* upon me the Weight of lucb Service. 

* r deliredtherh'to take into their ConfideratioiH 

* my We&knefs aiid Dirabilitts, bclf Iciiown \iato 

* iDylelf, and -not known to thim; and that t iniKht 

* beeXcdfett; ^ic'h I, did not do to decline puMiC 

* Duties, but bikt of a true Infight of my Own lafaB.- 

* ciency, which being not granted by them, I fauoi- 

* Uy appeal'unto your hi^ Throne, deftring your 

* Majelly to f^are me, and to command them to pro* 

* ceod- toil new ahd better Ele^on.' 

Afr. Speaitr, . 

* 1__|IS Majefty obferves that inyou Which Gsr- Thelori K««fi 

* M- X gias did in Plate, ^ad in Oraitribut irri- "'* ■*■■*■» . 

* drndie^ fe jnenfiraial Oratertnti In fpeaking againfl 

La • Oratom 

(^)By MiaakcchcfcSpeaclm, Ifit. ice latf placed'; th«f Oioiild 
Jure bten" put 'ifcer fCinj yama'i long Speech to hii Pjitliment, 
»Alarcbti,t6o^ and bcTon the Piiacc'i Speech U> bolhHorii^ 
Mvcttt, t£i],Mp. ]g«( this ApftwIiXf 

L\ _...,C".ooglc 


' Oratora he (hewed himfelf the greateft Orator. 

* Even lb it fatci with youih this Appeal to his Mtf 

* jcSjr, dtfuii<iend» afceitdts. Your tailing down in 
« your own Conceit, hath laifed you higher in all 

* other Men's Opinions, By cxcufin^ yourfclf, you 

* do' Oww, that there is nothing in you to be tf-Otr 
■* iid. His Majrfty doth not only approve, but c&m- 
' < mend the Judgment of the Knights, Citieent, and 

< ^urgefles, in their Choice, ^ad Mxfmjimm- 

* fiu fit. For an Omen and good Luck to all their . 

* future Proceedings, hadi crowned that firft Wm^ 

* of ^eirs with the old Psrliamentaiy Stylcj Lt SUj 
■* it vtuU, ixivit f-trbum tx art RigU\ hit Majefly 

* approves (he Choice.' 

71* Printit Letter u tht Earl ^ BvLtsroLjrmr 
tit Sta Siiit, at ht tamfrm Spsin. Withmt Datr. 


* XT OU know what I toM jou : I feared vlwnl 

* I came away that the tnnnta might go into a 
*'* * Monaftcry, after fhe wm contradad, by virtue eif 

* t Dilpenfation granted from Aim; and fo tlK 

* lylarriage mijfht be broken^ and the King, my Fa- - 
■ dier and all the World, might condemn me u a 

* rafb-hcaded young ¥oc^ not tg bare preventwl it: 

* And therefore do not difpolc of mv Prpxy until 

* you bear more from me; for fuchaMtxiafteryB:^ 

* rob me of myWifCf So not doubting yoii will 
« obfervc parttCKjvl; t)ui, I leare you.' 

Vf COKFEXXNCE btfWtin tht HfOMBIl mtdtjOWVtL 
flpt]9E o/Parliamekt, at WbitdialU fV 
2^ (/March, i6ai. (OvittadiBthit W«rk» 
Vol. VI. p. 75.) 

Tht LoxD-KiLrsK> 


n wwH«» * \7 OU that are the Kni^, Cittaem, an^Bur^ 

k«*Kii tlic FM X gefles now affembled, being the H9t4le at 

""^ CenowiB, the Lotdi hare sppointcil a* u (Via 

a tktft 


A P F B tl B i ±. «j 

At* Canferflhoe, and ta ■oqualnt the Honfe oTAa tt^isik 
Comnioiii of their ett'Cfcainingill-Thiiiglwitlrifcir ^.-,*^'-^ 
m4 iifloerre Corrt(pondeiKy with fpecial Porim'. Vtiitk, 

* The_;f^ i«ft Siippleincnt CO the Narration whiCH 
dwPrinct'fHighnefs and die Duke of Buetingba^t 
Guce have made to both theHoufn in this ASemilf. 

* The /tttnd u theOprnkin oJ the Lordi. For tbtf 
ttippletnatic ; that b ihrecfr>ld. tfi. The treiting' of 
<b«Miuch-. Thcl^ ii the Reftitudon ofthePahtf« 
tate. Andthr ^d eontdins m hetviMl Adofthtf 
KafJutioir of the Prince, which their Lordfiiip* 
Atfu^ it fUtifig to conraiunicate unto ymi, and tfjr 
yoa, aAer«'«rd>,'toaHtheSah}eas of the Kingdonb 

The lyJii the SuppJemertt of the Marriage * no 
MOM b«t this, That th£^ very firft Motfon nude b^ 
•be IMk «f Litma to the liord of Bnjhfy Ato; Jj 
fAl4t nine Yean b^;ocie, 

tifyi TbeReftitntioiiof AePihtini'et thatyot 
MOnerbW remeniber, that hi> Mstjeffy, oar' Mafter, 
At-r^upmanomireof an Afli^anee lo-affift thd 
ArflHWi if Treaties eorid not prevad. Now, it ap» 
fUxi te ttK Lords that this AiEihnceof Anw, vthkA 
1*tt proirtifed by thti King t^Spain to the Lord of 
Mrifftif hath not been perfonned. 

* Ttie 3^, conducing toibcHonottr of the Prince') 
Hi^nels, and the Comfort of this Kingdom, is this 

'Match. About Jnfy hift, bis Kij^neTs being in 
^aitif there wu a Rumour fpread abroad in the 
Country, that his Highnefs and the Z^uke's Grace 
ftould have aw Intent to'fteal away : And'tbv' this 
was bat an imiginaty Thing, they did provide t* 

InRrc^ Itii Pa&gri and with Reblutkm, if tiKf 
were tmefrupted, they would lEdeprhem as Pnfbnert; 
at hia Hlghnefs was iofernied. Mis HigfanvTi brnu- 
iRg of Ais, fent the Duke of BiiaiingBam to the 
Cunmincv with this Rcfohition, Thai though they 
M fteai thither out of their own Country, thv wai 
with Love i but they would notfleal from ihence 

* This, « r conmve you think ir, was done with 
••preacRefcluluMit but k -isnotbii^Go that whiob 

L 3 « Hii 

L\....,Ck")ogIc ' 

A P P ^ N © I X 

His Highnefi thinking on tbi> OccaTioiH h« 
gaxe.Commandmencto Grjujuj . tka< beChouldfiiy 
nothing s but if he heard that he was ftayedj theq 
|ie iboald declare this Mellkge to hn Father, That 
))e ihoukj never think of his EUghncfs ai his $011, btic . 
to bend all hie Afic^ions upon bir Sifter* tfi; An) 
tbcje be the three ^up|4ecKius. 

» Now, the Lords oif the Ppper Hout, thejr do 
takeinto thei,r Con&deration \vhat bi^ Majeny hatt 
commanded them ; ^nd coplidej'ing lik«wire of that 
Narration ma4e to both the H<)ufe< by the Prince's 
Highnefs and the^Du^ of BtfcHtfgham'i Gracei^and 
flj{|b«f thofcLeFtcr* 'hatwqre fcad, vod Toof thofc 
Supplements, they have rcfolyed, an^ be of Opi- 
nion, (fuptrtttam JUatiritm) tippfi t^c Carriage of 
the whole Burinefs, That his Majc6y caq. 116 kjfigef 
remain upon any of the , Treaties, npitbei of dif 
^rriage, twr of the Reftitution of. the Palatinate, 
W4th any Cpnvenienq',. either far the Sa^y of.Rfr<^ 
ligion, or with any Safety .of his Hqiiouri or.>wi^ 
my Safety of tijvtiwn EQite, or with aiiyS^cty of 
bis Grand- Children. .^ow*.his. MajeSy: awl . thf 
Prince's Higbnels do refolve to ki'ow,. whether yoa 
Gentlemen, Knights, am) Burgcflea do cqoctK. witb 
Iheir Lordfbips in this J^a^cU.' 

. , Thi .Ltri Poke. 

* The Kntghti, Citizens, and.Bui^elles, .being 
^e,Lower Houfc of Parliameor, have given me 
. Commandment to declare unto your Lordfiups fheii 
JMinHs: That they- have confidcred of thele great 
MKters, and they have deliberately confulted, and 
with'on'e Mind'agreeijl, That both thore Treaties of 
tiieMatchiand of the Palatiflate, Ihould be utterly 
and abfolutely put by. Hereunto my Lords were 
led >by .a Ruk of the Book o£ JW^j, that we 
(hould attend upon you at this Time, and that k 
Ihonld follow with that Council to confider, confult, 
ijind.then giye Counfeli fo that, piy Lords, my Patf 
isrer/Uioit: For your Lordfbips have concludcdi to 
■V • ■ ' ' out 


A P :P END I X. ; <]? 

Qur exceeding' Jo^ and great Comfort, that d)tftM>*> J*** 
Treaties cuultl not be concluded with Safety of Re- . • '"r*" ' 
ligion, 9nd with Safetv of the King's own Perlei), k|yck. 
or of bis PoRerity : Help n|e if I minake. 

( My Lordi, You have prevented lu, tml thatifr 
" ry largely, for we muft walk upon the f<ime Ground 
' ind Foundation : And, my Lords, I {hould maJce 
W bumble Narration to your LatHhips^ for th« 
whole Houfe of pAiliioient, that you would be 
^afed to join with min Supplication to hisMajefiy, 
that be would be pleafed, at hii good Leifure and 
^ue Time, (but o^r Sliit is, that it would be with 
^1 Speed) to give bis Royal Determination and Re^ 
folution to break off, and utterly to diflblve, tbel« 
Treaties, wbicb we hear to^ be fo dangerous to the 
JGog, State, and Children, and efpectally to Religionj 
and, if it picafe his Majefty, when he is rcfoTved* 
Itfaat he would make Declaration of it, fo th^t if 
Vould put Alacrity into the Hearts of all ^u^ Sub- 
ie^s, and fo put a Wing to thoTe good Works of 
Parliament: And, my Lords, 1 had almoft fwgot it, 
diat this will not only b« a fingular Comfwt and 
Content to tbe Subjc^ of Enghndt but to alt hit 
. SubjcSs abroad, and Well-Wifbcrs to Siea. 

Tbt Archbishop of CAOTBaiORY. 

* I have Command front the Lords, ' upon tbi^ 

Return of this your Anfwer, that we fliould all give 

.Thanks to Almighty God for thii clear MaJtifiAa^ - 
tionof Truths; and, in the next Place, wc are to ao* 
knowledge our Humblenefs to the King, that be is 
picafcd to proceed fo far as to afk the Advice of 

, i>otb the Houfcs of Parliametit joined together. Now, 
in the next Place, we are to give Tbai^ks for the 
Ule that ie to be made of it: And here I mitft ob- 
serve, that as Springs come from one Head, though 
Wf are many, yet we are but as two Eyes and two 
Hands <^ the fame Body under the fame Head, to 
fee that which Ihall be for the public Good ; and, 
that it may be for the Glory of God, and for ibi; 
Prerervation oS true Rel gion, and the Safety of 
^f.M^cBy. a^d of thia bleflcd Friiice^ -and the 
L ^ ^onout 

■ ', ,. ._.... CooqIc 


fc" 3*y tJloiiour of the King, and Uw wWe Pct^Ic At 

n ^"" l" ^ yOu have tiuiTcd thiit, fo may 1 pronounce that the 

'■mb. I^nls will not go on with CcJdnefi, but With Ala- 

tirity and Boldo^ : and as for the ReadiAefl Of (b« 

txinls in.this BuGnef», 1 am commanded u ^w 

^Ou iow far they proceeded. 

f They chofcn Comm'ttees^ AaA tbey art tn 
Kutnber twenty- four, that they might meet wid) 
^e^mmittees of your Huulc; and that fpecdily 
they might meet together, andtltdown ccrtua Rea* 
foni, that you and we have rc&lvtd i^ton. 

* That his Majelty m^y receive that as our Opi- 
flioni, and fee the Grounds of it, and that it taigbt 
have the more Satisra£tion to his M^efty Ind td ' 
Chiifiian Kingdoms abroad; and, as foon^ mAT 
be, that fomc of your Houfe may meet with ihew 
twenty-four Lordi, and may Join together and go 
on with fioldntfs : And when thefe Reafons it 
^eed upon, that (hen thc^ that be your Committee^ 
and oui Committees may declare ibem to bis Ma- 

No more Anecdotet haVe occurred to tlie Comp{- 
I«rs of this Hiftory than what are .included in the 
^dy of it, from the Pate of the laft to the Year . 
16401 at which Time ih« Sttti were preparing a 
great Army to invade Mwgkn^. That thia Invanoa 
wai firit promoted by the Sigiifi Maiecon tents, is 
morechan hinted at in this Hiftory, VoL VIll. p. 
^89 and 90, But whit will put that Matter^ito ' 
out of Difpute, are ihc following Letters^ theOriah- 
nals of which arc now in the Haqds of a Rig^t 
Honourable Perfun, who was pleared to favour hs 
with Copies of them. We flul) give no other la- 
trod^i^ion to them, but leave them, with their fe- 
veral ladotfemeats, to the Reader's tudgmeat. ' And 

4 LlTIK^tt 



y LliriKAL Copt ff tkt Lttt/rfrmi Scotlind, U**- »« *:•«■ »• 
whab Lerd Snm\e'i Ltilef, vntb tht/tvtit L^df ^^ * 
^amtt, wes «• Jnfttitr, Jone, 

The Original is indorfed, Ai) Zfrif LouJon's £<r^ 
M /JrrfSavile, June aj, 1640, »» S./' A. Jjhn- 
fton'B Haad-^rimg^ afterwards LwrJ fysrifitM^ 

• Vl" D. hii Or. {a) by Warnnd of Ae beft * i^t* ft«i 

XVL and prymeft to defirc you moft fcrifjufly foi^^*^ 
to deal with our Frieqdi, in all Eatnefinefs, astbcy 
dcCre this great Buitnefs to prolper for (heir and 
our Dclivcrancel^i that they would, now >t the laft, 
^d out the Ways of giving ua full Afliirance oi 
thdr Concurrence with us in tbeir Perfons^ Means^ 
apd Credit. For feeing our Afniy, as we irtift, 
about 25,000 Men, Horlc and Foot (if not looro 
as we have appointed and exp«^ hut counts tbs 
|eaft) has now their Rendezvous at LtUb, this Wedc 
and the Beginning of the next, whereof Tome Ri gi* - 
ments in Fifi are come this Pay, and the Weft 
ftegtments will be hereonT'Wy^ii)'} and tbat* be> 
fore the lolh of July, we will be all lying at the 
Borders, ready- to march in one fix Hours Advlr- 
tifmcni: And feeing t he beft National Heads amongft 
us, in na.ural Perfop and Wif^om, will be qucftioii- 
ing both the Warrant and Call of our Voyage, and 
Panger. and Sequels thereof, except firft, by one 
^tid Way ot other, we be cleared of our Fricodt 
Approbation of that our Courfe, and CiHicurrence 
Vithustnit; Therefore ye muA, above all, deal 
^ith them, as they love iheir and our common Saft* 
tf and Deliverance, now when it isfo near and eafy, ** 

by their AlTurancf; before, and Concurrence aftcc 
our Entry, that they would, aguinft that Titn^ 
of our lying down on the Borders, (befides the R«- 
ktiont made by bare Words, unknown Papers, ' 
common Carriera aud Scrvanu, whereupon we are 
come lb far, but daVe not hazard the Flower of our 
{■) K. S>. mft W • C^bn Ai ;bg Wtitff, tad Qr, mt& fipiit 


6« A P P E. N D J 3f. 

1. iG'Or.liNaFion thereupon) farthcrto sifliiie us of their ^;»- 
1 ' *^' i probitioii and Concurrence, cither by Subfcriptioni 
I«M. - ^f Come principal Pecfons feht to us, or by fome emi- 
nent Perfoti or Pcrfons, (whom we might tnift fctf 
the reft) that joining With us (albeit It were but one) 
their (ingle Peribns immediately before our, Entiy, 
or by their lifing in one or fundry Bodies amongft 
themfelves, or hy Tending to ui, near the Borders, 
fome prefent Supply of Money, or clrtr Evidences, 
where we ftiall 6nd it ready near hand, tnat' we might 
pay for our Entertainment in the Paflage; or by 
any other folid^nd certain Way of Eng^^ement and 
Auiirance; which we do not prefume to prefoib* 
in the particular (but above all recommend it in the 
cener^) that ^eir <Jrant of it (in any Way thai 
Would fatisfy themfetves, if they were in obr Cafe 
and we in theirs) mayforther confirm ourConfcience 
of our Calls being from God for their Deli^rance 
j|S for our own, and ftrengthen our -Hands againft 
the Apprehenfioiis of Danger from the invironin^ 
Forces of a whole forraine potent Nation, If they 
concurred unanimoufly againll us, as Invaders oif 
them in a hoftiicWay: Whereas the Lord knows 
our Intentions ^nd Actions (hati be for them as for 
our own Souls. Befides thi', there ftems' to be i 
Keceffity of ourmeeting on the Borders, before our 
Entry, with fome eminent judicious Pcrfons, th^ 
having advifed now, they may rcfolve then, (if wb 
thinlc it necefTary, as we apprehend, butconclude no- 
thing) that as In the Year i ^ 8 j, (befides that at the 
'Reformation) there was a League intended between 
Queen Eiixabith zni King James VI. and the two 
■Dominions againft the Council of Trent, and their 
bloody Band ; fa there may be fome League and 
Band drawn- up; wherein, as we may profefs our 
-fincereRcfolutlom for them' as for burfelves, fo as 
-we go peaceably, without wronging anyj thro* the 
Country, all Favourers of the Proteftant Religion 
and Liberties of the Kingdom may fubfcrihe as a 
Mark of_ Diftinflion from our common Foes the 
Piipift Prelates and their Adherents ; fome Band of 
thii Kind foi rnfuntaiaing the Proteflant Religic^ 

- A P P JB N D r X. 69 

»nd the tem;ii Churchei and Liberiht ^f the twp^f- »* Cw- ^ 
I^gdtxtM, for having the fame Fiiends and Foe» . ^'*°' , 
ia.tfai> CyuTe, foi rnxking no Peice without fettling jaw. 
bodi ChurclKsatid Kingdomi, and for mutual Con- ^' 
cuTFCnce with others againfl our common Adver- 
6ries, PapUb and'Prelatei) in that Caufc, and tq . 
that End. 

* Wetake not on ui to prefcribe the Way tg be 
taken after our Entry, no more nor the particular 
Way. of their AlTurance - before pur Enttv : but as 
an AflUriincec^ ua before our Entry, and band of 
Poi)}un^an after our Entry, b neceHary for the 
Safety and Surety of both Nations in one another; 
fo we Icaveto their WiMoip, to confider this or any 
other Mean God Ihal) direct them to think moft 
conducible to his great Work on Earth ip Hand : 
For, bcfida diat, we (hall have re^dy, by the Grace 
pf Godf our Declaration of our innncent hitcn- 
tion and CaJri^ fo fully, clearly, and brutherly, 
(upon tbe Grounds ye fent down) as ihall ^e great 
Satisfa^ion to them all. Biit it is Timeturetuiif 
toour AlTurance before-hand, whereumo we fufpe^ 
^e greateft Impediment to be the Hazard of their 
zevca'inglt. ByG^d's AfEftance, weare resolved or 
ja.fol]d VVay of Secrefy in the Particulars which will 
be intnifted to a very few mod fure Pcrfons, (albeit, 
by generals, we would be the niore enabled to en- 
tourage the Army, that wiUrcly much on their Con- 
. iidenceiri Tome few) as knowing our own and the 
Caufe's Prejudice, in the Difcovcry, and the Danger 
.of our Friends; and on the other Part, feeing we muft 
then be lying on the Borders, ready to march in on 
.that AlTurance before it can be diTcovered, and tft 
concur with them and they with us, before they cu^ 
■be endanj^ered: They will be in no mure Hazard, 
by affiiring us immediateiv bef>:>re our Entry, than 
tbey will be bydcclaring themfelves for usafter'our 
£ntry, according to their Refolutions and Promifci; 
,for, by the Lord's AlHftance, we Ihall follow hard, 
and hinder the King's Forces from harming them. 
And as^ this farther AfTurance is no Ptcju^ce to 
Ihemj (whom, no Doubtj when alt is done, the, 


70, A P P E N Df r. ». 

U. ifi c>r. L King 2nd their Adverfarie*- fofpea to Im6w *NH 
^.-' ^ -i ' *"'"'g'* already, but for Jeu of Twhulu diftuii 
b^^ from meddling with themj To it will be a grbv Eti" 
couragement toujof GoJ'i Call for theii Dtfliven' 
ancet as well as for our own : W« Cannot think 
that they who refolve to ware their Lives and Eftani 
with us in this common Caufe of Religlod will b« 
flack to give ut their Por« i^uriince thertof, by all 
polBbie and probable Meant, the Negled of fcefc- 
ing it, u it would be a Token of out Inaonfiderat6- 
oefs in fo weighty and («) « Pa<&gB; fO thew 

fliiftingorrefufing would be prebend e4, by &aie« 
as a Ground of Jealoufy, left (hey fiuled ut in oat 
greatell encompaffing Scraita: God is ow Wiiaeft 
we defire and intend their Deliverant:C as our owm 
It were a pitiful Cafe that both fliouldfaM for Want 
of Afliirance and Correrpondcncoi when Matters arc 
brought to fo great a ttcigbt, and our Armies lying 
on tbe Borders, the fole and principal Means, in 
any Probability, either of God's Way or Man's 
Way to cffeSuate both ; but weOuftlhey will find 
out ibe Ways, in tbeir Wifdoms, to ^ve lis Satis> 
fiifiion herein, as by God's AlHAuKe, we intend^ 
■ad fluU endeavour, In alt our Ways, to ^ve dicm 
jiill .Content, as in dwStgbtof God, to whoftgrcat 
Time and Work wcare fubfervienc in thia Bufineft 
for biaSon, and againft the Man of Sin; bywhat^ 
ever Way, either of Writ or trufty MeiTengers, they 
r^olvfl to afliire us befoic the lOth of ynif, on itht 
^Borders, before our Entry, they wouM eundefcend, 
as far as is poSible, what Force will be againft u*, 
ybat People will be neutr^ what Pcrfons will con* 
fur with us, and bolb what Forces, and with wint 
.^Ififtance of Horfc and Foot, and with what M»- 
ppy or Munition, in What Places, (^verslly or M^ 
pthcr) in what Times, attd by what Ways, what 
(guides they would fend us } what Marks to diAiti- 
^iQi Papifts and Proteftajiti, Friends and Foes, to 
whom we fhall eive Sutetus for our Entertainment, 
. wben we want Moncyi (as we {faall offer and pm 
.fv«ry wbeK> but to Prdates and Papifts) and all 
(«] Olliter*t«t is tlie Oripaal, 


P E N D I X. .71 

^h Othqr PattKidan tbey kaow we ftand in NmiI^Aii. i* Cm> L 
n be infonned of de»?ly. I refiimod all our /ormer . '^_i 
(4tteni> And b^ve wri'ten this by Warrant of our jmn. 
fiueft and f^nteft Heids> wbillc, above all, I recom- 
qtead to your fpecial Care and Truft, ai ihc very 
I^ingB lUw McF^ of our fiufinefi. Ye know my 
Hand and ibe SuWcription of your owd» wbillc jre 
H^ take fiw more nor hik own. 


Tbe fottowing Letter was indorfed, Ctpj tf L»rd 
Savilc'i LttttTy ivitb thtjivm Ltrdl Nami^ vis. 
Bedford, Efiex, Brooke, Warwick, Say ait4 Sek, 
Mandeville, titJ Savile, put U it bj Ltrd Savile and 
Henry Darlcf , Bf^; and afltr tui tut, and re/fared 
tt ttury Malt hiiNamiy ty Sir Archibald Johnfton. 

mi Ltlttr it ii iiietf wai writtmin Yorklhire, if 
Henry Darley, wh« hrwgbt Sir Archibald John- 
fton'i Ltttw frtm Ltrd Loudori t» Savile a«i tbt 
«th*r Ltrdty ta tobicb it it an Anjiop; eviJatlfy 
viritt4H u m EngliOiman, ttjinn tit Dangtr rf 
(^rrtfitmdttut with tbt Scota; bat tbtrr it nt Su- 
ftrftripiitm m (/. Darley, it fttmt^finaaud thaX% 
btvuvtTf bi wtM Ptji vntb it intttfii im Savilc*) 
Ltitir tt tbt Scots n tbt Btrdtrt. 

S I Ry 

* Ik Ccording tB our Premtfe unto you, we haveTbi M^mi • 

£\ ferioufty pcrufed, and well weighed, theCpn-'** 
-tents of that I^er which you did deliver bnlo u<* 
and have thought fit to return unto you our Apprf- 
faenfions of it, and our Anfwer unto it, and thu in 
'fofew Words as the Greatticfs of tbeOccafion wilt 
permit us to do. , 

* Aaifjfr^, we find the Defires'of the Authors of 
diat'licttrr to be, that Aeir Eiiilijb Friends kfrt 
ihould give them fboae folid Afiuraocef > before their ' 

.^(«}AftJtiMdNuicweftpr«fc.-~~Kaw thuCkuaAn el Uti 
iMiib, u ID Incendiuj kcnieM tbt two Kiofdami >t ifaii Time, 
-■^iiwith faitCoDJua ooljr twoVnit ifbtr, we (;uM ilMyMi 
^n.;ir JchnBoon^iei'tLrtUr, T«1.ZI. p. 174, Ih^ 


7« A P P E N D I 3?; 

°* i64«"*** ':o«''ng'nto^'?ffW, that they cottie by theii Irf* 
- ^ ',- viutions and Approbations ; wnich^ in our Opimony 
Jaak would much wrong both our Caufes; for it la publifli- 
ed thruugi) all England, that their coming into Bng' 
land is neceflitaied by thofe crafty wicked Counfel- 
]ors neur the King, who,on purpofe to divert tbb 
Quarrel orReligion, and to make it a national Quar- 
rel, have made the King to beficge them* by Laitd 
and Sea, taken iheir Ships, dcftroyed their Trade^ 
undone their Fortunes, and ail to draw a War upon 
our Kingdom i upon which Ground we meanto- 
make it ^ Part of our Rcmonftiaace to the King,' xs 
an inr<ji>portable Grievance to our whole Nation ; 
uhicbPzrt isabfolutely taken away from us, lii^ej 
come HI by the Perfualion of a ditcooteoted Fa^ion, 
(as they will call us here) and not by any Keceffity 
the King laid upon them to occafion their coming, 

' Seteadlyt They delire not only our Invitatioa* 
but our perfonal ConjunSion with Hprfe and' Foot*' 
snd Men and Money, and Credit, and (be particiU 
lar Nanie£,andTimeS} and Places, and all by Cove- 
nant, before they enter. We know tbcy underftand 
it very well, that, if Necelfity bring them in, their 
£ntry muft be juft ; for that cannot break any Law, 
whidi is fubje£t to no Law, as NeceAi^ it not; but 
if we call them in without abfolute Neceffity com'- ' 
pelling us thereunto of a juft Entry, we IbaU make 
It an unjuftifiable one on our Part, as being abfblute 
Treafon, by our Law of fn^/anj, to be of'Cduncil 
to the bringing in of any foreign forces, to adhere 
tinto them, to fupply them with Money, in the very 
Words of the A^ of Parliament to rcfolvc what fhalt 
' be Treafon in King Eduiard the I'hird'i Days, as 
h is printed in our Books. . , , 

* Now, wcdurltlc.toui!'' Friends in the iVorri judge 
If We can juftify it io our God, for the Hope of ne- 
ver fogood Succefs> formoft of the greateft Perfbnr 
]n the Kingdom of £(i2^n<:f to begin with undeniaUe 
T'cafon, by their own Laws guilty, ind well known 
by them all to be To. Khath been the Happincfsof 
the Sctiijb Nation, that, in alt their Turmoilesa 
(iboughifl Appearance fonlj yet they have never donfr 


• L\ _:..,C".00,qlc 


iny Afl, but wlut they will juftify by the Funda-*". 16 c«.r. 

tacnui Law* of their own Nation, unto which only . '**°' . 

diey arefilbjca. This weaffureyou hath procured ' j.;^ 

fbetnmaoy Friends, and much Honour >nd Glory 

Abroad ; and we are confident that tbey would not 

have us, in our Cafe, lefs fenfible of our Honour 

mnd Piety, than tbey themfelves, v\m have fo often 

avowed this in their public Writs and public SpeedKs 

to the King. It is not Scciirity only that we cxpeflfrom 

die King, but from our own Confciences, and a good • 

Oodj who, otherwife, will bejuftly offended with 

uSf and give us up unto our Enemies Hands; but if 

the ^£#/j come in their own juft Rights, ai neceffi- 

tated untoit, without any fuch Contra£t and Afiii- ''' 

nan from us, we are refolved to do more and more 

efie^ally for obtaining their and our honeft Ends, 

In a fair^ juft, and noble Way, than cither they can ' 

cxped or defire itl this' that is propounded. But it 

confifb of fo oiiany Particulars, as it cannot well M 

be now recited ; nor is it yet fafi: nor {it for them to 

know, for it is impolEble to keep fuch Secrets long 

oMcealed in any Army. Here is Viot much Truft 

required neitber that they put in us j for Policy of 

State will tell them it is better to make the Scat of 

"War in another's Country, radKr than, to feat it in 

their own. Befides, what Caufe hath this Nation 

iveo them, fincc^ihis Difference, to doubt of their 

'idelity unto themf 
' .^'K^y The greateft Band, the common Intereft 
■U one} Rel^oo and Liberty, and to make our abu- 
fed King more great in Goodnefs, than they have 
.made him unh^py in 111. In the Parliament what 
might we not have obtained for ourfelves if we would . , 

have joined to ruin themj but we forefaw our' own 
muft follow prefendy : And Cnce the Parliament, 
-what Kingdom hath ever fbewed more Stoutnefs a- 
gaihft the Importunities of the King than this hath 
done in all his Demands of Men, Monies, Ships, 
lx)^j)S> Soldiers, or any thing tbkt might cnablehim 
to bring an Army againftthem; which appears by 
the great Violence that hath been ufed to guhec 
Fwcei, and the poor Companies which arc not yet 
■ laiicdi 



*u, li Cir. I. How many of (he grea eft Hculcsor EiigidnJhim 
I**"! gotten his Majcfty'sirrcconciIcabkDifpIeafurti^iift 
. . them, or their uiii>c£ted ASeHiona to th,em, who 

fboul dfaoii fiad it-wereihsy under ajull Cenfurc^f 
the Law. To what End was all this, 1 pny yout thtt 
if, when our Dehverancea drew nigh, wa flwuiii fo»* 
tike them in tbe|r grcaleft encompoffing Stniti f Ji 
not ttut Deliverance more pieciow, Stat h beg«l 
snd continued without ths Breach of one Fusdtr 
mental Law, rather than tbat which » compaficd by 
Ihc Subversion of the greateft of all! Qr tnay nota 
Prince be as ealily won to do hi* Sul^«& Right by a 
juft Expoftulaiion of hi« Nobility apd Siibje^ to an 
.opgonuae Se^fon^ aa well a* in an unlawfiil Om- ' 
vcation, if they receive the (uft* Fruit twi Affiftance 
by it? In Conclulion we fliall certainly appcvr (if 
they will believe fo^ jufl to them, juft t* Gti, juA 
lo tbe ^Dgf ju& to our&lvet, to our itdigioa* Li- 
bertiet, .^ Recording to that irrefronbU PoAtiM 
of tbat noble Exaqiplc, wiibom th« TraR&icCaa* 
cither of the Lawa oJF God or Man. This wc 
ditought fit to acquaint you wilhall, and leave it to ' . 
your Difcrelioa and Fidettty to dilpoft of it Mjwi 
flttU fee CauTi^ and iball ever refi. 

Tai^ rtfftaivt f^itiUt{»)f 

J Lettss bnatimg tbt ScoTi ttetmt i»U 
England in i^o. 

, .T»tbt Jtigik HtMMtaUt John -■^ -■— ■.>, (mt nt) 

f Ltttcr of In- 

Right HfMvtiUtt 

br A, * U ^^ <nu^ more (ab it wvcfiir me to faaTe 
iv 1. A attended you in Peribn (i) witb-Affitrancc of 
Liberty, than to he hire in perpetual Danger of 
Reftraint uiwn the leaft Cokior (A SuIfiiacaD. Your 
Lordlhip who have lately tailed the Fridts of ouf 
Bnglifi }*^iiu,) vrilleafily iawtgiMi yet, coafidting 

(m) SabCcri^n^nt out. The NiqiM of ih« Liwi) v««Ai 
tStiy imiuced, tbit mh Lor' liecltred thfj cwU I«i '"'- - 
than fram their own Hind-Wridni. ' 
' (A)biiiiy cithcrbc I'eibn grPnMa. 


ft P P E N D I-X; 

Iwttb fome Friends of yours here, who know thtj^ ,( cm. !■ 
.many DiepentJencie's lipon lac'y and Opporiutiities of^ 1640. 
doing Service, wherein it is conceived ihy Prefencc' . » " " 
would be very neceiT-ry, an<i that, by itiy Perfcni I i""'' 
can contribute nothing more than what is comprifed 
in this Paper, it was concluded, by an unanimous 
toiiient, that it was very requifite for rtie to defer 
my. Coming till Tome other t'lmej &nd thus, IhSitb- 
iniffion to this Rerqlution, I (hM faithfully and fully 
give Atifwer to {iich Particulars of the Letter, is, 1 
conceive, are of moft Coiifequeiicc for your Know* 
tedge and ray Dlfchatge. 

. *^Your LordQiip inay remember,., that It was thfc 
zytb 6F yitht ere ypu did communicate the Letter 
unto me, 'the next Day was to be fet a-pdrt for hear- 
ing of the Word and Prayer, two Days more were 
fpenk in. Lmdan to let your Friends know the State oF 
your Affairs, and io ftttle a Way of giving them cer- 
tain and fpccdy Intelligence of yoiir Proceedings, 
live Pays ihorc wiere fpent in my Journey into my 
own Country j To as I have hegle^ed but three DaysJ 
and, I prefuhie, you will not fay they were altdge- 
tlier negle£ied, when you have pcrtiled this, together 
with the inclofed. 

* I conceive the main Scope of your Letter may be 
comprifed under thefe two Heads, A fair Call before 
your £!ntry, and a Contiirrencc after. In Anfwer to 
ihe firft oF thefe, I fliall refer yoU to the inclofed, 
which doth fully explain thcil- own Senfe, and is the 
beft Index of their on^h Hearts, rather than to clothe 
their ExpreiEons in any Language of my own. And 
thus much, my Lord, let me tell you, that although 
it be not the Way which your Letter doth defire, 
yet, upon a due Confideration of the State of our 
Government, it was thought, by wife Men, and am 
perfuaded. your Lord/hip will approve it, as more 
fafe,' more juft, more honourable for them, and no 
lefs cfFedual and powerful for both yout £nds, than 
your own. 

' And, good my Lord, let not petty Jealoufies, or 
improbiible Fears, returd fo great, fe good a Bufi- 
Defs for the Church of God, and our common Li* 

Vol. XXin. M berties. 


76 A P P E N D I X. 

"An. i6 c»r. T. bertles, asj By 'his Providenfce, is fo near at t!iii 
i ■ '^*^'-n ■ Timi-, if ii pleafc God that you fptcd your Eiitty 
July. ,^' "' near the Time prefixed in your Letter. 'And 
, fbtfeech you no( to imagine ihat it is fot Fear of their 
PeiCons being knn*hthat they refufeto be thetdllers 
of you in, or Contra flors berbre-hdnd, either for 
Men or Money, or any other Siipply j hut only to 
,kcep their Confcienkes and Honours clear ; for theEr 
Pcrfons are inutually engaged one to another, upoii 
the firft Aflurance of your Ehtry into this Kingdom^ 
to unite themfclves into a confiderable Boily, and to 
drawupaRemonftrance to' be prerented tb the Kingj 
■wherein ihey will comprife yours atid their oftnjult 
Grievances, an^ require a mutual Redrefs. 

* And now; thy Lord, for your Satisfadidn, In Point 
of Concurrence, give me Leave to tell you that All . 
my Intelligence is calculated only for the Meridian 
of Terijhirt, and the more Southern Farts ; for, till 
your Entry there, you mull exp'efl great DiSiCtjItieSi 
becaufe therd ate many Papifls in thofe Pa/ts, whom 
none can make Friends to your Caul^i But, alas [ 
my Lord} what can that Number do againft yoiii 
Army, if it be fo great as is mentionfefl in the Let* 
ter; and that you make a fpeedy Entry, before they 
Can be in any Readinels? Grumble and mlitcer they 
oiay pcradventure, fight they dare not } - but I Ihall 
proceed briefly to relate Things Ss'thcy appear to Hie 
upon my beff Enquiry. 

* Thefe are certain, ■ i/7. In the Jiidginents of all 
that I have met with, it is approved that your Army 
and Entry are the fole and principal Means, in any 
Probability^ tb effcduate both our Dcfires. 

* 2efyt That if we ctafli one againll anLther, or be 
divided one frtm another, wfe are in extreme Peril 

• to be both loft. 

' 3^fyt That fome Covenant of mutual Defence of 
the Religion and Liberties, already efiablifh'd in both 
Kingdoms^ is abfoiutely necefTary to be drawn tip 
and fubfcribed by both of us. <And it is defired that 
yoij will be pleafed {i$ better vetfed iti Bufinefs of 
this Nature) to do it, »nd to tender it'to all EugHJhi 


A <1P ^P E N D I X. 77 

IS you march along ; and, it is prefumed, you will ^' iC Cb.^T; 
find many very rwdy to join » ith you in' it. . ''j*^'. . 

* Belbre your Entry thcfe Things are done. Bi- . jj 
ran'; Troops in Carlljle have no' Saddles, lior {Hall 
have any ; 8oo of the beft have- no Piftols, iior iHall 
have any. 

* There is already, of the King's Money, about 
aOOO /. which, before you come in an ordinikiy 
March, will be perhaps double or treble iHst Simi, 
^nd is intended for yoii; which you (h-ill^ have' (No- 
tice of at your firft coming irtro the Country, and 
where it will be in R'eadiiiefs ; which will be a good 
leading Cafe (o the whole Kingdom, " 

* Thefc Things are intended, fend probably aftef 
your Entry,' that the Sheriff and Gcotry will, for 
the Security of their' Wives', Children, and Evi- 
dences, feize upon York or 'Hull^ or btith ; whereby 
the, King will he difappointcd of a great Part of hia - 
Strength, which he depends upoA there, land your 
Way made open. ■■ --■ > ■ ■■■ t 

* That the Loi;ds, as"! forrnerly mentioned, will. 
Upon the firfl 'Cf rtainty of jront Entry, join' f dgJifter, 
as is touched in their tetter.' ' ' ■ ' ■ ■ ' '' 

' * That fome Troops of Horfe, the Number where- 
of is not yet certain, and a. Regiment of Foot,' \ie- 
fides particular Petfons out of every Regiment, Jvill 
turn to you. 

' That the Gentry will be willing to afford you 
Victuals In a plentiful Manner j and the meaner Sort 
upon very eafy Conditions, 

' I am tikewife to recommend unto you, from your 
Friends in the South, thefe enfuing'Cbnfid'mTi^ni^, 
which they conceive will -be' of good Advantage to 
you for the perfecting your Defign. 

' I. That» upon your Entry, you fliould march 
with ail poflible Speed to Loniien, where the Lords 
and City wiil be ready to receive you, and jdn wiih 
you. . ' 

' 2. That irt the Way, efpccially at the fitft, you 
fliould forbear to cake any Thing from any, whether 
- Prelate or Papift^ without their Confeni and,. Pay- 
ment for it; for thefc Reafons, Becaufe yout Fr iAidi 
Ma- do 


An. 16 Car. I. do make Account to fend you back (when the Work 
. '^*°' is done) with a llbefalRecompenfe for your Charges} 
j^^ and they conceive it will be more for your Honour 
to have lefs, ifith Love and Juflice, than more, 
with Violence and Oppre^onj u alfoto take away 
ttie Scandal abroad, and hert at boitac, by ihofe 
who yet ftand well-aflefled to you. The firft Im- 
prel&ons U& long, and make a great Noife ; tbeie* 
fore, my good Lord, let your firft Approaches be 
fair and fweet, according to your Declaration. 
' 3. * That where you hear there are any conjider- 

able Bodies of Men, that you would fend to them, and 
let them know your Unwillingnefs to iight with any 
in this Qijatrel, coming in for our Good, arwell as 
your own, and fend them your Declarations to ^at 
Furpofe : But if any be fo mad as to aflault you* 
Jpare them not, and be aiTured it will not make it 
a National Quarrel ; becaufe the Army is patched 
up of Strangers, PapiSs, and the Scum of the Coun- 
try i which, if your Swords prevent not, will un- 
doubtedly die in a Fialter. So as, in my poor Skill, 
I cannot fee any Danger at all of your coming in, 
nor any Doubt of good Succels ; but an hap|w De- 
liverance of the poor imprifoned and fettered Golpcl 
in both thefe Kingdoms, and a juft Judgment upon 
the Authors of ihefe defperate Councils. 

* My tx)rd, I fhail humbly beg for myfelf, that 
the Bearer hereof may be returned with all poJQble 
Speed and Secrefy, and an undoubted Afliirance of 
your Rcfolutions ; becaufe I am to tranfmit it into 
the South with all Speed. 1'hus prefuming of your 
Favour herein, I reft 

nur Ltrdjblp's Strvantf 

Dati cut tut {a). MUM. 

P. S. * Let us know the certain Day of your be- 
^nning to march.* 


(«) TliE Dtte nitift hive bnn, 1 

,W, md Lord Ln ' 

a the 27th of ytti. 


NSTRUCTiONS Af tlu ScoTt Armv Mv It e£i»H^^ *' Cir. I. 
tbiir ErUrantt inn England. . *°' , 

* f F of Neceffity the^ mud conic in, there is no juiy, 

1 Either difputing but how they come with moll 
Aitvantage to the Caufe. 

' All the Advantage which the PapiftsorRoyalifts^"*"" *<» 
will make, is to periiiade the People, that this WMontbd?Ent)iS 
their Intent frqm ihe Beginning, and that they cime\ot» EtUnd. 
to conquer and enrich thimfelves with other* PoF- 
feffions, and not for Reli^on and Liberty, aswat 
pretended, which mufl be anfwered by a Manifefto, 
and an Oath taken by themfelves, before they en- 
ter ; and to offer it to as many in England at will 
take it, and join with them j to proteft againft taking 
of any Men's Goods, or to engage themfelrei jtt 
Blood by fighting, unlefs they be forced unto it,' 
which they prefume they Iball not find any to op- 
pofe them, who love either the Gofpcl of Chrift, or 
da not defirc the Slavery of thcmfelvcs, their Coi^ii? 
try, and Pofterity. 

• To Qiew how they have been Invaded by Se« 
and Land, for no other End but to neciffititte ih^ir 
coming to England, that they might have that Oc- 
cafion (o fcandalize their juft and pious Intentions, - 
ajid to flir up the Kingdom of England againft them, 
and to make them the Authors both of (heir own 
and their Slavery, and by our own Swords to extir- 
pate our own Religion, and to bring in Popery with 
a ftrong Hand, which hath been fo long intended. 

* That it is plain, by breaking of Parliaments in 
both Kingdoms, that they that govern the King's 
CounciU have no Intention to reform the Grievan- 
ces of Religion or Laws in either, which was only 
the Recjued of troth Nations j and to teilify the Since- 
tity of their Hearts, their utmoft Rcqueft ind Defire 
only fhall he. That the Parliaments may Jit freely in 
both Kingdoms, to redrefs Religion and Liberty fo 
unjudly invaded i and that pernicious Counrellors, 
namely, the A re hbi (hop , of f^an/fr^vry, and the Lord- 
Lieutenant of Ireland, with fome others, who have 
plotted and counfelted the Ruin of us all, may b« 
made foxdicoming and anfwcrable to the froe Parlia- 

M 3 ments 



n. i6 0r. I. dients in bwh Kingdoms ; which, if it may be iin* 
' *^' . cercly and tft\flually peiformcd, (hall give a Period 
i„C to their Arnis, and a juft Satisfeflion in all the . 
, Chrftian World what their Intentions are. 

' That they can bayc r>o Peace nor Afliirance 
'n'ith the King as long as ihefc Cuunfe!ld:s, and fuch 
other evil Inllriiments, have fuch an immodcal^ 
Share, in all his private Councils ' as they now have '; - 
and that they can have no more reafonable Retjueft 
than only to enjoy the Gofpel and the Laws,atflJ 
fuf h Reformation as the whole united Kingdom {half - 
think fit i that they defire to (hake off no Power of 
lawful Monarchy, but only that which is iiKOh&ftcDC 
with the Monarchy ol Chrift. 

■ • That no iiidcpcnJent Kingdom did ever defcfn4 
fo.tano the Juilgment of another, ai they fliall to 
the Pa rh amen t of SngJand, when it (hall fit frcej 
and that they dclire no other Proceeding againft 
thcfe pernicious OjunfeHor.s than whftt their owa 
Parliament IhaJl think them worrhy of. 

' ' That, to aVjid farther 1 rouble- by the Army, 
they delirc the King would be pieaied'to fend aiiy 
ten of the wtUaffeSfd Nobility of Mfigiiiid, (ex- 
cepting thefe guiliy Perfons who are named) to heir 
their juH inicntions to their Brethren of Sngiank^ 
and to make a fair Conctufion of all Hoi>ihty until 
the Parliament be conv.enedi where all Demands 
fb^ll be righdy weighed and juftly determined, and 
the Perfons accufed by b<>th the Kingdoms, may be 
legally tritd ; which i« no more than what a juft 
Princ^ oweth, by the Law of Uod, to his Subje^ ; 
who, with all Uuniility, Tc^r^i 'nd SuppticatioDS, 
do demand it, ' , 

* That they call God to witnefs, that, with Peti^ 
Gf their Livei,.and.L«»fs of their hftates, ihcy have, 
and do feek, as much the PreiervatiDn of Engiauet, 
in' their Rtli)ion and Laws, as their owh, as well 
knowing the Ruin nf ihc one is, ir-d will be, tihe 
Ruin of both j and cannot believe tha; thL-y (hall find 
Enemies there, whete they have dcfcived fo much ; 
from the Uifhops and Papiils, and guiliy Perlbrs, 
ihcy may expc£t it ; but from any that dcfire the 

A I> P E. N D I; X, 8r, 

Puriqr&fid FJourifiiingof Chfift'sGofpel, they Mn-; *■■, '* <^"-^ 
not, Altho' your Inforinations run Hazard; in the . ^ *° '. 
V^ay, and receive harfh Entercainnienc, at tbeii igiy. 
Journey'^ End, from your Adverfaries, who labour to 
fupprefs the Truih, yet they are h acceptable to yoiif 
Friends, and necelTary for afTuring all Men of youf 
Conftdncy and Refolution of ftanding to (he Defence 
of.ypur Religion and Liberties, and tpr clearing youf 
Loyalty to your native King, as )vu have jufl Rc».- 
tbn to (end them Uirough all DifficultiL-s. 

' It is afi^riped ihac you have let out a Repreleq- 
t^ioh of all your Proceedings fincc the Pacification, 
with an Aiifwer to that late Declaration made 
againit yviit which doth conduce very much for tbe- 
O.ood of your Bljlifiefs ; and doubtlcfs both youT- 
felves and your Friends arie, and will be, as catcfiU 
tp have it, and all true Informations, putilifhcd at 
your Advftrfaries ar^'defirous to (u[(pTe(s'. 
' < It is reported tnai ygu have forefeenf that you are 
in an Inftant to be !b1ocl(ed up by Sea, and compilTcd 
^nd' invaded with Aimie^ by Land j and ihat ihc 
Seat of War is intei^dtid to be in the halbm and mo$ 
fertile Part of your Kingdom, to confume and waAe 
you, and keep you at a greater Diflance from you/ ' 
friends, that fo, in the End, your Enemies might 
devour you ; which great Danger, it is reported, you 
Jire labouring to prevent, by anticipating the King's 
Ari^y with the EApedition of yours to England', 
vhicji is moll acceptable to your Friends, and a£- 
frighCs your Adverfaries, who will labour to have 
your In-'foming eftecmed to be an Invaflon of £ff^- 
land, that they may raife a National Quarrel j fof 
pieventitig whereof, albeit your Friends, who under* 
fland ihe 'Truth, and know your Atie^ions,' wi)l 
not Cruil fuch Calumnies, yet, for better SatisfaiSion 
and greater Afliirance of the People here, yoifr 
Friends cruil and expefl that, as you have given 
Information of all your Proceedings h^^reiofore, {o 
you will inalte a Declaration to cpme, before and 
with you^ Army, to Ihgw how you are conilrained 
to thw Expedition f|or your lawful 'and neccflary De- 
fence, that youi Eoeaiiss, againlt whotii you come, 
M ^ are 

L\ _...,C".OOgIc 


Ab- ^6 Cw, Tare only fhc Prelates and Papifts, and their Adhe^ 
'**'''• , rents ; who have inccnfed your native King againft 
■jjC you, and have raifed up thefe Wars, bticaufe yon 
Would not receive the Innovations of Religion urged 
by them upon you, and admit their tyrannical Hie- 
rarchy in (he Church and State againft the Oath of 
your National Covenant, and Coiiftitutionsof your 
Church -, that you h'ave no Intention to invade of 
wrong England; but, with God's Afliflance, and 
with the Favour of fuch as love the true Protcftant 
Religion, the King's' Honour, and the Peace and 
Good of this Kingdom, that you are to fight for 
your Religion, Liberties, and LiVcs, that the King's 
Majefty, and all bis good Subjefls of both King- 
doms, may be delivered from God's Enemies aiid 
theirs, as the Auihors and C^uftrs of all your Evils, 
and Difturbers of the Peace of both Kingdoms ; and 
thiit his MaJ.{ty may, with all poffibie Speed, call 
a Parliament' in both Kingdomsi by who fe joint Ad- 
vice and Counfcl, without Interruption or breaking 
them up, thefe great Evils may fpccdily be rcfncdicd ; 
the Authors thereof put to ajuft Triiil, and rieceive 
condign Puniftmeiit ; the King's Honour may be 
vindicated ; his good Subjefls of both Kingdoms 
may get Redrefs of their Grievances \ which witt 
turn all our Troubles and Tempefts into a fair 
Calm and Peace; will make his Majefty loved, ho- 
noured, and cheaVfuUy obeyed at home, and nulcie 
llim terrible to all his Enemies abroad. 

* And, left plundering and fpoiling of the Coun- 
tries where you come provoke the People, to rift 
againft you, it is expeiSed that you will keep your 
Army in the beft Order'you can ; and that tho Dc^ 
claration vi-ill bear, That you will take no Man^ 
Goods nor Means but for Payment, except the 
Goods of Prelates and Papifts; and that what yoii 
»re.neceflita;cd to take from any other for Entertain- 
ment of your Army, you will pay prcfent Money 
for it, or give Surety fur Repayment thereof; for it 
is thought that you will make the Prelates and Pa- 

{ lifts pay for all, and that your Friends, and fucb as 
ove the Good of Religion, antl the Good and Peace 
' ' 'of 



of both Kingdoms, will not refift nor grudge for ■**■ '* ^"• 
faking what is neceffary (or Entertainment ot your . ' *°' 
Army, cither for Payment or upon Surety, till it joly, " 
plrafcs God to enable you, and afford Means to pay 
ifhat you mufi take in' this Kingdom. 

* Your Declaration may expreft your Acknow- 
kdgtnent of God's' Provide nee, who kept the Par- 
liament of England, that they were fo wife as not to 
be mideci againA you by the Praftice of your AJver- 
&ncs to a Naiionat War ; as likewife bear fome 
£xpreffion of your Thankfulnefs to them, and to 
tlic City of LsTiden ; who, notwilhflanding ihe Arch- 
Prelatea, who are the great Mifieaders of King and 
Court, live amongft them, have a) I this Time con- 
tinued conf^antly afFe^ionate to Religion, and the 
Peace of both Kingdoms ; and your fignifying your 
Refpefl to them, will both teftify yftur Thank- 
fulnefs, and endear them the more : AH which may 
t)c in a brief Declaration, which may be contained in 
a Sheet pr two of Paper, and ne«ds not be long, be- 
caufe your former Informatior^s and Remonftrances 
have fulBciently cleared your tbrmer Proceedings, 

• The Reatons which fccm to favour and (nvitff 
fou to come in, amongft others, are, partly froiQ 
your own Condition, partly from the Conditioa . 

. of Matters here : F(VJf, The King's Refolution, 
being incenfed by your AdVcrfaries, js bent to 
^Rroy you, by bl eking you in by Sea, and by 
keeping Troops and Garrifons in your Borders, for- 
cing you to ncgiedi your private AfFain:, keep Offi- 
cers and Soldiers, fpend and wafte your Means, 
w<ary and difable you, that you may the more eafily, 
in the End, be overthrown, or fo foon as he can 
have fufficient Forces and Money to undo you by 
force and Strength, by S^ and Land ; under which 
great Danger it fcem? impoflibic that you can long 
lie in Sufpenfe, anct bear put, as you have mar- 
veloufly done thefc Yeairs bygone. The Difpofi- 
tion of Eiglind, and how they are difpofcd, may beft 
be judged by thevr Carriaie in the tail Parliament, 
which is the beft Commentary of their Minds ; fuch 
jis love, the Sinceritj o{ Religion, an^ diilike EpiA 
'■ '■ " topacy* 


S P E end: I X. 

■ copacy, are yourccrtaia Ft'iends; fucfa as have tb«t^ 
Grievances tor their ijufferings in their lillate*, tc- 
km likewife that the Prelates Power is predomi- 
nant, and rulcth over the State as much as over the 
Church ; And toth Sorts of Pcrfons prove that the 
Courage and Succefs of your Bufinefs, is the only 
Means they fee moll conducrble for fettling, not 
only of your Religion and Liberties, but alfo of 
theirs ; aiid it is averred, that if you will come in, 
Ibcy will {hew their Refpedl really for you, for thb 
Good of Religion, for vindicating the King's Ho- 
nour and Peace of both Kingdoms : Thefe arQ foif 
your Encouragement. 

' On the other Hand, if the Engli/hf who now^ 
for the mo(l Part, are difconiented, and favour you» 
(hall happen to be diverted; and that you may be 
drawn in the Midjl of England^ and be fcaice C^ 
Money or nec^lTary Ammunition, the Hazaid ma^ 
prove fo great, and the Bufmefs fo important, that 
it is more than 1 dare prefiime to give you a deter- 
minate Advice, iho' there be many pregnant Rea- 
fons for inviting your Coming, as moft expedient. 
But of both thefe you may ma;lte up your Declara- 
tion, and what elfe you pleafe to add to it. Thetiord 
diied your C6unfels to his Glory and your Good.* 

Omitted in Vol. X. p. 2^3, Fthruary 8, 1641, 
communicated from a C6lIe<3ion of old Tra£t&, - by 
Edward frew'i, £fqi of Sujftx, 

7J* Speech ef Majler Pleydell, Bfq\{a'\ 

Mafltr Speahr^ 

Mr. P/ejM'i ' T Have heard, fmce I had the Honour to fit here, 

Sieecb. ■ J. many Grievances prefented i and truly. Sir,' 

iny Heart bleeds within me when 1 ihinlc of them, 

efpecialiy thofe that cotJcern'Rttigion. B»t what 

(hould I fpeak ef Grievances cowcrnifig Rdigion, 

when Relieion itfelf is become a Grievance; nay, 

• the 

, but i^Ablfii iti^l, for twine ■ 

A P P E N P I X. 85 

the very ^lurfc and Mother of alt Grievances, all An. 17 Or. I. 
Scandals, all Reprtathes ? ' ■ ' *V * 

TantUm Redgle pstuii faaHere Malcru^. Febnuiy. 

.* Sir, not to trouble you with any lon^ Difcourfe; 
if I have any Sight, that Bark, both of Church and' 
Slate, hath a juiig Time floated betwixt SyUa and 
Cbarybfiis, Popery on the one Side, and I knuw not 
what to call it on the other; in many Refpedls 
both alike dangerous, unlefT.' the In.tian Ptuverbc 
pi'ay alter the Cafe, God deUnd me fram my reputed 
Srimdi, and I wiU deftnd myjelf /rem my fsfiji 

* Sir, We are intruded by God,' the King, and 
the Country, with the managing of this Ba^k, fraught 
with the Fortunes of three great Kingdonies. Now, 
fliould we fo decline the fotniKi Rocke, ihat we dalh 
on tlie otner S:de, 1 humbly offer it to this [-Jtinour- 
siie Aflcmbly, whi-ther l&e might not have jull 
Caufe to fay. She had changed her Pilot rather than 
her CondiiLon, and only (hi f ted PLccs to find' her 
Ruine : For, Sir, there is as much beyond Truth, 
ii on this Side it ; and would we lleere a right 
Csurfe we muft be furc to keep the Channel, left 
We fa'l from one Lxtreame to another, from the 
Dotage of Superftition, to the Frenzy of Profdne- 
nefs ; fcom bowing to Idols, to worQiip the Qjlvea 
of OUT own Imaginations. 

' Sir, 1 befeeeh you confidcr what libellous Pam- 
phlets are now printed, what Sermons are prcactied, 
iiot building Hay and Stunble, but utterly (ubvert- 
ing the Foundations of'Tru^b: What Irreverence 
in Churches, what Profanation of God's Service, to 
the Scai>dall of Chriftisnity, the Reproach of Reli- 
gion, and the intollerable Griefe of all g'lod Men ^ 
of which I may lalce up the Words of Petrus dc yH'ia- 
(0 to the Councd of Conjii'ice,. Nifi etlMur fiat 
Refarmatia, audiB dht'e, quod licet ^ magna 'fijtt qua 
vidtmus tartien in hrevi incimfarahilia majoro (i) v'ldt- 
mtil, i^ pe/i ifia tarn herrenda 'rtiajsra al:a avdiemui. ' 

(j) SU in 6'igini i but I tike it to be m Error in the c:tit 
frrinter, ii the fatiut| Tenft of vii» rnikn-i bed Scnfe Hilb that of 
tmltt. £.F. 



ui, J7 ctt. h * Sir, I take God to Record I am no Man's Ad- 
^ '^'- ^ vocate, no Man's Enemy i but a faithful Lpver of 
■pgjjnujy. Troth and Peace, and a dutyfuU Son of our diArcf- 
fed Mother the Church of England, in whofe Bc!- 
halfe, and oii^ own, my Motion fliall be fliortly this * 
That the Miniflers' Petition, with fo much of their 
Rcmonflrancc as hath been read, may be committed ; 
and the refl of it, concerf^ing Matter of Do3rine, 
majr be r^fcried to fome learned and approved Di- 
vines, as have fpent their Time in that nobfe Study. 
For give me Leave tp tell yoii, There is a Vulgut 
among the Clergy, as among the Laify, Bl in utrt- 
g^t nil modicum ; and for thcfe and all Things which 
Itiike at the Eyoot and Branch, as they pleafe to call 
it, I {hall humbly move (hat wp rather confider how 
to fatisfy the Petitioners with fome timely Declara- 
tion from both Hnitfcsi of tl^e LawfuIn^lTe and Con- 
, venicncy of Epifcopail Government, derived froni 
the Apoftles, apd fo long cflablifhed in this ICing- 
dom, rather than venture upon any ^Iteration, the 
Confcquen^c whereof the wifeA Man cannot forcfee ; 
And, in Truth, Sir, fhould we once begin, for my 
own Part, I know not bow, or where nve fliould flay. 
* Ncverthelcfle, if any qne ^pubt the Superiority 
of BiOiops over Priefts and Doacons in EcclefiAicall 
Government, or in Ordinatioii, I fliall be ready, 
whenfoever diis Houfe (ball command me, to make 
it good, and I think by as pregnant Tefli^onies, as 
we are able to crove the Difference betwixt Cano- 
nical! and Apocryphal! Scripture, the Nece^^ of 
Infants BaptiOne, or that the Apoftlea were the Au- 
thors of their owne Creed : But, Sir, I hope yoq 
will fave yourfelf and me that Labour, and ratncf 
devife of fome fet Way to binde up the Churches 
Wounds, which God knowcs are too wide already | 
that fo the Clergy and Laity being made Friends^ 
and all reduced to the Model of pur Anccftors (ince 
the Reformation, we may altogether preferve the 
Unity of the Spirit, in the Bond of Peace ^ and fo 
his Majefty having gracioufly and prudently expreft 
himfelf, I am the more confident we fhall not only 
put an End to all Mifintelligence betwixt Prince and 

L\ _...,C".oo;;lc 

A P i* E N D I X. S7 

People, but alfo h'lriily advance the ProtelUnt Caufe, *>■ '"C"- '• 
and give a deadly Blow to the See of R§>iu. .. '^*'-,.» 

< Sir, I humbly bnvc the Favour of the Houfe. j,^ 
tor <^od is my Wimcfs, 

Km prtm atiu^ liHran Aniiaain tntam.' 

The following Letter wai dii^td to Sir fhantat 
Lpttltm, Bare at fft/buhu'm Buckiniham/hin. It 
was found amongft that GentJeman's Papers, an^ 
communicated by his Grandfon, Dr. Cbarlet Ljttil* 
IM^ now Dean of £m/^.—The Letter is iliyfterious 
enough, and evidently Oiews the extreme Jealoufy 
Bind the Danger of holding Cgrrcfpondence io tbofe 

Dmr Ctn^tiy 
' "Ij^ HIS Morninge was deliuered, vntto mee, a a Lena to Sli 

■*■ Paper without Name, but not witiiout Date '*™"^"**^ 
or frcndly Expreffions, which conueye mee to the 
Owner with more £afe than Men are knowne b^ 
their Words in thefe Days. 

' You haue put new Obligations vpon mee, in 
prefentinge my Scruifes in the ri^t Place ; the Re- 
ceiuor is a Man of fewe Words, vaicfs tiiis Tym 
hath changed bis Nature, and rendcr'd him Ionge> 
Wynded with our new Predicators ; be' koowes my 
Minde, and fo do you too, which iHall neuer &yle 
faim or you. 

* Wee arc here vpon the verticall Poynte, and, 
like Men in a Storme, begin to Ihifte for ourlelues : 
if your Pollure bee made good, ours muft'Changcj 
like Bucketts in a Well, when you are up we ^re 

. down ; and where you muft kcepe vs, or wee Ihall , 
tyfe agayne. 

* Mony is at Ebb with vs ; a dead lowe Water. 
Ycftcfday Committees of both Houfes were anglinge 
amongft the Stranger Merchants, and caughte about 

. 6000 /. in Subfcriptlons ; Subfcriptions bringe no - 
more Mony than Votes draw illood. 

* Our Grandies are much truubled at the Depar- 
Hirc of my Lord Duke oi ButtbinghanifiKyrt) wiio 



88 A P F E N D 1 X. 

Aa. IB Cir. Kwas aSecrtut, and- is much fearctf by hb-Fellori'- - 
*'ii '**'' . -' ■ t^^"'?''*'"'*"- " '^''^ F-tficr, hciiaiti/, is in -Djforder, 
' ,^ and no.Iefs troobted for the Ditccfircvypf bis De- 
feigns, than for his Poueriy, which pir«.hethe on ajl 
Sydcs. -TJie.Con6dct)fe.hvl iahis^Sonin-Lawe is 
conuerred into reall Feares and JealouHes, left in 
good Cipmpa^y.tht .Truths, fhfuld. come outj and 
See thrown up with the Excels. 

, , • Rabii Arthur ,\s dcafe of ^Hcaringc,' and fup- 
plytt ho more;,fick and lame, whciiihe Lcuye of 
Hoffe was in Qy^ftiqn ; he knowes bow to baftt 
befpre bis FrenHs. The Qoiiyey ofXJotAi y/i& Y«- 
flerday impeachte in tbc Hotifc, of Coippions y^a 
their Letter, and this Morninge' the Impcachnvent 
was carycd up by your gpod Ficild Mr. tio/lh, who 
made a very eloquent Ordtion. 

' The Labour in the Houfe of CpmmQns waf 
great to haUe tnadctbisRefulall to bee -the Gc3und£ 

- of a Civill War, and in that Cafe to hare them If- 
ah\e to' Forfeiture ontf of Goods and (^nds ; biir, 

, after a longe Debate, fomc of theii' Friends decided 
their Scnfc againd it, and tum'd it ijuitc off; intb- 

mucb that the Qyeftion being put, • Whctjier it 
iho'iild be [ayd by, it wascarried in the Affirmative; 
and not a Man th^^t had fpolcen againft the layinge 
of it by, gave a Negative to it i fo that the Im- 
peachment reachethe only to Mifdemcanor ^vpon 
the flighte and fcornfull Anfwcr. 

< This is the (irft pcrfpicuous .Blowe that hath 

, ben giucn tbem tbefe mahy Monthes, and ipay 
proiie ominous, fmfe many fell fmm them that wera 
wontb to fticlce, and begin to flwinkc in the Wet- 

' Our .Waters ryfc or fall accordrnge to your 
Mokitins ; At the Poole of Bcihefda the Waters 
were to bee troubled before they coujd be medjci- 
nable ; 1 wifh the f^me Angetl amongft us, fmfe I 
dare not wifhe more Trouble, 

* The lafl Declaration is taken for a Cutter t 

!'our Caualieros certainly had a H^^nde in it; it cuts 
ykc a two-edged Sworde : If you fend any more of 
fuch Cutters, you may clcaue us in Peecci. 

4 'If 


"k :P l* E N t> i X. &I) 

' I thank my Coantriineii for being my Coantri-Ao.' il dr. I. 
imen ; Aey fliall bee my Couritrtmen ftill ; not ttie ^ -'**'' ^ 
£^xC»\vca, who pttiy'd the Mfen at Cbemsfird, and i,^ 
tni'de Shcwe only of ^ feme fcaveh Horfe; very few 

■ GcrrtJemen appealed. ■ 

• You may take an Acounte of your Feyld-tteeCes 
k( Yerie ; the Lord that ftay'd ihem n come to f ou» 
and'traly it was theiiirtft notoriouj Peec»of Scniife 
done in the -Militia. I wayted on aiy Lady to giue 
her the joyfuil News, but Oie conceiued 4hat it 
would Tcache you belofc your.goinge from H^w/bery: 

'"■When my Name comes in your Way, you may 
' {)rbmote it as "you fee Occafion, wher you have be- 
guhi and if yod giue^mee Imclligence of yoorRe^ 
iolfitions there, I £al} t:ortfoTmc to the Nccefity. 

*■ We have btn, are, and may bee, of great Vie 

• here, br rcpell Surprizes, and lobearvpourFrends, 
' ah4 gaync vponourAdnerferies. If it receiue arty 

tidier Conftru^Honwith'htmwhofe Companion you 
' how are,' I ihall take itas a FsUourto bee informed* 

• and fiiail applye tnyfelfe to that which may bee molt 

■ ^reeahle to nis Pleaftrre who hath Peivcr ta com- 
' maiidt; in all la^full Seruifes {a). 

Yffurf. FritnJ^ &c: 

jkHi II, 1642. J. H. 

* I haue taken the Liberty to fcniarge, becaufe I 
Confide in the Meffinger J andSf you putt your Let- 
ters into Secretary Niehhi'i Pacbett, they may 
come fafly into my Hands, by Mr. Sptnftr, RefidetK 

^ Make no Shewe of my Liberty, but wher yoa 
arc iiery fafe, and parte not with it; the Tymcl* 
tycklilbe, and Cjuiion is moll necefiary.' 

,, Google ■ — 


Aa. II Ci^. iTiot Act^uiTTANCEs, ^gned hj tbt Dtfutj-lrfi- 
. '* *'- , furtr tt tit Scot* Army, f»r Iwt HukdrtJ Theu- 
Uaiaij. fy"^ PiunJs, tppeinttd md agrttd paid iy 

, tbt Kingdem of ENGLAND /« tb* Kingd'm •/ 
StoTLAND, hj A'titUs tf 4gfttm*ra majt bitwuK 
tbtm', — Cofnmiinicated by Dr. Grty, 
W^Trf'tbe' I/" Now »" Men by thcfp Rrcfenis, That tipoii 
Stiei Anny't , , 1^ the Onb 4nd Twentieth Day of jfiHuarj, One 
XcsoitloKe fiir Tbou&hd Six Hundred and Forty-fix, I Join Drtm- ' 
xoofiooU ^^^^ Deputy to Sir Adum fltpbum. Km. Treafu- 
rtr to the SetU Army in England, have, according 
to certiin Articles of Agreement, agreed upon be-. 
tilreen the Conimiitees pf Lords qnd Commons of 
the Parliament of England', and Commilfioners of 
the Parliambnt of Statland, authorized thereunto by 
the Parliament of each Kingdom* refpe^ively bear- 
V>g Date the Tiiree ^nd Twenticth.Day of Dtcembt^y 
One Thouiand Six Hundred an4 Fprty fix ; and in 
' purfuance of the fame, tnd In the Time, Place, ar»l 
Manner therein pFcfcribed and appointed, received at 
fi'UUam GiUii, Efq; Alderman p{ the City of Ltndem, 
fOi l^emaf Nbetl and Franfit /tfi>t, Efqrs. appointed 
by an Ordinance of both Houfes, of the.Siiftcenih of 
Nevitnber laft, to be T-ruSees for the Monies arifing 
upon the Sate of Uifhops Lands, the Sum of Eight} - 
eight Thoufand Pounds Sterling, which, together with 
Xwelve Thoufand Pounds received at London \iy the 
Commiffioners of Scstland^ in the Name and for the 
Ufe of the Kingdom of Seuland, for which ihcCom- 
miffioncrs have given an AcquitUnce, i^ in full tor 
the Payment ot the ta&. Hundied Thoufand Poundij 
appointed and agreed to be paid by the Kingdom of 
England to the Kingdom cf Scet'endi by ibe faid^ Ar- 
ticles of Agreement, in Wicn^ri whereof 1 hai^e 
hereunto put my Hand and Seal the Day add Year 
iirlt above- written. 

J. DRUMMOND, Cummfar. Dtfiuti. 
SiaUd, jubfcribidf and delivtnd in tht Pre/met »f 
Ptmtnit and Aient. John Cekt Rich. Minert 

B. Dmbigb Ji. Mylles Rob. hilliarJ 

Kdvj. Mtnlagu ' Richard Brawn fyill. Hum.' 
■ Phi. Skippan Tho. Richard/an harftcnt 

J. Heiknd Narhtin.Surrep ff^m. Evererd\ 

. KnoV 

. l._....CooqIc 

A P P fe N d i 5fi $i 

« t^ Kow all Men bjr thefe Prefcnts, That upon *"' »» c^rt 

.*** thr Third Day rf February, One TholiJand , . ''^- . 
the Hufliircd and Forty-fix, I Jshn Drurntliani/, Dfc- Wbntij. | 
piltytoSir /fdam Hefbarhi Knight, Txeafurcr of the 
Statf Atniy in EHgiandy have, according to certain A"»'^ ^*1"}J* 
Articles of Agfeement, agreed upon between the^J^** 
Committeea of Lords ^nd Commons Qf the Parlia- 
ment of Bngland, and Commiifioners of the Parlia- 
ment of Scotland, authorized fbereuiitoby the Par- 
luiiQents of both Kingdoms, refpedively bearing Date 
the Threp and Twentieth Day of Detentbtr, One 
Thoufand ^ix HunfJred ^d Forty-fix, and in'purfuanc^ 
of theff me, in the Timci Plicc) and Manner thereiii 
grefcribe^ antl appointed, received of ffiUiam Gihfut 
. Sfq; Alderman of the City of Landeay and TbenaS 
Ne*U ^aA Frttmit Afiit, Efqrs. appointed by an Qr- 
^inwice of both Houfes, of the Sixteenth of NiH- 
Member laft, to bBTreafurersof the Monies arifmg Up- 
on the Sale di fiiOiops L^nda, the Sum of One 
Hundred T-ho^ifand Pounds Stctlingt which is in full 
Pay tpant of the fecond Hundred Tfanufand Pounds, 
appoiiited and agreed to be paid by the Kingdom of 
^Bji^j/totJieKlngdamof^cefiEan^, b](thefaidArcicle « 
In WitnCfs whereof I have hereunto put my Hand 
andSealftheDay at\d Year firll above- written (i}, ' 
J. DRUMMOND« Commifar. Deputt, 
italedi figntdf and deiivtrtd, in lit Prtftwi of 
Ph. Siippm Hit. RicharMm J,. MjlUs 
JthnWard R».Waclfi}x Rub.Dmng 

J. Pine IVm. Evirat'i \ fVm. Siippm 

J. Pttttr mil Humbarfttnt The. •Jeukinu 

Vol. XXllI. N The ' 

(!)0!Jmiia,thjt,(tliftty tf tht Fam'/f tf rU Sni»m,^. 313J 
Tbai m [iill AiTRBtnt W4t midc wilh cbc Sefi Commiflionen, Dti^ 
8, 1646, That when One Huiukej Tboufud Poundi came <o Ti^- - 
tSf, th Tc-J/Jbire, the Scmi Ihould gin Hoftagei lonuitdt theit 
Quineii, Poffcflioiu, indGaTrironi, on tbeSouth SideorTjnK, with- 
in Wnl^jni aod upoo Detivoir of theotbeiOoe Handred ThouGmd 
Poundi, on die Noilh SIdr e( Neact/ilt. the K,«, Oiauld give Hcifla- 
gn to niirch out of England, and rjull the Girrifont of Bimitt iitl 
Citrlip, wtlhin Vtn Dtyi. There were 0[her Two Humjmi Thoa. 
/>nd PooBdi ulkid oa, but ihc Scai iifm to like (he I'ltliimeat'i 
Wordfoiii. ^[.<e.*,How thiugreeiwitb thetwo pieceding Ac^nit- 
Wncei — Dr. Z. Crtj. 

Tbelc Ac^oilUUKH «nctikea from tbc On(iii*li. 


92 ' A P P E N D I X. 

"* *8 ft"' ^' '^''^ fotlowing Letter was fent to one of tke 

. , ,t " , Compirers of ihisHiftory, incIoTing two Originals; 

jonc. Copies bf whicti we ttiinic proper to fubjoin, as au- 

■■ , thtniic Evidences of Arcbbifhop ^tfiBUij'j Defeai- 

on from the Royal Caufe, tho' he had boco raiied 

ind fu^poited by it. . , - 

Flafgwin, in Angleley, February 9* i76o> 

^0 U have publifirtd, in the Beginning if jaur Fif- 
teenth Velume of the Parliamentary Hiflory, Qil. 

■ Milton's Letter relating to JrchhiJhapVf ''X{\^m^% de— 
,. tiaring ftr the Parliament, dated June 15, 1646.—/ 
, fendjtu one wrtti theith »f that Month, by the Areb' 
. bijh9p,ie CeL "QuWieXey, and ether Gentltmen of An- 

glefey, whe defined the Co/lie ef Beaumaris far the 

■ King. '■ If there had been ivaniing any Evidence fully 
ie cenfirm hi I Grace's Favtur ta the Parliament^ this 
Letter wautdfufplf that Defe£t, He joint King and 

1. PtB'IiaBwt together, which wajthe Deilrtne of the 
. •J'r.ei^ytm-iani if thofe Days. He fufp^fes the King 
- tebefatiifiedwiththeCffoenanii and that Mitton's 
. . jMfo, in Rebellion againfl the King, prayed as xealsafy 
, far him as the Lord Byron's Peaple, who immediately 
ai!ed under hit Royal Authority, 

.lalfi inciofe to ytu of the fame Date, ihevery ani- 
tnated Reply of Col. Bulktky, and th* other Gentle- 
men of the Caplt, I am. Sir, 

.Your very obliged humble Servant, 


To my jm/cli-boncured Friends and Caufins Col. Rich- 
ard Bullceley, ' Lieutenanl-Cslenel Robinfon, Ma- 
jor Lloyd, and C<'Pt> Johns, at Beaumaris CaJlU^ 

My very werthy Coufini, 
/.Tchbiihop Wi * "D ^ * Letterand fome Papers fent untome from 
/;<>»«'. Ui»ru Xj the Gentlemen at fifrra/f, the laft Night, I 
the Governor^ perceive that you have poflclTed yourfelves of the 
r^^'culll"'"*'' *^**^-'^ °^ BMWflwri;, and without the Approbation, 
, of the Gemletncn and Chief Commaodcrs of the 
, •- . . County J 


A P . P E N D I X. 93 

County; fo (vrfiich I was very glad to flnd) wlth-An. *iC«t. I. 
OMt any- ftich Oppofition to the King and'Partia- . '^^ , 
merit, but may be cafily reconciled, if you do not i„^, 

dcliy it too long, . This is a great and powerful 
Body, and will not be capitulated too muchwithall, 
efpecially by afew Gentlemen, who have furprized 
a Caflle in a Time of Treaty^ at, the beft; but as 
they mainly affirm, when all Conditions were agresd 
upon, and they had rdied and cenlided onthtiLord 
Bulitkj aiid the CommifTionets A^urance.' I b&- 
feec'h you, therefore, for youi; own Good, a^ifl the 
Good of the Country, to give'Gcneral Mitten, ioa/a 
fpeedy .Contentment, , as 7 underftand jou have 
written' unto 'him already, a vorv civil Letter ;.. and 
that may be with' taking fpme Part of his Men-ptc- 
fenily into the Gallic,, my Coufio JSt/W/y holding 
flill his Cqmjnancs as ,a ConRahjc until your Pro- 
pofitions be 'detated!"rorj, to kccj^ all the Men 43 
mere Suarigers doth, put. ■9'Slur_-u[tpn the Major- 
General, and, thro' hU Sides^ upon that gieat Body 
of the Eftate whoic Mjpiftej be is. And ipi jhde 
in the Town they may aiingle with tha Town- 
Guard, and have no ca'ufe to qon^plain they are look- 
ed upon, like Enemies' Of; fome oihcr fair Re- 
fpeAs (which my Coufm Rsbinfon underitapds 
better than I) may be put «pon them; and thofc 
Articles of fufFering them to paft away, if they be 
recalled elfewherc,^ fetafide. And God forbid they 
Ihould have aiiy Caufe ,to demand fuch Articles ;- it 
may be ihele are of the befl Servantsthe King hath, 
if his Majefly be with the Sceti^ and is fatisfied with 
, the Cdvenaift. I' am fUre they fpcak as well, and 
pray as zealoudy for the King, as my Lord Bymn'l 
People did; and may he never thrive that doth 
Otherwife. The King is gracious, and takes no De« 
light that his Servants fhuijld be ruined and heg- 
gar'd to no Purpofe, but io comply with the Hu- 
mour of fome few, and thofc none of the wifeft 
Commanders I am your near Kinfman, acquaint- 
ed with all your Fathers. and Grandfathers,, and have 
no other End upon you befides your own Prefcrva- 
N 2 tion 


9+ A P P, E N P I X. 

Ar- «i Car.l. tion from Danger and Ruit] ; ynd I bcjleecli jqa b 
, ''*^' J to interpret thic Letter of 

,„^. fmr afftSiaiuiU Fritnd and Kinfman, 

JO. £BO(lAC. 

FATFM.ibii 8th Dw } 
,/jnt, 1646, 5 

.A^Tf it fitajt year Srattt 
tk* JLaCjiu. f~^ Olond BuUtlty hath pifleflcd hiiaftif of tliu 
^^> CalHe, upon ho ottKr Grounds (han tfac juu 
IntcTcAyour jlordOiip well knows he, together' witb 
- ' liii FatkfT, haihinitb^ Patent from the Kinb tf 

being then npon SurFendcr without cither hi« Pri- 
tity, or the Country*! general Confent; lb |t cvuiot 
bearthe Name of a Surpriza), but the Maint^sncp 
of his, in Sut>or4inatfon to hU Majefty's Right. An4 
wherew if is antnly affirmed, that thi> wai dov 
after Agreement made, we'll aiTur^ j^ur Lordfliip 
we have eameMj dc&red to f|tc the Conditions for 
the Securitjr of the Inhabitants of dtt IlUnd, bi(t 
could fev none, not to mucb at for the Offi^rs apd 
Etddieriof the Oarrifon, who being without Arti'. 
des dilbandcd, were ftiU liable to IpiprUonfttenf, 
or to be difpoTed of u the Pailiamcnt pleaTcdi wl^ 
tho' never fo poweiful t Bodjr, aaj and ought to be 
fo far capitulated with, a* to fUqv uppn what 
Grounds to ftand. Our Agreement wiA th« Cooi- 
miffionen for Celjation (mm HoAUitjr, (though ti- 
nutting no Party into the Cafflf, nor iniaglin^ pf 
Town Guards] cannot but a i f *Ccneral Jl^nt^ 
Sattsfeftion enough for tlM-'prdent: When Thiitt> 
fhall be fairly debated and concluded uponj \)f- vat- 
rerfat Content, we thall then be wiUtng to givf >fl<^ 
receive Hoftages for their Performance on both 
Sides ; and that we conceive to be the more Soldier" 
likp Way. And as for the Article for their free De- 
parture, if recalled, it was of their own Suggcftiop* 
,nor fay we God forbid they Qiould have Caufc to de- 
mand fuch. We are glad your Lordfbip Is now of 
Opinion that thefc will prove his Majefty's befl Scr« 
vants, who the World knows, is in Perfon with 
the SevUj tho* bis being fatisfied with the Covenant* 


4w dare not (o much u imagine ; and if to judge of An. *% Cm. >• 
Aeirs and the Lord Byrm'x People's Vnyta, wc . ''*^' . 
itave to him to whoni all Prayers ou^ to be di- ^^^ 
ceded ; but join with you in the laifirecauont Ma^ 
Tie never thrive that dotb otherffifc. The King ws 
fcnov, and the Parliament vt hope, is gracious, wiM 
tierer confent to the Ruin of a whole Country, out of 
i Compliance with the Humour of Tome (whom , 
we queSiop not) whofe Experience cannot all them 
Commanilers ) we flialt therefore, by all Meana 
|ioffib1e, ftudy ,to prevent it, and, with the thankful 
Acknowledgment of yout Care and Advice, remairi 

T*Mr Graces tmflbumtU Sirvantt, 

Richard Bulkelev, 
John Robinson, 
David Lloyd, 


The two enfuit^ Letters were overlook'dt in a 
Pamphlet in our Collodion, which (bould have been 
iaferted ia the Hiflorjr, Vol. XVI. p. x8 and 31. 

Tt the Right HannrehU the CoHMtssioKEK.s */ 
Parliament «/ St. Albant, 

Afy Ltt^s and Gentitrnt/if 


. ' mdns which we received from you this Day, canmiffioncfi rf 
exprefling their Readinefsto receive any Particulars, PulUmeiu. 
dnd to bear any Witncflcs againft the Gentle men ini- 
{■cached by the Army, wc fhall be bold to mind you, 
tiiat the Rcmonllrance fcnt to you the laft Night, 
to be prcfcnted tothe Houfes, doth cxprcfs the Dc- 
lires of the Army to have the Members charged to 
be fufpended ffom fitting \n the Houfej which (if ' 

not granted to us) we know their Intereft and Previ- 
hncy if fuch, that wc can expert but ftnall Fruit in a 
further Proceeding, except the Defircs of the Army > 

be anfwered therein : Kor can we hope for Good to 
' the- Kingdom^ or Settlement of an happy Peace, as 
N 3 long 

L\ _...,C".oogIc 


A P P E N D.I X. 

An, «3 C<r I. long as Men of their Inierefts and Prevalency have 
t ''^*'^' , Power to juftify themrelves and Prafliccs ; who,that 
June, thcymay beableto efFtft it, do endeavour, by all 
Means poffibk, to inflame this Kingdom in afecond 
Wlir ! to which we fhall be forced, to the uttermoft 
of our PoweiJ, to ipply a timely Remedy, as being 
the only Way and Means we know of to prevent 
the involving this Nation again in Bloody than whicb 
nothing is more odious unto us. 

By ike Appointment af hit Exctlhnej 
Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Coun' 
St.AJb.B-,, Ji.i«i4, cU »f ff^ar. 


7e thi Right HmaurabU /6< Lord Mayor, Al- 
dbkmen an^CoMMON Council </"(*« Cityef 

My Lords and Gentlemen^ 
rrom the fame' W] ^ have in all Things dealt clearly and ' 
/' '1' "^''^ "'^ *■ plainly with you, and hope we (hall con- 

'" *" tinue Hill to do fo. As foon as the worthy Aldermen 

and the other two Gentlemen, your Commiffioners, 
came the laft Night to us,' we acquainted them with 
our Purpofe to draw the flead-Qiiarlers to XJxb'idgt^ 
that fo we might contrail our Quarters, which have 
hitherto lain fcaticred; at which Place we hope to 
receive that which wilt be Satisfa^ioa to the King- 
dom, and will remove Obftrudtions out of the Wa)' 
of Jufticc; wherein, if Right were done, wefliould 
let you and all the World fee that we would be fo 
far from prefling near your City oi London, it (h<^uld 
be indifferent to uk to march not only to the Dif- 
lance prefcribed, but to any. Part of the Kingdom 
Ve fliould be commanded to by the Parliament. 

» We have allied nothing hiiherio but Right, in 
the Things that are known, as if they wrirc proved 
9n hundred Times before them from whom they 
have fought them ; which, if granted^ would not 
()nly be a Juflif? to the Army* hut would, let die 
■ .. ■'> Kingdom," 

A- P P E N" D I X: 


Kingdom fee the Fountain in a Way to be cleared* An- ij c»r. ; 
without which nothing of Force or Power would 1647. 

be a Security to any Man. We wifh the Name of' -^ — *-- 

Priviligii ntiiynot lie in the Balance, with the Safe- J""** 
ty of a Kingdom, and the Reality of a Kingdom, 
and the Reality of doing Juftice ; which, as we 
luve faid fo often, we cannot expe£t whilll the Pei> 
font we have accufed are the Kingdom'* and bur 
Judges^ A little Delay will endanger the putting 
the Kingdom into Blood : notwithftandtng What 
hath been faid, if it be confidered, that in ff^ales, bo- 
lides under-hand Workings in yoar City and other 
PUcea, Men arc raifed, amd that in nofmaJl Niimber; ' 
and are not thofe Men in the Parliament, who have 
ctHitinued faithful to the Principles of commo:i In- * 
tereftfrofri the Beginning of ihit Parliament t> this 
very Day^ ftill awed by the Concourfe of Reforntadb 
Officers and othera to the Doors ? Expence ' of 
-Time will'be their Advantage onlyy'-who intend to 
biing evil Purpofes to pals. 

We have written this to you for your SatisfaAion, 
that (b nothing may be done without giving you a 
perfect Account of our Intentions and Ends ; and 
flill to continue our Aflurance to you, that, fhould 
Ncceffity bring ua nearer to the City, our former 
Faith given you ihall be dbferved inviolaUy, there ' 
being nothingmore (next to the Good of the King- 
dom) in our Thoughts and Defires than the Pro* 
fperity of your City. 

By thf Appeinlment ef his ExctUtrujf 
» Sir Thomas Fairfax and tht Ctun^ 
SirlcIiimAead, cil of ffar. 




1. 14 c». 1. In the Eighteenth Volume of this HiftorTt M 
"'**• Page 5+5 and 6, ^ere is Mention mvl^ of «n Kftit 

'"jimuj! '" t'sffy fent ftom Htiland to the Pirltament of £fig' 
* ' ' land, in Order for thtm to flop PtOceedinn Kgainft 
the, i(i regatd to the tiking away bis Life ; 
but nothing ii there gircn of what thefe AtnbalTadort 
remonflrated to the Parliament on that OccaHen, 
. We have fince btlen fovoured wjth the Lo«n of a 
curious Manufciiptf communipated by the Rev^ 
Mr. Netlt, I^eader of Gray'i-Inriy in which this R«* 
tnonftrance of the States General ia Included ; 
(eemliigty taken from the youpuifr of the Houft, 
tha* there is no fuch Matter in the printed Volumes 
of them. 

We diall give this ^ecdot* . in the fame Fortn It 
is in the ManufCrtptf with the fellowihg Infeniori, 
wrote in 4 different Hand, on the grft Pwe of it j 
fibletving only, that their High MjghtineflM weib 
very late in their Interceffion for Mercy, and that 
their Remonflrance itfelf is worded in fo dbk ai!4 
tender a Manner, a> if they iheaqt that little Good 
fhould contf of it. fiy no Means equal to the 
|iigh-f|»ritcd Reply ctf the Engllfi Parliament wbid^ 

jfFTER Ptru/sl ^ aU or moft tf tht Wfitritty 
ir* CtUtHions and Bwki of tbt fivtrtU Authart, te- 
^tittgts tbt Civil ffart »f England, fiem 1646 U 
ibfsQ., and Starch into tht Pepir Offitt^ ParUamti^ 
Offcty «rf Journals ef the Hsufe if Cammtns, and Im- 
pi&'un ^ /i# Harleian Librar<f, I tieifer cttild fnJi 
the Ji/iHving Mimerial ; and, difeuragtdfrtmfindttg 
ff in tbt ^ebityts tf tbt Si^ts Gintral, I at loft ftmn^ 
tht faid Mntmiaiy inter alii, in a VeluTiu I pitrebaftd 
«( iht Sale ef Mr. WiJIJam Dickenfon's Library,, 
i^tt Surgttn tt St. Thomas's Hnjpital, ftld at Exe- 
ter Exchange, An^o 1719. 

Memorandum. Tbt abfvi is in Mr. Granger'^ 
P'riting. ^r. Dickenfon's Cata^Dgwrnay bt fanin, 
^^ H^ Joan's Library. 


«:.:, Google 

A P P E N 6 t. 3^. 09 

fV States General's MEMOJtMt UjOp J*«-A>.ne". t 
emiilfgs aiamjl Jtitig CkAtLtki I. prifinttd te Ht ' . ''*'• ^ 
Pdriitmanl, 1648. Jmoity. 

^i> ftneriif 26 JanuarU, \ 64S. 
Mr. Speaker informed the HoRfe, that Advices 
have befD made to bim by fomc Agents from the 
AmbaHador of the State's General of tietiandt who 
certified him, that Amballadors from the States in ' 

HaHand Veie at Greenwtebj and defired him n 
jcquaint 'this Hoilfe therewith. 

Dit Lufue, 19 Jamarli 164S. ' - 

A Letter From, the Atnbafladdnof theStateaGe- 
Heral at HtSand to the Speaker of the Parliament, 
with this Supcrfcription, A Manfwir Manfitur Guil- 
laum. Lenthall, E/juitr, Oraltur di f HoiurahU Mai- 
fitf dts Cammants du Parliamint rf'Anileterre, was 
- t\AiDv/ Tt»A in£nghJbid. 

Trmjbtm tf tbt /aid Lrtttr in Englifh. , 

S 3 R, 

* \X7 ^ **" '""'' y"^ *""* *' Letter* of Cre-^T^ g^^ o^ 
W dence which it hath pleafed our Lords theootl-i Rbmo- 
Bute* Gefltral to write to the Honourable Houfc ^'fj^S^"" 
Coqinwns, and pray you to prefcht the fame with the ^* 

firft Convenience, becsufe that yet thii Morning, if 
\t be pebble, may be refolved about our Audience ; 
which w« demand with fb much the more Infbnce^ 
boCai4(e we haVe Things to propofe which do con- 
cern the Good, Tranquilli^, and Security of this 
Kingdom, and the State of the United Provinces j 
of which the Intereft, for feveral Confiderations, 
}hputd be alfo united, that the fame be not eaTity fe- 
paraced ; whereupon we pray God, Sir. to Iceqt you 
V) tiit holy Proteaion, and do reft 

X»«r mU'tffiaitmud S*rvanht 

» Refolved, 


loo APPEND! X 

*"■ ' * S"' '■ * Refoived, that the Ambafladon of the StaHi 
'*'*:_. General of the United Provinces of HoUand have 
Januvy, Audience in the Houle at Three o'Clock this After- 
noon, Mr. AUm^ Mr. Choiantr, Mr. Oldfwsrtb^ 
Mr. JUartn, and Sir Jtbn Datrueri^ or any two of 
them, to confider of Entertainment to be givewto 
the Ambzfladbrs.' 

The Amba&dors had Audience that THy accord- 

Die Mariit, 30 fanttariif 1648. 
Mr. Speaker reported to the Houlc what was de- 
livered by the AmbafTadors. 

A Translation of the PboposiTions 9/ the Avi~ 

BASSADORS,/rOTn the States General, deS-, 

I vered in the Houfe^ andfent by them to Mr. Speaker, 

Right HonotirabU, 
t «-* fj£ gj^j^ General of the United Province! " 

M- of the Lmi Countriej, our Superiors, have 
fentus into this Kingdom of England^ in the Quali- 
ty of their Ambaftadors Extraordinary and Ordinary, 
witbOrderExprefs to wifh to this Honourable Af- 
fembly of the Parliament of England^ all Frofperity 
and Felicity on their Part, as alfo Tranquillity and 
Peace to the faid Kingdom, and to the whole Eng- 
hjh Nation, with Offer and AlTurance of their true 
AiF<;i3ion to their Service and Contentment, and for 
tbe common Good of all the People in genera), to 
which their High and Mighty do find them llridlly 
obliged by the common Intereft between Oiis King- 
dom and their States and more particularly by the 
Merits and many good .Deeds which have been be^ 
ftowed by the faid Kingdom, in fevcral and ioipbr- 
tant Occafions, to their Sute. 

And whereas lincc tbe Beguuiing of the Trou- 
bles and Wars in the Lovi Couatrieu the States of 
the United Provinces have had a Dcfire to preierve* 
chiefly, the Amity and Good-wilt of this Kingdom, 
' and that the-fame might be prefcxved into a firm 
Peace, Union, and Reft, in Conlideration of its Re- 
ligion, Sticngth, Situation, Navigation, Commerce, 


■ 'T 

A P P E N: Dt I X: ____ioi_ 

and Traffic, and. the Intereft,9nj^o^£i4«3 in gene-Aiu 14 Car. i. 
ral and in parricular* becaufe i^t) by thefe Means, , '** *• 
the Good of the Coedidm Caufe might be main- immrT' 
taincdand advanced: and particuUrty for the Com-i 
fort of the OpprcfTed, by which this redoubtable King- 
dom hath heretofore given and (bewn noiable £f— 
fe%, and could contribute yet more and more, contir 
Duiiig in good pc^ce and .Concord. Their High and. 
Mighty do acknowledge ihattheEnemy of the Com-: 
mbn Good,' looking twi.ih an envioiis Eye, and ap- 
prehending the Profperiiy and greatForces of thisKing-, 
dom, have endeavoured, by their fubile Tieatings* 
and bad PraSices to fow and bring forth ttie.moll dan- 
gerous Seeds of £}ididence and Divifion, which ought- 
to be fmoihercd before it (>oth encreafe, and fet forth' 
and do more Hurt, b^^caufe it fhould not give Place,, 
nor be a Means to the faid common Enemies, thati 
the fame Ibouldcome to their Defign, for which they 
have laboured long fince ; to wit, for to bring, and 
to keep, this Kingdom into Conibuftionj and alfo 
being weakened and without Power within, itlbould, 
be lefs confiderable for^his Friends without, and. the 
lels confiderablC: fipm the Enemy; upon which muft{ 
follow a Calling-down and BruiGng of alj that hath,- ' 
been built and made fur< upon its Foundation : The 
which arriving, the fame Enemy will enfjeavour.i 
without. Doubr, to tn^tnt all Kind of Artitices,iK)C 
only for to trouble the two Kingdoms of Great Bri~ 
tain^ but alfo to fet them into Factions and to make 
them fail and confume intointeAine 'Wars. 

'Now, the fald Lords the Stales General have; 
perceived, withextreme^DifpIeafure and Sorrovf, all-. 
which is aforefaid, antj have thought it to be their< 
J^ndcavour not to put off Jong, the fending of their- 
- Ambaffadors to this Honourable Aflembly of .the Par-- 
liament ; and with an affeflionate Heart to the Peace, 
as alfo for their own Good, and the . greatelt Surely 
of [heir State, do offer their Service and Employ 
for to help to the taking away of their mutual Diffi- 
dence; and (hat all Jeabufy, Mifundet (Ian dings, 
ixid Attentates may ceafc which have happened. 

' Their 



A*. M On. I. « Their High and Migh^ drf moreofcr deelarr* 
^111 * _ II •■'^'* ^" InteSiion hereby b not to undertake this 
bmmt, upon an^ Prefumption that they do intend to meddte 
or to intermeddle with the Al^irs of fiich a peat 
and potent a Kingdom ; but rather to acquit thcm- 
felves of a Cbriftian Office, which bcconlei anttent 
J'ricnds, Allies, and neu Neighbour!. And, on the 
other Side, for Rcciproquement, to Contribute tA 
fuch-like Advice and Affiftacce, the which they hare 
in former Timet truly received front this Kingdont 
of England, and employ to their great Advantage. 
Moieover, their High and Mighty do furely perfuade 
thcmfetves that there is no State in Chriftendom 
more proper »tyi better difpofed than iheirt ; for, in 
the prefent Conftinition of Time and AKura of 
£»glaiidt to admonilh and U) perfuade the one and 
the other to Peace and amic^tlc Concord, and to 
vhom, with Icfi AppKhenfton and Umbrage, may 
be given Credit and Belief, being that their fornoing 
ASions, as well concerning £e Point of Rengion 
as that of the Government, have alwaj s been fuffi- 
cicnt Prgofi of the Sincerity of their Intentions and 
Proceedings, in regard of the prdent Occafioni of 
the Kingdom of MngiatuL 

* Forafmuch isconcerm the Afiarri of the Statt 
of the faid Lords the States General, they hare 
heretofore endeavoured, on Ul Occafions, to (4ea<e 
and do agreeable Service to this Kingdom j and per* 
Ming yet in the fame good and mofl fmcere Will, 
they find themfelves more interefled in its Well-be- 
ing and Conftrvation, as much for the Common In- 
tweft, as for the notable IntcreA of their State in 
particular. The End of their Higih and Mighty 
in this Negotiation, is not for torecommend in ap> 
peafing of Af&in in a faint and diflembling Man- 
ner, and eonvcrfe only with an outward Shew and 
little Afllirance within; but an upright and perfcft 
Re-union of Hearts, built upon a fure and firm 
Foundation of a true Peace and Tranquillity, which 
nuy produce a perfcft Cotrerpondence together of 
Souls and WU s. 




. It bong thea alio, Rj^t Hooounble, that far^*'{M^- <■ 
tD obtain fitch a great Good, ai well for thii King- . ,, ' y' , . 
dosi a* for our Sutf , it will be eapedicflt, if not jani^i 

lUtH^aiy, to put by the Obftade which will render 
tb^ Rfmtdiet more difficult, ax increafe the Harma 
which are thrcatcnetl from all Pam, to which the 
(jud Lord* the 'Staui do judge, thiu thePerfonof 
the King i* fo much coniiocrable aa well within as 
wiUtout thii Kiqgdom, thft what nujr happen or ar* 
live to him, be it for Good or Harm, may fw^etea 
1^ make (our the A^irs, and o**ltc a whole Change* 
imd that thii Ho^ourablQ Afiemhiy i* fuUy iiifarm'd 
bow miich the ^fenceof the King may contribute 
to keep the People )n Order, the Kingdom of Grtat* 
Britain in Union, and that to every one be given 
^1 Sort of Satisfi^ion of Surety, of Honour, and of 
Glory, wi^ a total and eternal 0|4ivioa /<tf Thi^^ 

* And elfewbere there may be many great KitW 
and Prince) allied ia Chriftendemi tp tlw which, by 
91ood ^d AUian^, bin Royal PcHbn doth belong (a 
fioari that they will, wiihout Poubt, much be touch- 
ed with ih^t which will be exuaordinarily oi exem- 
{tlarily executed to his Petfon; and to the cotitra- 
ly, if the King be prefervcd, be will, without 
Doubt, qiorf and more be obliged to follow not on- 
ly all good Adyice and Counfels, but alfo refer much 
to the Negotiation and Intcrceffion of them, who 
do nowo^r to be employed for the Good of the 
^ Kingdom, and do intercede for the Confcrvation of his 
Perfon ; and in Cafe, Right Honourable, that the 
Bufinefs fhould go further, (which God forbid) it 
would be a Thing irreparable, and to which here- 
after how much there Ibould be a Good-willj none 
would bring any Remedy, or Sobgement, we do 
find us obliged, in the Name of our Superiors, fo 
near allied to this Kingdom, Lovers of your Well- 
being and ReA, and your true Friends, to make the 
Prayermuch intently to this Honourable AHembly, 
that the fame will (according to their Power) 
keep back all outward Proceedings to the Per- 
Ibn of the King, and particularly that no Exe- 


I04 A P P E N- D i-'X, 

«!(. 24 &V.l.*(Juti6n6edbnt that Will takc'a*s^hi!ft:fcj and the 
. ' ' ^' - . Iiiftances for to dt> mote Scr*!c^' contcrning the? 
^ftfcna,ji.i^Peicc of thisKriTgdAnii or of' fFie People of En;- 
Imjd, and to'come w^hthefirlVrfith' us in outward 
Commanicationof ajl that fs to' bcdonei for to ap- 
jteafe the contrai-y Humour, fettte^^obd matiial A- 
mity anJ Concord, »rtd brrngthis'''Ktri^dom agani 
iritothe Weal and Prrfperity in which' our Superiors; 
whh'ail their Hearte,- dcfire tw ftlcki'Which they 
will ftcond with ill M^ans pfoinWe; ■ - 
•" •'Upon *«?fch :' Waiting *a tiaVotafibJe AMwerof 
thre Honourable Aflembly, *c rfrt mdy every Hour 
to makeOvcrfures more ariiplt to the fante, and, ilF 
Need' be, togive, irf another Audience,' Reafoiih 
.more efficadoisfd? td declare tbtf ^^effity of the 
Confeivation-of the'King's Life; and to contribute 
•dl'goodMeansard'GHEce'^fBr tofttffiH -ftch aigreat 
' Work, and fo neceflary for the Good of Chrifteib- 

■dom.'' ■ -■' V '■',,', '■ 

' Pronotinced fn thi- Honour (/bli' Hiuji if Cemmoih 

' - '. ' ef thf Parliament of EtTglbnd, 'hf the ■AnthoJJi' 

dars' Extraerdinhryani Ordinary^ and delhtred 

■' ' iii ffriting this ^oth e f January ^ 1648. ' 

- • 976 ff/ February, 1649. 

. Waijubjigntd ADRIEN PAWE, . 


Ditjeviit i^ F{hruari!,.\64%. 

Mr. Sfieaker read the Anfwerof the' %ufe unto 
the Ambafladors Ordinaryand Extraordinary from 
the States General of .the Ifnitid Previnca^ in' thefe 
" Words, viz. 

'Right Haifotir alley .' 

* \^^ Commons of Enghnd ancmbled in 

Parliament, upon dueand ferious Confidcta- 
'tion of your Lordfhips Addrefsmadc to thisHoufe 
the 29th of fanuary laft, and your Papers prefented 
the 30th of the f,ime Month, do, in the firft 
Place, return our many and hearty Thanks nnO 
■ " the 

A P P E N t> I X. loj 

' dieHigh andMi^tjr Lordi the States General oftheAo, s^ Cu, I. 

. United, Provinces, for- their fundiy good Defires,^ *^^ 
friendly AeknowIcdgmentSt well WiBics, and fBr'" /^ ' 
Refpcfls to the Pwliamem and People of £»^imrf, ^^' 
in t^fe Papers contained ; eatneftly deOring, on Our 
Pans* a firm and durable Continuation of the an- 
tient Amity and 'Alliance formerly fnade and -often 
renewed betwixt both thefe Nations, whereunto we 

• hold ouifelves obliged, ash^ving well weighed and 
obfcrved that no I^gues or C^federacies -have at 
any Time been made upon Foundations of more 
joint and. conjmoii Intercft in every Re(pei3, thaa 
tbofe of the People of Eniknd with the Ntthfr- 

' landi ; and therefore It 'is our moft carneft Delire 
that a firm Pcace^ right Undetftanding, and good . . 

' Correlpondence, may be inviblatily mamtain'd be- 
twixt both Nations for the prcfent, and moft exa^- ' ■> 

'lyobferved fijr the future, 
■ ' And whereas your Lordfbips, . in the 'Name of 

■ die States Central, do gravely advife us concerning 
' thePerfonof the King, who was then in Part, and 
' hath iinee been more fully proceeded againft accord- 
,''ing'to Juftice, in a Court eflabliAed by the' fu- 

-preme Authority of this Nation, for his tranfcend- 

' ent OfftilceSt'and tliofe not cbrnmltied in a Corner : 

We art confid«m that both the High and Mighty 

Lords the States General- of the United Provinces* 

and'all other States and Princes who have taken 

- Notice of our late Af&irs, will find caufe to. believe 

- that nothing hath been done therein, but what is a- 

' greeable to pu1>lic Juftice, and the Fundamentals of 

' this Nation-; which certainly mult needs be better 

known to us than to any other People or Nation' ia 

: the VVorld. " 

* And we fhall dcfire your Loidfhips wouldj 
from us, afliire the High and Mighty Lords the States 
General, That we Oiall be ever ready not only to 
hear, but to contribute with them all gt»d Means 

■ and Offices to fulfill fuch Works as Ihail be n^cef- 
' fary for the generat Good of Chriftendom, as well as 

for our own. 

In , 

_. _...,C".oogIc 

It) Vol. SIX. p, 9, of thil HiftoTT) it it fsid that 
the Parliament xt M^effminftvr bad rccaivci Advice 
^at the Jctff P0riiBii)fH[ itad pcoclaioied Prince 
CtdrZfj Kifig of ^ce(j4iffd, (^(, »t' Sdininrgb i Gace 
, which W9 ^vr nipt nifb i)w arigjoal Fcrrni of die 
Pfoclamatjon, M traoflauid into Frttubf and icprint-' 
■c4 in Mtliati4i in m4>fX tg Jet their PrincB and die 
Wwkl&fl.«i»h?lTM«B«h«y KrqwJd iJeafatoad- 
nijthini, and fifhfcb-t^fwrgtd^ to fubmu <lob»< 
fwc bis Cgrpna^w-. ... 

■I . D I £ U 9r«(ciTe k B. O Y. . . 

A ^ffniurgh le qulnzlsme Jour d? Fevrtefy TAtinf fi 
Mule £x ceitfs 2; quarante-neiif (a}. 

' nam aJftmhUx t» Veriu £h* Ailf /fy fynatiiffiS A 
fiMatff «j!i?« Pfivmir W Jiithtrife dif ^triiff Barlt- 
mmdff«itt a_fftmbltr If Pari§mf^% m^4*raati,^ut 
ftmmtmvfifm^ ^lu If Riiyrtgtvnt 4TvUrimwlt f't 
fftf sfi" dut Mimdf par tint Mart vitieatt (aiftrf It 
X>tfovftiy (^ la Prtteji^tson ^ ce Rfijamne : Ei (pU 
fw It Btnedi£iion i t3uu un Wfij htritifr ijf iai- 
finu Sitictffeur Hsui ait tfti hifsi^ fiJfoMtT C^iule> 
^t\wu i^fcoAe 13 dt GaUe», mosnim^nt ^ dt h 
Grande Bretagite, {</« Fiance, i^ i\f\uiAK : Otft 
'. pturquai neus In EfiaU d^ Purifiptta ^ R^igni 
t^ElcoiTe, tmavimtitttfit (;f t'uragffi/ifnini,, m Ct^-' 
diratitn tf Rttsnntijfaiitt dt fpttfifftt Titrt ^ Svc- 
tt0ta e la Cmrinvtyd* eifditi Jieyavmex, tuHfprteU' 
mam par ut Prijtaiiiy t^ pui^anf p tput U i4*fdi 
flukiii Signtur 4^ Prina JChari«i e^, par la Pfc^ 
vidatei dt Ditu, i^ par mi drtit iegUtm (ftim SfttfftM 
br Ligtui indutfitabliy Rej dt la Cjnamto BrW|:i>e, dt 
FniKe^ (^ (f Irjatide ; a^u4 t0tu l*f Si^tftf dt 
It Rtyavmt fim atiigen tfoheir butniiiitmfnt W fi- 
diUmtptu (J dt la maifiUiar (J dtftudrt ftlan ft £im- 
litnant Natietuulf i3 la Ligui i^ Jlliana Stkm- 

WA rr.j^,u 4, roriiM, at » . 

iTttaa.LihairiAt>t\lit,4€mcgraiitM i'Afla-Oi 
ncafriiiKrie ADstdrc, iti45< 

APPENDIX. * 107 

ttSt tntrt Itt Rajmrnus^ dt lean l^iti (f Jt JtHntBUT-n^iuoi 
Stent, antn toutj Ju/qua i la Mtrt, tmmt Itw fivl . '^*»- , , 
UrBji SamveraiH SeSgtuw tf R»f. Ei ^aatant tptt ^^^^ 
Jtt Majtfti ifl tbHgtfy par la Uy it Dtea tf It Ltix ^^* 
FandanunUStt 4t tt Rtyaunte^ dtgtuvtriur m Dni- 
twrt tl Efuiti, pour f HennmrJe DitUy li Bit" it ta ' 
' ktBi»n,iS It Profit di fm Peuplt ; W«i declarnut 
far ct! Prefeitttt, C^c, dcvant qu'il Iml receu pour 
exercerfbnPouvoir Royal, ildoimeraSatii&^on ace 
R(^3Utne, fur ccsChofcs quitouchcnt laSeuretede 
la Religion, I'Union cntrs les Royuimes,' £t1« Bitn 
tc la na dc cc Rojaunir, felon le Convenant tit- 
tionnel, & la Liguc k Atliaocc Solemndle ; H ittt 
Fins nous avms rtfihi^ avtc ieatt Exftdithn ptffMtf 
dtfaire nts bumhlts ii ardtntes Jddrejfes i fa i^jtfli^ 
tn Ti/tiuii^ dt quej, neus U ParUmtni dn Rgyanmt 
<f£fcofle, publiins' nafirt dtut (:f prtftnti Rtcmuif- 
Janti tUfnjufit Dnil, Titrt, ilf SutfrJ/iea i la Cow 
Ttnnldt (ts Rtjaumts, a la Craix dti Marthi J" Edia- 
burg, avtt Utttts les SaleHMiiez accojitmeti en tel Gas : 
Et nous ardnnms que fan Nam Reyal^ Pturtraitj (^ 
"Seti, fira tnis en Ufagt tn taus Efcrits puhlics t^ pra" 
tedex dt yaflice de ct Rtyaume, (^ tn la Aiennaje, 
tammtmi OMit accaufiime dtfalft a fit Predeteffeurs % 
a naut eemTaandeni que tit A&t fail puUii ' tf pr§- 
■ Hailti par ttutts Its Craix dt Marehi dti Bavrges Raj- 
. aux dant te Reyaumt, ^ qu'H fail im^imi, afin qui 
fitrfamtt^tn pftttndt aticunt Caufe i IgntfatKi. . 

DIEU prcferve le Roy CHARLES Secood. 



Vtter-npmn. JttrrtR. /rtm th§ Right Heiuurable JamBS Eerl 
. , ' ^*'' . «/"Der8y, it Ctmmffary-Gmeralhtxaat up*n bit 
]j„jy. Sumrmnt eftbtJJlt of Maxi. (a) 

Letter of De(i-*T Rcceivcd your letter with Ind^natioUt and 
»Dce to intn, X with ScoTH return you this Atifwcr, Tfaw 1 
cannot but wonder whence you Qiould gather Hopes 
of me that 1 {hould prove like you* treacherous to 
my Sovereign,' fince you cannot be infenfible of the 
■ iranifdl' Candour of my former A£linp in hi* late 
Majefty's Service, from which Principles of Loyalty I 
am no whit departed. I fc'orn your Profer, I dif- 
fiain your Favour, I abhor your Treafons ; 1 lai Jb 
tar A-om delivering up this llle to your Advantage* 
that I will keep it to the utmoft of my Power to your 
Deflruftion. Take this for your Bnal Anfwer, and 
forbear any. other Sollicitation ^ for if you trouble 
me with any more MefTagei of this Nature, I will 
bum the Paper and hang the Bearer. This is the 
immutable Refolutron, and fhall be the undoubted 
Pra^lce, of him who counts it his chiefeft Honour to 

Hit Maje/}/t meft hya! and ehtdieni SuhjeHf 

f'dJThu Lecierhubtcn ptinteil befme, bM it bitMka t»At 
S[Htit of time Caarajt ud di6ntcrcBeJ Loyaltjr, u cwHwt be tM«f- 
tcn rcptatid. 


A l> P E N D I X. tog 

II) the Year 1652 a War between Exglmd ind teer-rtpwrn. ,> 
lUllaHd commenced, «fter many fiiriUef* Treatie* '' s^ . 
fcy Ambafladora, Wf. between the two Repub1!cl» jj^ 
tiad been held, as is curibrily giveo in our aoih VtJ^ 
p. 87, «f fi'tre. Tbcfe Affiun, it feem^ had bMH oAC- 
reprefcnted by the jDiffcito the reft of jFari^, Which 
t^ligcd the Parliament of England to piAliib a De- 
claration upon it, together with all the Papen iod 
Negotiations that had pafled, and to order that tbty ' 
Ihould be trailflated into Latin, Duuh^ and Frtntb, 
for their own Jultification. It would have too much 
cmbarraJTed the Body of our Hiftory to have infoted 
tiiele Proceedings in their Series, tbo' the Pamphlet 
they are printed in was then in our PoDefiton ; w« 
AereFore give it a Place here, obferving, that tbdie 
Afiairs are not amongft tburkii Staie-Papen, nor 

in any other Collection that we have fecn, The 

Title to this Pamphlet runs thus .: 
if Declaration «/fi6f Parliament */(£fCffn- 
tmnvMahb ef EnglAnd, rating tub* Affairt 
and Prtcudingi hetwttn thit Commtawtakb and 
the StaUs-Gmtral of tht Unitid Prtvinta tf tht 
Ix>w-Countries, ai^ the prtjint DiffirtHtti ttea- 
fientd an tht Statis' Part, And tht Anfwir »f tht 
Parliament t» Three Papers from tht Ambaffadvrt 
Extratrdinar/ tf tht States General, aptn Otta- 
Jien ef the laU Tight ietwten the Flettt ; with a 
Narralivt tf the lati Engagement between tht 
Englifh and Holland Fleet. As alft a CtlURion \ 

ef tht Prectediagt In tht Treaty bttvitea tht Lard 
Pawe, AmbaJfadBr Extratrdinarj fram ibi Slattt . 
General ef the United Prtvincet, and the Parlia- 
ment tfthe Cemmmvaealth ef England {a). 
« I F the Sufferings of the People of the United ^"J^'f^J^ 
J, Provinces, wider the heavy Yoke of their Op- precesiinK tlw 
O2 pnffions,^-**^"* 

(«} Triiat the )tfa of Jmij, ifi^i Orieied bf ilie Parliimnit, 
Tbit no VtAoa whatroevti, witboul paitlcolai Licence Itoiii ihe Pu- 
■ament, do prcfurce to piial the DnrlanCion, intituled, jIDalarmitm 
^ lit FarUamat •/ tit Cammnmralib •/ EDfltiid, tdaiinr u the 
^AffaWt B*J PrftuJiap itttiMta ihii Cnmmi a v i rrlit and lit Stattt- 
Gimtrai, Bk, Dai any the Pipen thnewiih printed, other than (h« 
riinc^ to the PirtianKiiI. Hia. SiaiiU, atric. ParUainii. 

ZnJta, piintcd bj Jein FittJ, Ptintct to tht Puliuncnt otSrp- 


no A P P E N P ^ 5C, 

ittfi-ntmm, preffions,,bcforetheirDe1ivej?nce froinih^ famftl>T 
•^s^l **>* Mercy of Quit be remembered, and ch^Pruict- 
*^ • ^tltsftnd Spiril whi«l» Acn a4ted, !n them, an4 the 

/eady ipi conQant Help which they have hii in aM 
Times from this- Nation, ap^ that, with ^o fgtaJl 
SjlpCfice oC £»;^;y& Bl«od and Tjcafti^e, thcRc- 
tuin*. which they have made towards this Ccotmon,- 
ureaUh wilt hardly be believed. 
, * U is not intended to be very particular in men- 
'twnivg tlK State ef the Afiaits of this Commono 
wealth a« it fiooKt-when opprelTed wjth a Tyrant ; 
they weienecefliiated. to fly to Arms for Defence of 
,thi!>F Lives snd Eilates, became in Parliament they 
(]i4 hutallert and dcfire the fettling of thtirjuilan^ 
iwtiye Liberties ; wherein, by fomany Wonders, u^ 
fo.manyfigna1 Battles, by fuch a Series of Proyi- 
deoce in England^ Ireknd^aadSMland, tbc Lpt:d w» ■ 
pleaied to blc<6 a poor Handful, vyho aj^rovecL tbon- 
felves faithful tothatCanfe. 

' Ncicbenis thac Endeavour to divide them, 'm 
. the men»orable. Yew erf Forty- eight, to be omit- 
ted ; iwr the great Preparations oia^ againft this 
NationintheVcar i6jD, which neceffiutcd tbcir 
' Proceedings in Stcilcntit being rcfufed S^tisfa^ion 
for fiore-paft Wrongs^ and denied AfTur^ncc of 
F^ace from there, who had received the declared £- 
^oemyof this Commonwealth from the United Pro- 
vin<jei, where thaC mifchievojn Contrivement was 
batched againft Englandt and fri^in. whence their £- 
neinies had much open and ferret Afliffance by the 
IntCfefl of the Prince of Orange and others, even at' 
9, Time when that Prince and his Adherents were 
coittdving, as was moft probable, to tTt& a Tyran* 
nyupon thofe CouRtrJes, and to reduce them tq 
their former Bprxiiige, ^ which, he' mifled but. nar- 
rowly, efpecially ie his AttcBipt v^vct Amfttrdem^ 
whichThingsare better known there than here],a{)d 
are not the Purpofa of' this Declaration. 

* Neither is it picafant to remember that cruel and 

bloody I^ulinefs of AmbesnAVamxi^ iht En^lijh, for 

which no Satisla^ion at all bitth b«eni'giV;Fn, though 



APPENDIX.- rii- 

^en deinlnded in that Cafe, and in otiien OOt inter- rcgmiD. 
iialike k. sJ^!>— ' 

' Bu^ fwti was the Afieflion of this Nition to- u^^. 
«aMJs the People of the L7nited Pitvincei, andio 
the Eftablifliment of Liberty, knd tbe A^an»g«s b( 
TMffi£ atid Sti^ogtfa toboth { but, above all, to the 
AdvancetolKA of the trae Proteftatit Religion Which 
both profcl3, and ^hkrh, in tiumdti Pit>babitrty, 
would receive the grtat^ .Growth by their Friend- 
ship: a&d obfef ?iDg, in Tome of the Governors and 
People of thoTeCoaiitriM, an AffedliontothiiCaute, 
luid partictilaily ekprefleci by theffl in their fi^e 
CodtributioTi for the poor Prottiftants in /f /^lA^, that 
lb foonai the AfBirs here-cane, by the BldHng bf 
God, to any Cotififtcncy, the Parliament did fend' a 
Retidentto thcSunei-Genrral, whoexprcfslyrefufed 
to receive bini,as tbemfcives very wellktiow. 

The A^airsiicTe being yet further profpbced by 
the Aim ghty, and the Airedion and Judgment 'tlie 
fame Oill in rcfped of their Ndghboun, the Parlia- 
tnent fcnt again, and joined with their Refident there 
another worthy Perfon, Dr. Dtrljkut-, who were in- 
ftru£ted and enabled to fee if, by any good Means, 
a light Underftanding might be had j but one of 
thefc |njblic Minifbch, Dr. DmflaUi^ being coAie 
upoM this public Employment to the Hagut, the 
Plate of Refidence of the States- General, was thtfrc 
moft barbaroufly and openly murdered, of whofe 
AflaiBnation the World will judge as rf an Aftion 
moft abhorred,, againft all Rules of National Inter- 
courfe, and even Humanity itfelf ; and how little 
wisdone there to, attach the Murderera Whiift the 
Bufinefs ¥rai freOi, or hath been done fince, though - 
often called upon from herice, ihey well know, and 
muft be here remembered. 

< On the other Side, the States having formerly 
fent their Ambafladors^ the Lords BoreU, Renatua, 
and Joachimit into England^ in the Time of the late 
Troubles, pretending all good Offices, which pfo- 
ved to be a Correfiwndcncc with the Enemy, and a 
Means of affiftingthem a^tnft thofe to whom thby 
were fent. Tlus, with Kcproaches by them caft 
O J upon 

, L\ _...,C".ooglc 


upon the Parliament, was the Work of thofe Am- 
tufLdors ; foTwhich, how liable ibevcr b^ the Prac- 
tice of Nations they Itft (hemfelves, yet not the Icaft 
Incivility ms ofFered to them, but their Dcpieanof 
nude known to their Superiws, and Reparation dt~ 
.fired^ but none voucMaftd. 

* Afi^e^ there Paflagfes, wben it had pleafed G*d 
to put a full End to th« troublefome A^rs in E»g~ 
Jaiui, titfi oat Garrifon upon the firm Landbeingin 
the Enemy's Haads, nor any Force on Foot ; butall 
reduced to Pesce and Settlement ; the AfFatra of Irt' 
Jandia a good Condition ; moft of die Towns and 
Cities there in the Parliament's Power ; and their 
i^Kurs in Sculand not unprofperous ; when there wtu 
much lefiCaure to apply to the States, "for any Neid 
the Parliament had of tlieir Aflillance, or if they 
ihoud have looked upon themlelvM and their Neigh- 
bours, as other States ufed to do, yet flil! retaining 
the former Principles of Afieflion and Judgment o£ 
tile great-Concernment, and. Union between the two 
Commoflwealths would be to the upholding of the 
Protellant Intercft, fo much defigned upon by the 
Encmici thereof, and unto commoh Good and Li- 

* * The Parliament did Tend a folemn Embafly to 
the States-General,' the Ambafladote cnibied -and 
tnftruSed to endeavour to compofe former Diffcroi- 
cei, and to eSe& a firm and Arid Union, as far as 
might be ci;:nn{lent with Reafon and Jullice, and 
the Honour of this Nation, and be for mutual Good. 
Nay, they can fay, That thofe AmbaiTadors front 
hence were empowered to make fuch Tenders un- 
to, and Agreement with, the States, as would have 
demonitrated the Afiei3ion of this Commonwealth, 
to the Good of the People of the United Provinces, 
the fame as to <hemfelves- 

< How uiiheartily and dilatorily they were dealt 
within relation to their Errand, whereby the Em- 
baffy was rendered of no Effedt ; how unfafe (to fay 
po more^ they were in their Perfons during their 
Abode in the Ncthrrlcndi ; what Indignities were 
oSered to them and their FoUvwers, and unpuniibed ; 
I and 


and at whofe Door the Fault hereof doihlicf U toolaier-ntutnt. 
Apparent. But tbejf Endeavours for Friend(b'p, by 1*5*^ 
this Delay and Averfcnefson the States Part, be- y' ' 
coming fruitlcfs, the Honour of this Commonwealth 
in the Perfons of their AfnbalTatlora wounded, and 
their Defires pf Amity thus flirted, the Arabaila- 
dors were recalled home. 

' By this, appears what hith been done to procure 
a firm League and Amity with the United Provin- 
ces, and what honed and flncere Endeavours hav^ 
been on the Parliament's Pan to eSe£k it ; who, 14 
the mean Time, proceeding on to conflI£l witiv 
thofe Difficulties which Providence called them un- 
to in 5»i/do(/ and Iriiand\ and the fame gracJow 
Hand of God which had gape along with them* 
having broi^t their ASairs in Irtland toib good'l 
Pafs as that little remained tbcie 10 be done ; and 
profpering the War in Scatlani, fo as that Countr)r 
being in a Manner quitted to them, and the Scoti 
Army, under the Command of Cbarlii Siuart, Son 
of the late King, marching into England^ was to- 
tally defeated at IVtrafttr^ and ahnofl all of them 
killed or taken, except himfclf andfome few others 
hardly efcaping. ■ 

'Then, and notbefore, the States-General thought - 
fit to fend an EmbafTy to this Commonwealth, whicfc 
was received with fuch Willingne^ and Afledtiont 
as might tellify for them they Itood iixcd to their 
former Prindplci. 

* As the Treaty went on, liaving Tome Reafon to 
avoid Dilatorinefs, and to dcfire Ceruinty, when po- . 
fitivc Demands were prefTed to the States Amb<dla- 
dors, they were evaded in Things not of the hardeft 
Rcfolution, with Allegations of Want of Power, 
thou£^ their Commiffion Aiewed no fuch ReClmint ; 
yet, to obtain further Power, Returns muil be made 
to their Superiors, and before Anfwers could be had, 
the Provincial States muQbe affemblcd, which gave 
fmall Grounds of any real Intendment of a tirm 
Peace and Amity. 

* During the Time of Treaty alfo, whilft at the 
* fifft iheir Ambaffadors Debates fcemed to feek no , 
O 4 bcact 

L\ _...,C".o6gIc 

1:4 A P P E N I X. 

Sat4-ntDam< better Props than of Irgenuity and 'k.afati, the An-. 
'*^ ^ ftafladora of the Statti acquainte-f ihe Parliament^' 
' ' „1 ' that 150 Ship* of War were intended to be'fctout 
' by thotr Superiors, bcfidcs ihofe of their Navy then 
abroad; and all there pretended for moreSecurity of^ 
the Sea, and Confervation of the Trade and Navi- 
gation of the united Provinces; but not to offend 

* Whether this were done to amufe the Parlia- 
ment, or to denounce againft them, is to the States 
fteft known, and the Grounds of thofe extraordinary 
Ind great Preparations, when they had no Enemy at 
«1I in thefe Stas. 

• To-thefif Things the Parliament made no other 
Anfwer, but quietly intended a ProviCon for their 
•wn juA Defence, in cafe any ihould invade them, 
^everthelefi, not altering thetr Refolutions more ot 
lets, as to the Thin^ to be infi&ed upon or granted. 
Saving made Juftice and Honour, and a mutual 
Good; in Prcfervation and favingof each Rights to 
ether, the Rule to fteer their Anions by, who wers 
moll willing to come to a happy tbta 
.Xreaty, and were not, totheic Knowled{}es, wanting 
In any thing wbicb might ttfltfy their Realttjf 
10 fintfii the fame. 

*• In the mean Time the States go oa with thdir 
Freparations at Sea, appoint their feveral Rendez- 
vous of their Fleet, tending to a Conjunfiion of all 
inWonej under the Command of him n^m they 
call Lieutenant- Admiral Trymp : What nis Inten> 
tionsOr Inftniflions were, hisown Deportment and 
feme precedent A£lions will dcmonflrate. , 

*■ Particularly when, amongft others, lOiie of their 
Ships being met by a Man of War, under the Com- 
mand of Capt. Tmng, was in a friendly Manner fum- 
moned to give the ufual Refpefl. to the Ships of 
War of this Nation which another of his Company 
|iad done before, and which hath been accuflomcd, 
not only as a Civility, and Refpei^, but a principitl 
Teflimony of the uqueflionable Right of this Na- 
tion to the Dominion and Superiority of the adja<- 
(ent Sea$, a^knowlcdgod generally by all tbencjgb< 


A P P E N D! I: S. 

bfSmi State* and Princn, and pstticwliilj'.by iKCiK^- 
(olves an^ their Ptedeccllais, bcfixits many meA ait-' 
dientic Recordi and other viidcniaUc Prboff, toge- 
ther with acbhfFMl Praflloe in Goafirmarion thefe- 
of, yd be refused ;effiniiiiigj That, if htiHil, hd 
AouM lofe his He2d. 

* Not long sftet tbir enfoed tbat fidtim'tA Trrnxf^ 
the Pafliculars w4iereaf are fet down in the Nana* 
tnie herewith printed, by wtnch that boAMc and in-< 
^iotis A£l appeals to have been ioac agnift Neigh-i 
boKT* in Amity, who have fo often and eatneftty 
ikriml, and tdlHfied, their WiVtmgnt(t id firm wd 
coBtintie the fame ; and this alb vailed with, 3ni it! 
the Mtdfto^s Treaty of Peace oft^redty'hemfetveai 
Accompanied aifo withfiich Arrogancyand Injuliicej 
.not only to the denying offbunqueftionable-aRigbti 
but ufurping upon the fame ; an^ in ProCetrutlAn of 
tbat Injury without any Pra*oC3tiOn, ftvking tiut 
the Ship! «f this Commonwealdk ifl their owd 
Seas, upon their own CoaA, in their own Roads:-^ 
there falling upon them, beginning a Wdr, and *'qu^ 
cndeavoaring the DsJliu^ion «f their J^f.en ilnd 
Ships, even to- the beatin| ihcmc-M cf ^ne Sea, 'artrf 
utter Subverfion of the Naval Pow^r and Tradtfof 
■his Commonwealtb, had not God, by his G60(f^ 
Bcfa, turned the Shame thereof upon the Hcadddf 
thofe who were the Wroi^-doers. 

» A&erthi&Iong PatieHceoftheComfnmofrwtfjIth 
^ £n^^^'an(}afterthele high Injuries and PrOVc^ 
caiioDs thus forced upon them, - the Succefi at 3^ 
not anfwering Ejfpefhition, it pleafcd the Statev. 
General to fend another Ambaflador Extraordinary 
to the Parliament ; who^ as the former Ambaffadort, 
jtliitle^bei0rehie coming had done, labouied to ex- 
Cufe their Superion from having any Intentiod, or 
giving any Inlhudton, by warrant this Dealing'; 
which, notwithftanding the Preparations, the' re- 
turning from another Courfe, and Ifccking out ths 
Parlianient's Ships in their own Roads, and there 
^ling upon them without the leaffi Provocation, ds 
iKforcismemioned, wasyetbyehe AmbaflWcir caf- 
)«d»if.A«ident,anda Thing Joiie by iliftteh:arice-j 


Il6 _, A P P E N D I X. 

«r-inBnn. ^ A^&uin thfrNxme of his Superiors utterly dif^ 
1651- claimed, yet the Employment and the AgeptConti-' 
"TJ: oiied by tbem asd reinforced. 

* And when the clear Truth of ihii unwordiy 
Fad, bearing io itfelf part of the Proof thereof, fay 
the Fleet under the Command of Trump, coming 
purpofely into the Road of ftfibn^ unto their Fleet, 
and the refl thereof being atteftcd, hot only by mx- 

SEye-witnefics, EngliflmtK, but alfo by divers 
Ecera, and others of the Nitherlandj taken in the 
Fight, who concur fully in the Teflimony, yet z 
loi^ and intricate Way of Examination thereof ii 
propounded, a Ceflation of ASs of OiTence and Ho- 
fiility in the mean Time dcfired, and a new Pro- 
ceeding upon thcoldloag Treaty entered into by the 
ft^mcr Ambafladors ; Mat Time being thus gained, 
an Addition of Strength might therewith be provided. 
< The Powers of this AmbalTador being dcfired to 
be feen, none but his Credential Letters, and fome 
^alTes for his Tranfportition were produced ) but no 
Pow'fr to treat ujd conclude with the Parliament; 
for whic!: material Point he reforted to the Powers 
of theformer Ambafladors, who had Commtffion to 
treat and conclude upon the i<emet Negotiation, and 
owned this alfo ; and although they, came upon the 
general Bufinefs trf" the Treaty of Alliance between . 
the two Commonwealths, and the Lord Potiw came 
upon a particular A^ion, done after that T-rcaMr be- 

Kn and proceeded in, yet fuch was the continued 
ifire of the Parliament, ifpollible, to compofe the 
(aid late Differences in a friendly Way, that they 
proceeded to treat with the Lord Pawe^ waving the 
prefent Difpate upon his Want of Powers. 

■ And when nothing in piu'ticular was tendered 
by the Ambaflador, but the Generals beGore recited, 
and a Propo(al, That the Parliament would make 
their Demands to him, they were contented, not 
inlifling upon the Difadvantage thereof, to make 
their Demands unto the AmbaiTador for SatisfaSion 
for Wrongs palV, and Security for the future, which 
are herewith likewife printed, whereby it was put 
into the Hands of the Anibaffador, to come to ao 
' Agreement 


A P -P E N p,:J .X. tij 

AgrMment upon the Dcmandsof SatUfadions to L. 

' by both Parties moderatej and aflerted, as was pro- , ' ^*' 
pounded to him in another Paper i.and, upon liich ■ 
AgreemcDt forSacfsfa^ion, (the Demand for Secu- 
rity being left to Aftcr-confiderarionl to have aCef- 
lation of all Ads of Hoftility and Oftiince as he de- 
iircd, and the Pailiameat was thus willing to allent 

' But inRead of drawing towards any fucll Agree- 
ment, or endeavouring to come to Particiilars therein 
as was ofFered, the AmbalTBdor was. not plcafed at 
alt to fecond or purfue hia former earneft DeHre of 
a Ceflation, though it were thus in his own Poi^'er 
to accompiifli, but wholly declined the fame; and^ 
forhimfclf and the other Amsiifiidors, delired fpe^ 
jdy Audience to take their Leaves, and to' depart into 
their own Couniryt being exprefly cohimanded (a* 

. they affirmed) (o to do ; and in that they were n6t 
<Ienied any Refpe^ or AccommbdaCion, nor ufed, 
during their Abode here, as the public Miniflcrs of 
this Commonwealth" had bttn in the United Provin- 
ces : And by this Departure they were pleafcd to 

' put a Period both to the one and the other Treaty. 

* At their laft Audience in Parliament, miich w^s 
recited of the fame Matter contained in their former . 
Papers ; and as to that which they then urged cofi^ 
jcernJng Afls of Hoftility not looked for, neicherat 
any Time before declared i and that their Ships, 
brought into the Ports of England, and there de- 
tained of late agalnll their Thought, and before thy 
Declaration of Hoftility iflued out, and whereof the 
Commanders are unware and guiftlefs, having not 
given the Icaft, nor to Nobody, Occafion of Difpu^ei 
might be releafed, the Parliament therein need but 
refer to the Narrative by them publiOicd, and deli- 
vered to the Ambafladon of the Lords the States 
General, before the Arrival of the Lord Pawe, and 
feen by him at his lirft coming. 

* And although that firfl Breach and high Injury 
donebyTrnm^ was on the Parliament's Pan_alto- 
gether undcferved and unlooked for, yet, 'it^t'tbe 
fame com;aittcd, a ProfccutionagainiUhe Wrong- 



A fp > E N 't)''l X. 

■ dbeiS could not, in 'Probability, but be looked for 

f from the Parties injured, ftom whom no SatisfaAlon 

hat^ yet tefcn offered, unlefs the Parliament {howld 

fiiietly and tamely have kid themfclves down ai'lhc 
eetof thoJc, who have thus endeavoured the Ruin 
.oF them, and have betrayed into tWfe Hands the 
'Rights slid Safety of the People oT this Nation, 
which ftw would have efte«iaed agreeable to the 
great Truft in them repofed. 

»Bythefe Proceedings, faithfully reprcfented to 
die View of ihe Wotld, it will "be more than evi- 
dent witn what AfTeiflion and Conftancy the Pirtia* 
mcnt have laboured for the yriendlbrp «f the tJnitcd 
Provinces ; how carefufly thni avoided all DlSec- 
ences and Occafions of k War Between the Katioi^s, 
tho' all fuch Overtures of Amity, and neareft Alli- 
ance have been rcjei^ed. 

* At lafl, wbea tWComtnonwealtli wasaiTaulted 
and invatfed, their Shipt lorn, their Mrnflain, with- 
out the leaft Cotour of any Offence given ; upon 
which Attempts, and the Cbtilequenccs thereof, had 
the tame fucceeded, not only the Kig;hts, Honour, 
and TrafEc, but even the very Betng of diis Coih- 
monwealth had been highly cnilangered j the Parlia- 
ment held ft their Du^, thus compelled and ncceffi- 
t^ted into a moft unwelcome XV ar begun upon them, 
to defend themfelves ; and, whilft a jufl Satisf^^oo 
and Security cannot odierwife be had, to endeavour 
the gainii^ thereof by Aich Ways and Means whcie- 
with the Lord fhall cna'ble them. 

* And herein, as the Parliament dod) reft abun- 
dantly comforted ih the Integrity of their own Pro- 
ceeding, and faithful Dtfcharge of their puty, fb 
they aJuire themfelvet that all indiAcrent PerTona 
will entertain thb clear Teftimony of the Juflnefs 
of their Caufe ; for the IQue whereof they depend 
not upon any Policy or Strength of Man, but only 
upon the Goodnels and AlGflance of that riehteous 
God, who hath hitherto, in fo wonderful a Manner, 
appeared for diem^ and who never faHed thole that 



frflkhiin. »* with Uprighlecrs and Sin«iiW rf "^i^!?* 

£lfrrtV. Pariumaiti. **•!• 

¥^ Akswkr 9/ fttr Paxliawewt »^rA*CoMf 
m©nwbaith»/Enoland,?( Three PapsrJ 
frtfmtidftlHm bj tht Citmcil af Stett frm iht 
Jmta^iukri Extratrdinary tf the Laris ibi SiatiS 
G,tMrai af tb* Utiittd PmineiSf uftn Ouafian «f 
the lot* rtgti bttvmn tbt FUtti. 
« (TpHE Parjiament of the Commonwealth ©f 
*■ Enghad, calling to Mindwith what continue^ 
Denrannutioni of Friendship and (incere ASc^oas, 
from the Beginning of their intefline Troubles^ they 
have proceeded towards their Ncighhouri of the U» 
nited Provinces, omitting, nothing on their Part that 
mi^ conduce to a good Correrpondence wilb.tkeai» 
and toagrowing up intoamore near andflrift Uait 
on than formeilyi do find thcmfelves much furprized 
with the unfuitable Returns that have been made 
thereunto, and efpecially at the A£ts of HoDiIity 
Utclt committed in the wrj Roads of England, upon 
the vleet of tlul Commonwealth, the Matter of Fa^t 
whcr«>f> ftated tncle^r Proofs, is hereunto annexed. 
. Upon ferJouB and deliberate Conlideration of all* 
spd of the Gevecal Papers delivered in by your Ex- 
cellencies to the CounciE of State, the Parliament 
^inks &t to give this Aniwer to thofe Papers : 

* The Parliament, as they would be willing to 
make a chariuble Conftru^tipn of the Exprdlions ufed 
in the faid Papers, endeavouring to reprefent th« 
hte Engagement of the Fleets to have happen'd 
without the Knowledge, and againfl the Mind, of 
your Superiors; fo when (hey confide r how difagreci- 
able to that Profelfioi) the Refolutjoni and Anions 
of your State and thcii Miniflers at Sea have been* 
even in the MiiR of a Treaty offered by them/'elves, 
and managed here by your Excellencies -, the ex- 
traordinary Preparations of 15Q %n]i.- of Men if 
War, without any vifible Occafipp, huC^wi^at ^oth 
now appear ajuft Ground of Jealoufy (in i cur 1 wtl 
Judgments, when your Ixndflijps pretended to ex- 

A P P E N D I X 

' cuft it) J and the InftruSions thcfnftlws given hf 
_, your laid Superiors tothcir Commincten atSea, do 
find too much Caufe to believe, that the Lord« the , 
States Genera] of the United Provinces have an In- 
tention, by Force, to ufurfv the known Rights at 
England in the Seas ; to deflroy the Fleets that are, 
under God, their Walls and Bulwarks, and thereby 
expofe this Co mtnon wealth to Inva&cMi at their 
Pleafure, ^s hy this late ASion they have attempted 
to do : Whereupon the Pariiament conceive they 
are obliged to endeavour, with God's Affiflance, as 
they ihall have Opportunity, to feck Reparation of 
the Wrongs already fuffered, and Security that the 
like be not attempted Tor the future. 

* Neverthelefs, with this Mind and Defiie, That 
all Difference! betwixt the Nations ihay, if poffible^ 
be peaceably and friendly compofed, as God by his 
Providence Ihall open a Way thereunto, and Cir- 
cumllances fhall be conducing to render Tuch £n- 
dcavours Icfs dilatory, and more eiFe^uat than tbofe 
of this Kind hcietpfore ufed have been. 

CUrit. PartiMnwai. 

^NaKRATIVE a/ tht iatt En C A GtUEST ItlVlMlt 

the Englilh FUtI wtder tbt Ca/tmiantl ef Gtnerai 
Blake, on/ the Holland FUa under tbt Command 
ff l^irutenant' AJmirai Trump, near Dover. 

•TTPON Tuefday tht i8th of Mejiy i6i2t in 
K^ the Morning, General Blait being gone to 
the Wedward as l^r as Rjt Bay, eight Days before, 
with 12 or 13 Ships, leaving Major Beurn in the 
DiWni with eight Ships only, there appeared on the 
Backfide of the Geodwin a HillandFiect of Men of 
War, confifling of42Ship!i, one whereof had a Flag 
on the Main- topmad- head, the red Jacks and An- 
tients; and being come unto ihe Stuth- Sands- Hrad, 
two of ihcffl bore up towards the Englijh Ships in 
the Dm/my whereupon " Major Beam fent out the 
<?r«}[it0ffn^t<>cxamine'(hcm, and to know theRea- 
foR of their fo near Approach} who anfwcring, Tliat 
they . 

Uigildd^y Google' 


.dieybaiia MeflS^ to Ac Comminder in Chief inlit 
the Dtvins, were permitted to come in { and luvinc 
falutcd the Flag, the two Captaini, named 9/7*" »« 
JldrtJ^ came aboard the faid Major Btun, and ac* 
quainted him. That t^ey were fcnl fay Fm Trump 
to let bim know that he had been ridtngabout DkB' 
kirk with hU Fleet, where, by Rcafon of foul Wet- 
tier, tbey had loft many of their Cables and Andion, 
and the Wind being northerly, were driven further 
to the Southward than dwy intended, which Van 
Tr««^ thought fit to fignify, to prevent any Mifap- 
prchenTions or Jcaloufies. And having faid thti, 
and received for Anfwer, That the Reality of what 
tbey faid would beft , appear by their fpccdy drawing 
off from this Coaft, they departed to their Fleet} 
and immediately upon their Arrival with ihcm, the 
whole Fleet ftood up to Z}«tvr, and came to an 
Anchor within little more than Shot of the Caftle 
the fame Day in the Afternoon. Upon their coming 
before Dovtr Ca{tlc, and riding there with Flag in 
the Main-top without faluting the Caflle, the Caftle 
made three Shot at them, notwithAanding which the 
Dutch Admiral kept up his Flag, and rode there at 
Anchor until the next Day Noon, and exercifed hii ' 
Mufqueteers, by dlfcharging Volleys of Jmall Shot 
many Houn together, Upoi} Wtdmjdajt about 
Twelve o'clock, the DjiUh Fleet weired Anchor, 
and ftood.ofF towards Calais fome four Leagues in- 
to the South-£aft : About the fame Time the Ei^lijh 
Fleet under General i^/n^f, comingfrom the Weft to- 
wards the DnunSt difcovered them, and fuppofed, 
by their Courfe, they had been going back. Major 
Bii/m likewJfe was in Sigh^* coming from the Dnvni 
to join with General Blait. About an Hour or two 

-af^r the HtlkndYXttit altered their Courfe, came 
back again, made all the Sail tbey could, and bore 
direftly with General Blake^ Van Trump the head- 
moft, with his Flag in the Main-top, and being 
come within Shot, the General £hot a. Gun at his 
Main-top, and then two Tingle Shot more ; where- 
upon Trump (hot a fingle Shot thro' the General's 
Flag, and then iounediaiely gave the firftBroadlide, 

,, Google 


*n6 took in hts Pendants, and hung out his Red Fl^ 
, under the Hilland Colours, which was the Signal, on 
their Part, for the whole Fleet to' engage: And fa 
the Fight began, which happened between Four and 
Five aCIocJc in d>e Afternoon, and continued un- 
til! Nine o'Clock. In the Fight the Englipt took 
two of the /fa/i^n^ Fleet, one whereof, having Ij/c 
Foot Water in the Hc^d, they left, taking the Ca^' 
lain and Oncers aboard, the odicr being a Ship of 
thirty Guns. General Blah lay all ^fIghc where 
litt T'ght began, or near thereabouts, and the Hal- 
land Fleet was ripied about four Leagues dillant t»* 
wards the Coaft of Franet next Morning. 

The Truth of this Relation appears in the In- 
ters of General Biaitt Major Bourn, and others in 
the Afiion ; by the Examinations of the Dutch Cap- 
tajni, and other (!Mcers taken in the Fight ; the Id- 
ilrui^iont given to the Dutch Captains and Com- 
mandcts, and other Papers ; all A^h are hereunto 

*Apd whereas FanTrumfj in the Account he 
gives of this Adion makes the Occafion of his com- 
tng back uppn the Englifl) Fleet, the guarding of 
fome Merchant- i^en, richly laden from theStraitSf 
which bad been in Fi^t with fome of our Frigates. 
That A^oa is fet down in a Letter, written by 
Capt. Tamgy (hereunto alfo Annexed) whereby the 
Occafion, &ginning, and Ending thereof, is declar- 
ed. And besides, thofe very Ships which he pre- 
tends to C9ine to proteA or refcue, upon SaturJaf 
before had pafled by General Blaity and were gone 
tfy the £aft ward. 




A Collection of th pRocstoiiioa in if>i intr-icfnuai. 
Treaty btlviern^the L»rd Pawk, /tmhajprdttr '^s*' 
Eliiraordinarf fnm tht States Gbnekal #/"* ' " v;'"^ 
iht United Previncn, ahd the Parliommt *f tht ^"^ 
CemTruntoeabb ef Ehgland : Jnd firft, 

^2f Z^^Paws^s St>BECH at hh jiadiaut btftrttht 

PARLIAMEfIT, r^f lltb if JuM, 1652. 

"Right HoMurahle. 
■ '■« ^ HE public Teflimonies and manireft Token) 
^ of a fincere Benevolence, pure Love, and 
thie FHcndlhtp^ which the univerfa] State and Sub- 
je£ls ot the United Provinces have always Qlewed to 
the Englijh People, and principally to the Partiamcift 
of the Commonwealth of England^ now prorperoudjr 
aiid happily governing, aie fo ncituriuus and known 
to the whole Chciltian World, that Nobody can 
doubt of it, mucblefs of a true Faith and lung-ufed 
Obfervation of Fiiendlhip of the States General of 
the United Provinces. 

^ But fofafmuch as, by reafbn of the Variety and 
InconOancy of worldly ThipgSt fonietiaie happen < 
thdfe Things which do ditlc the exterior Face with 
Clouds, and are liketoQiew aDiftra^ionof Minds; 
but nhen thefe Things are prevented by TJnie, and 
all Contrarieties talten away, they will ferve in<>re to 
confervc aiid contiim, than to difTuIve the Bonds'of 
mutual Friendfliip ; therefore it hath pleafed the Sratc4 
General of the United Provinces my Superiors, not- 
withftandingtheydoubt'noc of the fingular Wifdom 
and Diligence of their Extraordinary AmbftQadors 
here, Haying about great and weighty Bufincfs, to fend 
me in an extraordinary EipbalTaf^e to the Parliametit 
of the Commonwealth of England, to pre&nt, clear- 
ly and Gncerely, their Wiflies Ibrtbe public Safety and 
happy Government thereof, with Profier of aUthetC 
good Offices, 3^ I, being fo lately come from their 
Honourable AlTcmbly, can teltify out of my. certaiir 
Knowledge, chat nothing is more in their Hearts 
and Wifhcs, than that not ooly a titm and cohflant 
Vol. XXlll. ' P FiLcndflup 




FriendOuj) be relvioufly kept between both States, 
J but that it may daily groW) an4 by all Means be 
cenfolidated, and noting may happen which mxf 
break or anyway diftuib the Bars of mutual Safety* 
Piofit, and Fricndfhip, between fo neighbour Na- 
tions; and that dierefore they have received, vritfa 
great Aftonifhment and Sorrov/of Heart, the Newt 
ef what, contrary to all Expe^ation, hath lately 
happened between the Admirals of both Comoion* 
vcaltha. But forafmuch as this unlotAnd-for and 
unexpe£led Cafe might notonly raifcnewTfOublesi 
but alfo give Occafion of Sufpicion, as if theprefent 
Treaty for a mutual Alliance, and a ftraiter Cor> 
fobotation of the old FriCfldlhip, inA Hot earncflly 
profecutcd, and therefore we Ihould labour in vaiit 
to come to an happy End, my Superiors have not 
^ thought ami&, but rather convenient, even neceflary^ 
that, at this Time, and upon this Unhappy Cafe ^len 
oi^ I fliould, above the ordinary Ufe and Cuftom, 
and therefore fuperabundantly, (feeing that, byre»> 
fon of my Office, 1 have been in all their Councils) 
reprefent, openly and lincerely, to the Parliament of 
the Commonwealth of England all the PjtrticulaM 
which have happened, as well before as after that 
Fad, as they are come to their Knowledge, to re- 
move all Things obtof the Way wliich might breed 
any Grudge or Breach of Friendfhip between both 
States, or cuife the leaft DifturbanCe or Delay ttt 
the Treaty, 

* Therefore, by Virtue of the Credential Letters 
of the (aid General States, and In their Name, I 
do proteft and declare to the Parliament, of the 
Commonwealth of England^ That they have never 
entertained in their Thoughts, never a£led. much 
lefi commanded, any thing which might offend the 
Dimity of this Commonwealth, teflen the ctxnmoa 
FriemUhip and good Correfpondence which hath en- 
dured for b> many Years, or, under any Pretence 
whatibcver, fow any Seed of Mifunderflanding i but 
ntherthatthe £ud States have intended with all th«r 
Hearts, and endeavoured by ah their Power, that 
' ibefaid FneadOtipaiid AlIiuKe might be peri<e£ted 


In the bcft Way, and ipecdUy, znd might be Ci^ltMr-npmau' 
Icmnly eftabliOied for ever, for the Safety and Ad- . '^i*' 
vantage of both Commonwealths. It is very true t^nti 
that a great Fleet hatb been prepared in the LetU 
Ctuntriet ; but that the States General bavej by the 
continual CompJ^nts of their Subjects, been forced 
to content to it, is alfo i Thing moll certain and 
known ; asalfo, that they have ordered, Tliat No- 
tice thereof Ibould be given to the faid Parliament, 
^bich was done and fignified to nd other-Intent, than 
that the SubjeAsof the United Provinces, whldihad 
fuffered great Damages at Sea, and loft fevera! Sbipt, 
fiiould be fccured and protected by juft and ordinary 
Means ; and thit no Wrong or OfFence Ihould be 
offered to any, much lefs to undertake anyDifpute 
againft the Fleet and Ships of the fame Parliament* 
upon the Controverfies and Differencci of' the Sea : 
Ail which being done and performed In that Manner, 
and neverth clefs there Jiaving accidentally happened 
of both Sidcsa great Debate and Controverfy between 
both Fleetsj the States General have thought fit to 
acquaint the Parliament. of England with the Rela- 
tion fent to them in Writing by their Admiral, and 
approved and witnefied by their Captains, and other 
faithful Perfons, That the Admiral Truffi/, more by 
Ncceffity than other Reafons, U come nigh the Fleet 
(rf this Coifimnnwealth, and hath firft fent his civil 
Salutation to the Commander /f^rnj and having af* 
terwards met accidentally with the Admiral Biaiti 
put out his Boat to fend fome Deputies unto him, 
and to declare the Rcafonsolhis Coming, andbefidc) 
that, commanded to take down his Flag -, but when 
he law that he, againft all £xpe£lation, was unhap- 
pily falutcd by him with a Broadfide, he there- 
upon difcharged his Guns, not to offend but to 
defend bimfelt; and that from thence, by meer Ac- 
cident, rather thati purpufely, was raifed a Fight 
amongft thofc Fleets, which, by the Lord's BlefBnp'^ 
' Ihortly after was ended. Which, forafmuch as it 
was beeun br an unexpe3cd Salutation, and nut 
continued with Earncdncfs by ours, nor done or 
committed bjr alienated- Minds, or any Reafons 
t a iuiowa 



btec-n^niB, known before, but by Chance, therefore the Slate* 
^ , ^^ . General do friendly defire. That the Parliament of 
. juae, 'he Commonwealth of England will be plcifed to 
believe, and be perfuaded. That noihine wai done 
with a confulted Purpofe or foregoing Command ; 
butmerely by acafualChance, and perhaps byrealbn 
of the Fragility and Inconflancy of the worldly 
Things ; and fo much the more dired their Coun- 
cils and CommifficHis thither, that all Obllaclet, Of- 
fences, and further Wrongs, may, with all Spwd, 
be removed out of the Way and prohibited, as the 
States General, on their Part, are prompt and ready 
to apply convenient Remedies. They judge that it 
concerncth muCh the whole Chriflian World, and 
principally the States of the Reformed Churches 
abroad, that thofe MifundeHlandings do not grow 
greater between tbefe Commonwealths, and that 
between Neighbours, Partakers of the fame Faith, 
(hould arife any Diflention which fhould dillurb and 
interrupt the common and neceflary Commerce, and 
give Occafiouj as well to their known as to their fe- 
cret Enemies, to lay Waits, or to draw into divers 
Parts, thofe Commonwealths ready to be united in 
a common Alliance ; and, by fuch MeanSf removing 
from themfelves the Seat of Calamities and War, to 
bring it (which God forbid) to their own Deftrue- 
tion. To prevent fo great a Danger, and that tl)e 
Evil may not fpread further, I am commanded by 
Times to propound, and do all my belt. That, by 
convenient Means, there may be a Ipeedy Compofure 
made of what is paft, and that there may be Order 
taken, that hereafter fuch unlucky and unhappy Cafes 
happen no more between the Fleets of both Com- 
monwealthsj wherein they delire the Dignity and the 
Honour of the Parliament of the Commonwealth 
of England may be conferved. 

* Whereas then the Slates General do herewith 
openly declare to the faid Parliament, That they 
defire intirely that all Offices of Friendfliip and &- 
nevolence may be continued, the contrary may be 
prevented, and that the Councils of all Sides may be 
dire^lxd to the dclired End and Conclufion of tjie 

A P P E N I X. . n; 

matual ConrederaCf}' therefore I do earmftly in-i laur-ngown 
treat that it may p)ea(c the faid Parliament tohcar and ' ■'{*■ 
underftand me without any Oelay, by their Depu- """v— 
tiei or Council of State, and proceed without Inter- ■''""' 
miJBon in the juft and amicable former Tranfac- 
tioBS, to bring the principal Bufmcfs to an End and 
Condufion* u the extraordinary AmbaHadora of the 
States have Charge and ^re ready to do^ 

• At the fame Time I do return my Thanks fot 
the fingular Favour done to my Lard Newfpartf in 
granting him fomc Oiyq ago on; of the Parliament** 
Ships for his Return into ax Lew Countrw; and the 
faid Lord being a Member of the States of HeUand 
and iVtft-Fritwhtiit i am charged to dcfire him to 
ilay here, to commuicate CounfeU, and return with , 
me \ which I hope will not be difplcaling tothe Par- 
liament, to whofe Benevolence I, with ^I RefpeA, 
' jecoamend me and all my Offices, 

Ta the Parliament a/' (Ae Commonwealth^ 

■ 4 Translation s^ /A/Litters Credenxia^ 
te tbcLnd Pa WE. 

The StaUt Gtntral tf tht Umttd Prwlncit nf tht 
Low Countries, 
• "KM Hcreas we have fb,un(^ convenient, even 
' ' very neceflary, in the prefcnt Condition of 
the Afiaiis in Eurtfitj to fend to th^ Parliament of 
(the Commonwealth of England^ the Lord A^ien 
Pawtt Km. Lord of IJetmfted, Uo'gerfmUdt, Rit- 
unei and Netuiiri, Counfelior Perfionaiy of //«/- 
land and ff^e/t- Friezelend, and Ordinary Depu^ in 
our Aflembly from the faid Province, as our Ex- 
traordinary. Ambafiadorj having made Election of 
his Perfon, as of one of which,' for his rare Quali- 
ties and long Experince, we make a high Efteem, 
and have a great Confidences being well acquainted 
with our good and fincere Intentions, which hav9 
no Other Aim than the maintaining) iiicrealing, con- 
P 3 .firming. 


A P P E N D I S:. 

firming) and ftrenghteniiig, more and moie, the 
good Amity, Correfpontience, and Alliance be- 
tween both Nations and Statest grounded upon 
common Intcrcftsof Religion, of State, and Com- 
merce I vhaving fuch Confidence of hts Abilitv, Pru^ 
dence, Fidelity, and Diligence, that wedoreferour- 
fclvcs to bim to eJiprefs them vai^ Foci to the faid 
parliament oF the Commonwealth of Ejigtaad^ and 
chiefly the Zeal that wc do continue to have iat al) 
that may concern the Common Good and Security 
of both Nations : Wherefocewc iittreat, wiih Ear- 
neftnefs, and with all our AJ?e£Uon, the faid Parlia- 
ment of the Commonwealth of England, by thefa 
FrcTents, that they be pleafed to give a fi«voiirable 
Audience to our faid Extraordinary AmbaOador^ 
and to give him abfuluie Credence as to ourfelves> 
in all that be fhall fay and propound of our Part in 
. this prefent Condition of the Affairs of both Com* 
mon wealths, 

Dtntattbf Hague, /nHolland, tbt t^ibf/]aat^ 

Friday, Junt 11, 1651. 

Mr. Speaker, by way of Report, acquaints tbfl 
parliament with what was delivered by the Lord 
Patvtf AmbaHtdor Extraordinary from the L>ordt 
the States General of the United Provinces, at his 
Audience in the Houfe this Day, and prefented tho 
Paper delivered in by the faid Lord Ambaflador E](- 
(raurdinary, and the Tranflite therqaf in MfgHAy 
which was this Day read, 

* Ordered, by die Parliament, That thefc Papers 
be referred to the Council of Stale ; and that it be 
likewife referred to the faid Cotmcil, to hear what 
the faid Lord AmbafTador Extraordinary hath further 
to fay, and to treat with him, they holding c'ofe to 
the former Anftvers'and Declarations the Parliament 
hath m^de, and leport it to the Parliament with all 

Ckrie. pgrliatrunti. 




Th* Lard Pawb's Speech tff bis Jujttaet in tbtUta-nviHt^ 
CimUtf Stall. 'S" , 

Right HtmurabU, 
* IT/ Hereai it hath pUafeJ my Lords the Statts 
W General of the United ProwincM to fend 
nie, beliJea their Extraordinary Ambafladorsj in the 
iaoie Quality, to the Parliantenr of the Common- 
wealth uf England; and having Yeftcrdajr had the 
Honoiif to declare, in their full Afleiqbly, the true 
SubjcA of my Coming, and the fincere latentioai iS 
my Superiors^ therefore I think it to be my Duhr 
to appciir Iilccwile before this Honourable Counal 
to prcfent my Credeniial Letters, and wilh .your 
Honours all Felicity and good Succcfi in the Di- 
ce^on and Managing o\ fq great Affiura u are 
to them committed by this gre^t Comcnon wealth. 
And as I have declared unto the faid Pwtument, fo 
do I liicewife declare again, wlch Truth and certain 
Knowledge, That my Lords the States General haw 
always had, and have 2,1 tbis prefent more than at 
any Time before, a very great Dtefire to maintain^ 
increafct and keep faithful the good FricittKhip,' 
Arait Alliance, and perle^ Correfpondence, which 
hath fd long endured between both Nations and 
States, whereof there hath been heretofore maof 
notorious and manifelt Tedimoni^. It is mw 
pertain that my Superiors have nothing more in 
their Hearts, than to fee a Finilhing and Conclufbfl. 
of the Treaty of Alliance between bott) Common* 
wealths, to the End that thereby a ftraiter Union 
and brotherly Concord may be eftablifhed, to fubveit 
and deftroy all Plots and Divifioni which weult^ 
trouble and much endanger tbe one and the oiher« 
aa alfo make them lefs confider^ble to the Chriftiaa 
.World. This is, my Lords, tfec very Aim of the 
Enemies of the reformed and orthodox ReligioQ^ 
making a certain Account that they will be able, by 
fuch a Oifagreement and Divifion, not only t«. 
weaken both States, but to bring them alfo to the 
utmoft Ei^remities : But both People being biased 
by the Lord with that precious Gift of the uue Rein 
P 4 gion, 




"^Xt"** ^'°"' "*^ wonderfully provided, bcfrdes the fpir}- 

\—~^ .. tuil^ with temporal Benediaions, by the Benefit of 

juoB. Navigation and Commerce in all Parts of the Worldj 
andmyLords the States General judgingthat the 
firft ouglit lieced'arily to be conferved, and the other 
bciook'd 10, the Religion maintain'd, and the State 
Secured, did believe that all ihofc inconveniences can 
be no better prevented, than by joining the Souls 
and .Goods of both Commonwealths, and by th(i 
Means make thtm able, with God'a Aff.fVance, tp 
ihunatl Machinations 'to the contrary. Therefore 
■.the Dncxpe£):i;d News of the Meeting of the tsrof 
.Elee<sv and ihe Offences given oh both Sides, bath 
brought n» ftnal! Trouble amongft ihc Slates Ge- 
neral, who have thereupon judged inpit neceflary to 
-difpatch, extraordinarily and fpeedily to inform the 
ParliamcBt of the CommonweuJlh of England and 
this honourable Council; and, to perform fuch Eii- 
deavours, inade Choice of me, that hav? been ad- 
mitted in both Aflemblies of the States General, 
' :andof thofe of Hel/anti and ffi/f Friezrland, and 
acquainted with their moft iTHportant and inoft fe- 
.Cret Councils and Deliberations, to witncfs here with 
raoftcertain Knowledge of the Matter, and no Ie6 
Tmth and Faithruli-efj, that no Deliberation was 
made, no Refolution taken, no Commiffion, diteflly 
orindirefily, glVen to diljilejfc, in any ways, the 
Commonwealth of Evghnd to offend them, and 
much lefs to fet upon their Fleet or Ships; but that, 
on the contrary, there was command given to deal 
With them in all Plai-es as with the bed Friends, and 
itothew them alllCind of Favour and Courtefy. 
; -' Anil as, in the faid unhappy Meeting, Things 
Jiatie been on bo:h Sides.oth^rwifc, and very unwa- 
Ti!y laed, whereof 1 made Yefterday a large Reiq- 
tiOn, which I do not intend M mention again at this 
|ircftnt, nor to revive that which ought to be buried 
and- entirely forgotten: Notwithftanding, having 
underftood, out of theldft Anfwcr delivered to our 
AmbalTadbrs, that there is a Satisfai^ion demanded 
for^hat is paft, and Security for the future^ and 
' my Lords the States conceive it to be necci&ry, that 


all Mifunderftanding and Mifconftrufiitm, of what l««K-tn»»"« 
is lately paffed in the (Sid Encounter, may be taken ' ^*' . 
avay,antl both States fecured from the like Incon- j^^^ 
venicnce' hereafter; is alfo that it be pioceeded, 
without Delay, in (he continuing and perEc^ing 
the Treaty of Alliance fo far advanced idrcady : And, 
moreover, that it be confidered of the moll conve- 
nient and reafena^lc Means which may remove the 
Shadows ol all Sufpicionznd Mifirufl; and that fuch 
Orders be made which the Fleets fli all be bound td 
fallow hereafter} to which Purpofe I have fufficient 
Jnftriiiflions from my Superiors. 1 dcfire therefore 
llui it maypleafe ynur Hunours to appoint Ibme of 
the Members of this Honourable Cuunci!> witli 
.whom 1 may, as fuon as is pofTible, begin, continue, 
and linilh that which m4y ferve to the Salisfaiflion 
, of both States, ^nd removing of all DitFerences: To 
which [ mnl^ ''(Id here, that my Superiors did never 
pretend, nor (h>'l pretend, to difpute the Honour 
,aiid D(gni[y of this Commonwealth, which they re- 
pute the tirft and moll con f|d arable in Eurtpt ; and 
.with that, by afi Union of thefc two fDrmidable 
Stares, they might fecure them both, prefetve (hem 
from the Confpirations of their Enemies, and fettle, 
by a perfet^ Inteliigence and Confidence, their com- 
|i;on Peace and Safety. 

'Iritne mean Time I pray your Honours, that 
it rnay pleafc ypu, by your wife Dircilion, to ord?r, 
•sfpeedily a^ is pnffib)e, thy the Evil may not, b|y 
reafon of thi^ unhappy Atrcidcnt, proceed apy fur* 
ther, by coipmitting new Offences, Purfuits, or ta- 
king of Ships i but tnat ali Attempts and fuch Ac- 
tiousmaybe interdiifted and flopp'd, and not by 
making the Wound wider, even incurable, to expoft 
ourfetves to the Will jnd Pleafure of our Enemies; 
beirig confiJent that we ftiall be able to find conve- 
nient Remedies to remove, friendly and happily, 
'the prefent Differences, to the Confufion of ihofe 
-wh) wifti and exped it athcrwifc, I Ibatl h^ ex- 
ceedingly beholden to this Honourable Council, if 
-your Honours grant me a fp«edy AnTwer upon thefe, 
th«t J majp, without Interiqiffiani begin fo worthy, 



wniBoia. prt^HbJe, uid neceflarjF a Wort j comnwuiiii^ mjt- 
, '^' , felf, in the mean Time, with 411 Rc^cf^^ to yom 
j.-nf Honours Favour. 

Pronsmtctd in tit Couitdl §f State ^ the Parlia- 
mtnt if tht CommmwMhb of En^md tht\\ 
6f June, i6ja. 

Mondttjj Jtau 14,, 1651. 

At tht CouNcit. ^ Statb 4/ Wluteht^. 

* In purfuance of an Order of PaTliament of the 
nth of ^w, t6jl, the Council hath appointed 
the Lord-Corn mifiioner {fbitbch, Lord-Com- 
miffioner Zi/7<r, Lord Vifcount Lij^e^ Lord Chief 
jHftice St. Jthn, Mr. Bond, Mr. Se^u Col. /*w». 
/ev, Sir Hmr', Fane, Sir miliam Majbam, Cd. 
Martin^ and Col. MfirUj^ qr any three or more of 
them, lo beCommiffioiicrs, to meet with the Lord 
favMi Extraordinary Amba&kdor to ifae ParJianifnt 
of the Commonwealth of Engiani, from the States 
General of the United Provinces, to receive froih 
his Excellency fuch Ovcrtores as he (ball pleaie tq 
make in Writing, and to confer and treat with h,im 
thercupoit, and make Report thereof to the Coun~ 
ci! ; and that they do meet with the faid Lord Am- 
baOador Extraordinary at Four of the Clock this 
Afternoon, in the ufua) Place for the Purpofe afor^- 
faid, and fo, from Time to Time, as there fhali be 
Qccafion ; and that ^.\Qliv€r Flemings Knt. Ma- 
fter of the Ceremonies, do fignlfy the fame unto his 
Lordlhip, a^d attend him to the Place appointed. 

Cleni of the Cewuil, 

Mandoy, June 14, 1654. 

Jt the CouHCli. <f State at Whitehall. 

'Ordered, I'hatthe Comraiffionera appointed to 

treat with the Lord PoTM, ExtraiLriinary Aoibaila* 

dor of the UiHted Provinces, do demand of the fud 

Lord AmbafTador a Sight of the Powen and Au* 

thoiitics given to him by his Superion, to treat and 



A P P E N P I X. IJ3 

include uponfuch Matters and Thing* ai h|e hath InV-nftount- 
'o offer ; and acquarnt him, that the Parliament de- *'^'' 
fires that all Speed and Expedition may be ufed ott ' riCT" 
his Exorllcncf 's Part in thit prcfent Treaty defired 
by himklf ; affuring bis Lordfliip, that nothing fliall 
be wanting on the Part of the Council of Stjite, ' 

which may be any way conducing to bring the iamc. 
to a fpeedy IfTtic. 

Cltrk tf tht Cauncii^ 

J Svumahj tf what ibi Lwd Aoti.iAu Pawe, 
Exiraardtnary Amhajfadtr of tht Sttttu Gtvraie/ 
tbi XJaittd Praviiitts */ tbi Low Countries, hath 
frepBunded t» tht Deputies »/ tif fiannraUt 
Council of Suttt tht Pariianuni ?/^ England, tht 
Wh «/Junr, i6)2. 

•'~|-'HE faid Lord Ambaflador having heretofore 
J abundantly decjartd. That the States Ge- 
neral (as it.wiJl be fbund, and alvrays appear) have 
noways delibtrated, neither in public nor in pri* 
vale, much Icfs giv?n any Charge, Orrfer, or Com* 
iniffion for committing the leaft Offence againft the 

?arliamcnt of the Commonwealth of England, their 
leets. Ships. Officers, or Subjcdls j bulratherthey 
fliould be Met with the ufual Ciiriiiiies and Kind- 
nelTes, and with the ordinary ExprelEons of Friend- 
fliip i therefore notie can anywife call into Quer 
ftion their fincerc Intentions for the mainuining ai^rf 
increafing the antient and common Amity. 

* For the fame Reafoo, that cannot he imputed to 
the faid States General which happened lately between 
both Fleets i nor fiiould thence arifc any Difcontent 
or Offence, nor any Caufe of attempting againft 
their Suhjcfts, being a Thingdircaiy contrary to tbe 
anticnt Friendfhip and Correfpondence between both 
Nations: And the faid Encounter hiving happcn'd 
by meet Chance, and without any Defign, the faid 
Lord Ambaflador hath propounded, whether it wor? 
-notbettertolayafidethat which is pad, infomuch 
that U fliould be taken of both Sides m » Thing not 

APPEND:! y;^ 

done, and fo all be Icfc as berore; and that thet;e 
might a fpcedy Order be taken for the Rcdrefa of 
what hach been done fince, in fuch Sort as no ex- 
ternal or internal Mark may remain of the fame. 

• Neverthclefs, if the Pleafutc of tl\ia Honourable 
Council 19 otherwife, although the faiij Amb^flftdor 
bath plainly and fincerely related all which b come 
to the Knowledge of his Superiors concerning what 
is paft, having received, (as alfo ,the other Ambaf- 
fidors) bcfidcs the former Informations before his 
departing, feveral remarkable and conflderable At- 
tellations in prtianti Ptrma, and hath heard th»t 
t})cre are quite other and contrary Informations, 
Whence it doth appear, that the Parties are difagree- 
ing in their Evidences, and lb it is it h^rd Matter to 
judge clearly of the YaSt. 

* The faid Ambaflador therefore have thought fife 
to propound, that the Things pafled fliould be more 
cxaSly examined, and neceOaty Informations made 
by rither of the PariieB, or conjunctly by both [ that, 
after certain Knowledge gotten, the Truth may be 
difcovered by CommilBoifcrs fpfcially deputed of 
both Sides upon this Master, to know which of thf 
two bath made the firft Attempt^ ^nd givefi Caule 
to the following Diforders, 

*The faid Ambaflador doth declare. That if it 
may appear that the Admiral of the State; Gener^ 
hath made the firft Aflaulr, he fhall not' only be dif- 
owned in the like Caffc, and his Fa^ difapproved of 
by the faid States General, as having tranfgrcfled 
their Orders and Commiflion, but they fhall alfo 
caufe him to be punifbed for thC fame, according to 
the Importance of his A<^cn)pt> for having difobcy'd 
their Co mm and !i, and chiefly for having given jufl 
Caufe of Of&nce to their good Friends and Neighi- 
bours, Dcfiring alfo of this Honourable Council, 
, that if on the contrarj', it be found true, by 'he In- 
foriliations, thatthc Admiral of the Coipmonwealth 
of England hath given Occafion tothe fai^ Eiicoi^n- 
tcr, and hath the firlt aflaulied, it be [ikewife dc* 
claied, 1'bat the Parliament wUl in that Cafe difown 



the Jaid Admiral, and command tbe fiune Punifli- 
ment n> be put upon him. ^ 

* It is to be believed that the (incere Intentions of 
&e States General will not only appear, and all 
Sufpjcions be talten away ; but that the Meani of a 
jxid Reparation and neceflary Suisfadion will be 
cafily found, other States and Commonvcalths ha- 
ving taken the fame Courrc, and followed the fame 
Method, with good Succefs; whereof the Lard Am- 
bailador hath produced divers Examples. 

* And to the End that the like Inconvenience* 
may no more happen htreafter, tbe Lord Ambafia- 
dor hath declared, that the Sutes General have 
never had the lead Intention, nor have yet any at 
this Time, to IcHen, in no ways, the Honour and 
Dignity of the Parliament of the Commonwealth'of 
England; but that they have given Command here- 
tofore, as alfo fince the late unhappy Accident, new 
Order, that, upon Meetings and Salutings of Cbo 
r leeti or Ships of War, concerning the llriking 
down of the Flag, and what belong to it, thete 
ibould be the fame Honotir done to ihe Parliament 
of the (Commonwealth of England, as formerly done 
during the other Government, hoping by this Means 
to give and receive Content reciprocally. 

' And as it is moft neceflary to confirm the mu- 
tual Friendship between both Nations, that the Ne- 
gotiation of the Treaty between both Common- 
wealths be advanced, and brought to an End as foon 
as can be, the laid Lord Ambadadorbaih reprefented, 
an<i earnestly defired. That fince the Lords Extraor- 
dinary Ambafladots have, after divers Conferences, 
by their laft Remonftrance, manifefted their Supe- 
riors Intention concirrningthc faid Treaty, it (hould 
alfo pleafe the Honourable Council to exprefs and 
fignify theirs clearly, that it may appear what Dif- 
ferences are lit to be reconciled, that all DiiGcultiea 
may be removed, to come the fooncr to a good, 
firm, and tailing Conclulion, by which the Minds 
may be on both Sides pacified, and an everlalling 
and indifloluble good Intelligence cflablilhed. 



e»wgm.B, * Moreover, the faid Ambaflador hath \attaa0f 
. ''^' . dcfircd, ThM all WaysofFaa and Offences be in- 
/ooe. hibited and ftopped by Order of the Honourable 
Council ) andi chiefly, thatthcPcrfons, Ships, and 
Goods of the Subjeds bf the United Provinces, as 
well Miliuiy B» others^ be indifFerently freed and 
releaCed from their Reftraint Detention,' and all 
that have been^ or are, by Force detained, be let at 
Liberty ; and that the innocents may receive no 
more Hurt or TroUblfc^ as we are ready and relblv*d 
to do the fame of our Part. 
V tThe raid Lord Ambiflador hath alfo dcfired it 

nay pleafe the faid Honourable CouiKil to make 
knowti to ium, without Lofs of Time, their good 
Intentions and Refotutiofl upon what ii abovtfaid j 
and chiefly upon the Continuation of the Treaty be- 
feun, the Ccfiiition of all Ways of Fa^ upon the 
Relaxation of the Ships detained and arrefted, Per- 
fons and Goods, oftbeSubjei^ of the United Pro- 
vii>ces, feeing he hath lofl no Time to declare fin- 
<Cerely from hb Superiors^ and afTurc the faid Ho- 
nourable Council of the Continuation of their gpott 
A&dioD aad perfe& Friendfhip.' 

JutM 14, 1*52, 

Jt tbt Council ef State at Whitdhill. 

'Ordered^ That die CommiffioDcrs appointed to 
Itteat with the Lord Pawty Extraordinary Ambaflk- 
\ dor From the Vnked Provinces, do infift upon die 
K^t of his Ailtborities before they proceed to this 

*l Paper fitm the Lord Pave^ Jun* 15, 1652. 
Tethe Right HstuumbU tbt Council ^Statb,*^" 

*npH£ Extraordinary Ambaflador of the States 
JL General of the United Provinces having had 
the Honour to come twice in Conference with your 
Honours CommilSoners, and there to propound fc- 
VCrat Tbbgb concerning the Quali^ he cometh in. 



and the te-cAablUhing die good Friendfliip and per- 
fe£l Ittteliigcnce of both Nations, intreatedthis Ho- 
nuur^le Council that it may plcafe your Honours 
to conlider what the faid Commiffioners flgall report, 
that be may receive a fpeedy and favourable AnfWer, 
as alfo be cxcured from making To much Inftance, fee- 
ing that be is forced to it by £e Conjuncture of fuch 
prefling Affairs, and for timely preventing of the In- 
convenienctcs which might foliowi * 

* Whereupon a Conference heing had, the Lord 
P'avity to aianlfefl hu Powers to treat and conclude, 
inGAed on his Credentials and three PalTeH granted 
to Mm, the "Copies Whereof Were by himdelivered in^ 
and are as fbUowetb: 

Tbt Stattt Gmerel »f tht United Netherlands, » 
^ thtfi tube JbaB tter thtft Prtfaii rudy ef 
/ttf Gralhg: 

' IC NOW y*> '*)* w^i to expedite fevera] Af- 
"* fainof IniportancC} found .good to dirpatoh 
into EngiandAK Lord AAiian PaWt, Km. Lard of 
tiiemftidy Htgtrfinildiy Ritivitiy Neu/itri, Coun" 
lellor PeniitHiea t>f HtMand and Wtft- Fritzilandt 
Deputy Ordinary of Ac faid Provinces to our Af- 
ifembly, and for this prdfcnt our Extraordinary Am- 
baSador ; therefore we do herewith command and 
^equireall Lieutenants, Admirals, Vice -Admirals, 
Commanders, and Captain* of the Ships of War of 
tbcle Countries hereunto ordained, or by his Excel- 
lency to he ordained and commanded. That they 
{ball, in their refpeflive ShrpSj receive and tranfporC 
theBa^ge of the faid Lord of Hutnfltd mtoEng- 
iandf and to do therein all what our did Extraordinary 
Afflbaffador of thetn fhall require, accommodating 
him duriilg his faid PafTage, in their faid Ships, and 
t^fpefltng him according to their Duty. And ha- 
ving landed our faid Lord Extraordinary AmbafTa- 
dor, wiifa his Train and Goods, 'm. England, to do 
andperform further whifthcy jready may be corh- 
inand«d, or may yet be willed, as fball be required 
« the Hands of thoft tlut h concerns : Of alt which 
tbc IJid Lieutcnaots, Admirals, Vice-Admiials, 
4 Commanders, 


ijS A P P E N b I JC. 

btteT-icgDoai. Cooimaiulers, and Captains, fliall not fail, tindcf 
. 'f^*: . Pain to incur our Higheft Indlgnarion. 

t>»it in tht Hague, undtr tut Siol Para^urn 
and tht Signaliff-t ef tur Ckrii ibis litl> ff 
June, i6j2. 


Bf Ordtr ^ the I&gh terUt tht Stata GtmrJ. 


tin ^lala Gnurai gf tht United Low Gountries, 
tt all tbtft that fiMUft* tr biar tht Riading »f 
tbtftf Grtrtiug : 

^'i/' NOW yc that tiaving found good, for the 
J^ Difpatch of A&ira of Importance, to dif»' 
natcti into England the Lord Jdrian Pawt, Kat. 
Lord oiHtttnfttd, Htrtrfmildt, Riituickt Ntwitri^ 
and CounfcUor Penfioncr of HeUand and Wtji- 
fritktlaiid. Deputy Ordinary of the faid Provincet 
in our A&mitly, going in an extnordinary £inbaA 
fy i we tberefore Wtlland command tberegpon all 
Lieutenants, Admirals, Vice- Admirals, Command* 
ttrs and Captains of the Ships of War of thcfe Coun' 
tries, That they take in and tranfport the Borage 
and Goods of the faid Lord our Ambaflador Extra- 
ordinary, in their rcfpeflive Ships, and tranfport the 
fame over into England^ in Manner as the faid Lord 
Extraordinary AmbalTador (hall defire to tranfporI« 
and ashisLordfhip Ihall command and dclite j ac- 
commodating alfo his Lordfhrp on Ship- board, and 
ufing all Refped to the faid Extraordinary Ambafla- 
dor, his Train, and Baggage ; and, having lajidcd 
ihcm in England, to do funher as they fhall be 
commanded, or already are commanded, or may yet 
be commanded, as appertainetb to all that it con-^ 
c&rncth of all the faid iJeuCenants, AjJmirals, Vice- 
Adiiiintls> Commanders, and Capuins, which Ihall 

Uigiliz^d.,. Google 


_ juo 

not perform their Duty, {hall be puniflied according inter-n 
to our higbcH Indignation. 

Ghenin tht Hague, under tar Calchet sr Stal Pa- 

rapburt, and Sign of our CI::rk, en ibe j^tb Day 

o/June, 1652. Sisntd BOUCHOR3T. 

Bj tht Ordtr ofthefaid Higb and Migbty Lirdt tht 

States Gtntral. Signed B. RUVSCH. 

The General Statet tf the United Produces tf tht 
Low-Counties, it all that ^U/tt theft Pit- 
■f^s^ Greeting: 
* WJ Hereas, for the Common Good of Chri- 
W ftendom, and for the Advancement of 
ASi'as of great Conlidciation, Importance, and 
Confequence, we have found good to fend towards 
the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England^ 
the Lord Jdrian i*««v, Knt. Lor4- of Beetri^ed, . 
HiivfmiUt, RStwickt Nevjkerk, (3c. Counlellor 
Pcnfioner of HoUand and fVeJi- Frixtland^ Deputy 
in ordinary from this Province in our AITembly, in 
Qijality of our Extraordinary AmbaOador, requiring 
all Lieutenants, Governors, Chiefs, Colonels, Cap' 
tains, and Men of War, Guards of Bridges, Ports, Paf- 
iages, and all Places, and, belides, all other Jultices, 
OfficeH) and Subje^lis of the faid Communwealih of 
Etigland, to fuffer him, with his^Train, Servants, 
Followers, Goods, and Baggage, to go, pafs, and 
repafs, freely, and without Trouble, boih by Water ■ 
and Land, without dobg him, or giving him, or 
fufcfing to be given him, made, or done, any Trou- 
ble, Hindcrance, or Uifturbajice ; but rather all Aid, 
Help, Favour, and AlSdance nereHary and lequifiCe, 
and thu we would adcnoviledge the lame moft wil- 
lingly in Time and Place. 

GivtH at, tht Hague, in our AffiMy^ under Bur 
Seal Paraphure and Signing ef our Clerk, the 
14/i ef June, 1652. 

fVai mri'd A. BOUCHORST. 
And lower it was written. 
By Order cf the faidSlasei Geoeral, viasfigned 

fftlh the Signet cf tht faid General StaUi in red 

■ Vol. XXIIL Q Tuejioj 



.tn-rtsnnm, TuifdaJt JuiU 15, l6S2. 

"y^ Ai the Council «/" State at Whitehall. 

' Ordered, That Report be made to the Parlia- 
ment of what ihe Council have ordered and direi^ed 
touching the Conference with the L rd Pawe, Ex- 
traordiriatj' AmhaflJdor ff'tn the Lords the States 
General, and of the Papers by him delivered to the 
Commiffioners tjf the Council, Thatby thefe Papers 
it not appearing to the Council that thefaidAm- 
bafTador hath any Power to treat or'condude, the. 
Council have thought {it humbly to prefent and |^b- 
iTiit the whole to the Confideration of the Parlia- 
ment for their Judgment thereupon.' 

Translation y tbehRTTEVLef tbi Lerd'PAWz 
to the Lord- President b/ the Council ef 
'■ State. 

For my Lard the Earl of Pembroke ar^ Mont- 
gomery, Preftdent ef the Council ef Statt ef tht 
Commoatveallh ef England, 

Mj Lerds, June it, 1651. 

* T 1 Aving communicated to my Lords the Am- 

X~l baffadors Extraordinary of the United Pro- 
vinces to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of 
England, what pafled in my Audience and Confer- 
ence with the Commiffioners of the Council d 
State, and having fhcwed unto them the In({ru£tions 
and Orders of my Superiors, they have thought fit 
■to addrefs the inclofcd Paper to my Lords of the faid 
Council of State : But forafmuch as Sir Oliver Fle- 
mings Matter of the Ceremonies, hath fignified unto 
me, Thatthcir Excellencies had thought fitto make 
a Report of the whole Bufinefs to the Parliament 
this Morning, 1 judged it convenient to intreat your 
Excellence that the faid Paper may be put into the 
Hands of the Reporter, to he communicated (as 
well as the other Propofitions and Papers) to ray 
lrf)rds of the Parliament. PiayingGod, my Lord, 




io blefs tbeTe AfEun for his Qloiyand the Profpaity Inter-n. 
of both Nations^ I will remain ever ''s*- 

* JTaur ExaBtnij'i ni»Jt hamtb Servdnt^ J""** 


Tbt Pa^er «/■/&» Three Extraordinart AM- 
BAtiADOKSj nUniiimd in the former littler. 

My Lords j 
* np HE Lord Adrian Ptkoe, Lord of Metmfltdi 
M. Atnbaflador Extraordinaiy of the Lnlted 
Provinces of the Law Cauntries, having cotnmunica- 
ted to us what pafled at the Conferences with the 
Commiffianers j and having fbewed tinto us his In- . 
ftniftions, and all the Orders of the Lords the States 
General of the faid United Provinces, wc would nbt 
omit to aOiire your Exrellenclea, that we have found 
the ihrbole in as good Form, and as valid, as can be 
defired. And we are very well content, by Virtue 
of the Povten which have been given usj and exhi-- 
bited and approv'd, to oblige ourfelves, and fubfcribe 
■whatfoever the faid Lord of Hiemjitd hath tranfafled 
and negotiated in Profecution of the faid Orders ; as 
alfo whatfoever he may tranfaS or negotiate as above, 
•either by himfdf or jointly with us, as Iball be 
thought moft conducing to the better pcrfc£ting of 
the Treaty of Alliance between the Commomwealch 
erf' Engiand and the United Provinces of the Lew 

Given tkttitb ef Junti 165a. 

Thur/day, the i^thof j'an/j 1652, relblvcd, up-, 
on the Queftion, by the Parliament, That, upon 
Conftderation of the Report made from .the Coun- 
cil of State, the Parliament doth think fit and order. 
That the Council of State do proceed with the Lord 
Pawii Amballador Extraordinary from the Lords 
th« States General of the United Provinces, accord- 
ing to fonn;r Dirediona. 

,-;r. Cieric. ParHaBunli. 

0,2 . ■ A ■ 


U2 A P P ^ N D I X 

Irwerrenniun. -APaptrrtceiindJymithtLtrd^A-Vtt.i)\itK i;, i65»i 

■, * 7i (i< fiijA( Ho^euralie the CaUndUf Slate, 

June. ( -^ (J £ AmbaffaiJoi E\tr«6*tfitiaryflf the Statw 
•Jl -General of the Uniied Provinces of the Lota 
Countrits dods himfelf neci^tated to demand, moft 
inlianily, another A<udle»ce of 'tHe Lordl Coihmif- 
floners of the HoiiduraUe Council, and that ts foon 
as poflible may be, as well to receive from thcnj the 
moft defircd Anfart* upon thofe ThiUga that he na'th 
akeady propounded in the iaft Conferences, as alio 
to make to their Honours, according to the exprcfs 
Charge be hath from bi:i Superier^ otbef Over- 
tures upon Things of fo higli . Concernraent, that 
they can fufFer no Delay : T'hefefor« he defireth 
earneflly, that tlris jult I>emaiKt be as fMn flt can 
be gianted unto him.' 

A7ranjktiim ef the Paptr cf the Ler4 Jmhaffkdtr 

Pawe, June 17, 165a. 

. * "T* HE Extraordinary Ambafladorof the United 

X Provinces bath re-prefented to Aie Lords 

Comniffioners of theffonourable Councjl t^ State, 

in the third Conference held thisDay, bs foHowcth: 

' That the StMcs of the United Provinces 'have 

- fhcWedthemfelvei, and are yet refolvci], toremun 
fafft ^o the Amky and intimate Correfpondtlict with 
this Commoi^eblth, as they have yet of tate made 
it appear, by granting, daring thefe FallingE-out, 
to the Company of Englifb Merchant Adventurers 
fettled in RMiawd^ all the Security and Proteftion 
that they have defircd, even with this annexed Pro- 

- mife, TocOTitinue in the fame good Will towards ■_ 
them, ttoughthe Diflemperfhould proceed further. 

* That which'happened aboiit OMfwor the Djwai 
Ihould not breed a general Quarrel between the two 
States i but thatthelatncMifchancefiiould be taken 
for a perfona] Action, fortvhtch thdfe'Sre toanfwer 

' who fluti be found to have exceeded theit Getnmif- 
, fion. . 

* And to the End that this fiufinefs might be 
compoicd according to the Fad> and the neceflary 


■ upiz..j.,.Googlc 


Saiisfaflion done, tliat it wtre mod fit and expedi- Inter ref^Hum. 
ent to have ic examined by Commilfioiien deputed ^ '^i'- 
of both Sides, to have that Petfon puriifiied which ' '.;_„, ' 
fliall be f,)und .guilty, according to the \Jfe and 
Maxims of ail Slates and Commoiiwtfaiths, by which 
Me^Rs ttwir Quiet and Trariquilhty, as wcil wiihirt 
aa without, with their N^iE^hbours, is conferved. 

* Moreover, "diat the Ships of War meeting at 
Sea, and ^jehaving tbo,7)f<.lvaa ai before, and during 
theTiffl«of the former Governmenf, there fl1.1l) bf 
thereupon no more Oifpute herealter. 

* And that when the Confederation now to be 
done fbaU be concluded, according to ihe earneft 
Dejirc of the States Geitera), the Friendfh'p be- 
tween both States and their Subjefls fliilt be more 
peif«<9, permanenf, confident, and inviolable { ani 
the truly orthodox Religion, which ihe^, by God's 
rpepiat Favour, do protefs, fliaUhavea mofl potent 
and fure Proteaion. 

* Tibe faid AmbaSador having again propounded 
the aforefatd Means, and havincc added tDihemfe- 
Tcral Rcafons and Arguments of great iilrengtji, hath 
defired to be informed thereupun uf the Intent of 

. the Honourable Council of State, ijfFi?r)/i^ to an- 
fwer and ^ve Satisfatflion upon the remaining Dif- 

' Or o;herwif*, that it might pleafe the Lords 
CommiffiorKrs to confer with him upon that Mat- 
ter, or to propound, on their Part, what they may 
find to be feafonable and juft, to compos, fjicedily, 

. th^t unhappy Accident, promlfmg to contribute, of 
his Side, ^t that Iball any ways Le in his Power, 
with his moft earneft Intrcaties, Thjt, the Ho- 
nourable Council might be, without Delay, ac- 
quainted wiihall ; and^that the 7 imc and pretitnt 
Afl^<iirs mi^t be fo well hulbanded, that the Bufi- 
nefs might be compounded by convenient Ways, 
and wiihout Interruption of the public Peace, and 
further Exacerbation of the Mindi and Spirits of 
both Nations. All which the faid AmbafT^dor hath 
tecofnmenied and offered, with much difedlioa, to 
prevent aU Provocations and Inconveniencies.' v 

0.3 -n, 



laKr-rcEmun- 7J< ANSWER tf tht Cntncil af State, t» th* Summary 

, ' ^*' of the Lerd Adrian Pawe, Extraardlnary Ami 

June, hoffadtr tf tht Staiei Geniral tf ibt Vnittd Prtt 

vincity frefiiaid to the Cvuntil tht if if tbit 

Inftani Tune. 
V ■« T T Hat the Thoughts and Judgment of thePaf- 
VV lUmetit have been concerning the ]ate Inr 
tentions of the Lords yourSupeiiors, and tlielatcAd- 
ings of your Fleet within (he very Roads of Engfand, 
your Excellency hath underftood by the Parliament'i 
Anfwer given unto the ihiee Papers of the Extraor- 
dinary Ambafladbri of your Sute, before your Ex- 
cellency's Arrivalberc} whichAnfwerjtogether with 
the State of the Fa£l, and the Examinations therer 
upon had, and then given in, your I^ordfliip takes 
Notice of in your Papers now before the Council \ 
neither doih any Caufe appear to vary from that 
TudgmeiK, upon any Thing fuice o^ed by your 
Excellency. And fince tb« Attempt made by the 
Fleet of the United Provinces, with the Preparations 
thereunto (all projei^ed and adcd by way of Sur- 
prize, and in a Time of Treaty) had the fame prf- 
vailed, would have highly hazarded the Safety of 
England, it cannot Hand with Reafon, that this 
Commonwealth, after fuch a Warning and great 
Prefervation {which they owe only to God) fboul4 
leave itfeli naked and expofed to the like Danger for 
the future, or fuffi;r itfelf, in a Cafe fo evident an4 
notorious, under Pretence of more folemn Exaqiina- 
fions, or from Examples of other States, which fuit 
not with this Cafe, to be diverted from applying 
Remedies agreeable to the Na^re of this Evil: And 
therefore the Council caiinot.admit of what is pro- 
pounded by your Excellency, either as to the paffifig 
by what is done, or 3tte.^ding the Way ofExami-, 
pations mentioned in your Papers, which to them, 
feem neediefs, dilatory, and impraflicabie. 

'Touching the Overture of re-admitting (hcUte 
Trcafy, begun by the other Lords Ambaffadors 
Extraordinary of youi Nation , after fo high a Breach 
li^eifof, w; coaccive it ^MUiot be feafonable, untill 




die Wound, now under Cure, be thoroughly clofcd inur-ngDum. , 
and healed. '«'5»- , 

* And whereas your Excellency hath thought fit *" 
frequently to alTcrt the amicable Mind and inten- 
tions of the Lords your Supeiiors towards this Com- 
monwealth, and hath given Inflanccs of fome late 
Orders and Adts, tending to the Expreflion of the 
famei fpecially concerning the Honour and Rerped 
to be paiJ unto this Commonwealth at Sea, (being 
die aniient and undoubted Right ol this Nation] and 
granting of the Ptoteflion defired by the Englifh 
Merchant, now at Rotttrdam, the Parliament hath 
not bcenwanting, onthcirPart, from Time to Time, 
tomanifell their Defircs of Amity with the United 
Provinces of the Low Countries, nor to afford unto 
the People thereof, refiding here, all neceffitry Pro- 
te^ion, tbo' undefired. Neverthelefs, in the prefent 
Pofturc of AfFairs, it cannot rcafonably beexpeSed, 
that this State fhould forbear, the Profecution men- 
tioned in the Parliament's faid AnTwer, for the Ends 
therein exprefled. 

ffbiiehall, Juni 19, I65?.' 

4 Tranfiatim af a Paper */ tht LwiAmbaffadsr 
Pawe, of th*i »/ ^, dt/irhi a Canftrtnet 
with the CommiJJimert of toi Ceuncii ef Statu 

7» tht Right HmsurabU Council ef Statfy 
« 'T'HE Extraordinary AmbafTddor of the United 
■*■ Provinces, having, the rlth of this Inftant, 
about the Evening, received by the Hands of Sir 
Oliver F{etniigy (be Aofwer which the HonourabJc 
Council of State hath been [Jeafed to give him, upon 
the Summary of thofe Things by him propounded 
ihe l^ih, he findeih hjmfelf bound to riemand, moll 
inftantly, another Conference with the Lords Com- 
miflioners of the Council, thst he may explain unto 
, them more particularly, and more fully, his Supe- 
rior's Intentions, and the better perform the Duty 
of his Office.' ' 

„ Jnsibtr 




turet""'"- Jjuthtr Paper »/ the Lard Pawe; tf tbt i.iji af 

_ '^^': , June, 1652. 

JuM. T» the HaiiourabU Council «/' State, 

* 'T'HE Exlraordlnay AmbalTatloror ihc United 
X Provinces having, the ?* of furu, in the 
Evening, fomcthing late, received, by the Hands of 
Sir Oliver Fleming, the Anfwer which the HonouT- 
able Council bath been 'pleafed to give him upon the 
Summary of the Things propounded the \%ch of dw 
iame Month. 

'He hath thought himfelf bound, for the bettrr 
Performance of ihcDuty of his Employment, to ^- 
fert again here ingenuoufly, as he hath done befoce* 
according to the Notice and Knowledge he hath of 
themoft intimate Deliberations and Confulations of 
the States General, his Superiors, that they having 
no ways propounded, deliberated, nor refolved, to 
give any Sufpicion, or the leait Occafion of Offence, 
againlJthe Fleet, or Ships, of this Common wealthy 
he did believe that it would have been fufiicient to 
take away all Conceits of the contrary ; He hath 
alfo truly reprefenced the Accident that happened 
between the two Fleets by Daver or xhcDevins, as 
it came to the Knowledge of his Superiors by fin- 
cere AtteJlations of truliy and blamelefs Perfons ; 
and hath, to avoid all further Conteltations, inftead 
of infifting upon ihofe Proofs, opened a Way, by 
which the true and infallible Knowledge of the fame 
might have been found out, and by that Means the 
Satisfaction done that could be lawfully pretended. 

' Therefore that Mifchancc cannot be any ways 
imputed to his Superiors, who never bad the Icaft 
Thought, nor in any fort contributed, towards the 
Infrai^Ion of the Friendffaip which hath always been 
mod dear to them, and lefs towards the Interruption 
of the Treaty of Confederation ; for the perfeiling 
of which they have had, and have ftill here, their 
Extraordinary AmbafTadors. 

'That may fuflScicntly appear by the firm and 
conAant Kefolution of his Superiors, that have ne- 
ver been willing to grant any Letters of Mart or Ke< 

U.0.1.Z..J ..Google 


prizal upon the ccntmual Complaints and reiterated 1°'°'-" 
Petitions, even Hie Importunities of the Perfons in- , 
terefted in the Ships, taken, arrefted, and confifcated 
here, (or Fear of giving any Occalion of Difcontcnt 
to this CoiDOionweatth. 

• TTic fame is clearly feen by the ProteiSioa 
granted to the Englljb Company fettled at Ratler- 
aam, (tho' ix fuperabundanti, and they had no Need 
of die fame) to exprefs more fpecially their good 
Intentions ; the which nuy be alio jultiticd by' all 
their A£lions, none of this State having yet, to this 
prefcnt, received the IcSft Damage, Offence, or In- 
jury, for all the faid Proceedings j even our Ships of 
War having rather fufiercd thnnfelves to be broiight 
into the Porta of £RfZfW, and there to be detained, 
than endeavoured to defend thcmfelves againft thofe 
whom they have always made Account lo he their 
good Friends, as having never heard of any Publica- 
uon to die contrary. 

' And to make that Teftimony of FriendOiip the 
more authentical to tbii Coaimonwealth, bis Supe- 
riors have fent a fecond Extraordinary EmbafTage, 
to difabufe all thofe that might be prc-occupated ot 
mifinfoimed, ai>d to help the furthering and perfe^- 
teg of tbef^ Treaty. 

* But in cafe all thofe Overturn and Means of 
Reconciliation be rejeAed, and it be refotved here 
to make 0(e of thofe Ways, which, inllead of af» 
fuaging, ftiall increafe the Evil, and whicti being 
againft all Maxims of all States and Common- 
wealths, ( who never give their Judgment upo« 
Signs, Prefumptions, and SuCpicions, but upon infal- 
lible and unreproachable Proofs, and as clear as the 
Sun is at Noon j and who, during a Treaty, do al- 
wayscommahd, moftftri£l]y,aCeinuion of all Ways 
of ra^l) {halt the more furprize my Superiors ^od 
caufe ftrange Alarms to their People, by making 
thofe fuSer which arc guiltlefs and coming from far, 
who never had the lead Sufpicion, or heatd the leaft 
Kumour, of a Fatling-out between both States. 

' Whereupon the faid AmbalTador mufinecdsbe 

very much furprized and forry, dcfiring, That (be 



t48 A P P E N D I X. 

iDter-ngntdn. laid l^rds Commiffioiien be pleafed (that no Way 
''s*' for a happy Agreemnt may be negle^cd) to pro- 
^~~ r„„ ' pound for, on their Part, fomc ©thcr Expedients, 
^ (feeing they have expreflcd in their laft Anfwcr ^w 

' ven to the other Extraordinary Ambaf&dois, That, 
tbt nuft Jwttt IVayi wUl be alwayi tbt mtji pUafing 
ft them) which may be fit, fatisfa£toiy, and conveni- 
ent, to compofe, as foon as can be, that unhappy 
BuCuiefs, and rcftore all Things to their firfl' Tem- 

* And that in the mean Time they be alfo plei.fed 
to inhibit all WaysofFafl, and to give Order, That 
the Ships deuined may be fpeedily fet at Liberty, 
praying very earneftly the Honourable Council to 
explain their Mind threupon, as alfo to give an 
Anfwer upon the laft Articles of the Paper exhibited 
the 5' of June, to make him the more able to con- 
tribute his beft Offices for the Good and Strengthen- 
ing of the two Commonwealths. This *ift oi^ 
Jmtber Paper •/ tbt Ltrd Pawe, June 23, 1652. 

7*0 the Hatuumile Ceunc'thf State, 
f "-j-i HE Extraordinary Ambaflador of the United 
i Provinces, confidering the Importance of the 
Afiairs now in Hand, ajid imminent Dangers that 
threaten both States, is forced to be importunate 
with your Honours, in recommending moft earneftly 
the Care of your Anfwer upon his laft Conference j 
uid intreating you, with all his Aflcilion, that the 
feme may be a convenient and lawful Means to 
affuage the Differences, and reftore the Union and 
perfeft Intelligence between both Commonwealths, 

uid their reciprocal Subjcfb. This 'fd trf J^ 




Jit Answer ef the Parliament « that Part ef Int^-^^P"* 
the ^ AVV-K givt by the Lard PawE, wbertbi if. 


4ifirii the Cammifftmtts ef the Ceuncil to fropeund Jum. 
p>bat thejjhall think reafanabU and jufl i» eempoff 
fpit£lj the frefent Differences betwien thii Com' 
mamutahh and the Lards the Siptei General af thi 
fjnittd Prtvinas. Friday (A* i$th nfjunc, 1652. 

■* HAT the Lords theStates General of tlB 
United Provinces do pay and faiisfy, un- 
to this Commonwealth, the Charges and Damages 
this State hath fuftained, and been put unto, by the 
Preparations of the faid States Genera!, and their At- 
tempts this Summer, the Particulars whereof Ihall 
be in due Time produced. 

II. ' That upon the Payment of the Sum to be 
agreed upon as aforcfaid, for Ch^i^es and Damages 
or fecuring the fame to ibe SatitfaSion of the Par- 
liaipen't, , th^re fhall follow immediately thereupon fi 
Ceflation of aH A£ts of HotHlity, andthe Ships and 
Goods, taken fincc the late Diflcrences, ihall be re- 

III. * The two former Propofitions being aflented 
unto and put in Execution, the Security for the 
Time to ccmie, vfhich the Parliament dties expert, 
is by both States contracting a firm Alliance ajid 
Confiftency of Intereft for the Good of both j which 
the Parliament of ^rr^/anf/ is willing on their Part> 
by all juft Ways and Me^ns, to endeavour. 

Friday, Jwez^, 1652. At the Council of State 
^tWbitehaU, oiAztcA, That the Commtffioners ap- 
pointed formerly to meet and treat with the Ix)rd 
Pawe, £;(traordinary AmbafTador of the United Pro- 
vinces, do deliver unto the faid Lord Ambaffador the 
Anfwer of the Parliament of the 25th of June in- 
ll^nt, to that Part of the Paper prtfenied unto them 
by the Council, from the faid Lord P«iu/, whereby 
his Lordlhip doth dcfire the Commiffioners of the 
Council to propound what they fhould thin^k reafon- 
l^lcsndiufi, to compofe ^cetlily the prefent Dif- 



ferences between this Commonwealth and the tonh 
; ' j^*' the Sutcs General of the United Provinces. 
)"««! . £xem. JO: THURLOE, 

Gtri ^ tht CaniKiL 

. JPAtMJLo/ ibtLsrdPAwB, June a6, 165a. 
T» the Right Homurabli Cauncil of Slate, 

* "|~^ H E Extraordinary AaibafTuJoroftfaeUnited 

X Provinces having YeSsrday had a Conrer- 
cncc with the Lords CommilliDners of the CounciU' 
and received from them two Paptrs upon thefanic 
Subjeft, he deilreth earneftly they will be plcafed (d 
gre again Order, without llofs of Time, for a ne^ 
C(»iference with the faid Lords Commit oners, th«t 
fomc Things may be better explained and cleare^l 
of both Sides, and a fpeedv Compofure made of the 
Suiinels. — This *^ of 55 165J.' 

AMtbtrVKVKJLtf the LerJVAvrEp the fame Daj, 
fo tht Htntkraiie Cewicil tf Statfy 

* TP H E Extraordinary Ambaflador of the United 

.1 Provincca hath propounded, at a Conference 
held the *^th of ^H^ i6j2, with ibe Lords Com- 
miffioners of the L<>uncil of State, the following Ar- 
~ * That the Statu General having been fDrced, for 
the Rcafons already allcdged, to make extraordinary 
Preparations at Sea, have been put to citceeding 
great Charges, which do continue yet at this prc- 

• That their Subjefls, befide the extreme great 
Lollcs they have had heretofore at Sea, have recei- 
ved very great ones by the Letters of Mart granted 
as well againft the French as againft the faid Sub- 
jeds of the United Provinces, and upon fome other 

* That the State and their Subjects have fuffcred 
much, and received great Damages of late, by the 
uking and fpoiling of fevetal Ships of War, and by 
the arreflinz of all the Merclunts Ships. 




« And rtiat, if a Reimbarfement of ihe Chargei »"»"■»'"■ 
mtti DiinagaflMwW be thought of, rtwy fljouM be '°^*' 
t retgl t cd of bodi St^s one againft the other, and jhs. 
ihxt it (beuld bt oonTidered irtiethcT the^ have not 
hcttt greaoei dn the Unhed Provincn Side. 

' Httwever, then muft t reafonable Eftimation be 
InsiAe, atid the Bulincfs not referred to a Prodcrfijon 
of Accounts, which recjuireth a long Examination. 

* And if the fjjd CommJIBoners be pleafed ta 
Icaufe that Ef^imation to be made in moderate Term 
on their Part, it u-ill appear from (hence whedier 
there U, at this Side, any Willingnefi or Intent to 
compoond the Things palled according to Reafon* 
knd friendly, or whether there is a Defign to pro- 
poimd Things impofliblc and unfeafiblc. 

* As concerning the Confederacy between be4h 
Commonwealths, and the mutual affifting one aii*- 
t*»cr againft thole that flial! offind or affault them, 
the other Extraoisiinary Amba-fTadors have made the 
truclnteWions of their Superiors krnown thereupon, 
and are ready To go en in the fame Negotiation, and 
to bring «'to an 'Entt withcut Lofs of Time. 

* Ifilbe faid Lords Commiffionen do thinic fit tMt 
the fa^ CeiffederBcy fhonld bemore ample and more 
Ihtifft, Ihat will not-only be more- pleafing to the faid 
Aifthitflidor, but he »lfo intrcateth, very earoeftlj^ 
tiiat he nay beWearly informed ihemipon. 

* Putting at the fame Time into Conli deration, 
. 'Whether it will not be moA convenient, even tmft 

ncceflary, to give Order that the Fleets do notcome 

^ ne&r, nor engage, any more one with the other ; the 
Taid Ambtfflador fearing much it fhould fosn be 
comtnandfed otberMvays at the other Side, chiefly if 

" the abovefatd Order be not fpcedily given here. 

■* And dcfirrng, moreover, that the Ships Wblfh 
trc arr^ed imay ^be fpeedJIy rtleafed, and tbat no 
T'riwmay be any .longer detained j to the Eod ibat 
the Mind j of (be People being fomethtn^ pacHied, 
tiiifmi^ be-Hthif inviieAhy mutual FriendHbip and 

'^L<i¥t,'*id of-flierr ownAtxOTd, than brought by 
.C<Hi(fTaitic Ip unite again by tn indifToluble Coi^ 

• tier*y; 

* Ai 



btet-ntnum. * As alio that the faid Ambaflkdor may recav0 
. '^^'' upon t^fe, fo fpeedy and fo favourable a JDedarar 
June. >ioii> that be may, with more hopes of Succeft, ufis 
hit Endeavours with his Superiors, and effed what, 
in this Conjun^ure of Time and Afiatn> ts moft 
expedient and necefTary; and that he nay doit 
without Delay, according to the expiefs Order b9 
hath ftom his faid Superiors, which be is bound to 
fi^low exaflly. 

' The Council of State having confidered of th« 
Paper this Evening delivered in by their Commif- 
fioners from the Lord Pawf, Extraordinary Am- 
balTador of the Lords the States General of the 
United Provinces, and finding therein no clear or 
iircH Anfwer to thelaft Paper of I>emanda tender'd 
unto his Excellency in the Name of the Parliament, 
they do dcfire a fpecdy and pofltive Anfwer there- 
unto, at leaft unto the hrft Article thereof ; efpecl- 
ally becaufe, that being alTentcd unto, the Council 
might fpcedily reply themfclvcs to a reafonable and 
moderate afceriaining iheSum; to the End that, im-* 
mediately upon Performance of the fecond Article, 
all Ads of Hodility might be forborne, and Reili- 
tution made of the Ships and Goods deuined. The 
third Article, in the Nature thereof, not requiring 
fo prefent a Tranlaflion. Ex. JO. THURLOE, 
miutaO, 7«M s6. as*- Cleri of tht Cttintil, 

A Pafzk frtm the Ltrd Pave, June 27, 1653, 

Tothi ihriet-iUuJhtBut Council ef State, 
• "X* HE Extraordinary Ambaffador of the United 
*• Provinces havingconlidered the Anfwer dp- 
livered unto him Ycfterday, at Evenii^ by Sir Oli~ 
vtrFUming, upon the Conlideiaiions heretofore by 
him propounded, doth moft inftantly crave thattl 
may pleaTe this thrice-illuftrious Coundl of State to 
grant him one other Conference this Afternoon, that 
he may more particularly dcdud the Intentions fA 
-. his Superiors, and withal likewjfe btiffy both- their 
. Excellencies and hit own Duties. - • 1 

Signed ADRIAN PaWE. 
. *^thofJ!!?l 
1052. I 

Uigiliz^d.,. Google 

A P P E N t) J X. 153 

hmhtr Paper of tht Lord Fawe, June 17, 1651. to«r.«gmmi 
7i /i# Xi]f£f Hanturahlt tht Council #/■ State. j4^_ 

• "ITT Hile the Extraordinary Ambaflador of the 
VV jUnited Provinces was bufied about the 
writing of the Atifwer upon the Paper delivered to 
bim Yeftcrday, very late, by Sir Oliver FUmir^, 
ftom this Honourable Council, he was, to his great 
Grief* informed that this Commonwealth's Fleet 

ftom this Honourable Council, he was, to his j 
Grief* informed that this Commonwea 
-was gone to Sea to execute fome Deiign. 

■ The faid Ambaflador hath alfo, by feveral Let' 
ters,; received Order from his Superiors, That ia 
CaTe^he could not obtain, by all paiEble Endeavours, 
the CelTation of Ads of Hoftility, he (hould, frith 
all Speed, return bzclc ;^ain into the Lew Cauntriu 
to acquaint them with his Nejgotiation, 

< And as the Giid Ambaf&dor can advance no 
further in the faid Negotiation, of which be was 
charged to giTc an Account to his faid Superiors 
with all Speed, he therefore defireth to be admitted 
To-morrow to take his Leave of this Honourable 
Coundl* to go over, at Toon as can be, in the Ship 
of War who-eof Jthn Vtrbaef is Captain, who was 
commanded to .bring him hither and back again; 
and that he may have a Letter, or a Pafs, of the 
Honourable Council, to be tranfported over without 
any Hindcrance or Trouble, and without being mo- 
Icfted oc arrefled by the Parliament's Ships. 

* The other Extraordinary AmbalTador having, 
in the mean Time, informed and Ihcwed him that 
diey had received the like Order and Command, 
have intreatcd him to demand, in their Name, that 
they may alfo, at the fame Time To-morrow, have 
Audience to take their Leave of tlus Honourable 
Council ; as ulfo be provided withfuch Ships as they 
fliall have Need of for the Tranfport of their Per- 
fbns, Train, and Ba^age; as alfo with fuch Pafles 
as fhall be neceflary for the Security of their f a^ag^. 

* The faid Ambafladar defireth that he mayie- 
ceive a fpeedy Anfwer upon thcfe, being a Thing of 
very ueat Importance.' 



154 appendix; 

. '.^ ' At the Covscilc/Stats at Whitehall. 

J*** * Upon Confideratioii of the Report made of the 

• Paper delivered in to the Commiffioners this Even- 
ing by the Lord Pmve, Extnuirdinary Ambafladoi . 
from the United Provjncei, the Council hold them- 
feivet obliged to reprcfent the Tame to the Parlia^ 
BKnt, which dicy Ihall ^ upon Turfiay Momingt 
at their firft Sining ; and, in the mean Time, can 
give no other Anfwer to 1^ faid Lord Ambal&dor 
opon this Subject. 

Cltrk tf th* CtutKtl. 

APafek t/lii Ltrd P AWB, ^ Jam a, 1652. 
Tatbt Right HttwuraMe tbtCouvcihef State, 
* ' M'^ H E Extraofdinary Aiaballador of the United 
jl Provinces having feco the Anfwer of the 
Honourable Council given upon his PropoTition 
made Yefierday, hath ihau|^t fit to declare a^in. 
That bis Intention Is to do his beft when he uiall 
- be arrived in his Country, that, upon the Overiurci 
made to him, or can yet be made, there maybe fuch 
convenient Means and lit Expedients found, chicly 
to make all Mifapprehenfions and Alictutions of 
Minds, as well as all A&.of Hofiility, ccafe ; that 
a fair Agreement upon the Bulkiefs paA, and cn^- 
fequently a Jinn Union and Confederacy between 
both States, aa alfo a good Settlement between bod) 
Nations, may enfue, from which their own Profpc- 
lity and Happinefs may £ow> and all Inconvcnieoqis 
be prevented for the future. 

* And as his Refolution is godly, honeR, zijd, if 
it fuccecdetb, nufl conducing to the Common Safe- 
ty i as alio that it muft be ffieedily, and t>efare ' 
Things proceed further, put ia Execution : 

' The (aid AmbaHador defireth that it mi^ pleafe 
the Honourable Council to weigh all tfaefe, and to 
order that allinay be done that may be for that Pur- 
pole, towaidsthepromotingof thcfame. 



A P P E- N D I X. , t^j 

•An4 as the Time it ffloA Qrccious, ii trlU' betucr-f^HA. 
«ry neccflary that he may fpeedily be admitted to ^^ "rtt«-^ ^ 
his Audiences ; as atfo he maj- foonhave the fit Ex- ' '•' ' " 
podiiions <micerniiig the Ship that brought bim^ 
and flayeth for his Return xc Grateftnd, to bring 
tiiin baclc again into the Itow-Ceunlrint withf thp 
PaA he huh demanded for his Security, and to aroid 
all Micfoitiines that might at(ctt htm at Sea. 

* The faid Ambaflador doth wnuUy perAiade bixiu 
felf that the Hon'Juri>ble Council will be pleafcd to 

f ivc Order, Th^t, in Con fide racioi) of hia.Qu^Lor| 
e be ufed in the fame Manner at his Depsrtnr^ 
and taking of bis Leave, as he hath been at his C^ 
iming and Receptioo, &>t which Favour be tbukctb 
t)ic Hoaourah)c Council vofiH kindly.' 

j^ier Paper. «/ A* fante Datt. 

Ti the ^gbt HowMratlt the Caundl tf Statf, 

THE Extraordiai 'y AmbafTador hath thought 
fit to pjropound here, whether this Honour- 
sble Council could not approve. That, after his Re- 
port (i^^de to the Lords the States General, his Se> 
crctaryor fame other faithful Perfon, {houldbe fciic 
to maintain and foment the mutual Corrcfpondence, 
aiid deliver, as well as receive fromboth States, what 
inay ferve to the compounding of Tbinga paft, tiid 
lindto the re-ell^btifliingaf the Union an^ Con£^ 
^cracy. ' ' , , 

* Andwhethec, tothisEnd.theHotiouiJtMe CouiH 
Citwould ie pleafcd to command fuch PaHes tob« 
. gtanted, by Virtu* of which be might freely and 
iafely come back and Hay here, as long as ibe Par- 
liament of the Commonweaith of Engtituls or tlw 
Lords tbc Ststqi Qcnejal, ma^ And it convenient. 

« Or otherwifif. That it may plealie 'he Hoaoor- . 
qble Cotmcil to name oi denote here fomebodjr 
tiiat be agreeable to themt and fit to receive ^< 
Letters thai might be written upon that Subjo^ ao^ 
(o folTicit the Anfwers thcteuflto.*- 

Yot.xxni. R; A 



4fAft% if At itret AMBASSADORS, Jatel ' 
Jiuie^S, 1652. 

Xf fhi CovvciL «/$TATB rfttt Cammananalth 

WHcreastRttie Amb^fladors of the Lords the 
Slates of the United Province* of the Lew 
Ctuntriti, by their taft Letters, have received Order, 
vithout any DeU}-, to make HaAe again to our 
Country, ard ihere to give an Account of what we 
Invc here done i we therefore do carneftly pray this 
Senate to fufier us that we talcc as it betitB u^ Leave 
ef thismoft illudrioiu AlTemblyt ^nd may have Ships 
Hat may conveniently lerve for our own Tranfpor- 
tation, and for that of our Train ind Goods ; and 
befides, that flich fafc Condudi or PafTes be granted 
US that may mik* our Journeyfiifc. fjere' are fotne 
pf our Ships ready, viz. Capt, yatpdm Bc/Tf fritl^ 
|tire$ fnialler VeJfeb of the City of Dtrt. 
ri. CATS. 
■ Signedi G. SCHAEP. 


pkr Lord Pawb<s Sf>ech in Parliameutt at hh 
taking Ltevtf June 30, 1^52} 

Right HanaarabU^ 
' np' HE S(ate( General of the United Provineaj 
M of the Ltw ikuKiriis have ficH fcnt i^eic 
Extraordinary Ambaflaiiois tu the I'ailiament of ih^ 
CommonweaJth of Epgland. to ili> 'heir earnefl Ed- 
^eavuurs (or the ftrengt^ening ajd confirining of the 
Sntient Aniityand Fneni^Aii|j between bjlb'NationSf 
And fur the cflablithing if an everialling Alliancf 
between both States, and to bring ihofe Things to 
a happy Conclufion for the cc-mmon Utility and S^r 
Curity ; and afterwa^ids the Loid William Niwft'tf 
s Member pf (he States of Halland and Iftfi- 
friexeiai$i/, to talce away fome Doubts, and to wit^ 
IKfi more fully of the good Intentions of our Su> 
Mtiors cooccining tne Tifil/ of '<?anfederac/. 
' " ■ ■■ 'At 



* At lift it hatb pleifcdthe faid Lord) the States lattcMiawM, 
to prepare, fome few Days ago, a new ExCraordiiur^ ''s*^ 
Embal&geto the faid Parliament, and tg give me ' ' i " ' ^ 
that Employment, with an exprefi Coninand to 
bear again, over and aboYc, Witnefs of their faithful 
Dealing, aixl of their mofl ilncere Intention toward? 
Ibis (.^oinmon wealth, and to diflblve and remove aQ 
^ ftrange and unthoi^t of Accidents, and all the 
Stoppings and Hindennces thereby caufed and oppo- 
fiid to t^ir good Intent i by which Means X might, 
by alt my Endeavours, promote to a happy Condu- 
fion the Treaty of Alliance already begun. 

* To that End it hath been propounded, amongft 
other Thii^, That there ibould h<e an inquiry 
and Examination made, by £t Perfixu of both Com- 
monwealtba, of all that lately pafled and wa* donp > 

between the two FIcctj without any Defign, but by 
meer Chance, tmd a juft and lawful Satii&dion Bar- 
ted i for we do witnclit and protcft before Qod and aQ 
the Chriftiao World, asweltaiinthePrefence of the 
ParlijiDieM of ^ Commonwealth of £t;p/«iK/,'That 
the States have not had the Icaft Mind ^ offisndine 
DTtroublii^ ^uCoqimonweahb, muchlefs of com- 
mitting any HoAilityagainftibemi but rathei that 
they have had nothu^ more iq their Hcam than to 
enteruln and maintain, with this Sut«, a)! trap 
FrietidDup and firm Peace, even to come to a ftri£t- 
er Union and Confederacy with them. 

* Bat as It bath unha[^ly happened that, after 
extn^rdinary Pains taken, and all die heft Endcar- 
ytym done of all Sides, to conferve the common 
Quiet, and remove all Hioderances, botit Embaf- 
bges have not only mifledtbeir Ends, but that, to the 
contrary, not only great Troubles have been given, 
extraordinary Lolles have been caufed, but hnge 
Dangers : as alfo A£U of Hoftility not looked fw, 
natber at any Time before declared, ate thretitened 
frmt the Englijb Fleet to the States of the Unittd 

* Both ^ballagea bath, dwug^t fit, to prevent 

the enfubg Evils, and upon a Btmnefs fo uaufu^, to 

ffiuit into thar own Country, to give snAccount 

1t» of 

L\ _...,Ck")ogIc 

158 A P P E N P I 3p. 

tnt^-miiun. of their Negotiation to theit Superiors,' and to b« 
. ' ' , acquainted with their fuither Commands. 

Imk, ' T^o that End Vfje do pccfent ourlalves together 

totbc Supiein^ ftvthofity of this Commiiiive'ahht 
;;uid declaie. That wc bsve a Contmand to retufti 
ttack. and that ve are re^dy 10 taEe our Journey'. ' 
' We have given Notice to the' Honourablg 
Coua^il if State of this Comnionweahh of tho^ 
Things that are ncccdai]^ tg us i<>r our Tranfport^ 
according tn out Quality and the Seafbn, and do 
loo^i^d wait for an Aiifwei; thereupon, hoping; th^f 
.^e nccel^ry Expeditiooc ^hall be dont. " 

' In thj; mean TiOB. We canoot be wanting to OU 

?ut)i, h^t arefoieedagaih to'dcfirc sioft Varneftlyj 
ijqt'all our $h^>e. that have been brpughl into (he 
^orts of ^^n^^*^, ajid there detained oi lateagainft 
our Tti9ughti, and before any pedaratjon of Hoft^ 
lity iSued out, and vbkCrcof the Cooimanders are 
liii^uiares and giu)tlt&> haying nfM gtyen t^ leaflv' 
'tor to Nobody, Occa&eit eif Ijifpute; maybe relea- 
fed and fuffercd to go fieely, vfitb fheU Officers, 
Mariners, KflerchxtidtBes, Packs, and Loads, anj 
• the whptc Conjpwiy, and to perform' their Journey 

^ithoi^t vty Wrongi.or Injury ; which ve do pre- 
terul to'l^ due to our cJd. friendihip, to the Right 
,of Nations, il^d have been obCerved betw«er> Chri- 
fiian Peoplie, as well as wp hol;e to have icgranted 
W i^q. Jp^icp and Equjtf of thia great ana mofl! 
Honuurablp A(I«inbly. ' ■ ■- ' 

• *FMrt,he'rmQre, wcdo intreaf, with all our Hearts, 
thegrpat pod v£ I-k^ivenT who jtthe AiKhOf and 
FronAotcr of^ PcAte and' Concordance, that he wil^ 
\c pl^afcd to afford Aich Thought and' Couafel to 
the l^arlbi)>eot of the Common wealth of England^ 
It Q^ay tend -to the muiual Peace of bo^ States, to 
the , Cugvi;Tfat(gn of the Ghrillian, Reformed, ami 
Qj.tho4ox ReligioBf vhicti hath no better Pounda-" 
(ionftthvi. upoi) Peace, and can never better thrive 
.Und 5ow:i(h thlD by Peace, and wU), without anjr 
Doubt, be affii£tcd and deffroyed by our Troublea 
M^-Jr^lLings-Qut i M aUa-thar be wiHj in his^ ftAercy, 
if^XHA^ ]tlcfiru£ik>B» aqd MirerieaofWart, arid 

APPENDIX., 1^51 

t>eftow abundantly his heavenly BleAngi upon both Wr-RcnaB. 

CommonweiUthB. We ftall end upon thefe Wiflies, ''5*- - .. 

and being commiMidcd to I'cpair in Hifte into our; " "j,^ 

Gbuntty, we Ihall, with all tiianltful Acknowledge-' 

inent for ail Favours done to us, Rti well ii with all 

due Refpe^, take our Leave of this moft Honour- . 

able sind Buprcitie A^l^bly of the Cc»nnion wealth 

of Bngland, with Confidence that titej* Will not 

4eny us thofe Thing! which we htve alrcadjr cxpref* 

fed, and are granted cVery where to the Atafoafiadors 

Ux their Quality and Security; 

PmuunteJ md dtHvtred te tht Put-ltaihtnt tf tf>t 
CtmmmtvDealtb , af England, ihe [; 'f ^i 
1652, hj tht ExtratrdinOfj ^iiffadsrs tf- tot 
Staut GfiitrM ^ tin XJviui PreVincti, 

* We do tteddes deliver a Pfciitioni put itito our 
Hands by the Dnich Mercha^^, dcliring they mty 
ei^oy the fame Security and PrcWeAibn vrhicH hath 
been lately granted, in'the heft ¥ciih, to tht Ett£!i^ 
Merchants in oUr Provinces. 

* We defire alfo, at laft, That, bfefides the two 
t>iachMein^ War, thefe OidutdKeandtherof thofe 
that are in the Dntrns gntnted ta us Ibf our PafTage, 
feeing we are a very great Company, wherein are 
tome Women of Quality, wilh ttiuch Carria^, 
which will put us to prdt Inconveniences, bciides 
the Heat of tfait Seafont except Wc be fitted wid) diq . 
faid Ship.', 




Though OromtuWs Speech to his Convcntiotf 
Parliament, in Vol. XX. p. iSXtJunt^ 1653, be 
long winded enough, ytX the donclufiort of it ffu 
omitted inourCopjr. We havefince been enabled 
to Aipply that Oeftdfirom another, which will MI 
inat p. 175, Ai^Mt. 

* * —I have only diii to % further, That the 

* Affainof the Nauon laying on our Hands to be 
' taken Care of, and knowing that both the Afiairs 

* at Sea, the Armies in Jrttmd and ScttlaKdt and 

* the providing of Things for the preventing of lit- 

* convenienco, and the anfwering of all Emergpn- 

* aes, did require (hat there fliould be no Inter- 

* niptioni but that Careou^t to be ukenfbrtheJe 

* Tilings. And forefeeinglikewile, that, before you 

* could digcft yourfelnt into fuch a Method at yoa 
■ may ihim: beft, both for I^ace, Time, and other 

* Circumftancet in the way you fhall propoTe to 

* proceed in, you would afk banc Time, which the 

* Commonwnlth would not heir. In rcTped of the 

* manwing of Things, I have, within a Week, fet 

* up a Council of State, to whom the naiu^ing of 

* ASiisi is committed; who, I may fay, very volun* 
' tarih and freely^ before they fee how the Ifiue of 

* Things would be, engi^ed themfelves in Bnfineft, 

* d^or qine of tbem beii^Membcre of the Houle 

* diat late was. I lay, I did ezercife that Power 

* that I thought wu devolved upon me at that Time, 

* to dw End that Al&in might not have any Inter- 

* vat: And now, when you are met, itwillafk feme 

* Time for the fetiJing <rf your Affairs, and your 

* Way, and a D^ cannot be kifl, but to be in a 

■ contmu^ Council till fuch Time'as you fliall take 

* foftber Order j fo that the whole Matter of thnr 

* Conridcraiions are alfo at your Difpo&l, as yon 

* finll Jec Caufe ; and tbercforc I thought it my 

* Duty to acquaint you with thus much, that you 

* may not be diftraSed in your Way, that Thii^ 

* have bem thus (wdcred, that your Affairs will gw 

■ on tin yoa fte CauTe to alter this Council, ihqr 

* having no Authority^ nor longer to £t than unliU 

* you Sw\ takcfutther Order.' At 

A t> p E if b 1 :Jc. i6t . 

At'Page6i, Vol, XXI. of this Hiftoiy, there t> bw-xviitti^ 
iui H<i"«rtmadc, by Want of the Protcflor'a Speedi . '?i*-^' 
to a CbtnmittM of Patliiiheht at H^iubail, upon AiiL 
Frt^of, rfjftri/ 3 , 1657. This Speech hai fince fallea 
[nfio our Hands, t<^ethcr With another of the fame 
Perron's, whEth he made to anot&er Committee of hit 
Parliament appoirtted to wait on hiol at ffhittbaSy 
On the 8th of the fame Moilth, of ifrKich there it 
bnty in Ahftrad given In the Hiftol^ at t'age6a. 
Thcfc two Speeches, therefore^ we diall [tlaefe tdgii* 
ihcT as follow? : 

T&PRotccTdits SPEECti ti aCthmuliitefPar-' 
lanMt in Whitehall^ vpai Fridajr ib* jtf tf 
April, 165;. , 

My Lerdty 
^ I Am heattilf forry I aid not make thf l)elirtk (^M^mjr, 

A known 16 the Parliament bcforle thii TimctSfAtcbteiCMi* 
which wis. That I acquainted you with by Letter ^^ ■',''** 
thit bay. The Rcafon was, becaufe Come Infirmity 
of Body had feiied upon me thcfc two laft Days, 
Vefterday and iVtdnefday. I have^ as well u I 
touldj taten Confideration ot ihe Things conuined 
in this {^aper, which was prefentedto ftic by the Par- 
liamcfit, oh Tuefday laft, in the Banquetting-Houfi^ 
arid have fuught Ood that I might return fuch an 
Anfwer as mid» become me^ andbewoithy of the ' 

Parliament. I muft needs bear this Tcftimony to 
Vou, that you have btfen zealous of the two.greateft 
Cobcernments that God hath in the W'orld ; the 
<in^ is that of Religion, and Prefervation <jf th^ Pro- 
'{eflbrS of it; lo give ihem all due atxl juli Liberty^ 
and to aScrt the Trilthl of Godj which you have 
' done in Part in this Paper, and do itSn them to he 
done ihor* fully by yourfelvcs and me. And as to 
the Liberty of Men profeffing GodlineTt under the 
Variety of Forms aihongfl us* you, have done that 
Which waa never done before) and 1 pioyGodif 
nuy not'&Uttpontht People of God, tis a Fault vtk 
'tbem, tXixvj Sort of them, if ttieydo not puifucb 
R4 aValu* 



litn-R^inn. a Value on what wasdone, as vat never [wt oii 
■L l i.?' ' *"? '^'""g ^""^"^ (Srj/iV, Time, for fuch a Catholic 
^ijriL ■ Imereft of tht People of God. The other Thing 
Cared for U the Civil Lib«rty aDd the Interefl of itw 
Nation j which thuugh it is, and I think ought M 
be, fubordinate to a more peculiar Intcrcft of God^ 
yet it is the next bell that God hath givUi Men iq 
the World ; and, if well, is better than any Word$ 
to fence Men in their other Intercfls : And if amy 
one whatlbever thinic the Interefl of the Nation and 
the Interefi of the People of God inconlillent, I wift 
iny Soul may not enter into his and their Secrets. 
Thcfe are Things I mull acknowledge ChriRian ' 
and Honourable, and .are provided for by you Ilkfc 
Chridian Men, and Men of Honour, and, like jcvir* 
felves, Engltjhmen i And to (his 1 muil uid Ihall 
bear my 7'eilimony ivhilil I live, againft all Gaixi- 
faycrs whatftlever^ And upon ihefb two iRtCrcAs, 
if God Oiall count tac worthy, I iha)1 live and die | 
and I mull (ayj if 1 were to give an Account before 
a greater Tribunal than an eafthly one, and if I 
Iperealkfed why I have engaged all along in the lattf 
Wars, I could give nohe i but it would be a wicked 
oDe if it did not comprehend ihefe two Ends. Onl^ 
give me Leave to fay, and to fay it ferloullyi the 
fflue will prove it fo, that you have one or two 
Confidcrations that do flick with me} difcOpeiit 
you have named nie by another Title than 1 noit 
bear. You do neceflitare my Anfwtr fo be Cate- 
«)Hcal, and you have made me without a Liberty of 
Choice ; fave, as to all, 1 queflion not your Wif- 
dom in doing of it, but I thiiik myfelf obliged tc> ' 
acquiefce in your Determination, knowirg you are 
Men of Wifdom, andconfidering the Trull you arc 
under. It is a Duty not to ijueltion Reafons of ai^ 
Thing you have done. I fhould be very brutiui 
fhduld I not acknowledge the exceeding high Ho- 
tiour and R.efpeifl you have had for me in this Paper- 
Truly, according to' what the World calls goOd, 
and hath all Good in it, according to the World's 
' Comprehenlion] Sovereign' Power, ^ou have ttfii- 


A P P B N D I X. 163 

^ ]r«ur Value ind ASd&ioat li to ttif Perron, uIot^^nMiki' 
hi^ » yon «ould^ nioM you couU tioC ^ ; I hope ' . '^^' - j 
I jhall alwayi keep agnerfal MtMittFf of this in my j^^ 
Heart, and by you 1 will give the Parliament thi» 
thy cratcful AcknowlcdgiMAt. WbHever other 
Mcirs ThongAts may bc«' 1 fliall net know Ingrati- 
tude : But I muft needs fay, That what may be fit 
for you to do, may not be fit for mt to llnIle^t>kc 
A> I' OkiuI4 reckon it i very great Prriuifipfton, ' , 

Iboul4 I sfk df you the Rtaftin of doing any one 
Thinginthis Papert except ronte t«ry Itfir Tlnrtg^ - 
die loflruincnc bears Witneft to itTelf : So you wIR 
jiottakc it unkindly, if I afk of ^outbit Additianrf 
the Parliament's Favour, Lovet xkI Inriutgence W 
R)*, if it be taken in temtsr P^ if I gin fiidi M 
Anfwer u I find in my Heart to gtv« irt this Bttfi^ 
neb, without ufgiiig many Reafens for it, 6viM| 
fuch as are noil ^iaua attd mAA fit my Adrme- 
tage in aaTwering ; t» wit, I am wuUq ftr fudi a 
TroftBitdChKge; aodiftfcE AnfwerbfthsTDnguV, 
M weU » the Pfepdratien of thu Heart, be ttom 
■ God, I muft fay my Hettt titd Tfioi^hts, evtt 
fince I heard tlie PaTlfament^g, *ere upon thit "^th- 

* Thovgh I couU not take Notice of youT Ptfl- 
ioeedif^ tticrcin, without Breach of your Privileges, 
yet) as a common Perfon, I confefs I heard of it U 
in common wi^ others. I muft ^y, I havi: been 
able to ttt^n no further than this, that feeing tUe 
Way is hedged up, as it is tame, I chnnol accept 
of ^e Thing! offered, uoleb- 1 accept d). I have 
not been able to find it in my Duty to God. and 
you, to undertake this Chuge under that Title. 
The moft I faid in Commen^tion of the Inflfti- 
mentj m&y be returned upon me thus : Are thete 
tuch good Thiagsfo well provided for, why cart you 
not accept? Becaufe of fuc^ ah Ingrddiem. No- 
thing muft make a Man's Confcictice his Servitrrt ; 
and re»lly and fincerdy it is fi^ Confcience that 
guides me to this Anfwer ) atidi if the Parliament 
be fo refolved, it will not be tic for meloufe anyln- 
., daecisetitsby.youttfalttr their R«fi>]utiiH)h 



A -P P B N D I IC, 

( Tbiris kII I hnv^tabyt I hope icwiltj tn^ 
, acfire it vcayi be taodidly, tad «-itb Int^ty and 
Iilge&uitjs rcprcrented by yoa to tbem. 

Uti Frotsctor's SrzBcti tt tbi Sptaker rf tbt 
ParlitMunt, April S, 1657^ 

JIA-. SpeaJur, 
AMdM»«f&MH( "1^ O Man can put s greater Vsilu* tharf t hop* 
«>i/r> SftaehM. ^^ I do, ai»d fliall do, upon the Dellres an^ 
Advices of the Parliament. 1 could In my own 
Hsatt aggravate both concemlog the PerTons advi- 
iing, and concerning the Advice; readily acknow* 
led^Rg that it is tile Advice of the Parliament cf 
thcJe three Nation : And if a Man could- f^ppofc 
, it were mtf a Parliament to fome, yetj doubtie^, it 
jhouU be to me, and to u( all that are engaged ih 
4bb Common Caufe, wherdn we haveengagedi I 
,lay, furely it ought to be a Parliament to in, becaufe 
itanfesa^ aSefult of tht>lclflue3 and Determina'^ 
,tJons of Settlement that we h«ve labMired to arrive 
at; and.iherefore I do mod readily acknowledge the 
JVuthority of advtfing thefe Things. I can aggra- 
vate alfo to myfelf the generd Notion of the Things 
.adviled to, «s being Things that tend to the Settle* 
ment of the chiefeft Things diat can fait into the 
Hearts of Men to defire, or endeavour after ; and 
. at fudi a T^me when, truly, I may think the Natitm 
is big with ExpcSation of any thing that may add . 
to their Being : I therefore mufl needs put a very 
high Ellecm, and have a very reverend Opinion of 
any thing that comes from you, and fo I have had 
, of this Inllrument ; and I hftpe fo I have exprelled : 
And what I have expreilcd hathbecn, if I flatternoc 
. myfelf, frcnn a very honeft Heart toward the Parlii* 
■nentand the Public. 1 fay not thefe Things to 
< compliment you, for we are sH paft tbofe Tungs^ 
nil Confiderations of that Kind. 

* We muft all be very real now, if ever we will 
befo; for, howbeit, your Tide and Name yoy give 
. totbis Paper makes me to think you intended Ad- 
vice } and! .fluiuld .tnui^pels- agaioft «U Reafbiit 



fhould I mak« tny other ConftniAioa tbu that fou intcr-T*(nu»t • 
did intend Advice. J would notUy a Burden oa my . '*^^' ^ 
Bc^, but I would consider his Suength to bear it { akU. 
and if you lay a Burden upon a Man that ia 
confcious of his own. Infirmitv and Difabilities, and 
doth make fome Meafuie of Counfcls that may Icem 
to come from Heaven, Counfel5 in the Word of 
God, who leaves Room for Chaiity, and for Mea 
to con&der dieir own Strength^ I hope it will be 
ro Evil in me to mcafure your Advice and my own 
Infirmities, and truly thofe will have Ibmc Iflfluencs 
^on Confciencc ; Conrcience in him that receives 
Talents to know how be may anfwer the Truft of 
them I and fuch a Confcicncc have I bad, aifd ftiU 
have^ and therefore, when I thought 1 had an Op- 
portunity to make an AnCwer, I made that Anfweri 
and am a Perfon, and have been before, and tiien, 
and fince, lifting my Heart to God, to know what 
Alight be my Duty at fuch a Time as this, and upOB 
fuch an Occafion and Trial as this was to me. 

' Truly, Mr. Speaker, it hath been heretofore, I 
^ink a Matter of Philpfophical Difcourfe, that 
great Places, great Authority, are a great Burden* 
I know it fo, and I know a Man, tlutt is con- 
vinced in his Confcience, nothing lefi wilt enibk 
bim to the Difchargeof itthanAffiflandcfromabovet 
dut it may very well require in fuch a Subjefi, fo con- 
vinced, and fa perfuaded, to be right with the Lord 
- in fuch an Undertaking ; and therefore, to fpeak 
-very clearly and plainly to you, 1 had, and 1 have 
my Hefitations to that individual Thing} If I un- 
■dcrlake any thing not in Fai[h, 1 Ihiill ferve you 
in my own Unbelief, and I {hall then be the molt 
unprofitable Servant that ever People or Nation had. 
Gii/e me Leave^ therefore, to aflc Counfd: I am 
Teady to render a~ Reafon of my ApprehenfiQns, 
which haply may be over-fwayed by better Appre^ 
lienfions, I think fo far I have dcfeived no Blam^ir 
nor do I take it that you will lay any upon me, only 
you mind me of the Duty that is incumbent upott 
me. Truly, the fame Anfwer I have as to the 
Puint of Duty one Way, the fjune Conluleratiaa 


'^ST""!"*- - t°.' 

i^« A P P fi; r*. b-I ± 

htVt , I at to Dtiif ititiihkr Vfay. I tt6u1(l liot 

'jirtvMca for Liberty ; I havt botnc my Wjtntfi to 
*t^ Gvil «ttd Spirittfti. The gfcrteft ProviRon that' 
tfvet was made, have f ou madt ; and I fcnpW that 
yea d6 tiot inwmJ to tifdu*; me TTic Libftrtjr I 
Irft iitoVeht rtiyown Drufets, and my own FearSt 
ftid lA^ Scrdplcs ; th' ugh haptv, infuch Cafes as - 
thefe ne', the World hachjudgej that a Man's Con- 
fcicncc ought to know no Scruple j furely mine doth, 
tod 1 dare not diilcmblc ; and fhereforej they that 
ire knowing in the Ground oF their oWn A^ion^ 
tnll bi beft able to meafure Advice to others! There 
are many Things in this Governmeni, befidek that 
onet^ the Name and Tide, that dcferve much In- 
fbrmitibnasto my Judgment ; it is you that can ca- ' 
podtate me to re<;eive SafisfatSton in them, other- 
Iwife, I fay truly, I muft fay that 1 am not perfuadej 
to the Perfermailte of my Truft and Duty, nor in- 
formed, and fo not a£tcd, as I Itnow you intend I 
jhould, and every Man in the Nation fbould, and 
j^ii have provided for them as a Freeman, as a Man 
tBat does poffibly, rationally, and conrcientioufly | 
»^ therefirTft I cannot tell wBat other Relurn tct 
make to you than this ; I am ready to e^ve a dea- 
fen, if you frili, I fay, capacitate litc to give it, and 
ybuHclvea to receive it, and to do in other Thingg 
that may inrorm me a little more particularly than 
this Vote that you have expreflTed Yeflerday, and 
has novr been read by you to me. Truly, I hope, 
when I underfVand the Ground of there Tbin^, the 
whole being neither for your Good nor mine, but 
for the Good of the Natron, there will be no doubt ' 
but we may even in thefc Particulars, find out thole 
Things that may anf\rer our Duty, mine and aU 
cur Duties, to thofe Whom we fervc: Arid this is 
That that I do, with a great deal of Afie^on, aot 
Honour, andRcfped, ofier now to you.* 

;,. Google 


In Vol. XX-Wp. sB}^ May lo, 1659, there islMcr-i^pmis, 
fyha Notice taken of two Petitions being prcfcnteij . ' ''"" 
to that Rump orTail of a ParKament then fitting, un, 
pnt ftid to be from the City of Ltiu^n, the other 
from Stuthumri. But it 'ik to b£ underftu^d hefc^ 
thftihere Pethions cache onl^ from feme SeOaries, 
Inh^bhamiof'thofc Pliaa, and not from the Body 
jCorpotatc'of'iht fame.- -Wefuppofe they got » 
gifted Brutheror two,to prcfcnt th^ir canting Non- 

[enfe totbeHoufe^ who, on ihe Delivery, d^ivere^ 
limfelf a)foaf thcfbllowine Speech,. whichwehavg 
met with and Eive in this PUce, to (Hew the Qrangi 
<nt;hufi^ftic Vudnefi of the Tiflies^tbo' fo near the 
jftcftoration. (tf) *' ■ ■ ' -^ ■ ' ■■ - 

Mr. ^eker^andthU Hmtura^t Aff(v£ljt 
^ 'lirTEr have here, atyOurBar, an humble Pe- A SfAnfia Ai 

W. tition from, feveral ' Ciiiwra of iaff^K,^^',^ 
Sir, it !$ the v^ry Joy of oijr Hearts, Ihit once 01015 
Vc can fee this Uonourabic AlTembly f>tting Kete^ 
whom God ha'th owr<d and honpurcdi and made \^ 
ftrumenia^ for fo much Goo^ \o thi> poor Nation, 
arvj his' People in it.' Sir* we hJ^we bad " Expcriencfi " 
that the wifcGod tulpi «nd icims in the Wotlii 
and that [he Government thcrtforis upon the ShoiiV 
ders of our bleffedLotd' ftfui Chr'^-, and that he 
doth raife up whom he pleafcth to ()o him ^crvice % 
^nd that hehath been pleafed to m^kc yofi inllru-* 
menial of much Good': And though. Sir,' then 
|»th been feveral dark Adnvniftrations of late Years, 
and Ibme Interruption put upqn you, yet he hatq 
pace more called you togeihcr." And-truly we havfj 
juft Caufe an«] Gruunti to bdieve, tha^ there will bti 
Ihatdonc by this Horkiurable Amu)\b)y, wherein h^ 
^fl^lL have the Glory, and his People Good by it. 
And truly, Sir,, he hath bee^^ plf afcd' to fcatt^r tho& 
dark Clouds,' that did emintintjy appear in this poor 
Nation, ag^tnft that good Intcrcft for which hedid 
fa eminently ' appear in your Councils. And, Sir, 
t^e hope, feeing that righteous God hath t^tiufted 
^•) FrDQ f Ui^dirirt Jovnal tf tUt PsriitpWi 

,, Google 

i68 A P P E N. I> I X 

jfiur-RgMn, vou once more, that you wili malce it ygur grart 
■ . ^^' f Work, ami great Builnefs to do that wherein you, 
Ubj, may have Glory, by the £ftabliJbaiet)t and Settle- 
ment of thefe poor Nations, upon a righteous and 
Jujl Foundation of Jgdgmcnt and Jufticc. 

* Truly, Sir, give us Leave to let you Jcoow, diat 
, we do look: upon you as our Tiuftccg, our legal 
Trufteesj thofe to whom the People o{ EnglanJiAvc 
committed all that is dear and precious to them, 
their Liberties both as Men and ChriflianS' And 
truly, we have juft Caufe to believe you will be very 
<:arefuj of both, that they may be prefcrve^ 
which are fuch precious Thino, and have ctdl ^icb 
a precious Rate topi^rchafe. Truly, Sir, I fhall not 
fay much i our Pdtition doth fpeafc our Minds juid 
our Hearts fully : And though. Sir, to our Petitkn^ 
which we lodge here before you, ther^ are not 
Hands to it, we have many Hands, Thoufarids more 
we Could have had ; but we know to wbpin wt 
fpeak; to thofe diat ardour Friends, that have e^- 
gaged in the fame Caufe with us- thofe that have 
icen the Ou^oings and Power of God with them. 
And tr^tly, Sir, we do make it our great Requeft, that 
vou would cortfidcr of ovr Petition, apd lay fuch a 
Foundation in refctence ^o our future Settlement 
and Government, that it may not be in the Power 
of Man or Men wh^itfoevcr to break thofe rjghter 
ous Bafes of Settlement you Ihall make, Tfulfi 
Sir, we fhall deftre (hat you would really conftdcr 
riiat Difpenfatlon that you have been under ^ and 
that, feeing God hafh now put a Price and Oppor- 
tunity into your Hands, you would not negtea that 
great Work you are called 'unto. We nope you 
will pardon Qs if we prefs it, becauii: we find by Ex- 
perience, (wheh Opportunity is'neg1e£ted] it is a 
great while before God wilt give fuch Oppottuni- 
tics again. ■ And truly, Sir, that may not be at fuch 
a Time as this is, That, if ever God appeared, it )s 
now} and though there was Fait^ in many, that 
God would bring Deliverance, and that Deliverance 
would come, yet, that it fhall come by your Hv*^> 
I, this is That that bears up owr bpirits : Tliat 

again, tl 



H ii the Mind of God, let me mind you of that iBur-ntoam 
portion of Scripture of Exra, when be delivered hi« ■'}9> 
People out of Bahjhn, String that theu hofi givin ut' '''"" ' 
yW* a PiUviranct at wiV, jft«?/ Wt jtt brtui thy Csm- 

* We hope that it it upon your ^rte, »nd that 
you mil really fet yourfelves to 4o That, ^at yoif 
piay eM the Heam of all England^ qnd ^^ll the 

' * And truly. Sir, \t a one Requeft ve make to 
jou, That you would fo fettle the Government and 
the Foundation of ihefe Nations, that it may not he 
too loiig trpftcd ■» Kr>y Man's Hands, that it may 
not be perpetuated to Men ; for we have found it, 
by woeful Experience, hat the heft of Men, he 
ffiey what they will, tjiat if they have Power long in 
dictr Hafids they may too much exalt thEmfclves, 
nd fo forget (hat they ought to Icnow what it it to 
•obey, as welt as to rule. Sir, we (halt only bfg 
this. That the wife God would fill this Honourable 
Aflembly with hti Spirit; that he would fit in the 
Midft of your Councils, fbat he would bow the Hea- 
vens, and appear ; and give doWn that Wifdom and 
. Light from his good Spirit, that you may do That 
for which the Generations to come may call you 
Plefled i that we may look upph youasour J^i, 
Aur Jtfiutt^ our (^nnfellors (at the Beginning yoif 
were our Counfeliois, aiiirft you did eminently apt 
^r aga'nA Tyranny and Opprefli n, anddidlay* 
Fpundation of comoton Intereftj nd tho' you were 
interrupted, yet you arc come agai together;) thaf^ 
is you h»V£ been Inflruments to lay the Foundation, 
ib you may lay ifaeTopftone, crying, Graoei Grace, , 

fo^r A. P B, \ n D J, X, 

MB^FHomn. In the Year 1 659, and m tho MontU of AugiiJI^ 
' **^*^ "•, was an Infurreftign in Chejhji't antj Lsncajhire under 
- flnyiH;-' SirG'«f^f5iii'M, after th^ Ref^Qrauon cieated Earl 
of IVarrhgton. 7~he Affair, with ;he ill Succefs of 
it, is mentioned in ourTwenty-fiift Volume, froia. 
- p- 441 to44S. .Since Che Publication of wMch we 
have met with Sir Gcor^* Bosh's Dcdaration, draWa. 
^p by way of Letter to a Friend, in which ho givei 
Jiis Reafons for taking up ^rms at that Time, aiwj' 
which was then printed a(id difperfed ovct the Realm. 
T^e Reader may ol^ferye tliat this Deckratioa i% 
itzwa up in Tprms piodeft enc!ij^h» not a Wtwd ii% 
it tending to [he Royal Caufc ; b'ut,QnlydecIaj;ingfc>r 
t^ Adm'ifiion of tljc Members ,of the X^ong ^arlia- 
inent into thii^ o^ elfe'roi ^ncw and 'free Parlia- 
fnent. Tho' it muft be owned that thi^ Infurre^iiotn 
wai a Prelude to what followed foon after, atd 
what, nu doubt, the Infurgents had at Heart,, bad 
tbcy found tbemfelves Arong enough to iSeiX it/ 

SirGzORO^ Booi-H's Letttrrftht irf of Ai^fL 

?>««(«)' . ■ ■ . .- 

m* aw'jj* f Think myfiilf, and t^ie Genrlemen, and otfin-a 

•"^"^ ■ 1 you know to be now'cngageif wiu.oie, have 

ho Hopes (by new Troubles) to better our prefeatl 

Condition. ' 

• Wifh Thankfulnefs wc may fay it, GotI h^A 
marfe our Lot larger than our Dcfires W that Kind, 
and we fuppofei by that filcSlng," put an Obligation 
upon tu, as we are confide rahle-Member-s of oux Cgi^p- 
try, 10 have more fober and courageous Thoughtl 
in Time of Extremity than other Men hatrc. 

* And tho' the Indifference that ' lies upon oth^ 
Men'sSpirits might flat ours, yet we cannot think, 
butif itweicrcprefented unto them, how the prefent 
Power doth oblige us to put out oiii Right Eyei 


(^}£«b/«>, printed 19 the Yctt 1(59. Tku tetter iinfiwred ia- 

td^blkViewwithaHuiii Ao''*^t^'^ pUHDfih.bjr Pat^ph, 


•X t> p K « D i X. 

Huneiit^ and )ay upoi) us fuch heavy aiulgrievoiw 
BvrdctMi 'add ftich deceitful ones a) a Year's Tax in*" 
threp Months, befi^ fhc many other ImpoTitiom 
of Excifc, fsff. and, by rain,ng anjong usaMt]iJia, 
tWy cutofFour^tigHfHahd by fubjcaing'us utidcc 
the'mciuieft atid tahatic Spirit] of the Nation, under 
Prtcttt(#6^Proteaion, 'their Spiriu would be warnt^ 
cd into the liime 2eal'that ours are kiodted wit^- 

* Now, conftder what it i$ we aft, iind confidcr 
whetl^r it be not the (ame Thing we have aflctt^ 
indi oor Liv*s'an4 'Fcrtunes, A frec^'Parlianient^ 
abd ^hita 'S)avery"it !$ to out Un^ertlan^ing, th^^ 
ttiiA IlWn^thftl now «11 tfiemfeWci 'a' Parliaments 
, ibould declare it an Aft of Jlleeaiity and. Viojcn<c^ in 
ttw XAt ifpiring GenMaT CnmwtH, to dlflblve thdr 
|lckl;^i« 165}, and n(Jtto'^^e hdie~ 
Wing the whote BoJy of jftc Padianier 
40; in'id4Si whMii thlsbiittoafi 
demrt lAc*hers? Whydotheyaflbciai 
tfte prefent Army, or indeed to tbe pref 
Ef8 in Chief, and iecp oat their nutnei 
Members^ if committing Viplcoce up< 
be fo hdtftious a Criare ? And bow 
the Soldiers boldly tb do thaiwhlch tl 
tifi: and make tbem Inftruments of! 
bat, under an9tticrSha{)e,'to over-aA 
A^ of Ufurpation,an^ Tyranny in 
lid? Whu ils thid but to neceffiia 
plain? And,upon Coinplaint^to be! [ 

rower»rfoto raifc (if the ^ng/i/i %>irrt» be pot^if- 
'tUvkGata Bafcnels and Aptitude ^r Slavciy) a Ci- 
vil War, and to endeavour to water their own Root 
with the Blood of many Thoulands of their Coun- 
trymen, or to gape after thofe Confifcation.^, which* 
by a Victory, upon Prefumption of the Unity of 
their Army, they hope to gain over all tbofc that dare, 
with Danger, aflert their Liberties ( which Prcfump- 
tion yet may fail them; for the Soldier hath and may' 
declare himfelf no Mercenary, but an EngUp Fi ee- 
man ; which, indeed though it be now contrary to his 
Anions, may return to his Thouehb again I And 
Vol. XXm. ' S what 

,, Google 

17» A P P E N £> I X. 

MH-ficMDt. whatwiltbetbeiaiieoralltlui? A meanuidrcluf* . 

' **'*!„ , . madcal Party muft deprefs the Nobility and under- 

~tggg^~ . ftahding Commons ; die Land mull wafie itlclf, aoA 

Foreigners, or others, mufl take the Advut^eof 

[ * I dare fay, I proftfa for ntyfclf and theneatdl 
^arcwithme,wehave no Arpea but this fingly tthat 
we be'not poflefled at wafle, Ground is> only by the 
Title of Occupancy* or that the next that gets into 
the Saddle ride us. 

*Lelthe Nation freely chuic their Reprelet)tativCf, 
and they as freely fit, without Aweor rorce.of .Sol- 
diery } and whatever in, fuch an AJIecnl^ js detfir-: 
mined, flia^l be by us freely. avKl cbearfully fubmined 

' ' * IFdtis faibfy you, I am glad of it, for you aiv 
my noble Friend. I ufe it not as an Artifice, rithet 
to engage you or make other Countici folli^ ouf 
'Examt-Iei. which, iftheydonot, lettheir Poflerity 
ijtdge of their Anions and ours ; for we are borm 
^>rour Country, and our Country, our Rcligimi, 
tnd our Lives arc in Danger, aiul we will not be un> 

■ But we are faithful and peaceful in the Land t 
and if they in Authority will decline Hoftilhy, and 
a^ree tS a Means to admit the old Mcmben of boA 
Houfes, or to call a new free Parliament, let bim be, 
and be tnlyts truly, aTraitor that refoive* not hi* 
Jud^meii' and Dlxdiencc into their Octcraiiaa;- 
.tioBs. 1 am. Sir, 

Yiur bumhU Servent^ 


A ^ P E I* D I X. ,73 

'InlU. Volume, It p. 4,' thehearly Thanks mix* n teii 
ftioved for, of the Honfe of Comnoiis, to be returned "** ■ -• 
to theKio^fbrhisgraciouiDeclarationaboutChlirch 'k«-1w' ' 
Govcniineill I and accordinelv the whole Houft •~^' 
waited upon hi.Maj««yat»1!,(/*»;/tha(Arternooii, 
which wai Nt9tmbtr 6, 1660, the very gtft Day 
of their Meetine after the Recell. We never could 
fijid, by any Memorial, what the Speaker faid to 
the King 00 that Occafion ; but the Declaration it- 
felf was then lit our Hands, though it -would bare 
interrupted the Series of this Hiftoiy too much to 
hareinfmeditin tbatPlace. We therefore gi.o 
ithere, asiCutiofitynot eafy to be met withelfe. 

H;< MAjIsiys DjCtAHATtOK <# «S Us 1M„, 

Suij^i ./ U, Kmidm, if Ertf)ani Mi Dmimm 
>f Wales, mMrnhi EcdcialKcal Affairs C<;. - 


HO W m«b the Peste of the State is con-ThsKl*. D,. 
cerned in the Peace of the Church, aridliow^""!-!; *'• 
d.«Scu t a Thing is is to preferre Order and Govern- 
ment in Civil, Whilli there is lio Order or Govern, 
ment in Ecdefiaftical AlEiirs, is evident to the 
World) and this lUtlePartoftheWotld, oorownDo. 
minions, hath had fo late Expenence of it, that we 
may very well acquiefce in the ConchiSon, without 
enlarging ourfell in Difcouife upon it, it being a Sub- 

- jea we have had freqiient Occafion to contemplate 
upon, and to lament abroad, as well as at home. 

• In our Letter to the Speaker of the Hoife of 

- Commons nroni'firA^, we declared how much we 
-defiredthe Advancement and Propagation of the Pro- 
teOant Religion; That neither the Unkindncfs of 
thofe of the fame Faith towards us, nor the Civili- 
ties and Obligations from thofe of a contrary Pro- 
fcffion (of both which we have had abundant Evi- 

•deiicejooold, in the leaf! Degree, ftanle us, ormake ■ ' 
us fwefve from it i and that nothing can be propoftd 

L\ .....C'.oogic 

174 A P P & N ^ I: ^ 

•■'»»^-"'to nitnifeft our Zealand AJFaflion fbn^yto pUdi 
7^^. . tee will not readily confrnt: An4 we f^ (bm, That 
' we did hope, in due Tiipc, ourfelf to propofe fume- 
tohajt for the Propagation of it, that will fatisfy tlfo 
Worldi that we have always m^tle it t>9th pur Care 
^d our Study, and have enough obfervcd what m 
^oft like to brin^ Pifadrsntagc to it. And, the 
Truth is, we do think ourfelf the more con^ftilt 
to proporciand, witbGod*s Affiflaneetlo deteriUintf* 
nun; Thi'ngi now in Diffennce» from the TifDB 
ire have fpcnt, abd tfae Eaperienca We h^w bad, ia 
inoft of theRcronped CburcbctabFoad, in ^«m#,u 
Out Livj Ctunirits, and in Cfrmiit; ) where wc have 
badfiequent Ccnferences with the mofl learned Men, 
who hiiTe unanimoufly lamenied the great Reproach 
the Proteftant Religion uadergoes ixwa the DifteM- 
pers and too notorion -Scbifiu in Matters of Reli- 
gion in England : And a« the mofi learned amongft 
ditm have always, with great Submi^on andR^ 
Terence, acknowledged and maghified the efttblUb- 
ed Government of {he Church of Baghni, and the 
great CouiKenance and Shelter the PfotcfUnt Heli- 
gioti received from it, before thefc unhappy ThImi ; 
Jo many of them have, with great Ingtnuity and 
^rrow, confelled, that d>ey were toD-^lar milcd* 
by Mirmformation and Prejadlce, int6 fenH; DiT* 
cneein of it, as if it bad too much coi^tUed wiUx 
the Church oi Rimti whereas, they 'now Acknow- 
tcdge it to be the heft Fence God hsthjet i«i«d 
againll Popery in ihe World: And we are perfii?- 
ded they do, with great Zeal, wiih it reftwvd to ka 
' ^ Djg"'ty and Veneration. 

* Wben we were in Helimd, we were mttcndtd 
"by many grave and learned Miniflcrs from hence, 
who were looked iipon at the moft «blc and prtncipa) 
Aflertors of the Prefbyterian Opinions, with whom 
we had as much Conference, as the Muhitudeof 
Aflaln, which were then upon us, would permit m 
to have i and, to our great SitUfafiion and CaB- 
fort, found them Perfons full of Affection te u*, of 
Zeal for the Peace of the Church and State, and 
. nciUier £iieaii«f (utbc^hftvebceBi^veBwitWbe) 


appendix: 175. 

toEp'fcopacjr or Liturgyj but modeftly to defire*^ '^S'''** 
iuch Alterations in either, as, without flukiiw Fou;.*^ »«>■■ ^ 
<Utions, might bell allay the prcfcat DtStamttp^ 
Which l^e Indifpolition of the Time, and the Ten,- 
' deme6 of fomc Mcn'i Confcicnces, had contra&ed : 
For the better doing whereof, wc did intend, upon 
our firA Arrival in ihis ^ingflom, to call a Synod of 
Divines, as the moQ: proper Expedient to providp 
» proper Remedy forall ihofe Dificrcncei and OiC. 
fatisfadlions which had, or Ihauld af'iCe in Mattcn 
of Re'i^ion; and, in the mean Time, we publiflied^ 
in our Dectaradon from Bridoya. Liberty to tendef 
Confciences; and thatno Man Ihould be dif^uiete^ 
or called in Quedion for Differences of Opinion in ' 
Matter of Religion, which do not difturb the Peacf 
of the Kingdom j and that we QuU be ready to coor 
_lent tofuch an ftGc of Parliament ^, upon maiure 
PehbeutioR, fhall be offered to lu, for the fullgraob- 
ing of that Indulgence. 

* Whilft we continued in thii Temper of Mind, 
and Refolution, and have fo far complied with tbf 
Perfualion of particular Perfont, and the Diftcmpef 
of the Times, as to be contented with the Exercife 
of our Rdigion in our own Chapel, ^cording to the 
conftaht Pradice ana Laws eflabIiAed^ vvitbout eop 
joining that Practice, and the Obfervation of tbolc 
Laws, in the Churches of the Kingdom, .in wfaiich 
yre have undergone the Cenfure of many, as if wf 
Were without that Zeal for the Church which wc 
ough( tobave, and wliich, by God's Grace, we flialjl 
always retain, we have found ourii^f not fo can- 
didly dealt with as we havedeferycd, and that tber? 
are unquiet and reftlefs Spirits ; ivho, without 
abating any tS their own Diflemper, in B.ecoffl> 
|>cnce of the Moderadon they find in us, continue 
thcif Bittemefs againft the Church, and endeavour 
to raife Jealoufies of us, and to IcOcn our Repu< 
tation by their Reproaches, as if we were not true 
to the Profeffioru we have njade. And, in order 
thereunto, they have very unfeafonably cauled to be 
printed, publifiied, and difpcrfed throughout ttv 
S3' Kif^dooit 



*"• *|^"' '?' Kingdom, a DcclaratioR heretofore printed in our 
■ . ' Name, during the Time of our being in SaiUttidf of 

Vhich we (hall fay no more than th^t thcCircutn- 
ftances, by which we were enforced to figii that De- 
claration, are enough known to the World ; and 
that the worthieft and greatefl Pan of that Nation' 
did even then deteft and abhor the ill Ufage of us in 
that Pai-trcular, when the fame Tyranny was excr- 
cifed there by the Power of a few ill Men, which, at 
that Time, had fpread itfelf over this Kingdom ; 

, and therefore we had no Reafon to expefl that we 
fhouM^ at this SeafoR, when we are doing all we 
can to wipe out the Memory of all that luth bccQ 
done amifs by other Men, and, we thanic God, have 
wiped it out of our own Remembrance, have been- 
burfelf alTaulted with thofe Reproaches, which w« 
Vill likewife forget. 

• • Since the printing this Declaration, fcvtrat fedi- 
tioui Pamphlets and Queries have been pubrilbed and 
fcattered abroad^ to infufe Diflike and Jealoufies in- 
T6 the Hearts of the People, and of the Army } and 
Tome, who ought rather to have repented the former 
Mifchief they have wrought, than to have endea- 
voured to improve it, have had the Hardinefs to pub- 
liftj. That the Doflrine of the V,hurch, againft which 
ito Man with whom we have conferred hath except- 
ed, ought to be reformed as well as the Difcipltne. 

* This overpaffionaie and turbulent Way of pro- 
ceeding, and the Impatience we find in many fc^ 
fome fpcedy Deierminaiion in thefe Matters, where- 
by the Minds of Men may be compofed, and the 
peace of the Church eflablifhed, hath prevailed with 
is'to invert the Method we had propofed to ourfelf^ 
andeven, in order to the better calling and compo- 
fing of a Synod (which the ptefent Jealoufies witl 
)iardly agree upon) by the A^illaiice ol God's blellfd 
Spirit,' which we daily invoke and fupplicate.'to give 
ibme Dctermiriatidn ourfelf 10 the Miittcr's in Diffe- 
rence, until fuch a Synod may be called as ;»ay, 
without Paffion or Prejudice, give us fuch farther 
AlBlhnce towards a ptuccf Union uf Affe<5iIons, as 
well as Submillion tw Authuriiy, as is neciflary': 

. - • ' -'^ - '■ ■ And 



And «c Are the nther inducn} to talu thii upon us^Ab. i« Vmi i^* 
bjf finding, upon the full Confcrepce we have had . ***^ . 
with ih^ kirned Men of frversl Perfiufions, that jnf^i^ 
the Mirditefi, under which both the Church and 
State do at praent fiifitr, do not refult froip ao; 
ionned Do^ne or Conclurion which either Par^ 
aiaimaHiior avows ; but from thePtffion, Appetite, 
and lAtereft of particular Peiinis, who contra^ 
^ater Prejudice to each odier fropi thoTe Affec> 
tioni, than woitld naturally rife from their Opinion* } 
and' thoTc Diftempen ipuft be M.(oatt Pcgref ^- 
Inedt before the meeting in aSjiipii can be attended 
with better Succefi than their meeting, in othcf 
Places, and their DifccHirfes in Pulfuts have hitherto 
been t and till all 1 hbughts of Viaory arc laid afidc, 
the humble and nectflan Tboughu fur the Vindi* 
cation of Truth cannot be enough entertained. 
' ■Wemuft, for the Honour of all thoCe of cithct 
Perfuafibn widi whom we have conferred, dechi«| 
That the Profeffions and Defiret of all, for the Ait- 
vancement of Pie^ and uue Godlineis, are itie 
fime ; their Profemoni of Zeal for the Peace of the 
Church, the fame t of AffeAioa and Duty to us* tiM|^ 
fcoe : They all approve Epifcopacy { they idl ap- 
prove a (let r arm of Liturgy ; and they ^11 dUapprove 
and diflike die Sin of Sacril^, and the Alienation 
«f the Revenue of the Church. And if upon ihefe 
excdlent Foundations, inSubmiffion to which tber^ 
b fuchaHarmonyof Affi:dionB,any Superllru&ures 
Ibould bej^ifed, to the Ihakirg thofe Foundations, 
and to the contracting and UfTening the bicfled Gift 
of Charity, which is a viul Part ^ Chriflian RelU 
«on, wc fiiall think ourfelf very unfortunate, anid 
«vco fufp^ ^^^ w "^ dcfe^ive in that Adminiftra- 
Cionof G<Wernmcnt with which God hath entrufted 

' ( We need not profefs die high AfTeAion and 
£(teem we have for the Church of England, as it is 
cftablitbedby Law, theRererenceto which haih fup- 
toqrted us, with God's BleAng, againft many Temp- 
tation* I nor do wc think that Reverence in the leaft 
2)egrce dttniniflied by our' Coadefceotions, not pe< 
S 4 remptoril/ 

- L,....,C".ooglc 

178^ A. P^ P E- Nr D[ Ij 55^ 

°'^*j^- ■'■remptorilyto inCftonfome FtrtKubriof Qv«w>py> 
'^ . . which, bowcvcr intfodticed by tbe Piety, ,Dbv9-; 
4t,„ighi^ tion, and Order of fornwr Times, puy jiotbs.'o 
. . agreeable to the prefeDt} but may cv^n leflcB'^bab ' 

Kety and Devotion, fo^ the li^^provcqicnt wbwcef 
they Inight hap]y be firfl iqiroiiuced, m^ fMtiif- 
<(ueAi]y may well be diJjpcnTed with^ ^nd we.hop^ 
diis charitable.CompliaJif e of aur« will difpofe lb/» 
Minds of all Men to a cbcarful Submiffion fo that 
Authority, the Ptcrcrvation wher«of-is (o ntcf&ry 
for the Unity and Peace of tbo Cburcb^ and thftt 
they will acknowTedgc tbe Support of tbe Epifcopal 
AuthorKy' to be the bcQ Support of Rcli^n. by 
being tbe beft Means to contain the Minds of Men 
within tbe Rules of Govorniaeiit. And they wha 
Would retrain the Exercite (^ thatboty Funfliop 
ifrithin the 'Rules which wer« obfcrvcd in the priini') 
tive Times, muft remember and confideri tWdie 
Ecclefudical Power, being in tbofe blcffod Trni«« 
fttways fi^fdinate and fubje& totfacCtyii, it wn 
fikcwife proportioned to fuch an Exiest of Jwi(dic> 
tion as Was moft s^re^abje to that. And «s tb« 
iandjty. Simplicity, awl Rcfignation of thjit Age, 
Jlidthen refer many Tbin^. to the BiflMps, wtucl) 
the Po'icy of fucceleding Ag<!s would nqt - admit, ac 
lead did otherwife provide for; fo it' can, hea^ 
Iteproach to primitive Epifcc^acy, if, where diCOE 
have been great Alterations in tbe Gvil Goveror 
inent from what was then, there have been likcwif^ 
fome Difference and Alteration in tbe >£<<cleriaftiB^ 
the EfTence and Foundation being Hill preferred. 
And upon this Ground> withoat taking upon us ce 
cenfure the Government of the Church in othw 
Coiintfies, where the Government of ,itK>St%(e )■ 
different from what it is here, or enl%r^pg ouricif 
upon the Reafons why, whiifl there was an Imagina- 
tion of ereSing a Democraiical Government here 
in the State, they fhould be willing to continue ap 
Ariftocratical Government in the Church; it {ball 
fufEce to fay, that Hoce, by tbe wonderful 3Ieffin| 
of God, the Hearts of this wbpie Nation. are returned 
to an Obedience tv M,vnai:chicij Govermpeot in tlie 

\, Google 

A- P' ?' B N' D I- X. 

Sat^ it muft -be very rearonaUe to (upport that-Aa. i 
Government in the Church which ii eftablifhed by 
Lav, aiid mth wHiib the Monarchy hith flourished 
difoi^ fo mtnf Aget, and which i> in Truth as 
antitet in thh Ifland as the Chriflian Monarchy 
thereof; ami which hath always, in fome Kerpcds 
or Degrees, been enlarged or retrained, as hath 
b^en thought moll conducing to the Peace and Hap- 
pineTiof the Kingdom: And therefore we have not 
the led Doubt hut that the prefent Bilbops will 
Ihtnk the prefent Conceffions, now made by us to 
lilay the tSTefent Diftempers, very juft and reafon- 
aMe, and will very chcarfully conform tbemfelves 

I. * We do in the (irft Place declare our PurpoTt 
and Rofolution is, andffaalt be, to promote the Power 
of GodlineTs, to encourage the Exercifea of Reli- 
gion both public and private, and to take Care that 
die Xxird's Day be applied to holy Exerdfes, with- 
out unneceilary Divenifements; and that infuffi- 
cient, negligem, and fcandalous Minifters, be not 
permitted in the Church. And that as the prefent 
JSibops are known to be Men of great and exem- - 
plory Piety in theit 'Lives, which they have mani- ' 
fcfted in their notorinus and unexampled Sufferings 
dunng thefe late Diftempers, and of great and known 
Sufficiency of Learning; lb we fiiall take fpecial 
Care, by the Affiftance of God, to prefi;r no Men 
lothat 0£See and'Chargc, but Men of Learning, 
Virtue, and Piety, who may be themfelres the heft 
£xBili[^e8 to thole who are to be governed by them j • 
knd wefhall'expeA, and provide the bcfl vk can, 
that the Bifhops be frequent Preachers, and thatihey 
0o very often preach thAnfelves in fome Church 
of their Diocefe, exccptthey be hindered by Sick-* 
ne& or other bodily Infirmities, or fome other juftifia^ 
ble Occafum; which fhalliiot be thought juftifiablD. 
If it be frequent. 

2. * Becaufe the Diocefes, efpccially fome df 
Uiein, are thought to be of too large Extent^ we WU 
a^x»at liich a' Number of' Suflragan Bi(bops,^a 

...:-,■ ..^ ■:-:■■■: ■■■ ^g^y 


k6o a P: P B N D; r X 

A* *\P": "-every Dioceff , ^ f)u]J be rufficicnt for ihs due per^ 
^_^^ formance of tbeir Work. . ■ 

Hofcnbv; ' 3- ' ^u Bi&op {hall ordain, or exercife an^ Put 
■' of . Jiirifdiaioa, which appertains to the Ccnlurq»,(if; 
the Church, wiihout itte Advice and Abidance of 
the Prefbyteri ; and no Chancellor, Commiflary,. 
or Official, as fucb, fliall exercire any /i& o( Spi-. 
ritual Jurifdidion in tbefc Cafes, viz. Excpmmu-* 
nication, Abr<jludon, or whert-in any of the Mini- 
firy^re concerned, with Refertnce Co iheirpaftoral' 
Charge, Hnwevcr, our Intent and Meaning is, to. 
uphold and maintain the ProfeiGon of the Civil Law,- 
' {o far, and in fuch Matters, as it hath been of Ufc 
and Pra3lce within our Kingdoms and Dominions-: 
Albeit, as to Excommunication, our Will and Plea- 
Tjjre is, That no Chancellor, CommilTary, or Offi- 
cial, (hall decree iny Sentence of Excommunication 
f)i Abfulution, or be Judges' in thnfe Things wherein, 
any of the Miniftry are concerncdj as is afort^fdid. 
Nor fiiiir the Arebdeacon cxeicife any Jurifdidion 
without the Advice and AffiAancc of fix Mini&ers of 
his Archdeaconry, whereuf three ,to be nortiinated 
by the Bilhop, and three by the Elcflioo of the ma- 
jor Part of ihe Pruftyters within the Archdeaconry. 
4. * To the End that the Deans, and Cbapteri 
may be the better Bticd 10 aflbrd Counfel.and Af- 
iJAanee to the Bifhops, both in Ordination and the 
other Offices menti^'ned before, we will take Car« 
that thofe Preferments be given to (he .mofi learned 
«nd pious PrtrfbyKrs of iht Diocele ; and moreover, 
. that an equal Number (to thofc of tjie Chapter) rf 
the molt learned, pious, and difcrect PrcAyters of 
the fame Diocefe, annu My chdcnby thetnajor VcM* 
pf all the Prefbylers of that Diocefe prefent at fuch 
liledions, Ibili be always adviCng and tufting, to* 
£cther with thofe of the Chaiiter, in all Ordinaticm^ ' 
»nd in every Partofjurifdii^on'whifrh appertains to 
the Cenfures of thi Church, and at all other folemi^ 
^nd important Actions, in the Exercife of the £ccle< 
jliajl^icat Jmifdi^tion,, Wherein any of the ^linillryar* 
concerned : PjovidnJ, That at all fu<;^ ^f:.etiii^, th( 
T^umber of the MiniKlcis fe' elci^ed, and thofe prefent 



C^the Chapter, flnll be equal, and not exceed oneAo. tt car. l^ 

the oAer j and tiuf, to make the Number equal, the^ ^^* 

Juniors of the exceeding NunSbers be withdrawn, 

that the moft aitttent may take Place. Nor fliall 

any SitfFragan Bilhop ordain, or exercife the fore- 

tnenttoned Offices and A£b§ of Spiritual Jurifdic- 

tion, but with the Advice and Affiftancc of a fiif- 

fictept Number of the moft judicious and pious Pref- 

fcyters, annually diofcn as afnrefaidj within his Pre- 

cin%. And our Will U, That the great Work of 

Ordination be conftantly and folemnly performed by 

the Bifliop and his aferefaid Prcfbytery, at the fbuir 

fct Times and SeaTons appointed by the Church for 


5. * We will take Care that Confirmation be 
rightly and folemnly performed, by the Information, 
and with the Confcnt, of the Minifterof the Place, 
who fhall admit noneto the Lord's Supper, till they 
have made a credible Profeffion of tfaeir Faith, and 

. promifed Obedience to the Will of God, according 
as is exprefled in the Confideratioiis of the Rubrick 
before the Catechifm ; and that all poffible Diligence 
be ufcd for the Inftrudion and Reformation of 
icandalous Offenders, whom the Mintder £ball not 
fufler to partake of the Lord's Table, until they 
have openly declared themfelvcs to have truly re- 
pented, and amended (heir former naughty Lives> 
as is partly exprefled inthe Rubrick, and more fully 
in the Canons; provided therebePlaccfordue Ap> 
peals to fiiperior Powers. But befides the SuSrii- 
cans and their Prefbyteiy, every Rural Dean, (thofe 
Ucans, as heretofore, to be nominated by the fiiflfop 
of the Dioccfc) togetherwilhihrecorfour Minifters 
of that Deanry, chofenby the major Part of all the 
Minifters within the fame, fliall meet once in every 
Month, to receive fuch CompTaints as fhall be pre* 
fenced to them t^ the Minilleri or Churchwardens 
of the refpcSive Parifhes ; and aih to compofe all 
fuch Differences betwixt Party and Party, aslbaltbb ' 
deferred unto them by Way of Arbitration-; and to 
convince Offenders, and reform all fudi Thin^ an 

"they find amift, by their Paftoral' Reprpofe aitd Ad- 
- ' ■■ " '■ ■ iiaoottioili^ 


i8a A P P B N D r X. 

■..I* Or. It.mopitionsi if they m»j be To refpr?^. ' ^'f' '>>*^ 
'^*^ , Mitten as they canpott, by thu pafi^ral and pej- 

N,p*cmk«f. Jfu-tfi^c Way, cqtppofm and jcform, a^e by tfaciB U* 
be prepared for, and ptrientcd io,-t))e Bifiiopi at 
which Meeting any other Min't^^s °f tb^t Deatuy 
Aiiiy, if they pieafc, be preftjiic and fffift, Aftoreover, 
the )iural Dean and his AAft^nltare, in their rt'l^ec- 
tive Divilioni, to 1*06 ihac the Children and y9W%*r 
Soit ^le carefully' Inllrui^ed by tbe refpfdive Minir 
ftei^pf every Parifb {a the Grounds of ChrlAiav 
Keligioni and be able tp give a good Account oi tbcir 
F'ith and Knowledge, and alio of their Chriftiav 
Conver&tion conformable thereunto, before tbey bp 
confirmed by the Bilhop^ or admitied to tb« Sacra- 
atcnC of th^ Lord's Supper. 

6. No Bifbc^ ih^l excKifc iny qrVlirary Po«!Cr« 
m 4ox» imp«(^ ar^ thing vipon the Clergy or tl^ 
People, but irbat ii acoordiiq; to the knowa Lvm ii 

J. * We are very ^ad to find, that aH with wl^oift 
we have conferred^ do, in tJieir Judgioeats, appfovc 
* Liturgy, or fet Form of putilic Woilhip, to be 
bwful, which, in OUT Judgmeoi, fori^ PrcJcrvik» 
lioti of Unity and Ug^rmity, we conceive to be 
Vffy neceHary. And tho' we 4o, cDteeni,'he Litvirgv <tf 
the Church of Englmidt contjiined m the tfoo^ of 
.Common Pr^er, andby Law efiabiiflie^, to be the 
.fcefl we have fcen, {and wc believe that we havefedi 
j|]I that arc extant andufed inthitP3;t of the Worl<i) 
^mt well know what Reverence mofl qf the R<^ 
.fanned Chutcfaes, or at leaft the nvfi learned Men 
an ihofc Churches, have fiir it \ yet, iince we fififl 
Amc Exceptions made agai.^ft feveraJ things therein^ 
we will appoint an c<{ual Number of learned Di- 
vines, of both Pcrfuafioiu, to review the fame, and 
to make fucb Alteratioris as fliall be thought mufi 
yilKefi*rj, and f^me additional Forms (in the Scrip- 
ture Pbrafc at near as may be) fuited untethe Na- 
,ture of the feveralPaita of Wi.Tlhip ; and that it tie 
^fi to the Minister's Choke to t4s one or other ^1 
bis Dif^reiion. la the mean Time, and till this be 
i^aCf alclfo' We do heartily wi(b and derite that tbe, 

A I^ P E N D, I X, 18^ 

Miaifttf>» in their fevenl Ch4rche(, becaufe tb(7 An. » .cu. ^ 
diflike (oMiv. Oavtes ani Ej^weffioM, i/touU nqt . '™- 
totally Uy iTKle lb« Ufc of tttc Book of Commoo ' n~^ritAiTj 
Piaycrt but rc^d tbolc P^n agitnll which there can ' 

be no EH<^|;)iiont which would be the bed Inttaaoi 
pf Jeclining thofe Mar^i of Diftin^ion which we 
Ca much labour and d«%«.tp.feino*ci yet in Cotn- 
pftffian todjver* of «ur gpod. Subje^s, whp. .Icrifpl^ 
the Ufo «i it -a* tiQW it it« our Will and Plexfuie ia^ 
tliftt nooiB bccgimifbfd or troubled for aot uGnfity 
vntili it -.lie -jmiiemd tod ^^^tially tefttti^. »'' 
aforcfaid. . ■. . 

8. * Laftly.. tpactrtiia^ Cofmonies (which bay^ 
sd*unifteiied.fojltucbMatKrof Didcience andCoci* 
tentioo* and which have been introduced by the 
Wif^i K and Authority of the Church, l«r£di&t> 
twn.wid ibe Improvement of Piety j) we ihall fay 
00 more, b»t that we b»e .the more Eflecm of all» 
•fld llevetciMiB Jot ■ many of then, by baviBg been 
p-efent in miriif of (bofc Churches where tbey art 
Bioft aboUQicd and difcoi^tciijinced: And it canaot 
be doubted Iwtthat, as the Vniverlal Church cannot 
introduce one Ceremony in the Worship bf Go4> 
that is .cjonfiary to God's Wor<l expreflj-d in t)v 
Scripture, fo every National Church, with the Appm- 
Iration atid Cqnfeot of the Sovereign Power, tsay, 
■and hath alwayaiiUrodiKBd fuch particular Cerem^ 
nie>, afli in tb%t Conjiui^re of Time, arc thow^t 
jbdH proper fee Edification, and the nccejiary Im- 
provement of Piety and Devotion in the People, 
Cho* the pcccflary Pradice thereof cannot be dedu- 
-•ccd from Scripiurc: And that which before was, 
and initfclf ia, indifferent, ceafes to be indificrcct af* 
. tcr it isAiKieeftablUhed by Law; and therefore our - 
prefent Cofltideration and Work is, to. gratify the 
.private Ctuifciences of thofe who are {grieved with 
the Ufc ^f.-fome Ceremonies by indulging to, and 
difpenfing with their omitting thofe Ceremonies, 
.not utterly «o aboliOi any whidi are cflablilhed by 
-Law, (if aqy are pradiled contrary to Law, the 
fame fliall ccafe] which would be uniuft and of j)l 
£xamp'e«aiij to impofc upon the CanTcisnccs £f 


184 A P P E N IV I^ X. 

k.ti Ctf. li'finne, foitheSatisTafltonof AeConlcieneesctfotherty'. 
, '**°'- ^ which is otherwife provided for. Ag it couM not be 
KoTi^^r^ reafonable that Men fiiould exped that we fbouM- 
burfelF decline, or enjoin odiert to do To, to receive 
ihe blcffed Sacrament upon our Knees, whkh, in 
our Coufcicnce, ia the moft humble, moft devout, 
ind moft agreeable Poflure for that holy Duty, be- 
caufrfoenc o^er Men, upon Reafons beft, if not 
only known to tbemfclvei^ichure rather to do it fit- 
ting ot Handing. We (hall leave -al) Dccifiom and 
Determinationt ofthat^Cind, if they fbalt be thoi^t 
neceflixy for a perfed and entire Unity and Unifor- 
mity tKroughout f he Nation, to the Advicti of ^ N~a- 
tionat Synwf, which Ihall be duly taKedy after a lit- 
fie Time and a mutual Converfaiibtt between Per- 
fbn« of different Pcrfuafions hath-in<dlified tbofe 
Dillimpers, abated tix^e Sbarpnei&s, aind extui- 
culihed tbofe Jealouiica which make Men unfit for 
-uofe Confultations. And upon fuch Advice wf 
Ihail ufe our befl Endeavour that fudi Laws oar be 
eftablifhed, as may belt provide for the Peace of the 
Church and State. Provided, That none ihall be de- 
nied die Sacrament of the Lord's Suj^r, though 
they do not ufe the Ge^ure of Kneeling in the Aft 

* In. the mean Time, out of Compaffion and 
Compliance towards tbofe who woold forbear the 
Crofs in Baptifm, we are content that no Mao 
fliall be compelled to ufe the fame, or fufirr for not ' 
doing it : But if any Parent dcfires to have his Child 
chrinened according to the Form ufed, and the 
Minifler will nut ufe the Sign, it Ihall be lawful for 
dut Parent to procure another Miniftcr to do It j 
and if the proper Miniftcr fhall refofe to omit that 
Ceremony of the Crofi, it ftiall be lawful for the 
Parent, who would not have his Child fo hapticed, 
to procure another Minifter to do itj who will do 
it according to his Defire. 

* No Man fliall-be compelled tohowat the Name 
oiyt/uiy Of fuffer in any Degree for not doing it» 
without reproaching thofe who, out of their Devo- 
tion, contiaue that antlcnt Cecemony of the Church. 

A P i* E' N t) t X. 185 

<Pori)ieUA.of-tfK«uV^iiet'we tre contented ^»«c«r. n. 
that ill Men be !«* tt* their Liberty to 60 as the^ . ' ^ ^ 
ihall think fit;. wtthodtTufi«ring in -the fcaft Degree Nonakr. 
Swearing or not lArearir^ it. Provided^ that thii 
Liberty donastcXtentf lo'our o*ti Chapel, Cathe- 
in\, or Collegiite Churchei, or'to' any College in 
eithei of our Univerfities ; but that' the feveral Su- 
tntes and Giiftoma for the Ufe thereof in the Taidfla- 
ca, be there oMerved as formerly. 

* And becatife ibme Men, other wife 'pfous and 
-learned, fay they cahiiot corrform unto the Subfbrip- 
tioD required by the' Canon, nor take the Oatb of 
Canonical Obedientev we are content, and it is our 
Wifl and PleaTure; (fo they take the Qaths of ARe- 
giance and SufHcmacy} tbat they ihall receive Or* 
dinadoa, loftitotion, and Indudion, and fliall be per* 
nuocd to eitercife thetr Funfiion, and to enjo]r 
itbe Profits, of their Uvings, without the faid Sub- 
fitfiptton or Oarti of Canonical Obedience. And 
moreover. That no Peiibiu in the Univerfities ihal), 
for Che Want of Aidi 'SttbTeription, be hindered in 
tbeiaking of their Degrees. Laftfy, That none be 
jtK^edloforfeit'bia Pr«enntion or Benefice, or be 
dnxtvAlof it, upon the Statute of the 13th of Queen 
£fis«Arf/fr, Chap. 11. fohe read and declare his Af- 
Icnt to all the Articles of Religion, which only con- 
cern the Confcffion of the true Chriftian Faith, and 
the DoStinc of ihe Sacraments, compritbd in the 
Book of Article*, in the fiid Statute mentioned. In 
a Word ; we do again renew whit we have former- 
ly -faid in our Declaration from Breda, for the Liber- 
ty (^ tender Confciences, Tliat rio Man fball be dif- 
-qitieted ot cidled in QuefHcn for Differences of Opi» 

nion in Matters of Religion, which do not diftuib 
the Peace of the Kingdom ; and if any have been 
di&Hrhed in (hat Kind finoe our Arrival here, it hath 
net proceeded from any Direfiion of ours. 

* To coiKlude, and in this Place to explain what 
we fneationed before, and faid in our Letter to the 
Houfeof Commons from Bredaj T^at we hoped, in 
due Time, ourielf to [tfopofe fomewbat for the Pio- 
pagauOT of the Protcftaot Religioa, that wiU lalisfy 


i\ .....C.ooglc 

i8(S A P P E N P I X. 

Aa. iicw-ntbe World that we have tlwi^ made it bo6«ur 
i<fiq. Q„c and our Study, and bav«4iKmg)iobfcrv«d vktt 
''HmanUf ismoftlike to bring DHkdvutage to it: We 69 
conjure all out loving $uU|«dt to acquic&e in* and 
fubmit to, 'thit .our Oet&numt coactmmg dmre 
Difiecencet wbicl^have fo n^uch dtlquteted the Na- 
tion at home, and given fticb O&occ to the Prate- 
flani Chiuches abroad,, and brou^J«:h Reproach 
upon the Protellant R^Ii^^a in geuenl, from th* 
fjismtes tbcreof, as if, ijpon obfeure Nodnns of 
Faith and Fancy, it did adniit t]» Pn&itt of t3in- 
ftian Duties, and Obedience to. te difcoiuiteinavd 
and fufpcoded, and introduce a Licence ia OpiuoiB 
and Mannc;rs,tDtbePrejudiceof tfaeCbriftiuiFatttu 
And let us all endeavour, ^d eaulMe cad other m 
thcdeEndewours^.to countenance and advance, the 
Protcftant.RcIieion abroad, whi^ will bebeft&xie 
by fupportia^ tnc Dignity and iUvHence due to the - 
beft Reformed Piotcftant Cburdi at faotne; and 
which, being once ftced frppi the Calumniea and 
Reproaches it hatb uaiagpitt. ftooi diefc late ill 
Times, wtlt be the bcft Shelter for tbofe alBoad, 
which will, by that Countenance* both be the bet- 
ter protct^dagainll their Eneiuea, and belbejnote 
cafily induced to compoTe the jQiStxenea agaongft 
themlclves, wbich-g^ve tfieir Enemies more advan- 
-tage againfl tbem. And wehopc and expefi, that 
all Men will henceforward &vbcai to vent any fiich 
Dodrinc in the Pulpit, or to endeavour to work in 
fuch Manner upon the Aficdions of the People, aa 
may difpofe them to an ill Opinion of iia aid the 
' Government, ar>d to difhirb the Peace of tbe King- 
dom ( which if all Men will, in their Jevoral Voca- 
lioos, endeavour to picferve .wi^ -the fiune Auc- 
tion and Zeal we ourleJf will do, all oui good Sub- 
jcfb will, by Gods's Bleffing i^oq la, erijoy as g^cat 
aMearureofFeiicic;,asthii Nation hath evtr done, 
and which we (hall conftaady labour' to pEocure for 
then}, as tbe grcateft Bleffii^ God can b^ow upc« 
ui in thit World. 

Chun at eur Ctttrt at WlutebaUt tiut I5tb £ay 



, Tn this .Volume alfo, at p. 12, Ntv. 13, i6&0, Cu. ji 
Notice is taken of a Complainc being made in the . '^^.° i._,j. 
Houfe of. Commons againft » Boole called. The Long Ho»imbif. 
Parlianuni rtviveJj &c. then printed for, and puV 

I liflicd' by, one Tht/ndi Phillips, Gent. Nav. ij, at 
p. 16, Secretary J^i>rriV« acquainted the Houfe, Fhac 
he had found out the real Author to be one if'il/iaMt 
^aiiy a Morcbant in Leaden, who had confeHed the 
fame to him. The Debates about it, and Proceed- 
ings thereupon, may be Teen in the Hldury ; but the 

_ PampUirtiiftlf, being purely Parliamcntari', and not 

,. to be inct with but in fome oM Colledtiops, It too 

. curious, to be omittetl in this Appendix. 

y;&#- Long Parliamekt KEvivED i or an Act 


Lo^G Parliamskt, (calledhy King Chulea the 
. FirJI, in tbi Tear 1640; iui iy an Aa of Farlt^- 
taent i wish UKdtniabU Rtajtms dtdveiifrtm tbt 
/aid Ail, to prove that Thai marliamint is nat jH 
^oh>t4. Alfi Ml'. William Prvnnc's/w^- 
gununtt fuUy • an/tuered, whereby he tadtavours If 
prevt it to be diMvtd by the King's Death, Sec 
By Thomas Phillips, Getielememm, afituere LaVer 
. if hii King aiid Csualry {i).. 

Anna 17 Caroli Sigh. 
An ACT to prevent Inconvenieqccs which may hap- 
pen by the untimely adjourning, proroguing, 6C 
diffolving of. this prefent .Parliament. 
■tr^Herees great Sums ' of Money muff of Neaffttf 
'' he Jptediij advanced and provided for Relief 
»/ his Majejifs Army and PeipU in the Norlhim 
Parts ef this Realm, and for preventing the immiHint 
Danger this Kingdom is in, and for Supply of eiber 
Ms Menefty's Prtfent and ufgent Oecajiins which can~ 
ntt bejB timely efftStd at reqiufitty wiilHut Credit for 
Taifing the faid Monies \ which Credit cannot be 
cbtained untiUfiieb Ob/iaclts be fr/l removed, as are 
Kcajsaned by eears, yealoufies, and Appreheiifions of 
Vol. XXIII. T divert 

UPIZ..J ..Google 

i88 A P 'P E K '0 I X. 

*^ "gfo"' ^'^''^^' ^' Ma}tfty*i Uyal SuhjiHiy that this prifM 
' . Parliament may bt aJjat^rntd, preregatd, w ££ihtd, 
'Komnlci. iifirt Jujiici Jball hi duly txtcutid uptft DtlinqvefUSy 
ptihlte Grievances rtdrejfid^ e firm Ptati hehaieK sht 
fuw ^ofiW «/ England am/ Scotland cmitudtd^ aild 
itfert fu^iitil Prevific-n he made far iht Rtfeymttit 
if the Jaid Moniti ft to ii ratfed: All v>bkb ibt 
Cemmmiy in this prefent Pariiametst ajjembkdy having 
duly SMijidtridy da thtrtfare bwiihlj hfoeeb yutr Me/f 

: Excelltnt MajeJIj that it may ht Declared MdBimffe^* 
And be it Declared and BnaStd^ by the ting mtt So- 
vereign Ltrd, whh the Afftnt af the Lfrds andCtm- 
mans in ibis prefent Parliament aj/tmbkdf and ky tbt 
jtiithtrity if tbifanu^ That this prefent Parliament^ 
ana ajembled, fiall ntt he diJUoed, taikfk it hi By A£9 
af ParUament ta be poffed far that Purfafe. Utr 
jhall it bct ot any Time or Times^ ditflng the Centinu- 
ana tbtreaf^ prar^ued v ddjawmed, . taiUfs it he' hf ASt 

. afParUamei}ttaie Uietuife papd far that Purfaft^ 
Jndtkat the Houfi af Peers Jhall nat, at any Time er 
Times, during toil prefent ParSament, ie 6dj*Siri!ed, 
unhfs it be by themfttves, or by their ewn Order. At^ 
in uie Manner^ that the Houfe af Commons /baB not^ 
at any Timetr Times, during this prefent ParHamtnt^ 
be adjourned, unlefs it be by themfilves, of by their fuw 
Order. And that ail, and every, Thing and Tbinp 
tlibatjietir dme, ar ta be dene, for tbi Adjaunmint^ 
Praraguing, tr Dijfohiing af thit prefent Parliament^ 
eenirary tt this ^t Jhall hi utterly void and ef n§M0 

■ -Efea-. 


* TT' O the End the Peace of this Nation may be 

Fwu^ tbB * eftabliflied iipon a firm airf lading Found*. 

uint PuUa' lion^and that, after one Sbipwfccic hardly efcaped^ 

B>°°t- we run not blindfold again upon a more fatal and irre* 

coverable Rock of Confufion, the Author oCthis faiaU 

. F^r, out of tender Coiopa^n to bis native Coun- 

Vy^ and with all humble Refpe^ of due AFIegiancft 

andHonourto his Royal Majefly that now is, jiatb 

thought fit (with the premifcd A<9 of Parliament) 

to ^er lome few ArgumentB to the Wviicl, mtu- 


A jP J- E (J D 1 3t. , 

.rally flomgg from the Authority and.Reafon of h ; Aa. n 
Wbifin, if draoully hearkened to, may yet prove a " 
•healing Remedy^ againA the lad Breadies of ihis*"!! 
.Qtittcred Kingdom, and pievent thofe other Mif- "' 
rciiifrfs,. which the ObOioacT uf injudicious and felf- 
.^lied Seibna -will inevitably bring upon thcmfclves 
^oodus. j^^ if convincing Keafon may bear the 
Sway in this perverfe Age, wherein every Man 
' mould make fai^petty private Defigns to be his Law 
.rather than copimpn Equity, or the eftabliDifd Law 
,-of (he. Nation, he doubts not of the defired Succeft 
^|l^ aiifu at, with' God's Bleffing, in this enfuing Dit- 

"■' l^bat.the-Sarety.indHappineri of this Kingdom 
'liei in Parjiaoicnts rightly cu)fiituted, and in ti\4 
,f FfJiriy^tion of their juft and lawful Privileges, I 
fup^fetbere ftre net)e,of what different Judgmer.ts 
foover in other ThingSi who are Subjcds of this 
.Nation, and of fbbei Principles, but will readily 
gr^tit.) and if foj the contrary thereunto will then 
WiUipiJt Doubt as«afily be concluded. 

* Whkh Maxim being yielded, in reference to 
PtiKt Parliaments, it mug,' by Proportion, hold as 
fauc in relation to the. I/ong Parliament called by ths 
.Ute Kiijg <^iwJts the Firl^, of hkll'cd Memory, in 
the Year 1 640 ; wbofe Being and legs! Authority 11 
. fflillfo vifibty exiflentyby virtue of the fore- Mentioned 
lA^i th»^ when the Subjc^s of this Nation have fe- 
lioully copfideted of it, ihcy will doubtlefs fee they 
rhaVe jioRcRfon v> held tbemfelvcs fafe in their Lives^ 
Liberliea, aod Eftates, till ithave itiadc provifion in 
4hiit Behalf) and it be legally diflulved, ancsrding i» 
^eTetior of rbe &id Adhy Adof Parlluoeat hit 
4M Pwrpofe. 

^ AndjUherefore, Jceingthatfo great a Di&curity 

'to the Subjeds and the Peace of the Kingdom ia 

.Inovnbant hereupoa* as who doth not evidently 

Bcrceive it, (in cafe that Parliament is yet in its legal 

;Force and being) how much doth it concern ivcry 

'$ub^£tof this Nation to be groundedty fatisfied in 

, , this ParttGulv, t>y a fblid anfwering of thofe Objec 

■ ti«ailfaMiecB)tO-JDi)it«e*gai«ft the Verity of tht» 

T a /iSatioHf 

190 A I* P E N D I X. 

' Afl. II Oai II' AlTertton, T^at Men's Mindsmajr be fettled, toM- 
^ ^' , ther wi(h the Peace of the Natiorrt upgn a fire 
Mo«'mb«. i'"oundai:ion of Law affd Kighteoufnefi ; and we 
may nut, like the W^vcs of the Sea, be ftitl fluctua- 
ting to and fro in Doubts and Uncertainties, by the 
divers Windj of Men's contra^ Judgments and O- 
pinio-ts, to the continual Hazard pf tTundcarcJf Cbti'* 

* To evidence the ftill legal Being of that foi^ftid 
-Parliament, the AiSi fpeaks ruftciently for itfelf, in 
plain and cxprcfi Teims ; yet, to make it more clev* 
thefe following Arguments from the A& itfelf, atnd 
the Title of it, do more apparently evince it. 

I. 'To begin with the Title, which it, AnA&t* 
prevent Ineonvtnienciis that may happen by tbt xntimefy 
. adjiurning, prtrtguing, *r dijjihing of thir pre/tut- 
ParUamtnt; which Incanvenieftce* are fpeciBed in 
the following Preamble of the faid Adty whereof 
chiefly one is this : Lefl Credit Jfittild met be ibtairud 
/tr ra'^mg of MonUi fir Relief tfhh Mojefty'i AnHyy 
and People in the Nartb, and for Supply af ether his 
■ A&jt/iy't prefent and urgent Oasfiam^ thrtugh tbt 
iantinued Feart af the Siibje3$ left the Parliament 
^ may be adjourned, praraguedj or diffetved^ hefore Jfffi- 

tient Previfien be made far R^ajment ef the faid 

' In which Words there are two Thing, princi- 
pally to be confkdered in reference to the Intent and 
Meaning of this A(9, why it was made, 

' Firfif For the obtaining of Credit, in order to 
- tbe raifing of conlideiable Sums of Money for Svp^ 
)Hy of the King's and Kingdom's gieat Neccffilifes, 
which could neWr have been done, (as by the Aft 
■tfelf isfuppofed) had not Lhis A^ been male ;, it 
Wing the only Ground and Foundation of £ncau> 
' ngement for the Credit which was to be givin, ' in 
order to the raiflng of the faid Monies, and did ac- 
cordtngly effe£t it. 
.* SeeiiJtdly, The Parliament could not, without this, 
. ^ in any fecure Condition to make Prnvifion for the 
- Repayment of the faid Money fo to be raifed, in 
. retard that, thro' DefeiA of fuch an A^ the Parlia- 


APPENDIX. ijr , 

nwnt might be in continual Danger to be untimely*'' '* €>'• K 
diSi)\ved ; and, by the clear Scope of the Adl, it is '^^' . 
accounted an untimely DifTulution, if dilTolved be- jjo»<inbCT. ■ 
fore the faid Provifion be made ; therefore the Dif- 
Toluiion of the fuid Parliament, before fuch Provifion 
made for Repayment of the faid Monies, which i» 
not yet done, ii exprcfly contrary to the true Mean- 
ing and Intention of this A£t. And if this A£t were 
inad» purpoTnty to prevent the untiOiely Diflblution 
of the Parliiunent, (as it Hands exprela in the Title) 
then rt cannot but have refpe£l to the King's Death, 
as well as to to any other Means of untimly Diflblu- 
tion: Ttie Parllunfnt well knowing the King't 
Life was as uncertain, yea, in fome RefpcAs, more 
uncertain, than the Life of other Men ; and there* 
fore could not chgfe but fo underftand it, if theyin- 
tended this A& to be any Security for the Monies 
borrowed, or to be btffrowed upon their Credit. 

* Tbirdify In t^e Subftance and Body of the' A£ty 
ft is deliv^'d Jn exprefs Termi, That ibii freftiit 

, ParUament fimll n»t bt dijfahedhut^an Jia »f Par- 
liamatt: Whence it follows, That if not dilTotveable 
tinJcfs by an KGt <^ Parliament, then it is exclufive 
to all other Ways and Means of Diflblution, (as the 
loterruptton by arm'd Violence, the forcible Omif- 
lion of Days of Adjournment, the violent or natural 
Death of the King] or whatfoever elfe might be 
done, or have happened, le^ly to difii^vc it, bad 
not this A& bcehmade-or oonllituted. 

* Fewthly , and hjilj. To make all clear, without 
aey Exception, in the Clofe of. the faid Aft it is ex- 
-^^kA,ThatallaKd tvirj Thing and Things xubal- 
-fttvtr 4^nty »r tt it i^wu, far the adjnirning, prt- 

reguiagy »r diJJ&iving af ibii frtftnt PM'liamtit, em- 
. trary If thii Ait, fi>aa bt uturlf void and rf noiu £/- 
/e£t : Which Ctaufe you fee looks backwards aAd 
forwards in reference to whatfbwer liad a legal 
PosKr and Tendency before this A£t to dilToIve the 
FatUaraent. A^^ainft which this Aift hath now fully 

Provided, thxt neither what hath been done for the 
%me paft, nor whatfocver fliall be done for Time 
to come, Ifaail diffolve this Parliament, excepting an 

T3 . Aft. 


J93 A P P E N D I X. 

Aa, It Cm. II,Aa of the raid Parliament. Whence I ai^e, Th« 
. '"**' all thofe Things that otherwife legally would or 
K^Vfinkr. niighchave difluhied ibis PanUamenr, had not this 
A^ been, made, have no Force oi Efficacy to diflblve 
this, but only an A£t of this prefent Parliament r 
All other Parliaments having no legal Capacity till 
this be legally diffolved } unlcfs it be granted that 
two Parliaments may have both of tfaem legal Ca- 
pacity at one and the fame Time } which I believe 
there arc none fo at^urd as to aver, no more than 
that two Kings may have a legal Capacity at one 
~ -7ime in the fame Kingdom, 

*But bccaufc there are divers Objefiioos ri»l 
teem to^oppofe the PrcmifTes and the kgsl Being 
* aad Capacity of the faid Parliament, I Iball endea- 

vour tdanfwer them asflrungly, and yet as briefly^ 
as I mt(y,tb every ordinary Reader's Undcrftandingi 

* Thf ^r/9 and grand Objei^ion of all is, T^ 
Death of the late King that fummontd this Parlia- 
ment inthe Year 1640, and is argued by iAr. ffH^ 
U«m Prynni (c) : Bicatifi, faith he, if hath btnfrf 
^tunilj fffihu)i by Parlianuntt ihemfiiBtii,. tbt Rnt- 
rtnd ^vdgtSy. and tur Levi Betk t hj King Charler'a 
anin Dtdaratitn, mi bh Judgts and CemiicH; That 
tbi Depifitim and Deelb ef tbt King dtlb a£iiailji 
di£hli>» tbt Pariiamtnt, 

* To w4iich L anfwer, by-way of Gonceffloov ThA 
tbeDi:afhof the Ktr% doth legally, or, according to 
Cuftom, difTotvc X Pairiiamcnt that a only c^led aod 
cotfititutcd by the J^g'i Writ ;> but, not a Farlia- 
tcxvt cociftiiuied aiid co&Srmed by an Ad of the 
Three Eftatcs, Let Mr. Brywit^ or any other Luwr 
yet, (hew me toy Law or Precedent to that Pur- 
pofc, and I will prefently yield the Caufe, 

* If Mr. Pryntu would have fpolcen home to tbi( 
, Cafr, he Qiould have made it -appear where, or when, 

it had been refolved by Parliament, the Judges^ 
our Lav» Books, &f. thaf :in'csle of an A£t of P^- 
liampnt at^Ac for the Seffion and Continuance of a, 
-Par|ia(i>ent] till they fhould di£>Ive themfeJves by an 

{t) Set hb tlse mi perfeft N*mtira of vhit waiidaoe and fpaken by 
aadbciwceiiMr.'Pr;iv,uidltcol(liadaewljf«dblyiecludc>l Mmq- 
bui, beiii]UJB|atF-H> "<"^fQI«ni^ Pn^tcd iady Vcu iCjAi 


Afl, that fuch a Parliament hath been, or flia!I ne- An. it cat. il, 
Vtftheleft be dilTolved by the King's Death ; which, '^^ 
it is believed, he will fitid a *cry hard Talk to prove. „ ' i_ 
, ^ Sicandlj, He obje^, Tht Parliament is na fland- 
ittg-Cturt^ fitting at certain S*afant by ptfitivt Lows^ 
hut fiimmantd and canflituted by the King's Writ af 
BumiMns and R^al Priragativt, when and where ht 
pieafetb, and adjaurntd, prorogued^ and diffahed Itf 
hii Writ alana in Paint af Law, &c. 

' I anlwer again, l^ way of Conceffion> That 
Parliamentj, accoiding to their wonted and t>y-paft . 
Cuftoms, n<ere no certain Courts, fitting at cer»ia 
Seafons by politive Laws : But yet may be madt 
fuch by Aa of the Three fiftatci : Witneli Uie Tri- 
ennial Parliament. 

* And further, &y an extraMdinary Grant of hit 
We Majtfty, this Pariiament was made a ftandingt 
Court to fit conftantly by a pofitive Law, till they' 
fliould [deale to di^vc themfelvei. He having 
been [Jeafcd, by the laid Grant, for the better Secu- 
rity of bii Siibje^, to wave bis Royal Prerogative 
ami Power of Diflblution, and to give his Confent 
for tbo nulling of all other Mpans tending tbere- 

* And for what ^. Prynm intimates fiirtl^r ii) 
A« laid Objeaion : That btcaufe all Writs ef Sum- 
pHHf are a&ttalfy abated by the Kinf^i Death, as well- 
at all atber Cotmni^aniy and Patents ef all Judges^ 

. Jufiitet, &c. that tbt'refart this ParUammt muft 
meeds be £ffilved. 

* I anftrer, l^at doth not at all fiiJIoWi, tiH he 
can make it appear that there is no mcve Validi^ 
in an Ad of Parliament of the Three Eftates, than, 
there is in a meer Writ of Summons, or a Commtf- 
Son or Patent granted only by the King : For tho' 
this Parliament was fummoned by the Kijig's Writ, 
-yet it is manifell: its Continuance and ConArmatioti 
did not at all depend on That (for then he might 
fiill have diflblved it when he pleafed] ; but upon the 
Aet of the Three Eftates, who bad eftablifhed it by 
iaw, and fo was no more diJTolveableby (he King's 
peathf tbaa any other Swtute If%w or Ad of Par- 
* ' liamenC 


A P P E N D IX. 

• ti-liament whatlbcver; and therefore is not cJepeitding 
on lb fickle n Thing as a Writ of Suaimons, or » 
patent, or Comaiifnon given the Judges, and whkh 
the King may tslcc away and repeal again at bia 
; own Pleafure. 

* And to illuftratc this more by an Inflance, I 
Ibalt dcrire to a(k Mr. Prjaiu this Queftion : Put a 
Cafe that there are certain urgentNeceSities, as be- 
fbre fpecified in the AQ, that the Parliament hath 
of great Sums of Monej', for preferving the Peace 
of the Kingdom : This Money they muft take up 
upon their Credits ; but they fee no Ways bow 
to raife or repay it, untt& theirSeffion be continued 
for feven Years ; therefore, to get Credit for raifing 

■ tiie faid Money, iti Time to reimburfc, or give 
Security, to the Lenders, they obtain the King's 
Confeiit to an A& for their Continuance during the 
faid Term, wiih this Provifo infened, Though the 
King by any Accident, fliould hdppen to die before 
the faid Security was given, or the Monies paida 
Whether doih the Parliament, in this Cafe, continiie 
in Force and Lfficacy a^er the King's Death) or is. 
it then actually diilolved f 

*lf Mr. Prjmu grant it a Parliament i(i Force* 
after the King's Death, upon this Confideration (aa 
I conceive he i;annot depy it) then 't i* aji^Mrent 
that it is not the King's De^th, barely that dQtb of 
i^felf difiblve a Parliament, vix, I lay, a Ptrlia- 
ment eftablilhedby a LaW; and confequently tbeii 
not this Paritament,- the- Rcalba being alike for the 
one as for the other. 

* But if he (hall aver, (which to me is incredible) 
That notwitAanding fuch an AS, yct,1)y the King's 
Death, itU legally diiTolvedi then it will ncccfiarily 
follow, that Pi^liament-Sccurity, which was eve( 
looked upon till now as ipviolahle, is mpft danger- 
ous, and, of all others, Icaft to be ttufted. find th^ 
Subjefls had need to be warned to btke (feed of it, 
feeing it muft wholly depend upon fo uncertain )t 
Thingasthe King's Life} which, as it throws'no 
jinall Difhon9ur up{>n that High Couft, fp it will bf 
no little Prejudice to public Emcrgebctcs : For if the 




■ King die hiJf a Ycjr after the Monies borrowed, *■• "*'"■■'' 
and before ihe Security be given, (and he hath no . , 

fvrer 4 longer a Leafe of his Life than other Men) 
a)] the fail] Monies mull abfolutcty be loft, and Co 
ibe Subjt^ defrauded, no iuture Patliament being 
bound to make good the Ads and Deeds of a fur- 
Rier, further than the}' will or pt^fc itiemli^vcs. 
And it is to be wifhcd that the Kingdoni any nut 
flow 400 ladly have ExpetU-nce of it. 

' Tliraljf, Mr. Pryni' objefls, 7ke Kln£% Name, 
iti which tht PVritt fur EUSim art i£u(d firth ; that 
ieiuu/t thy ge em in tht Name ef tl^e Kiigreigmng^ 
andfe eefh the Perfons lUHid te ath'ifi wiihhimftr- 
feiajlj i .and the ParJiairuiU tt he cmvenid U taUed ^ 
JParSauitntt and Is ta aiifult tf the ardueus Bttfine^t 
«f the Klagdcm ui.ctrning him, i;c. Ihtreftrt^ xabta- 
the King diet tubs called 'he Parliam/'tt ta advife and 
et^futt with bimfeify tht Parliament muft neecffsrilf 
be d'lffhhed, ur.lefi ihty could bejuppufed te csnfuH ani 
ttdvt/ewith him ef the weighty jf^airt tfhis Kingdtm 
efltr his Deceafe. 

* To this I anrwer firft. That tho' the Writs <rf 
Summons run, toconftilc wirh the King peifonally, 
or by Name, yet they fay jiotto confultwiih hitii - 
only, and fo are fiotfoe^clufivc, having Refpcift to the 
Reafon and Equity of the t^Wi but that the 
fame Parliament may alfo cnnfujt with his Succrt- 
for, if the Peace 3iid Safety of the Kingdom dore- 
quire : Granting this Maxim to be undeniably trti^* 
'I'hat the Safety of the People is the Supreme Law. 

'And though theParliament fummoncd by ifac 
King's Writs be called liis Parliament, yet bis Death 
doth no more vacate it, being eflabliOied by Law, 
than it doth other Laws by the fame King made, 
which are moft properly called his Laws, ttecaufe 
fnadlcd with his perfonal Confent j and yet we know 
(hat they are not fo his, hut that that they arc alfo the 
t^ws of his SuccefTors, and are focommonlycallei. 

Be fides, by conftituting the Parliainent to duie 
till they djflblvethemfclvesby an AiS, the King vir- 
tually waved the Authority of hi) Writs of Summon^j 
in whith Writs the Parliament is cxpreiTed to be 

■ ■ L\ _...,C".oogIc 


■■n c>i.It.c41edtoconruftwith him by Name, nofuch Thing 
'**"■ . being in ihe leaft faid or exprefled in the Aft by 

'y,^^^^ which this Parliament is now confirmed to conti- 
nue, &c. Therefore it matters not, neither is it at all 
to the Purpofe inihls Cafe, how, or in what Name^ 
the Writs of Summons, whereby this Parliament was 
firfl called, were ilTued forth: Forafinucb at this 
Parliament confiiiB no longer by any Authority de- 
rivatire from thofe Writs (that Foundation being 
wholly taken away) j but only by ASt of the Three 
Hftatei, as is evident in that Uie King could not now 
diilblvc it by his perfonal Authority any more. And 
if his perfonal Authority, he being living (which it 
affirmative) could not difTolvc it ; then his Death, 
which is but negative, or a Ceflaticni of the Influence 
of hit perfonal Authority, can much left do it. 

* And farther, byway of Interrogation, I would' 
tik Mr. Pryme, Whether he will grant any more 
Privilege (in the Cafe of the King's Eteath) to a Par- 
liament eflabliflied by a Law, than he h4I1 do to a 
Parliament only called andconflituted by the Eing'r 
Writs, between which he cannot furety but fay 
there is a very wide Difference \ And if he yields 
the Privilege doth excel (as he muft needs) en the 
Side of that Parliament that is eftablilhed by a Law, 
in what Senfe can he conceive it to be, as the Cafe 
here put, unlefs by the Duration of its Authority af- 
ter the King's Death who called it j Of whidi Pri- 
vilege the Parliament only conflituted by the King's 
Writs comes fhort, and fails, as before ackoow- 
fedged, by the King's Death. 

* And I would fain know what Reafon there it^ 
that a ftrained Expofition of a Statute Law is diis is, 
(that this Parliament ftould be diflolved by the 
King's Death) fhould take Place ^inft the cxpreSi 
literal Senfe of it, which is. That it (hall not be dif- 
jblved but by an Aft : When as the ftrained Senfs 
^fo it evidently dangerous, unfafe, and pr^udicial to 
the Public i but the literal exceeding ben^ciaL 

* The calling of Parliaments in this or that KingV. 
Name, to Confult or advife with this or that King, 

.„ {befe aie but ciicuniftantial Ttuiigs, and done for 



A P P' B . N D r X, 197 

Or(]er*8 Sake, and nothiRg of the Subffantials an(lAi>. uCv.l 

Effcncc of the Govcrnmcntand Kingdom's Welfare. . '^*°" 

And therefore, if Parlnments, called in this or that nigtMibw. 

King's Nzme, to advife with this or that King, 

ihoittd continue in Korce (thrf there were no A^ 

for it) after this or that King's Death, there were 

no I>anger or Incopvcniencc in it ; how much Icfs 

when an AG, as now, impHctily pailed for that Putt 

poft ) but nther the contrary ? They miy confult 

wifh as mocb Safety and Advantage to the KUngdool 

with the SucccJTor, as they did with the dcceafed 

• fiut to difio]ve Pariiamenta nfhly and untimely, 
amy^innr a well-JiRtled Kingdom into very great 
and hjkcardous Difficulties. And how fad a Thing 
were it^ and how contrary to the general Rule of the 
People'* Srfety, (which, in the Government of ^. 
N^ion, ou^itiy be valued before any thing, and is 
the End of Government) if, for Circumdances, the 

^eid Wrffate and Peace of the Kingdom mufi be 
nazarded' ? 

• Faiirthij, As to what Mr, PrjwjK tA)je3s con- 
cerning jfMim by hit tf^ti «- Dttd, tr tbt Kii^ by 
Bir Ctmmi/JiM, tr tbt ParliaMeni by fpicial AS and 
Ordit^ tntthariaing and impm/ering any thrte Pirftnt 

jgirn/y it feU' Lifnd, give Livery end Stifin^ ixecteit 
any Gitmni^atu Sec. and that in ta/e any ef them dity 
xbi Hut Survimrty jtintly trftvtreilyf can do rtetbing^ 
Sieai^ thtir j^thtrity andTruft V!asj»int andnot fe~ 
vtral, ttc. Applying this to die Parliament, tvhieh 

■ fieifig; (as be now exprefletb it) a Ctrperatrin eom- 
faettdjeinifytf the King, tords^ and Comment Hsufiy 
tmdTbret EJIaUs, that tbtrefbrt the Death ef the 
Kiiig neee£kriiy Sffulvet itnetwithftanding thir 4S. 

• raflfwcr, tltis doth notnomore prove it than any 
of bis former Arguments j for this Similitude doth, 
not: bold Proportion, nor come up to our prcfcnt 
Gafe. ^ . 

' For We have not hereto do with oneEftatebt 

mere that bath abfalute Power in itfelf (and intends 

to execute^ it) to conftitute other Pcrfons for any 

GflScc or TriHt, as 2 finde Perfon, f^c, that mfikcs 


A l» P E N D I X. 

a Will or Deed doth conftitute three or more Per^ 
fons, in TmH: for the iixccution of his Will ot 
Deed, whofe joint Power, being exprefled in thefatd 
Will or Deed, neccffuWy h\h upoa the Death ofuiy 
one of them, becaufe joiutljr and iu>t feveraUy m^ 

' But with a Parliament, Ifht have wionlarUj m- 
gegeithtmftlve:, upon a Truft and Credit received 
from the People for their Security, with the Conloat 
of the King, making a Law to prcferve their Seffion, 
tnd ijiaili/b thtir evin ^uiberitji Bg<4nft all Mcaiu 
of their untimely DifTulution, till they bad benmrab^ 
Sfihargtd tbeir Trnfty aod g^ven Security and Satis- - 
£i£lion to thole chat rave them Credit : Which tW" 
thing concerns any Power or Authority to bir given 
toothers, whether three or more PerTons, according 
to Mr. Pryntu'y InAance, to be executed jointly, 
wherein a Failure may be through any one t)S thor 

' But becauff thete fcenis fomcthmg fltll to-be 
unanfwered to this Objedion, in reference to tlte 
coojundivc- P^wer of the Parliament confifting of 
Three Eflales; therefore thtG alfo is futly relblved, in 
the following Anfwcr, to what Mr. Prynnt intt- 
ntates concerning the King's being a fart <^ the Par- 
liamcnt, who faith, Tbat Iteau/i lb* King it « Pari 
tf the Parliamtntj ^btrefiru if ihf iSng rfo, tb* 
Parliairunt nt^fi ^ttdi it tiiffahtd. 

' To which I anfwer, Th^t the King is ntber m. 
part of t)ie Parliament in his politic, than in bis pcr- 
. ioaUt Capacity { which is always fubjcd) to Death* 
but his politic, never. With this agrees (hat famous 
lawyer Sir Eaward Ctie, (fee the third Part of hit 
Inftitutee, Chap, i.) where, fpeaktng of the High 
, Court of Parliament, andof what Perfbns itconfin- 
, eth, faith, in the fu& Place, and in exprcfi Woids, 
. That it cbnfifls of the King's Miijelty fitting thete, 
as in his Royal Politic Capacity, ,{/r. And if fo, 
, then the Parliament dies not in all Cafes when the 
King dies: And if this holds good in any Caie, tbtil 
fure^ in Cafeof an A^tu that Purpofej for though 
^ Pcfoa be dead, yet his Royal Authority {gr^ 


A f 1> fe N b I X. 189 

as il fufficlcntljr evident by the Force and Authority An. it Cm. tt. 
of all our Laws, tU! repealed by A& of Parliament. '**" , 

* But beltdeSjitinaythusfartherbc argued dearly, jj^^n^. 
The Member* of the two Hoiife* of Parliament, 
' tho' many of them die, (as oft-times it comes to 
pafs, and 'tis poffible they may att die by Degrees 
be^iire the Partiament ii&) yet the Parliament il ntX 
diflbtved, becaufe they arc not now the very fame 
individual Pcrfuns that were chofeh f\tH by the 
King's Writs of Summons. 'Tisfufficientthat there 
have been new Writs iflued forth frAm that Houfe, 
or £ftate of Parliament whereof they were Mem- 
. bets, whereby new Ele£ltons, i^c. have been made, 
and fo othef Members returned to fu'pply the Places 
ef the dead ones. And if this be good fn the Cafe 
' of the two Boufes of Parliament, &r. which no Man 
that underflands Ivaw, and the Ufage of Parliaments 
will deny ; then it ii much more go6d' in the Cafe 
of the King's Majefty's Pcrfon, whdfe Royal Eftate 
' and Authority isfo evident, that it i^ a declared, un- 
deniable Maxim in our Laws, He never dies. So 
that what new Writs do legally, for'Supply of the 
: Places of the' dead Members, to continue the Estate 
and Authority df the two Houfes' of Parliatncht, 
that, arid much more cminentry, the King's imme- 
diate Succcffion to theCrown, after his Father's or 
Predccffor's'Dcath,doih-dp, by virtue of h'lB Rmal . 
Birth-right and Title of Inheritance. ' There bcnig 
this grand Diflerence between Members of Parlla- 
' ment dying, and the King i they fo die that their 
Authority cannot be revived but by newE^eAionSj, 
or Writs of Summons ; but the iCing fo dies, that 
bis Authority ftill lives by immediiite Succeffion. 
Whence it is, that the Royal Seat is ticver vacant, 
that there fliould be a Failure to make good- the 
Royal Anions of the Prcdeceflbr. And thus the 
' Third Eftatc in Parliament, always living, tbejtlnt 
Pewir^ftiU ctntinues ; and fo there is no Ncceffity 
the Parliament fliould diflblve, (as Mrl Prynnt ai- 
. firms] dueCircumftancea and Actions being weigh'd, 
and the Neceffitiei of the Kingdom well confidered. 

,, Google 

A f P E N © 4 X. 

■ "■ Fiflhiy, Therefore, by whst haih been alwady 

(faid, Mr. Pryme'i fifth and lad ArguiHcnC muft need* 

■. be outcf Doorsi which is this, Thai btcaufttbt Ead 
ef Parliaauntt is U ma3 ntvo Laxm-, amd repeal etherj^ 
/&c. which cantut 6e ebae iul by tht King's Ajftnt ; 
end this Pariiamat ttixg la it dijfvhtdby an jf^, and 
en Ail ^'''*i "'^ stapaffibU sa it madt by that King ' 
for the DijflutitH if sly kt bting dead; thtrefore h;s 
Dtatb imfl nttds dijfeht tht ParUammt mtwifJ>' 
ponding this Aa. 

* I anfwcr in the Negative, In nowife ; far tho* 
hebcdead, as jforeT^, Inhis^perl^nal, (whichMT' 
Prynnt Teems to anfwcr too maidy in us f^Upwi^^ 
Objeftion) ycj not in his jKilitk Capacity : ^Aiio 
thercfbic* if the dead Kit^ cannot en«d X^ws.,i4y 
the Parlianent, jret Jiis Succsflpr caot who. conse^ito 
the down iaiinediatdy aftw hb Father's ITcmJi. 

. And, as hath bc&n Ihewed, it Js nowiTc incoove- 
nient} but may many Ways ba adv;anUgeous to ^e' 
Public, That, fltould the King cbaoce anywlTe to 
-beuntimely ukcn away, the.Paj!iamentAu>uld can' 

^timie after itbe King's Death; ivfaole Death, if,it 
ihovld neceilanly Cas Mr. Prynit affitms) diflb^c 
.the Par1iamcfit> fb luitkncly a OilTqUitiop, as the 
!.Ca£: might Aand, might pryve very jd^figenDiu afid 
jwinidous to t^e Kingflom, , , 

* Beiides, the Ad dobb^t limitthe Parliametif's 
^ piiTolution as lawful only, if it bedoiicby ul tiGt 

of ditt.K^og thc(i living, whpA^^fliwag.n^c ^ 
. but, in gcn^raj, itJimitsitroani^pf Parli«aE«t, 
' that it Aall ^otbe diitt^v^d hitf bj-.a^Ait of Par^a- 
(Dcnt. And,»hyihe:Predece^'8 Ai'tbotjly -Mid 
Confeat Ihauld not be as btpdiog to his^iKcwitriiif 
this Caic,.till lb diflblved, ,as iV>)^Me'of aayiofther 
I4W nude. with his ConC^V ^ wwid very g^ly 
Jtnov a folid Reafon fiar it f fepiig that, to^Lll Intoits 
-and puipofes, »aA&icxC^r\iiiavboat n Difiblu- 
. tien, 4iiay he as virtual wd ^ptqiomi ,^ithou^ any 
. P. ejudice, by theCanfeot ^^Ajuthorityofube&ic- 
ccflor, as (^ the Father. 

. *And/urther,tbcAais^Ifuher<in«i£prefs,Tha^by 
Jto.Qlfaei Way 91 MeanS} hut hy an A^ of Parliampity 



by the dead King, but may be done by ihs Succef- 
'for. It out<hc fo to be difTolved, or elfe it-muft, and u 
doth, by virtue of this Ai9, llill lemain lcg<illy in 
foil Being and Authority. 

* Sixthly, As to what (nay be ohjet^ed concerning 
the Diflbtutlon of thisParltatncnt by an A£l, when 
the fecluded Membere were lately admitted j the 
Argument is io weak, that I thought wholly to have 
ontkted the teall Mention of it > yet, in regard it'is 
objected by Tome, who fcem to receive Satisfai^an 
by it, and there to acquiefte, I ihall give this Aofwec 
■in brief to it : 

* firft. That, at the beft, th^t was but an Aft, fo 
called, of the Houfe of CoiniDons ; and io^ confc- 
^endy, far fliort <^ the Authority oPanA^ of Par- 
Hament, or any legal Pretence of tC, wbich only 
confifis of King, Lords, and-Commons j and there* 
fore, by any fL>ch appellative A^, this Parliaaienc 

' can nowife be dtflblveoble. 

* And further. The utoioft AuAority ^Mt ^ 
Houfcef Comnions hath given themby the ^re&id 
A£l, for the Gc»itiauation t^.this Parliamwit l^U 

- they dtflcdve themfetvci by an A£t, is but to adjourn 

' themfelves by an Order of their aim Houfe* asia 
txprefeinthefaid A<^; by.wbicfa it u evident tbey 

' have no Power to difli^e .themfelvcs, mucb left by 
Ufy A€l dieycan do to diJlblve the Parliament. 

* And here it ii worth the ob&rving, (before I 
palsovertfus AAoftheHoufeofComnKinc, wherry 

' it was endeavoured todii^vetfae Parliament) That, 
in tbeir Judgments and Confciences, there wa& Nrei 
*«f an AA to diflblve the Parliament} And iherdore, 
bytbisA&of tbcirs, 4hey did implickhF grant,' that, 

' ' befntf the paffing of die faid A£l, tbc Parliament 
Vas notlJiendifiblvcdi andfo, confeqiieotly, didgsc- 
'knowledge it not to be diiTolved by the King*! 
Deadij'wfaidi happened many Yean befqre :. And, 
if not diffi>lved by the King's Dead), then much Jefs 
by the. laid Ad of die Houfe of Commons, wluch 
carrici not the Icaft Shadow of legal Authority Witb. 
it, ai aCKcfaid, fordKPi&lutieaof it) andtbere- 
5 *f^ 


4tf4 A. P 1> E N D r X. 

^ *66f"""*^"' ^y ''^* Juilgmcnt of the faid Hourir, tightly uS* 
' derliood, it is (HI) legally in Force and Being. 

* But bccaufe fonte do object. That, in regard the 
'Lords Spiritual, /a.uu>, the fitftiops, were owtcd the 

Houfe of Peers belore the paffirg this Afl for Con- 
tinuation ot the Parriamcnt, whereby their Vote* 
tnd Confcnts were never bad in the Cafe, that Cherc- 
fore it was an tllrgal A&, and fo fell void in itfcU ; 

* 1 anfwer briefly, ThK the Abbots and Priof s 
{twenty-nine in Number, who were fotaieily Lptd» 
•f Parliament, and held fier Baroniam bom the 
King, and had iheir Seats and Votes in the Koi^e 
ef Peers, as well as the Temporal Lords) were dif- 
fered In the Reign of King iiinry VIII. and yet 

■ {k)i\i the Parliaments Tince, with all iheii A£t9,have 
been held .for legs! and tuthcntic, without the leaft 

' Quctlion or Contradi^on of their Aulhoilty ; and 
tfiercfore it is as little to be faupled licre, in our pie- 
fent Cafci which is ihp fame, the Eithops PfiviJ^e 
wid Right to fit in Parliament being alfo null apct 
made void, as well as theirs, by ^& of Parliament. 
Whereunto much more might here be laid to tiiis. 
Purpofe, butthatl would not be tedious., 

* Sewntbfyf 1 have but one Word more, which an- 
fwers mfifi Ailly and uiiqueftionably^ll Mr, Prymu't 

' Ghje&ioTis at Once, or -what etfe. may ^ ,faid for ijie 

DilFohition of this Parliament by the King'sDeath % 

and that is taken from the fupreme legiflatiye Autbo- 

■ rity under God, that the Three Eftates^ viz. King, 

'. Chords, and Commons, legally called, have ovei^all 

Perfons and Caufes in the whole Nation : By vitlue 

-" whneof they have Power to dothe higheft A^ons the 

-*- Nkciort is Capable of, tho' it be even to the dilmeui- 

beringof the Parliament itfeif, and diliblvin£a con- 

' fiderable Part of it, orLaltering any othfr J*unda^ - 

' ; noiul Conltitutions thc^ pleafeC<^)i fo it^y fee it ne- 

- ' :. ■ cel&ry 

* (IJ Seear£AutfrflC»lf,inIiittWriP«rtirfI«ffltote(oftb«Hilh 
' Cbvkt uf Picliimenc, how ^c bordi gave iMir Vaic«i, p. tc. 

(r J See Diiu, c( th« H ifh C«iitI of ParliaDient^ of (lie Power uU 
iri/d.aion oi tbe P-rlia.-. eot, p. 36, whoftiA, 7l«f(i#J'(rBw-«irf 
vrUiaiiK nf the Farlramia ftr nnHiig ^ LnetiinfrimJi^ if 
W. iiftiramfcivJnit and abjriliftf. tail ounl J« tn/xUdtbtrff 
Qtujittti'i'-fiiiivx'li/iiiary ifundl, &Ci 

L-. ..,., Google 



cefTary for iU public Good, as, particularly in the An. mC«, 1 
Cafe of the Bifli ps," calledthe Spiritual Lords, and . ' ' °' _, 
by fome affirmed to be the Third Eftaie in Patlia-fj . ovembti. 
ment j who, neverthelefs have been excluded by aa 
Aflof IBc King, Lords, and Commons, from their 
antiehfRight 6f fitting and voting in Parliament, 
when, inthcii'Wifdoms, their SjIEon there appeared 
hurtful to Church and State : For who may queftion 
or control th;-'A(3ions of a lawful Parliament, while 
none in the Ktngdobi can (o much as pretend to be 
'abovethem? And if their Auihoricy beoffo large 
"an Extent, even in.Matters of grealeft Weight and 
Moment, then much more ihThings .of f<ir inferior 
, ind miich lefs Concernment, as is the Confirmatiort 
, ' tof a Parliament to continue after tbe King's D^arh 
■"whtjcalled it, -'if the Three Eftates fliall Tee good to 

■ pafsan AS, as nbiv they have done, to that Purpnfc, 
(implicitly, though not in exprcfs Terms) the King 

'happening to die before it hath been diffolved by an 
-Aftof Parliatnent, as by -the Three Ettates hath 

■ been firmly etiaitcJ, it fhould be fo diffolved, and 

* By this Time, it may be hoped, the legal Being 
and Authority of the Long Parliament is fufficiently 
evident; the Truth whereof being foclearly proved, 
both by Law and Reafon, how .much doth it unfold 
to us the fad and dangerous Eflate of the Kingdom, 
whilll under the Conflitution of fuch Powers as 
neither, in Eflaie, Liberty, or Life (tho' otherwifc of 
good Inclinations to the Public) can give the Nation 
^ any legal Security ? 

'For tho' many excellent Things have been done 
by the fingular Wifdom of this ptefent Parliament, 
now fitting, that_ are of fpecial Tenilency in tiiem- 
felvess for the Good and Safety of the Nation, thro* 
his Majefty's molt gracious Condeicenfion, for which 
we have iniitiite Caufc to blefs God i yet herein the 
" great Unhappinefs, that whilJl their Authority is not 
legally founded, the Nation can ptomife ihemfelves 
no AITurance for the laftii)g Enjoyment of thofe be- 
nefits and Securities they have giv^n it; feeing it is 
to be feared, and toojuilly, they fall void of them- 
VoL. XXIII. U fclves, 

u,:.. J ..Google 


n. It Car. n.feWes, by virtue of the faid Parliament's ill^al 
'^ft°- Policy and Cooftitution. 

Ti "lJ ' Therefore, how much were it to be wtfhed that 

the Supreme Lcgiflative Authority of the Nation 
might again revere into that Channel, by which the 
Peace -ind Settlement of the Nation, thro' his Ma- 
jelly's mod gracious Influence, might durably, and 
without Qucftion, be provided for and preferved. 

'In reference to which I Ihall humbly take the 
fioldnefs tu ofFer it, as a weighty and ferious ConG- 
deraiion to this preleni Parliament now fitting, whe- 
ther they fliduld not do well, for their own Safety as 
well as the Nation's, to advifc his Majefty in this' 
Particular, (they only having the Privilege and Op- 
portunity now cffeiflually to do it) their Cafe in 
' of Safety or- Danger, being the fame with the 
red of the People's, when once they {hall come to 
be dilTulvcd. 

* Qui now here, brcaufe the Fears and Scruple*, 
which. at itrft Apprehenfion are apt to arife in the 
Hearts of the Generality of the Kingdom> may feem 
8 great Obflruflion in Prudence againft the Return 
of that Parliament to fit again, in reference to the 
Danger of perpetuating of it, who therefore may be 
rcAdy lofty. By fo doing we may en As ve King and 
Kingdom to fuch a Yoke of Bondage, a> wc may 
never be able to break off our own Neck3, or the 
Necks of our Pofierity any more. 

* I (hall give hereunto this doling. A nfwer. That 
the Scruple is very rational^ and though there is a 
Poflibility they might attempt or do fuch a Thing, 
(though very improbable) if they Ihould fo wickedly 
abufe their Trud, yet ihofe Fears will Toon be re- 
moved from wife and difcreet Perfons, if we do but 
ferioufiy confider, that the hi greater Number ofthe 
Members furviving are of the fecluded Party, who 
were thruft and forced out of the Houfc for their 
I,oyalty to the King, or of ihofc that withdrew 
themfelves upon the Offence given by Occalion of 
the Army's Violence againft King and Parliament, 
and have been the chief Inilrumenta of his prefent 
Majedy's happy Reftoration : Aad therefore, being 



A P P E M I Jf. 2<sj 

Perfons fo qualified, we Way cafiljf believe they will An. n Cw.d' 
not be very willing to draw fuch an Odium upon . - , '*^ , * 
Iheir unnained Credits, as will inevitably follow; HBTtabv. 
befidn tbc further Mifchicfs itrill be apt to enfue to 
themfclves ind the Nation, by renewed £>ifcon- 
tents, fbould they go about to engroU the Au- 
thority of the Nation any looger m their owii 
Hands, than will be neccflary for public Safety, with 
his pr«fent Majefty's Approbation j Aho, for fur- 
ther Security againff thfife Fears, may eafily fum^ 
mon them together, by his Prochmition, to ff^iu- 
haBy or where elfe he plcafeth before their Seflion 
again in Parliament, and there receive their pcrfonal 
Promife and Engagement to confirm the A£b of this 
prefent Parliament, and to prepare a Bill the firft 
Thing they do, at a certain I'ime to be agreed on 
betwixt his Majefty and them, todilTolve thcmfelvesi 
and for his Majefty's ifTuing out Writs for the fum- 
moning of a new Parliament, that lb Things may 
fweetly return again, without Violence or Injuiy 
done either t;o his Majefty's Prerogative or his 
People's Liberties, into a regular and legal Way of 
Proceeding, to the general Security and Satisfauion 
of the whole. 

P. S. ' Becaufe there are great and general DiSt' 
tisfaftioni conterning this prefent Parliament (fb 
called) now fitting, in Quellion of its legal Right 
and Authority, feeing the Author's Oeftgn is nothing 
clfe but the Peace and Security of his native Coun- 
try, and a thorough Healing of our Wounds and 
Breaches, he humbly defires further to ofFcr thefe 
few following Particulars, tO the grave and ferious 
Confideration of thofe that ate more learned in the 
Laws, in Hopes that fome eminent Pcrfon of that 
ProfeQion will give a folid and judicious Refolutioa 
to them. 

* ftVy?, Sir Ediuard Cut/, in the third Part of his 
Inftitutes, writing of the High Court of Parliament, 
and of what Perfons that Court confifts, fpeaking of 
theTemporal Lords; as, Duices, Manjuilfes, Earls, 
Vifcounis, and Barons, Who fit thcrt by reafon of 
their Dignities, whicb they hold by Dcfcent or Cre- 
U 2 at Ollg 



rll-ation, faith. That every, one of thele, being of full 
Age, ought tt) have a Writ of Summons, /* titbitf 

■ j.jii.i^. ^ ■ . 

• Where note, 4wo Things are required to tiiC 
Legaliry of their Seflion in Parliament. 

' Firjl, Th^t they be of full Age ; and if that be 
a Qualification legally required of Peers, (for it will 
cafily be granted to be moft abfurd and unjuft, that 
they that have not Power by Law, as allJnfants under 
■ Age have not, to difpofe of, any Part of their own 
Eflates, or to make one legal A<5i to that Purpofc, 
that fuch lliould have a Share in the Supreme Power 
to judge, vote, and difpofe of ihe.Eftate and Autho- 
rity of the whole Kingdom) I fay then, by Rule of 
Proportion, that it is a Qualificatjon as necefiiirily 
required of the Commons upon the faid Conlldera- 
tion : And it were happy for this Nation, thcretore, 
that it Were better looked after for the future, that fo 
thofe Mifijhiefs may be prevented Which too ottca 
enfue to the Public, by bringing fuch green Heads 
kito fo wife and gtavc aCouncil. 

• Seceiuify, 'Tis required to their legal Se^on in 
Parliament, that the fjid Lords have Writs of Sum- 
mons ; which thefe, now fitting in this prefentPar- 
liament, never had. 

* Next, The faid Sir Edward Coke, in the fore- 
cited Place, faith, .That the Commons, which he 
calls there the Third Eftate of the Realm, confiibng 
of Knights of Shires fur Counties, Citizens of Cities, 
and Burgefles of Borouahs, they all are refpeflivcly 
tobecleiSed by the Shires or Counties, Cities and , 
Borou!;hs, by Force of the King's Writ ex aehitv 
'jujlhia: Hut the Commons of thij prefeiit Parlia- 
ment were not fo choleii, but by Force of a, Writ, 
in the Name of the Keepers of the Liberties of Eitg- 

' Thirdly, He faith, That, at the Return of the 
Writs, theParliamentcannotbeginbutby the Royal 
Prefence of the Kinjr, either in Perfon oi by Repre- 
fentation. By Reptcfcntatiun two Ways ; either by 
a Guardian ai England, by Letters Patent under the 
. -Great 



Great Seal, when the King is in remote Parts out of An. .iij.j-i 
- the Realm, or by Commiiiion unclei the Gieat Seal '^°. 
oi England, to certain Lurds of Parliaiiunt, itp:c- r^i.Tim frf rt 
fencing the Perfon o;"the King, he briiiji; wituin the 
Realm, in refpeit uf Ome Inftrmit)?. (See in Ed- 
viardCaie^ in his third Partof lnll.|,uies of the High 
Court of Parliament, concerning the Beginnings of 
Parliaments, p. 6.) But this Parhamcnt began with- 
. out the Royal Prefence of the King, either in Per- 
fon 01 by Reprefentation. 

' Fmrtbly, That the Subftance of the Writs of 
Summons muft continue in their oiiginal Kflencf^ 
without any Alteration, ot Addition unlefs it be by 
AQ. of Parliament. ( See the Taxne Sit Edward 
Coke^ in his third Part of Inltitutes of iheHighCourt 
of Parliament, concerning Writs of Summons qf 
Parliament, p. 10.) But how great an Alteration 
- and Addition to the Subftance of the Writs of Subw 
mons is this, toifTue them forth in the Name of the 
Keepers of the Liberties of England, without the 
]ca(l Authority of Parliament; which, by (he ex- 
prels Statute, ought only to be iiTued forth in the 
Name of the King. 

' And therefore, if there be any Weight in Mr. 
Pryine's forefaid Argument, to null a Pjfliameirt, 
becaufe of the King's Death who called it, in regard 
the Writs of Summ'.m were illiie'd forth in the 
. Name of that King deceafed, with whom, by Name, 
the Members of Parliament were called to conliilt 
and advife, but now cannot, it will, 1 conceive, be ■ 
no hard Queftion to refulve, (and it were good Mr. 
Pryntie would undertake it without Partiality or Af- , 
feflion) WhetheitheParliament,dothnot, ifjoFaffo, 
. fall void, ajid all the Ads of it, further than they 
• Ihall he confirmed by a lawful Parliament, which is 
not called by any Writs of the Kins; at all, but 
only by Writs, ai aforefaid, in the Name of the ■ ' 
Keepers of the Libt;ruei of England^ .{a.n'i by thofe 
^ Writs none but the Commons) with wliom they are 
fummoned to confult too about the BufinciTes nf a ■ 
Commonwealth, ( which thefe- Tunes have fuffi- 
cicntly taught us the Meaning of) and not with 
U 3 tha 

L _ Cioogic 


'•lithe K'ng, about the arduous Bufinefies of tusKing* 

* Thcfe preititred Illegalities confidereJ, in refer- 
ence to this prefent Parliament, the legal Being and 
Capacity (aBpremifed) of the Long Parliament, be- 
ing fuppoicd to be here totally waved, Whetfier i? , 
this a lawful Parliament, ^nd capable to make leg?! 
and binding A&sf Or, having been declared a lawful 
Parliament by an A&. by ihemfelves, made finge 
fheir Seflion with the King's Confent, whether can 
the King's Confent make them fuch, tho' otberwife 
unlawful in their Call, Principle, and Foundation ? 

' For I would put the Cafe the King (bould have 
come in while OUver'i or JUckurd's Parliaments had 
been fitting, to which the Lords, (as now) fliould 
bave prefented thcmfelves without Wria of Sun^- 
nons, and his Majetty, under that Confiitution, 
'0iould have confented to a Bill to grant them a law- 
ful Parliament i woufd that at al) have made them fo, 
tinder fuch a Conflitution ? Can that which is uti- 
lawful in itfcif, and contrary tq the FundfUiicntat 
Conllitutions of the Nation, be made lawful barely 
^y the King's Confent f 

* Which, if it Ihall be pleaded in the Affirmatiiv, 
[tho' I very much queftion whc.her any underftand- 
jng Lawyer will venture his Reputation on it) I Ihall 
defire then to be infiru£ted in a better Ailment to 

' make good the lawful Being and Auchqniy of the 
Long Parliament ; forfurely, if a Parliament be law- 
ful meerly bcCaufe of the tCing'a Confent, paflingan 
A& for that Purpofe, tho' otherwife utterly unlawful 
'inite Call and Foundation, then doubtlefs that Par- 
- {lament is much more lawful, and in its legal Being, 
that ivas founded upon a lawful Cal), and had the ' 
JCing's Confent t° ^^ A£l to authorize it to contintie 
till they diflblvc thcmfelves by an Ad : And if that 
pe fiill a lawful Parliament, then I am fure, upon 
^hat ^ccoupt, this can be none, nor no other till 
pit bf legally digy ved. 

* Tp which there is this further to be added, con- 
cerning the Intentions generally of ihc whole Na- 

' t^* uf Inference |o this Parliament, bytfaebeftln- 

L._.... Google 

A P- • P E N D I X. 209 

formation I can gather, That it was never in the An. t> Cu.U* 
leaft meant that thcfc £hould fit to paf» Afls as a . '""• , 
lawful Parliament, which was dnly like to prove a Note'mlwt. 
Snare to the People, as other Parliaments of t'he like 
Nature, (o called, have done, thro' the Difpuiahle- 
ne(s and Unwarrantablcnefs of their Authoiitj' : 
But only that, for the prefent Neceffity, they might 
beat the Face of Parliamentary Authority, for pre- 
ferving the Peace of die Nation, till his Royal Ma- 
jefty, that row is, might be happily reftored, the 
Kingdom panting after him as their only Means of 
Settlement ; and To foon as that was effeded, then 
to dilTolve, in order to the fending forth his Maje- 
fty's Royal Writs of Summons for calling a Par- 
liament, according to the antientCuflorn and Funda- 
mental Conftitution, (the old Parliament being firft 
legally diflblved } that fo all Things might return again 
intoalegalanduncontrovcrtable Way of Proceedings^ 
to the C^iet of all Men's Minds, and Satisfa^on of 
the whole Kingdom, who are fufficiently weary of 
the Mifchicfs of irregular Adings by illegal Autho- 

*Cmthifun. IftheFowcrof iheEword, or odier 
arbitrary Proceedings, do not inierpofe to Interrupt 
free Debates, and the Courfe of Law and Juftice, 
(which the Author hopes there is now no Caufe to 
feir as formerly} all £f{ates and Degrees in the Na- 
tion jiaving fufficiently feen the Inconvenience, and 
tifled the Smart of fucb unrighteous Agings, he 
doubts not, upon a fcrlous Confideration of the fore- 
going Arguments, (if Men will lay afidcPaffion and 
Self-intereft) but that right Foundations will fhortly 
i^in be reftored ; that knowing our Ground-work 
to be fure and unqueftionable, the SubjeSs of all 
Sorts in the Kingdom may, with all Safety and 
ChearfulneTs, fubmit to, and ad under, the lawful 
Fowen in being, ev^ one ptiing in Peace under 
his own Vine and Fig-tree, bleffing the God of hjs 
Salvation> which is daily the Author's carneftand 
moA hearty Prayer.' 

U4 MiSCEL AN Eoua 



■*"■ ;**g':". ^MISCELLANEOUS. TRACTS, 



IT having been objcded to the Compilers of this 
Hiftory that they omttteil printing the Warrant 
for executing King Charles the Firft in its due 
Dace, lince it was certainly an Ad of a garbled 
Houfe of Commons, if not of the whole j we tfaiol; 
proper to give it here, along wiih the Preambles to 
4WO A£ts of the Convention Parliament, that rcfto^ 
fed his Son and SuccelTor, without any other Com* 
ment or Animadverfioo upon them ; 

At the High Court of Juilice for the trying and 
judging of Charles Stuart, Kingof £ff^j^»>^^ 
January 29, 4mto Dam. 1648 (w). 

Vbf bloody ^r^ Henai Charlas Stuart King of England, is and 
Fwwt. ff jiandeth comiaed, atlaynied, ami condtmtud^ of 

High Treafon, and ether high Crimei, and Senttaee 
tipon Saturday lajl vas proneunctd againji bim if tbif 
Ceurl, to be put ta Death, by the feviring of bis H^ai 
from bis Body, of which Sentence Exicuthnyet timain- 
fth ta be done : Theje ure therefore to will a«d requirt 
yeutojeelhefaid Sentena executed in the tpen Street, 
htftre Whitehall, uppan the Morrow, hfing the Thifw 
tieih Day af this Iii/imt Memh oj j^nua^fy, between 
the Hours af Tin in the Morning and Five in tit Af- 
ternean tf the fame Day, with full EffeS. And f»r 
fp doing this ^all be yaur fujidem IP'arrant. ~And 
thtfe.ere to require all Officiri and SaidieUy and ethtr 
fbegead Peaplf of this Nation of England, if *; affijl' 


(n>) From an Enttaving of the Ori^ in ihe Cullodjofthe 
^onicof Lotdi, mi publilLed bjr ibe ADti<]uubli Society, iTSO. 



Sug unia fou in this Service. , Given under Qur Htndt^ H f"- I. 
find Seah. ^'rf 

*ro Colonel Francii Haeitr, Colonel Huncis, 
" and Lieutenant-Colonel /*Afl7«, ind to eycfy '■ 
of them. 

To. Bradshawe. 
Tho. Grey. 
O. Cromwell. 
Edw. Whallbt. 

M. LiVESAY. ■ 

John Okey. 
J. Danvers. 


H. Ireton. 


Har. Waller. 
John BlAkiston, 

J, HUTCHlN9t)M, 

wjll, goff; 

I. Harrison." 
J. Hewson. 
Hen. Smyth. 

Per. Pelhai*. 
Ri. Deane. 
Robert TicKBoRne. 
I, Hammonde. 
William Perfoy. 
Ad. ScROPE. 
James Temple. 
A. Garland.' 


Henry Martin. 
Vincent Potter. . 
Wm. C0NSTABI.E, . > 
Rich. Ihgoldsby. 
Will. Cawlet. 
Jo. Barkstead. 
Isaac Ewer. 
John DixwkIl. 
Valentine Wautobu 
Simon Mayne. 
■ Tho. Hoeton. 

J. JONHS. ! 

John PeNNE. 
GiLBT. MiLLurotOH. 
G. Fleetwood. • ■•' 
T. Alureb. . i 

Robt.'L'ilburne. '■ 
.Will. Say. . .. ..■ 

Anth. Stapley... s 
Gre. Norton. ,. 
Tho. Challoner, - 
Tho. Wogan. 
John Venn. 
Gregory Clement. 
Jo. Downes. 
Tho. Waytr. 
Tho. Scott. 
Jo. Carew. 
Miles Corbet. 

f.yThj) N>ipci( not lf|ibte i" (heOti^al- Sertml niott of 
them are »eij difficult to lesd ;' probablj bj Defign, 



Ag. IS Car. IL Tbt PkeamblE tt an Act for a ptrpttml AnkI' 
.'^*°' . vERsAKY Thanksgiving « tbt igtb Day of 
"' .May. . 

Pretiubbte ttn' T^Orafmuch as Almighty God, the King of Kings* 
rf*j£'***'*^ r and folc Difpofcr of all earthly Crowns and 
^^' Kingdioim, hath, by his atl-fwaylng Providence and 

Power, miraculoufly detnonftrated, in the View of all 
the World, hii tranfcendent Mercy, Love, and Grz- 
cioufhels, towards his MoftExcellent Majefty CharUi 
the Second, by his efpeciaj Grace, of England^ Sat- 
lendt Franttf and Irihind, King, Dj:fender of the 
true Faith, and all his Majelly's loyal Subjeds of 
this his Kingdom of England, and the Dominions 
thereunto annexed, by his Majefty's late moft won- 
derful, glorious, peaceable, and joyful Reftoratioa 
to the a3ual Pofleffion and Excrcife q{ bis undoubted 
' Hereditary, Sovereign, and Rcga] Authority over 
them, (after fundry Years forced Extermination in- 
to foreign ParB, by the moft traiterous Conlpiracies 
uid armed Power of ufurping Tyraijts and execra- 
ble perfidious Traitors) and that without the leaft 
Oppofition or Efiiifion of Blood, through the una- 
nimous, cordial, loyal, Votes of the Lords and Com- 
mons, in this prcfcnt Parliament aiTembled, and paf- 
fiorute Defircs of all other his Majefly's Subje^s j 
which inexprefiible Blefling, by God's own moft 
wonderful Dirpenfation, wn compleated on the 
twenty-ninth Day of Afty laft pad, being the 
moft memoiablc Birth- Day, not only of his Ma- 
jefty, both as a Man and Pritjce, but likewife as an 
a3ual King, and of this and other his Majefty's 
Kingdoms, all (in a great Meafare) new-born and 
raifed from the Dead on this moft joyful Day, 
wherein many Thoufands of the Nobility, Gentry, 
Citizens, and other his Lieges of il>is Realm, con- 
ducted his Majefty unto his Royal Cities of London 
and WefiminfltT, with all pollible ExprelQons of their 
public Joys and loyal Aftb£tions, in far greater Tri- 
' umph than any of his moft vi^onous Predeceflbrs, 
Kings ef fnj/dfl^, recurncd thither from their foreign 
Con^uefts : And both his Majefty's Houfet of Par- 



fiament, with M dutiful and joyful Demonftfatioiu Ad. t 
of their Allegiance, publickly reccired, andcordially 
congratulated his MajcAy's mofl happy Arrival, and 
Invcfliture in hit Royal Throne, at his Palace at 
ffiliittbaU. Upon all which Confidcrations, this be- 
ing the Day which the Lord himfelf hath made, and 
crowned with fo many public Bkl&nga and lignd 
Deliverances, both of his Majefty and his People, 
from all their late moft deplorable Confutions, Di- 
vifions. Wars, Devaftations, and Oppreflions, to 
the End that it may be kept in perpetual Remem- 
faratKc in all Ages to come, and that his Sacred Ma- 
jefty, with all his Subjc£h of this Realm, and the 
Dominions thereof, and their PoAertties after them, 
might annually celebrate the perpetual Memt>ry 
thereof, by facrihcingUieir unfeigned, hearty, pub- 
lic Thanks thereon to Almighty God, with one 
Heart and Voice, in a moft devout and Chriftiaa 
Manner, for all thefe public Benefits received and 
conferred on them upon this moft joyful Day ; be i( 
Iherefore enacted, isc. 

fT>* Preamble « an Act /if tbi Aitaindtr of ft- 
vrral Per fans guilty cf the berrid Muritr tf hit 
hit SaertdMajefij King Charles tht Firft. 
■ I N all hymblc Manner (hew unto your Moft^ 

X Excellent Majdfty, your MajeAy's moft dutiful 
and loyal Subjects the Lords and Commons in Par- 
liament aRembled, That the horrid and execrable 
Murder of your Majcfty's Royal Father, our late , 
moft gracious Sovereign Charlii the Firft, of 
ever blefled and glorious Memory, hath been com- 
mitted by a Party of wretched Men, defperately 
wicked and hardened in their Impiety I who, havii^ 
.firft plotted and contrived the Ruin and Deftruflion 
of this excellent Monarchy, and, with it, of the tTu«L. 
Reformed ProteftantReligion, which had been To long 
protected by it, ajid flourifhed under it, found It ne- 
ceflary, in order tu the carrying on of their pernicious 
and traiterous Defigns, to throw down all the Bui' 
vrarks and Fences of Law, and to fubvert the veiy Be* 
ipg !Ui4 p(M)|litutionof pafliament, t)ntfo they might. 

214 A P P E N D I X. 

n. i*Cai. Il.jjj laft,makelheir Wayopenfprany further Attempts 
,, ' ^' , upon the Sacred Perfon of his Majcfty himfelf j and 
that> for the more cafy cifei^ing thereof, they did 
jiril feducefome Part of the then Army into a Com^ 
plUnce, and then keptthe rcfl in Subjediion to them, 
jiaitly for Hopes of Preferment, and chiefiy for Fear 
of Iculng their Employments and Arrears, until by 
theCe, and other more odious Arts and Devices, they 
^ad fully ilrengthened themfelves both in Power and 
Faction ; which being done, they did declare againft 
^11 Manner of Treaties with the Perfon of the King* 
even then while a Treaty, by Advice of bothHoufei 
•of Parliament, was in Being! remonftrate ^aihllthe 
HoufeE of Parliament for fuch Proceedings ; feize 
upon his , Royal Peifon, while the Commif&oners 
were returned to the Houfe of Parliament with his . 
'Anfwer; and, when his Coiicijljons had been voted 
a Ground for Peace, feize upon the Houfe of Com- 
mons, feclude and imprifon fome Members, force 
out others, in\ ihere being left but a fmail Remnaot 
of their own, (not a tenth Fait of the 
whole) did fcek to fhelier themfelves by this weak 
Pretence, under the Name and ■ Authority of a Par- 
liament, and, in that Name, laboured to profecute 
what was ytt behind and unlinlfhed of their long- 
intended Treafun and Confplracy : To this Purpc^ 
they prepared an Ordinance for ereAuig a prodigious 
and unheard-of Tribunal, . which they called jfn 
High Court D/Ju/fici, for Trial of his Majefly ; and 
baving eafily procured it to pafs in their Houfe of 
Commons, as. it then flood moulded, ventured to 
fend it up from thence to the Peers then fitting, who 
totally tejeiEled it ( whereupon, their Rage and Fury 
increafing, they prefume to pafs it alone, as an A&: 
of the Commons, and in the Name of the Cemmms 
. «/■ England : And having gained the Pretence of 
Law, made by a Power of their own making, pur- 
' (lie it with ail poffiblc Force and Cruelty, until at 
laft, upon the 3cth Day of Jenuary, i6+S, his Sa- 
cred Majefly was brought unto a Scaffold, and there 
, publickly murdered before the Gates of his own 
poyal Palace. ' 




• And becaufc, by this horrid Aflion, the Protc-*^ " c«. a, 
ftant Religion hath received riie greateft Wound ^ "'*'' . 
and Rcprolch, and the People of England the moft • 

infupporuble Shame and Infamy, (hat it was paffible 
for the Enemies of God and the King to bring upon 
us whitft the fanatic Rage of a few Mifcreanta (who 
were as far from being true Protellants as tbey were 
from being true Subjects] flands imputed by oui 
Ad^erfaries to the whole Nation : We therefore, 

Eir Majcfly's (aid dutiful and loyal Subje£b, the 
rds and Commons in Parliament alTembled, do 
hereby renounce, abominate, and proteft againft 
that impious A&, the execrable Murder, and moft 
unparallel'd Treafon, committed againft the Sacred 
Perfon and Life of our faid late Sovereign, your Ma- 
jefty's moft Royal Father, and all Proceedings tend- 
ing thereunto ; and do befeech your moft excellent 
Majefty, that it may be declared, and be it hercbjr 
declared. That, by the undoubted and fundamental 
Laws of this Kingdom, neither the Peers of this 
Realm, nor the Commons, nor both together, in 
Parliament or out of Parliament, nor the People col- 
leflivcly or repcfentatively, nor any other Perfong 
'Whatfoever, ever had, have, hath, or ought to have, 
»ny coerfivc Power over the Perfons of the Kings of 
Ms Realm. And for the better Vindication of our- 
felves to PoRcrity, and as a lafting Monument of 
our otherwife tnexpreffible Deteftation and Abbor- 
rency of this villainous and abominable Ka^t, we do 
hirther befeech your faoSc excellent Majefty that it 
may be CRaded> C^c. 

u.a.i.z.d:y Google 


In the Preface to the firft Volume of this Hiftdiy 
Page 7, and 8, Mr. Secretary Rnjbaiertb is chargi! 
with fcvcra! Omiffiont, and, we doubt, wilful Preva 
rications, 'va\n» HiflsricaiCelifHisnt \ many of whic 
have been proved upon him in the fuccccdiog Vo 
himCB of this Work. That other Writcn vmi 
liJccwlfe doubtful of Mr. Rujhwrib't Veracity, the 
following Extra^ from authentic Tcftimonies will 
fliew. The TwoLetrers were transcribed fitim Ori* 
ginals, which were Tent to the Rev. Dr. Nalfun 
whilA he was publifhing his, what is there railed. 
Impartial Calhliicni^ Wf, meant as a Deie^on of 
Riifi/vjorth't Errors, about the Year 1 680 j two Vo- 
lumes of which were only printed, for the Dodor 
did not live to jinilh the whole, which thefe Letten 
were deftgned to aiBA him in. But tirft we think 
proper to reprint Mr. Rufinuvth's Dedication to the 
then Prote£tor Richard Cromtv/il, prefixed to the firft 
Edition of his CoJle^ions i but which was prudently 
omitted in the Second, publiflied long after Rufii- 
vicrib'i Death, and of which the Reader will find a 
' fuller Account in the fucceeding Letterf. 

To his, Higbnefs RICHARD, Lord Pro- 
tector oftheCommonwealthoffn^^frt/, Scet- 
iand, and Iriland, and the Dominions and Ter- 
Titories thereunto belonging, 

May it pleafe your HightKis, 
^Jr^'P'-n'fl'fi pt»r mdow camt far fiert ef nthm in htr 
dOmmtll. Offtrs into the Jrtafur}, and yet^ tuhm fit had 

pvin htr tvjs Mitts, Jht hadgivin allfiu had. I mufi 
falljhertef her : She gave tf her ««,«, {ftr the two 
Mites appear te have /ten Jo) tutfuch is tbeWeaintft 
tf my Conditioty end the Nature ef this enjuing Dif-t 
tourjey that 1 neither can, ner JhatI herein^ prefent t» 
your Highr.efs any Thing ef myevjn. IbeWerisi Ac- 
lims, and Atchievementi herein reltited, btUng alt 
U ether Perfins ; end lean challenge hut the hart Re- 
prefentatien, dad tht meiilding them inttfuch a htt^ 
whtrtin ibey new appear : A Bedj mt ef fe e»m- 



^tat a Sbapi tr Pwrtrattariy tu maj ht vitrtby yat^ 
Tiigbtufi't A/pea. 

It'i net tttiufi far Pr'tncts U bear ef and reed tb» 
Aaiiaa «■ Mifcarrlagts #/ Pr'tnas j nay, af UJftr 
Ptrfani j indeed they can hardly Jit mere uftful B«eit 
hefart their Eyet._ It it bard far the Piht t» efcape, 
mltfs he bath firji difcwered tbefe Shthet and Rtch 
span which atbers have been JpUt : ffbat it that vii 
tali Prudence tr Ptlicy, but a Syjiem . &f Obfervali»nt 
end Experience! deduced fnm other Mtn't PrincipUtf 
PraHicety PuTfcfei, and Pailingt ? 

Jt tt the Matter etntaintd in this Story, relating 
tt arbitrary Ciurjei, given IVay unto tyfprmer Prin- 
teSylJhaltmakebeid tt ufe the Expreffun cf en tmi- 
ntnt Perfen in bis Timt, [pshtn in full Parliament at 
the Trial of the Earl tf Strafibrd ; who JPiaking of an 
Endtaviur that bad bun ufid to fubvtrt the Lawsy 
and tt introduce arbitrary Government^ haty among 
Bther Pajfagtiy thit Obfervation. " There ii, in this 
Crinte, a Seminary of all EvUi hurtful to a Slate, 
and, if you confidtr the Riafans of it, tt mufi needt be 
ft. The Law is that which puti a Difference betwixt 
Good and Evil, betwixt Jufl and Unju/l : If ' 
ytu take away the Law, all Thingt will fall into Cta- 
fufion, every Man will become a Law to bimfelfi 
which, in the depraved Condition of human Nature, 
mufi needt produce many great Enormities ; Luji will 
become a Law, and Envy will became a Law, Csve- 
toufneft and Ambition will become Laws j and what 
DiHaltt, what Decifions, fuch Laws' will produce, 
may eajily be difcerned. The Law is the Safeguard, 
ihe Cufiody of all private Inter eji; your Honours, yttir 
Lives, your , Libertiei, and Eftates, are all in the 
Jteeping of thej^aw j without this every Man hath a 
Jiie Right to every Thing : tfhat can be more hurifid, 
mart pernicious^ than arbitrary Power, SicV Thus 
far that Gentleman. Tour Highnift wilt find here 
thf Mention of a great Prince, wba was wont to fay. 
Me was an ild experienced King, and to him bclongid 
the Calling, Sitting,^ and Dishing tf Pari amenls % 
and he pubUcily /aid (I fpeak in hit twn Pbrafe) 
** 7bat be hadbfoki theNeei tf three ParUaments" yet 



ttt Ittfi he did esmpfy with his laji Pariiament, and 
/aid, " Hefaw hepouU be in Love with Parliaments, 

~ having under ft iad many Ibingihy thtm^ which othtr- 
wipi he Jheuld never have known," 

Alereaver here you will have, in View, a fuc- 
ceeding Prince^ who alfi broke thru Parliaments one 
of ter another ; and how fatal that was to him fuaeed- 
tngTimes have abundantly declared. "The Objervalias 
is net 'mine, hut of much more ancient Date, thsfr 
Princes who did mojl cenfult with their People in Par- 
liament (that being the Common Councilofthe Nation) 
have moft proffered in their Courfes, there being both 
Safety and Love gained from fuch Counfellors and 
Councils. And Parliaments, in the Nature of them, 
ere goad Phyjic to cure and redrefs the Difeafes and 
mjiempers of the Body Politic, which najlly grow and 
overflow in the Intervals of them; yet many think , 
Parliaments are but an ill on/fant Diet, which cer- 
tainly moved ^een Elizabeth, of famous Memory, 
who was well acquainted with the Ponfiitutions of the 
Body of this Nation, to call Parliaments frequently, but 
to continue non^ very long. By this Meam Jhe wrought 
hirfelf into the good Opinion of her People ; and, by 
becoming the Mijhef of their AffeSiions, Jhe alfo be- 
came, in fome Sort, the Mijirefs of their Pur ft,, 
which were always opened unto her ufon thejujl and 
urgent Occafions of the Nation ; but the Help and 
jiid which comes from the People by Strains contrary 
to the Laws of the Natian, and Liberties of the Peo- 
■ pie, being drawn from them through Fear, wants tbt 
Perfurr.e of a willing Heart, and has no longer Cent!* 
nuance than whilji the Oppreffim of that Fear lajis. 
But few Words are bej to Princes ; vouchfafe yaur 
Highnefs Pardon to him who thus prefumes to make ft 
mean an Oblation at fo high an Altar ; your good Ac- 
ctptatiinwillbe the great ejl Honour to it, and^tg 

Your Highncfs's humblcQ ' 

and moft obedient Servant, 



A P P E N D 1 t.._, 'hg 

^Kthi Rtv. Df. Nalsof, */ the S}gnWthi Ship 
M «(. Paul's Cijrf-fA-Krrrf. ••' ' 

SIR, -Jahuarf^o, i68l. 

• ^O^'^ having obrcrVed any FiTciiice taken of the A Lemr at 
■' ^ two ^iffirint Impri/n^ns <jf Mr. Rujhwertb'il^'p--'""^'* 
firft Volume of Cdlcaiors, eltl^r by Dr. Franilyn^"^"^' 
or yourfelf, in your laie Collc£iions, 1 have tranfi 

eribed fonie few Variations, wbjch occut^ct] to uic 
Ir a tranfient Cullatiori of the two Eiiiiions, chicfljr 
to excite others of more Leifuie to a clofer ai^ 
more narrow Infpedioh. Not niany Years ago tiio 
Hijiorlcal CeUeiiUm crept out in a ftolcn Editicn i 
but, the better to prevent any Difcovery, wiih ihc old 
Title Page-exaaiy; fo that ftil! the pietended Year 
ia 1659. In this Edition (which I fhall ctH the Se- 
cond] you will find thefe following Omiffions : 

I.- *'Epift]e Dedicatory to ^iV/vn/ totally left out, 
it not being any Advantage to the Reputation of th« 
CoUeAions to have it known to Poftcrity, that they 
VfKTK tendered b)i^ihe Author as'^ mean Oiiaihn tt the 
HigbMtar of the late Protedorfhip. (Wherever you 
tneet with any Claufe iA Italic, the Words aie Mr. 

S. ' In lh& Preface, Stctits cf Stsir, and (which 
art tbt ff^erdt sf an AB of'fierUamini) the Depsrt- 
mint efa Prince, wijify dij^ku lulling tuilb bit PtopU^ 
left out in the fcCOnd Edition. 

3. * in ditto, If aiff tne engaged en th Xing' t Side ^ 
came forth in Print tuitb tbeliit Medtration, and fi«- 
Lines farther, totally left out in tiie fecond Edition. 

'4. * I have hut pne Word to fay to my good audi 
' ■ worthy Friends af the Aroiy, and that muft be by 

• Way of Apology, that this contains not what may 

• be «(peCled by thetn from tne, the Relation of the 

• Mouons, Anions, and'Atchievements of the Ar- 

• my, which 1 acknowledge was the firft Thing ia 

• iny Thoughts «nd Intetilions ; but, upon far'her 

• Gon0deration, t ffHidd it Receflary to lo<^ back- 
f ward, that wc may the better under Aand the Caufes 
. VofciXXm. X •and 

L\ _...,C".ooglc 


*^d Ground* whidi brought the late War upon 

* us, before we fct forth the Adions in the War. 

* In thefomMr we may -Ice tke Vigilaocy jutd'Cate 

* of «ur Ancefton, ta fecure and uphold our Liberty 
( and Property, and to tranfmit the fame, in as much 

* Purity as might be, to their Pofterity. Ii) fhe lat- 

* ter, which are the Actions of tlje War, we fliall 

* fee their Courage and Magnanimity rc.Uii^ an 
- • higher Volut upm fhe Righti and Lthertits «f tbt 
•* Natiffn, than upen their own Livei. Whom the^- 

* fore, when I come in Order of Time to mention, 

* and fliall alfo have Occafion to magnify far their 

* Perfeverairce in maintaining .titti defeadtag ibeji 

* Laws and Liberties, {ft redeemed toiih the Price of 

* their BJaed) againft arbitrary Way and Gmr/eit 
^howjoyfuljbaU 1 be te'empley my Pen to ehrntiele 

* fucb of their Nahet to Pefleritj, who jt(ftly merit 

* that pharaiter, as worthy tf double Hsneitr f AU" 
*this, tnltalicy omitt£d inthelecond Editjon. 

5. 'In ditto. Such frivatt Confultat'xon^^. fygh 
Jlraiige CentrivanciSy dijeevered iy Papers, LeUtrf^ 
and Cabinet- Memwialsy feixed en in the Time ffffar. 
Omitted in the fecond Edition. 

6. * Page 156, Uncle to that valiaatyvUltriauSf and 
feif denying Gerural, Thonu* Fairfax, iaie Command 

ill Chief tftht Pariiaomtfs Jrmiet in EnglaiJ. Left 
out in the lecond Edition. 

■J. ' Page 164, But, a^i^ gaod Xing f tere vuit an 
Endef his 'earthly Empire, and little did. he imagine 
that the laft Period to Great Britain's Muutrd^ 
Jhould.nat muchexceed tie Time ef his ^ton Refg/if eni^ 
in the true Extent, come finrt of it. Omitted iath« 
feCond Editionr ' 

8. ' Ibid. Thate is a Book faid to be writ- if m 
Knight of Kent, and intituled, K.ia^s]ime3,'aCwrt^ • 
mbich renders a farther CbaraSer of that Ki'^^ ^f4 
forbear particularizing (iny thing thereof, fne Ndtiu 
being put to the Beek) but leave the Reader to hif. Fm~ 
dom. IMl out in the fecond Edition. 
' * Upon perufing thefe Alterations it it (ufHctentl/ - 
evident, that thefe PafTagcs were not omitted out cs 
Regard to the Government, but to the Author* 

. . 5 %? 

...... ...CooqIc 

A .P- P E N D 1 ,X. »2 

fmoe tlielcfs bis Defign a[(peaTs, the 'ilior^ Crctlit 
and lAuttiority isgitincS to die Bbok. Tlffc PinTort 
palTes ui]lur|)e<^. aAdithe Wrlttngi iMk ^theitloK 
iinpvtial, iioiwkhftatfdii^ the Hook, is lo ^ Sub* 
fiance, .continiesM peftittnt and pCmldous'^M be- 
fore. Vuiegr,of Rcflediofi* might be tnaile, hue 
1 '&aU fuily temuk thac, in the focond OnTtrffion, 
he dignified a iZ^MM^Mcr-with the Stilb of- xk ^ 
gfTa/i'^irunitwiiematAti' theKinr flaftds AcA- 
f&d.or.£)il]i«nljit(oii, yet theHppdcxify dTWI^Re- ^ 
jtiies^will render them uiialna^B tu all Ages. ' 

'' liljthe 't'hird he pVris iiimfdf n©t to Tjerfthe 
lUng's -?ar^, Mtd bids Dali;iRce to kny to Mine ' - 
forthgnd aafwer. ' ' . 

* Ii;, the founk hk 'doth publidtJy '^eclari an3 ' 
own his Went *nd DfcAgn to-be hir the'flonodr of 
Im gap^ Ff itiKU the Ataij, whidi, cer^iitly; at th« ' 
Time of hit writingiv f**^ i'"'^ through tlie vAtoU ' 
Circle of Villainy, Ticadiery, -utd FMsnef^'.- ^Httt ' 
Jutticc the^Cav^n aAd RoyaKAs May txpe^ frcm ' 
Ml-. Riijbviftrt^f Pen, y«0 miiy eafi]y condude, ' 
when he cal)« t^ Re)>dli(» ■fttUn^ »n ifigh Value ' 
vpBU thi Rigiti mnti LUirjitt if tht Na^of, tht'^ 
TfJeirautg a^ tiw Laws' I'imd .vJfriiy "/ dnAUffsrtenr. / 
Avi ihh to it rxtr^ »'*f>-'}*f '" hh Chr3nicle af ' 
their jtffimi. Inontiiking thie1% PalTi^'in bis 'fe- ' 
cohil Editiojtt VPia ^tntainiy will (nfptB his Pru- ' 
denpc though the Fifth inight have been contitiued, 
iince the Efieas e< thofs e»ttruks arc ftHl both 
grange ai)d piiyafe to iiufAiiing Men. 

* The fixth Omi&on ii- alt^thcr as ftafoiiabtey " 
finec t]^ Remafkiini^' (inly'have letfltfi&dd Qs, 
that both ,eur Autho's Ma^^ und hhhIvK-Agnol 
(ai'tbe Uner, in all Probability, alfo penned) that ' 
bloody and traiterous R'emonlliartci iftom £l> M* 

* ItishigRl^ (t^ofeable that the Icventh was Mr. 
RvftMMrtii't owrt t^iion, as well as Mr. mifm's^ 
aa if the Author neither wifbed or imagined the . 
Reilornion of King Jamt'i Ifiue. 

* The eighth OmifiiDn h likewife as proper for 
Us Purpofc, fince it was only too plua an Initance 

X a ■ / • "of I 

i\_ _...,C.ooglc 


. of his PartuJUy agsunft King Jamts^ bjr Rferring the 
Rc^cr to fo infamous and fcuKlBtoiis a Libel ; tbo' 
(if Samtltr/tn. fpealu true] Sir Jntbtiij H^eUeHt As 
Author, repented of it on his Heaih-Bcd. And left 
it Ihould be pretended that thafe PalTues were put 
out by the Printer, without the Author's Knowledge ; 
bcfidei the Improbability of die Suppofittona we may 
cafily perceive diat It wjs the Eva'tion and Finefle of 
our>iuthqr, Tincc it denied but that there 
are alfo Additions of duce very confiderablc Speech- 
es in this fecond Editini, very much to the Honour 
oftheQovernment, «bc. PBge48i, Sit Jibti fiiuVt 
Speech, with two of t)ieI>>nl-Keepcr*i wherein 

' the Notion of the Three Eftatea ia not obfcurely 
hinted. Tbe common Mifiake of which hath been , 
the Occitftoh of its bdog demonfltated, beyond all 
Exception, by. the 'admtiiU>Ie Auilior c^ the Grand 
^eftigtti to which {hall be added what is not there 
obferved, (if my Memory deceive me not) vix.Tvo 
Evidences ih Qiteen Eiixa^sll^j Reign ; the one at 
f^ lyjaf Pttrreui'tCeliiffitiit, in a Proclamation 
againfl ftidiiious Btxdcs, ,arc thefe Words : Prilacy 
being ont eftht antitnt' EJfata »f tbii Rttlm uHder btr 
Highmfs. And in anothcf, raf/e aoi, of the fame 
Author, Cimfenfu tritan Segmi tuftri Statuum-, to 
which may be fubjoincd the Papers oFth'e 5th of 
Nevmtierf according to the p^efelI^ Alteration, (for 
the Words were otberwife in King "jatntft Time) 
in the Communion Service, inftead of the CcdleA 
for the Day. The Words iikewife of the 37th Ar- * 
tide of Religion feem evidently to. import as mudi, 
by declarii^ ^ Queen's Majefty Governor of all 
X^ates, vhtAcT Balt/iqfiieMt ar CiviL 

*■ Sir, I beg your Pardon both for my 0|hioofnels 
and Lengtbf and refer all to yow mature judgment, 
a» being, 


TturwiiimM fii^md, 

■ jM bumhU StrvoKt,- 




£xtr^a af a Letter fravi Mr. John Laugh-" 

ton/is^, iiir</«'iin «/■ Trinity College, Cam- 
bridge, w th( Rev, Dr. Nalfon. , 
Hmturtd Sivy Auiuji 2.y 1681. 
• I Muft confds that, at the Sight of your laft kind ,_^ . 

X and moft obliging Letter, I could not but blufli.ft^" *" ** 
and be heartily ashamed, having To long ago raifcd- 
your Expc^ation, by proniifing to give Aflift^ince to- 
that Work fo beneficial to the Public, which you 
have ib genfroufly undertaken . I am extremely 
fenflble that all I could contribute towards it is fo 
little, tl^tit ought -either to h%ve been doite fooner, 
or morc^fuHy pcrfoimed. 

' For I fijid, after all, ; (to my great Trouble and 
RcgretJ that 1 muft, of Necpffity, hpve Recourfe to 
that Shift oF iiiaking Apologies, or begging yoitr 
Pard6n, Tmce what 1 now fend you fo tate, fviUi I- 
fear^ amount to tittle lefa than 2 Diiappoinimeot. 

* I have f^veral Tirjics read over Mr. RujbwsriUt 
firft Volum^ and thereupon had rcGslvcd to proc6cd, > 

. in bis Method, tio dete^ the Malice and Partiality of' 
ys Colleaions. , ', , 

f Conlidering with myfelf what the whole Drift 
and pclign might be, it feemed very plain and ap- 
pirent to mej that it was no other, in general, than 
to vindicate thC; Rebel Long Parliament, but more 
particularly to gather up fuch Materials as might 
rboiewfaatJuHify, and give fome Colour, to all the 
I Lies and Calutnnie; contained in that accurfcd De- 
claration of ^«i. (I, 1647, wherein they .exprels 
their Grbundi and Reafons of their Refblutions to 
make nq furt^r JV^.di'c'Ib to the Kir)g. 

vlF^is ^aile^ Fttirff*\ by bringing up the Army 
then to Lmdnt, to ferti^ both City and Parliament, ' 
had the greatcft Hand in coatriviag thofe traiterous 
Votei, and getting them to pafs the Houfe, which 
was the lirft and more immediate Step towards the 
Murder of the King. 

* Rii^worth't Intention, I doubt not, but it was 
to palliate that horrid Villainy, fo far as he hitnrdf, 

^ X - ■ .."J" 

fm}: Thif Mr. Lfi^tn wu imctiU]' ^putoj 1 WUg in the Uu- 



ftnJ his Maftef , were concrrned in it, by falfely rc- 
prefcnting and en<<e>ivourLng to blacken the King. 

* That Declaration contains all the Venom that 
was in Bradjkaitie'i Speech at bis Trial, and in all 
the peflilent Libels afier his Ma'tyrdom. 

f In the relating of all thefc Matters and Tranfac- 
tions, which are the Ohjcfls of thi Dcdaration aod' " 
Charge againft his Majelty, it was my Defign to 
(licw. Rufinva'tli'i Fraud in perverting and conceal- 
ing (he Truth ; for which I have tranfcribed what 
ffvetdl have wfit in Defence of his Majelly, ai tO 
that Particular, and in Confatation to tbe Declan- 

, * There are fiverat- Apologies for lri( Majefty 
{)nnted in 1648, and a Book Ta id to he writ by 
Wbnp Brvrrtiaili intituled, BfK£*'AxA<(f^j in An-? - 
firtr to Afthtn's EfMW«/aV'>r» out of wftich, if Ruffi* 
Dt»rtbYi»A been an hop cf^ Man, h^ might have gi" 
Vcn a more true and advaxitageoui.Accounfof £1, 
Treaty with Sfaiw^ -axtd the Bufincrs of RtchtlU^ tixl, ' 
theDeatlioflCing^'"'"'**'!'' Defigns oftbc GfrnMi:, 
Hbtfe', Loans, b!c. it being not the Part of a £iitli- 
ful Hilterian merely to record fuch Matter* of Fa£t.- 
as may admit of a ftiiiftci; Interpretation, without rc* 
latins all the Cir(;tiniffiuice3 which might eaTiIyvio*. 
dicate the Pcrfons therein ctMiccriied from beiii2, 
mirunderflood Or caluRmiUeil. 

' Butf on the other Side, ho* induftrioully dodl 
he conceal tnanyThin^, ill laid or done,, by th(j- 
Republtcans ? 

'He gives not the leaft Inttfnation bow Eong; 
Ti^irJ^r (he Martyr Was deferted and betrayed by their- 
PBrliaflKnt he called, in being engaged in. a War 
with Spain ; bow, rnftead of a^ftiiig him theieii)! 
andfor the Recovery of the pBlatinau^ they ¥TOuld 
do nothing till-all' fuch Things, as they ^cn account- 
ed Grievances, wcrtfjredfeffcd. 

• The Perfons who had then a Defisn to pei^eX 
him, and difappoiuthis MijeftyV Affairs,' are wcQ 
difcipHncd by Dr. Hejlin^ in his Life o^ Abp, Laii4^ 
and others: Alfo the private Cabals that were hcl<^. 
by the fa^ious Paity, concerning y^bicb ^ou n»y 


A P P E N. D I X. • 225 

'find a Letter of Sir Anlhany AJhity't^ iir the Cahlit 
a/' tefun. Edit. Fd p. t. In iht fame CeM^, 
p. 277, there is a lai^e Letter to the King ai Ignitir, 
giving a true Accoumof the Malecontents offeveraT 
Sorts wd Parties'} which I^etter Mr. Rufindtrth (ii, 
his Manpcr is) corrupts, by giving only an Epitome 
of it, quite difguifing the Scnfc, and leaving out the 
NatotA of thofe Perfons therein iuQIy cenfiircd ; and 
tbis he ^otb generally in his Parliamentary Debate;', 
as kwJU plainly appear by comparing that imperfsdi 
Gopyi. wWch I have herewith fent you, (hoping it' 
maybeof ib^ you) with his Relation and 
Account, of riie Trahfeaions of that Parliamertt 
Viiich wa« aAettbled the 1 7tb of AfdrtA, 1627. 

* Y9* Dwy obferve, that thofe Speeches n4iicl^ 
qcprcTi atqr Loyalty, and do but acknowledge his 
Itlajcfty's Power and Prerogative, Wf. are mbftof 
them condemned and fuppreft by him, as imperti- 
nent, indeed, to his -Defign : He curtails of 
theih, and co^av^' others ; the Reafon -whereof 
may Iboq be (^fberned upon Perufal. 

* Asforlnflancet p. 68,69, 71, of the MS. there- 
aM ftVetal Speeches of the King's Sollicitof, arid JSir 
£dwdrd Catii't Anfwer to them, omitted. They 
fhe/bii he infertcd in Ruflrworth, p. 509. 

"'^■Itft'evidentwhy they are left out : l^e would ' 
tAiflet fuch a BHir remain on the Name of Cait, as 
to Have been of one Opinion when he was a JudgCj . 
uii'm Favoir at Court, and of another when a Pa- 
Kidt,; and difguftcd. 

* Gfift'; true Charafler you may read in the fore- - 
cncntibned pibai^^ writ (o himfelf by the Lord 
Bam^ p. 88. 

*'^t' that Letter, whicKl^for&inentioned, Ci- 
hdlie', p 277, gives fo true a Reprfefentatlon of die 
Stait of AlkvK at that Time, that, mediinfcs, it 
Wotild not be aRiifi to reprint it, with (bmc Comment ~ 
and Annotations upon it ; towards which a Book, in- 
ntjled, JuUcus Ccquinariis, or an Anfwer tothat vi- 
rulent Slander of fVtUm, called, 7bt Cturt aud ■ 
C^araHtr d/ King Jzma j together widi Dr. Hey 
Ij^t Remafki upon FutUr*Sy Saundtrfm'it and Ham- 
X4 am 

226 . APPENDIX. 

■ ■" mat VEjLrangii Hiftoriesj wjnild fuflicicntl^ furoilh 
out M-atcr«rj. 

* But, above all, I caiinot but recomipcnd Salman 
ittt's hi/ioirt des Trtukttt di /a Grand Brrtagwi («^» 
who, above all ihit I have yet read, giwes the clear- 
ed and moft exa£t Account of our Affairs,- fi«tn tfae 
Year 1633, to ihe End of the Rebelliony- 1^49. 
Pari,, 1661, Fcii^, " 

* Amongit the Li'i^els ^hich, a&cr the fMblution 
of theParliamcHC, AJgy^chio, 1628, were both con- 
V\vii and difperfed by (he Republicans, there wai 
ens called, A Pripafa^ fw_ bit Mi^,/y's SiffvUt,' i9 
b'idle tht JmpiriiKtren ef PariiaO^i, tfy, which' 
Mr. Rvjbworib publ ifbes in the Appen^x,' pi 11, te- 
have it b|elieved a real Dq&^ ijiA io be' put 4i| 
Pfa3j(:e y g^erwifc. Why did be nbt piint k, loge- 
ihcf with the Attorney's informatibn, as to i> io i)ie> 
Paptpt^ct I have fent you i. ' ■ ■ • I ' ' ^ ' 

Mt. 4r^'*'' ChatU, of Tr imtf CtU^ft OxM, hi* Ba* : 
pen concerning. Rufitwertk't CaUtttioUt (bj'. 

Mr. Ck^y, *- \T/ ^ AT M>. SecreU^'s (<) Defign was ii|,. 

Nam DB Rufif yV ikititi«g^ cannot, I think, be doubted by toy. 

"«»<** Man,' who 'co ifidcts what hi» Cbarader and Prac- 

tices wercin t)ie late Rebellion,' particularly in G^- 
ins thblcbloody'RemohftraDces for putting the King 
\b Death, and continuing. Secretary to Cremietii afr 
tti the dlfbanding of Fairfax; to thw may be addal, 
thdit any of his gteat Admirers' may be dened to pra« 
duceoneiingle Pa/^ge, expretling the Icaft Remorfe 
or Penitence far his abetting and concurring tn tboCe : 
v^ckcd itid ifrtpioiii Aftionst This I confels cannot 
be Matter of Wonder to any Man that has read his 
WorltS i for there. Hot Only th'ro' the whole Tenor 
■ of his Difcou; fi, but,' from ih'^ ^'piflle Deditatory aiid] 
Prei^ce tbtia %t^' Volume^ tt a^years that his In- , 
r'd; Th'l ftook WH tranllitcd *M publillied l>x Subfciiplion, in 
Filia, Ijf^,' intknM, Salmruttf-Maairfi HiJIpiy ef lit TfeeilO' 
t/Cnatt Britain. Secorid Edilwu. , 
(i) (hU, widi d« two prccecdiit( ^^ttot, ««re ooMmuninud tS 

I. Dr. r: Ciiji 

kni Crtmbitk 


tention was to juffify the Aritrf^ Uibtm hi reehns nw^* 
thy if ibuhU fianaur (e), and who then Were guilty 
of as mucli Opprel£on, Bioodihed, and Ty»nny« ai 
was ever cxcicifcd by any Pagan infulting Soldiers. 
But to put it beyond tbe Qiieftiun whore Intcreft he 
was to ierve, IVh'uhcki, in his Memorials, p. 666» 
iccorcls it to be urulertalcrn by the Order of Crtrif. 
well, and to be alloived by himfeLf, who was to fur- 
nith the Materials -, in which Rcfpe^ he (wan ta hav* 
been defigned Hiftoriographer to the Protrtior and his 
Ajmy: This being cuDfidercd, no Cavalier or Son of 
the Royal Piirty muJ{ expcfl to find any more Jul^ice 
&om his Pen, than was found formerly from bn Ma- 
jtrfly'sNighCourtorjuflke, fSV. Any Mantnayea- 
fily guefs the Tendency of his Books, kjf the Princi- 
|ilcG and Adions oFbia A<dmirer*i whoaM wnntiiUHlf^ 
iy all the UiiTenting and Republican Pwtyt who. <■(>• 
nn all Occafions, ^pcal tQ them a* $n Apology for. 
their paft and future Aftionsj yet it cannot be denied 
but, thro' ibe OiJigence of the Fa£bon, and the Po> 
polarity of his Pretcncea to write without Remark or 
Rcfiedion, fever^I uqthinkiog, ofhorwilcilonRA, Per* 
fons have been prcv^W upon to give I0» Riuch Cre* 
dit and Cot^ntCci^uwe to Boolu that defcrve neither 
Praife tuw fegar^ ^pfW uiy RefpeS i For, upon Ex- 
amination, it w||L,Bppc«r that his Exa^efs is not 
flich as his gfeat.AtlfD<reu pretend* who ufually re-' 
cqqfqfeod Iwn vpoa thAt .Topic as in&llible, and te 
he fciifKl on a* mofticeitain.. 

. ». ; Articles ol'Tt^t ^^hoo of ^Bf*^<r,.oponM'*»k«« t* 
wliicb he ipMco;grw«rfk&.R««eaions cont^ary to*^''*™" 
ht&Prar^f of'Qpnn W aU t . Ik calls faiov ia the Mar- 
mn, Hm- V^'^/i jvhich .is, -a Milhilce ixnb ;» to hi« - 
rf^nw .^od' TJtlf,. .it being only Mr. C«r^« Who 
was.thei} Biflw^.i.. " ' ^^ 

■ 2, ' Ney'.i ptmA Is p|)Ke<l In the wrong Y«tr, the 
Sesrctary giving ttwi^**^''.''^'^ ^9*^^°^ ^'^ 
in the fJUowtne Year. ' 

* • ■ - 3. t The ■ 

l^tj Tht Preface to ^tie {fcaai Vuliiitie dedirej ilie Authw'i Di- 
Cgn to be ih* lanw A io tlit Grit, uti it ii Vridattly a Libel ifiinft 
Kinf'CSi'in the FirH'i CaKmtnHit, and ImIu like ]ti»Diin| up of 
iniaue i(*inS him* 


A P P» E N^ t) , I 3f. 

->. ' Tb-* tiwrrtberof thoTettei <fied 6f the Plagnff 
is talfe, if itie Tables of Mr.- GratJnt are true. rJ^/ 
Graunt's Bills, anJ Hodges de Pefti. 

i,> Hskh's Rccsntation WJa two Years before the 
Time he niemions (/), There Mi fla Ices,' however 
Onalli, ^'et prdve htm notlbprodigioU% exa^t ^fome 
reprefew [g). , 

5. 'Coflipofeion of Fines not truly recited ac- 
Coi^ing to Prfnn'e's Account. 
. & ' Shlffiild fined 500 /. f A). 

- PrOttftation ^ 7r^ Bt&ops net in Aim, 1639,' 
but ifijftj Juquiify slfo BMy be made, 'whether h» 
tetKouS'Accduna made iirf the Swrdifl> Wars^ which' 
take u^fonM butidredv of Paget, be eitlier ufeful ot 
tMTinetit-to kls Design, haVhig no Relation to fv- 
^andf nor My Autboriiy f6r the Truth of rhem. Of 
dKrfaiHcNiitfeM'iremeiAof^tis Stai^Chambcr 'Cafes, 
tfnd his msijriofpertinent' Accouau of the ferend 
Ssmitrf MolMflriiftd tw Shipwrights, and the un^ 
yaxAonlkAe MdKb()ly of Sbap Bbilers, mentioped, no 
]«fs than fevW Tint^ atOa^^ ' If his Books went 
truly ciWRitne<<l, I betievs mot^ than 500 'Page* 
■woyd'beftxHK) jritogfctbcr/ii^ff;)8««a^yWtw/ntj, ud 
imfmintiit^ otttd Ufe, Benefit, «r Pletftlre. 

* But however ^ur^ tedibitf d>e Secre tar y is 
iR eomrounicatfaig foi many inSpikaot and itiUeA 
Rahtbne, be ho* -lilceim omitaed laanj' confi- 
derable Papen, u ftktifs PfinK ^Meh y King 
^«wf'/ Declaniion of die OaofiH moving him to' 
put Ktnffliigh to Dcadii f MMM'f Hofiata), SpalMt't 
Cafe, IiOKl //<r«(ri't AcoMin of the Siege of 
ilfcMEr I inth ilivetttl pfMic Or4m pubKOei dun 1 
lite EfopeKir of Htrnoti Letter to King CSarltt 
theFirft} ^a Ptinca£l«a«^i-Manifeftoe* printed 
in England; Archbiibop USvr'f Speech aboufSupre- 
macy { King Jimu^i Tfetfltoi ylitnf 1622, at the 
fameTinM i^n-the Princf'went taSpaitii with 
many other public Papers slthc^ethpr ORHtttd, aa 

(f) UniverlU Rafter plun it two Ytta hdoft 16 ji. 
f rj I^MiTi AniioDitia (lie 1 tiiic Account of tU the BaanCib 
tiou, none of whkh utrditcd by Bi^bvitrth ic larie, iho' To tedt. 
•M io leflcT Tfainp* 

C^J/ZyiViLiicoTCflir. p,ii7, bfiiMo/. tb'laaK bf frjnDM 
ia bil Ti»l (f C«rir, p. loj. ' 

L._..., Google 

A -P P E ^ tD :I 'X. 229 

A[tpears to luiy that Su^ ooofiilt^iher fttflsariesoA 
(hofe Times. , < 

* But cerUinly never was Pramirewoifc laeptihin R«'>«^'^ *^ 
the Secretary*!,, made at large Jn C»pital Iictnn^'in^ ' 
the Title Page of hi> Book^.l^tub l)ia ColkOimm: 
were only Matltrs tf Fo3, without Ot^cnwftvM ars 
RetnarisX'), there Tc^rcs bcing^tfra P*^ vttfaOut' 
(bene plain Reflc^om, or fa^^iniuitKini-.;lUi. 
IVeftmt being a Paptil, Captain A^fb/ a g'eat Incen- 
diary in Irtkndy and generally againft Laud, Judge 
BtriUjt i^<- ^a-^ih.i*io\itt^»fCa«t*rhtay. Re- 
pairing of St. Pauet-\x ca^t tht Deuttim tfthefh" 
Tivtis, which indeed was difFprent from tkat of hi* 
}Az^er Fairfax, who Umed.tiie- ChuKb tntaShlifBi 
and SublcSi 

* ReSedioni upon th< Star Ctwotbcringcnctalt 
sod Bifhop fyilUamt^tCtJktfi panikulflr,. ivlnqr^r 
upon all Occalioiis, he Hvam^ .Lotd.'.Stiktmr't ■ 
Cafe faIfely^ and itialiciouiit^ {;e)aU<l. JUit^f/iwati'- 
■ a tttDtUrate -^MiAmpin ;,wit|)|Qlinjt morere&ding-' 
' Cbara^lera dilp^ed tt^rovgjwwthia'Boo^ 

' DccIarttlQn about Spons, ceiWured ataSnora j^ 
but none more nunifcflt|)«|tfa>QHna«ube.pse> ' 
of thofc Gentlemen that ^nu^« fopMlar Jn^fa^icui 
Speechu- ia ttv iKmg fariianent, irtiicb be-hM 
huddled t»g^ther without .ai^. Order .Mn.AKtJbr< 
particularly cooiplaining* in the laft£dittan£af'Ms 
PoenwrOf hi«'^ech.buiig,mi£lPMJhtd ;.ib jliiwwrfe 
the Chara^era of the Tcveia^ l/hat^a of the Triri . 
ofthcEarl of Staffj>r4f 'Vf^nii^ are contnuyitolMB- 
Pfoniifij of m^kmg, no Rc4p3iiBi» at aU,. and viT^' 
partial in- themfehe*; finpc Cwainly Jaftieo Ma* 
Ttuth would have rcqutredihatMootioa ihuaUiiM^ 
beenAMile of i^A^^lj briag one of tb»-£Tc Merti' 
bers, ai well aa'of bit beio^cifiated'StfTM of. Gl^f ; 
Sl,>ii Chief JuQice under CfwuW/, 
as. well a« Serjeant undei Chariit ihe Second, iit. 
Upon' the whole, he has vary plearmtjy given all 
the ' advantageous Characters to recommend their 
Speeches to be believed, and omitted every. Thing 

(i) A p*rt P»fl of Ri-^nvinl it vtrimm t 
iuiy'i Doom, wtiweo b j Frjiai. 


ajo A P P 'E N D I X. 

dut may leflen the Credit of them, as oF Wbitkciu 
HimfdM^ St. y*htf, Cfs. (ly 

• Preface to Siraferd"! Trial, he calls it s mo^ 
ibiibtrau and ftimh Trial; whereas tha Afi of Par* 
IhBieat, wthe &td, terms all the Proceedings (»- 
wmtiimu and irngtiiar. "Excufes thtRatiit, as being 
mither inlblert nor terrible (m)i herein, contrary to, 
all the Accounts of thofe Times, the King's Reflec- 
tion upon the Munler of Sir'efftrd^ ' and the Words 
(^the A^ ofPa^Danientiii reverfuig of it. 

'« The Paper ported ty^ot Strafferdiaia a aTriclc 
■ of one of ^cKing't Party,- n he words it himfelf. 
The enaSing thfc Trial to be iio Precedent, is infi-. 
nuued as a vulgarCrror. 

• Reflexion upon the Preface to ti« Oxford Sta- 
tiitet, ^e, maliciOlM, uid difingenuous, as alfo tctt 
imMfcAi'iioMMteeBeiAg takrnof the great Car^,' 
Point, -«iw DeWrtratien )ri the compiling ; its being 
expded to public Vhws whole Year, before it waa 
n^dficdeitberbjrtheKtlngorUniTcrrit^: (mdtif'to^s 
Antiquities of Jhe- Ontvetfify of Oxftrd) nor znj 
Kotke taken of the^ m»ny Statutes providing tho 
inQft.cfiftual Maantf fdt fecurbig the Proteftant Re-. 
li| tiw.Univti^ty ; as dll Members, at their En-; 
truce and tal^jtag Dfegrcea, Tublcribe to thfe Thirtjr- 
nine Articles, and fajw'tfie Oaths of'Atle^knce and 
SuptetmcjF, htt- 

, * Befide* the pdp^ ahd manifeft Falfitrof King, 
^Mwl'i iSpeoch, inoMnpv*b1y deieSed by Dr. Na^ 
fmii both the /i^iiaSettMnces are not Critically given; 
wliich fcannot eaftly be iougincd to come from the. 
Mouth of one reproached, even to a Fault, for a 
Gfupmaiian and a Scholar. 

• Ka RedBd of the fevcra] Recmtations, Htdgii^ 
TTftrntt &e. for preaching agiinft Armlniani&n, not 
fairly related ; betides Rainsftrd, for preachinz againft 
theCalvintflsCn^, (ouHy emitted ; ofwhich he could 
not be ignorant, fince he <^uotes the Regifter of the 

Univerfity ; 

fl) TWe Inflincet ftoo partly W ittane > Cenfure it luce. 
Plii Sajhwttib, Firt of ilu Utter Eitdof dta feivnd VoUunc, u4 
^ilWDj of Stmjftr^iTfid. 

(m) RnJhtvartb'i Trial ef Sirtff&rJ, p. 41. 

(a} ndt K^tWi AniliDKicf, •nd Btjlin'i Life of Itiul, 

A P P E;.N D I X., 231 

Univetfity 1 ^ut Irit R'eafon for omitting it U very 
plain, fincc th^t would bare difcorcKd the Renfon ol 
thePunifluncnt to have been not for preaching *;<i'^ 
Armwiamifm, hatlht King' s Prulametim. 

* Mr. Rtifinutrtb complains mudi of the Inter- 
iniQion of Parliaments fat twelve- Ytan* and tlw 
Miferies attending it i it may partly be expelled h< 
ml) give « fkll Account of tbfr Feliclttet- attending 
the S«ffion of twelve Yetn next mfningi |{]cewi(e oF 
Che Correfpondence betwixt the Satt and Bnilifi\ 
the Intrigues of the Army {«4iidl be botfts to be 
well verfcd in] in di^iollng of the CMntnons mur- 
dering the King, and fuhveiting the G^ivernment. 
If he would give a true Account ^ thofc Aftiofis , be - 
might polBUy oblige PofterJQr mon than the Fic- 

* As the Paptlls did in C^een Marfi ke^, the 
fame did the E'ani^ica> in the Ute Rebdlioni Mr. - 
prjnnt having torn gut of the public Re^Oer of ^ 
UniverTity three whole Folio Pages» containing an 

' Account of his Eptpulfion from tbencc % whiGb> th(^ 
feen, no Mention is imade of it by Mr. Rjifiimnb. " 

* The Accounts of the Trials of Cin^, Si^ ■■ 
fifUy^nfeeit aulicloufly rcprcfeattd, very difilROt ' 
from the Accounts given by, Di* HifltK (r). QmA 
Refle^on upoti the Satt Litui^* 
Tranfubftantiationi ^e. iit. 

{r) vat IsKti TriiL 111 Ui > lic|e Mtaofiript NuntiTe tt 
Aafe Tmb h at tim k i b, wUA, if A, awSate4i^TecititU|ht 
to ^»My foUk PaAgMk ' - 

l; till ...J ..Google 

232 .. APPENDIX. 

lBlfae<Preracel»«lKiundi Vulume af diis Hifbiy 

we there by are DQtcarricd down lower than Jomk- 
tiTjfih^i' Tbe AittfaorwaGprcveiuedfrom purfwng 
14»Defi2nI^.X>eMhj ^t what bis Inieniions were, 
>■! EoioS *^ -wiih bis. Work, we have in» with in a 
Flan M dwpn by himTel^ in a MS. CoHe^tionof 
oi'^inal Xietten toA, •thcr P«pen. It ii in the Doc- 
tor's own Hand- Writiiig, and . iuaa to be a nw^ 
Df'u&ht of it:Ltftitf' addre^'d toi Tuine Friend, not 
tfacire flamed r;tHlCis,.b*weirer, wenhy of aPlacc in 
this. Al^ndnc tl^etber with a Sketch of a Dcfign 
fac«ngtaving « PJaK iatendedae'a Frcntirpicce to 
thfltQoAoi'* smx Volume. 

,.'■' s-i'a, ■ '^ . 

Df. Jrf^'i * T I5o:inteijd, -in Biy next Tome, to trfat of the! 

Sdemcfi^ wrf- • four Years GiVtV War, (if To fair a Name tiuqr 

^hiiPMtVB-i^given tofe fottia Rebellion, agamft fo pious a 

^^ Pmice tt was King CSorfw the Firft) ill purfuance 

of wMcfaldefire^'Our Farour and Friendffiip toito^> 

to-Wneaww^Ml upon the Earl tf HaaUsfieU, (a)^ 

whBl«H»«fui*i»ing'Gei«r»l Officer of his Majcfiy'j ; 

~ '^''7* an^w^ Linivnaot- General of all theHotfe 

'' t^fiftgitud; hy wtSlk Help t may give Due&ions 

for the Drawing up of the moft decifive Battlea, 

which I will have printed of the beft Coppei-Platcs 

tbM can be in this Town cngravea. 

* As I fliall take Care to prcmirc the Keafon tvfgr 
thateoodKiHgtridpaSthaCA&of^])jineot,«tBdi • 
divefted his Majcfly of the Power of difeh-mg thfe 
two HouGes i why be left Ltadea, and whit can fairly 
4>c made out of the Plot, whichtfae two Houfes then 
had, of ftizing in»th«r Hands the Prince of /^/rf, 
which was the principal Motive of the King's going 
away with him j Hatbam's infolent refuting the Sang 
Entrance into HtM^ amfwering. That be he!d that 
Town fsr the Parliament, vitich was flat Rebellion, 
and carried fhe Nature ctf the firft ASt of Hoftitity, 
r<)TUilal af atMiUifiM m OMnhLwd Qim4, mucA 


A' P P E N D r X. S3J 

b^on the King fet'u(i his Standard ; of the Earl of 
fijjii^i firing (ever al Pieces of Cannon at Edge-HUlt 
bsfore the KiRg'i A''my n^ade anyShoteithergreac '" 
orfmalt, wliidiwil! make him the AggrefTor in that 
fyta\ Story iSo I labour »lfo to be fullyfatisfied from, 
yipfaence the Mifcarriagcs of the King'» Army did 
atnfc On one Band the Soldtecs do blame the Coun- 
firis (tfthoft great Men who then fat at the Helm (rf 
p«Uic AJFiirs, who Wre not fkilful enough to it' 
red the Management of fo great a War; thatth^ 
Orders in the firft .VnffAnrj' Fight; dccafioned by ' 
Effix' s ieVizyi\a%Gitiieifitr i in the Rattle of ^War/^ 
U{»r,afwr Princo Rupert had ratfed the Siege of 
Tiri J of-Na/iiy, when Ox/ard wa* blocked up ; of 
ChtfitTy to the Relief of which the King went ia 
Perftm, were coQlrerir to thejud||ment of the Sol-. j 
'^crs. Alfo that the CommilSbneraliad full Power, 
in tht rcfpeilive Counties and Pfovittc^ all over 
Bi^mi, to coOtro) the Soldiers, and to give them 
Rides for their Gondii^ of die War, leaving them 
no other Power than what the Opifiion or Vote of » ' 
Goreroorof a City Colonel, orOtatmA of a Pfo- 
viaoCtHgali^tenoi'aDoMif Ct>mmil^oners, might 
aauNuiC lifttd, wh*<e PrJAdple was thefaving of tb:i.r 
relf>e&iK TowniandCounties ; alledging, ^^^ ' 

every Province wooU take the fiime Care. ;;ffic 
wfacHp Kii^om woidd 'be fecured ; whereas the 
' Soldiers Counfel was, the making them oidy Nurfe- 
riet for the fumifbing out of Troops to t^ole thofe 
AfiBMS, which every Campaign Xras Cent out of Xd/f 
Jew, agajnft the King. On the other Hand* there . 
arc gMat Faults chu'ged upon the Soldiers De- 
bauchery, -Ne^kence, Ramncfs, and chiefly that 
moft unhappy DmSion at Nnoarky as if that was 
the fiatali itrtpajable Bbw to the' King ; concerning ; 
which I am ipfwraed that his Maj^y'a Force was 

:^-' not le^^aed^ne fingle Man, other than by the Lofs 
^_^„*H^i*Jkfc, the better Half of which was then 

" left tofhrtking, which upon that Occaftoni the Earl 
oiBri/ht, Princifni Secretary of Stai^, did lead away 
from Wiftftfr jf, oft Pretence of fetching the Infantry of 
the valiant Mar(|uit of Mantrafe, out of die High- 


»34 A P P B N D. I X. 

Innds Iri Sftlon/^ utterly. igftinft the Opinion anj 
Counfct of the Soldiers, who declsued to the King 
the Impoffiijility of the Undertaking, as it proved by 
their Ocfcat, and So total a Rwit, that not one Twoof 
of them ever rallieij >gain, the Earl of £)-^*/efcaping 
Into Ireland^ and never fecn more during ihc War ; 
Prince Rupirt continuing obediently with his Ma- 
jeHy at Oxford,, and oiakli^ nK^ advantageous Con- 
ditions fiT his MajcAy's Privy CounfeUon* in the 
Surrender of that City, 

( Sir, altho' I would not be fo troublefoine to my 
Lord of Maaltjjitld M to inquire into every liule 
Engagement] tho* ^ere was ^reat Valour (bewcd in 
the lead of them, and-tnnby and brave Men bodi 
of the Nobility aDd.Gcotry engaged, wbofe Names, 
in JuAice, ought to be left down to Poflcrity, ytt I 
would be exaoa beyond Control, in the geaeral 
Point of tbe War, and the Evenu of the four Canf 
paigtis \ and I will To far burden you with the Length 
of this Paper, as to let you fett I ani Mifter of tibe 
whole Dcfign. 
kf^, 1(41- < The Kjtjg fct up hrs Stttdiud uNtttingbam^ 
calling all his loyal Subje^ to hit AiBftance, and 
from thence marched to Shrtvifbvyi where he raifcd 
that Army with which be fought EJfiM at Edgt-HiU. 
After his Vi£tory» there obuincd, be marched kota 
thence to Oxferdy Jeaving the Earl of MweUtfigld 
Governor, who had been wounded at £d£e~Hitt. 
In that Battle he commanded a Tcrze of the Inbn- 
try ; his Majcily marched towards IiHidfiif tbe Citi- 
xens meeting him «t Brtndferd- to interrupt his 
March, forced him to retreat back loOxferd^ wlud) 
be fort^ed, and made his Winter-Quarters. Alt 
tbe Summer after the fetting up the Standard, Leviei 
bad been malung throi^hout the Kingdom by die 
Duke of NnucaflUt £ail of Dtrbjy He on tbe North 
Side of Trfflf, by Commiffioot of Arrav for tiw King 
agtinft Eairjax and others, who «fied by Qt tf imae o 
of Parliament; and, io the WeQ, by the .'Marquis 
of Hirlftr^y. Lord fitfUK, GrttmiilUt Btrangways^ 
l>trringtonf Steaiel, &c. againft the £ari of Siern- 
/ora, tu\Q£Btd/trdy ff^aOtr, Ue/Irigg*, Uoilth ^"^ 
" fo 


fo were both Parties very aftjve, all the Winter, in 
faifing Regiments and Troops, and forming their Ar- 
mies againlt the next Campaign ; with this Difadvan- 
tage to ihe King, that the populous and rich City of ■ 
Lendsri, and the ten adjacent Counties, Huntingdon, 
Cambridge, Nor/ali, St^folk, Efftx^ Kent, Surrey, 
MidSefix, Heri/ord, and Bedford^ were ^fibdatcd. 
entirely for the two Houfct againft him. 

» The I^ing was very Ibccefsful ; die Duke of ^^ . 
iJnucaJIU had beaten Fairfax^ leaving him onl^ 
fc^'enteen broUen Troops of Horfe, into Htitl; the 
Weft was reduced to his ObedieJlce, except Brtftol, 
Ckucefier, Ply>nfiuih\ and two or three Sea poft 
To*nS; theQueeh Was landed it BrTdlingiiit, out 
bf Holland, with great Stores af Cannon and Arms 
both forHoffe and Foot; a: confidetabic Sum of Mo- 
ney was conveyed from thence, *ith a very cbmpteat 
Army, well appointed, though but Tmall, and a very 
great Train and Quantitv of Ammunition, propor-^ 
tionable for the Supply of his Majelly's Armies and 
Gatrifon, to Edge- Hill, where the King moft joy- 
fully met her ; of which Army the Earl of Mdcchf- 
/^«/i/ was Lieutenanc-General, and To recortimclided 
by the Queen Co his Majefty, that he was thereupon 

Eut into the Head of a Brigade of Horfe, to which 
e immediately marched, and joined his Eft'^ade to 
Oiher Troops of the Kingfs Army, to bcfiegV-the Ci- ' 
ty of Brijiel, which Priiice Rupirt took, in entering 
the Line, by AfTault j upon which the Rebels treat- 
ed, and gave up the I'oWn. 

* Whereupon it was difcourfed as if his Majcftjr 
Would a (econd 7 imc tnarcii to London, and appoint 
■the Duke of Netvcajile to meet him there, whofe Ar- 
my had already pailed the TreW, and was advanced 
as far as Linciln, the Rebels having no Army in the 
Field-, either in theNorih or Weft of £»f/Bn^; when, 

' on a fuddcn, new Couiifcls were taken, the King fat 
down before GloucjUr, and the Duke oiNiwcaflie rc- 
pafled the Tnnt and btffieged Hull; which tWo Sieges , 
were very fjtal tn the King. 

* For the Rebels putting great Strefs upon the" 
Relief of G/««A>-, fet out a llout Army under (he 

Vol. XXllI. \ Y , Com- 

\ L\_...,C".ooglc 


' Command of SjftXt inforced with great KumlKcy 
of the Cilizeni of Ltndirit wbo fought with his Ma- 
jefty the firft Batde of Ntvjhury, in which the Earl 
oi MactUtfidd \aA a great Share both of Hcuiour 
and of Danger j ip the Interim the Eart of Man- 

^ehefitTy 'General of Ae Aflbciate Counties, and 
CrnawtSf his I^eutcnant-Gcneral, made all the 
Strength tky poffiby could towards the raiAng of 
the Siege of Halt ; the I>ukc of NnucaftUy topn- 
vent it, fent 3000 Horfe towuds Bt/imt and about 
1000 pragooot to meet Manchtfttft and to hinder 
his Conjun^on with Fairfax, wbo endeavoured to 
put over the Hwnbir what Men he could fpare to 
join MantbtfiiT ; the Duke's Army of Horic boing 
defeated by MatKhtfltr^ and great Rains filing . 
about the Beginning of OHobefy made it impoffible 
to contmoje the Siege in thofe low Fenny Grounds ;' 

. io t}ft Duke railed the S!cgc, which ended the fecond 

* Notorius enough it is that the two Si^es, of 
Hull in ^e North, and of Glouctjier in the Weft^ 
gave the Rebels Time to recruit, oi indeed rather 
to raifenew Armies ; but where to lay the Blame is 
very hard ; may be the prefent King may have known 
fomethJRg from his Father, or ftbm the Earl of 
ClarttuUn, Prince Ruptrty the now Dokc of New- 
caftU^ from his Father ; the Earl of St. JBioHt and 
the Earl of Macclesfield may know the Reafbn of 
State ; but from the Officers of the Army^ who were 
in lower Stations^ all was concealed : But linci 
thofe Men who rarely ventured their Lives in thii 
Quarrel, and the Neuters of England, who jat by 
their Fire-iides^ have taken upon them to fay. That 
if the KiAg, after the Banleof £f^f-//id(tho' that 
Victory was dlfputed) had dire£lly matched to Zff»- 
d»n, before Ejiic'i Army could have got thither, 
he had been received by the Lenebntrs. It will 
fure be worth the Inquiry^ ivhy the fame Fault 
Ihould be committed twice, there being at that 
Time in both the King's Armks io,obo efFedive 
Horfe, and |0,ooo Foot marching, and not wie 
' Army of the Rebels appearing. 



i ••• 939 urith the King when he fat down bC- 
■fiitcGitiKf,9f,^{id he fayi that the DifcoUHe amongft 
the Soldiers wasj That his Majefty's Council weii! 
hot willing that there fhould be sui entire Conqueft ; 
but rather that the King fltould return to LtiidpH, up- 
on Treaty, than with hi9 drawn Sword; that Princtf - 
Ruptri wa* too big, and that the Law and Parlia- 
ihent would beover-rulcd by the General. 

* ••• went from the Siege of GUwiftit before It 
was raifed hy Ejiie,to the Siege q( Hull, and was in 
the Adiofi where Manchipir and CraimuiU beat the 
puke of NtwcajlUs Horfe, and advanced to raife 
him from before Hail I and the Soldiers there in- 

? awing into the Reafon of his Excellency's Return 
rom Lmcfli to go Northward, and not marching in^* 
the Allbciate Counties, were anrweredj That be had 
engaged himfelf to the Northern Gentlemen, upon 
(heir giving him i2,ooo/- per Month for his Army j 
that he would never leavean Enemy in (heir Country, 
ib as that Fairfaxf beginning to fllr fofoon as the Duke 
had palled the Trtiity he thought himfelf bound by 
hb Promife to rettirn into itrijhite, and to keep 
Fairfaxin Hull; that that good and^pious King did 
love Peace, may appear by the Treaty of Uiebridgt, 
•%o which may be added, that the Night before he 
.let up his Standard at Nttilnghum, it was very 
'doubtful whether he would not chufc rather to re- 
turn to L»nd*n. 

* His Majefty, uneafy in his Affairs, like a ficfc Man ,(^j, 
whoturns from one Side to another to iind Repofe, re- 
ftfvesupon great Changes, appoints aCounciUoat- 
tend the Prince of fVales, of wtiichlhe Earl of Claren^ 
thn was moftly in Credit, and Tends him from his Side 
intothe^j/?; fends for his Army outof Irt/a«d to 
affift him at home ; acquaints Prince Rup/rt that 
now, fince his Lofsof the Battle- at Tari, he was un- 
grateful to his good Subjcfls, and therefore muft re- 
tire (hfs Highncfs chufing Bri/iel, where ha was in 
no Command, and under no other Charafler than 
of his Nephew ;) removed Prince A/am'i from his 
Government atWirc^ir; difplacedi^^fi, and made 
« new Governor of Oxford ; would rely no more 
. '■ Y a upon 


■ i^a A P P E: N- D: IX,' 

upOn Sir Richard Byren, who had commanded at 
tJiwark when it was bcfieged, and, t^ the Importu-* 
nit/ of the Commiflioners of ^vu/j^^o/zj, broughe 
from thence the Earl of MnccUsfitld, who did under- 
take to railc 1 0,000 Foot there to recruit his Army^ 
trufting rather •» the ComniiflioiieTi' Promifc that 
they would do it thcmfelves under my Lofd JftUy^ 
of which thcY failed, and very ill treated my Lord 
■Aftltj, the General of their o^rachufing. 

' The Queen went into Fratict^ (it may he for iw 
other Rcafon than to get more ^ivas and Money for 
■the King's Supply) and his Majefty, with a flying 
Army o( Horfe, fwept Part of the Aflbciate Coun-r 
ties, and thence went to Htitftrd^ where he receives 
t'le News of PrinCe Rapirt't giving up the Town vf 
Jirifiolj and tbcnce marched to relieve Chtfttr, where 
Barnatd Earl of Lilebfietet, the youngell Brother nt 
the Duke of Rithmtnd, and Captain of Xht Guards 
was fiain, who ought not to be forgotten. 

' The King had there about 4900 HorTe, cooif- 
manded by the Eail of Macdnjitid^ Xjieutfnanb- 
.General ; and now half the Army were the RemaiiB 
vf tlie Nuithern Horfc, in Lord LungdaU's Brigade, 
who alfo was made Qeneral of the Horfe, and was 
with, the Army in their Quarters, two Mijes from 
-C^/<rj the Lieutenant-General with his own Troop, 
and Eail of Litchfield with the King's Troop, .hotb 
making 6ooHorle, a]] Gentlemen atvd their Servants 
■arid old I^ird AjlU)\ wtre in Town about the King's 
Perfon; Lord John Byron, then the Governor and 
General of Nsnh-Walis, Bcoth commanded the 
Foot which befieged the Town, (Uncle, I think, Co 
-this Lord Dehmar) who was well and fnfely .polled 

■ in the Suburbs, and ftirred not upon the King's 
^Approach'. 1 he Rebels Horfe, who waited on the 
.Motions of the King, was commanded by Peyms 

ajid Gravis, (the latter afterwards came into tJie 
. Kind's Service] and had as big an Armyof Hoile as 
- the K)nf^ and not fo much harraDed, the Men more 

■ in Heart, and very fkilfuily lead, Paynes being a very 
; cunning Captain , and Craws very brave. The 
-.King had marched in Sight of Ptyws fix or feven 


..APPENDIX- 839 

JDays before his Majefty eoter«d Chtfter^ cjuarter^d 
BUT him every Night, and well knew h(s Stretigih : 
' . One may gucls that the Rebds would not offer £rll 
to iight) bccauie their Bufincfs was, to cover Baoih, 
.while he vigoroully attacked the Ci;y ; a;id his Ma- 
JcAy had great Caufe to keep and preferve, and (as 
.Jittle-as may be) hazatd bis Army, it being the only 
fiody of Horfe which was Jefc i yet the Lieutenant- 
General marched io warily ia thofe clore Countries 
where they were, that he would not have refufedPeynw, 
.becaufe Iw slwzys Ccnced fi>. as that the Troops of 
Guard* flibuld firft receive the Shock, which would 
not lure ^vca Way to the Enemy ; but To patters 
Were ordered, as that the X^id Longdate, .^tbout 
the Knowledge of the Lieutenant -Genera^ and 
^without the.AffiQance of the Guards,- abo^t two 
■D«7s. ^er the King was in Chtftir, did receive Or- 
-ders from the i^arl of Briftil^ Principal Secretary of 
Slate, .to engage with Ptfiut ; which Orders he 
/ibeyed--,..iiii4< was beat in the King's Sight i the 
Xieutenant - General and Earl of Litchpitd, with 
their Troops, and old ^rd' AflUt^ rtith fome fjoot, 
i)aned , out of the Towp to their Succour ; but came 
lb laic as that they were furrounded by the Enemjt. 
Lord y///gr -feeing the Danger, did timely, retreat, 
andfaycdhit Footi the Lisutenant-Gencf al, withhjs 
,Xroop of about 2O0', chwgedthro' ii ofthcEncmy!s 
Standards of Horfe, the Length of a. AraicLane, and 
beat thepi, and faved himfelf and nine Parts of. ten 
.(ifhisMen. The Guards did.the ramcin-anolhgr 
Place, but loll their Captain, 

* The King was forced to leave,CAf/?<rr.befiegcd, 
inarched -i^ito Narth-H'alti with his Horfe to amufe 
Psiiusy and fo came about to Nevjari, ; fucg ilftgr 
.Prince ^H^rrt came to £</u«(V CalUe, within tea 
Miles, and fent moft humbly to fuppliaite his M4- 
jctty that he would fee him, and hear ms Defence 
concerning' what happened at Bri/Ul; tQ which the 
Kii>k.fcfmingto incline, ihc Earl of tft'/i'a/ prevailed 
for Leave to go into the Highlands oi Satknd, .vxi 
drew, with him half of the (lorlJ: v4iich ha loft'in 
-the .Way } but the Soldifrs CouiicU was againft u* 
Y 5 ^adviiirig 



jl^viftng the King to quit all hii Garrifbns, tveti 
Niwark where he was, and fP'trctfltr and Oxftr4 
jis he went' along, wher^ they propofed he might 
\ have an Army of Horfe, Foot, and Artillery, better 

than anyone Army he had ever fought wi^U), aiidfo 
to take ^e Chance of a Battle for hia Croyrn, rather 
than any where to abide a Siege ; tbey did prove ig- 
;iuiani but Ipyal Men, not forcfeeing that any Vaa 
durA be I'o turdy as to advifc))ii going to (he Seets^ 

A DtfitP ft •* T" HE Landflcip of Bfigimd, Satlan/t, and /r#, 
ppp«r-pl>te X latid, wi-.h patties, Sieges, and Defolationt, 

*^W* Ruine of Hourp* and Chutthei, more particularly 

the Bittle of Nafihy Oioold be done more at large. 
There is a Cut of it in Sprint Hifitrjaftbt fVart : 
A flormy SJty with Lightning, cfpecially from the 
i^trth. In a Souate at the Bottom, from tlie Body 
of the Dragon, let there rife feven Heads^, ftandii^ 
^[)on the Necks of Ser^ts ere^ed i }ct the Heads 
Jiavethe Faces of Men, with Stingf proceeding ou^ 
of their Mouths, and Perriwigs of lefler Snakes about 
^hcir Ears, in JhonCurls. Let the Order be this : 

I. * A Jefuit, with ths Cap of his Order, and 
^bout it written Dividi tt Dirue, 

a.* A Prcfbyterian ; ifyoucanget/Tirvyrnfiure, 
like him, with a black pap turned up with white, 
and over it a Sm/i Bonnet, Wiihl^ibelihangingdpwa 
^romit, and inthefn written, Dirtttory and Cawnaat. 

3- * An Independent, with a Cathedral revpfed 
}iangingover his Head inftead of a Hat, and ^pon it 
fpritcen, hdfPtndtncy. 

4. ' Olivtr Cremuill, whofe Dcfcription hereafter. 

|. «A" An"'>i>P"ft.t*ieP'fl"rpof7«'*of ttydtn. 
Whi?h you may have in PegiPt Htrifingraphj from 
the Top pf bis Crown an Efcrol, with Mun^n^s 
Rtformatin written in it. 

' 6; f A Quaker, with a Pair of Shoes on bis Head 
jnflcad of a Hat, made up like a CapofMaintenaee ; 
S f""thyr in it, upon which let be written, The NeUf 

7. * AFifth-Monarchift; Vtmur'i Head, wiUi 4 
Jkfimon on, as in PagiFi Htrtjiegraphy p. 28c, 4 




Flag.oo the Tqpof fai^ Hiliqeti with tbbfnfcription, 
77m Saivti mtift reign. Let Olivtr'i Head, ftoding 
IB the Middle, b« elev^ed above the reft, a Crown 
hanging over it, held by a flying Devil ; about his 
iievt a Ri^ie, which muft go oa each ' Stdc« and 
wrap about the feveral NcdcB, and (o back again to 
AoU'j.i where Ut it be tied with a little Scarf, in 
Vbiclt thefc Words, Funh cvuwt Opus. Let the 
Snake*, from the feveral H«ads, be twifled one with 

« Tbo Body of the DrsgonmuQ be a little ele- 
vated in (be Poflurc of Comliat i upon his B»ck the 
Seulptunt of the Common's Uoufe, tied oo after the 
Maoner-of a CaAle upon m Elephant { upon the 
Girths wfitci Prvte/ianl Cntmant ; upon the Hwfc 
diree Traitors Heads with this Infcriptioa, Ettxtrit 
0t intra. Out of the Side of the Dragon mud ifTue 
grmcd Men, as out of the Horie of Trtf. ; in tho 
CurUof his Tail a, Church muft be wrapped, and 
tumblii^ down. He muft have four Feet ; upon 
the two hindcrmoft he muft ftand in the Pollure of 
a gentle Elevation, and under thofe Feet let the £art 
oi Straffird md the Archbiftiop of Canltriury be l»d 
bcadjcft; the Coronet of the Earlwi^ the .Bottom 
upwards, the Crofier broken by Uic Archblfhqp's 
Sdc,'and bis Mitre at his Feet, thel«avef of the 
Common Prayer torn about. Let the two fotc Feet 
oftheOragpnbelikea Griffin's Claws, let him clap 
one of them upon the Crown Imperial, a^ tearing it 
ftov the King's Head, whofe Sculpture muft ftand 
before him in his Regal Robes, and with the other 
Claw let hiim feize the Sceptxe in die King's Hand, 
which muft appear broken in ftriving for it, FroiQ 
ihe Wings of the Dragon muft proceed two human 
.Anns and Hands, in one of which muft be a BaimcF 
difplayed, wjth this Motto, Far Dtfenu tftruM Pro- 
Ufiant RtUgitny Libtrty^ and PrivHiget if Par- 
tiaiHtKl ; in the other, a brandiftied Sword, with tbefe 
Words, Magna Charta Rifarmete^ and the Magntf 
GiaTia torn in three or four Pieces, and ftrow'd 
about i in f<Hne lefter Squares, feveral Executioni, 
at Shooting to Death at CaUhtftir, Beheading at 


842 A P P E N D I X. 

Toivir-Hilly Hanging, as at I^ndtn, Brtfiet, bft. 
nwirc efpocially the Murder of the Kmg before 
ffbitebail, Landtn in'Chain* drawn xbout it and ai%r 
it. The RoyaV Oak, Seflanes lopping off Atbw 
of Prerogative, a Jefuit'and a Fanatic fawing at the 
Root. Towards the Eaft a Sun rifing ; the Royal 
Nivy re-condu£ting his Majefty King Charhi il. 
The King on Hurieback in compleat Armour, bis 
Head only bare { before him )et the Dragon lie ex-i 
tended, without the parliament Houfc, upon hit 
Backj Otiver't Head off, and the reft hanging down 
in the Duft as dying j an Angel defcending wifii Ml 
Imperial Crown, and a Beam from Heaven (hininz 
upon the King, in which let it be written, C«£ 
Sahisi upon the King's Shield, Jmntftia; and tfaa 
Cavalcade at hb coming in. 

lltEMEMBRAKCES far Order otti X3iuncy ta bt iept 
in the Houft of Lordt, xvhtn hh Majcjij it not 
thtrt, having the Sakrttnities itlenging it its Aiam 
jfftj's Cgitiing to bt mar^alUd iy thafe Lordt to 
wham it properly appertains. 

TteSitftiier 'pIRST, therefore, the Lords are to fit in the 

tbii/xdi. . JP fame Order as is prefcribed by the A^ of Par- 
liament, and as they do at his Majcfly's being there; 
except that the Lord-Chancetlor fitteth on the Wool- 
fack as Speaker to the Houfc, and the X^rd-Trea* 
furcr upoti the KarU' Bench. 

tfolfcr. t The L«rd-Chancellor, when he fpeaketh to the 

Houfe, is always to be uncovered : He is not to ad- 
journ the Houfo, or do any Thing as the Mouth of 
the Houfe, without the Cnnfent of the Lords hi& had } 
except the ordinary Things about Bills, as for. prefer- 
ing one Bill before another, and fuch-^like; and, tn 
Cafe of Difference amongft ihe Lords, it is to be put 
to the Lord-Chancellor; and if the Loid- Chancellor 

LM ChinctUer *'" fpeak to any 1 hing particutaiJy, he is to go to 

(J 1 fttt. his own Place as a Peer. 

Wff, * Ihe Judges, and fuch of the King's Privy 

CwHicil as arc called by the Writ to anend, fitting 



, .;\^ P-'E N, D: IX. 24} 

by, are not to be covered until the Lords give thtm , 

ZJeavc, which they ofditidrily fignify by the Lord- 
Chancellor; and tbay being there ap^iointed to at- 
tend the Houfc, iire not to Ipealc or deliver any Opi- 
nion until ,it be required, and they be admitted in to 
do by the major Pvtof .tbe Houie, in Cafe of Dif- 

» The learned Counfel are lil«wifc to attend onjji„,,Qj,^^j^ 
tjie Woolfaclu, but are never covered. 
■ * Thofe of bis Majefty's Privy Council, who are Affifti'nts, 
called by his, Majefty's Writ, as the Judges are, 
are to be ufed with the fame Refpeft the Judges ate, 
which is not xa be covered gntil they i^l be Ad- 
Hiitted To to do by the Houfe. . ^ 

' The firfl Thing comoionly, either at ,the Beg! n-e Beginning of ' 
ivngof aParlian^ent, orof a SeiTion, (after PrayerJi'*"''*"^'' 
laid] is th^t fome Bill, p>p Ft^^^i. i^ read, and then 
a Coirmittee to be chofen ciut of the.Huufe, whicl^ 
fliall ft«Bd all that SeQion to review »lie.Qrders of the commfttw for 
Houfe, and take Confideration uf (he Privileges of the PjiTileEu- 
Peeri of the Kingdom, Lords of Parliament, and fee^ 
ftom Time to Time, that they be duly obfcrve4. 
, ' After that they fail to admiiiifter the Oath ofo,,), „f ^^j^ 
Allegiance to fuch ^oblemen as have not Hit in thcgiaiice. 
.Houfe before, and have nut talun the fame Oath 
bcibrc in the Houfe, , . 

, .* The Bills are commonly let pafs at the firfl Pi-ortedingi oa 
Rc;iding, ajid to be tomoutted upon- Motion at the^^'- 
. fecond Reading. 

*. No Perfon-is to fpeak twice tq any Bill at one Not to Tfiriic 
Time of reading of it, or any other Propo&(iot>, un- J);'" '" •>"'= 
.lersitbe,tocKplainh.mlelf in fomc, material Pyiotof™' "'"""» 
his Specott, but no new Matter, and that .not withr- 
;otJt Leave of the Hoyfe firft obtained. Every Man 
rpeaks itaading jHid- uncovered, and names not the 
Members of the Houfc commonly by^ their Nimes, . 
.but tbe Lord that fpolte UIV, bH but one, lafl btft 
two, or fume other Note. of their Speech.' 

* At VtJtest the- Igwcft, jifter the Lord Chancel- „ 
.lor hath put the-Queftion, bct^ins firft, and every 
M^t in his Tur.-)k rifes uncovered, ajid only fa}$, 
Ctatint, or Net cement, 




C^ ^ • The fittt or fecond Day the Houfe ii called, uul ' 

Hsaft. Notice tikcn of fuch Lordi is either hive not (eat 

Aitii Proxies, oi an not cxcdcd by his Mxjefty fos 
feme Time. 

* Every Lord that comes aftw Pvaycti, tf a Ba- 

pMr-Box, ron or a Bifbop, is to pay 1 1. if above that I>^tce, 
3 /. 

Mtmt lat*. * ^**' Abfciiee lie is to pay nothing, but to «udce 
hisExcure by any Member of.the Houfe; which* 
if it be allowed as juft, heiscxcufcd; if not, he is 
to be blamed by the Houfe as the Fault requires. • 
I'his to be underftood to be after the general Meet- 
ing of the Houfe upon the Writs, and the Houie fet. 

f Mi'i Hwfr. ' * Before the Houfc litt, To much Refpeft is to be 
had to that Room, as none but Memben of the 
Houfe ought to be covered there j not fo much ai 
the cidefi Son of any Peer whatfbcrer, unlcfa he be 
called by Writ. 
Per- * Neither is any other Perfon to ftay there, or any 

^ ra ft^ >B ^ Attendant of any Nobleman, but while he t^ngs in 
Hoaic. his Ijord, and then he is to retire. 

* WJien the Houfc is fitting, <vory Lord that &aU 
Boole Etisi. ^j^jgj jj j(, gjy, jj^j f tccive Salutations from the reft, 

and not to (it down in his Plitcc, unlefs he hath laade 
an Obeyfanee to the Cloth of State. 

* At the Beginning of a ParliamnK, before it be 
* ^met, ifthe Day be adjourned it is done by Writ, 

which is direftedte both the Houfes j and, in that 
Cafe, the Loitei Houfe is to be called in, and ftaod 
uncovCTed below the Bar, but.not beforethe Lords be 
all fet i who fitting, and being uncovered, the Lord- 
Chinccllor ufes fome Words unto them, to let them 
know the Caufe of their Meeting, whiefa he doth 
uncovered, in Ttfpe& he fpe^s to both Hou&a>i 
and, after the Writ read, he a^ourns the Coort. 
if * If it be an Adjournment of a Sefiion only, it w 
done by Commiffion unto Tome of the Lords df the 
Upper Houfe, in which Cafe the Lower Heufe are 
prefent, and the Commi^n is to be fent down to 
the Houfe of Commons upon liich Adjoureineot, 
with Signification of the Adjournment peifonned by 
the Lords accordingly. 

I , To 



* To have more Freedom of Speech, artd that Ar-Coi^'t"* '^ 
gumcnts may be ufed?" (Centra, Committees arc' ' **"" ' 
appointed, (fomCtimes far BilU, tO facilitue arid 

agree of great Bufincfies) either of the whole Houfe, 
or of Particulars. Committees of the whole Houfe 
Ibmedmeslit In the Houfe j but then the Lord-Chan- 
cellor fin not on the Woolfack as a. Speaker. 

* If they be of fmall Numbers, commonly theycamnittea <wt . 
meet in the little Room, or in the Painted Cham-of *^ "<»'«■ 
ber, as the. Lords pleafe. Any of the Lords of the 
Committee fpealc to the reft uncovered, but may fit 

Aill if he pleafcs. 

* The Committees are to be attended by fuchjadgn tatttat 
Judges or learned Counfel as are appointed. TheyC"'"'""***' « 
are not to fit there, or be covered, unlefs it be 

out of Favour ; or, for Infirmity, fomc Judges fomc- 
tiihes hath a Stool fee behind, but never cover i 
and the reft never fit nor cover. The Lord-Chaa- 
ctVoT, y. Pcpbaut, did often attend Committees j 
. and though he was Chief Juflice, Privy Counfellor, 
- find infirm, yet would he very hardly ever be per- 
vaded to Ct ; faying. It was his Duty to ftand and 
attend i and defired the Lords to keep thoie Forms 
which were their Due. ' 

*The meeting of the Lords with any of the Lower i-lteiLtuntr af 
Houfe, is either upon Occafions of Mefliges whichMeffi*!" «^ 
^leyiend up to the Lords, or upon Conferences.^^,-'j1,™"J,oufc 
When they come up to them the Manner is thus :Df CaaunoDi. 
After the Lords have Notice given them by the 
IJQier, diat the Houfe of Commons have fent to the 
Lords, they attend till the Bufmels upon which th^ 
Houfe is, is ended ; and then, the Lords fitting all 
covered, the Commons are Tent for in, and fl^nd af 
the lowefl End of the Room ; then the Lord Chan- 
cellor, with fuch as pleafe, rifeth and go down to the 
Middle of the Bar i then the Chief of the Commbnc 
in the lA'idR, and the reft about him, come up to 
(he Bar with three Obcyfances, and deliver the Mef- 
f^ge to him i who, afier he has received it, retires 
to his foimer Placed anJj (he Houfe being diared 
and fettled, he reports it to the Lords who do help 
l^is Memory, if in arty Thinj he be miftakcn ; and 



after tb^ Lord* have taken Refolution* if the Bufi- 

ftcfs rctfifire uiy Anfwer, they are cither called io, 

and approaching to the Bar with three Obcyfances, 

as before, therloufe licting in Order and covered 

as before, the Lord -Chan eel lor, iitting upon the 

"Woolfack covered, doth give them their Anrwcr in 

the Name of the Houfe ; or elfe, if the Refolution 

be not fo fpeedy, the Lords fend them Word by the 

Ulber, they fliall not need to ftay for the Anfwei, 

but will fend it by Tome cxptefs Melleager of theit 


MrS«o|cn to * Thc Lords Tievcf fend to the Ix>wer Houfe b^ 

^^^ "^ any Members of their own Houle, but either by fome 

of the learned Counfti], Mailer of Chancery, or fucb- 

like which attend the Xx>rds, and in weighty Calcs 

fome of the Judges j nor are thc Commons evcjr 

to employ^ unto the Lord», any but of their own 


CmAmd™ with « Thc Place of Conference is ufually the Paintcd'- 

Comnam. Chj,^!,^^^ where the Commons are ufually before the 

Lords come, and are to expefi their Lordfhips Licir- 

fure. The Lo^ds come in in a whale Body,.apd nqC 

fome Lords fcatter'mg before the relV, which both 

'takes from the Gravity of the Lords, and (jreveDts ti^ ' 

Place* i but they are not, at any Committee or Con- 

The Comnwm fercnce, ever to be covered, or fit down, .in the P^- 

toraei. " "* fencc of the Lords, unlefs it be fome infirm Perfuiv 

and that by Connivance, in a Corner out of Sight} ^ 

fitj but not lo be coveted. 

Commiitcc of ' 'At the Committee of Lqrds any Member gf 

^^- their Houfe, thou^ not of the Coinmitlce,'i> not 

excluded from coining in and fpcaking, but he muft 

'not voce ; alfu he {ball give Place to all that are qf 

the Committee, though of a lower Degree, atitf 

ihall fit behind them. The fame Order is alfo ol^ 

ferved at)i Conference with the Commons- 

CmfmBce, • None arc to fpeak at a Conference with the 

'Common?, but thofc of the Committee. ^ 

"^tpwa, * Whep any tliinig ihji hath been committed is re- 

'ported, all the Lords of the Committee {land up. '. ' 

Nb Stmtpr to 1 No Man is to enter either when the Houfe fiii, 

M»A*m*c^i" at any Conimittec or Conference, urlcfs it b^ 

mitKt, ' fucfa 



fadi as are oDininanil«4 to attend, but fucb as are 

Membcrii of Uie.Houfe, upon Pain of being punUbed 

fcvercly, and with Example to others. 

■~ * The Lords are to Iceep their. Dignity and Order-^, ^ q,^^ 

ia fitting as much as may be, and not remove out efin the Houft. 

their Places without juft Caufe, to the Hindcranca 

of others that fit near them, and Diforder of the 

Houfe; but when they muft needs go croTs the 

Houfe> thcy.uie to make Obeylance to the Cloth of 


* When any Lords rpeak) they addtefs tbeirSpeechspukioi In tb* 
jto the refl t^the Lords in general. .Houfe. 

. * If any Ui&rence in die Form or Stylcwriu miiUkfa. 
•of Writs from the juiticnt, it is to be examined bow 
-jit CDOies, and a ftrit^ Courfe for punilhing the Time 
;pall, and future Amendment. 

I ' It : would be refolved what Privilege NobleinenB!''i°F* t-o^'t 
and Peers have; betwixt which this Difference is to""* "°' ^'*^ 
.be obferved, that Biflx^s are Lords only of Parlia- 
-ment, but not Peers} for they are not <rf Trial by 
iNobiliiy, but Lords of Parliament. Having Privi-Fnedon fna 
.lege foe their Servants from Aneft j, it i? to be known a*™"*- 
for what Time before and after the SeHion, as like- 
'Wifewheihtr it reach to tny but menial Servants. 

* To ptevcnt Mifunderftanding, and for avoiding A''!"''/ ^ 
;of offenJlvjC Speeches when debated eithct^'*"^' 
.in the Houie or at Commiuees, it is for Honour's 

Sake thought fit, and to be ordered, that all perfonal, 
.Iharp, or taxing Speeches be forborne ^ and who- 
^foever anfwereUi another Man's Speech, Iball ap- 
,]Jy his Anfwer to. the Matter, without Wrotig to 
. the Perfon. .And as nothij^ ofFenfive is to be fpo- 
.l:xn, fo nothing is to be ill taken, if the Party that 
: fpeaks (ball prcfcntly make a fair Expqfition or dear 
'.Denial of the Words that might bear any ili Con- 

-ftn^^ipn ; and if any Ofience is given in that Kind, 
. the Houre itfelf will be very fcnTible thereof, and . 
'ibarpty ccnfure the Offender, and give the Party of- 
. fended a fit Reparation and full Satisfai^ion. 

' The Clerk is to enter no Order until theo,jj„ to b« 
. Lord-Keeper or Chancellor &xtt demand the AUcntread. 

of the Houfe ; and the Clerk is to read every Order 


a4S APPErfDI3t, 

firft in ttie Hoalk before it be tntered. ^^ Far' 
liamentHDM- 14* 1621 » /U. 22, 1693 ; Jl/«}r 20f 

turn jbrii \ * ^^^^xf*" (">« High Court of the Upper Houfif 
1(14! W Pu-Kamcnt do often find Caufe in their j^ic*' 

iwe to impole Fines, among other Punifirments^ 
upon Ofienders, (at the good Example of Jtfftice t 
uiAy to deter othen from the like O&encet, it is or* 
Atrtd and declared. That, at the 4eaft, once liitfM^ 
the End of every Scffion, the Committee for the Or- 
ders -and f^ivil«gei of the Lords* Hotife of Rulia- 
inent do acquaint the Lord* with all the Fine* that 
have been laid that Seffion ; that thereupon dwir 
LonMhipi may ufe that Power, which ibejjiiftlj 
4uve, to take off or mitigate (uch Finet, eiAcr 
wholly or in Part, according to the Meafare of ths 
Penitence or Ability of the OiFenderj or fuffcr an 
, ' to ftiuid, as in Equity their Lontfliips Oiall find -fit : 
And that, i»til every Seffion be ended, no Eftrett 
is to be made of fiicii Fines fet or impofed by Pa^ 
Itament ; nor any Copy thereof to be made by the 
Clerk, %i^Mit-fpcdaI Order, upon paUicMotum id 

' As this Court ts the higheft, ■ from ffhwwe 

For Tiwl «f oAitn ought to draw their Li^t, fo the Proceed- 

|uch ai ihaii kfings thereof fhould be moft clear and equal, asiTeU 

''j™'^' '■[^oh the one Side as the other, in finding out Ounces 

litatt. where there is juft Ground, and in affording all jud 

Means of De^ncc' to fucfa as flull be quett!<Mied ; 

therefofc, in all Cafes of Moment, the Defendant 

, fliall have Copies of all Depofitions fn et tentrs^ 

after Publit^lion, & convenient Time before the 

Hearing, to prepare tfaemfelves ; and alfo, if the 

Defendant AuU demand it of the Uoufe in due 

6oBBfel to \t Time, theyfljalt have their learned Counfel toaffift 

■dmiu^ themin their Defence. Whether they be able, by 

' reafon of Health, to anfwer in Perfon or not, fo as 

thcychufe Counfel void of Exception, and if fiidi 

Counfel Ihall refufe them, they are to be affigned as 

the Court Iball think fit. This their Lordfbips do, 

becaufe ii> all Caufes, as well Civil as Criminal and 

Capital, they bold thst all lawful Means catinot, be- 


L\ _./.,C".ooglc 


Ibre jitft Ju^geti nuke ooe.tbat b guil^ avoid Ju- 
ftiCe ; md, on the other Side, God detefid tint in- 
nocent Blood flioutd be condemned. 

* As for the calling Members to the Bar, tbeir^j^g^^ j^__ 
Lordfliips hold fie to be very well weighed at whatu tk Bu. 
Time, and iot what it dull be, and therefore Pre- 
cedents ate to be looked out and coofidcred of. 
Mij 28, 1614. 

» How far it is conceived the Privile^ of the No-p^,a^ ^ p^. 
bilitjrdodi clearly extend concerning the Fieedomiiuuenr. The 
of tbeir Servants and Followen* to all their menialcUnfe w«t ^ 
Servants and thofe of their Families, as alfo to thofe;^,'^^^^ 
employed neceflarily and properly about their Eftatcs^^M, it«i. 
' as well as Perlbns : Tlis Freedom to begin from the 
Dale of the Writ of Summons in the Beginning of 
every Puliamenr, and to continue twenty Davs be- 
fore and after every SelSsn of Parliament. All the 
Lords are to be very careful in this Point, remem- 
berii^ the Ground of this Privilege, which was^only 
in rcfpeA they fhould not be diftra^ed, by the 
Trouble of their Servants, horn attending the ferioua 
Affairs' of the Kingdom) and therefore they will 
not pervert that Privilege to the public Injufttce of 
the Kingdom, which was given them only that the 
wbole'Realm might, in this High Court, draw the 
clear Light of Ju(tice from them ; in which Cafe 
every one ought rather to go far within, than any 
Way exceed ihc due Limits. 

' Before any Pcrfon be fent for in this Kind, the 
Lord-whom he ferves (hall, either by himfelf or by 
his Letter, or by fome MeBkge, certify the Houfe, 
upon his Honour, That the Pcrfon arrelled is within 
the Limits of the Privilege before exprcfled ; and for 
the Particulars they muft be left to the Judgment of 
the Houfe, as the particular Cafes Ihall come in 
Queftion, wherein the Houfe wants not all Means, 
as well by Oath as without, to find out the true Na- 
ture of the Servant's Quality to hia Lord's Service: « 
And thereupon iF, by the Houfe, it be adju.ltred con- 
trary to the true Intent and Meaning, any Member 
'^ whatfoevcr muft not think it ftrange if, in fuchCafc, 
both be himfelf fuffcr Reproof, as the Houfe (ball 


2}t, A P, P U N -: D I X. 

think fit, and his Servant receive no Benefit by the 
Privilege, but pay the Fees ; whereas the Juftice of 
the Kingdom muft be preferred before any perfonal 
Refpefi, and none to be fpared that ihall ofTend after 
fo fair Warning. Afay i^, 1 6?.+. . 

Oith of ABe- ' AH the Lords fliali, once every Parliament, take 

giance. thc Oath ofAllegiahce. PrrOrd. Pib.2^, ibi^. 

Altaa Urai. * When the Houle is fet, as he is tQ pay that comes 
after Prayers, fo he that comes not ac all, 'and mn- 
keih not his jud Excufe, is to pay five Shilling for 
thc Poor for etery Day's Abfenc^. J&id. 
■ fttuda^ ' N« Lord fliall be capable of receiving above tWo 

Proxies, nor more tn be numbered in any Caufe, or 
Vote; and all Proxies from a Spiritual Lord fliall 
be made to a Spiiitual Lord, and from a Temporal 
Lord lo a Temporal I^rd. liiJ. 

Pnaia vacated. * If a Peer, having Leave of the King to be abfelit 
from Parliament, leaves his Proiy, and afterwards 
fits agaiti in the Houfe, his coming and fitting again 
iii the Parliament doth not determine that rroxy< 
yfl>ril2S, 1626. 

' If a Peer, having l*ave to be abfent, maltsa his 

■ Proxy, and returns, he Cannot matt a new ProJiy 

■ without new Leave, ftr Orii. /iij. 
imprlbniBat of . fhc Privilege of thc Houfe is, Th« no Lord 
^*^* of Parliament, fitting the Parliament, or within 

the ufual Time of Privileges of Parliament, is to be 
imprifoned or reflrained without Sentence or Order 
of ih? Houfe, unlefs jt be for Treafon or Felony, or 
for refufing to give Security for thc Peace, jfpril z8, 
Lerfs 10 ktef * Every Lord is to fit in his due Place when the 
their Pbc«. ii^^f^ i5 p^,j i„tQ a Committee. Per Ord. May 9, 

. 1636. 
Houfe idjoumfd « jf ;t (-g Jefired by any Lord that the 
iMo a mnut-p^j j^^^ ^ Commiticc, it oyght not to be refufed. 

TbeO^cr about < The Lords in Paliamcnt having underffood by 
t^Ix^lTZ, '^*= Loids Committees tor the Privileges of the 
Eirlof £fl,iB'^ Houfi;, that they are clearly of Opinion, the Afl of 
before divert Parliament of 31 Uinrj VIII. is moft firing and - 
V^tilJ^txtl P'^'" f°^ iciWm^ the Precedency of the Peers, ac- 
tion. Cording 


A P P E N 6 f X. i!j> 

cording to their Anttency and 'Hrnes of Creation, 
have, upon full and deliberate Hearing, and examin- 
ing the fiid ASt, in every Part, in open Houfe, ad- 
judged, and do adjudge and declare, die faid AA, 
3t iJtmj VIII. to be full and dired in the Ptnnt 
to enjoin every Peer , upon hew Creation, to have 
Place according to the Time of his Creation, and 
Date of his Letters Patent, and no otherwife i and 
cVerjr other antient Peer to hold hia Place according 
to hit Aniiquity and Crettionj and no otbecwife, 
unlcfi It be in fuch Cafes of fudi Perfoni, and in 
fuch Places as tfle fuid A& doth particularly men- 
tion : And whereases Majefty was pleafed to (end 
a gracious Mcflage to this Houfe, to let us know 
that it Was never his Intention to innovate any thing 
hi that Kind, or to win any Power contrary to Law 
or arnient Cuflom, in Matter erf placing one before 
another) but his Majefty having refolved to confer 
that Dignity on that Noble Perfon at the fame Time 
with the other then advanced, he being the lirfl in 
Quality of them, was confequently to have had the 
firft Creation t but being at that Time cafually for- 

' gotten, and his Majefty afterwards remembered of 
him, he did but affign htm that Rank which wai sc 
iirft intended, without the leaft Thought of injuring 
any in the Parliament, or ever to do tihe like for the 
future i as alfo his Majefty defired that it might pais 
for this once (n this Particular, coniidering bow old 

- a Man this Lord is, and childleTs { fo that he may 
erijoy it durir^ his Time, with this Afiiirance, 
that bis Majefty will never more occafion die like 
Difpute, but allow Degrees to be marflialled accord- 
ibg to the Statute in that Behalf. The Lords do 
give his Majefty very humble and hearty Thanks for 
bis Printtly Care to fatisfy this Houfe of hri clear 
Intention, and are contented, (the Lords particularly 
interefted- in the Precei^ency having firft given their 
Confents) that the faid Eart may hold the fame Place 
at he now ftandt entered, ^br his Life ot^ly ; and 
, diat Place of Precedency not to go to his Heirs. 
' Widi this Provl'b, That it fhatl not, in the leaft 
Degree, be brought hUo Example to pr^udice tbf , 
VtL.XKilU Z undoubted 

, L%. _...,C".oogIc 

fil' A ? P B N D I X 

un^oubcp}, Right of ih« Pm^i^ according to tb* .Adl 

Juflgmcnt pronouact^ : And wiit)i,thii fo|«ainPro* 

tcftatioo, That as |iis Maj^A/. hath been pleafed to 

proinife he wiltn^ver, in the future, leek to break 

the. f'rece4<-'>Sy MtWd according to Antiquity of 

' .CreaUon inany Sort, fq.the.Lprcis willnevQC upoQ 

^y Occafion hetc^rtcr, givewaytoany Ptcfxiaacf 

(though but for Life, or tenpporaryj: In any Point 

in^Ugningor contTadiSjngtlus juflgnient, grounded 

upon the , aforefaitl Suture, delivered upon fo greaj 

and roui>d Dd)beration and A^j^'icp, with a general 

Content^ which they have caufod to be entered and 

ioroUed, andfliall be read, at t|ie Beginning vfrro^ 

£e|liqni;itt^.(^enHai4re, ^nj^ng the Odci?. 

I-"^"*"^™ * Onjer^d, uppn the Queftipn, mm- an^ That 

u|«nNOMnr, ,j,g j^^^jiny ^f- ^l^^ Kingdom, and Locds of the 

Upper Houfe of Parliaoentv are, of anricsnt J^jght, 

in all Courts at DcfendafitSi to. anfwccupQiv Pror 

tellqtion of fionoi;r onjyj and : not upoR thecoma 

monOath. P«rQrder, M4iy,6, 1628. 

,^'p^* *Oid5rpd.Th«thpGoodsgfprjvUed6ed Pttfoni 

rriTilcgcd. takenjn (ixecution, are to be ro-deliviered audfrcpd, at 

vfcllasthfuir.Per&its, /'fr Order, May 20, i6a8. 

Lobbjr Chinbcr. < Orde^d, That nonQ but Nobleaien,.aDd tbc 

nccelTaty Attendants of nhe Houfe, are to cotne into 

the Lobby f ■ or the little C^mAtittve-Clnqibei. Prr 

OrdeN A% 2 3, 1 628, P. M. 

(^neli, Dii ' Ordered, by^dicLprds. in Parliament, for avnd- 

*r*' ■'• *■• ingof all Mifta^es, UB^indneffc*. and other Difo- 

' "* rencesi ^hich ma^ gro^v toQaarj:els, tending to tb« 

Breach (rf Peace; Thai i£-j>r}i Lord flnajl. conceive 

himlctf tQ have received apy Affront or Injury from 

any athcf Member of the Hqufp, either In the Par- 

liamtnt-Houfe, or at any Coqimitteey or in the Room 

belonging to ^e LiOrds'. Houfe. of farljanKflt, be 

{ball appeal to ijle Lord;. iD.P4rJiiment for hts Re- 

parfitiofii which if he. f^all iW do, but occafion or 

entertain Quarnelj, Reclining the Juftico of the 

Houfe, ' thet] the Lord that .Ihall be found thexein 

delinquent, Iball un4ergo the fev«re Centre of the 

Houfe ofParjiAtpeaiX »p4 ihEt thi».Qrde( be added 


,, , ' . -■ * Or- 

A P P E N- D I X. 251^ 

« Ordered, by the Lords in Parliament, TbatP~«""|«'. ^i* 
fuch Lords as (hail make Proteflatioo, or enter their fjj; "'"" S* 
DiSents to any Vote of. the Houfe, fliall make their ,' 
faid PrQteftaitton, or ffvc Dire^tioni 10 hayc theic 
PiOcnt entered into thC; Clcrlt's Bpak the next SitT 
ting-Day of the Houfe, or el [i: the faid Proteftation, 
or Uiflent, to be void and of none Effcit. swatw of the 

' Ordered, by the Lords in Parliament allcmbled,,^'^^^^),-,^,^ 
That it is the Duty of the Lord-ChancelEor or Lord-^ww 9, iMo. 
Keeper of the Great Seal of England^ ordinarily to 
, attend the Lords' Houfe of Parliament ; and that ia 
Cafe the Lord-Chancellor or Lotd-Keepcr be abfent 
-from the Houfe of Peen, and that there be none 
authorized under the Great Seal from the King to 
fupply that Place in the Houfe of Peers, the Lords 
may then chufi: their own Speaker diirii^ that Va* 

'Upon Report from the Commlttte for Privileges, ^"'"^"^ "^ 
concerning the Introdu^ion of Lord; by Dsfcentj^; ' 'Jjs*^' 
into the Houfe of Peers, it ia rcfolved, by the Lords 
Spiricuitl and Temporal in Parliament aflcmbled^ 
That all Peers of tha Realm, by Defcent, beingof 
the Age of twenty-one Years, or upwards, have 
Right to come and ^t in the Houle of Peen without 
any latrodu^Lon. Refolvedr ^f. That no fudi 
Peers ought to pay any Fee or Fees to any Herald 
upon tlieir firll comiiig into the Houfe of Peers. Re> 
folved, £tff. That noiuch Peers may or (hall be io'- 
troduced into the Houfe of Peers by any Herald, or 
with any Ceremony, though they Jball defire the 
(ame. Rcfolved, tfc That thcfe Votes be entered 
and affixed to the general Orders of the Houfe of 
peers, to prevent all Qi^efiiont or Claims of this Kind 
fof the future. 

* Upon Report from the Lords Cnmmittees for Canrtrntng &«• 
■Privileges, ibat, in Purfuance of the firft Part of*'""'°°^^ 
the Order of the ?4th of Feiruery iiiU d.teacd to ,j^: ^ *' 
the Committee, upon the reading of a Bill for |e- 
&ot'\ug Sir Cbaries 5/iib/#; in Blood, the. tirftTime, 
as thi: faid Bill began in the Houfe of Commons, 
it appearing by the Records of Parliament ihat kU 
Bills {<ti RcilituUoB in Blood ought, (bcfuie they 

Z 3 b« ' 


, »54 APPENDIX. 

be admitted and received in Parliament) upon bufn- 
blc Petition, to have his MajeAy's Allowance fdr 
preienting the f^id Bills j and that then they are to 
be proiecuted and begun iniheHoufeof Peers: Con- 
trary to which Privilege there having been Errors 
committed, by teafon of the beginning Tome Bilb of 
this Nature in the Lower Houfe, our late Sovereign, 
King yamesf was pleafed to take Notice Chercc^ 
openly, giving Admonition to both Houfei con- 
cerning our Aa, (namely, for Reftitution of Retv 
land Marriek in Blood ) that no fuch A^ of ReRi- 
tutinn, fr<Hn thcncefonh, fhould be proceeded with- 
all in Parliamentt till the fame was firft allowed and ■ 
-figned by the King, and that then it ought firfi to be- 
gin in the Higher Houfe, whereof his fad Majeftydid 
exprefaly will an Obfeivation and Remembrance to 
be made. Noiwithltanding which Rule, by reafon 
of the Interruption of the regular and parliamentary 
Proceedings, occafioned in the late tumultuous 
Times, whereby Sir Charlti Slanlty and his Counfel 
have been mi{talcen in the proper Way for bringing 
in a Bill for Reflituiion in Blood into the Parlia- 
ment, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parlia> 
ment aJTemblcd, do declate. That although they 
have been pleafed to receive the faid Bill, yet it is 
with this politive Rtfolution, That, for the future, 
no fuch At% of Reftitution fhall he proceeded with- 
all in Parliament, until the fame be ftrfl allowed and 
ligocd by the King's M^jelty, and then that it fiiitll 
fitft begin in the Houfe of Peers; and that, to this 
Purpole, the'fald Refolution of this Houfe, conform- 
able to the Orders of the 2id and 27th of May, in 
-3 Jfc. 1 606, be entered upon the Roll of the Stand- 
ing Orders of thn Houfe. 
BB^ be duly < Up-n Report made by the Lord- Chamberlain 
^»r°i'668. ^"^"* '"* Committee of the whole Houfe, cooceming 
the Bill for raifinjr 300,000/. by an Impofition on 
-Wines and other Litjuors, that in regard the faid 
Bill beit^ very long^ and confilling of many Para- 
gn^&y came from the Houfe of Commons fo near 
the Time of Adjournment, he was commanded to 
report it, a* the Opinion of the Committee, (hat it 

A P. P E N D I, X. 255 

ini^t be entered into the JeurMl of this Houfe, < 
That there may be no fuch Argument hereafter uCed 
in thitHoure (ax upon this Bill of Shortnefs of Time) 
for the pafling of Bills to precipitate the paling 
thereof} but ihit due CunfiJcration may be bert.-- 
after had, according to the Couife of Parliaments^ 
the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliainent af* 
femfilcd, agree with ihc Report mack trum the Com- 
mittee; and ordered that this Ordd- he entered on 
the Roll or the Standing Orders of this Houfe, 

* Ordered, by the I^rdi Spiritual and Temporal ^^"^^jj^* 
in Parhament iRcmbled, That if any Lord have^^^ ,),^^g,l< 
occafion to fpeak with another Lord ol thii Houfe,iiupoa Bufuuf*. 
while the-Houfc is fitting, they are to go together*''^!'''*'** 
below the Bar, or elfe the Speaker is to flop the 
Bufinefs' in Agitation ; and that this Order be ad- 
dcd to the Standing Orders of this Houfe. 

'Forasmuch as upon Writs of fc'rror return^ Piw^Jinp •>{- 
able in this High Court of Parliament, the Pariia-;;;;;;*'^'^^ 
tiient therein doth olten defire Delay of Jnff ice, r»- Snkr tX ike 
therthan to come to the Determination ol the Right Woufc, Dn. ■), 
oftheCaufci it is therefore ordered, by the Lords J^^'/'^'^-'' 
' Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament allembW, 
I'hat the Parliament, in all fuch Writs, after die 
fame and the Records be brought in, Ihall fpeedily - - 
repair to the Clerk of the Parliament, and prufecti<e 
their Writs of Error, and fatisfy the Officers of thh 
Huufe their Fees, juAly due unto ttiem by reaf n nf 
the Profccution of the faid Writs of Error and the 
Proceedings thereupon ; and further IhaTl 'UTign their 
Error within eight Days after the bringing in of fuch 
Wj-its with the Records ; and if the Plaintiff make 
De^ult fo to do, then the Clerk of the Defendant, 
if fucb Writs require it, Iball record that the- PUin- 
tifF haUi not profecuted his Writ of Error ; and that 
the Houfe doth therefore award that fuch Plaintiff 
fllall lofe his Writ, and that the Defendant fhili go 
fritboul Day, and that the Record be remitted ; and 
if any Plaintiff, in any Writ of Error, fhall alled^e 
Diminution, and pray a Ctrtiarari, tbe Clerk (ball 
enter an Award thereof accordingly ; an3 the PJDin- 
tiff may before, in hmUi ijl Erratum^ fuc forth tbe Writ 
Z 3 of 



of Certitrari in ordinary Courfe, without fpecial Pe- 
tition or Motion in this Qoure fer the fame j and if 
he ihall not profecute fuch Writs, and procure it to 
be returnable within ten Days next qfter his Plea of 
Piminutionput into this Houfe, then, unlcfs hefllcif 
coodCaufetO this Haute for the enlarging of the 
Time for the returning of fuch WrJr» 1^ fliall lofe 
the ficnefit of the fame, and the Defendant on the 
Writ of Error may proceed as if no fuch Writ of 
Ctrtierari was awarded, 
Lorii to k«p * Offered, by the Lords SfHtitua) and Temporal 
(heir pirn- u|i- in parliament aileaibled, That, after aQueflioni^ 
M vBtuig in die putj aijd the Houfe hath voted thereupon, no Lord 
"r'ifizo.- «^° depart out-of his Place until the Houfe hatli . 
cither entered upon fome other BulirMils, or upon 
Confideration of adjourning the Houfe: and that this 
Order be added to the KdJ of Standing Qrders of 
■ the Houfc. 
- • y„ ' Ordered, tff. That when a Quefilon hath bejsn 
f^^^))^^^, truly put by the Speaker, no LordU tofpeakagainffc 
■t^j; the Qufftion btfore voting ; and ih^t this ftall ba 

entered into the Roll of the Standing Orders of this 
Lerdi Mt 10 an- ' UpoR Report made this Day from the Lordi 
(w=r Accuritioni^oujiijitlecs appointed to confider of the Privi* 
'" '^naaa'. >-'p&^* °^ *^* Peers of this Realm, and Order and . 
710, i67i.Culloms of the Lords' Houfe, 6'f. to whom wai 
rrferred the Examining of what hath been the Prae* 
{ice fn foriner Timesi in the Cafes uf Lords dcfinng 
Leave to appear and anfwer ' Accufations in the 
Houfe of Commons, that their Lard&ips have 
Jearcbed and pcrufed i'recedettfs, and thercupoa 
conceive that it may deeply intrench upon the Pri- 
vileges of this Houfe, for any Lord of this Houfe to 
anfwer an Acculation in the Houfe of CommoiB, 
either in Peifon, or by fending his Anfwer in Wri- 
ting, ox by bia Coun^l there ; upon fcrious Confi- 
deration had whereof, and Perufal of the faid Prece- 
dents in thia Houfe, it is ordered, (it. That, for il» 
fijture, no Lord fltall either go down to the Houfe 
of Commons, or fend his Anfwer in Writing* or 
appear by Counfcl to anfwer any At^ufation ^rc, 

c...,, Google 

•A t * E fJ 6 i' *. 257 . 

Upon' Pe'nSJty of being committei] to the Black ftod, 
or the Tower, during the Pleafute of thisHcufe'} 
and that this Order be added to the Standing Orders , 

of thisHoufe, that tht Locda may the better take 
Notice of the fame. 

'Order«id, (Sc. That no Oath fball be impofed o^tioidw 
by any SiU, or othefwifc, upon the Peers, with a,«4y*dKPri,i. 
Penalty, incafeof Refufal, to lofc their Places and lege of Ptcnge. 
Votes in Parliament, or Liberty of Debates therein i-^' V- ''7i' 
and that this Order be added to the Standing Ordcn 
Of'ihisHoufe. ■ 

* The Lords Spiritual and Temporal^ i^c. dowitocAi to be 
dcclarp. That in all Cafes, wherein it fs jieceflary**''""^'* ^ 
to examine Witncfles in ptrpetuam Rii jMj'»«i'''»ff*^II^ ^" hwi 
it (ball not be taken to be a Breach of the PrivilegeBmch of prm< 
of Parliament to file a Bill againlt a Peer in Time''!*' J"!* I" 
df ParKameht, and toulceout ufual Procefsforthat' ' ' 
Furpofe only ; and Aiat this Declaration be added 
to the Rbll of Standing Orders. 

- » Ordered, fJfc. That all Perfons who (hall have,.i„ B„ity 
aqy Writs of Error, or PetitiorM of Appeal fromVor brii^E in 
any Court of Equity, to be exhibited to this Houfc,"™"" "^ f"" 
(To bring thfeir faid Writs of Error, and prefent tbei?^^,'J^,;'^,. 
Petitions within fourteen Days, to be accounted 
from and after the firft Day of every Seflion ot 
Meting of Parliament, after a Receft j after which 
Time the Lords do declare they will, during every 
fuch'Sjtttng, receive no Writ of Error, or Petition 
«f Appeal, unlefs upon a Judgment given in any of 
bis MajeHy's Courts of Judicature, or Decrees had 
in any of the CburtB of Equity, wHiift the Parlia- 
ment is actually fitting; in which Cafes, the Party 
who ihail' find hitnfelf s^ricved may bring his 
Writ of Error, or Petition of Appeal, within four- 
teen Days after fuch Judgment or Decree is given ; 
and that this Order be added to the Standing Utder? 
of the Houfe of Peers, andlikewife publifhed in Print, 
to the £[)d that all PcrTons concerned may take 
Notice thereof) and obfeive it accordingly.' 

" . Z4 The 




The foregwng bdng the RemetnbFances, igc. of, 
the Heuft of Ltrds, is taken from a Folio mifcel- 
Imeous MS. in Dr^ Z. Greys Colle£tion } and the. 
following, rctiiive to the Rules, Orders, i^e. of the 
Htufi if Cammmtf is from a printed Book, intituled, 

Obdehs, St ANDiKG Orders, dWResolotions 
tftht Han.MovtlifCotayioitit relating U their 
Forms «/* Proceeding, Privileges, tgc, 
Ceileiled eut af the Journals, ani/ digefttdun- 
dertbtir/evtral Heads; printed in tbefear J747." 

The Original Preface. 

/F it it reaftnabU ta wander that this Manual 
was never fuhlijhtd before, it will be fo much ibt 
ieji tieleffarf to aptlogtxe for fublifiting it now : Ani^ 
jurtlj, if it appears^ that not only all who have SeaU, 
in Partiament^ or wbt are in « Capatity to fit, or 
who have Bufinsfs to tranfaH there, km the whaU. 
People in general are intertfted in the Rules and Qr^ 
iers of tbtir Reprefeniativet, it will not be difpUed. 
thai they ought te it acquainted with tbem \ and tbt. 
Pirfitni will rather deferve their Thanks than Cen-, 
fure, who put it in tbeir Power to hife. . 

Nowt barely to read tbenti it to be convince^ of. 
tbii i for ibey will be found te reach to olmafi all .Orm 
Jertof Men, either mediately or immediate^, from tht 
Judge to the Bali§'s FolUwer^ andfrem the Peti- 
tioier at the Bar to the Footman en the Slgirt^ 
etrd the Vagrant in the Street: And it it fit for 
thcfi without Doors to refeG, with a due Mix- 
ture of RtVirevce and Allentiony that ibe H^erd Pri- 
vilege is teeome as facrtd as the Word Law ; fini 
that Ignorance may bo held at infufficient a Plea^ its 
Cafe of an Qffente^ egoinfl the one at the other. 
' Then for thaje within, if we mayprefume tofpeai 
tf tbem at all, it can ftarct be fa'idy that they ar^ 
qualified for the Truft repafed in tbem, till tbty art 
acquainted, in fame Degree, with tbt Meibaai tm 
tohith it it to be difcharged : And this it a inawm 
Truib, Jbat Men ofvefyjleadtr Parts, by render- 



A P P E N D } X. 859 

I'Hf thtmfihfs therougb Mafltrt ef tbt Fortni ef tii 
H'ivf't havt madt ihtmfthis etn/idirahU^ havt fatf 
eitd ihtmfihit /» bi mare fa ; end, by the mtrt Dint 
of calling t» Order, andqueiing Jeurnalf and Prtet' . 
dealt, have fatiutimei dtfeated Argumintt they etuld 
rat a»/teer, and triumphed tvir 'TuUnts end abiiititt 
that infinitely ira-'fcended their tv/n ; v/bieh ii oilthat 
Kted bt /aid te recammend a Stitdy, hltherta, tirhapt, 
Ua much nagleSed \ and ia juftify a Publicjttan, that 
eavU never be mtre feafinable, than vjhm Jo manj 

nevi Membtrtarejuji entering intatbt Savite af their 


OKDiKi«/'i£fHoDsBs/ Commons. 

Junt tOt 1 604. 
* * GREED for Order, upon Occafion of aortmofDwwi. 
i\ Speech Mttered by L Lewis L, That whotu cy iM nehatiMt 
«ver hii&tb, or difturbnh any Man in his Speech,'"*^ **"•*• 
fhall anfwcr it at the Bar, ai a Bieach of Order^ 
tnd Conteoipt <^ the Houfe. 

^Aiayy, 1607* Ordered upon the Qiieftion, That, 
in going forth, no Man fhouU flir until Mr, Speaker 
do rife and go before^' and then all the itQ QtuulJ 
follow after him. 

* Atarc/n), 162$, I Car. Ordeicd, That lii'nc 
Ihall go out ol the Houfe, when it rifcth, before 
Mr. ^waiter. 

* March I J, 1625, I Car. Ordered, That no 
Man fliall go out from the grand Committee before 
the Speaicer talce his Chair again, and fd the HouTe 
rife in the ufual Order. 

' May 17, 1614. Ordered, That wbolbevcr fland- 
eth in the ^utry pay 1 2 d. prel^tly to the Serjeant. 

' Revived AA. 6and9|i ibii.— Feb. 2^ 1625. 
yan. 15, 164 1, — Det. 14, 1660, and ^unf 7, 1661. 

* Feb. J 5, 1620. The Speaker told. That he was 
too courteoui, for that he put uff his Hal too ofteu % 
he {bould not move it until the third Cungre. 

* Ntv. iiS, 1630. Ordered, upon the QiieAion, 
That all thofe who difturb the Houfe, h^ ruQiing 
iDto the Entry betore Mr. Speaker, at tbc Rifing of 
the Houfe, fluU be called to tfac Bar. 

* Aiartb 


s6o A P P E if b I X. 

* March 26, 1627, 4 Car. Ordered, That «T1 who 
. fland in the Entry, or go out diforderly before the 

Speaker, fliall pay 12^. a-plece to ihe Serjeant, 
aiid fo likewife at the grand Committee, whe.i the 
Houfe (itteth. 

• Revived Jwtf 14, 7*«. 20, and />i. ,9, 1627; 
and Ffi. t6, 1643. 

' AW. 12, 1640, P. M: Ordered, That whofo- 
everfhallgoforthoftheHoufein aconfufed Manner, 
before Mr. Speaker, (hall forfeit io>. andthacthe- > 
Reporters might go iirfl to take riieV Places. 

' Nev. 25, 1640. Ordered, That when any MeF- 
fage is to go up to the Lords^ none Oiall go out of 
' the Houfe before the MefTcngers. 

*.Dtc, 4, 1640. Ordered, That svhofocver does 
not take his Place when he comes into the Houfe, 
or removes out of his Place,' to the Oiftbrbancc of 
the Houfe, {hall pay 12 1^. to be divided between' 
die Seijeaht and ihePoOr ; and whofocver fpcakeA' 
fo loud in the Houfe, when any Bill or other Mat-- 
ttr is reading, as to difturb the Houfe, Aall pay 
^ the like Forfeiture. 

• Maji, 1641. Rcfolvcd; That If any Man flwH 
whifpcr, or llir out of his Place, tothe Diftuibancc" 
di the Houf^, at any Mefiagc or"^Bufinefs of Impor- 
tance, Mr. Speaker is ordered to prefent his Name 
to the Boul^, for the Houfe to proceed agatnft him 
as they fliall think fit. * 

'WW. 17, 1641. Ordered, That the Serjeant 

(hall defire the Gentlemen Members of the Houfe; 

to take their Places when they come into the Houle, 

• and not (o (lop up the I^flage in die Time of 

Prayers. " - . - 

' Dk. 14, 1641. Ordered, That the Member* 
of the Houfe that are goneirp to the Lords now be* 
fore Mr. Speaker, Oiall pay their 5 t. a-piecc. 

* Fth. 17, 164^. Ordered, That no Member do 
prefume to go over the Seats, i^r crofs the Houfci 
CO the Difturbance of the Houfe, or read any print- 
ed Book In the Houfe i and that fuch Member aa 
fiiall fo oSend, fluirpay \%d, to die Box for the 
Ufe of the Poor. 

* **?«» 

. U.0.1Z..J.: Google 


'_. •S*^. 19,1656. Agresdior^Rule, ThatwhiBt 
any Stranger is in the Houfe, na Member ought to 
ftir out of'hte Place, tior {pak unto uiotbcn 
, • Jutui, i66i. Ordered, That whcnToever the 
Houfe i« to life, ever)' Member keep hit Seat t\\V 
the Speaker go out, attd tbia every one in ttieir 
Courfe orderly as tbey fit, and not ortrthe Forms. 

< Prdered, That aU Tuch of the Alembert of thia 
{foufe as climb over their Seats ihaU pay i-zd. tOt 
the SeiieaBt atten<Kngthi$ Houfe. 

< FirhjSt 1661. Ordered, That all Members of 
this Honfe, that (ball internipt the HoqTc in Debates, 
^y piivatc.DifcourJe, be caBod to the Bar, 

, ' Jan. aa, 1693. To the End that all Debate* of 
fhis" Houfe Ibould be grave and orderly, as becomes 
fi» great an Aficmbly, andthatsO IntCFrup^ns fttaR 
be prevented by it, ordeicf 'and <)echiecl. That 
no Member of this Houft do prerume to malce 
9ny Noife or Difturbance, whilft any Member flialt 
be orderly debstiiig, or whilft any Bit), Order, 
or other Mattet, ftall be reaiTing or opchii^ ; and' 
in cafe of any Noife or Dijlurbance, ttrat Mr. 
Spe;^et do call upon the Member, by Name, 
making Tucb Difturbance ; qnd ihzt every fudi 
Perfon fliall incur the DiQilearure and Ceidure d* 
this Houfe, 

^-Marehi^y 1693. Ordered, That -no Memljcr 
p{ the Houfe do proiune' to talce Tobacco in the 
Gallery of the Houfe. 

' Ordered, That no Member of the Houfe do 
prefiune to talce Tobacco at the Table, fitting at 

' Fti, 10, 1698. Ordered, Tb^ every Member of 
this Houfe, when he comes into the Houfe, do take 
his Place, and not Aand in the Pafiage at he comes ii) 
or goesou^r, orUt or fland in any of the FafTages to 
the Seats, or in the Paflage behind the Chair, oj 
dfewhere that is not a proper Place. 

* Revived Ftt. 15, 1710. 


262 A P. P END I- X, 

Orien fcr tfce • *fan. J, i64o. It was ordered as a cnnfi'ant Rule,. 

^cTif'^d*'""'^''- Speaker U not to go to his Chair till ibire 

■djoanuBf tlw be at leaft forty in the Houfc. 

Hoofe, MdVi> « April X, 1641. Ordered, That whereas, amoiig 

^S %^^* *** Commiffioners Names for the Counties of Oxtn 
' * and GlncefitT^ and the City of Glw^epr, Mr. Speaker 
» oii\y mmed ff^liiam LtKibaU, Eiq- it is now ordery 
cd, that it Ihould be exprefled miUam Lmhail^ Efy. 
Spt0ieraf iluWu/it/ CgmmtiUr3M6tba.t be he Tznk- 
ed ii) the lirft Place. 

*Z)«.,i9, 1678. Reruived, That Mr. Speaker 
{ball not at any Time adjourn the Houfe, without a 
Quefiion ikft put, if it be inftfied 0.1. 

' Rcfolved, That this Refolution be entered in the 
yaurmt, as a Standing Order of this Houle. 

^ Jjiril 12^ 1679. P.M. Refdved, t^e. That 
it be a Standiag Order ^ the Houfc, that, from 
henceforth, upon any Vacancy of (he Chair, no Mo- 
tion be made for chufing of a new Speaker till after 
Eleven o'CIock. 

* Mar<h 20, 1728. Ordered, That, for the future 
when any Letter or Packet, direfied to this Hooft-^ 
fhall come to Mr. Speaker, be do c^n- the fame, 
arvd acquaint the Houfc at their next Sitting with the 
Cot)ient> thereof, if proper to be comaauiiicajLcd to 
the Houfe. . 

Orden wocWng • />J. aj, xf>-i% %\ Joe. Agreed there be a gene- 

»^ "^ ral Warrant to Mr. Speaker, to make Warrants for 

new Writs, in cafe ot* Death or double Rrturnt. 

, ■ ' Fib. 25, 1623. Ordered upon theQuefitnn, That 

all Petitions, about ElciSions and Returns, fhalt be 

frefented to the Committee of Privileges within a 
'ortntght from this Da^, or clfe to be filenced for 
this Si-ffion. 

* March 5, \&21' Ordered, upnn the Qucfliin, 
That all Affidavits taken in any Court concerning 
Elections, Rciurns, or any Thihg^pendmg there- 
upon, bereji-dled, and not ufed hereaf'er. 

' Fek. 15, 1625. All Petitions touching EleA^ons 
to be preferred within fourteen Days after the Re- 



A P P E N I 3f. 263 

■Ai. 18, 1615. Ali Petitions conccTtiing Elec- 
tions pad to be dcKvered in hefoie TburfdofFoit- 
ni^tj ind'for other Eledioni to be nude faeteafter* 
a Fortnight after their Return. 
■ * Martb 30, 1616. J Car, Ordered, ThM War- 
rants do ifliie under Mr. Speaker's Hand to die 
Clerk of the Crown, for Writs for new Eledions, 
in the Room of the feveral Places waved j and a 
general Warrant to Mt. Speaker, without fiirthor 
Motion, to make Warrants to the Ckrk of the 
Crown, for new Writs upon Elefiions of any odier 
double Return, or upon any Race to grow void by 
Death daring this Parliament, 

*^Jan. 30, .1626. 4. Car, Ordered, That a gcne<- 
ral Warrant be made to Mr. Spe^er, upon Deaths, 
to make Warrants for new Elections, mthout Mo- 
tion, as in other Cafes upon Ele^ions. 

* It is upon the Quellion ordered. That all who 
are doubly returned Iball make th^ir £le£lion {ck 
which Place they nlll lerve, upon, ot before^ this 
Day Se'nnighr. 

* It b this Day ordered upon the QueftKn, That all 
fuch as will queftion any £le£lion already returned, 
fiiall do the ^me by Petition, to be delivered to the 
Committee of Privileges, within fourteen Days next 
'following, attd forthofe Elections hereaiter to ber»> 
turned, within fourteen Days after the Return thereof. 

' Revived AW. 16, 1640. ^fprilit, 1660. 

* March 28, 1627, 4 Car. Every one that it 
doubly returned to niake his Elefiion now, in the 

, Houfe, or elfe the Houfe to make EteAion for him. 

' Jfril 16, 1640. Ordered^ That they that are 
by more Indentures than ufual returned, . lb all with- 
draw tbemfelves from fitting in the Houfe, till the 
Committee for Privileges have further wdered it, and 
the Committee be defited to expedite their Bufinels. 

' Mv. 6, 1640. This Committee is appointed 
to examine and confidcr all Queftions to grow and 
arife this P^idiament, itbout Eledions and Returns, 
and other Privileges of the Houfe; and to report 
their Opinions and Proceedings therein to the Houf*; 
'ud have Power to fend for Kecordi, WitncSe*, 


2i4 A' Fi I^ E N 13 I 35. 

Ktut Parties, an^ tp hear Counfd ; and are fat Ah 
Purine to olect ihit Afternoon, and aftWfiwds ever 
n Saturdajh ^u^^j aad Tiur/d^^ in die Star-* 
Chamber, after Dinner. 

*0'J^iii^TbM. ^o^ Petitkuu this Diy deliver-* 

- cd- into the Houfe, concerning Elet^ons, fliall b^ 

bundled up, aj)d. delivered to the Committee of Prtvi* 

ieget, and they to con£der which of them to fall ia 


* Nn. 10, (£40. Moved) that fuch whoje £!«:■>■ 

tiioaa ate queflipfied, and are doublv returned, ihatt 

be ncen^Ked from making, thejr v>9>c<^ for which 

, Place they will fcrve till their EleSiona be deter- . 


' Die. 10, 1 64 1. Wfaereu the Houfe of Coqi« 
mDna has received Infprmation, tjaat Letters from 
Feere are diicdcd to Boroughs, that are noW to makf 
Ele£timis for Members to fcrve in this Parliament { 
they coiKCive that all Lettcn in that Nature, froqi 
any Peers of this Realm, do necellarily tend to tlv 
, Violation of the Frivilege of Parliament, .and die 

Freedom of Election of Members that oug^t to ftrve 
in the Houfe of Commons ; and do declare, .Thatj 
notwithfl^nding liicfa Letters, all Perfons to whom 
Ele^ion of Knights and Burgefles do belpnK, ovg^t 
(p proceed to tkeir Elei^ions with that Freedon}, 
which, by the Laws of the Re^lm, and bj; Righfa 
they ou^t to do; and do ex[>e£l that» if aiiy fuch 
Letters, from any Peers of the Realm, Ihall here' 
.after, be fent untd iheait thC; Parties receiving tbe 
fame certify the Contents thereof,, and bring tins 
Letters themfelves to the Speaker of the Houfe of 
- Commons. 

' Ref9lved> That theKni^ds, Citizens, Burgefles, 
and Barons of tlM Cinque ;P(»'ts, ihall fend Copies oS 
this Order to the feveral Counties, Citiesj Borough), 
.and Cinque Ports refpcflively. 
_ , ' Nev. 17, 1645. Rcfolvcd, e?c That this Houfc 
df^tl dfdare and order. That alt Elc^ons of any 
Knightt' Citizen, or Burgcfs to ferve in Parliament, 
be made without Intcrr«[Kion or MpIeSadon by any 
4 . Cun^ 


.(^QiliDWiila'i Governor, O^cer, or&ldieF, that bath 
not, in the County, City, or Borough reipeftively, 
Ht^t of eloiling ; and that this Order be fcnt to 
Jtdniii'tg at the next Eledion ; aiid> it Is further «• 
dcred, that printed. , 

* Stpl. 5, 1654. Hefoivcd, That qo Petitioa 
againft an Eledlion of fuch Members as are alreadf 
r«Citrnecj for England or SettUnd^ thai! be icceivea , 
by the Committee of Privileges after three Weeks 
f(om,this Pay. r 

* Ft^. I, 1657. Refolved, That in ail Cafes of 
double Retur^ns, or more for one and the fame Place* 
none that are To jeturned, unlefs they be named in 
both, or all the Returns, do fit'uotil the Houfe have 
kt& determined tpuching the laid Returns or Elec- 

* Refolved, That the Committee of Privileges do 
examine and determine Elections upon double Re- 
turiQ, or more, in the firfl Place, and report the Isune 
to the Houfe with all the Speed that ma^ be. 

* April 2^ i6do. Refolved, ^f. That all Mem- 
beis upon double Returns do forbear to lit, till the 
Point of double I^eturns be dcteimined, unJefs they feveral Indentures;' and fuch who are 
t^turned in thefeveral Indentures may fit. 

, ' The fame Miy,ii, it6i- Mairek 18, ifi^S. 
The fame every Seffion. 

* Refolved,' i^c. TYaX. the Committeehave Power 
to examiqe and confider all Queftions, which IhaB 
^ow and arife this Parliament about £le^on» and 
^turns, and other Privileges,, and <o acquaint tlu; 
Houf? with their Proceedings from Time to Time; 
and all tha double Returns to be firft taken into 
ConGdetaiion, and reported to the Houfe ; and thejr 
ate tomeet in the Exchequer Chamber this Affer- 
^noon at Two o'Clock, and every Tut/da^, Thurfiajy 
Knd Saturday in the Afternoon, with Power to fen4 
for Perfons, Papers, Writings, and Records, and 

. vvhat elfe may conduce to the &u(ine&. 
; _ ' May 26, 1660. Ordered, That the Members 
of this Houfe, who are doubly elei^ed, and neither of 
dieii Elet^ions queflioned, do make thetr Ele^ions 
.->..• t.y 


s«6 A P P E N D I X. 

hf 'finirfiaj next, or» in Oe&ult thereof, the Houfe 
to clefl for dicm. 

■ "July 20, 1660. This Hoafc doth declare it to 
be 3 fundamental Order of this Houfe, that the pro- 
per Officer (except only in Cafes of Impoiency or 
^klc^cfs} ought to amend in the Houle all Returns 
of Eleftions, where, upon an Error committed in 
the Return, the Houfe iball fee Caufe to order an 

*Maj II, 1661. Refolved, That this Committee 
do meet thii Afternoon at Two o'Clock in the Ex- 
chequer Chamber, and evety TuifJay^ Tburflaj, and . 
Soturdoy at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, in the 
Place bt fore -mentioned, and do take Into ConAdera- 
tion all fuch Matteis as (hall or may come in Queftion, 
touching Returns, Ele^ions, and Privileges, li>d to 
proceed upon double Returni in the iitft Place, and 
to report their Procedings (o the Houfe. 

* And all Peifons that will queflion double Retumt 
already made, are to do it in fourteen Days next, and 
fo in fourteen Days after any new Retgtn fhalf b^ 
brought in; and ihe Committee Is to have Power to 
receive Petitions, and to fend for Witnellcs, Papers^ 
and Records, for their Information, and to mvke Re- 
port of any MaUer which fball concern Breach of 
Privilege ; and all Metnbei's that areteturned, for two 
or more Places, are to make their Eleftions, by this 
, T5ay three Weeks, for which Place they will feive, 
provided there be no Qucftion upon the Return for 
that Place ; and if any Thing {halt come in Qucfiion 
■ touching the Re:urn, or Matter of Privilege, of any 
Member of this Committee ; fuch Member is to vnth- 
draw from the Committee, during the Time the 
'Mutttr which concerns himfelf is in I>ebale. 

* This Order revived every Seffion. 

* May 31, 1661. Ordered, That fuch Perfoni » 
have exhibited Petitions to the Committee of Privi- 
leges and EtcStons, without fubfcribing their Names 
thereto, have Leave to fubfcribc their Names to the 
faid Petitions, and that the Comminee do acccpc 
thereof, though the Tinw limited fur exhibiting Pe- ' 
titiont be elapfed. 


APPErlDix. 267 

- * Nn. 22, 1 66s. Refolved, Thar, for the ftihire. 
When atty Writ HaW be ddivcnid for a new Ele^on 
lof any Member to ferve in Parliament, the Party that 
idoth rective the Writ fball deliver, or caufe the fame 
In be foithwith fent ind delivered, to tlie proper Of- 
ficer of the Place for the Ele^oa to be made. 

^.j/prii 301 1662. Refolved, That this Houfe ' 
idotfa a^fx with the Committee, Tliat Notice of all 
EleSions of M^inbers, to ferve for Shire Towna in 
^tiiir^ .aaght to be given to the Out-Corporadom and 
Boroughs in fuch Shire. 

* Martib 3dt 1668. Refolved, That this Hc»ile 
AoUx dcHare, That there is <no Fee due for Orders 
ttr Writs of Ele^ions u^ the Adiniffion of Mem- 
bers into the Houfe. 

, » JaK, 18, idyo. Inforfoalion being pven to the 
Houfe ofia Endeavour to.forcHall a free EteSion, 
by iHi^oig oltt Papers in the Nature of Warrants to 
^^^nga^e the Country before any Writ iflliing, and 
. ficveral of the faid Papers being delivered in at the 
Table,' and beings upon the QueAion, ordered to 
M read ; and being read accordingly) fefblved> i^c. 
That the fending of Warrants* or Letters in the 
feature of Warrants, or Letters to High-Confla*< 
bks, or other Ele£to>s, ^enaKnight of the Shire, 
^ otitcr MembcTv is to be chofcn to ferve in Par- 
liamettt, (» threatening in the Ele^tors^ is unpar- 
iiamentary, and a Violation of the Rigba of 

• Jprit 13, i6js. Ordered, That Mr. Speaker 
4o give Order to the Cleric of the Crown to take 
Care tt»t the Writs for Elections of new Member* 
be deliver'ed lio'ihe Sheriff, or proper 0£cer> 

'^ril.2, 16771 Refolved, 5tfr. TTiat if atiy 
Wribn hereafter to be ele&ed into s Place for to fit 
antl ferve in the Houfe of Commons for any County, 
City, Town, Port^ or Borough, after the Teft, ot 
ihe iiluingout ofthe Writ or Writs of Elei£lion, up- 
on the calling or fummoning of any Parliaments , 
hereafter, or after any fuih Place bea>mei vacant 
-lierealter, in the Time of Parliament, fliall, by him- 
iclf, or by any other on bis Behalf, at his Charge, 
., Vot.XXm. A a M 



or at any Pcrfon or Perfons, having Voice m any 
fuch Election, any Meat, Drink, exceeding in tbe 
true Value Ten-pence in the whole, in any Place, 
or Places, but in bis own DwciKng-Houfc or Ha- 
bitation, being the ufual Place of bis Abode for five ' 
Months laft paft,; or before fuch Elci9ion.bcniade, 
or declared, make any other PrefenC, Gift, or Re- 
ward, or any Promife, Obligation, or Engagement 
to do ibe Tame, either to any fuch Perfon, or Per- 
fons, in particular, or to any fuch Counqr, City, 
Town; Port, or Borough, in general, or to and for 
ihe Ufe and Benefit of them, or any of rhem, every 
fuch Entertainment, Prefent, Gift or Pfomife, Obli- . 
gation or Engagement, is, ' by this Houfe, declared 
to be Bribery ; and fuch Enteruinment, Prefent, 
Gift, Reward, Promife, Obligation, or Engagement, 
beingduly proved, island (hall bei afufficient Ground, 
Caufe, and Matter, to make every fuch EleSion 
void, as to the Perfon fo olFcnding, and to render 
the Perfon foeleded incapable to m in Parliament 
by fuch Ele£lion ; and hereof the Committeeof Elec- - 
tions and Privileges is appointed to take efpccial No- 
tice and Care to a& and determine Matters coming 
before them accordingly. 

« Refolved, Wr. That the (aid Order againftttt- 
celEvc Drinking at Ele^ions be a further Inftrudtm 
to the Committee of Elcflions ; and that it be, from 
Time to Time, entered amongft the izonflant and 
ftanding Powers and Inftrudiions given by the Houfe 
of Commons to the faid Committee. 

( Continued a Standing Order Mty 23, 1678, mt 
Gifehtrii, 1678. 

* March 19, 1678. The Houfe taking Notice of 
federal Complaints in the Petitions this Day read, of 
divers MifUemeanors and undue Prances of She* 
Kiffs, Mayors, Bailifi^, and other O^ets, in the 
Eleflions and Returns of Members to fcrve in Par- 
liament, ordered, rhat it bean InKru^onto the Com- 
mittee of Privileges and Elections, That they do ex* 
amine, and make a fpecial Report of all Mifcarri. 
agesand undue PraSicet in Sherifis, Mayors, BailtA^ 
Mother Officers concernedia the letunung of Mem* 
5 ^'^ 



bct-k eledetl to (erve in Pailiamcnt, asli)£ewtfe of all 
undue Praaiccs, Letters^ PrOmifcs^ Threats, or 
OppreSons i> any Elcaiorts, 

' O&tbeni, 1678. Ordercdi That Mr. Speaker 
be defired to give Notice to the Clerk of the CroWa 
to take Care that the Writs, fir the new Elcflions> 
be delivered to the HandB of the Shdriif; ot the re- 
rpedlive Countks, and that the (ioufe do expef) an 
Account hereof. - 

* Majl-j, t67g. Ordered^ That thcChairmart 
^of the Committee of Privileges and Eleaions do 

make a fpeciai Rt^port of theMifcarriagesofSh^riti^, 
and other Officers concerned m the Retufn of Mem" 
bcrs to ferve in Patliament, as well as in the Elec* 
tiona that have been alKad)' examined by the tAid 
Committee, as fhall hereafter coine befoie them. 

^May 22, 1681. I Jac. H. Ordered, Th.t all 
Members returned uponduuble Returns do wiihdraV/ 
till their RcturiM be determined. 

* Ordered, That the Houfe do proceed upon 
double Returns, in the firft Place, before any other 
controverted Eleaions. 

' Ordered, That all Members, who are returned 
for two or more Places (except fuch Members as are 
' beyond Sea) do make their Eleflioni in fcven Days * 
next after for which of the PIjccs they will ferwe, 
provided there be no Quellion upon the Return fof 
fu<A Place*, 

♦Revived Nav. 22, 1708. 7 'tnna. 
■ * Jmiu 2, i68v Refolved, That no Mayorcm 
4uly return himfelf a Burgefs to ferve in Parlianient 
for thefame Borough of which he is Mayof at thd 
Tune of the Eleaion. 

* Refolved, That no Mayor, Bailiff,- or other 
Officer, to whom he Precept ought to be ditefledt 
is capable of being de<dedtf>lerve in ParKarnent for 
•the fame Borough of- Which he is Mayer, Bailiff, 
or Officer, at the timtrof the Eleaion.. 

:*ya«. 13, 1688. R'cflilvi^d, Thjt where any Va- 

'Cancies have h^i|*e[i'il, or fljall hereafter- hap* 

' pen, by Death, or RemOvitI of any Member or double 

-Retutn^Mi'Spvdkef do, forthe luture, upOiiMutioa 

Aaa to 


tjo A P p £ rJ o I X. 

to thii Houfc, by his Letter, mi^e Application M 
bis Highnefi the Prince ofOrangi, defiring him to ifliie 
out hii Letter, dire^ed to the lefpe&'we Coroner, or 
Coroners, ot Chief Magiftrate, (as formerly) forfup- 
' plying fuch Vacancies by elc£Ling other Member* 

' Jan. 23, 1688. The Houfe being informed 
that it was an antient Order and Cuftoin of the 
' Huufe, that) upon new Members coming into th« 
Houfe, ihey be introduced to the Table betweeo two 
Members, and make their Obcifance as they go up^ 
that they ^ay be the better known to the HoulCt te> 
fblvcd. That the faid Order and Ciiftom be, for the 
future^ obferved. 

* 7«a. 28,. 1688. Ordered, That the Chairman 
of the Committee of Piivileges be impowcred to re- 
ceive Petitioni concerning Elediona of Memben to 
ferve in this prefcnt Convention, and that thfe Peti- 
tions be numbered ai they come in, and heard ift 
Cotufcy ai the fame {hall be brought in to t)K Ccho- 

' Jpril 12,. 1690. Refolved, Tliat after aiRetum 
is nude into the Crown-Office of Members to ferve 
in Parliament, the fame fhall not be altered by the 
.Sheriffs, or the Qerk of the Crown, or t^ any other 
but by this Houfc. 

^ April 20t 1690- Refolved, That Quaken hav- 
ing a Freehold, and rcfufuig to take the Oaths wheR 
tendered by the ShcriS*, are incapable of giving their 
Votes for Kiughts of the Shire for that Rcafoo. 

*yan. 12, i<$93- Ordered aitd declared, Thatthe 
Hearing upon Petitions concerning the Elc^ons, 
before the Committee of Etedions and Privileges, be 
Jieard iq Priority and Courfe, ai (hey are fet dowo« 
' and appcHnted to be heard by the faid Committee. 

' Fit, 12, 1693. Evidence admitted to unquali^ 
Freeholden, who had fworn (hemfctvcs fuch at Ciua- 
iritig* County Ele^ion. 

' ii>«f . 7, 1 694. A Complunt being made to'dM 

I^oufe, That the Writ for elediag of a Knight t» 

ferve in this prefent Parliament, for the Counn of 

CanSjvn, was not delivered to the Sheriffs, refolved, 




That all Writs, for elefiing of Members to ferve 
in Pailiament, be Immediately fent to ihc proper 
Officer for £xecution thereof wiih all convenient 

* Dit. 7, 1695. Declared, That, in cafeof double 
Returns, any Patty To returned may (within fourteen 
Ddys after the Mutter, touching the Return, be de- 
termined) petition as to the Merits of Eleflion. 

. *5'«i. 16, 1695. Rcfolvtd, That the Houfc doth * 
uree with the Committee in the Refolution, that 
Evidence ought not to be admiued to difc^ualify an 
Elector aa no Freeholder, who, at the Elp^icm, Iwure 
jiimfelf to be a Freehotder^— ^-5«rT)> and Htrtftrd 

' Niv. 2Si 169s- Orderedt'Thatit beanlnllnic- 
tlon to the Ci^mnilttce, that they io admit but two 
Counfcl of a Side to be heard in any Caufe before 

* Revived 0^. i£, 1^96 i, Dtt. 13, 16981 and 
fin>. 1^, ]699. - 

*■ Afienyaids added, [upon the Matter of centra- 
Krted Ele^ionsJ Mo- 22, 1708. 

* i>«. aj, 1698, RefoKed^ W«"/iw Gb/tjiAV/w/*, 
That no Alien, (nof being a Denizen or naturalized) 
.hath any Right to yotp in £}e^ioDS of Members ta 
|i:rve in Parlijtment, 

■ >^«». 24,1698. Ordered, That the Committeeof 
Pihnl^es aiid ElcQions be impowercd, from Time tp 
Time, to alter,' in Courfe, the pays of Hearing the faijl 
Caufet, af they (ball h*Ppen to be poftponed. 

* Dtc. 21, 1^99. Kefolved, TIfat It is the Opi- 
nion of thu pompiittee, that if any Perfon, having 
a Right to vote fpr tvp ^embers tq fcrve in Parlia- 
ment, (ball g^'ve a fingle Vote, fuch Perfon hath no 
Right to come aftprvard^ snd give his fecofid VoM 
durii^ the (aid £Ie£)iot). 

'■Dte. 14, 1699. Reft^ved, tftmitfi CentreSenlft 
That no Peer of this Kingdom hath any Right to 
^ve his Vote in the £lefiio|i of aqy Member to ferve 
in Parliament. 

* Revived Niv. 9, 17P3 ; ^ou, 22, 1708 { and 
pveiT SelBon (vice. 

A a 3 • M 



* ffi. l3,,I7CCj 12 GW. Ilf. Refolved, iiimine 
pi/itradicenU, That wheie the Houft (hall judge 

I any Petition touching the Elections to' be frivolous 
and vexatiou!', the Houfc will order Satisfadtion to 
be made to the fcrfon petitioned ^gainft. 

* RelolvcJ, Ntinint Contradic/Mtt, That iff ca(p 
jtfliall appear any Perfon hath pn.icured himfelf to 

, beeleflcJor retutiued as a Memlier of thisfjoure, 

pr endeavoured fo to be, by bribery, .or .any oihef 
fOrropt Praflices, this Houfe will proceed with the 
uiipofl Severity againft fuch Perftjii. 
. ' Revived^very Seflion fmce. ' 

^ Fib. 15, 170D, 3 (jk/, ni. R'cftilvtdi ■ A'i'/iwff/r 
Contra^ctntfy That for any Peer of this Kingdom, 
or any Lord-rLieuttnam of any County, to concern 
thcmfelvesip the KktSion of Members tofervcfo|r 
the Commons in Pailiament, is a high Infringement 
pf the Liberties and Privileges of fhc Cotnmpns of 

f Afteiwitii o( GrMl-Britahf Nav.ii, I7p8. 
" "* Ftb. ai, 1700. Refolvcti, That if it fiiall ap- 
pear that aoy Herfon haih tampered with afly Wit- 
'tie'fs, in refpefl of thci/ Evidence to be given to tl^JS 
Houfe, or any Cooimittce ihereof, or, diredly or in- 
'dircflly, endeavoured tode.cror hinder any Perfon 
trom. appearing, or giving. Evidence, ^e faaie i$ 
declared to be a high Ciime and Mifdemcahor, and 
(his Houfe yill proceed with the utmoft Severity: 
againft fuch pffendeis. 

f Rcfolved", That if it (hall appear that aoy f pr- 
fon' bath given falfe 'Evidence in any Caufe before 
this I^oiife, or any Co mm ii tee thereof, this Houfe 
tvill prnceed with the utmoft S<veriiy agi^inft fuch 
■pffenders. - ' " ; ' ■ 'i:- '' . ' 

* Th<:fe Ofders revived every Sfflion. 
'.Jan. 265 ijoj.Jl^r. /'>«nM«,ac'crfr'din_g(o Order, 
■ repp|-tcd from the. Committee of the Whole Houfca Iq 
'whom it wa6 r^eferred, toconfiderof ihe Report of the 
jiumah of the Houfe of Loids, touching the'Cafe 
. of ^fiii^ 'arid ff/iiit) and the Cafe b( Btrnatii/itm 
' afid 'Sia'mc, the Refulutions Which they had directed 
bin\ to report to the Houfe } ^hich h^ reatT'in his 

" ' ■ '. """' fto, 

c...,., Google 


P5acc, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's 
Table, where the fame were read, and are as fol- 

Jow, Wz, 
- ' * J. Refolded, That it is the Opinion of thit 
Committee, That, accordingtuthelcnownLaws and 
Ufagc of Parliament, it is the fote Right of the 

' Commons of England, in Parliament aiTcmbled, 
(except in Cafes otherwifc proviiied for by Aft of 
ParMamenc] to e:famine alt Matters relating to the 
Rights of Eleflionsof their own Members. 

' 2, Refoived, That it is the Opinion of this 
Commiitee, That, according to the known Laws 
and Ufage of Parliament, neither the Qualilicatioa 
of any ElbiSlor, or the Right of any Perfon elei5tcd, 
is cognizable or determinable elfewhere than bdbro 
the Houfe of Commons of England, in Parliament 

^ alTembled, except in fiich Cafei as are cfpecially 
provided for by A^ of Parliament. 

* 3. Refoived, That it is the Opinion of this 
Committee, That the examining and determining 
the Qualification or Right of any Elector, or any 
Perfbn eledled to ferve in Parliament in any Court 
of Law, or etfewhere, than before the Commons of 
Englandf in Parliament afTembled, (except in fuel) 
Cafes as arc efpecially provided for by Aft of Par- 
liament] will expofe all Mayors, Bailiffs, and other 
pflicers, who are obliged to take the Poll and 
make a Return thereupon, to a Multiplici^ of Ac- 
tions, Vexatiops, Suits, and InfupportableExpences, 
as will fubjefl them to dilFerent and independent 
Jurifdiftions, and inconfifteat Determinations in (h^ 
feme Cafe without Relief. 

' 4. Refoived, Tiiat 'A is the Opinion of thii 
Committee, that Matthew Ajkby having, in Con- 
tempt of the Jurtfdiftion of this Houfe, commenced 
and profecuted an Aftion at Common Lawagainft 
Jf^Uliam (Vhitt and others, the Conllables of ^yUf- 
iuryy for nof receiving his Vote at an Eleftion of 
Burgefles to ferve in Parliament for the faid 3orougl|i 
of /iflf/iury, is guilcyof a Breach of the Privilege m 
|his I^oiife. 

. ' ^. j^folved, Tj^t it 13 the Opinion of this 
Aaf Committee 



Committcei that whofever fliaU p^e^^me (o cgiq") 
inence or profecute any Adion, Irdi^ment, or Irfi 
formation, which ihall bring the Riglit of ttie Elcc^ 
tors, or Perfons eici^ci] to ri;rvc in parliatncnt, t<^ 
the Determination of anjr other JTurifdiSi^n ^ai^ 
that oF the Hou(e of Comrnons. (except i^ Cafes, 
dpeciaDy provided for by A^ of Parliament) fuc^ 
Pcrfon or Peifons, and'aH'At^prnies, SpH^citors. 
Counfellore, and Serjeants at Law, foUiciiin^, pro- 
fecuting, or pleading in any fuch Cafe, m guiltjf of- 
a high Breach of ihe Privilege of this Houfq. 

* The faid Refolutiohs beitw' fev'erally rea^ a fc- 
CondTTme, were, lipon the Quel^ion fevcrally. put 
thereupon, agreed unto "by the Houfcl 

* Orderetf, That the faid Rcfoluuons^be fined vpoi^ 
WtflminfifT HaUGates, figned by theCl?rk. 

*Ftl>. i8, 1707. R.croIv|pd,/lrA That all Mattery 
that Oiall come in Queftlon loiicliing Return's 91 £lcc- 
tioni, fballbcbcardattbeBarofthcHoufe, 
■ •Revived >?<*. 2^,1708. ' 

* Reftilvia, &«)d^,' "that all CJuefiions at tti^ 
Tri^ of Etc^ionj',' if any Member inlift upon it, btj 
determined 6^ BallolL " ■' 

* Vacated Nw. li, IJp?. 

* Refolvei), ^birify^ Thai all petitiems ijrpp^ cyerjt 
new Parliaih^nt, relating to ILtcfitions and Retu)iis, 
i>e deli%>eted to the Ctcrb of the Houfej and be "by nin^ 
laid upon tKeTable'beiore the Speaker be choTen. 

' Revived AWjai, 1708. 

' Orderei), That the faid Refolutiotu be Standing 
Orders' of the Houfc.' " " ' ' "' 

< Mr. Speaker to fend the (i^d Refolutions tp tbe 
Sherlfis of the feveral Counties of Grtat- Britain, to 
beby them c'oiftmunicat^ to (he thief Officers of 
the ievc^al Cities, Corporations, and Boroughs fend- 
ing Members to Parliaiheht in' th^ir 'rcQ)ediv9 
Counties. ""'" '' ' ■"■' " ""'' " ' 

* Nbv. 27, 1 708, 7 Aim^. Ordered, That all Per- 
ibns that wiJt qucflion any EleSioh to 'be made upon 
pew Wi-iti, doptefcnt ttieif Petitions within fourteen 
Days afiler the Retuin fiiall be delivered to theCJcr^ 

' '■ ■ *0[dered« 

A- p Pi E- N" ly n Jt. S7J 

*f Ordered, That the Counrcl^ retained to be heard 
f$ the B^r jij.Caufcs upon controverted Ele^iona, be 
Failed' >n ai Eleveif o'ClocIc tbofe Mornings that arp 
' fppotnc^d for fuch Hearings. 

' Matnh-^, J708. Ordered, That fuch Perfons aa 
Iball tiiiilk fit to renew their Petitions^ complaining 
of undug 'Elections of Members to Terve in this pre- 
fcnt Pailiament, do prefcnt the fam^ to the HouTe 
d)e' next Seffion of Parliament] according to antient 

tiy^rt*, 16, 1709. Ordered, That it bean Inflnic- 
l^on to the Committee^ that they do examine whe- 
ther the Petition to them referred be the lame, and 
figned by the fame Pq^Qei, as thofe prefentcd the laft 
Seffion of Parliamenti, 

' yan. 19, 1709. The Committee of Eledioiu 
■having proceeded on That fpr Rtxhtraxgh, and not 
being able to go through the fame, and- the Houfe 
iiaving ordered That for ?£«/} to be heard To-morrow^ 
' ^efirfi the Diredion of the Houfe hw» the Commit- 
tee fboiil^ pFpceed. 

< Ordered, That the Committee do proceed in, 
^nd go through, the Caufe touching the EtedioD for 
^ the ^lire of RtMbtraugb^ befiu^ thcr enter upcHiaor 

? "^"^^ 1,0, 1710, g vAw«. * KeTolved, That the 
Petitioner be admitted to give parole Evidence of the 
|tdJortg<^e oS a Mortgagee in Pofleffion of Lands, foe 
jvhich the Mort^ec voted agalnft the Pctitioaert 
vndiout pibduang the Mortgage Deed. 

1 Relo|ved, l^t the Decree of 4 Baron Court be 
admitted to be read as Evidence, tp prove the fltting 
]fiileinber's Pofleffion'of ttfofe Lands for which he vo- 
Jti^ .at the Elet^on for the Shire of ^jnr^i though 
, U w^ not produced when the Objection was made 
jfi his t!ofit£on, ' 

' . « AiarA g^ 1713- Mf. F^tmm, according to 
Order, reported from the Coo^ittee, who were to 
confiilcr of the A^ of the gth Year of her Majefty's 
Reign, intituled, jtit JlSt far ftcuring th* Friidem 

nf Parliamtnt, by the furtbir quaUfyt^g tbt Mtm- 
itri ttfit in tbt amft '" . « - . ■ 

tfCattmant^ the Refolutions 


27fr . APPENDIX 

thay had direanJ him to report to Ae Houfe, which 
he rctsd in ftij Place, and aftcfwiards delivered in at 
the Clerk's Table, where they were read, and are as 
folli.w, viz. 

' Refolded, FirA Tfiat it is the Opinion of this 
Committee, That, notwithftanding the Oath taken 
by any Candidate aC or after any Eleflioni hi« 
Qualification may be afterwards examined into. 

* Rcfoived, S^ctmiiyyThit it is the Opinieiiofthii 
Committee, That the Pcrfon, whofe QLialification il 
ejiptelslyobjeifted to in any Petition t elating to hi* 
Eleiiion, ftiall (within fifteen Daysa&er the Petition 
Is read) give to rttc Cterk of the Hftufe of Commons 
« Paper Jigned by himfetf, containing a Rentnl, or 
Particular, of the Lands, Tenements, or HerediU« 
ments, whereby he makes out his Qualiikatton, c^ 
which any Peribn concerned may have a Copy. 

' * Rcfoived, Thirdly, That it is the Opinion «rf 
fhis CoBimiitee, That if a fitting Member ftiall thinfc qiteDion the Qualification of a Petitioner, ha 
fiiall ( within fifteen Days after the Petition ii read) 
Jeave Notice theieof in ^^ riling with the^CIwt of 
the Huulii of Commons ; andthe Petitioner ffiall,ill 
fodj-Gafc, (within fifteen Daysafter fuA Notice) 
/■ leave With the faid Clerk of the Houfe the like Ac- 

count in Wriiir^, (5f bis Quilificattdn, is u lequi- 
zed^on a fitting Meihber. 

* The faid Rcfolutions being (enrally r^ad tftcanA 
-Tune, weiTj apon the QpcftionB fevcrjHy put there- 
Itjwn, agreed unte by the Hcufe. 

■ • T4* fame ^reed toAbre&23, 1714, Mad* 
^taadiig Orfch Ai. sr, 1716^ NfV. 21, 1717. 

* March 18, 1727. Refblvcd, That in all Cafc» 
cM^MMe Renrns, wterc theftmeftall becontro- 
*M|C<^ nthtr at Alt Bar of the F^&, or m Ct»ib> 
piittcei of Privileges and Ekaions, the CoUnffcl ftjt 
^di Ptttftu) «6iy fluH be ibft tamed is A<ch doubly 
Keiom, »p whofe double ReCnin ftprtl' be immedt- 
^rfy aBmewsJ to the Writer Precept, fliall proceqt 
ia the firft Place. 

* Onder^ tpA declared, That tfie faid Order be 9 
ptapding Order ef the ffoiA. 

L\ _...,C".oo,qlc 


'■May II, I7;{3. Refolded, That the Right of 

Elcflion of a Prefb and Clerk, is in fuch Perfons as 

ftand upon the Roll laft made up by the Freeholden 

«c the Michtiilmat Head-Court, or at the laft Etec- 

■ tion of aMembcrt ferve in Pjiliameht. 

■' Fib. 6, 1734.. Refolved, That on the Petition 
cf any Eieftor, or Etctitors, for any County, City, 
DT Place, fending Members to Parliament, com- 
plaining of an undue Ele^on and Return, arid al- 
iedgii^ thatfomeoiherPerfon was duly el«3cd, and 
ougitt have been returned ; the fitting Member fo 
complained of may demand and examine into the 
Quallficalion of fuch Perfon fo aljcdged to be duly 
elected, in the fame Manner as if fuch Perfon bad 
Jiimfelf petitioned, • 

' Ordered, I'hat the faid Refolution be dedved 
tp be a Standing Order uf the Hbufe. ' 

^ Jan. it-, 1735. Ordered, That the Counfel M 
<he Bar of this Htmfc, or before the Committee of 
"PrivUdges and £le<5tion], be reltrained from offering 
Evidchcc, touching the Legaliiyof Votes for Mem- 
Tjers to fervc in Parliament for any County, Shire, 
City, Borough, Cmtjue Port, or Place, contrary to 
(he laft Determination, of the Houfe of Commons^ 
nt^iich Determination, by an Ad pailedin the (econd 
Yearbf his prcfem Majefty's Reign, intituled, An 
"Jl£f fvrtbi mare ifftHual frtwnting Bribery and Cer- 
ruptitn in ihi Eu&itn af M'nAirt ta ferve in Par- 
. Betfitnt, is ^atje final toatl Intents and Purpofeswhat- 
foever, any Ufagt; to the contrary notwithftandihg. 

' Ordered, T^at the faid faid Order' be a Standing 
Order of the Houfe. 

■ ' Refdived, That in all Cafra of controverted Elec- 
' '(Ions 'for Counties \n' Englanii and IP'altt^ to be 

"jieard at the Bar of this Hbufe, or before theCom- 
'piittce'of Privileges and Eledlions, the Petitioner) 
'tfo by themfelvtrs, or hy their Agents, within a con- 
venient Time to he appointed, cither by ihc Houfe, 

■ pr the Committee of Privileges and Eleflions, as the 
Matter to be heard (hati be btforc (be Houfe, or the 
(aid Commi^ce, dpliver to the fiiiing Members, or 
thcif Agcnte, Lift? qf the Perfons intended by the ■ 

...... ...CooqIc 


Petitioner to be objeded to> who voted fot the Attlng 
Members, giving in the faid LiAs the feveral Heads 
of Ubjeflions, and dlflinguifhing the fdine agaioft tho 
Kames of the Voters excepted to; and that the Titling 
Members do, by themfelves, or by their Agents, 
within the fame Time, deliver the like LiHsj on 
their. Part, to the Petitioners' Agents. 

*/Vi. 16, 1735 Refolved, That the Counrel for 
the Petitluners be admitted to give'parole Evidence, 
as to Perfons being, no Freeholders at the Time of 
the Ele^ioQ, who fwore tbemfelves then to be Free- 

* March iy 1735. Refolved, That the Counfel for 
the Petitioners be admitted to give Evidence to what 
» Voter csnftlTed of his having no Freehuld, who, at 
the Time of the Ele^ion, fwore be had. 

* Dtc. 23, 1711. Refolved, That it appears to 
this Houfe that a Body of arincd Soldiers, headed hj 
Officers, did (on FrtJ^j the eighth Day of May laft) 
come in a Military Manner and take Pofllflion of the 

, Church Yartt of St. PauPt, Ctveil-Gardtn, near the 

TIace where the Poli (for the ELe^on, of Citizen» 
to ferve in this prefent Parliament for the City of 
Wiftminfttr) was tiilen, before the faid Elet^icm was 

* Eefolved, That the Prefence of a re£!:uUr Body 
of armed Soldierst at an Eieflion of Members to 
ferve in Parliament, is an high Infringement of th* ■ 
Liberties of the SubjeA, and maniieft Violation c^ 
the Freedom of Elections, and an open Defiance «C 
the Laws and Conllitution of this Kingdom. 

4Men fof luj- « fth, 2j, 1707. Mr. Benfan reported from th« 

mining of controverted Eleftiont, and to whom it 
was referred to confider of a proper Method for bal- 
loting, iSe. feveral Refolutions, c/z.- 

* Refolvedj That it is the Opinion of this Commit* 
tee, Tlut a Bailo'tting- Box and Balls be prepared. 

' Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Com- 
mittee, That two pjetlu attend the Balloting, ope 



tb deliver the Balls to the Member, and the other to 
vury the Box. 

* Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Com- 
mittee, That fuch Member prepare his Hand bare and 
open to receive the Bait} and that he hold it up be- 
tween hia Fingers before he puts his Hand into the 
Box ( utd that the Box be imaiediatel}r brought to 
the Table, and the Votes counted there by the Cleik, 
in the Prcfpnce of the faid Members, 

* Relblved, That it Is the Opinion of this Com- 
mittee, That all Members fit in their PJaces till the 
Votes are given, siid the Affirmative or Neptive 
declared by the SpealCer. 

* The faid Refolutioas being icverally read a k* 
coiid Time, were, upon the Queftion fcverally put 
thereupon, agreed unto by the Houle. 

* Ordered, That the laid Refolutioas be Standing 
Orders of the Houfe. 

* Vacated, ^Order, Ntp. u, 1708. 

* j^r//i8, 1604. ijac. Such Bills as came dowHordni tondtini 
from the Lords,' and paiTed this Houfe, when theyBilltiapAnl. : 
are lent up again are to be ptefcntcd Erft, before any 

fltber Bills which had their firll Begirniing and PaT- 
bgc in this Houfe; next the public Cafe, the piivate 
Bflls of this Houfe. 

* April 27, 1604. 1 y^. Agreed for a Rule, if 
ai^ Doubt arife upon any Bill, the ^>eak:er is to ex- 
elun, but not to fway the Houfe with any Argument 

fit Oifpute. 

* The Petition touching the Abufes of Purveyors, 
broif bt in by Mr. Hart from the Committee in Par- 
iiament, which wasagvnft Orders, and thereupon t 
Jtule concrived, that no Petition, Bill, or other Thing treated in Parliament, ought to be privately de- 
liTercd into the Houle ready cngrolFcd, but in Paper; 
and this Petition delivered in by Mr. liert QuU be no 
Precedent for the Time to come. 

, *JUeyiq, 16041 J y^c. Rule agreed. No double 
■Qieftioas upon the paffing of a Bill, though fome- 
times upon die cpmmitttng it is double, if the Voice 
w Qyefiioo be not dear. 


aSo A P P E' N fi f X. 

idaj 2 J, 1604. I "Joe. RcfoVed and cirdcrtdf 
Thai, for this Time, all Queftions fliould ceaf* 
touching thore Milters, with this Caution md Care, 
procceJing from a tender Regard of the Privilege of 
this Houfc, that it fhotild be prcfently regiftied as 
the Judgment of the Houfe, that no Speaker fmrn 
hcficefoith fliould dc.iver a Bill, whereof the Houfe 
ftandcth polTcffcd, to any wbojufoever, without the 
^ Allowance and Leave as aforefdid ^ but that he had » 
or might either (hew it, or deliver 2 Copy of it, as 
feemed meet unto him. 

' An Order moved and agreed. That no Bill, 
whereof ihe Houfe is dearly ptiffefTed, be delivered .■ 
to any before the Houfe has Notice, and give Leave. 

* Admitted, That a Copy may be delivered, or 
it may be (hewed, to his MajeAy. 

» The Speaker reading the Title in hb Chair, a 

*j'««4, 1604. Agreed for Rule, If two Hand 
uptofpeak toa Bill, heagainftthe Bill (being known 
by Demand, or otherwife) to be firft heard. 

^June 24, 1604. r jac. Rule agreed. That ^S 
a Bill be continued in Speech, from Day to Day, 
one Man may not fpeak twice to the Matter of the 
lame Bill. 

' June 25, 1604. Upon Motion, fuch aa ^ 
againft the Bill went for^ of -the Houfe and brought 
' in the Bill in their Hands, which is according toan- 
tient Order ; and was now moved, and done once 
in a Parliament for preferving Memory of the Ord«V 
and fo exprefled by the Mover. 

* Feb. 13, t6o6. The Remembrances (browfl^ 
fet down and read, being priv^ety delivered to Ae 
Cleric by Sir Hnry Mmtagvt^ the \>*y of thfrlMe 
Adjournment) were required by the Houfe to bcd^ 
livercd openly. 

Ffi. 21, 1606. Upon this Report it w» hwoli 
difputcd in the Houfe, whether it w«re fit to handle 
the Point ofCoiwenicncy before the IVintof Law in 
the Cafe of Naturalization tnGettera) were ittbt' 
mined, and theOpinion was not te be-fit. 


Uigiliz^d.,. Google 

A P P E N D I X. 281 

*Ii was-delwered for a Rule, That nojudguienti 
but upon a Bill ; Opinion, without a Bill. 

*-Mar*b'^i 1606. Ordered, ufion Mr. Speaker's 
Motion, That when they proceed to the Amenfl- 
0ientof any Bill commitc^ unto them, theylhoiild 
alfo amend the Brief annexed, and make it agree 
with the Bill. 

* May 5, ifeoy. The Counfet in the Bill tonch-' 
ing the ^iiryia^a Court were ordered for hearing," 
and it was queftioned (as now the State of the Bill 
was) whether the Counfel pm or contra (hould begin 
firft : After Tome Difpute, affirmed by Mr. Speaker, 
That, upon the Report againft the Bill, the Conn- 
fel pre ought to be firft heard j yet upon the Que- 
stion, and fome Circumftances opened, refoh^ed, ft ' 
jhould be now received aa JI*» irt/^rtf, and the Coun- 
fel againft the Bill (according; to the known Rule) 

" be firlt heard. 

* Jpril ii, ■ l6ir. II Jac. Sir Edtuiit Sarufyt 
moved. That no Bill may be read the fecond TiiAe* 
until half an Hoi<r paft £ight, and the third Time 
be paft Nine ©'Clock ; and it was ordered accord- 

* Fet. 7, 1620. 18 yec. No Bills to be put to^ 
pafs till part Nine of the Clock, and Notice to be 

Ken a Day before that Bills iball be paOed the next. 
yj and bodi ordered. ' ' 

'Mirth 12, i6ao. Refolved, That a BjlJ, and , 

other public Bills, may be (econdly read hj half an 
Hour aftet Ei^t o'clock. - ' ■ 

* Alarcb 15, i620.0rdered,TTiat,*upon the com- 
mitting of every Bill of Grace, the Clerk ftial! deliver; 
to the Committee the Note of all his Books concern- 
ing that BuHnefs, and theoldJOraughtofit, which 
was laft Meeting in Parliament, if it be to be had. ■ 

* May 26, 1621. 19 Jae. A Provifo in Paper,' 
admitted.foraRule, that not being In Parchment, it' 
fhtght not be put to the Queftion. 

*'Maj2%, i62t. An eflential Order, That the 
Aiaendments he twice read. 

' May 30, 1621. An eflential Order, AProvifo 

ftom, die Lords to be read thrice, tho' the Bill come 



B8a A P f fi N fi t t. 

from the Lower Hbufe } aod^ hj Vote of the Houlei 
to fik as a Law. 

« ATov. 19, i6at. ilef(Jved,fhiit*Keti.Rh^Bilf 
it coiiiinitted c»k OiaU be named to take the Bill. 

* Martb 26, i6z6i I Car, Mr. /Ai>«» iftnderttth a 
I'roviro, engrofled in Parliament for the Gvj of Ekon-. 

* Mr, Bankt having, upon the fecond Reading o£ 
^e Provifo, fpoken to it( and the Pfoidrq b«n^ 
thirdly read) he otfered to ftand up again and fpcak) 
and was by dircn internipted^ becaulc he had fpoke 
before I but* 

< Refolvcd by the Houfc, Thati upoa t bcw Reid- 
ibgi he may fpeak agaifli 
' * fan. 20, 1627. 4 Con Ordcrcdi iTiati uport 
tbc committing every public Bill, one of the Com- 
mittee be fpeciall/ iuunc<l by the Houfe to tain Gar< 
of the Bill. 

* Dt£. 5, 1640. Orderedt That Mo Bills hav6 
^ir fecood Reading but between' Nine and Twelve 

* 7)>^ 16, 164.2. A, Sill bWight hota the Lordaj 
delivered by the Mcflengerswidiout reading the Titles 
tvhich ought to have been done, at which the Houfc 
took OfficDce { but, in r^rd of the peat-Bultnersj 
^ Houfe took no more N6tice of it at this Time. 

* May II, 1644. Refolvcd) Thatttis an napar- 
liamentary Wtky to fend down Rfafons in another 
Paper, to any Bill or Ordinance, at the firft Begin' 
ning of fending down any Bill or Ordinance! 

* At^iift 24* 1^44- P^dered) Thafwhatfoevei 
Ordinance fhall be CMnmitied by this iloiife, (hall* 
after the Return from the Comnutmeat^ be road thd 
third Time before it pafi from thenca to be fent to 
the Lords, 

* May 2, 1651, Refolved, upon the Queftlonf 
and the Paj-liament doth declare, That it ts the Or' 
der of this Houfe, that no ASt ought to be prefent- 
cd to this Houfe vrithout a Brief thereof to be giveii 
to the Speaker i and that Mr, Speaker ought not to 
open any Bill, nor command the fame to be read^ 
unlds a Brief dwreof be fitft delivetcd unto him i 



k f p t # y i '±, „ i^l 

and that tbt tud Otiei lie froni henceforth duly ti6i 
fcrvcd accordingly. 

'jlpm^t I66j^' Ordered,' T'>*tthe^ftept>rtcr 
irlio does j^K>rt |be Atncn&ti^ta to iaj Bill jjo* 
i&ur the fvne are Sj^reed to by the Hoi^fe^ fee ih^ 
tbeflkne be duly entered iii the BiQ, |iuttbe.Bitima^ 
*■- ri Ady ingrofied; ' 

> OSti 16, iitSj. Ordpred, Tl»t,no ingroA'^ Bjll 
ic braugMt 1ft to be reid m the dtm^ be ivamifMa 
by. the CiiTimjan i^ tt^ Comminee, to whom it «u 
ftfcnsdy ,atrf (he Clerk iff th<; Hoiife: ■. ' 

'Marcbs> i66q. OrdCrtrf, That aOBHfcfliall.rei 
tftiveDilpatch-io Priority fchd Older of Tim* a* ihey 
Were br(iu|^t tnj iXAd h^ve {teen depending. 

*%/; li, 1641. ^lr. JI/ff*fwa7c)Mnfed9irtiarid*3iW»t*^^ 
iwjuaiirted this HonCei Thit (ha X6Vds did dclirej22E*Bau'3 
^m to cortie up tb {he Pa&ng of the Bill of Toii;-!^^ a^ivl 
iiage ah4 Poundage, by £oiivntfflon.' , , ' 

* Meflage to the Lotdt bySir Hmy FaiA • .; 

* To acquaint the Lo^i,' That tois H^tife beii^ 
Ifarormed^ by the Bhck-RSd,.that tbeir iordAips 
ticTired thl« Houfe to come tdl the Faffing bf the BiU 
t>f Tonnage and Potlndtlge^ do dcfire (hat, jti regard 
h is a free Gift of Ac Cotlim^ ot E^giand, ani 
the Speaker of the Hqiife of Cbrtimoas. ought ui 
brcfent the Jaine, thc^it L6rdfhi|>a i^iild be pieafeJ 
to fend the Bill to this HouA;: 

* Sif Henrj Vtuas Anfirtf of the M^ag« Xa M 
Lords-:, ': . ■.■-,■ 

* ThaltfaeirLOnllhipifadtafiMtthtoCmifidera^ 
tioDfSuid wUlfcftd AnrwerbyMefTeng^^theirqWn; 

*■ Mff. There n no Ehtry of any Aafwer fenti 
jtbr Return of the Bi!I: But, „ ' * ■>! 

*■ Auii (6, i64i. A MelTagft from ttie Loids by 
Sit Robert' Rich uid Mr. Pagi: ^ 

^ Tfittdrds fcStthcm to give NptiCp, TTwfnOvr 
JKe Commiffioff ts come for giving (be King's isfai 
Afient to the Bill of Tonnage and Poundage^ wbeif 
Itus Houfc fhaHbe ready to bring it up. ;. 

* Aiifwcr returned by iftt fame Mcffengfe^'i TV' 
ibh Houfe has taken into ConfiderauoD oeir Ltifd^ 


(•^ APPEND I X. 

iltipt MeflagCa and return this Anfver ; THat ibet 
flial] be ready to bring up that Bill when iheir Lom- 
ihlfi; flull.pleafe te fuid them Word, that they de- 
' jfirc they would bring ft up. 

* The Gentleman Ufher of the Lords' Houfe came 
jind acqukinted the Hou{e, That the Lords are ready 
togiveHisM^cfty'sRoyal AITcnt, by Commiifion, to 
ih^ Bill of Tonnago-and Poundage; and delirc that 
the Speaker* and this Houfe, w«idd bru^ up tbs 

* Jan. z6, 1641. It wBsdicTared and acknowledge ^ asainft the Fundathefital Ordenof the Houfe, 
tot toy Member of the Houfe, without fpeclsl Order 
ef at Houfe, to bring in a Bill gf Subfidy. 

* March 26. 1642. The Bill of Subfidy being t* 
... l).e, CommilEon, lefolved, upon the Qyc- 

ftion, T^at the Houfe being deCrad by the Lords t9 

. ^1 ' I be.picftnt at the paffing of the Bill of 46,ceoiL by 

" 'CoinmliGon, that Mr. Speaker fiiould go up, and if 

the Bill, be delivered to Mr. Speaker be^re the Com- 

piiflion be read, that then he fliall have Leave to pre- 

' fcnt it to be palTed j but if the Lords fhall not deliver 

the Bill to Mr, Speaker's Huids accordingly, , that 

th^n Ae Dial] immct^alcly retiirn. 

* Mv. 2, 1643. Ordered, That no Ordinance 
Ihall be brought jn but with a Brief unto it j and tha^ 
the l^afty that brines in an Ordinance fliall bring in 
Uie Brief, and Mr.- Speaker open the Ordinance ; and 
th^t no Member fluill. bring in any Ordinance, ts 
charge the Subje'ift, or raife any Money upon tbt 
Cofintry, without an Order precedent in the Houl^ to 
direct the faid Charge \ and iliat Mr, Speaker do not 
perthit any Ordinance to he read f^ithout fuch Brie^ 
nor ai'ier Twelve o'Clock, itnlefs it ihall be other-' 
irife dire&ed by the Houfe. 

* Nav. io, 1645. Ordered, That no Ordinance 
Ik b[oi^t in to charge the Subje^, or to ^ve any 
thing froin' theCoihmohweaith, without Ipccial Ol- 
der of the Houle firft dire£titig the fame. 

*A&y2S, 16+8. Rcfolved, That no Motion 

)>e i|ude for railing of a<w Fotces or M«aica for 


UPIZ..J ..Google 


the faoi?,' biit between thcHouisW Tea and Twelve 

o'clock. . 

* Fth. i9, 1667. RefcJved, That iFonjr Motion 
be mfide in the Houfe for any public Aid or Charge 
Vpon the People, tbe Confide rati on and Debate iherer 
of ought not prefendjr to be entered upon, but ai- 

'journed till fiich [anhf r Day as the Houfe. Ihali rhnlc 
fit to appoint ;' and then it ought to be referred. ,0 tb* 
Commitit^ of tb^ whple Hotffe, and their Opinions 
to be reported thereupon, before any Refolution, or 
Vote of the Houfe, do pafs therein, 
. * yf^il 2y i6-}t. The Houfe then proceeded to th« 
Reading the Amendments and Claufes fent from the 
Lords, tb the Bill fot an loipofition on foieigri Coin- 
Biodities, which, were once read ; and the firll AmerKt- 
ment fent from the Lords, being for changing the Pift? 
portion of the Impofitiofis oti white ^ugars fronj id. 
ftr Pound to an Half-penny Halt-far thing, waa read 
a fecpnd Time, and debated. 

* Refolved> Ntm. Ctn. That in 9II Aids given tq 
the King, by the Commons, the Rtite or Tax o.ught 
Dot to he altered by the Ixtrd^. . 

* Nffv, 3, 1673, A Debate vriQng in the Houfe> 
touching die antient Order and Cuurfe of the Houfe, 
in the Method bf raifing Supplies, and coitccrning the 
precedent^ of Uw lelTcf Sum, the Houfe, upon the 
Queftion, did refolve and declare it an antient Order. 
6f the Hoafe, .That when there comes a Queftioo be- 
tween the greater and IcfTer Sum, or the longer or 
fhorter Time, the lead Sum 2nd the l9ngeft I'ime 
ought firil tp be put to the Queflion. 

* July 3, 1678. Mr. Sollicitor-General reports 
from the Committee to whom it was, amongft 
lOlher Thiiigs, referred to prepare and draw. up a 
State of the Rights of the Commons in granting of 
^one/, . a. Vote agreed by the Committer, which 
he read io bis Place, and ^lecwards delivered the 
£ime ip at ihe Clerk's Table, where the fame was 
read, and, upon the QiKflion, agreed^ and is as 

. * ELelbInd, That all Aids and Supplies granted to 
bis Mtj^Ja.I'MliaDVsnt are the .fvle Q(Ct of th^ 
^ , ■ B b a Com- 



.C^mtrioAs } **iA all Sills tcir gnafdfig Aicfa, if Mlf 
Ittch, Aidsan(ISu[^licsought to begin with theCoitt*' 
Aotu i Bfld tt is ^ uitdtiBt^ and folk ftigin Of the 
CpottooiH to dii^, irwk, i^nd ^ipotM) in all Cutb 
Bilb, thefiatts, FtupoftsyConfiderRtionB, CondklMtH 
ibitalntiomtUid ^hlifisitiMs <tf fudlGMtta, wM<di 
tidght notiolw tliaiiged, ot altered, ^ ibe Hoisk ot 

' 'fA. 'i*t, ^(^93. fteTtJtveA, Tfatt M> Memlwr of 
fkt: HMfeef Cdtnmdns ftallte coikenWd, dlr«{Uy 
or indiredly, in the ftrniing, o6tleding\, or mhw- 
gii^ dr the Ditties to Ik colleaed \tj tAis fiitl, or 
Sinf Other Aid to be granted to-theif MijeAies, o^>a 
ritWi^et^deatCotnatlffiohcreof tbeTrCirfilry, alt^ 
tt« Oficen and CctitofatflloiKn for nnnaging tte 
Guftottis and Kneife. 

< jDtf. II, 1706, f^Amm. KefotKd, Tlut tbn 
Ifbure WiU receivo no Petitiom for anj Sum of Mo- 
ney relating to public Slirvke, but ■max. 'is ftcoai< 
Oreftdcdfiimi tbc Crdwh. 

* Declared afitaudtngOinkr ^kw ii, 'Vfv%. 
^Marchvjyijoj. JUlMvMl.That^sHouAifrill 

ae* proceed topdn Mi; Ftttitron, Mocioh, or Bfll"^ 
grUttitig any MotWy, 'Or rtlatihg 10, br codipoiiNii 
iflg, for any Sumof M<Mey'otvin| to d«Crc^^, bttt 
in ft Committee of the wfiote Hotrfe; 4ttd a»x tfafe 
bme be declare -a StandingOrdcf of UkHMfe. 
' * Revived April 14, jj&j.—Pti. 7, 17061 in* 

2fcv. 19, 17^10. 

■ Fti. 24, 1707. Kefo]#cd, Thot no public^M*. 
ney be granted by Debentures, or otbetwJfc, but hf^ 
Conimictce of Supply. 

* Refolvcd, TTiai-no Difpofition of the^ublk Mo- 
ney be made, or private Bill elating to the fux FOtf,* 
'tut on a Day to be appointed for that Purpotc. 

* Jjprii 22j lyih 13 Anna, 'Rerdved, Ttiat tAb 
Houtc will not receive any Ptttci(»i fot compounding 
&r iuij Sum of Money owing to the OoWn, upon 
any Branch of the Revenue, without a CeKificate 
^om the proper Officer, or Officers, anoexed to th« 
fvid Pc^tion, ftating thie Debt } what Profecutions 
bare-teei) mitdc for the &MOK17 of Suiek Dcl^, md 


- L\_...,C".oo;;lc 

k p r n N tx I X. i*f 

t^M.% ferth liow nach tlie ?riiuonfft m.& hia Suf»> 
tin are kUe ts htafy thereof. Mad« a Standing 
Qxiti March %^y 1715. 

'MarAf, j;a5. ReTolvedt, That thii HouTt 
will Kccin no more Petitions lor enabling hb Ma- 
jefty to ftll the Rcvcrfien of Crown X<andi, * 

« Juhf 26, 1641. Ordered, That no public ffil)©*™ tfloefcint 
ftall paft biit between Nine and Twelve o'Clock j J^ j^^ 
and diat if any Man {hall move the Members of the Biili, Wb. PtMr, 
Houfe contrary to that, he <Lall incur the CcBfurc of7n<ic> Hish- 
AeHoufe. hA^" 

< Marth 7, 1699. Qcdered and declared. That 
all Bills rdatJDg to the Poor be deemed and taken to 
be public KUi, and pah without Feet for the &Jn^ 
The fame Ftb. 25, 1 700. 

*Mif. 9, 1703. Rcfolved, That no Bill relating to 
Tntde,ortiie Alteration of Law concerning Trade, be 
brought into the Houfc until the PropoTition OtaHhave 
been firft examined and debated in the Grand Coai- 
niuee for Trade, and agreed unro by the Houfe. 

* AUrcb 17, 1716. Refolved, That no Bill fee 
erdeced to be brought in wi uny [^ttition for repairing 
and amending any Highway, or for making or 
deanltng any Poit or Harbour, at for malting -any 
River navigable, or fur any other Work propofed to 
^ carried on, by Tolls or Duties to be levied on dtp 
Subje^, in particular Places, till fuch Petition has 
fieen reported, and referred to a Committee, and tb^ 

have examined the Matter thereof, and reported ^k ' 

Tame to the Houfe. 

* ^rfi. 28, 1734. Ordered, //«». Cw. Tliat the 
Ciid ReTalutktt m a Standing Order of the Hgufe. 

* Dtc t], 1644. Ordered, That no private Or-Orden mEbiai 
finance do pals this Houfe, or be tranfmttted to the^^^ '^^ 
Iiords, ipitil the Partiet that are concerned therein Ei2^ 

do firft pay fijcfa Fees for the fame unto Mr. Speal^, 
<1k Clo*!^ Serjeant, and otbcra belonging to ibe 
fud Houic, at haih ufually been paid upon the paf- 
fiog of private ^illt ; and all Members ttiat, fron* 
Q b J aqjr 


m A P, p: E- N- rr r X; 

any .CotnmttteCt or otberwiTe, do prefent'any OtV 
dinancc, wherein the Advanti^e or Benefit of anf. 
private PciCon is concerned, arc de^ed to take Ni>i 
tice of this Order, ywi to acquaint the Perfons that 
are, or ihall be, concerned herewith % and to ap< 
point them firll to pay ^uch antient and accuttomcd 
Fees, as aforeraid, to Mr. Speaker, the Cleric, and 
Other the Officers of the faid Houfc. 
. < Du. 7, ,666. Refolved, That private Bills and 

Bufinefs be proceeded in daily, till Nine o'Clock, m 
fuch Urder as thc.HouIc fball think fit ; and that the 
Debate of fuch uf them, as {hall not be difpatcfaed aC 
the Hour ofNine, ihall be _adJDuri\ed till ihenextDay. 

* Aiartb 26, 1678- Ordered, That in all private 
Bills, for the ^turc, a Claufe be inferred* That the 
T[uftcc3 therein Dimmed Qiall be obliged to fee the 
Trulls 'in the faid Bill petfprmcd, 01; be liable- to 
the fame out of their own EHatet. 

; * M'-y itf 1685. Ordered, That, for the future, 
DO private Um be brought into this Htwfe, but upoif 
a Petition firll prcfented, truly Hating the Cafe, «t 
■Ac Peril of tht Patties preferring the fame i and 
■:iit.t fuch Petitions Ihall be fign^ fay the Pariict 
who are Sureties for fuch Bill 

* Made a Standing Order, Nev. 24, 1699. 

* Ntv. i^, 1689. A Debate arifing' touclnng the 
Manner how Petitions ought to be ftgned, ref<cJvedj 

.That all Petitions prcfented to the Houfe ought tb 
be ligited by the Petitioner!, with their own Hands, 
by their Names or Marks. 

* May 6, 1690. Ordered, That no ingrofied Bill 
be brought to tbe Table to be read ihe thiid I'ime, 
but by the Chairman of tbe Committee to whom 
that Bill was committed, after he haib examined the 

* May i^, 1&90. Ordered, That when any Bill brought into this Boufe, for confirm ii>g- Let.- 
Kit Patent, there be a true Copy of fuch Letters Pa- 

-tent annexed to the Bill ; and that (his be declared 1 
Standing Order of this Houfe for the future. 


A P P E N D I X. 389 

' * ifjv. 24, 1691. Otiaed, That ho private Bill 
be proceeded upon sfter Ten o'Clock. 

* Revived />^, 4, 1^92. — Enlarged untill Eleven 
o'clock, Fft. 16, 1693. — NiV- 24, 1699. 

* Du. 10, 1692. Ordered, Tbu eveiy Member^ 
prefenting any Bill or Pccition to this Houfe, do go 
from his Place down to the Bar of the Houfe, and 
bring the fame up from thence to the Table. 

* Jan, it, 1695. Ordered, ThjK every private Bill 
bavc a Day appointed for reading thereof before the 
fame be read. 

* Jan^ 15, i697> Ordered, Tliat, upon the firft 
Reading of every private Bill, a Time be appointed 
for a lecond Reading. 

- * Afril6, 1698. Ordered, That no private Bill 
be read the third Time before Eleven o'Clock. 

* March 31, 1698. Ordered, That the Chairman 
•F the Comhiittee, upon the Report of every private . 
Bill, do acquaint the Houfe, That the Allcgjitiong 
ef the Bill have been examined; and that the Parties 
concerned have given their Confents to the Satisfac- 
tion of the Committee; and that the fame be a Standr 
ing Order of the Houfe. 

» Revived Ftb 15, 1700. — Jan. 18, 1708. 

« Ordered, That toere be three Days between thf 
feveral Readings of all private Bills. Made a Stand- - 
ing Order Fib. 15, I700. — Jan. 18. 170?. 

* Ordered, That the Chairman of the Committee, 
4ot any private Bill, do not fit thereupon, without a 
Week's Notice thereof fet up in the i.obby. De- . ■ 
clared a Standing Order ftb.' 15, 1700. — Jan. 18, 


■ ^Jan. 15, 1705. Ordered, That all Perfons con- 
cerned in ffitereft in private Bills, in cafe they are 
able, do perfonally attend the Committee to give 
their Confents ; ami if they are not able perfonally if> 
attend, that they give Certificates of their Confents, 
to be proved by one or more WitneOes before the 

* Nav. 12, 1705- Ordered, That all private Bills 
^FOtight ijtb> thil Houfe be printed, and that they b; 

§ b 4 prhited 




Kinted after thnr are prereiUed to the HquHj* aa4 
fore the iirft Reading. 

Xjoq. Mjade a Standing Order vl/^nci 5, 1711. ' ' 
■ • iW.'e, 1707. RefolWd, That all Perfons, in- . 
^nding to apply themfdves' to the Parliameiit tX 
Gr^at-Briiah for obtaining [ffivale "Billi relattng t* 
Eftates in InhnJ^ do, from heoCefbrth, giv^ pub- 
lic Notitfe of their faid Intention, by affixing printed 
Papers, feuiog forth their Pretcnfi^R tn each b£ ibi 
four Couru of Juftice in DuhliMy durijig the vbo^ 
Term wiikh iUall precede tho Seffion of Pariia^ 
|nent, as alfo in die Chief Town wherein the Affl- 
S«s are ufualty Icept in each County where tb« Londt 
iball happen to lie, Jbr one Month at Icaft before the 
Bill he brought in. 

' ' Rciblved, That there be thirty P<qrs, at letft, 
between the firft i^d lecond Reading of every Ariil 
■ private Bill. 

* Relblvcd, T)ut the £)id PrderB be dedaral t* 
be Standing Orders of the Hoiife. ' 

' Martb 5, lyaa. Ordpred^ Tliat no {ffivW BtQ 
be read before printed Copies cbereof bc delivned td 
the Memben of the Hai^fa.' 

* Ordered, That the laid Ord«r be ft SottdiRS 
Order of the Houfr. ' ^ ^ 

pnkft icbtint * Jpril j2, t^CH- > ?"<'? Upon Moti<M Slide 
t4 pqwiiiteei. touching the flow Proceedings iad DirpMCb'ttf fiidh 
Bflls and dufineft as were depending in the Ibufe^ 
which grew, as was faid, by the Non^AtttAdance 
of fufficicnt Numbers at Comirtittees, it was oidir> 
ed, Tbac e%ht of any Committeci that de afianUe, 
.miffht proceed to a Refolution in any Bufin^ in the 

f jHey 24, 1604. it being propofed to the Hovfib 
Whether any of the CommiffoBen in the Matter 
1^ the Treaty cpncerntng the Weal of both Kjn^ 
doms (fubrcnbing the Writings or fnftnisients in ibe 
A^ mentioned) may, without Inpuutioo or Prqu> 
dice, in Credit or Confcii;nce, have tbel.^ef^ aad 
iPrecdo^ of Voice in Pj^ili^ment, notwithftzndiog 
V- '■■-' ■ ■ ■ - •-'■■'■ the 


A B P B N D I X. S91 

Ae bid Subfcripdon, the Honfc tAminpaa refstvtd, 
Tbst OD Man it) or oueht to be, omcliided in hn 
ppiaioo by any £jch Subftription i but, « In otT* 
ci otber Cammitiees, htA, And may have, faia Li- 
berty in the Hoafe to alTetit or difitnt, as he AaU (•• 
tuft Caufe, the next S^on of Parliament. 
■ * Ffb. 1 1, 1606. Ordered, That die Adjoum- 
nent of any Committee amongft tbemfelvei fliouM 
k* puUilhed the next Day in the Hourc. 

* JUmxbjy 1606. Mr. Htdiiy, being affigned mth ^ 
dw reft for the Point of Afitirance, excufeth faimrdf, 

to ' that he wai diredly ^nft the Matter itfelf in 

Q^pinion tbereupMk 

' ^Conceived lor a Rule, Hiat no Man w» to be 

cinpl(n>ed that had declared himfelf agunft it. 

' < April 18, 1614. Moved, TiMt the Cterk may 

Cm Hpoa the Houfe Door, that Morning, tbe Ordera 

Car Cbmnutteo to fit di>t Day ; and ordered. 

* April 19, i6i(, 19 Jvc. Ordered, That no 
Patitton be recnved, but openly at die Committal 
ftnd to be opmly read at the Committee before the 
Pu^ go that prcferreth if, and tke Party's Name 
that fi> prefierreth it. 

' ■ The appointing of the CbHr, at the Committer 
referred o die Dire^on of the Committee. 

«'Jl|ry II, 1621. ilefolved, by theHoafe, That, 
mtiKti limited, all that will come IhaK hive Vmcet 
that they; in dnt Ca(e, if they eontc, are Commit- 
tees u well as ihoTe nominated. 
■•jMIb/I, 1624, aajiif. Ordered, Tltat no Con- 
' inittee fliall fit after Eight o'Clock, Sittii^ (he Honle, 
without fptdal Order. 

' 4prti 35, 1627, 4 Car, Refdred, upon thp 
QoelHon, Thstj upon the Meetings of any Com- 
tttttcA, thole that are CoinmrttMs iball hare Racs 
eiveo them, that they may the better difeharge the 
Service oommihed to their Tnift. 

* y**- 30» i6'7» 4 *-"*- Ordered, upM tffe 
Qieftion, . That no Man go oot t^ the Moule, dl^- 
nng the Sitting of the Grand Cbmmittce, without 
I^nce of tbe Committee, upon Pain of Cenfure of 
theHoofe^ Tbe bipe Order /(i. igandzo^ 1627. 


«9« A P P E N D I X. 

, * Niv. 9, 1640. Moved, TJut vrtiy Man thit 
nvnts any Man for a Commktee fiult ftand up, and* 
being uncovered, name Ac Party. 

* i^tv. 10, 164a. It wai declared, That, at the 
liaminf of aCoaMnittee, ifany Man rife up to (pea); 
the Cluk pyght rtot to write. 

. 'Jfrilii, 1641. Ordered, 'niBt the Doors fluU 
tic locked at the Commiltee, and the Keys brought 
up ; and that no Man flull go out without I^eave cf 
the Committee. 

* Junt 38, 1641. ^. A/, Declared, That To fbon 
as the Houfe fits, and ^e Serjeant comet to mj 
Committee then fitting, to fignify unto them tt»t the, 
Houfe is fitting, th^ ^e Qbairoun (hall immediate^ 
ly came away. 

* July 18, 1641. P. A/. The Petition of Tha- 
pbilui Man read, touching the Refolution of the Com- 
mittee where Mr. King hath, the Chair, and Agned 
by him ; whereby Mr, JUan ip yoted not to take any 
Fees (by virtt^ of-hia O^&cc as Scivcbci) till fiutfaec 

f Declared by the HouGe, That t» Cemmttlte 
ought, by Vote, to determine the Right and Pro* 

Srt^ of the S^jed, without l^rft «cquainiiiig the 
oule therewith. 

* Jug^bi 1641. P.M- Refblvcd, upon tbe'Que-. 
ftion, That no Vote paQed at a Comgiittee of tbb 
Houfe, and not reported nor confirmed by the Houfe, 
ihall be any Rule or Diredion, in any CouK of Ju& 
tice is ff^mnjitr Hall, to ground ^ny Proceed- 
ings upon. , 

* 0£i. 17, 1641. Ordered, That no Committee 
whatfoever fball be revived to fit without a new Or- 
der from the Houfe, made after Eleven o'Clock; and 
that no Partiea, or Wtinelles, fluU attend without 

' new Summons. 

< Jfrii 30, 1642. Ordered, That the fevwalChaic- 
mtn of the feveral Committees \ft rfqviitd 10 f>t up 
Notes at the Door, of the Times and P^es -when- tbfr 
(cveral Committees do meet. 

< Fib. 1%, 164.8. OrderedjThitnoCommiUXcof 
the Houfe do fit in the MoroincJiftcr J^inco'Clock-i 

. 4. and 


A' p' p' EN D' r' x; «9f 

wni tbe'Houfe to br enjoined' bi men cvay Dty x^ 
Nine in the Morning. 

* Dk. 20, 1650. Refblved, That fccfa Commit- 
tees of the Houfe (who {hall have OccaTion to raft 
any other PcKbns 10 attend them upon any Bill, or 
other BuTinefs, to theAi referred) do, from henco*' 
forth, torbedr to fit in any of the Rooms within the 
DoOFs of tht Parliamcnt-Houre, called the SpcalcerV 
Chamber ; hut that tbey fit in fach other Place as 
they {faallthi.ik fit. 

' Mij I, 1651. Refolved, That every Order that 
frail .be made byanyCommittce of Parliament flisll, 
from henceforih, be fiened by lb many, at the leaft, 
of' the Members of ihat C mipittee, asareofthe- 
^erwk of chat Committee. 

' Jan. 11, 1657. Ordered, That the Names pf 
the feveral Committees be fee up, without at the 
Doqr ot this Houfoi by the Clert of this Houfe, To- 
morrow Morning. 

* Jtfayit, 1660. Ordered, That the Standing 
Commicteet of this Houfe be poflcd lip at the Door 
of this Houfe, tlfat Perfons may take Nocice where 
they fit, 

* Maji 14, i66[. The Bill for fecuring the King's 
Perfon committed. 

' Refbtvei}, upon the QueAion, Tlut no Member 
pf this Houfe, who is not of this Committee, ii to 
have any Vote thereat. 

* May 24, 1661. A Bill for draining die Fens 

* Rcfolved, That no Member within the fix Coun- 
ties, (into which the great Level of the Pens doth ex- 
tend) nor any ot)ier Members of this Houfe, who 
«re Undertakers, or concerned, in Point of Intereft, 
as Adventurers fir Uodcftakers herein, though par-" 
ticularty named, do fit, or have any Vote at thi 
Committee to whom the two Bills concerning 'the 

treat Level of the Fen* were, upon the feconcl 
heading, this Da/ cammttted. This Order rc£4i- 
BedMayzS, 1661. 

* Ordered, That all theJMembers of the fixCotin- - 
tin, and all other Members of that,'faving fuch as 

a^t A P P E N Ij I X. 

Are concerned, in pditkiilv latwefli* as Ownei, Vn-^ 
dcrtakers, or Adventurers, are to have Vwce xt tbe 
laid Cotnnuttee. The fame Order extended Nt- 

* Ordered, That no Members of die fiod CotB- 
mittee, that are Owners, Undutakersi or Adventu' • 
rcis, or otherwife ccMicerned, in Pcaat of Intercft* ia 
tbe Fens in Qiieition, fliall have any Vote thereat. 

* A&r ao« 1663. Ordered, That it be declared 
, to be the andcnt Order and Courle of the Houlo* 

That wben any Bill be committed, no private Mem- 
ber ought to Uke it vmjr} but th* Clerk of iba 
Houfc, or bis DeputT', is to attend with tbe Bill* 
and Order, at the Time and Place appobtcd for 
the firft Meeting of the CommitliKt aad deliver die 
fiune in at tbe Conunitte« after tlie Cbairnun it 

* March i^, 16%^ Mr. AiEgr* Chairman of the 
particular Committee for the Grievance*, acquaintt 
the Houle, That there have feveral Matters af^ated 
to the Committee, relating to Ibme Peribos, Mem* 
^xa of this Houfc ; soU that therefore he was div 
reded, by the Committee, to take the DircOiena of 
(be Houle what vrai fit to be done therein, and a De- 
bate arofe thereupcm. 

* Rdblved, That if my Member of the Houfe re- 
fiifes (upon being feat to) to come to give Evidence 

/ or Information, as a Witnds to a Comraittee, 
That tbe Committee ou^t to an«abt the Houfe 
tiierewith, and not fummon fuchMcmben tocttenl 
the Committee. 

* Refolved, That if an; ^formation come before 
^ any Committee, that chargeth any Member of die 

Houfe, the Committee ought only to dired, That the 
Houfe be acquainted mth tbe Matter of fudi Infor- 
mation, without proceeding fiirther thereupon. 

* Martb 13, 1693. Refidved and declared. That 
it is the conlUnt Rule and Order of ibe Houfe, That 
no Committee ought to &t, after the Hour to which 
(be Houle is adjoiinied, without the fpecial Order of 
tiie Houle. 

f Revived A^d 6> 1695. 



* Ntv. 1^ 1694. OticKSf That no CommittM 
. St, in a Monaag, widuut fptcial Leave of tfat 


* Revived Airxffr^ 9, 1697; aadMMniirs^t 

*Afarch1Sf 1694. Ordered and declared. That > 
Motien for adjoutning of CwnmittMa may be rani* 
ifter One o'clock. 

« /Vi. 18, 1697. Ordered, Tliat no CoaimittN» 
Wlio iOtdU have Lmvc to fit in a Moriui^ do fit'af- 
ler Ten o'Cloct. 

* Revived Mtnb u 1698. 

* April ic^y i'699. Ordered, That no ConmlMe 
do meet, at any Time, liotil tK^Houn itfter the 
RHing of (he Houfe. 

* Nso. 14, 1^199. Ordered, That ^Chairman 
dfttie Committee, upon die Report of every privat* 
Bill, do acquaiitt the Houfe, Whrther the AH^a- 
tions of the Bill have been examined, and tht Pw> 
ties concerned have given tiieir CoitfeaCi to- the Sa- 
li^aSton of the Committee. ** 

< Ordered, That the Chairman (tf die Cbmmittee 

for any private BHl do not fit tbereupcai, widxwta 

Week's Notice thereof fet up in the Ixt^. D«- 

dared to be Standing Orders Fii. 16, I7«0} and 

.Jan. 18, 1708. 

*7iiR. 18, 1698, A ComplalntltffinglKeninade 
(o tne Houfe, T'bat there have been, of late, «e«t 
Numbers of Strangers at the Committee of PnvdcgW 
and'EleAioru, thatthcMembers cannot, (it. order*- 
ed, T^t the Serjeant at Arms, mttniding this Houfe* 
do give Orders to the Door-JKepeu, hnd Mclflen* 
gers of the Houfe, conltantly to attend the Committee 
ef PrivHeges ind Elle£lions, arid other Com nutttei 
fitting in the Houfe ; and take Care that 00 Ftribll 
do croud, or fit upon the Seats of (he Houfe, eitiher 
below or above in .he G^lery, where die Mcmbcffl 
ought to fit ; and that fuch Witsell'es as Ihall be ex* 
amicied at the faid CommiKee do attend in ^ £Ab> 
by, and be called in one by «ne, and feveratty exa- 
mined, and then withdraw for ochera to comt 4n -aol 
a ' b« 



A. P; R: B N D I Xi 

Ik taivniitej; uid tiuA the P^^ be kept clear for 
thuFurpoTe. , , 

* Revived, and made a Standing Order bf the 

**?««. 29, 1699. Ordered, That the Order toiidi- 
ingComOiittfBS being adje.arfied, at the Rifmg of tlie 
Hpufe, do extend only to fut^ Committees as are td 
fit in the Afternoons of the Days ypoli Which Com- 
piilteeifliall be.a<^i}tir;ied. .- ; , 

- » i/i. z8, t69^> Ordered,. TTiat all- Co(nniitteta 
who flull flt in a Morning do rife, when th^ Houfii 
fits ; or, in Default thereof, that what they fhall do 

'll?vivfd.i^.,;3,. 17.01. . . 

* Mareh ii, 1700. Refolvedj TnatincaTc (updn , 
the Days the Gotnmittee of Privilege and £leai«iu 

is to fit] there fln}l be a Debate in the Houle, which 
holds till Four o'CLock^ tbt) faid DebaJe. fliaU be 
iben adjourned till a further Day. , . , 
-. * Ntv. 28, 1707. Ordered, ComrmttCB 
do meet, or fit, in a Morning, a^cr Prayers j and 
that all that (hall be done at any,Mecting or Sitting 
of any Committee, after that Tiine, be void ; and 
that Mr. Speaker dovfrom Time to Time, act]uaint 
thjeHoufe with fu.chCaininiltee£ as {hail not,obfeive 
this Order. 

'frfi JO, I73t)t ;,Diidertd, .That tf»e Serjeant at 
Arms, attending this Houfe, do, from Time toTimcj 
when the Htiiife is gbitig to Prayers, give Notice 
thereof to all th^ Committtes j and that all Proceed- 
ings of Committees, in a Morning, ^fter fuch No* 
tke be declared) bc-nidl and void. 

f * March l6t 1 ^041 1 jac. Noted, as aa antient 

Rule of the Houfe, Thatj upon any Conference, the 
Number of the Cominons named for the faid Con- 
ference are always double vo thole of the Loids ; and 
the Place of Meeting appointed by the Lords. 

* A^il z, 1604. Two Queftions atHing, vix, 
Firfl, Whether the Houfe were refolvcd in the 
Matter i 


* SninJly^ Whether they fliould- ctmfer trith :die 
Judges ? . , 

* And the Houfe being at length induced to ento'- 
tiin the latter Quetlion, it was carried, by gcDeral 
Voice, in the Negative, No Con&rchce. 

* Upon this PdTiige it was urged for a Kule, That 
i Q^ctiioh being once madci and carried in the Af- 
nrhiative, or Negative, cannpt be tiucmoned again i 
)iut tnuft llahd as a Judgment of the Houfe. . 

'■March i5j 1626, 18 /<re. Relblvedj That. in 
prefcribing of 'Cpaferences between both H<{u|e# ' 
.moving froth the LordB, they have done it verballjF 
upon the Lords Report, entered into their Journal- 
Book i yet now order for the Houfe to affijrd the 
Lords the ExpJte about the BufineTs, bccaufe it con- 
lifts of fo .many Heads \ but Sir Edward Coii to 
inove the Lords ibis may not heteaTtcr be taken {tit 
Ptectdent. \ FiJe the Rcpon (a). 

* May 12, 1627, 4 Car. Ordered, That all the 
Gentlemen give Room to the Reporters. 

* jfug, 3, 16+j. Ordered, That Sir Jihn Emfyx, 
Mr. Streudt, and Mr. Nicbehj are to go and Ul^ 
ihe Names of fuch Members as do now ftay bcbiild 
!n the I^aihced Chamber ; and likewife it is ordered^ 
That fuch of the Mnhbers, whole Names are re- 
turned by them, fball pajr Five Shillings a^piece; and 
that the Clerk (hall demand the Fiyc Shillings of tb* 
laid Gen tlcn^en accordingly. 

. * Feb. 26, 1 643. Ordered, That Sir 7£iwuirawjE< 
do dcfirc the Earl at Siamferd to forbear coming to 
the Committees of this Houfe, it being contrary to 
the Privilege of the Houfe. 

* The Lrfirds' Order^ Ftb, 21, 164.7, Dedatii^ 
the Right of every Peer to come to any Committee 
of both or either Hoiife, ahd in particular to the 
Committee of both Kingdoms, being read, and Con- 
ference delired of the Lords thereon } a Declare 
tion was ordered to be offered, whereby they may 
ixprefs the Refentmcnt the Houfc has of the Pro* 
ccedings of the Lords herein. 

* jfug. 
'fa) T be tho<n it UBintcIIigikle, but it Itnatf iffttMt to tht 
Copy t >M ihe Editor wmU oat f lefntnS to ttfinic the Senfe ftoM 
wt/ Conjcjiuni of hi) owiia 


tgi A P f E K B ! «. 

* A;. 35, 1660. €>Tdei«d, That the Seijeant «! 
Arau, ftttending this Houfe} fiiffer none to go pirf 
of tbe HouTe till diofe that art to maOagt! Ale Con^ 
ferenori afe gone forth. 

* Jug. i, 1661. Tbe Lords deflre s prefeM CbM> 
Iference, b;^ a CoAMitiee of both'Houfes, prefbuiy 
In the Paiated Chamber, if it mxf ftaild with di< 
Conwrnenqr of this Hotifet 

* Anf^r returned hj die raine.Mefletu;en^ Thai 
this Houfe has r&ea theirLordfhyn Huffige into 
Cqiifide^ation 1 and vill retuijt aa Anfwer hy Mef" 
len"^er».of their oWik 

*Mr.i'j''"'^'"catuptod)eXords'with diisMefl 
rxgej Whereas this Houfe has received a Mcflag|& 
from thdr Lordlhip6« for a prefent Coof^rencci 
«athont any ExpidEon of die StiJ^efi or Matter of 
the Conference, triiich is ctuitrarf to tiie conftaot 
Courfc of either Hotife, and therefore this Houf<f 
cannot yield to a prefent Conference. 

' Fti. 6, l688- IIk Houfe hclng iufbrtned, t)iat 
Acre was f« great a Croud in tht Painted Chamb^^ 
that the iAertibaa, appointed to maiAge the ftee 
Coirference ccniid not come to the Bar, ordered^ , 
T%3t the Seijeant at Anns, attending dils Houl^ - 
do go inimedixtely (witiiout the Miwe) to th<! 
Fainted Chantfaer, .and require the prelent Returo^ 
to-tbb Houfe, of all tbe Members diereof v^ artf 
in the Painted Chamber, (except Seijeatit A£efnsrdi 
fir Rtttrt HevMtrd, vxi tAi. Ptl^fMi who arew 
prsfent latne} in ofder to the Koq^b's being tUtfttfi 
ef Strangers. 

* The. Houfe beti^ infonneil, by the Serjeant at' . 
Arms, That he had Rquainted tbe Members witj| 
the Ot^ of tbe Houfe, and diat very few of tbenl 
teok Notice of die Dircdloo <^ the Hoiifej ordered/ 
That tbe Clerk of tiuf Houfe do go imMediady witb 
Ae Signet, and take tbe Names,' in Wrbiflg^ t^ fudr 
Members as flull refidk to obey fttch dw I^tediaa c< 
d« Houfe. 

*Jan. 16, 170Z. Ordered, Tbat no MenAcfsdS' ' 
|)refuffle to fbnd within the Bar at the T^ile m. 
^ P»fited Ghvabery bat fixii » ve apfxiiateil 



Mani^n, and tbe Serjeant to fumiqon tfae Mem* 
bers to attend the Houfe! 

Ordered, rhat no Members do prefume to go 
out of the Hnufet till die Managers arc gone out 
for the free Conference^ and until Mr, Speaker da 
leave the Chair. 

* May 5, ii^o*. Agreed for a Rule, That 'f w??!^ ^"^'^ 
differ from the Defire uf the Lord* propounded by t" r^^^, 
their Meflcogers, then we are to fend by our Mef-LMdi. 

^■Fth. 14, i6o6i On a Mcflage from the Lords, 
it was conceived as a Rule, when we yield to them, 
we might ftrnd Anfwtr by fuch Mellengers as come 
front the Lurds j if not, then to fend by our own. - 

' Maj II, 1610. Great Debate touch ng the 
Speatrer'i bring ng McfTages from ibe King; 
. ' Whereupon refolvcd, That this Manner of re- 
ceiving a Mediige from the whole Body of the 
Council by Mr. Speaker, Ihould be no Precedent 

* The Order albwed to be entered, May 12, 

* Feb. 15, 1620, 18 Jac. When the Mcflengers 
deliver the MelTage, none ought to fpeak to them, 

. to fpeak out Agreed 10 be the Courfe of the Houfe, 
not to fpeak ti» them ; for Mr. Speaker is to relit* it 
to the Houfc. 

* Aiareh 10, 1610, \i Jac. A MiITage from the 
King by Mr. Attorney- General, i^c. 

* Refolved, That Mr. A corney- General fiioulct 
come up to the Table, and Mr. Speaker and dte 
whole Houfe to be bare whilft tbe Mti&ge was de- 

f r^rt'i 10, 1641. Notice being given of a Mcf- 
lage from the lyords, it was ordered, lliat all the 
Members keep their Seats, and go not out Without 
, * Nor fpeak to the Mcffengers, May 3, 1641.. 

* Nor fpeak to the Meffengeis conuiJg in, or go* 
ingout, Jan. a?, 1641. 

, Toi. xxm. C c *^. 



* jfr^3i, 1641. AM^^ftOtttbtLMds, by 
Dr. Btmtt alone, 

* Exceptioti bditg aAxn^ Thtte the Lords ftnt but 
one Meffinger, tt vKU dcslaredv That it was tbe 
antiem Rigfaf of- tbia Heufe Cfr-tiavtf (W MdTcngert 
frat from the Lords, to this Houfe, upm- aR Otca' 
fiona i however, at this Time, the Houfe was wil- 
ling to pafo it over. 

t... *^<722, 1645. Ordered; ThKafie^NdticelhsII 

be given to. Mr. SpealMf «F xttf MiShfifi fredi Ae 
■^ Lords,, that no new Motion of any Bufincfs- Whilt-- 

faeverflnril inteiVenc ; but that^ the SfefiiMgers Ih'alt 
briprefentiyMfiiritteddAb'thatthsSiiftnels, then' in 
pntinna Agitikfan,' Aall be Ajjutcfaed. 

* Gif?. as, 1645- R<ftrtv«l, That the Meflenlger* 
ftom Ac' Lords be always tailed in imm^iately af- 
ter that (he Bti&neft, ibcn tiY prefcAt AgiCatron, Ihall 
beconchided; aitdAiAODo^r newBtilineft what- 
fecvcr intcmne' between tbM Bufillers and' the' Ad- 
miflton of the Meflengers. 

* Sept. II, 1648. prdcted, That when Meflen* 
gets aire lent from the Lords to this Hetrie, as fuoo 
as the Bufinefs in Agitation, when the Meilengen . 
conw, is ended, Aetr the MetTengers fr<Hil die Lord* 
to bc'cdfed in. 

Orim tar tia * Pet', t4t 1606. An Order oKivcid' ind'fetded, 
h"^ "J^ That the Houfe ftiould aflcmbic every Day at Eight 
ii^^ Rifi^o^lo^'cj aid- enter into the great Baflnm M. Nine 
and Mcmben co-o'CIcclc 

"^''**"^'^" ■ ' ^"T^Ji 1614, II Jat. Ordered; TKaf the 
WunrE^pingHmifeflialffit every Diy a* Seven o'CIicS in the 
Hua in the Mofmtlg; md to begin to md BiWV, ftcondly, alf 
""^- Eight o'clock. 

*- To Oleet at half an Hour' after Seveh ; and Bills 
to be put to Pa£ge iff Eig^t o'OodC, jlprii 24, 
^ 1624-, izyae. 

^ Ntv. %6, 1640. Ordctsd, That neither Bodt 
i»r Gfcive may give any Man TltTe or Intereft' to 
uiy Pface, if they thcrafelves' be not at Prayers; 

* May I, 1641. Orderedj TbataHth« Membert 
' ' otdtisHQufe, that fiull come to theHoufcr after 




Elg^t ct'Olock, fhall pay it. etcrpt it fliatl appear 
' to tire Houle that they are cfflpiojred in the Service 
bf fhis RoLtfe •« be dirpofed of as the Houfe fliall 
think fit, and (he SCrje>nt is to gather this Money ; 
and if any Member Qiafl forbear to come for the 
tphde Day, he Ihall pay $j. untelis he hxve Li,cehce 
friJrrt this Huufc, or be ficfc, or be in the SerViCc of 
tfte Houfe. 

^Apfi/ig, 1642. Ordered, Thit whofoevei" fliall 
Hot he here St PrayeW Hvtry Mirnir^ it Eight ot the 
<r)ocle, ihaH pay v. to the Poor; and etfery Member 
that Ihall come after Prayers, is ordered ts pay it. (o 
the Serjeant vfrithoul any further Dertiatid. 

< /*<« I4, 1 743. KeCoIved, That the Rnuft do 
meet cveiy Day at Nine o'clock and rffe at Twelve j 
and Mr. Spealter is to put the Houfc Jri ll^ind here- 
of; itti that Tuch Mi^hi1;«rii as c6me afef Nine 01.11 
pay 1 5. to the Poor t and that if any Memher (halt 
begin, or make a hew Motion after Twelve t>/ the 
Ooct, he [ball pay $s. to be tfoUeded and difpt^fed 
of ftJ the Poor. 

* A Box u to be prepared ind Cei up at the Dd6r 
to rfiisPurpefe; afid the B'urgeflcS t>^ Weftmxnjitr are 
in talttf Care that the Money be duly paid. 

* AffU 22, 1(546. Ordered, That wjiatfoevtr 
Mentbefof tlie Houfc ffial!, during (fie Time the 
lldufe is it Prayers, contitiuc tritfier in iTie Corii- 
miftce- Chamber, or tn'the Judges Rooinj and iball 
not come and be prcfent at Prayers, (hall forfeit, arid 
pay, for every Time he ftiall fo aBftpt himfelf, IJ. 
to be cotleiSted by the Serjeant at Arms, and to be 
diftr1i)uted to the Poor. 

' Revived fan. 15, 1654; and Mini I4. 1656. 

<^ Match li, 1647. Ordered, That fo loon as the 
Clock ftVilces Twelve, Mr Speaker do go <)ut of dio 
Chaii; arid that the Hbufe rile, and no neW Motion 
be made aficr Twelve o'clock. 

' ,iWa«i 23, 16+9. RofblvcJ, Esfc. T*hae every 
MemlSer that doth not attend" the SflrMclr of tlie HWe 
at Niitc o'clock in the Morning, (ball pay ir. to 
the Poor i and the Serjeant to collefl' the fame of 
all the MeiVi&ers thatlfiall come after that 'fiftie.' ' 
Cc 2 '■May 


3oa A T> PEN D I X. 

. ■ * Mttf 31, 1659. Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do 
conftantl}', every Morning, take (he Chair by Eight 
o'clock ; and that the Council of State, and Com- 
mittees of this Houfe, do forbear to fit in the Mom* 
ing after Eight o'Clock, and do then give their At- 
tendance on the Service of the Houfe ;, and that the 
Houfe do rife every I)ay at Twelve o'Clock; and 
that no Motion be made after Twelve o'Clock; but 
that Mr. Speaker is hereby enjoined then to rife. 

* April 29,' 1679. Refolved, That this Houle 
will every. Day adjourn till Seven o'Clock the next 

* March 24, 1679. Refolved, Tliat this Houfe. 
villbegiii to fit every Morning at Nine o'Qocl; and 
that no new Motion be made after One o'Clock. 

* The fame Order for Motions Ntv. 25, 1695- 

* To proceed on Bufintjls at Ten o'clock, (ic., 
Nov, 2, 1.696. 

*Nev. 19, 1694. Refolved, That this Houfe will 
every Morning at Ten o'Clock, enter upon public 
Bufinefs i and that no private Bufinefs be prooeeded 
upon after Ten o'Clock. 

* March 10, 1734- Complaint being made to the 
Houfe, That Places were kept in die Houfe for Mem- 
bers whp'were not at Prayers, by laying Papers for 
that Purpofe, declared, That no Member is to keep 
any Place in the Houfe, by Book, Glove, Paper, or 
otherwUe, till after Prayers } and then only for bJm- 

* March 13, 1734. Refolved and declared, That 
the Declaration of the Houle of the 10th Day of this 
inftant March, That no Member is to keep any Place 
in the Houfe, by Book, Glove, Paper, or otherwile, 
till after Prayers, and then only for himfcif, does not 
extend to a Member who takes a Place by and for 
faimfelf only before Prayers, and leaves a Book, 
Glove, Paper, or other Mark of the Tame, provided 
fuch Memoer be at Prayers. ' 

] * Jan. 29, 1741. The Hfiufe was moved. That 
the Several ftcfolutions of the Houfe of the 26th of 

iNwtmhtr, 1640, and the loth and i^th of Mareb^ 
1734, relating to Uie Method of taking Places in the 


UtrnfCf might be read ; snd the fame were read ac- 
cordingly^ and ordered to be printed in the Votes of 
the Day. 

* JuiteiS, 1610. Ordered, TTiat if any S»r«ngerorij„ toBdilnt 
prefer any Grievance^ he muft ftand by at the Read-pHnu Bufiwft, 

* May 12, 1627, 4. Cdr.- Mr, Surg/fi tends ih a , 
Petition j but ii not being figned, the Houfc (ignified 
to him that brought it, by the Serjeant, That they 
could not meddle with it in that RelpcA. 

* Die. 4, 1640. Ordered, That the Bufinefs in 
Agitation being ended, no new Motion of any new 
Matter (hall be made without Leave of the Houft. 

* March 23, 1641. Ordered, That no new Mo* 
tion {ball be made after Twelve o'Clock, 

* Jan. ag, 1643. Refiilvcd, He. TTiat when any 
Motion is made in the Houfc for any Member, or 
other Perfon, for Wf Plage or Office to be conferred 
upon them, That the Houfc Ihall t^e a Day*!) Time 
requifite to confider of the fame, before they make 
dcf therein I and to be made in a full Houfc. 

* Jpril I, 1644. Ordered, That no Member do 
o^ to more, after Prayen ore done, till the Mini- 
&er that prayed be gone out of the Houfe, ' 

* May 23, 1645. Ordered, That Mr.'S[)eaker 
fliall not hear any new Motion after Twelve of the 

* Off. 25, 1645. Ordered, TTiat no new Modon 
ofanyBurtncfswhatfoeverOiall be made after Twelve 
o'Qock; and that Mr. Speaker fball not bear any ^ 
new Motion after Twelve o'Clock, and the Houfe 
immccflately to rife } and that Mr. Spacer do then 

Jcave the Chair, unlefs the Houfe be in the Debate 
of a Bullnels, or the Houfe otbenrife order. 
■ • Revived JiirrfA 23, 1649. - 

* Sept. 23, 1646.- Rofolved, That no private Pe- 
tition, to be dire^ed - to the Parliament, be printed 
before the fame be read in the Houfe. 

*Dtctmitri, 1646, -Otdercd, That the Order 
^ainfl printing private Petitions, before they are 
prefented to the Houfe, be duly b ferved } and that 
■ Cc 3 (he 


394 A P P^ B N D f X. 

tiw ficijc^nt, attending Ak Houlc, ihall fitizc vpof 
f^ch prinwl PptitiiWs, U) the Haad» «f»i]y PwUwf 
that dull deliver or difpetfe the fame, 

* Oa. 8, 1659. Refttlved, Thai no Pcrfon pro- 
pounded,' a« to any Office of Profit PT Trvlt. Oiall 
be pafled thf fame Day thjii b? is propound^ [ anj 
that Mi. Speaker put the Haure in Mnd thereof. 

* RcfoWed, Thiat fuch Perf ons ae Oi^H prefat my 
Ferloa tothU Houfc, for any Place Qf Pri^ pr Tnift, 
fiulj give in hit Nwne under his Hand, aa^ leave it 
with the Clerk of this Houfe i and ihyt they bclievf 
bim to be 41 Perfim within the QualtSawion oiAt ^tb 
fif May, 1659. 

* Jpril 35, 1660. Rdblvcd^ That jv> new Kifir 
n^fa be broueht in, or entertunist) ip tb^Hovft, after 
Twelve o'CW. 

< jAtf. 33, 1660. Rdblvcd, That np private Bu- 
fisfb be entensincd by this Houfe, gn tpy Day afr 
ter half an Huur after Mineo'Cbck. till further Or* 
Jer.— Alter Ten o'Clock, tfev. 26, 1660 •*-Aittr 
J4ioeo'Clock, 7»wio, i6i6i.—Af»r Ten o'Clock, 
Ftb. ^ i69>* and 7(»i. 24, l693.'^Aiter Eleven 
o'clock. 7tfii. 29, 1693. 

*'lS»rf^i9, 1679. Ordcrfld, That (be fUniiag 
Order of the Houie, That no new M«t<on be nndc 
»ficr Twelve o'Clock* be flruOly and cqaftandy kept 
tnd ob^^rved* 

> ^rrJ. 4, 1697. Ordered, That no Petid'oni tw ite 
^vb4 after Ten o'Clock in ifae f orangon. 

nrtwW-cluDf «%», 3,. 1641. Ordered, That Mr, Speaker 

*'"''^' Oiair have a Warrant, at any Time, to app^bend 

and ftay Ibcli Member* of this Haak at be (baU be 

inforincd d».fli^r fend CballeogBs, or receive or ear 

tertain Challenges. 

' JpTil 28, 1 645. f )rdercd, That if any QHarrel 
bippcn between, any GcDtleoient or others, in any 
Place within .the Cities of Lmdaa miilfifimmfitr, 
and the L nes <jf Communicanon, (the Houfe not 
ficttngf dui, upon Inf<Tmat<oji thereat to Mr. Spca- 
JKj-, he fhiiil have Power to iiuid fat tke Parties, bmI 



iecum thor Peribm tilt dM HotiA be -Kqv^med wlA 
itf Md tflai further Of^cr. • . -■ , 

* Mv. 1 1, 164.0. Ic VM declftnfl, 'as ■ fOfiftantQ,,^^ toodui 
JUU^fthis Uouft, ThatifAWhnefetw:^roue^ȴrtuicar<. 
tbH Hmife, (the Mat^ futMig) the Bar eu^ht Kobe 

down i othcrwMfe, if the Hoi^e be in ■ Cormnklee. 

f Mv. 25, 1647, P. M. Rtfolved, (Jfc, That 
this Houfc dodt ded«ra, That l^ Perfoni that m 
fummoned to attend any Committee of this Houfcj 
Bi WitMQesi in any Caufe depending- before ^eot, 
ought to haw the Privilege of Pariitinent, and to be 
(wKtrom Airefti ineoming, ftaying, aiul marning 
to tba/aid Committee. 

* Mttdt 8, 16B8. Refolved, That it is die tin* ' 
doubted Rigbt of diis Houfa, ThatAtl WitnetTes 
fiunmoned to attend riiis Hsufe, or any Committee 
appointed by it^ hive the PrtvU^of this Houfc in 
coming, ibiyiDgi and rotomlng, 

< May 2, i'695. Rdblved, lliat ^ Heufe dot)) 
■gfte with the CoBiiBittefl in the faid Refolution, 
Tliat th« proper Method to c<Hiipd Witiufles w 
come in, and give dicir Evidence upon Impeaclv 
nenti, is, in ^ firfl Place, to ifliie out Sutnmdns, 
from diia Houfe, to fuch Witnefln for their Attend' 
' ' fan. 29, 1699. A Complaint being made to the - 
liaufe. That the Md^gers belonging to the Ser- 
jeant at Amu, attending this Houfe, had demanded ■ 
Moneys of leveral Perfons fummoned tqr them to at- 
tend C<MiuniKflCs, declared} That no Perfon fum- 
aioBed to attend the Houfe, or Committees, ai Wit- 
neflcj, ought to pay any thing for their being (b 

* May to, 1743. ' Complaint being made to the - 
Houfe of the Proceedings of the Houfe of Reprc- 
lentatives of the Province aiMaJfachitfttt Bay againft 
ytrtnaab DunhoTy Efq. and the Cenfurc palled upoq 
him, by the faid Reprefentatives, in the Months of 
Dtetmbtr and yaiaiaTy laft, fdr giving EviiJencc, in 
the SelEon of Parliament preceeding the laft, befor? 
z Committee of this Houfe, to whom a Bill (then 
C c 4 depends 



idepCnding in this Houfe, for the better fecurin|; and 
encouraging the Tia>e tcr bis M^el^y'i Sugar Colo^ 
niesin Amtrtta) was committed : And aPaper printed 
ViB'Siin^ in JVm' £>i;/tf>>(^, rintituJed, .Vetet of the 
Hauft ef Rtprtfintatiwif being offered to the Houfe^ 
the faid Paper wa« brought up to the Tabic, and 
fevenl Paragraphs therein were read ; in whicb 
the afore- mentuined Proceedings againll the faid 
"Jtrtmtah Dunbar^ and tiie Cenfure pailed upon hun, 
arc contained, 

' Ri.r»Ived, i\>m. C«n. That the prefuming to call. 

»ny pelf ^n lo Account, ur to pafs a Cei^fure upon him 

foi: Evidence given by luch Pe>fon before thisHogfe, 

oranyCommitieethercof, isanaudaciousPrcceeding,' 

and an high Violation of the Privilege of ihia Houfe. 

' Ordered, Th^t a Committee be appointed to 

inquire who were the Authors and Abettors ot the 

Proceeding agj^ioA Jtrtmiab /Juir^ar. Hfq. in the 

Houfc of Repi cfentativeB of the MaJ/oehuJel'i Bay, 

in the Months of December and "Jatmary )a<l ]'aft, at 

B'ftoty in New ^ngiand, on account of the £vi« 

dence given by the fajd Jtrtmiah Duniar^ belcac t 

Committee of this Houfe, in the Year 1730. > 

Orim tDDcUoK * Nov, 4i l6-f3 A Committ^ ordered to take 

^^^2'^-A.cCount of all public Monies ifluedi no Mcoiberi 

compa, ud Ai-0' Other Officer, liable to account to be of the Qmb-. 

myAcMsvB. fflitiee. 

*'• • March 21, 1694. Refolved, That the Speakw 

of this Houfe is capable of being chofen a CanuniiSo- 
ner for taking and Hating the public Accounts. 

' Refolved, That no Perfon be a Commiffioaei 
who hath any Office of Profit, or is accountable to 
hiiMajelly. The fame ^/i, r, 16115.. 

* Jpril 19, 1699. Commiffioners to be fevcn foe 
Caking an Account of the forfeited Elates in Ireljnd, 

' Ordered, That no Meinbd of (his Houfe be.4 

* May i^, 1720. A Bill for appointii^ Commif- 
fioners for uaur^ the Accounts ot the Atmy. 

* Refoiv^, I'hat no Perfon be a Commiflioner' 
who hath any Office of Profit, or is accountable ta 
flit Majefty. 

... * R«- 



< Rcfolved, That the Taid Commiffioncn in«; be 
Mcmlicrs uf this Houfe. 

( Rerolved, L~bat no Perron who hath been, or is, 
an Ag«nt, be a CommilBoncr in the r^iiil Bill. 

* May 9, 1604, I fae. Rule, That no Delin* Ordert iboot 
quent is to be brought in, but by the Serjeant wi'b ^"^^"jj*^^ 
his Mace. sui to tfac B>r. 

■ • March 6, 1625, I Car. Mr. Attorney being 
come to give Satisfa^on to the Houfef^om ibeDulce 
of Sttfii, refolved, That be be brought in with the 
Mace, and then ftaud at the Bar to be heard, atid 
then to withdraw. 

• Du. Ill i7»J. The Order of the Day being 
read for the iecond Reading of the Bill ibr infliSing 
certain Pains and Penalties upon Gmrgt Kiflj, alias 
Jahnjiiif ofdere<li That rhc Serjeant at Arms do 
inand with the Mace at the dar» whillt the Piifbner 
i> thece* 

* May a, 166S. Ordered, That when any Per-Orkr mo^ 
fons ci>nic to be naturalizeu hereafLcr, they do fifftW« t»n li T«i a>. 
take ihe Oaths of Allegiance anJ bupremac) in the 

Boufe, afur the apealtcr ukes ibe Cnair, accord- 
ing to sniient Form. 

. « 7«i« 7, 167^, ?.^. Relblved, ACfoi. Cm. That"""^ "f Cam- 
no Pcrfon committed for Breach of Priv.iegt, by Or-,J^J^_ "^ 
der of this Houft^, ought to be difcharged during die 
Si^oo of Parliament, but by Order or Warrant of 
this Houfe. 

♦ ywwg, 1675. Refidved, Ntm. Cta, That no 
CoQunoner of tngland^ ommiEied by Order or 
Warrant of the Houfc of Commons for Breach of 
Privilege, or Contempt of that Houfe, ought, with- 
out Order of that Huufe, to be, by any Writ oC 
ffaitai C»rpusy or any Authoiity what&ever, made 
to appear and anfwer i and to do and receive a De- 
^nniaation in the Houfe of Peers, during that Sef^ 
lion of Parliament, wherein fuch Periba was lb com- 

' March 



• < March 22, 1697. kefolvei. That no PerAm 
committed by this Houfe, can, dufing the fane Sd^ 
fion, be dirchu^cd by sny otbcr Ambortty wltatl(>> 

' Feb. 26, 1701, ]4 Ga/. m. Col. Granvillt 
npcNTtcd, from theCommittccof ihe wIk^ Eiobfe, 
to conlulcr binha of tbc Eight;, Libertiet, wid Pri- 
vileges of the Houfe of Commons, Tliat thtj h^ 
fome to feverzl Rcruluttons, which they had iktek- 
cd him to report when the Houfe will ple^Te to re- 
ceive the fame. 

* The Reportjonlered to be read imoediately; ani 
be reported, viz. 

* FirJI, Rctcibed, Thtf It is the 0)dnioa of this 
Commioec, That, to a&rt that the Houfe of Com- 
mons are not the <Hily Re preTenta lives of the Cora- 
moni <^ Eaglantit tends to the Subverfion f4 the 
Rights and Privitent of the Houfe of Conmons, simI 
ttie Fundamental Conftitutioa of the GovernoMH of 
this Kingdom. 

*■ StcM^ff, Rdblved, That it is the O^Ufiion of 
this Committee, That, to ailert that the Houfe of 
CoDimons havf no Power of Commitment but af 
dieir own Membets, tends- to the Subverfion et the 
Confiitution of the Houfe of Commons. 

' Thirdtyt Refolvcd, That it is the Opinion of this 
Committee, That to print or publifl) any Books or 
Libels reflcding on the Proceeding* of the Houfe of 
Commons, or any Member thereof, for, or rdating 
to, his SciVice dierein, is a high Violation ef the 
Rights and Privileges of the Houfe of Coeimons. 

*.Fiiirihiy, Refolved, That it b the Opmion t^ 
this Committee, That it is the undoubted Right of 
the People of Snglmd to petition or to addrefs die 
Kii^ for the calling, iittiog, or dlflblving of Parlia- 
ments, and for the redrefling of Qricvances. 

• Fifthfy, Refolved, That it is the Opinion rfthis 
Committee, That it is the undoubted Right of every 
Subjed of Englmtd, under any' Accufition, either 
by Impeachment or othcrwife, to he brought to a 
fpeedy Trial, in order to be acquitted or condemned. 

,, Google 

A P P JE n P I X. 309 

cpnd Tinac, were, upaq ibp (^ilii>n J«ye;filly put 
fbfreupop, agrfcd to by ihe H"Mfp- 

* JJlir(''tt, 17OA. RtfolveiJ, ThjU Qio Ccsiinouer 
of £itgia«dt committed hj the Houfe of Commons 

Mgtu » ^ by any Writ of finiiffi C»Fp¥S, in»Jc 10 
rppnt in sny other P}ace, or before any other Ju- 
dicature during tb»t ScSoo of Pa.luancnt wherein 
Aicb Pcrfun was fo coqimiitcd. 

* RsTulved, That tl)c berjcant at Arms* *ttendiiig 
Itbis Houfe, do m^kc |iq Re^uf if of, or yield any Obo- 
dtence to^ the faid Writs of Hqirfs Ct'ftii % and. for 
Jitch liii Rerur4, that he have jtie Protc^on of the 
ijioufa of CommoiiL 

* Refolvcd, That the Lord-Kr«per be acquainted 
with the faid ReroWticns, to the End that the faid 
Wfitf of Hth"' Ctrpfis m^y be fupc^feded u coor 
Wry to Law, and the Privilege pf this Houfe. 

< (Merpd. That the Ck'k of this Houfe do sc- 
quainc the Lord-Keeper of the Grptt it^l of England 
■vritb the fai(t Rciblutioo^ 

* JfriJ 4t 1707- SlefoUed, TNtf whensny Per- 
Sifa (ordejed tp be taken into the Cwftody of the Sei^ 
jeant at Armaj (hiU either abfcond from Jutticc, or, 
im'utg been in Cuftody, Oiall retbre to pay the jufl 
fcfs, in tittasr p> tbojc Cafis the Order tor Commit- 
jpfMt fll«JI be revived xtthe Beginning of the next Sef' 
fion of Parliam-nt ; and that this be decl'red to be a 
Staivling Order of the Houfe, 

' >w 16, I74(S. RcTolved, Thai the Serjeant at 
AntWt attending this Houfr, is intitled to, and ought 
aotafcear)d rrce.vcaFeeof6;> S(^. andiheCap lon- 
Jep of 3/. 6*. id. and the F«e of U. 6s. id for 
one Day in Cuflody, from every Perfon who Ihall be 
'tffoitght ta tlK tiar of this Haufe to hv icprimanded 
by Mr. Spirdter. 

* Jani 19, 1746. Rdblved, That the Serjeant 
M Arms, luending this Ijouic, is mtitled to, and 
«ugh.: to take and receive from every Pcrlbn-who 
iba)> behroudat to theSar of lith Houfe t-< be repri- 
foanded by Mr. Speaker, the Feci iolbwing ; the 


3IO A !> •*» E N D I X. 

Fee of 5/. or 3/. 6 s. td. tUxxxAin^ to the Table 
of Fees, for taking a Pcrfon into Ct^dy ; the Fees 
' for one Day in Cuftody, via., xl. for himfclf, and 
6s. id. for bringing a Criminal to the Bar. 

Oidcn OB tkc * jfpriiiy i6o4i I yae. Agreed for a Rule, That 
QS«*»«>°> ^ a QueiVion being once made, and carried in the Af- 
H^'onc. '"'fii'mative or Negative, cannot he queftioned again) 
but muft ftand as a Judgment of the Houfe. 

'yunei^, 1604. Aerced for a Rule, That upon 
"the adding of a new Thing, the Qucftion is to" be 
put in the Affirmative ; upon the continuing of w 
old, in the Negative. 

* Queftion made, Whether tWe Law fliall con- 
tinue until rhe End of the next Seffion of Parlia- 
ment. Much Difference in Difpute, Whether, up- 
on this QuelHon, the Yea or No ihall fit. Affirmed 
and conceivtft as a Rule, That when any Aheration 
U required of a Law in Being, as in this Cafe, and 
thereupon a Queflion put, the Yeas muft fit ftill, and 
^e Noel go forth. 

' Nev. 28, 1621, HiJae. Relblved, Thatwheo 
a general Vote of the Houfe concurretli in a Mofion 
propounded by the Speaker, without any Contradic- 
tion, there needeth no Queftion. 

* May II, 1626, 2 Cfl'-. Queftion, Whether the 
Yeas or Noes ftiould go out, much Debate about it. 

'A Rule, That whofocvcr will have a Thing mnft 
goout, and fogetit. 

* Nov. 6, 1640. Upon Debate of granting Time 
to thofc that are doubly returned for making their 
Choice, Wf. Whether the Queftion fiioutd be firft 
made for Mindsy next, or for longer Time, rcfolv'- 
ed, upon the Queftion, That the Queftion' for Mmi- 
dej (hould be ftrft made. 

* Die, 10, 1640. Upon die Dif&rence of the 
Yeas and Noes, the Houfe being divided, it was de- 
clared fur a conftant Rule, That tbofc that give dieir 
Votes for the Prcfcrvation of the Orders of the Houftf, 
IhallOay in; and thofc that give their Votes other- 
wife, to the introducing of any new Matte* or Alte- 
latioR, fhall go out. 

» April 


A P P E,N D I X. 311 

, * April 14, 1604, I Joe. Mcinbersmiftakingtiieo^j^ (^kia, 
QueAion interrupted by Mr. Speaker, and thereupon Moinni, uit 
a Rule conceived, wz. Th« if any Man fpealt im-^?^ " *^ 
pertincntlyi or bcfides the Queflion in Hand, it Hands 
with the Order of the Houfe for Mr. Speaker to in- 
terrupt him, and to know the Pleafure of the Houfe 
whether they will further hear hitn. 

* April 17, 1604. Agreed for a Rule, Tliat if 
mf fuperfluout Motion or feditioui Speeches be of- 
fered in the Houfe, the Party i* tt> be dire^ed and 
ordered by Mr. Speaker. 

* May 19, 1604. A Rule ^reed. If any Man 
ipcak not to the Matter in Qucftion, the Speaker is 
«o, moderate. , 

* y«fff 21, j6q4- Agreed for aRuIe, That when 
Mr. Speaker defircs to fpcak, he ought, to be heard 
without Interruption, if the Houfe be iilent and not 
in Difpuie. , 

. *Jliiiy 17, i^^ Any Man may fpeak after the 
.Affirmative Qucilion, and before the Negative. 

* ApriliXt 1610. Ifa Bill be continued in Speech 
two Days, one may not fpeak twice. 

* April i^ 16.14, ^^J"'- ^r. Speaker, for the 
Dignity and Cf ravity of the Houfei ordered. That no 
Interruption be made till the Speech of the Patty 
Jpcaking be ended and ruled. 

* May 3, 1621, 19 Jac. Refolved, That though 
a Matter be ordered in the Houfe, upon the Que^ 
flioh ; yet if, after, the fame Matter comes in ^ain 
by Bill, any Member may fpeak to this Matter, pr» 
or ee^ira, as hi^ Opinion is, and the faid QueAion^ 
formerly made and palTcd, precludeth him not. 

' Nm. 10, 11S40. It was declared. That when 
ft fiufincfs b begun and in Debate, if any Man rile 
to fpeak to a new Bufmefs, any Member may not, 
but Mr. Speaker ought to, interrupt him. 

* March 21, 1678., Ordered, That the OrdersTbe Orden i>r 
for every Day be read the next Morning before *iy!^^''JL^ 
other Bufinefe. Momiog 

'. • On. 27, 1680. Ordered, Tliat the Votes of 

' each Day be read the Day following the firll Bufmefs. 

* March 

.X'.oogic — 

ju . A P P ft N" DJE 3t, 

< M'^eti l^ iiff^. Ordered, That tbt Ordei* 
for the Btifinflls vp^irttti fo> the Qvj^ bt taA er%^ 
ry Day itt Elevcrr o'clock 

Ttt Order, of ' Jant lOj idJg. A DetxM irifeig te the RMfl^, 

being pleaded to- (4m JtffilttfiiM of (U* Court tf 
KiTf^tf BoAcK tile Tkiw Aigb« to be oMr-rufed, 
refilvet^ Thn ibr Onhn a«d: PnK«e4tn^ of thib 
Houfe,. plcadwi <o thtr JurlAiawn tjf A« CoWl <if 
King's fiencb, ought not ts''bO aVAr-ttileil. 

^fcW^ *Afm.M, 1354. t?[«fiiQyeft»«iffied(ittlfc 
dicHouCEiAiy Houfe, If, upon the Royal Aflcnt, th« Parlit#Mt 
jract^ witbOTi^ay ^Ocee<t Wilbooe a«jr P/ftr(*i«oii »■ ilTitagfecd 
^''^'^''* ihatitaiay.. 

BlickRod. ( Jlfaj 10, 1641. Mtmaraadum, That Mr. ^At*- 

nvtf cotiiiiYg to ftW Houfii ftriiK » McAa^ With- 
out hi* Kaek R4d^' sittd CMntflg in btferc fii' Ma 
cxikd Hs £^42c^A was tiSen M bctthi 

RceeA. ' * Jbg. iff ib^i. RefblvMf liftfn fbt QBeAlon, 

That this HOktUi idtii Ae]$ai, That xltj are dot fo 
bMind ' up by the .OrdcV fei' the Reeefs, Sut that if 
any emergent Occafion &bI1 arife,- tbey May rtctA 
■tmta it. 

PafiAt not ta * iVi to, 1 6^0. Ordci^, Thflt naPap^i Sa 
come Btir the prefamc M> COTOff into Wtfltninjitt HaH, the Cotttc 
p^u^^ll"' "^ Requefts, o( the Ubhy of Aw Houfe, dnring d* 
Sitiihg of this t^arltament ; and thii Order to be 
palled up at pf'eftihiH/ttr Hall 0«te, aiid in the 
Lobby of this Hoiire; and that the Serjeant at Armt. 
.afending this Houfe, do tike lAto Cuft^ij all' fudi 
Pcrfons as flial! oflfcnd agsinft ihtf fn4 Ordef. 

6rdm MucihiAt * Julf %, 1607. Sir £(ftvi« 5'i<niiyr reported from 
DMrjoLm>i5,ivi.thc ton.mitMte, to perufe and confidtr of fuch Erf- 

Wie-Boolr, Er'-j,;^ ^^ ^,^ ^^^ 1,^ (i,^ Qj,^ j^ his Joumat-Bot*, 

Gf,-. with tte Reafons, (Sfc. That it is thought con- 

' vtniciit by the Committee}, dnt this Onttr -fbtniM 

• ' - 2 be 

,, Google 

A S P £ n e I X.. 3., 

tVMtefBd) fti4/iipo«Q!ieftitfn, nl<Ave4 toberti- 
- tmtfi to thtfer W(rtd», «rs. Tlttt, belwetti dm *ai 
the nntt SdbMi tf PfrBgneAt, the Clerk flull per-' 
fea tM» J»uMit^B«* for theft three fiift Scffiom ; 
Aitf thkt ntf Mmfer of It^fHiga, or Conference, o« 
Kefi!>1(rti(*i AT Che Moofe proeedding th«rcDpoa, &aU 
be of Recdrd dr iw Fiwttf^ Alt futii Time » the ftmd 
be perufed and pcrfeded tnr i CoaiAiitMV ti> be) cKo- 
An thtf nntt S^fflun of FHluKnbnt, aid ifproteA by 
the Hodfii : AnCT' tfidf ^ha heiKtffeftb th« Com-' 
*!tt«e of Pl#i1^te db t)«<iTf SainnUjt in the After' 
irtMiv pefufearitffyaffiBaihdBiMykAf EiUriei, ind 
IMhMnferaM'afcfelltid} MtdtfMt* inregardoftho 
pe»t Pains which the Clerk is to take in peifeding 
tfffe ^ JoOrflats, Ibme Courft bo Utien tht next M- 
*Ftti^ t6i$9. TUfstidOMfffottbs Journal-' 

' Die. 10, itS^l. Sir y/fUJM^ f^ifilrigge nWVetf 
(be liloiifii ^lA ft» Glfcrkf« fix fiificrJng hii Jour- 
tial*y or Papere CfArMkted «o his Truft, to be tdcen 
by Members of ^!J ifouTe fron thif Table ; for ihalf 
^jWy Alter^drf wdre ntadri in fit Order, dMugh but 
iff St Word,' At^ Clerk eould rlotanfvrtSr if; and thcM- 
hit defirti it-miy'M oMer«d,for tin ftituret the Cleric 
fbould not fulTer the fame, it being againft-the Duty* 
and the Truft be is fwofn uhtof but tbft HoufiJ de- 
difi^ (Ae nYaft^' 6t any Order herein ; dedafiAg, 
THtt if wava F^dWIeMfal Or^d^ofttM Koufe, tha^ 
the Clerk, who is a fwom Officer, and intrufled with 
am tiiti\ei arid (tJ^GoOody of the Rectus of (he 
HbtiM OD^ nbt^ itifti^ any Journal or HeconM 
fti'be take'rt fiorii tKtf Tabl«, of odtof his Cuftodyr 
Md if h)j flflSt hA^fl^r do it, afftr thij W^niflg, 
iMf av His-PiErhl' He ffibll di it. 

*>(^: a, if^tfi ft«feIV6d, (frl'ThatnoPerfon 
be-perMitted tb h»i6 Infpeaion «l An Journal- Bo<>)dj 
but ftMflMar« MeinVen of thi»Hbiiret 

* Pe». 4^ 1666 Ordertdi That the ComrnlttM 
■ ifffKiihaf fbinf^'tlW J<MrAita bd revived^ and do 
d«aritlM tfii tmt Aety SslurJ^. 

• Dm. 



* Dk. 4t 16^9. ReToIved, ,That a Committee 
be appointed to perufe the Joumals of this Houfc 
every Saturday in the Afto'nQon, and if there be an^ 
Millakc in Writing to rcdify the famet and if thejr 
find any Omtffion or Miftake in the Entry of the 
Votes and Oiders of the Houfe, to report tht fam« 
to tbc Houfe t .and that it be reCertcd to. ilft. 

* The fiBi; Afay 4, 1675. 

* April ^, i6yj. Ordered, That no Member of 
this Houfe dd lure^ter take off from the Clerk's Ta- 
bic any Bill, 01. Briei of a Bill, ortheJournal-Bc^k} 
CI be permitted to take Notes, or copy thereout, tJu- 
ring the Sitting of the Houfei or a Coininittee df the 
whole Houfe. 

'■Dec. II, 1678. Ord»ed, That a Committee 
be appointed to infpe£l and penile the Jaurnah of 
this Hoiife, to fee that due Entries be made, and 
make a Report of the Mii^akes and Errors therein^ 
every Aicndaj Morning, 

'Ordered, That the Ordera of the Houfe be 
drawn up every Day, and read the next Morning 
before they be entered in the ytumah, 

' Aianh 29, 1679. Ordered, That the Orders 
and Proceedings orthis Houfe, after they are read 
every Morning, be entered in the Journals of the 
fame Day. 

' Revived 0<?. 27, 1680. 
* Ordered, That a Committee be appmnted toin'- 
fpefl the Jeurnelt every Morning, and fee Uiat true 
Entiles be made. 

' Mt/y ^, 1698. 5iT Rawland Givyn acquainted 
the Hoiiie, That, upon fearching for the faid Prece- 
dents, they found that many of the fiooks of iba 
yovrnali of the Houfe, before the Year 1685, arc 
much worn, ill written, and without any Indexes^ 
ordered. That all the Jauraeli oi this Houfe,, un- 
til the Year 1 685^ be fairly tranfcribed, and Inuexca 
nade by the Clerk of Hk Journals to tranfcribed, 
with References to the FtJios of the original 
Books i and that it be recommended to the Lords 
Commiffioncrs of the Ticafury to pay the Charges 

* Marth 



' * March 35i i69<i- Ordered and declared to be 
a Standing Order of tbe Houfe, That no Member 
do lalce a Paper or the Minute-Books from off the 
Table, to tianfcribe in the Houfe, under the Di(- 
pleafure and Ccnfurc of the Houfe. 

( Mi;f3iy 1741. Refolved, That all theBooks 
of the Proceedings or y«irrWf of the Hoiile of Com- 
mons, now in the Cu{{od}r of the Clerk of the fail 
Houfe, and t:ommencing with the Bocdt called Sn- 
mxr, which begins with tbe Reign of King fid' 
ward VI. be printed. , 

* Refolved, . That pooo Copies of the fiid TW* ' 

nail be printed for the Ufe of the Members of this ^ 

Houfe, by tie Appointment, and under the Direc- 
tion of NUbslat Hardingy Efq. Cleric of the Houfe, 
of Commons, (the fame not to eicecd 30 Volumes) 
with a proper Preface and Index to each Volume, 
and a general Preface and Index to the i^lc. 

* Refolved,' That a proper Recon^nce foe made 
to the faid Nuhtlas Harding, for the Lofs of Fees, 
which he and his Office wUI printing the 
£ud JturfiaU, 

*. Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be prelented 
to bis Majcfly^ That he will be gracioully pleafed xa 
order the Sum of 5000/. to be advanced to Nitbelas 
tJardingy £fq. Clerk of this Houfe, towards ena- 
bling him to print the Jeurnals of this Houfe; and 
liicewife the further Sum of looo/. as a RecompcncC 
to the faid Nubtlas Harding^ for the Lq6 of Fees, 
3vhich he in bis Office may fuflain, by printing the 
Aid Jmrnah ; . and to alTure his Majefly that thia 
. Houfe will make good the fame. 

' Ordered, That the faid W«aA be printed by 
fucb Pcrfon as ihall be liccnfed by Mr., Speaker ; and 
that no other Pcrfon do prcfuoie to print the iaxae. 

* J*'h I3> 164L. Ordered, That no MemberOrJcn tguaft 
of this Houfe (hall ciiher ^ve a Copy, or publifh in^* primingihe 
Print, any thine that he fliall fpeak here, without^^ Jai 
Leave of the. Houfe. HmI*. 

* March 22, 164*. Refolved, i^c. That whKr 
foever Perfon fliall print any ^£1 01 Pafl^ges' of this 

Vol. XXiU. D d Houfe, 




Houfe, under the Name of Diurnal or othenvife, 
without the particular Licence of thb Houfe, flnll 
be reputed a high Contomner and Breaker of the 
Privilege of Pariiuneot, and to be punUbed accord- 

*Jpril.ii, 1659. Rerolved, That the Orders and 
^«roIutton$ of this Houfe fball not beprinted hy any 
Tt^ron or t^erfons whatbeveri without the ^leciai 
Xeave o( tb% Houfe. 

■ "• yipui%, 1660. Refolved, That noPerfob what- 
foever do pn^fume, at his Peril, to print any .Votes or 
Proceedings of this Houfe» without dielpedalLesve 
juid Order of the Houfe, 

* RevivciJ May 14, 1661. — J*>u ji i662>-^M^ 
:i4( 1666; and Ntvimbtr 8, l6Sg. 

« OS, 1^, 1678- Ordered, That none of the Votes 
vf thii Houfe he dUperfed or publifbed in the Cofte- 

* The Votjcs, on Qyelllon, not to be printed, Jmu 
33, 1688. 

* Off. 13, 1689. Ordered, That all th« Votes 
of the Houfe be printed, and that Mr. Speaker do 
pcrufe the Votei of die Houffi and order tfie print' 
log of them. 

*Ftb.ii\ 1695. Ordered, That no New Letter-. 
Writer do, in. tncir. Letters, or other Papers that 
tbey dirperfe, prefutne to intermeddle with the De- 
lutes, or any other Proceedings of this ffoufc. 

■ * Revived Jan. iZ\ 1697 ; and Jan. 3, 170J. 

* Dte. 2), 1 604. Movedi that it may be a Stand' 
ing Order of th?s Houfe, That no more Votes of this 
Houfe may beprinted. 

« Ordered, That the Order of the 26th of Offt- 
htr laft for printing the Votct be difehargcd, the 
Houfe finding the great IiKoitvcniences that have at- 
tended the printing of the Votes. 

* Refolved, That it be a iitkndtng Order of the 
Houle, that tio Votes of the Houfe fliall be printed^ 
without the particidarOrder of the Houfe. 

' Refolved, That the Votes and Proceedings of 
the Houffc' be not publifhed by the Qerks* or any 
biher Per^ "whatroever. — Revived Ai, 25, i^os* 

L\ '_..., C'.oogic 

A t* P M rJ fe 1 t. 317 

« W(W. 53, 171ft. On the QKcffidil, Ae .Vote< 
or^ej again to be printed. 

'./"w. 23, 1703. Refglvcd) That no Newi- 
Wrtten do prcflime, in their Lettcir or other I^a- 
pen' tha^ they dlfperre, wt Miiiutes, or under any 
Denqminadon, tt> tnteimcddle with Aie Debates^ 
or ttjv other Proceedings of the Hoiife. 

* 'Retaivedy That no Printer or PaUiflier of any 
printed K<ws-Fapen do' preAmie to inrert In any 
{udl Papers, any Debates, or any other Proceeding 
of Hhis Houre, Or any Comtnittee tttemf. 

* Fti. 26, 1 728. Rcfolved, Mffl. Cm. That It is 
an'lAdfgnity to, and a Sreach oF, the privilege Of. 
this fifotife, for any Perlbn to prdume td give in' 
Wriring, Or printed News, Papers, any Account or 
Minute* of the Debates qt other Proceeding« of 
this Houfe, or of any Committee thereof. 

'_ 'Refdlved, N4m,Con. That, upon Difcovery of the 
Authors, Printers, orPublifhers ofanyfuch writtea 
or printtd News Pape^, diis Houfe wHf proceed againft 
theOnenderswithlTieutmoftSeventy. ' 

* April 13, 1738^. A Coniplaim being Ruule to 
the Houfe, That thd Publilhers of kittm Written 
and prtrked News Letters and Papers had taken ' 
upon thcra togivc Accounts therein of the Proceed- 
ings fS this Houfe, relblved, That it is an hi^ In- 
dignity to; and a notorious Breach of, the Privilege 
of this Houfe, for any News- Writer, in Lettere or 
Other Papers, as Minutes> or under any other Dc- 
nominatioo ; or for any Printer or PuUiflier of any 
printed News Paper, of any OenomhiatiDh, to flr^* 
I'ume to inftrt inthe tiid Letten or Papers, or to 

ive therein wy Account of the Debates or other 
.'roceedings of this Hbufe, or any Commhiee thA'e- 
oSf as wcU during the Reccfs as the Sitting of ^rlla- 
meiit; and that this Houfe will proceed mill the ut-' 
mdR &!verity againft fuch Otfbidcrs. 

*Fih. 19, r5S0. It is ordered. That the Lord orfert toodiiai 
Qancelloi may diitA the King's Writ of Attadi-P'>Tii(te »i 
ment.tpjhe Prefidcnt of the King's Coimcil \a (ht '»*•«'•»• 
Northrarts, to attach Henrj Ifitbiringun and 
D d z otheri,, 



jiS A P P fe N D I X. 

odwn, ,upon the Complaint of Su Rtttrl firandl'mgi 
Kift. Burgels for Nnucajik, nhiDilcd to the Higher. 

•■Ftb.iQ, 1556. It is ordwiid. That if my Bur- 
BC& require Privilege for Hifnfelf, or his Servant, he 
ihati, upon Declaration, hive a Warhint figned bjr 
Mr. Speaker to obtain a Writ : And fbf ttiat Wil- 
liam Ward^ Burgefs of Itoncafttr^ obtained a Writ 
of Privilege out of the Chancery, without a Warrant, 
from this Hpufe, it is committed to Mr. Mefan^ and 
others, to exainlDe the Matter, and certify the lame. 

* £>tc. 6, 1555. it is ordered. That Mr. Coisp^ . 
trailer, williothenof theHoufe, Ihall declare to the 
Lords, that their Opinion is, That their Privilege ia 
broken } for that Cabritl PledaU, a Member of tbu 
Houfl;, was hound In a Recognizance in the Star- . 
Chamber, to appear there before the Council, with- 
in twelve Days after the End of this.Parlramcnt] 
Whereupon Mr. Cotnptrollcc , from the Lords « 
faid. They would fend Anfwfcr thereof to the Houfe. 

' Mr. Martin and Mr. 2^», from the Lords, 
faid. They required fix of the Houfe to confer with, 
the Lor^i for that Caufe ; and Mr. .to'mptrbller, 
Mr. S. Pitrtt with four other.s, il^nt up ; and tSey 
reported, That the Chief Jiirtice, Matter of tjie ftolls, 
and Serjeants, do clearly aifarm. That the Rect^- 
zance is no Breach of Privilege. 

* Fib. 17, 1620, 18 "Jae. Ordered, That where 
any Member of the.Houie liath.Caufc of Privilege to 
flay any Trial, a Letter fball ilTuc utider Mr. Spcaii- 
cr's Hand /or ftayjhg thercDfy without furtbci Motiod 
in the Hpufe. " , 

* March iy 1629. Kefolvfd that the former Cowfe 
of writing.^ Letters to the Juflices of Affirt Diaftb*' 
obfervcd according to, Precedents; and, .if retfuin^,. 
a Warrant for Inhibition to the Party fhall 6e ii6«ed : 
And all thcfe to be refolved by theHoufc." 

" _ 'Aiprcb 15, i,62e...?>efo1t;e^ Th^t no PrDto^ops 

, ^, ■ V granted by any i Service Ijeifig the 6nlJ.PriviIfg»> 

,'.„■ inuls Jloufc, ■" ■ ,- . 

* Aierch 

A .P P E N D I X. '319 

*Afarch2i, 1610. Rc'roIvedjThatiioProtefliom, ' 
yflder any Man's Hand of this Houfe, is gixxl, 

*ykHt 1,1611, igjac. Ordered, upon Qucftioi^ 
That in Cafe of any Arreft, or any DiftreGi of Qoods, 
rcrving any Procefs, Citation for his Perfon, drreft- 
ing his fierfon, ftaying him in any Court, or break- ' 
ing any other Privilege of this Hoyfe, a Letter fliall 
Ifiiic under Mr. SpeaKer'i Hand for the Parties Rc> 
^ief therein, as if the Parliaoaent ifcre fitting; and 
the Party refiffing to obey il, to be cenfiired aC next 

' '' Nov. 20, 1621. Refolvcd, by the Bonki That 
all Proteftions, granted 'by any Member of this 
floufe to any, not his menjiN Servant or Attendant, 
are vdid ; and ordered. That if any Ihair hercafccc 
avow any fuch Protections ynl awfully given, drOulI, 
after thi? Timo, give any, Oiall incur the Cuifiire of 
^beHoufe. ' " ■' .' • 

* Pri.i^, 1625, I Car. Sir Jtibn Fiacb reported 
that the (kimmittee are of Opinion, That Sir.7%0- 
mas Badgt'i Man (hall be delivered 'hy Haiiat Cer- 

fiu frQtn this Houfe ; upon ih'c'Qu^ftion,' a Warrant ^ 

ordered accordingly. 

* The Houfe decfared. That, notwiihfianding the 
faid Opinion of the Committee, the Houfe hath a 
t*ower, when they fe^ Caufe, to fend the Serjeants 
{mnediatcly to deliver a Priibncr, 

\ Feb,. Z2i l(>zj, ^Car. RefoI«td,'upoi^ QuCi- 
ftton. That every Member of this Houfe is, /luring 
the Time of Privilege of Parliament, to have Privi- 
lege for his Goods and Eftate. 

* jlui- 17, 1641, P. M. To let the Lords ilnder- 
Rand, That the Conviflion of divers Rcculants has 
fceen hindred, under Pretence of Privilege of Parlia- 
ment 'roni their LordChips ; and to declare unto their 
Lordftiips, That the Oj>inionof this Hodfe is. That 
no Privilege of Parliament ought to he allowed in this 
<;afe for thefe Reafons,.' Firji, Privilege of Parlia- 
ment is not to be allowed in cafe of Peace, if Peace 
be required. Secondly, It is not to be allowed againft 
any Indiilment for Sny thing done out of Pa|rlia- 
inent. ThirMj, It is not to be alloWei- in oafcof . 

I>d 3 public 


^p A P P E N: D I X. 

Soblic. Service fo[:theCoDiiDOnwc:tltI}i ^ur tbaf it 
lufl not be ured for the Danger of the Common- 
wealth.' Fturthlj, It is. in the PowM of thi*' Parlia- 
ment, and dotl) not bind ttie Parliament itrdr, (^ 
that their Xordfliips may withdraw their own Prjvlr 
)tge as they fee Caufe; an^ therefore to declare, 
Tiuti in thefe two Cafes, of difarming of Recufants 
' and convifiing of them, no Privileg? of Parliainent 

ought to bi; anowed. 

* ^g. 28, 1641. The Houfe doth dtelarr* Tb2t 
sH Men ought to pay, the Rates chargeable upoq 
,theai, by the A^ifo^Fol) Bionf|y, notwithflnndin'gj 
any pretence of Privilege, or Letters Patent, of Eijj-; 
eniiption whatfoever, 

* Jpril 14, 1648. Ordered, That upon every 
Action or Suit, commenced before the Lo{d$ Coni- 
inliEonert of the Great ^eal ai Enghnd, or in an; 
of the Courts at W^mlnfttr^ againft any MejCnbers 
, of Parl^amoHt, the faid Lords Commiffioners, Judges, 

and Barons of theleveral Courts refpe^tively, or any 
pf theilt, (hall, by writing finder his or their Hait4 
^d Seal, give Kotice thereof tQ pvery fucli Member j 
whereupon the Member is enjoiivd to give Appear- 
imce, and proceed as other Defendants, in cafe o( 
like Suits or A^i^ns, ought to do ; and, in Default^ 
thereof, both their J^Hates and Perfons (hall be liable 
fo any Proceeding, ,in {«aw or Equity, as, other 
^embers of' this Commonwealth. 

* W)u. ^5,,i66o. R'efnlved s,nd declared > by tfe* 
Commons alTembled in Po(Iiarnent^ That the Privi- 
lege of iliis Houfe, in Point of Proteaions from Ar- 
l^it dotb beloRgtotheMcpibersof this Houfe, ^nd 
their menial Servants only, and to (he Officers at- 
tending the Service of the floufe ; and that all Fro- 
teflions in Writing, granted by any Member of 
ihii Houfe, to any Perfon whatfoever, be fo^thwitb 
called in, and arc hereby declared to he null and 
void \ and all Perfons whom this may concern aie 
required, upon all Occafions, to talcc Noticf of the 
Privilege belonging to the Members of this Houfe. 

* Rdblved, 'I'hat this Oidp be foilbviih printed 
and publifbed- 


A. P P E N p I S;. jai, 

* Niv. 25, )66i. Refolyed, tqxin the Q|ucftion, 
That no Member of this Houfe do grant kny PrO' 
teftion to any but fuch only as arc their menial Ser- 
vants i and that all ProtcAloiu already granted Va 
any o^cr Perfons beAdei menial Servants^ be forth' 
with primed and publiflied. 

* This Order revived Ptt. 18, l66a { UiJ Aprif 
5, 1670. 

* Ntv. a8, 1661. Thh Houfe takim into fiirthtf, 
Debate the great Griev^ncei' of the People, ocsa- 
lt6hed by Prot^iont, refolved. That all Protc^ions, 
and written Certificates of the Member* of this Houfe,' 
be declared void in Law, and be forthifith withdrawa 
andcallfd in, and that none be gn^ltad for the futurtij 
and that (he Privilege of Membeii, for their menial 
Servahts, be obferred according to Law ^ and if ahj 
menial Servant fhall be arrefted and dftainedji con- 
triry td Privilege, he Ihall (upon Complaint thereof 
nude) be difcharged by Order from the Speaker. 

* Ordered, That this Order be forthwith piintW 
and publifliea. 

■' * Revived A^il a. and D^c. 19, 1^0. 

,•/>*. 7, 1677.' Tile (am? brdcr, with this Addi- 
tion, f/z. after, _/ir the future, add, And ihat if any 
fliall he grahtcd, by any Member, fuch Member fiiaH 
be liable to the Cenfure of the Houfe. 
- * Ori^rcd, Th^t thii be declared to be a Standing 
Order (^ tiie Houfe, 

* Ordered, That thefc Orders, againft written 
Protefiiops, be publilhed., by fctting them up at 
Wtnmnfitr Hall Gate, and at the Inns of Courts 
ana Inns of Chancery* and at the Exchequer ; and 
^33i the Knights of the Shires do fend Copies there- 
of to the Sheriffs of their refpe3ive Counties, an4 
the BurgoTes to their rcfpe^ive Boroughs. 

* This Order revived April je, 1679. — -^an, 2^, 
X^c^%,-^March 31, 1690.— i'lw. iS, 1693. — }^<tv, 
30> 1605; iTid March 2<j, 1712. 

* jufy 16, 1663. Vpon Infonnation, TTiatihe 
^Vife of Mr, Bre^m Wiiorweod, a Member of this 
floufe, having obtained a Decree in the High Court 
of Chancery againfi Mr. f^herwtod, tor Alimony, in 

D d 4 the. 


^2i ■ APPENDIX. 

AielaCeT(mcofUrurp2tion ; md be having brouglt^ 
his Bill of Review ta rcvcrfe tfic Decree, his Wife 
claims Privilege of Parliament againfl her Hu(band, 
as the Wife orjtM^'^^^''°f^cHi^>'icfCo™^°i^* 
and refutieth to aiifwer. 

- * Rvfolved, t^c. That no Wife^or Servant 6! any 
Member of this Houfe, ought to have Privilege (^ 
Parliament allowed, in any Cafe, againft the Huf- 
Dand or Ma^er of fuch Servant.' 

* J^t(h7.'&, 1663. Rcfolyed, l^r.Tbat if any 
menial Servant be arreted and detained, contrary to 
Privilege, he. fhall [upon Complaint thJrreoF niadcj| 
be difcharged by Order froin the SpealKr.' , 

« /)^f. 10, 1666. Refolved, is-f. That It be re- 
ferred to Mr. Speaker to examine the Matter;^ and 
if he find ihatWilUam yof^^s was fuitcd andartcfi- 
ed, contrary to the Privilege of this Houfe, to give 
Order for his Difcharge, ahd for Stay of al^ Proceed- 
ings in ihe Suit. 

^ « Ordered. That in all Cafet of the like t^Taltire, 
vhere Servants of Meatbers are alledgcd to be ar- 
relled, in Breach of Privilege, it be referred ' to Mr. 
Speaker; and, if he find it fo, to giv« Order for 
th(4r Difcharge, and for Stay of the Suit. 

• Nev. 16, i675' The Houfe being informed 
_that Sir Edmund jmnii^s't a-Membcr of this Houfe, 
is made High Sheriff of the Cotjnty of Yeri ; and a 
Debate ariting thereupon,. rciblved, .(^c. That it b a 
Breach of the Privilege of this Houfe for any Mem- 
ber thereof to be made a Sheriff during the Conti- 
nuance of the Parliament; ahd that a Conynittec be 
named to conCder of a propef VVa? of fupexfcding Ae 

' May 2; . 11S7J. The Houfe being infori^ed (hat 
Mr, TIsan Gardiner, SoIIicitor in the Caufc concern- 
ing Lindfty Lruel, was this Djy arreted as he was 
coming to attend dn the Houfe, ordered. That the Pri- 
vilege of the HffuCe be allowed to the faid Mr. "jfjin 
Gardi'ner, and that he be difcbarged from bi^ Arrefl. 

* y^n. 7, 1685. The Houfe being inft'rmed that 

Sir jMniban Jtntiivgt was lately made High Sheriff 

ef fertjhirfi a Debate arofe thereupon, ielbl«cd» 




^em. Cm. That the pominating any Member of thi;. 
Hcwfe to the Kthg, to be made a Bi^l) Sheriff, is a 
Breach of the' Privilege of this Houfe, ' ' 

* Nov. 2, 1691. Refolved^ That the Privilege 
of this Houfefhall not be allowed to any Member* 
thereof, ia Cafes wherein they, are only Truftec*, 
a Copy of the Bill, or Declaration, being fiift left 
4vith fuch Truflet;; and that the fame be »''Siu)d- 
ine Order of thi* Hoi^fe^ 

* AReportbowth'ePriyilt^eof'tbeHoureiita^ba 

* Dk. 23, 1692. Mr. ^e£n Hew (according to 
the Order of the Day) r^poned from the Committee 
appointed to confider how the Privilege of this Houfe, 
ii) rslatioo to Suit*- atL^v and Equity, ^ay be re- 
gulated and limircd, and to report' tbf:,ir Op^njoni 
therein to the Houie, That they had confidered of 
^he Matter to (hem referred, and had agreed' upoi| 
feveral Resolutions, which they had direded him to 
report to the Houfe, and which he read in his' Place, . 
Widafterwardsdelivcred in at theClerk's Tabic, where 
the fame were re»4t ^"^ ^c as follow,, vix. 

' * Refolvedi Tliat it i* the Dpiniop of this Cufiv- 
■ ininee> That every ^dembet pf this Houfe enjoy the 
Privilege of bis.Perfori, againft Arrets and Imprifonf 
iheots, in (iich Manner a; Km been htircto^c ufed 
.and acculfomed, 

' Refotved," That it is the Opin|K)n' of this Com- 
niiitce. That no Member, during the Cpniiniiance 
of this Parliament, have any Privilege, i[ except per- 
.fonal] againfta Commoner, in any Suit or Proceed- 
ing, in Courts of Law or Equjty, for any ion^O' 
;T>'iie thdp the Houfe fh'all be actually fitting, ^r 
fhe Difpatch of Bufmefs,. in Parliament. Made a 
Standing Order .///ff-// 17, 1609', 
" ' Refolved, That it is the Opinion of thig.Com< 
tnittee. That a Conimoncr has, at all Times, Lt- 
berty to file an, original Bill of MiMeftx Latuat\ or 
J^«« Miatui or make an Entry to fave a RigjK," ip 
l>rder to prevent' a B^r, by the Statute of Limitation, 
^gaifift any Member of this H^ufe, notwitIiltandii% 
aiiy Privilege whatfoever, 



* Refidved, That it ia the OfHQion of thb Com-; 

mittee. That if an^ Mtmber tbzll (upon Notice in 
Writing, figned by the Plaintiff, hii or her Attorney^ 
vhcxi aad where to aj^ar) refufe to give an Ap->' 
Aarance td any A^lioQ whatfocver fcroaght againA 
, fiim by a Commoner, lit ^y Tine, (exccfA When 
the Hoiife Ihall be aflusllv fitting) the Plaintiff in 
fuch A^tofi, fhilt have Liberty to complun thereof^ 
by Petition, in (he wxt geffion of Parliament. 
, * Refolved, That it U the Opitiion of thil Com- 
Riittee, That a CoMinener faal, at dll Times, Libnty 
to exhibit any Bill, in Equity, againft any Member 
' ■ — icfi&tl ' ' 

bfthisHoufe to examine Withcfife thereupon, Jti or- 
der only to preferve their Tcftimotiy^ hotwithftand- 
Jog any Privilege whatroevcr. 

* Refclved, That it JslheOpimon oT this Com- 
Inittce, That noSep'aht of any MembCt Aall, at any^ 
Time", have any Privilege in any Suit or Proceedbig, 
In Law or Equity, broilght agafnft him, exccfit only 
as to the arresting ahd unprirohibg hisperloiu du- 
ring the iiSual Sitti^ of Parliament for the tJifpatch 
pf SufineB. ' 

That the Meeting of the Houfe at atiy Time, in order 
only to an Adjournment or Prorogation, fli'all not be 
undcrffood, or interpreted^ togivcanyotherthanper^ 1 
(bnal Privilege to any Metilber agalnft a Cboimoner. 

^-Refolved, Tt^rt this Houfe ^lll, upon Friday^ 
!^omingnext,tiike the faid Report Into Coiifideration. 

Neitt Thil Report was never coni^dcred' of, or 
agreed to,' by the Houfe. '' 

*■ Tib. 14, 1 69+. Sir Kubard Onflow reported thr 
Tame Refolutions, but nothing was . done Iberiin. 

'^d;!.^!, 1694. Refolved and d^taredf That all 
written Prdteftio^y, given by ai^y Member of this, 
Hou^, are void } a^ agaitifl the Standing Order of 
ihe Houfe. ' ' 

• Reiblved, That no Perfon fh'all be taken Inta 
Cuftody, upon Complaint of any preach $f Privt- 
tg? of this Houfe, before the Matter be firft ex- 

*Re- ' 


A ? F E N D I. X. J25 

^ ftelblv^ tnd dccIiH«<]» That Jbe Cud Ordtr is 
not to cxteiul to sny BreaJt of PmUege upon the 
Perbn of a Mcmlxr. , 

* Revived JVw, «» i^QS- 

* Ntv. 30, 169^ Rcrolved, Ntm^ Cm. That qft 
Member of ihis Houfc, duiing the Con'tinuaDce of 

■this Parliament, has any Privil^e (except 
Perfon pnly) igunft.>t>7 Commoner, .in 1x17 Suit 
or Proceedings, In Courts of Law or %£quity, /or 
toy Huiger' Ttafc than thp Houfe &all be adually 
fitting, for X)ifpat9h of BiuGneft, in Parliament. Tp 
t» conunuoicated to th^ Lords at a Conference 

* Reriwd Jan. 7, 1697. — iitv. 14* 1699. — Jaiu 
jZt 1708. Made a Standing Order ^H 17, 
16991, and Fth. 13, 1 700. 

* Declared and refolved, That no Member of this 
Houfe hath any Privilege againll Payment of any 
Aidt, Supplies, or Taxes granted to his Majefiy, 
IjT any Pwilh Dutirt. 

* Jpril i^y 1607. Kcfolvcd, That no Member «f 
.^id^fe hath WW Privilege in cafe of Breach of the 

Peace, or forcible ^nniej, or forcible Detainers. 1 

* Dk. 12, 1698, Rcfclved, That 00 Pcrfiwj Ik 
fafceo into CuRody of the Sc^eant at Arms, upoq 
My Com|d&int of Breach *^f Privilc^ei until the Mat- 
ter of fucb Complaint has been c;[apiined, by tilfe 
Committee of Privilege, and repprtetf to the HovCf. 
r— fievjypJ W«/. 16, 169Q. . j,, 

' Refqlvcd» That no MemtM^', have privilege of 
Pailtamcnt, fn any Cafe, wherein hf, is onljr ji 
.Tfuftoc. — I^cvivpd Ntv. 16, 1699. . ; ., 

* Declared a Standing Order N911. ^\^ 1704*- 

* Ntv. 27, 1691;^ Refolved, Th^ no Member 
c^ thjs iioufe, a&ihg as a public 0%cr, hath iiiff, 
Privilege of ' Parliamenr, touching any MaUcr done 
jn Execution of his Office. 

' 7^^- 31*1718. The StandlngOrder of the ttMifc 
' ortne 23d of jfanuery, 1 ff'iiliain and Mary^ rela- 
ting to Prote^iont and written Certificates, ^ven hy 
Members of tbi) Houfe, read : And iht Hou& be- 
ing moved, That the fiid Order may bVamended, 
ai^ made more cfFe^uali ordered, ^tm. Ciai^ That ' v 

' a 



all Protefii<»t9, an<l writtAi CcftiGcatcs of the Mcm- 
iwrs of this HduTe* be declareil void in Law, and be 
forthwijth withdrawn and called in, and'tlia't none b^ 
granted for the future i and if any Qiall lie granted 
by any Member, fuch Member* fliall niake &tiifa^- 
tion to the PahyiniuTcd, and fliall be liat^ to the 
Cenfure of die Houfe. 

* Offered, That tl^e faid Order be dedared to be. 
a Standing Qrdfr' of tjie Houfe; 
' * Ordered; That tliis OwJer be piibEOied, by fel;- 
tlng'iip the fame ih the Lobby ; at the Houfe Door; 
at ^tftimnflir Hafl Gate, and at the fevcral Court* 
"in Wefimnjier Hall j at the' InpsV of Courts and 
Tniis of Cnance'ry^i at i\x Rnol Exfhdt^t; and at 
die two poimiters in Lv^ •' And ^hat iRe Knights 
' arid Commiffloners of the Shires do fetid Copies (here- 
of to the Sherifis- of their refpcfllve Counties and 
^ires I ah<^ the Citizens to their rcTpcSive Cities j 
and the Burgcflct,, >nd Co^tniffioners of Burghs, to. 
dieirrefpefliveBwoughE. '' .' 
■■ * Nev. i6« 1722. Rcfolved, XW. Cwi. That no. 
Co-partner, in any Trade or Undertaking, is tnti- 
'tled to the Privilege of this Houfe,' in reipe^ of aaj 
'Matter relating to fuchCo-partnerfhip. ' 
' *. <lt4arch 10, I739- The Standing Qrder of the 
Houfe made the 3 m Day of January^ 1718, That 
atf I'rotedJons,- and written Cckificatcs of the K&m-^ 
. bers of this Houfe, be declared void.ih La^,'and b^ 
nirthwith tvitbdraWn and called in, and that noqe lie, 
^t;antid 'for the future ; and that, If any Aiall' 119! 

f ranted by atiy Member, fucb Member wall inak^ 
atisfa£{ioti to the Party injured, and Qiall be liable 
to the Csnfure of thb Houfs ; and alfo the Orde'r of ■ 
' the Hotife, mide the fame Day, for publiflung the' 
(aid Standing Order, wa« read. 

* An.d the Jqumal of the^ Houle of the i8di of 
■ ftiruerj, '1723, In relation to an Order of this Houfc, 
' for re-prlntiitgandpubllfhing the faid Standing Order, 
, iras alio read. 

, ' Ordered, Nim. Can. That the Standing Order 

be i:e-printcd and publifhcd, by fetting Op the fame 

in the Lobby; at the Houfe Door; at H^ijiminfttr 


A P P B N D I X. 327 

^a)l Uate, and at the Tereral Courts in Wtftm*f^ 
Hall ; ami at the Inns of Coufts, and Inns of Qian- 
cery \ and at ttie Rtjal Excbangt; and at the C»0 
Compters in Lcnd»n ; and on the Walls within tbt; 
Seffions-Houfi; at Edinburgh ^ and that a Copy 01^ 
the faid Order be feht to the Clerk of the Peace for 
every Couniy, Cii y. Riding, Liberty, Divifion, and 
Place within that Part of Grtat-Britain called Ei^- 
lind; and (othe principal CIcrlu of the SciBon in 
Bdiidurgbt with Dire<aiQn» to them refpeflivc^ 
ibnhwiih tb deliver a Copy thereof to the Sherifis 
atid Stewards of ttwir refpeflivc Counties, Shires*: 
Stewardria, Cities, Liberties, and Places: And ib- 
yearly to every new SherifF, or Steward^ witliin one. 
Week after he fhall have been fworn inro his Office (. 
knd all Sberi^ and Stewards of the leveral Counties* 
^ires, Stewardrics, Cities and Places, widihi thit 
Kingdom i And the Secondaries of the Compters in 
hendaa are hereby pi-ohibited to enter in their Bookt 
aiw Protc^on, or written Certificate, Cgned by iaf 
Meoibcf of the l^ouie of Commons [ buV, upon fudi 
l^rotefiion, of written CCrtiBcate) being dire^ed to . 
them fmihwith to return the £ube to the Clerk of 
this Houfe. 

^ Ordered, That the Cleikof this Houfe do forth'* 
with acquaint the Houfe with fuch Protc3ions, or 
tfritten Certificates, asfliall be foretutned to him, if 
the Parliament be then {ittingi if the Paitiament 
be not fitting} within three Days after their next- 

< Ordered, That the faid Order be « Standing 
Order of this Houfe, . 

' ?<ni. 29, 1740. Rflfolvedj That the bringiog 
an Aflion at Law againft Jebn CtiJ^, for, what h» . 
did in the Execution of his Duty, as a Conftable; 
attending the Service of this Houfcy by tndeanjtir- 
ing to prevent the Difotders of Chairmen, who wett 
cfoiidinguport theSiairs'leading to tbc Houfct to the 
Annoyance of the Memhcn mtteof^ is a fircacli of 
tSe Privilege of this Houfe. '. 

* April 9, 1742. A Complaint being made to the 
Houfe, That Mr. Gilbtrt Deag/ai, a Sollicitor for 


3a« A ? i> fe M B t X. 

fevtfai Bills depending !n this Houfr, was, upotl 
Mmiaj lafl, arreftea u he was attending this 
Honfc, and the fimrtiatai the Houfc of the fecohd 
Day of J/.7J, 1678, (111 Matron 10 the Allowance of 
fhe Privilege of this Houfe to Mr. Jthn GarSntr^ Sol- 
Ilcitor in the Caufe concerning Liniftj Lipil^ vho 
'was intRing to attend on the Hoale} being read, alxt 
a Witnel^ was called in and examined, in order la 
[irove that the faid Mr. Gilhert Dtuglai was ft) ar* 
refled ; and the HouFe being informed, by fevera] of 
their Member, T^t he did attend the Houfe 9 
Solicitor to feveral Bills then depending, ordered. 
That the Privilege of this Houfe be allawed to tho 
fiid Mr. GiWtrt Dauglai; and that be be difchai^3 
Uom his Arreftsi 

^mtoocliiin * !^ev. 29, 1606. A fpecial Order moved and 
DciDiKfv madci That no Laiwyer of the Houfe depart ihfe 
!Tt"'° T°*" without Leave of the Houfe. 

'.' March li, 1606. Agreed for Order, That tk» 
Man fiioiitd decmt without paying the nditiary Fee 
of6i. U. tothcGlerk. ' 

'"/rt.rj, 1620, 18 Jtff. Ordered, That no 
Member of this Houfe fball go out of Town with* 
oiit open Motion and Licence in the Houfe after 
Nine of the aock.— After Ten o'clock, Afay 17, _ 
l'67j. — /ifw. i8» 1675J andtFii. aa, 1676. 

* /fug. 4, 1623, 4 Car. Refolved, That all the 
Mctnben of the Houfe ffaall attend, and not depart 
without .Licence abuincd from the Houfe, upoa 
Pafn of thcCenfure thereof. 

* .Revived /*i. 9, i627» 4 Cur. 

- * Feb, 13, 1625- Ordered,- Tliat no Lawyer, or 
other Member of this Houfe, &al] depart without 
Licence Rrfl obtained in the Hotffc, by Motion madp- 
after Nine crOoct. ' 

■ » Revived .4.^;/ 5, 1616. — Fe$. 0, 1627. — Jfrilio, 
1677, and March lO, 1S40, — OnTcred to be between 
Nine and Eleven o'Clock, Aug^ 27,1641. — After-, 
wards Ten and Eleven o'Clock^ .^ri/a4, 1648. — 
Afterward! between Eleven and Twelve o'Clock, 
A-!Jy »o", l^lZ.—jfpril 29, 1690.— Aftcrwardi be- 
'4 incco 

c. -...Google 

^A P P E N D r X. 3J9 

■tween Htfen indOrte o'CIock, Dec. 1$, 1691. — 
■■X>«. 13, rtga. — Hk. 4, 1694. — JiiK. 12, and 
J*«*. 15, 1694.— Tl/d. II, and A*. 15, 1695. — 
Mv. 1, 6) 16, and 25, 1696. — Between One and 
Twoo'Cteclc, 7"' 5» 1698.— A/j; 31, 1701*— 
•Maji I, I71IJ aoA Mxj 30, J713- 

*A^ 20,1667. Ordered, That no Motion^ fbt 
Leave for anjr Pcribn to eo into the Country^ be 
'moved for til! after Ten o'clock. ... 

' Revived J^U i, 1679. — Between Ten and 
TVelve o'CIock, jfyril 10, and 25, 1679, with 
thb Addition, Bcfcnt for in Cuflody of the Serjeant 
^t Arms attending this HoiHe ; and (hall not be ad- 
mitted 10 their Places in the Haufc till ihc/ havd 
p^d the Serjeant hii Fen and Charges. The (atnC 
'Dec. 15,1692. — ydn.^T, 1693.— &r. 20, 1694. — 
yan. 23, 1694. — Alartbzg^ 1711.-^/^23, 1722; 
ttaijMH. 21, 1724. 

■*JUarcb i6t 1688. Ordered, Thai, for the fiiture, 
ho Member of thi< MauTe have Leave to go into the 
Country without luniting 1 Time when be ia to 

* I?ei, s6, 1699. Ordered, Tliitt no Motkip be 
lAade for any Melnber to have Leave to go out of 
Towh{ bat when the Member^ for whom Leave ' 
fliall be alkcd, be in the Houfe, except in cafe of 
Eidcncrs, to be affirmed by th? Mbmber that fiutl 
make fiieh Motion, 

* Oidet for the Speaker to write circular Letter* 
to runmions the Meoiben, the Form of dicai. May 
31, lyor. 

* A^. II) 170S> Ordered, That 00 Motion be 
admitted for aiiy Member to go out of Town ; and 
tfoat no Member do prefume to go out of Town, up* 
tHi Pain of being fetit for, in Cuftody, by tbe Ser* 
^ant at Arms attending this Hbufe. 

* Oa. 17, 1680. Refolved, Mm. Gw. Tbat it is ^^^ 

tnd ever hath been, the Undoubted Right of the Sub- Kt^c"5l SJ- 
fefls of Englani/t tb pctitioa the King for the Cal- litmoitt. 
iing and Sitting of Parliaments, and redrefling of 


■ L;a:...>.,C".OOglc 

330 A P P E N l» X. 

< R^rolved, Nem. Cm. Tba« to traduce (uch p^ 
tioning as 2 Violation of Duty, and lo reprcmit it 
to bis MaJeAy as {editioifs and tumultuous, is.^ 
betray the Liberty of the SuE^cft; and, contributes tb - 
the Defigni of fubverting the anticnt legal Confliin- 
, lion oT this Kix^dom, and iiitro^ing aibttnr/ 

Powen . 

<M^t,>,US»t *0^-i5. ;U»* Ordercdj That the iioufe bp 
D^tuluri, Ml called on Friday come Sq'nnight ; and that fucb 
duCtUt^Mmi- Members as are thcji abfcnt diatl undergo fuch FiiVt 
™ 'S"lii and further Oifideaiure of the Houle, is fhall be irii^ 
Dclat^ Vf. pofcd upon thenvfor their Negle^. 

* March 28,, 166^. Refolded, fcff. That the Pe- 
nalty of 10/. for A FiDC, be impqfed for every Knigbt 
of a Shire i a^d 5?. on ey^y Citizen, Butgcfs, or 

, Baron of a Cinque Port, who Qiall maltc Uefault in 
attending when the Houfc is next called over, whole 
Excufc uuUh not be allowed of by the Houfe.— ^.To 
be f^nt for, inCuftody «;(Fthe ^jcant, Mo. 6, 1666. 
' Dm. 15, i566. @rdered. That fuch that arc 
fent for in Cuftody be not admitted to At till tbejr 
have paid tbeir Fees. ' 

* Def. 17, ]66$. Ordered, That the Clerk take 
Care the Order, for calling the Houfc in "Jataittry 
next) be printed in the next Thurfda^'i Gaxtttt. 

* Die. i 3, 1666. Ordered,. That fuch Memben 
of the Houfe as do depafc into the Countty, without 
Leave, be feoi; for in CuA^dy of the Serjeant at 
Arms. .... ,.-.'' 

' Revived May 11, 1689. — Veo. a8, 1689; and 
Dtc 3, r690- , ■ 

' F(b. 13, 166;. Reftflved, iSt. That every De- 
faulter in Atteitdance, whofe Excufe fhall not be al- 
luwed this Day, be fined the Sum of 40/. and fent 
for in Culiody, and coiiuniited 10 the Tower till the 
Fine be paid. 

• Rcfirivcdji^*-. That every. Member as fliall de- 
fen the Service pf thc-Hcufc V the Space qf three 
"' Days together, not having, had I^ave granted bin 
hy the Houfe, nor offering fuch fufficient Exculc to 
the Houfe as fliall be allowed, Iball have the like 


A iP P E N G I X. 331 

fine 0^40/. impofed on them, and Qiall be lent for 
in Cuftody, atid committed to the Tower ; and tbtt 
the Fines be paid into the Hands of the Seneant at 
Anm, to be difpofed of as the Houfe (hall direft. 

.'Topay a Fineof 10/. Aprils, 1668. 

« Vfc. 20, 16701. Refolvcd, £?f. That the Houft 
Iw called over on the 9ih Day of January next | 
and that every Member who {hall then make De* 
feult of Attendance, wbofe Excufe fhall not be al<- 
lowed by the Huufe, fliall be doQbly stSeHed in the 
Bill of Subfidics. This Order to be fent to the 
iieveral Sherifis. 

*Nev, 23, 1691. Ordered, That all Memben, 
fent for in Cultody of the Serjeant at Arms attend- 
ing this Houfe, do forbear coming into the Houfe, 
without.the Leave of the Houfe firft had. 

' Jeit. 25, 1709^ Refolved, That fuch Members 
of this Houfe, who do abfent themfelvca without 
the Leave of the Houfe, are to be reputed Deferters 
of their Truft, and Negleders of that Duty they 
owe to this Houfe and their Country, 

* Nav. 6, 1666. Ordered, That fuch Members Membnt «f At 
<^ this Houfe, as are of the Long Robe, (hall not ^'','f'J^" 
be of Counfel on either Side in any Bill depending i,t^>, B„ !„ 
in the Lords' Houfe, before fuch Bill ihall come*nrCn>le,«iiA- 
down from the Lords' Houfe to this Houfe. t^^SSS 

* Nev. 10, 1669. Refolved, 7'hat no Member tfae Lotdi m 
of thii Houfe, of the long Robe, do, during ihis Sumim™ with* 
Seffion of Parliament, plead as Counfei before the*""^"- 
Houfe of Lords in any Caufe, without Leave aUced 

and granted by this Houfe after Ten o'Clock. 

* 7""* 3' ^^75- Ordered, That no Member*^ 
this Houfe do attend ihc Lords Houfe upon any 
Summons from the Lords, without Leave of the 

* J^K. 7, 1693, 5 Gtti. Ordered, That no Mem- 
ber of this Houfe do prcfi'me to plead at the Bar of 
the Houfe of Lords, without Leave firft obtained 

' from this Houfe, and to be moved for between the 
Hours of Eleven and One o'Clock. . 

* Revived Dec, 20, 1695. 

VoL.XXlll, Ee 'Jfil 


I ■ 

53» A i- P, E N B,! X. 

*jfpril 11, i6Q5- A Mcffkge frotn Ae Lords, 
That Sir RebertC&yien and Mr, Maurite may have 
l/cavc to declare their Knowledge, in Tclation to a 
Grant of Lands from the City of Lendin. l«ave 

fivcn i and ordered. That Sir Rsitrt Ciayiah and 
it. Mauricf do infift to be examined at a Commit- 
tee of Lords, and not at the Bar. 

* Nov. 27, 1704, 3 AfHut. RdbWed, Thalwlicn 
Leave is aflcpd for any Member of this Honfc to at- 
tend attheBaroftheHoufe of Lords, the Caufe and 
■v 'Pirdes be cxprefled, and whether upon a Wiit df 

Error or au Appeal. 

< Refolved, That this Houfe will not eive Leave 
to any of their Members to plead at the Bar of the 
'Lords' Houfc in Cafci of Appeals' from Courts c€ 

Metnben i\t- * Nav. 12, 16+0. Mr. Wati'iitg, a Member of 
AtiWi ihe the Houfc, difobeying the Houfe, being fevcral Times 
B«ife "^"■"■commanded to withdraw, was thtreforc called to the 
Bar, and upon his Knees fubmltted himfclf to the 
' Cenfure of the Houfe. 

wonbwsgonew f Marrb 22, 1620, 18 7«. P.M. OiderftJ, 
fc^i'f.Sr '^f'^f the Serjeant at Arms fhal! go to the Upper 

Houfe, and charge all the Members of this Hoiifc 
that arc there prefently to repair into this Houfe, 
to attend the Speaker into the Upper Houfe, .upon 
Penalty of tlie Ccnfotc of this Houfe. 

Msmbeo nrtw « />3, ,^ [ft^.^. Refolded, Wf. That this Houfe 

^fit^orcign Ml- ^^^^ declare, That it is a conftam and antlent Rule 

- ' and Order of this Houfe, That no Member of this 

Houfc ought to receive, or give any Vifit to, any 

foreign Agent or Ambaflador, or any other Perfm 

that avows himfclf to be a. public Agpnt or Amba^- 

.' dor, without the Leave and Confcm of 1^ Houfc. 

Who may not be "* Oit. 13, 1553. It IS Ordered by the Commince, 
Wnniieoof thisXhat Jlexaetiir Newell, being a Preberidary in 
Houfc Ip^e/imtpjitr, and thereby having Voice in the Cofe- 



A tf E N D I X 333 

ifacatign-Hour?, majr uot lie a Me^hier ; and lb 
agreed by the Uoufe. 

* Ffb:e, 16m, j8 Jtu. ELefoivej, upon the <;^e-. 
-ftian, Tkat tKc Oxdct tb,e (aft Mcet^ In Parlia- 
ment, concerning the not ferving of the Attortwy- 

- .G'eoati in this Houlev lull Rani as ^ new Writ 1 
■ifo' a Acv Witt atictbi tar Marptth in the room of 
^ Miniller returned. 

. / iVao. 9, ib^o. Ofida'ad, upon the Q^ieftjont 
'I'hatall ProjeiEtors and uniawhil Monopolies what- 
foever ; or that have any .Share, or lately had any 

' '^Sfaare, in any MoQCpdies t or that do MfeiVe any 
Benefit Trom nay ^unopoly or ProjeiS ; ot- that have 
Ixocund any Warrant or Command fir the Rc- 
Araiiitt or molefting of any that have refilled to 
tooioTTD tAemielyxs to any fuch Proclamations or 
Projcd, are difabledj by Order of this Houfe, to fic 
Iterc in this Houfe ; and if any Man knows any Mo- 
nopqlift, that hj: fball nominate hiral. 

^ Nwi, 10, 1707. This Houfe beiQg moved. 
That feveral Claufes in the k€t of the fifth and Tixib , 
Years of her Majejly'd Reign, intituled, An A^ far 
tbihttttr StcuTttycfhtr Mojtjiy'i Pirfin and Gwtrti'- 
ttunt, and of the Succeffinn cf tbt Crown if England 
in the Preitfiant Line, rdating to tbt difaUing fiVtral 
Vffictrt IS fit In Parliament, might be read, and the 
-lame vas read accordingly. 

» RejTutvcd, That every Pcrfoti who, by an hQ of 
the firA Scflkm of thclaft Parliament, intituled, An 
Ad ftr the bitl$r Suurily »f her Majcjiy'i Prrftn 
and Governineni, and ef tht Succejjion of ihi Creuiit 
ir/ England in tht Prtlejiont Lint, is dif^bled, from 
and aticr the Difiblutinn or Determination of the faid 
Parliament, lo Jitor vote as a Member of t